www.stoliverplunkettparish.ie - St Oliver Plunkett Parish Belfast

Paróiste Naomh Oilibhéar Pluincéid
Parish Office: 27b Glenveagh Drive, BT11 9HX
Telephone: 028 9061 8180
E-mail: office@stoliverplunkettparish.ie
Parish Priest: Fr. Aidan Brankin PP
Parish Sisters: Sr Claire and Sr Emmanuel (028 9060 2175)
This week’s Mass times:
Sunday 18th January 2015
6.30pm (Vigil)
10.00am & 12 noon
“Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”
Parish Office opening hours:
The 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 1.00pm
Catholic Guides of Ireland
The Catholic Guides of Ireland will soon be setting up a group here in
St. Oliver Plunkett Parish. A representative will be speaking after all
Masses this weekend and there will be Guides and Leaders in both
porches afterwards with more information.
This Tuesday, 20th January there will be a family fun evening in our
Parish Hall. It will be open for all girls from age four upwards (and their families) who are interested in
joining the Guides. Also any adults who would like to train to be a leader or a volunteer with the group
should come along. The meeting will last from 7.00 to 8.30pm. Please come along to find out more and
help get the Catholic Guides of Ireland established in our Parish.
Did you know?
Fr. Aidan is the Diocesan Chaplain to the Girl Guides!
Creating Pastoral Communities
Looking to the future, Bishop Treanor is calling the Diocese to create new
Pastoral Communities. This is part of a dynamic which began with the
Listening Process of 2011. This new proposal is guided both by the vision of a
co-responsible Church focused on mission and the realities which are manifested
by the findings of the Diocesan Review which took place last Spring. The Diocese
is currently engaged in a process to determine the boundaries of our new Pastoral Communities. You are
invited to read the consultation document available on the Diocesan website www.downandconnor.org
Pastoral letter on Slavery & Human Exploitation
Following the publication of Pope Francis’ World Day of Peace Message 2015, Bishop Treanor
has published a Pastoral on the topic of Slavery & Human Exploitation. The Pastoral explores
themes such as human dignity, Catholic social teaching, our attitude towards the marginalised
and our baptismal and corporate responsibility to do what we can to address these issues in
our Parish community and in our society. There are copies in both porches and it is also
available on the Diocesan website www.downandconnor.org
Living Youth Summer Pilgrimage
Are you 17-23 and interested in learning more about your Catholic Faith?
Why not join Living Youth on their journey to celebrate the life and work of
St.Columbanus in Milan, Piacenza, Bergamo and Bobbio from 2nd to 7th August.
The cost is £690 which includes flights, transfers, half board, t-shirts and hoodie.
Application forms are available from the Living Youth website: www.livingyouthni.org
Closing date for applications is Thursday 29th January
Recently Deceased
We offer our prayerful support to the families of Edna Loughran, Michael Cusack,
Anthony Owens and Mary McAree. May they rest in peace.
Month’s Mind
We pray for the soul of Michael McGuigan whose Month’s Mind occurs at this time.
We pray for the happy repose of those whose anniversaries occur around this time:
Michael Hillis, John and James Kelly, Paul Hickland and William John McConnell,
This week in the Parish...
Sun18th Jan
Children’s Liturgy
Parish Hall
Mon 19th Jan
Parish Prayer Group
(run by the Legion of Mary)
Tues 20th Jan
Family Fun and Information Evening
for Catholic Guides of Ireland
Parish Hall
Wed 21st Jan
Bethany Bereavement Group
Parish Hall
Wed 21st Jan
An Teanga Bheo
Parish Hall
Wed 21st Jan
Legion of Mary meeting
Parish Hall
Thurs 22nd Jan
Cookery Group
Parish Hall
A special meeting of the Down and Connor
Diocesan Pioneer Council will take place on
Sunday 1st February at 3pm in Clonard
Monastery. Special Guest speakers will be
Mr Robert Shannon (National President) and
Mrs Mary Brady Development Officer). All
Pioneer Council representatives within the Diocese are
warmly invited to attend this important meeting.
Would you be interested in volunteering with the Parish
Bethany Bereavement Support Group? Members offer
support to the recently bereaved in the Parish through
home visitations and weekly meetings. Come along to the
Parish Hall at 11.00am on Wednesday to find out more.
External training will be provided.
The latest newsletter from the Irish Bishops’ Drugs
Initiative is now available on their website:
a talk on
and the
Irish language by Feargal
Mac Ionnrachtaigh at 8pm on Thursday
22nd January in Naomh Pól CLG,
Unwanted Christmas presents can still be
dropped off in the Parish Office.
Tweet from the Pope @Pontifex:
“Christianity spreads through
the joy of disciples who
know that they are
loved and saved.”
Week of Prayer for Church Unity
This year’s Inter-Church Prayer Service will be held in St. Peter’s Cathedral on Tuesday 20th January at
7.30pm. The theme is “Give me a drink....” and the preacher is Church of Ireland bishop John McDowell.
Parishioners are encouraged to join the St. Oliver Plunkett / St. Matthew’s Ecumenical Group at this service
to pray for grace and enlightenment on the difficult journey towards that full unity that is Christ’s will.
Financial News
Weekly collection on 11th January:
£ 1,214.23
Collection on the Epiphany:
£ 338.06
There will be a Second Collection this weekend for the Diocesan Youth Commission
Thank you for your contributions and for your continuing generosity!
Remember we accept Sterling and Euros in our collections!
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