TRINITY “ALIVE” Trinity Lutheran Church and School January 2015 January 24th and 25th “Details Inside” CHURCH 708-532-9395 E-MAIL SCHOOL 708-532-3529 E-MAIL Web-site Traditional Worship: Sat. 6:00 pm – Sun. 8:00 & 9:30 am Contemporary Worship: Sunday 11:00 am 6850 W. 159th Street, Tinley Park, Il 60477 That everyone who believes may have eternal life in him. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:15-16 GOVERNANCE BOARD From the Board of Governance - This past fall has been one of active preparation for the Board, on behalf of the congregation, as it continues the work of aligning Trinity around its Christ-called mission. In advance of the Board sharing an engagement plan with the congregation in January, please find a reference to the five church governance myths included in its recent congregational letter. "In Structure Your Church for Mission [one of the books being studied by the Board] five myths are noted that often concern those considering this form of church governance: • Authority is taken from the congregation. This is false—congregational authority is actually amplified by policies aligned with the constitution and by-laws. The congregation only gives the Board authority to act on its behalf and specifies the actions that remain at the sole discretion of the congregation. Too much authority is given to the Senior Pastor. This is false—the authority of the Board and the authority of the Senior Pastor are clearly differentiated. The Board, on behalf of the congregation, is focused on Trinity’s unique purposes and what it seeks to achieve in response to Christ’s calling. The Senior Pastor focuses on how the church ministers, as defined by the Congregation, through the Board. • Fewer church members are involved. This is false—there is actually more potential for member involvement. There is greater flexibility to recruit, train, and involve more people in ministry and thus a greater desire to do so. • After the policies are written, the Board is left with little to do. This is false—the challenges are actually greater and a multitude of endeavors including, close monitoring of the church’s ministries, need the Board’s leadership. • The Senior Pastor is already overworked. Governance by policy adds even more work. This is false—with clear policies in place and followed, the Senior Pastor is empowered to focus on delivering ministry with the Word and Sacraments at that ministry’s core.” We continue to fervently seek the Lord’s guidance during this time and invite your prayers for Trinity’s ongoing success. Please be in touch with the Board via email at at anytime. 2 FREE SHOWINGS Saturday, January 24 Pizza @ 5:00pm Worship @ 6:00pm Movie @ 7:00pm Sunday, January 25 Pizza @ 5:00pm Movie @ 6:00pm God’s Not Dead will inspire and encourage you to stand up for what you believe. Please plan to attend, and please invite family and friends to attend with you. A free-will offering will be taken for the pizza. Running time of movie is 1 hour 53 minutes Rated PG for thematic material, brief violence, and an accident scene For more information, please contact the church office. Contact Bob Gordon SMALL GROUPS 708-532-9395 x229 Our Winter Session of Small Groups will begin in January. Each group will choose their own topic, and will set their own schedule. The new Catalog of Small Group Topics is available at the Small Group office. If you are interested in joining a group, or in starting a new group for our Winter Session, please contact Bob Gordon. _________________________________________________________________ Our Men’s Groups will begin a new session in January with a new topic. Our Wednesday evening group will meet from 7:00 – 8:30pm in the Old Chapel and will begin on January 7th. Our Saturday morning group will meet from 7:00 – 8:30am in the Old Chapel and will begin on January 10th. Both groups will be discussing the same topic. For more information, please contact Bob Gordon. A new session of our Grief Support Groups will begin in January. Our afternoon group will meet on Tuesdays at 1:00pm and will begin on January 6th. Our evening group will meet on Thursdays at 7:00pm and will begin January 8th. If you, or someone you know, has experienced the loss of a spouse, child, parent, family member, or friend, a support group will provide the opportunity to find healing and hope. Please consider attending a group. For more information, please contact Connie Strand at (708) 532-2633 or ADULT BIBLE CLASSES SUNDAYS at 9:30 AM "Book of Romans" led by Connie Strand in the Old Chapel (Begins January 4th) Working Women's Group - "Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman" by Beth Moore, led by Vivette Payne in the Conference Room (Begins January 11th) TUESDAYS 11:00 am - Senior Bible Study - "Getting Closer to God" led by Pastor Brunner in the Old Chapel. Followed by Lunch Bunch at noon (Begins January 20th) 1:00 pm - Ladies Bible Study - led by Peggy Peters in the Old Chapel (Begins January 6th) ALTAR GUILD Contact Debra Erwin 708-532-6970 A great big Thank You to our Altar Guild members who helped decorate the Sanctuary and Narthex for Thanksgiving and Christmas. These ladies are always willing to volunteer their time and talents, and sometimes "get their hands dirty" in order to arrange flowers, set up (& take down) the Angel Trees, prepare communion trays, etc. Through their efforts and dedication they have enhanced our worship experience throughout the church year. We also want to give a very special THANK YOU to the many TRINITY MEMBERS who have donated to the FLOWER FUND during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays! 2015 FLOWER CHART: If you would like to have flowers placed at the Altar for a particular Sunday, locate your special date on the "Flower Chart" which is located in the West Narthex to the left of the church office windows; write in your Name, Phone, and Occasion on the "Flower Chart". Our Altar Guild flower chairman will call you to verify your information, flower preferences, etc. LWML WOMEN’S GROUP Contact Linda Burns 708-444-4756 A huge “Thank You” to all for the many contributions of bottles, shoe boxes and supplies! With your help, we were able to make 60 Shoebox Nativity sets which were shared with students from our Day School and Sunday School! Be sure to look at the finished project on our table near the Trinity Room entrance. Don’t forget to deposit your coins in the “Mite Box” while you’re there. We will resume our weekly meetings on January 11, 2015 from 10am – noon in the Trinity Room. Plans for new and exciting projects are in the works. Please drop by and lend a hand with these fun projects. We welcome all ladies! Please call Linda Burns for more information. The nightly group will resume meeting on January 15, 2015, from 6:00 to 8:00pm in the Trinity Room. Please come join us for some fellowship. We are collecting a variety of items for our projects. Special requests for this month are items to complete our Christmas projects. Double sided tape and/or glue dots – in dispensers Scissors – regular cutting styles. 4 ply yarn - Baby colors or White for baptismal blankets. Regular colors for lap-blankets. Please save your Christmas cards for us again after the season is over. We will be collecting them for upcoming projects. All items can be left in the Trinity room in the purple box marked LWML. Thank you in advance for your help! Blessings on a wonderful New Year with Christ! SERVICE OPPOR–TRINITY In response to 40 Days of Community, a small group in our congregation has created a simple way to facilitate service among and on behalf of our brothers and sisters at Trinity. Please visit the bulletin board just north of the Elder’s Closet, across the hall from the Music Room to learn more, share your available skills or talents (carpentry, painting, sewing, baking, landscaping, etc.), or make known your service need (broken cabinet, snow removal, grocery delivery, unstained patio, overgrown bushes, hemming, etc.) Service needs can be made known anonymously using the box on the board. For more information, visit the board or email May God bless our service to Him and one another! Have you Considered Trinity in your Will or Estate Plan Pass down your blessing to tomorrow’s Trinity families. Your caring support of Trinity has provided opportunities for thousands of people to hear the saving message of the Gospel. You can continue to support those opportunities, even after your lifetime. Call or e-mail Pastor Schauer at 708-532-9395 ext.223 or to discuss the various opportunities available today. Your decisions today can impact generation to come. God’s Blessings! THE CHOIRS AT TRINITY Senior Choir Contact Jo Rodenburg 815-464-6000 Senior Handbells Contact Karen Gustafson 708-478-1841 The holidays presented a lot of special music from ALL of our choirs at Trinity! What a JOY to share in the celebration of our Savior’s birth, and the Advent Season of preparation which preceded Christmas. As we look to 2015, we will continue to serve our church through the ministry of music. The choirs will continue to meet at their regular times: Sr. Handbell Choir – Tuesdays 7:00 – 8:00 Sr. Choir – Thursdays 7:30 – 9:00 Music speaks what cannot be expressed ~ Soothes the mind and gives it rest Heals the heart and makes it whole ~ Flows from heaven to the soul. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Contact Jayne VanderVelde 708-532-9395 x231 Sunday School News Children age 3 to Grade 6 can enroll at any time for Sunday School. Registration is available online at (click on the Sunday School slide) as well as using paper forms available outside the Children’s Ministries office. Visiting children are always welcome! Sunday School classes are from 9:30–10:30 each Sunday. Children in preschool and kindergarten meet in the Gym, while children in Grades 1–6 meet in the Music Room and are dismissed from assigned classrooms. This Month’s Lessons PreK & Kindergarten: Jan. 4 The Wise Men Share Their Gifts Jan. 11 The Boy Jesus at the Temple Jan. 18 Jesus Is Baptized Jan. 25 The Temptation of Jesus 1st–6th Grades: Feeding the 5,000 in Tell Me a Story, Let’s Create/Let’s Be Pilgrims, Let’s Eat, and Let’s Act workshops Thank You to the Sunday School staff, children, and families who participated in the Sunday School Christmas service and made it such a blessed evening for our Trinity family. Special thanks to Shirley Kurasz, Cassie Ramirez, Cecile Fortin, and Val Ashack for their tireless efforts in putting the service together and working with the children to practice lines and music. What an exceptional way for the children to use their God-given talents to herald the Savior’s birth! We Need YOU! We are looking for a few more adult volunteers to dedicate their time and talents as workshop leaders in April and May. Our workshop leaders prepare only one lesson for the month and then teach it each week to a different group of children. Leaders can choose an area that reflects their talents, whether that’s crafts, acting, cooking, music, computers, etc. This is a great chance for partners, groups, and individuals to dedicate one month to sharing their time and talents with the children of Trinity! Please contact Jayne VanderVelde for more information and to volunteer. Special Needs Aides Sunday School is looking for one or two more special needs aides to provide one-on-one interaction with our most special children. If you have a heart for working with children with special needs and would like to know the wonder and joy of sharing God’s Word with them, please contact Jayne VanderVelde at, for more information on joining the Special Needs team! Reveal Kids Bible Lessons Children ages 4–8 are welcome to join us during the 11:00 sermon for a special Bible lesson. Volunteers are needed to serve as helpers once per month. This month’s lessons: Jan. 4 New Beginnings Jan. 11 Small, But Wise, Creatures Jan. 18 Forgive Us Our Debts Jan. 25 The Faith of the Captain Triangles Minute to Win It & Pizza Night Our middle-grade youth group is for all students in Grades 4–6. Join us in the Trinity gym on Tuesday, January 13, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. for a Bible study, pizza dinner, and Minute to Win It. Bring your own drink in a plastic bottle. Please don’t forget your $2 for our two Compassion children. No registration required. Bring a friend, and come join the fun! Contact Chad Huber YOUTH NEWS 708-532-9395 x227 Sunday Morning Bible Study This Sunday morning study will begin meeting again January 4 th. Every Sunday, we meet in the loft from 9:30-10:30. High School Youth Basketball Our Youth Basketball League is under way, but we could still use more guys. If you are a high schooler who doesn’t play with your school team, please consider joining us. Contact Chad Huber or Fred Eassa. White Elephant Parties January 4th Jr. High Youth will have their White Elephant Party from 4-6pm, followed by Sr. High’s Party from 6-8pm. Bring a silly gift to trade, usually something from around the house. Be creative. The Amazing Race On Monday, January 19th (MLK Jr Day) Jr. High will be participating in The Amazing Race. Games and clues will be hidden throughout the building. The first team to finish will be rewarded with gift cards. High School Youth will be needed to help volunteer at this event. TLC Nights January 11th and January 25th Sr. High will have our usual TLC Night, however on the 25th the congregation will be watching “God is Not Dead,” and we will join them. As usual, 6-8pm both nights, but pizza will be available at 5pm on the 25 th. Text Updates If you would like to receive text updates and reminders about youth activities, please send your number to Chad. 10 MINUTES EACH DAY IN HIS WORD We shall go through the Bible in its entirety, reading at least one chapter a day. We alternate between the Old and New Testaments. This mixing provides a refreshing variety. God Bless your time spent in His Word. January 1 January 2 January January 4 January 5 January 6 January 7 January 8 January 9 January 10 January 11 January 12 January 13 January 14 January 15 Isaiah 24 Isaiah 25 Isaiah 26 Isaiah 27 Isaiah 28 Isaiah 29 Isaiah 30 Isaiah 31 Isaiah 32 Isaiah 33 Isaiah 34 Isaiah 35 Isaiah 36 Titus 1 Titus 2-3 January 16 January 17 January 18 January 19 January 20 January 21 January 22 January 23 January 24 January 25 January 26 January 27 January 28 January 29 January 30 January 31 Isaiah 37 Isaiah 38 Isaiah 39 Isaiah 40 Isaiah 41 Isaiah 42 Isaiah 43 Isaiah 44 Isaiah 45 Isaiah 46 Isaiah 47 Isaiah 48 Isaiah 49 Isaiah 50 Isaiah 51 Isaiah 52 Financial Peace University Begins Jan. 24th This 9-week life-changing class, taught by Dave Ramsey and the FPU teaching team on video and coordinated by Pastor Schauer and Kris Anderson at Trinity, will help you by showing you how to eliminate debt, save for the future, and give like never before. FPU