Catholic Church 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 26, 2014

7600 South 42nd Street,
Bellevue, Nebraska 68147
Catholic Church
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 26, 2014
Rectory/Parish Office — 402-731-4694
Office Hours: 8am - 4pm Weekdays
Parish Office fax — 402-733-4890
School — 402-731-3033
Pastor — Father Harold Buse
In Residence — Bishop Anthony Milone
Principal — Lynn Schultz
Mass — Saturday: 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am
Holydays: 6:30 am, 8:00 am, Noon, 6:00 pm
Vigil of Holydays: 6:00 pm
Monday - Saturday 8:00 am
Tuesday - Friday 6:30 am
Deacons —
Deacon Ronald Casart, Deacon Gary Chladek
Deacon Subby Enzolera, Deacon Pete Digilio (Retired)
Director of Religious Education —
J. Diane Van Ornam
402-731-3033, ext. 107
Business Manager — Terri Mac
402-731-4694, ext. 301
Pastoral Minister — Juan Jesus 402-731-4694
Parish Secretary — Sue Reed
Bulletin Information — Items for the bulletin must
be submitted no later then NOON on Friday, for the
bulletin that will be in church 9 days later. Please
email Kelly at
Mission Statement
We the parish family of St. Bernadette are called forth by our
Baptism to be empowered by the Holy Spirit and to follow the mission
of Jesus to Worship, to Teach, to Love and to Serve.
Hospitals no longer call the church to inform us of patients in the
hospitals. I am very willing to visit the parishioners when they are in the
hospital. If you would like to have me visit, simply call the parish office
and let us know. Please notify the office if you would like to receive the
sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, particularly before surgery. Many
times we do this at church before people enter the hospital for surgery.
Registration — New Parishioners you may register
on line or at the parish office, any changes should
be reported to the parish office.
Sacraments —
Matrimony Please make arrangements at least six
months in advance. (12 months for those under 19.)
Penance Saturdays 3:30-4:30 pm
Baptism Every Sunday 12:00 pm (Noon).
Parents need to attend a pre-baptism class on the
first Thursday of the month at 7:00pm in the
RCIA Room.
Communion For Communion (in the Home),
please call parish office.
Sacrament of the Sick In emergencies please call
the priests immediately for arrangements.
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ October 26, 2014
Join us on November 8th 2014 for
Quelle Belle Nuit
a fundraiser to benefit St Bernadette.
Event Information - You may purchase
tickets and sponsorships online. RSVP’s must
be in by Oct. 30th. Information will be
continuously updated so check frequently to
see raffle and auction items and the program
Scrip for Christmas During the months
of November and December scrip will be
available after all Masses and also in the
parish office Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday from 8:00am until 3:00pm. This
will help if you forget to pick them up on the
weekend and see a great sale during the
week, just come to the parish office.
You Did It For Me
Some 90,000 Central American children
could make the perilous journey to the
United States this year, creating a
humanitarian crisis. Extreme violence,
grinding poverty, and a desire to reunite with
family drive them north. Catholic Relief
Services provides education, leadership,
and skill training programs to help these
children stay and flourish in their
hometowns. We must help children arriving
at our border, but also help them where they
“Father Harry’s Buseness”
Saturday, November 1, is the Feast of All
Saints Day. Since this feast falls on a
Saturday, it is not observed as a Holy
Day of Obligation this year. However, we
will observe the Feast Day with Mass on
Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. in the
Sunday, November 2, is the
Commemoration of all of the Faithful
Departed (All Souls Day). According to an
ancient tradition, when All Souls Day
falls on Sunday, it is observed in place of
the regular Sunday celebration. We will
celebrate Masses for All Souls Day on
Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and also on Sunday at the regular times of 8:00,
9:30 & 11:00 a.m.
You will notice that we have a number of crosses on the west wall of the
church. These crosses commemorate parishioners who have died during
the past year and whose funerals were celebrated here at St. Bernadette.
At a special All Souls Memorial Mass at 11:00 a.m., we will present these
crosses to family members of the deceased. Your attendance at that
Mass serves as a support to those who are still grieving the recent loss of
a loved one. After the Mass, the St. Bernadette Consolation Ministry will
host a reception for all parishioners. You will be able to greet and offer
your support to the families who have received the cross of their loved
one on that day.
This weekend, you will find special All Souls Day envelopes on the table
at the back of church. You may use these envelopes to make an offering
in memory of your family members or loved ones who have died. We will
celebrate Mass for the intention of these loved ones every week during
November and once a month through the rest of the year. Any additional
offerings will be given to Father Steve Emanuel or retired priests of the
archdiocese for them to fulfill all of the Mass requirements.
