current pdf - St Michael`s and St Bernadette`s Parish, Whitefield

Times of Services this Week
at St. Michael’s
and St. Bernadette’s
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
14th/15th February 2015
When the leper approached Jesus, he was, in fact, going against the Law.
he should have called out to warn Jesus and the disciples that he was
unclean and that they should keep away. Instead, in desperation, he
comes to Jesus and speaks directly to Him. In his wretched state, he has
seen in Jesus someone who could heal him - the question was did Jesus
want to heal someone who was ritually unclean - who, some said, was
leprous because of some sin?
Jesus, of course, wants to and reaches out and touches him - strictly
speaking, making Himself unclean in the process. At once (one of Mark’s
favourite phrases again!) the man is healed.
Jesus then brings things back to order and tells the man to follow the
procedure laid down in the Law for re-admittance to the community. He
is free to go and rejoin his family and, crucially, to go to the Temple and
worship the God who has healed him.
He is also asked not to speak openly of the healing - but questions would
no doubt have been asked - and his joy would have loosened his tongue.
Sadly, this meant that the One who had healed him was now, Himself,
forced to stay in places where no-one else lived.
However, His message is clear - the Kingdom is about re-including those
who have been excluded and marginalised.
©Wellsprings 2015
Fr. Christopher Lough, Parish Priest
St Bernadette’s Catholic Church
436 Bury New Road
Manchester M45 7SX
Tel: 0161 766 2356
Fax: 0161 796 7877
St Michael’s Office: 0161 766 5961
Mon 9.00 am Service of Word and Communion
10.00 am Mass
Tue 7.30 pm Mass
10.00 am Service of Word and Communion
Wed Ash Wednesday
12.05 pm & 7.30 pm Mass
10.00 am Mass
Thu 12.05 pm Mass
10.00 am Service of Word and Communion
10.00 am Mass
12.05 pm Mass
Sat 12.05 pm Mass
Sun 8.45 & 11.15 MASS
10.00 am MASS
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
Sat 11.30 - 12 noon
5.30 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Sat 11.00 am - 12 noon
The Prayer Group meets each Tuesday at 8.00 pm in the Lourdes Room at St Bernadette’s.
Tuesday - Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Wednesday - Ash Wednesday, beginning of the season of Lent.
NEXT SUNDAY - 1st Sunday of Lent (B)
Genesis 9:8-15; 1 Peter:18-22; Mark 1:12-15
With a Bible or Sunday Missal prepare to hear, and respond to, the Word of God next weekend.
Mass Intentions Received
Lately Dead: Mary Josephine Conway; Bernard McGarraghy; Ivy Simpson; Ella Cusack;
Vera Slater; Doreen McDermott.
Anniversaries: Thomas Strogen; Mary Stretton.
Sick: Peter Hughes.
Other: Teresa Fitzgerald; Bernard & Josephine Green-60th Anniversary.
Response to the Psalm:
You are my refuge, O Lord;
you fill me with the joy of salvation.
Stay with us Lord on our Journey
Salford Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees Re. Charity No: 250037
THIRD WORLD £208.87 Thank you
A PROMISE FOR LENT. Many thanks to all those who have already
volunteered to take part this year. Members of the PPC will be available again after
each Mass this weekend to support you in choosing a ministry to experience during
Lent. Remember, it is not a long term commitment, however, you would be very
welcome if that is your wish! If you would like more information please call Sue
McAvady (St. M’s) on 796 9036 or Mary Clerkin (St. B’s) on 796 0610.
LENTEN REFLECTION - Date change – Now Saturday 14th March. Thanks
to those who have already booked. Apologies for the date change. Sr. Catherine
Darby will lead a morning of reflection in the Lourdes Room at St. Bernadette’s
between 9.30am and 12 noon for parishioners from St Michael’s and St.
Bernadette’s and local parishes. Those attending can choose to attend midday Mass
and stay for soup and a roll. This will be a time for people to gently and prayerfully
continue their spiritual preparation for Easter. Please add your name to the list in
the porch if you would like to take part. Numbers are limited due to space. Lifts
can be arranged. Donations accepted. Contact Paula Browne on 07780848220 if
you would like more information.
JOURNEY IN FAITH - RCIA –We will meet at the usual times and places this
week: children at 5pm on Wednesday at St Michael’s and adults at 7.30 pm on
Thursday in St Bernadette’s Lourdes Room. All are welcome – those who wish to
find out more about living as Catholic Christians with us and those willing to be
companions to them on that journey.
FOOD BANK. Thank you to all who continue to support the SVP Food Bank so
generously. A more permanent box has now been bought for the food and toiletry
donations you leave in St Michael’s porch. The jug of Holy water has been moved
into Church. You will find it by the Easter Candle at the rear of the sanctuary.
CRAFT AND GIFT FAIR Sunday 22nd March from 10.30am - 3pm in St
Michael’s Parish Hall. Tables available to book. Please ring 07954 179365.
LIONS CLUB RACE NIGHT 21 st February, 7.30pm at St Bernadette’s Social
Club in aid of Graces Place the new children’s hospice. Tickets £5.00, includes
hot supper, contact Cllr. Joan Grimshaw on 0161 766 3369 or Agnes Czernek 0161
796 1233. Also team wanted for the Manchester 10K run 10th May, to raise funds
for Graces Place. If you are interested in joining a team contact Cllr. Joan
Grimshaw on 0161 766 3369.
Form Centre, Bury Old Road, Prestwich M25 1JH on Friday, 6th March from 9.00
am to 4.00 pm. This course is designed to help those who want to seek
employment within a Roman Catholic school and for those who may want to
return to Catholic education. For further details, please see leaflet at back of
church or email or telephone Caroline Burke on
0161 773 6436.
FLAME 2, CATHOLIC YOUTH FESTIVAL, Wembley Arena, 7th March.
Tickets are still available for Flame 2, which will be the largest Catholic youth
event ever held in the UK. Matt Redman will be leading the music and a range of
interesting people will be speaking, including Cardinal Luis Tagle, recently by the
side of Pope Francis throughout his visit to the Philippines. The event is open to
young people and young adults, Year 10 upwards. For a full programme and
booking details, check out
TEA AND COFFEE are served after 10 am Mass in the meeting room at St
Michael’s and after 11.15 am Mass at St Bernadette’s Parish Centre. All welcome.
WALK WITH ME There are copies of the daily prayer guides are at the back of
church today. The suggested donation for the guides is £1, but if you do not have
any change, please take them anyway. There are also Lent and Easter calendars.
LENTEN DEANERY STATION MASSES will be at:Holy Family Rochdale, Thursday 26th February
St. Mary’s Littleborough, Thursday 5th March
Our Lady of Grace Prestwich, Thursday 12 th March
St. Joseph’s Heywood, Thursday 19th March (Bishop John)
All the Lenten Deanery Station Masses will begin at 7.30pm.
PARISH ROOMS To hire or book the hall or other rooms in St Bernadette’s
parish centre, please ring 766 2116. For St Michael’s hall or parish room please
ring 07759 678753. For the Lourdes Room at St Bernadette’s, please ring 766
2356 or consult the calendar in the room.
ST MICHAEL’S CLUBS Monday club meet every week from 1.45 pm – 3.45
pm and Over 50’s club every Thursday, from 2 pm – 4 pm in St Michael’s meeting
room. Everyone welcome.
TEA AND COFFEE are served after 10 am Mass in the meeting room at St
Michael’s and after 11.15 am Mass at St Bernadette’s Social Centre. All welcome.