classes will meet weekly on Saturdays, 10:00-11:45am, Jan. 24-March 21. The cost per household is only $93. There is both a free offer and upgrade offer for previous class participants. Please check our church website for details and a class preview video. Contact Pastor Schauer if you need more information. SOCIAL MINISTRY Charlene Hyre 708-687-8716 or Joan Miller 708-429-0411 Thank you very much for your generous donations of various Christmas gifts, gift cards, cash, and food items. Our members contributed above and beyond to the less fortunate. Members, member referrals, LCFS, Tinley Park Food Pantry, Together We Cope, SS Crisis Center, Aging Care Connection, and Safe Families were recipients of your good will. Hundreds of children’s wishes were granted thanks to your generosity. You made it possible for children and families in need to feel loved and important. God’s riches blessings through the New Year. . Box Tops and Labels for Education We want to invite all Trinity Families to collect Box Tops and Labels For Education in effort to raise funds and points for our school. Labels For Education appear on Campbell’s soups and gravies, Pepperidge Farms breads, cakes and Goldfish, Pop Secret snacks and BIC pens. Campbell’s Soup Company redeems the UPC codes from these products and many others for points. Last year we submitted over 24,000 points and selected balls, jump ropes, balance beams and racing scooters from their catalog. General Mills and related companies redeem Box Tops For Education for cash at the rate of $0.10 per box top. In each of the last four years the PTL has received over $2,000 through this program for special education and other projects. Box Tops appear on General Mills cereals, Green Giant vegetables, Kleenex tissues, Ziploc bags and many other products. Simply cut out the box top. Please be aware that each box top is printed with an expiration date and should be dropped off in church as early as possible. We make submissions to these programs on a regular basis. To find out more about each of these programs please log in to and Each website also offers product coupons for you to print. Collection bins for Labels and Box Tops are outside the Trinity Room and the school office. Your help is greatly appreciated! Principal Steve Stec TRINITY SCHOOL Principal Scott Huster 708-532-3529 Trinity Lutheran School exists to challenge and enable young people to grow in both Christian Spirit and academic wisdom, and to prepare them to be witnesses in God's Kingdom. THE STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND STAFF WISH THE FAMILIES OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH AND SCHOOL A VERY SPIRIT-FILLED 2015. ENROLLMENT for the 2015 – 2016 school year for children entering Pre-Kindergarten [three (3) and four (4) year olds] and Kindergarten will take place the last week in January. Members of Trinity will be receiving information through the mail. Children need to be three years (3) of age on or by September 1, 2015 to be eligible for the 3 year old Pre-Kindergarten program, and must be four years (4) of age on or by September 1, 2015 to be eligible for the 4 year old three-day a week Pre-Kindergarten program. All children enrolling in Kindergarten must be five years old (5) on or by September 1, 2015, to enroll in program. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Nancy Butterfield, Trinity’s Admission Counselor (708-5323529 ext. 225) or the school office (708-532-3529) for additional information regarding enrollment. Enrollment for grades 1 – 8 will be occurring shortly as well. THANK YOU The faculty and staff of Trinity Lutheran Church and School wish to express their sincerest gratitude to the students and parents for their thoughtfulness during the 2014 Christmas season. It is always very heartwarming to be remembered by those to whom you are ministering. The many gifts of love were deeply appreciated. God’s richest blessings to all of you in 2015 and always! CLASSES RESUME-Trinity Students will be returning from Christmas Break on Monday, January 5th. We pray that it was a restful and Christ filled break. NEW CLASSROOMS: The 1st and 2nd grade classes will begin occupying their new classroom, Monday January 5th. Thank you to all who volunteered their time to ensure the classrooms would be ready for January. Thank you especially to Ron Rezek for the countless hours he has put in to make sure the classrooms were student ready! CULVER’S KICKBACK DAYS… Thanks to all who support the Kickback days at the Tinley Park Culvers. The next Kickback Day will be Tuesday, January 6, at the Culvers in Tinley Park. Trinity will receive 10% of all receipts submitted on the 6th. We hope to see you there! PTL Meeting- Our next PTL meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 13. The meeting will start at 7:00 our ALL parents are invited to join us at 7:00 p.m. for this PTL meeting focusing on parenting with "Love & Logic." FIRST SEMESTER COMING