How will the Ignite the Faith campaign benefit youth ministry
St. Bernadette Prayer Line
Please call Phyllis at 402-733-3042 or Mary Lu
at 402-734-3892 to request instant prayer for
those in need.
Special Prayers needed for all
military personnel.
The St. Bernadette Website
Each of us is formed in the faith at a different time in our lives. For most
of us, it was when we were children, adolescents, or as young adults. We
want to be sure that faith programs are available and applicable to
today’s young people beyond the walls of our schools.
Our campaign to Ignite the Faith will make sure that the spiritual flame is
ablaze for the next generation of Jesus’ disciples and why $200,000
from the campaign will go to support our parish youth ministry programs.
The archdiocese will partner with parishes to provide assistance for youth
apostolates, such as YDisciple. Funds from the campaign can be used to
launch new programs or enhance the existing offerings at parishes.
is up and running! All the information you need is
Please Remember St. Bernadette Parish In Your Will
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ October 26, 2014
Around The Parish
Thank You, St. Bernadette Parishioners!
The Altar Society would like to thank all of the parishioners who
donated and/or purchased items at our Holiday Décor Sale. With
your help we were able to raise $608. This money will be used to
support Catholic school scholarships and miscellaneous needs
of the parish. The ladies of the Altar Society are grateful for your
continued support.
Altar Society Bake Sale and Raffle
Mark your calendars! The Altar Society is having a Bake Sale and
Raffle the weekend of November 1st and 2nd following all
masses. The money raised supports Catholic school
scholarships and miscellaneous needs of our parish. Please buy
and/or donate some goodies for this worthy cause.
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Next week’s Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human
Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to
end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding
organizations that help people help themselves. With the
tradition of improving education, housing situations, and
economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive
impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend
human dignity and help those living on the margins of our
society. Please give to the CCHD Collection.
DONUTS!! The Altar Society is serving
sweet rolls, bagels, coffee and juice after
the 8:00 and 9:30 masses. Stop down to
the social hall and enjoy a delicious
goodie and some friendly conversation
with your fellow parishioners. Donations are
gratefully accepted to cover the cost. Thank You
Take a Stand for Life
From September 24 – November 2, 2014,
St. Bernadette wlll again take part in 40 DAYS FOR
LIFE. St. Bernadette will be praying at the Bellevue
abortion mill every Friday from 11am-12 Noon. We
pray that, with God’s help, this will mark the
beginning of the end of abortion in our city — and
beyond. If you are unable to pray at that time, you
may choose any other time to pray in Bellevue. For
more information, please call Denise Andersen at
402-593-9922 or email
Sam’s Club is now open on 72nd & Cornhusker.
We sell Walmart Scrip cards that can also be used
for Sam’s, which are available in $25 or $100
increments. Buying scrip is a great way to help the
parish and they make great Christmas gifts.
St. Vincent de Paul Winter Coat Drive
The St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store is having their
Annual Winter Coat Drive Nov. 8th. Please bring any
slightly used winter coats, boots, scarves, hats to
the located bins in the Church. We especially need
children’s coats & XL or Larger adult coats. We gave
away close to 5,000 coats last year and we
appreciate your donation.
St. Bernadette, Pray For Us
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ October 26, 2014
Weekly Mass Intentions
Mass Intentions
Remember your loved ones in a very special
way — with a Mass said in their name.
Masses are $10.
Call the Parish Office for available dates.
Saturday Evening Rosary
Each Saturday starting at
4:20pm the rosary is recited In
the church. Come a little early
and pray the rosary.
Monday, October 27, 2014
8:00 am Church + Laddie & Helen Vondra
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
6:30 am Chapel + Lena Milone
8:00 am Church + Robert Hauptman
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
6:30 am Chapel + Joyce Burbach
8:00 am Church + Terry Lewis
Thursday, October 30, 2014
6:30 am Chapel + Ned L. Sortino
8:00 am Church + Stan Bernady
In Loving Memory
Please remember in your prayers those who
have been born into eternal life.
May the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.
Thank You to Fr. Buse and the members of the
Altar Society for the help you gave for Dean
Janssen’s funeral preparation and luncheon that
followed. It was very appreciated.
