50p SERVICE PLAN - January 2015 DATE Friday 2 SERVICE nd Sunday 4th Epiphany (transferred from 6th) Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th Friday 9th Sunday 11th Baptism of Jesus Tuesday 13th Wednesday 14th Friday 16th Sunday 18th Epiphany 2 Tuesday 20th Wednesday 21st Friday 23rd Saturday 24th Sunday 25th Conversion of Paul (transferred from 26th) Tuesday 27th Wednesday 28th Friday 30th PLACE 10am Café Church Communion St Mary’s Hadleigh 8am Said Eucharist (BCP) St Mary’s Hadleigh 9am Sung Eucharist (BCP) All Saints’ Shelley 10.30am Morning Worship St Andrew’s Layham 10.45am Family Communion St Mary’s Hadleigh with Re-commissioning of Lay Elder 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP) The Row 7.30am Morning Prayer & Eucharist St Mary’s Hadleigh 10am Café Church Communion St Mary’s Hadleigh 8am Said Eucharist (BCP) St Mary’s Hadleigh 9am Morning Worship All Saints’ Shelley 9.15am Sung Eucharist St Andrew’s Layham 10.45am Morning Worship with baptism St Mary’s Hadleigh 12.15pm Shortened Eucharist St Mary’s Hadleigh 11am Mattins (BCP) The Row 7.30am Morning Prayer & Eucharist St Mary’s Hadleigh 10am Café Church Communion St Mary’s Hadleigh WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY 8am Said Eucharist (BCP) St Mary’s Hadleigh 9am Sung Eucharist All Saints’ Shelley 9.30am Café Church @ St Andrews St Andrew’s Layham 10.45am NO SERVICE St Mary’s Hadleigh 2.30pm Baptism St Mary’s Hadleigh 4pm CTiH Service for Week of Prayer St Mary’s Hadleigh 11am Mattins (BCP) The Row 7.30am Morning Prayer & Eucharist St Mary’s Hadleigh 10am Café Church Communion St Mary’s Hadleigh 2pm Wedding St Mary’s Hadleigh 8am Said Eucharist (BCP) St Mary’s Hadleigh 9.15am Family Eucharist St Andrew’s Layham 10.30am Morning Worship All Saints’ Shelley 10.45am Morning Worship St Mary’s Hadleigh 12.15pm Shortened Eucharist St Mary’s Hadleigh 11am Mattins (BCP) The Row 7.30am Morning Prayer & Eucharist St Mary’s Hadleigh 7.30pm High Mass St Mary’s Hadleigh 10am Café Church Communion St Mary’s Hadleigh 2 CONTACT US THE PARISH CHURCHES St Mary’s Hadleigh http://www.stmaryshadleigh.co.uk St Andrew’s Layham http://www.standrewslayham.co.uk All Saints’ Shelley http://www.allsaintsshelley.co.uk In the diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich. St Mary’s is a member of ChurchesTogether in Hadleigh Correspondence Address for all parishes: Benefice Office, St Mary’s Church, Church Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5DT 01473 824987 NAME Clergy Very Revd Martin Thrower Revd Daniel Thompson Administrator Mrs Claire Woods Verger Mrs Trish Pitt Readers Mr Graham Brook Mrs Hilary Griffin Mrs Olive Martin Mrs Sheila Webb Mr Brian Hempstead Elders Mrs Jackie Cork Mrs Jane Crowe Mrs Christine Hempstead Mrs Jean Herring Mrs Trish Pitt CHURCHWARDENS Hadleigh Mr James Wilding Mrs Lesley Turner Hadleigh Assistants Miss Aileen Ker Mr John Parry-Williams Layham Mrs Audrey King Mrs Sonia Groom TELEPHONE EMAIL 01473 822218 01473 827926 martin.thrower@btinternet.com curate@stmaryshadleigh.co.uk 01473 824987 office@stmaryshadleigh.co.uk 01473 828393 trish17@sky.com 01473 823723 01473 823100 01473 809504 01473 827554 01473 810171 g_brook_1999@yahoo.com hgriffin794@btinternet.com olanbimartin@hotmail.co.uk sheilagwebb@aol.com b.hempstead@hotmail.co.uk 01473 823739 01473 827868 01473 810171 01473 823320 01473 828393 jackiecork@btinternet.com janecrowe@me.com hempstead91@hotmail.com jherring459@btinternet.com trish17@sky.com 01473 822550 01473 824177 james4margaret@gmail.com lesley@lesleyandjohn.com 01473 827102 01473 823233 johnparrywilliams@gmail.com 01473 822081 01473 822220 patrickking007@btinternet.com soniagroom@gmail.com 3 Shelley Mrs Anna Dobson Mr Andrew Scott ASSOCIATE CLERGY Revd Canon David Atkins Revd John Druce Revd Eric Fisher Revd Joyce Willis Revd Janice White ORGANISTS / CHOIR Hadleigh Mr Jonathan Woods Miss Margaret James Mr Bob Smith Mrs Sandra Brook Mr Geoff Cooley Layham Mrs Daphne Parsons Shelley Mr Andrew Scott Mrs Jane Hudson PORCH PROJECT Youth Work Co-ordinator Craig Hutton Youth Workers Lisa Gordon Lizzie Beckett Administration Jessica Janas Treasurer 01473 823607 01473 823676 dobson-ian@btconnect.com asshelley@clara.net 01473 822535 01473 827242 01473 823626 01473 823165 01473 808835 atkins.d@hotmail.co.uk john.glenda@jgdruce.plus.com revd.efisher@gmail.com. willisjm@lineone.net wheeze4god@talktalk.net 01473 827601 01473 828860 01473 829332 01473 823723 01473 822539 jon@familywoods.com mgj43@btinternet.com r.l-smith_@tiscali.co.uk sjb4601@yahoo.com geoffcooley@waitrose.com 01473 827159 