TO AN END- Tuesday, January 20th marks the end of the 2nd quarter. Student Assessment Reports will go home on Tuesday, January 27th. LUTHERAN SCHOOL’S WEEK- The week of January 25th marks the national observance of Lutheran School’s Week. The theme for the week is “Mercy Forever.” There are a number of wonderful activities planned for the week including our annual 1st vs. 2nd grade basketball game and a teacher switch day. Look for a finalized schedule to be published later in the month. AN OPEN HOUSE for parents interested in Trinity’s program of Christian education (ages 3 – grade 8) is scheduled for Wednesday, January 28, from 9 a.m. – 2:30. Other Open House dates for all grade levels including 3 and 4 PK are Friday, February 27, from 8 a.m.– 2:40 p.m., Thursday, March 26, from 8 a.m. – 2:40 p.m. and Sunday, April 19, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tell your friends and neighbors about Trinity and witness Christian education in action. COFFEE AND … The second of four Coffee And … will be held on Tuesday evening, January 27, beginning at 7 p.m. The Coffee And… will serve as the topic for the evening’s PTL meeting. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY BEE … Congratulations to Baron Waller, one of Trinity’s sixth graders who earned the title “School Champion.” Baron will attempt to qualify as a state finalist by completing a seventy-five (75)question exam. Six times Trinity has sent a contestant to the State Bee. MAP TESTING- Students grades 3-8 will begin their winter testing Wed., January 7th. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! SOUTH SUBURBAN SPELLING BEE: Saturday, February 21 PTL’s TRIVIA NIGHT-Saturday, February 28. DADDY-DAUGHTER DANCE- Saturday, March 7 SOCIAL STUDIES FAIR-Monday, March 16, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. CELEBRATE CHILDREN AUCTION “GIVE. LIVE. GROW-April 25, 2015 SPECIAL INFORMATION Prayer Requests If you have a prayer request you may contact the church office, check the prayer request line on your Connection Card and write the prayer on the back or you may complete a prayer card and put it in the prayer box hanging in the Narthex. Flower Offerings If you would like to request flowers to be placed on the altar please fill in the flower chart with your name and phone number on the wall in the Narthex. Someone will contact you to get the information for your special request. Helping Hands Men’s Group Ministry Do you have a project or do you know of someone that has a project that the Men’s Group can assist with? Our Trinity Men’s Group is available to assist you with projects around your home. Projects include yard work, painting, minor repairs and more. For more information, please contact Marco Melone at or Bob Gordon at 708-532-9395 ext. 229 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10) Family Information Changes If you have moved, changed your e-mail address, changed your phone number, etc. please contact the church office to update your information. Having accurate records helps us to communicate better with you. Connection Cards Connection Cards are located in each pew. Please fill the card out and print clearly. This helps us to take attendance each week. If you have any address, phone or e-mail changes please indicate this on the card. Please also check any necessary items that you wish. Community Events Please stop by the Community Events Bulletin Board to see the things happening in and around the community. If you have an event you would like posted please contact the church office for approval and we will post it for you once approved. Please keep in mind this is for events that everyone could benefit from. Quest Bible If you would like a copy of the Quest Bible please contact the church office. The bibles cost $25 and are available during normal office hours. Church Giving Envelopes Trinity is continually blessed by the generosity of our members. For this we are thankful. In order for the Board of Finance to correctly credit each member’s offering, the Board requests that whenever possible, you use the numbered offering envelope. If this is not possible, please indicated your name and offering envelope number on the pew envelope. Thank you for your cooperation and may our Lord continue to bless you. Church Library Did you know that Trinity has a “Church Library”? They are located in the old Chapel next to the Trinity Room. They are always looking for donations of gently used books and movies of a Christian nature. Please feel free to check out any book you like. There is a card catalog in the room for you to look up books to see if they may be on the shelf. The check out and return is on your honor. Please fill out a card when borrowing a book or movie and simply return them when you are done with it. Please be aware that a large section of books (marked on the shelves) is the School Library and we cannot check those out. Thank you and enjoy! VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED PRAYERFULLY CONCIDER HELPING!! Transportation Ministry Would you like to help others by providing a ride to Trinity for someone who cannot drive? Volunteers are needed to provide transportation for members to and from services and functions at Trinity. To volunteer or for additional information, please contact Bob Gordon at ext 229 or Greeters Would like to greet members and visitors as they walk in to Trinity? This is a great way to meet people and be a friendly smile to all that enter to hear God’s word. It is very simple to get started. Simply call the church office and let them know you would like greet and for which service you would like to greet at. We will be happy to hear from you. Ushers Ushering is another great way to serve God’s Kingdom and meet other members and visitors to Trinity. It is very simple to usher. Ushers help hand out bulletins before the service, they assist with the collection and assist with communion. If you are interested in learning more or would like to volunteer please call the church office with the service you are interested in and we will get you set up with some brief training and you will be all set to go. Screen Operators Did you ever wonder how the screens come alive filled with music, words and pictures?? Would you like to learn how to run the screens?? We would love to have you on board to help out. We are looking for several people at all the services to operate the screens during the services. It is not hard, the training is simple and does not take much time. The more people we have the less work it is on any one person. If this is somewhere that you would like to volunteer or have more questions about before making up your mind please contact Pastor Schauer in the church office. Praise Band Do you love to sing, play an instrument and worship our God? Do you enjoy the modern Christian music like Chris Tomlin, MercyMe, and Hillsong…..the same stuff you are hearing on KLOVE, ShineFM, or WBGL?? Then we ask you to consider being a part of the Reveal Worship Band! We practice most Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. Contact Drew for more details at Drama/Skit Ministry We are starting a drama/skit ministry here at Trinity! Wanna be a part of it??? We are looking for actors and actresses of ALL ages. Contact Chad Huber for more information in the church office at ext. 227 or Rev. Paul Strand (x222)………………………………………………………….....Senior Pastor Rev. Richard Schauer (x223)…………………………………………………...Associate Pastor Rev. Paul Brunner………………………………………………….……………..Assistant Pastor Rev. Gary Schmidtke……………………………………………………..Assistant to the Pastor Andrew Denlinger (x287)……………………………...…….Director of Contemporary Worship Karen Gustafson (x230)………………………………………………………....Director of Music Jo Rodenburg (x230)...…………………….……………………….……………Director of Choir Chad Huber (x227)………………………………………………..…Director of Youth Ministries Jayne VanderVelde (x231)…………………………..………...Director of Children’s Ministries Bob Gordon (x229)……………………………………....Director of Service and Small Groups Kathy Gilmore (x232)…………………………………………...……….Director of Connections Mistee Plattner………………………………………………………..…….Director of Fellowship Scott Huster (x240)……………………………………….……….…….Co Minister of Education Steven Stec (x240)………………………… ……………….………….Co Minister of Education Nancy Butterfield (x225)…………………………………….…....School Admissions Counselor Ron Rezek (x246)………………………………….………………………..…..Building Manager Nettie Schuman (x221)……………….…………….….Church Office Administrative Assistant Mary Dykstra (x224)………………………………….………….………………..Office Assistant If you would like something published in this newsletter please contact Nettie in the church office. Thank you and may God Bless! The February Trinity “Alive” deadline is January 16th Live Nativity THANK YOU! A tremendous thank you to all of the people who volunteered to make our 1 st Live Nativity a huge success with over 1000 people in attendance. A special thanks to Ray Wilke and Ruth Dietrich who put countless hours into writing the script, putting it to music, and organizing and supplying the lighting. Thank you to all the actors who performed for the live nativity. They all did an outstanding job. I hope to see each and every one of you back next year. Thank you to the bell choir and the senior choir for performing at all 4 performances on top of Lessons and Carols that same weekend. Each choir member added something very special to the performance. Thank you to my husband, Dan, for the endless hours he put into building the stable and to the property committee members for helping him assemble it here at church. Thank you to all of the other volunteers who helped both inside and out to set up, serve, clean up, greet and direct traffic. In total, there were 115 people who volunteered to make this event successful. I needed each and every one of you! Blessings, Mistee Plattner Director of Fellowship
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