~ Margaret Janssen
Friday, October 31, 2014
6:30 am Chapel + Angela Toth
8:00 am Church + Ron Gibilisco
Saturday, November 1, 2014 All Saints Day
8:00 am Church + Rodger Loseke
5:00 pm Church + Joseph & Josephine Pisce
Sunday, November 2, 2014 All Soul’s Day
8:00 am Church + Anne Albert
9:30 am Church + Dale & Thelma Staab
11:00 am Church + Parishioners of St. Bernadette
$ Parish Financial Update $
Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 — Oct. 19, 2014
Donations Received Oct. 19, 2014
Sunday Envelopes:
Sunday Plate:
Our per Sunday goal is
Fiscal Year to Date:
HVAC to Date:
Sunday 26th
PRE Class
Monday 27th
Cub Scouts 6:30pm
Bible Study 6:30pm
Tuesday 28th
Catholicism Study 6:30pm
Scouts 6:30pm
Wednesday 29th Catholicism Study 9am
RCIA Class 7pm
Friday 31st
Happy Halloween!
Saturday 1st
Sunday 2nd
All Saints Day
All Soul’s Day
World Mission $855.00
St. Bernadette, Pray For Us
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ October 26, 2014
School News
Home and School News: Home and School is hosting their first annual “One Stop Holiday Shop” from 6-8pm on Saturday,
November 29th. We are looking for more great vendors and crafters to sell their products while helping raise funds for our
school. For more information contact Kelli Krause Remember to save your Box Tops, Campbell’s
Labels for Education, HyVee receipts, Our Family UPCs, etc.! October is double UPCs month for Campbell’s! So keep collecting
those UPCs and beverage/sauce caps and earn twice the points for the whole month. Please drop your labels/receipts off in
the box on the school’s office counter. Check the bulletin board by the Scrip table for more easy ways and information on how
to help St. Bernadette School while shopping!
Coming Together and Building Community
It is important for the students, staff and others involved in the five schools of the Consortium to experience more and more
activities and events together. This is vital because we must nurture an identity as a Consortium as we continue to honor and
live out the individual identities of the five schools.
The administrators and teachers have a common experience with School of Faith every month. We are just beginning to
provide opportunities for students of all the schools to have experiences together.
Most recently on October 21st, the fifth and sixth graders all went to Gross Catholic High School for a Catholic, alternative rock
band concert by band called the Thirsting. Earlier in the year on August 26th, all of the seventh graders across the Consortium
experienced together a Youth Frontiers’ Courage Retreat at Holy Cross. On May 11th the eighth graders will come together to
experience a field day.
If you have some common activities that you think would be a good idea for the Consortium to adopt, please contact Patty
Cummings, Director of Marketing/Recruitment/PR at or a school administrator.
Community News
Attention Retired Catholics ~ Share your lifetime of
experience - Get the experience of a lifetime. The Ignatian
Volunteer Corps of Omaha is recruiting this fall!
The Ignatian Volunteer Corps is an organization of retired
Catholics who want to use their time and talents to help
others. IVC volunteers commit 1 or 2 days per week to work
directly with organizations addressing issues which affect
the poor. IVC volunteers gather monthly to prayerfully reflect
on their apostolic work and discover the deeper meaning of
the service they do. Become a “Contemplative in Action” For
additional information, please call IVC Omaha Regional
Director, Becky Ehrman at 402-681-6311or e-mail WWW.IVCUSA.ORG
Essential Pregnancy Services in Omaha, NE is seeking a full
time Director of Development. To apply, please submit your
Ministers of Holy Communion are needed to bring
Holy Communion to the patients at The Nebraska Medical Center.
Please call Brenda Novak at 552-3331 (wk) or 552-0063 (hm).
St. Mary Parish’s 46th Annual Golden Harvest Dinner and
Bazaar: Nov. 4, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the gym, 36th and R, Omaha.
Cost $10 adults; $9 ages 65 and up; $4 ages 12 and under.
Make plans to attend The Aquinas Forum, a Catholic lecture series
for inquiring minds on Tuesday, October 28, 7pm, at Gloria Deo,
13065 W. Center Rd. Bill Beckman, director of the Archdiocesan
Office of Evangelization and Catechetics, will present
“Blessed Pope Paul VI: A Steady Hand in Turbulent Times.”
The Aquinas Forum at Gloria Deo is free and open to the public;
freewill offerings welcome. Doors open at 6:30 pm.
Dr. Alveda King Speaks at Creighton Dr. Alveda King,
information to Nancy Foral, Executive Director of EPS at Applications can also be mailed to:
Essential Pregnancy Services, Attn: Nancy, 6220 Maple St.