daphne.parsons759@btinternet.com 01473 823676 01473 823551 asshelley@clara.net jane.hudson@theoldfoxinn.co.uk 07811 315667 youthworkco@porchproject.co.uk youthworker1@porchproject.co.uk youthworker2@porchproject.co.uk 01473 822671 admin@porchproject.co.uk Praying the roads in Hadleigh: 4th January The Green + Tower Mill Lane + Millers Close 11th January Timperley Road + Timperley Close 18th January Wentworth Close + Dyers Court 25th January Wilson Road + Banks Close + Dunn Close 4 FROM THE MINISTRY TEAM Behold, I am making all things new!” (Revelation 21v5) Where did 2014 go? But, like it or not, it has and all too soon it will be 2015. So I can wish you all a “Happy New Year.” But have you considered what might be new for you in this coming year? The Book of the Revelation is the last book in the Christian scriptures. It was written at a time when the early Christians were being threatened – in some places persecuted – and when the future looked bleak. But this author, while acknowledging the current situation, both in the church and the political world, offers a message of hope and encouragement. He writes in the present tense and points to the future – “I am making all things new!” So may I offer 3 areas in which we might consider new directions and a new sense of purpose. Could we use this New Year to reflect on the place of our faith in our lives. Just how alive is that faith, or has it become a matter of routine? Following the way of Jesus could be, and I believe should be, a constant challenge. It has always been about disturbing the comfortable as well as comforting those who are disturbed. Over 20 years ago there was a TV programme that explored the impact of faith, both on the believer and those with whom they were in contact. The presenter went to Romania and admired the fine churches and their screens of icons. But the whole process only came to life when the local Bishop visited and it was said that, it was as if one of the icons had come down off the screen and walked down the street. Such was the iridescent nature of the man’s faith it shone out of him. Does our faith shine through all our lives, not just the holy and religious bits? Faith is very much about what we are. Then can we use this refreshed outlook to grow in our faith? We have the tools at our disposal – are we disposed to use them or do we not recognise the need? People asked me what I was going to do in my retirement and my answer was – I am going to explore outside my comfort zones. And I have - and it has brought me enormous benefits. It has broadened my horizons in so many directions – in study, fellowship and worship to name but three. Of course we all have our preferences but we need to be open to the possibility that there may be other ways of seeing things and doing things. Our God has always been a God of surprises and we need to be prepared to be surprised – and rejoice in the possibility. For we are never too old to learn new things! There are many 5 opportunities in this town and Benefice to learn and grow in our faith – please don’t think it’s just for folks who “like that kind of thing” – it’s for you too. Growing in our faith is not an optional extra it’s critical if we are going to cut any ice with those among whom we live. What we cannot do if we are to be a living church is spend so much energy resisting the actions of a church that is striving hard to live. Over the centuries much has been made of the Church Militant and the Church Triumphant – How about the Church Expectant for 2015? For if we take seriously the need to use the opportunity the New Year gives to reflect on our journey of faith both personally and as a church it must lead us to look out beyond ourselves. We need to be active in our relationships with other Christians of other traditions who may practise their faith in ways different to that with which you feel comfortable. It’s not wrong, it’s different, and it’s my experience that faith can grow through our relationships with other Christians – if we let it. January gives us a wonderful opportunity in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – don’t let it go begging, make the effort, grasp it with both hands – you may well be surprised! It has always saddened me when I meet Christians who have never experienced worship in a church of another tradition. And it is how we relate to each other that makes a profound impression on those outside the churches. What must they make of groups of people who seem so inward looking? Our living God is, as always, making all things new in the world around us – are we prepared to seek that God or are we going to confine and limit the Almighty. Will we face the challenge and renew our faith in 2015? “Happy New Year” David Atkins ************************************************************* On 10 and 11 February we expect to welcome representatives from Christianity and Culture, a York University Project, who offer a wide range of services to organisations wishing to enhance their visitor experience. They specialise in helping churches, cathedrals and other buildings of ecclesiastical heritage to present aspects of their history to people of all ages and backgrounds, enabling them to understand and enjoy these remarkable buildings and the stories which they hold. More details to follow next month. 6 WHAT GOES ON HERE? REGULAR SERVICES AND EVENTS SUNDAY 8am Eucharist 10.45am Main service at St Mary’s, with FROGs on Sunday (2nd and 4th Sundays) for all children under 12 Other times and services as published at St Andrew’s Layham and All Saints’ Shelley MONDAY 11am-12.30pm Alternate Mondays Coffee, Cake and Chat at St Andrew’s TUESDAY 11am Eucharist or Matins at the Row Chapel, George Street 1.30-2.45pm Tadpoles, for babies, toddlers and their carers. 6pm-8pm The Porch Project (for teenagers) WEDNESDAY 7.30am Morning Prayer and Eucharist, followed by breakfast FRIDAY 9.30am – 12noon Café Church (Coffee, croissants etc, and a short, informal Eucharist at 10am) 7.30 – 10pm The Porch Project (for teenagers) Also… INSPIRE, financed by a generous grant from the Ann Beaumont Trust, is an education programme for the primary schools in Hadleigh, using the church building as a resource and stimulus for learning and inspiration. Groups usually visit the church on Mondays. FROGs (for primary school aged children) meet in St Mary's Church once a month on a Wednesday, and there are activity days throughout the year during the school holidays. The MOTHERS’ UNION meets regularly, on a monthly basis FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON ALL THESE ACTIVITIES, VISIT THE MAIN BENEFICE WEBSITE www.stmaryshadleigh.co.uk 7 EVENTS January 2015 Tues 6 Porch Project re-opens St Mary’s Mothers’ Union Lunch Stoke by Nayland 7pm Friends of St Mary’s: ‘The Galapagos Islands’ St Mary’s HADS Pantomime ‘Cinderella’ St Mary’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity various Sun 18 4pm CTiH Unity Service St Mary’s Mon 19Mon 26 Life Exhibition (see page 15) URC Weds 21 6-7.15pm FROGs, for all primary school aged children St Mary’s Sat 24 2pm Wedding St Mary’s Wed 28 7.30pm High Mass St Mary’s Sat 10 Thur 15 Fri 16 Sat 17 Sun 18Sun 25 February 2015 Thurs 5 2.30pm Friends of St Mary’s Fri 6 9.30am-1pm Farmers’ Market St Mary’s 3pm Porch Project Management Committee Sun 8 3pm Civic Service for Rowland Taylor Anniversary Weds 11 10.30am Ministry Team Meeting St Mary’s 6-7.15pm FROGs, for all primary school aged children St Mary’s Weds 18 Ash Wednesday - High Mass at 7.30pm St Mary’s Thurs 19 7.30pm Layham PCC Deanery Weds 25 7pm Porch Project Trustees Thurs 26 7.30pm St Mary’s PCC St Mary’s 8 FROM THE REGISTERS - December 2014 Funerals 8 December James Brian Cage, of Magdalen House and formerly of Mill Cottage, Layham At Seven Hills Crematorium LIFE exhibition – Monday 19th January - Monday 26th January 2015 LIFE exhibition is coming to Hadleigh! LIFE is a multi-media exhibition which focuses on the life of Jesus and aims to: Help visitors understand what Christians believe about Jesus Enable questioning and exploration of the life of Jesus Consider Jesus’ impact on today’s world Allow visitors to think for themselves about the teachings of Jesus. The exhibition is open to schools (pre-booked sessions only) from Tuesday 20th - Monday 26th January. It is also open to the public (no booking needed) Monday 19th Friday 23rd 5-7pm and on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th 10am5pm. LIFE exhibition is supported by the Churches in Hadleigh and will be held in the URC, Market Place, Hadleigh. Prayer - Does it make a difference? Starting on Monday 5th January, 7.30pm at 12, Joseph Close Hadleigh. In six-sessions using a dvd and study notes we will be looking with author Philip Yancey as he probes the most fundamental, challenging, perplexing, and deeply rewarding aspect of our relationship with God: Prayer. If you would like to join this course or would like more details please contact Eric or Heather Tel:823626 9 THE FRIENDS OF ST. MARY’S CHURCH Saturday 10th January 2015 St. Mary’s Church 7.00 p.m. GALAPAGOS – UNIQUE IN EVERY WAY A presentation by Wendy and David Atkins These islands, some 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador, are a revelation in geology, geography, flora and fauna. There are some creatures that can be found nowhere else, no tourist brochure can do them justice. Come and see for yourselves as we offer the sights and sounds of Galapagos Tickets £5.00 Available from The Parish Office or The Idler Bookshop THE FRIENDS OF ST MARY’S - Advance Notice 'Hidden Gardens of Hadleigh’ It will be on Saturday, June 6th from 11am-5pm. Please make a note in your diaries of this event - about 20 gardens will be open. As last year it is hoped that ploughman's lunches and teas will be available in St Mary's. Proceeds from each £5 ticket (£3 for 12-17 year olds), which gives access to all these gardens, is to St Mary's. If anyone is interested to open their garden who did not do so last year please contact John Hunt (jandahunt@uwclub.net; tel:827101) or John Parry-Williams (johnparrywilliams@gmail.com; tel:823233). 10 WEEK of PRAYER for CHRISTIAN UNITY 18th – 25th January 2015 This is about precisely what it says in the title. It lasts a week. It enables prayer in a variety of forms. It shares worship and fellowship with Christians of differing traditions. What it is not is a cosy week for those who, “Like that kind of thing!” Every year the focus is prepared by Christians from a different part of the world. In 2015 it has been an ecumenical effort by Christians in Brazil based on the story in John’s Gospel of the meeting of Jesus with the woman at the well. Each national ecumenical body then makes this available to its member churches and leaves it to local churches to create a programme that can be relevant in their own situation. Here in Hadleigh there are 3 distinct but integrated elements: A United act of Worship – On Sunday 18th, 4pm in St. Mary’s, Hadleigh An event each day from Monday to Saturday at differing times and locations. An exchange of pulpits on Sunday 25th at the principal morning service. We are very pleased to welcome as our speaker to the United Service on 18th January The Rev Peter Colwell. Peter is a URC minister who is the Deputy General Secretary of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. He is the person who attends all the International meetings that plan the Week of Prayer – in the Vatican, in Geneva and in this case Brazil. Every year we receive the finished article – possibly never thinking how it came to be. Well, in January we can hear it from, “The horse’s mouth”. Don’t miss the opportunity – it will be very informative. During the Week there will be events in different styles and locations all based on the themes of the day. It is hoped that the different times will make it possible for the greatest number of people to participate. Monday 19th – 7.30pm - URC Community Room – Led by Rev Mary Playford Tuesday 20th – 11am – Row Chapel – Led by David Atkins Wednesday 21st – 10.30am – St Joseph’s – Led by Fr Peter Brett Thursday 22nd – 2-4pm – St Joseph’s – An event led by the Encounter Team Friday 23rd – 7.30pm – Salvation Army Hall – Prayer, Praise & Fellowship Led by John Tubby/ Philip & Audrey Mann Saturday 24th – 10.30am – Café Church in the Ansell Centre Led by Nigel Crisp 11 Throughout the week Churches Together is also sponsoring the Life Expo event in the URC – details of which you will find elsewhere. The services on Monday and Saturday are intentionally geared to link in with this. Working and worshipping together with Christians of other traditions should be an important priority as it is a way in which we can all learn and grow. Please look ahead – engage with your new diaries and “Come and join us!” David Atkins – Moderator, Churches Together in Hadleigh ************************************************************* What do you think over a drink? All at 8pm in the George, Hadleigh; as usual, all men welcome. 28th January 2015; what is the future for EBay, and the Internet in general? 25th February 2015; Is Romance dead? Is there a future for St. Valentine's Day? ************************************************************** Isn’t it time you addressed the elephant in the room? Puzzling Questions is a new 6 session course giving you the opportunity to explore life’s deepest questions in an open and informal environment. It is ideal for people from 25 – 45 and for those who aren’t satisfied by ‘overly simplistic’ answers to the challenges life brings. Starting Tuesday 3rd Feb 2015 at Hadleigh bowling club. 7.30pm – 9.00 at the latest. Totally free. Oh, and there’s a bar… Contact St Mary’s Church Hadleigh 01473 824987 to book your place. 12
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