Omaha, NE 68104.
For more information about Essential Pregnancy Service visit our
website at: For questions, please contact
Nancy, Executive Director at 402-554-0121.
niece of Martin Luther King, Jr, is speaking at the Creighton
University Harper Center Auditorium on Monday, October 27,
at7:30pm. The talk is titled “How Can the Dream Survive?”
This is a free event. Dr. King’s new book “King Rules” will be
available for purchase. Free parking is available in the Law School
parking lot on the corner of 20th and Cass streets, next door to the
Harper Center.
Stories of Inspiration
Holy Family Shrine Concert
Join us as Diane Gubbels shares with us “Stories of Inspiration”
connected with her quilts on Sunday, October 26, 2:30 p.m., at St.
Benedict Center. As her beautiful quilts unfold, so do the stories
that lead to their creation. There is no admission fee. A free will
offering in support of St. Benedict Center is requested. For more
information call 402-352-8819.
College of Saint Mary Singers - Sunday, November 9 at 4:00pm
Mercy High School invites 6th, 7th, & 8th grade girls and their
parents to an Open House at 48th & Woolworth, Sunday,
November 2nd, from 12:30 -- 3pm. Special information
presentation at 1:30pm. Please call 402-553-9424 or visit http:// for more information
Please Remember St. Bernadette Parish In Your Will
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ October 26, 2014
Ministry Schedules — November 1 & 2
November 1
5:00 pm
Sunday, November 2
8:00 am
Sunday, November 2
9:30 am
Sunday, November 2
11:00 am
Tom Ackley
Armando Rosales
Pamela Stein
Kevin McCoy
Mary Benak
Jean Circo
Jim Donnelly
Marilyn Donnelly
Nancy Pechar
Mary Ann Pisci
Marilyn Havel
Lloyd Mill
Jean Mill
Marilyn Rosales
Sadie Sidzyik
Sharon Vondra
Bonnie Beacom
Virginia Hoffman
Cathy Jesus
Debra Rice
Vince Rice
Joe Stein
William Doyle
Jackie Doyle
Peggy Eledge
Colleen McCoy
Joe Simoens
Mary Beth Simoens
Andrew Jesus
Will Rice
Luke Rice
Luke Jurek
Meg McCoy
Emma McCoy
Paul Derks
Robert Macaitis
Altar Server
Altar Servers
Grace Chandler
Grace Pechar
Christian Riha
Money Counters
Monday, October 27 — Rosemary Mapes, Jeannie Mill, Mary Reis, Joyce Renner
Heavenly Dusters
November 1
Colleen Jeck & Helene Ficenec
November 8
Mary Ann Caveye & Betty Rezek
November 15 Ellen Stuva
November 22 Liz Zoucha & Kelly Linder
Rosary Leaders
November 1
November 8
November 15
November 22
John Holst
Donna Dailey
Dorothy Nelson
John Holst
November 1 & 2
November 8 & 9
November 15 & 16
November 22 & 23
Parish Group
Home & School
Altar Society
Men’s Club
Healing Prayers Needed for the Sick
If you have a loved one that is ill and in need of healing prayers, please call the Parish Office at 402-731-4694, or email
Lucille Bilek, Annabelle Berrera, Patty Bosanek, Bob Bowser, Betty Buckman, Nancy Courtney, Howard Day, Margaret Eipperle,
Norma Flores, Bob Flowers, Trudy Gomez, Amy Hamm, Lisa Hargis, Joyce Higgins, Dale Kittelson, Diane Leonovicz,
Pat Masek, Michael Macdonald, Carol McDaniel, Julie McShaw, Leonard Meier, Theresa Mitera, Janet Murnan, Blanche Murphy,
Mary Orchard, Jameson Page, Maryn Page, Ellen Pankievicz, Catherine Palinski, Cynthia Pendrock-Sellhorst, Grayson Peters, Ella Peters,
Keelan Phillips, Judy Posley, George Remar, Todd Sears, Dane Sinnott, Rita Starr, Isabella Sterba, Julien Van Haute, Jim Vondra, Caroline
Wascisin, Annabella Zyla
WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT THE PRIESTHOOD? The answer is the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist! Through
it the priest offers the most sublime of sacrifices, that of God the Son to God the Father, applying the merits of
Calvary to our lives today.
“Love God with your whole heart, with your whole soul, and with all your mind.” Is Christ calling you to let Him
manifest His love in you as a priest or consecrated religious? Call Father Harry Buse at 402-731-4694 or email: