Advertisement No.02/2014 Last date for receipt of application : 22.12.2014 Applications are invited for the following posts:Post Post No of Post & Code Reservation 01 02 03 04 Assistant (G) Gr.III Assistant (S&P) Gr.III Assistant (F&A) Gr.III Junior Stenographer Scale of Pay in PB1 03-( 02-UR,01-OBC (NC)) 02-(UR) 01-(UR) `.5200-20,200/GP-` 1900/- 02-(UR) GP-`2400/- Gross Emoluments per month `18375/- Upper Age limit 28 years `23324/- ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION Post Code-01 & 02: 10+2/XII or its equivalent and prescribed proficiency speed in computer typing*. Post Code-03: 10+2/XII or its equivalent with Commerce as one of the subjects and prescribed proficiency speed in computer typing*. *Prescribed proficiency speed in Computer typing for Post Codes-01 to 03:- English Typing @ 35 w.p.m.or Hindi Typing @ 30 w.p.m. (Time allowed- 10 mts.). [35 w.p.m./ 30 w.p.m. correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depression for each word. Post Code: 04: 10+2/XII or its equivalent and speed of 80 w.p.m. in shorthand and 40/35 w.p.m. in type -writing in English /Hindi and on the basis of competitive proficiency test. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATION: For all the posts – (i) Graduation or equivalent (ii) Knowledge of computer, preferably MS Office, MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point. JOB REQUIREMENT Post Codes 01 to 03: Candidates are required to perform clerical and typing works besides any other official work as and when assigned. Post Code-04: Candidates are required to perform secretarial/ stenographic work, typing and other official works as and when assigned. MODE OF SELECTION: (i) For post code-01, 02 & 03: By Competitive written examination in General Hindi/General English and General Knowledge and proficiency test in Computer typing speed as mentioned above* amongst eligible candidates. Qualifying candidates will be interviewed by a duly constituted Selection Committee, but the weightage for interview would not exceed 25% of the total prescribed marks. (ii) For post code-04 only:- On the basis of competitive proficiency test amongst eligible candidates possessing prescribed essential qualification and shorthand/typing speed as mentioned above. The mode of selection for all these posts will be in accordance with the applicable recruitment rules as amended from time to time. 1. BENEFITS UNDER COUNCIL SERVICE: a. These posts carry usual allowances i.e. Dearness Allo wance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport Allowance (TA) etc. as admissible to the central government employees stationed at Bhubaneswar and as made applicable to CSIR. Council employees are also eligible for acco mmodation of their entitled type a s per CSIR allotment rules depending on availability in which case HRA will not be admissible. b. Other benefits such as New Pension Scheme, reimbursements of Medical Expenses, Leave Travel Concession and encashment of EL on attaining the age of superannuat ion, Conveyance Advance and House Building Advance, etc. are admissible as per rules. 2. GENERAL CONDITIONS: a. The applicant must be a citizen of India. The appointment will be in CSIR-IMMT. The appointees are liable to be transferred to any of the Labs/Institutes of CSIR anywhere in India. b. The cut-off date for determining the age limit/experience/qualifications shall be the last date of receipt of application as mentioned above. c. The upper age limit is however, relaxable upto 03 years for OBC as per Governme nt orders in force only in those cases where the posts are reserved for OBC (Non-creamy layer), on production of relevant certificate in the prescribed format signed by the specified authority at the time of interview. Upper age limit may be relaxable upto 5 years for Council/Government/Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertakings employees as per Govt. of India orders. There is no age limit for departmental candidates of CSIR, provided they posses prescribed qualification. d. Relaxation in upper age limit for physically handicapped, ex-servicemen and certain other categories will be as per rules. e. OBC(NC)/PH candidates are required to produce the certificate in the prescribed format signed by the specified authority at the time of interview. OBC(NC) candidates should produce the certificate valid for appointment of posts under the Central Government. f. Relaxation of five years will also be permissible to those who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir division of the state of Jammu and Kashmir during the period from 1-1-1980 to 31-12-1989 subject to production of relevant certificate from concerned authority. g. As per GOI provisions, age relaxation for Widows, Divorced Women and Women Judicially separated from Husband who are not remarried, the upper age limit is relaxable up to the age of 35 years (up to 38 years for OBC(NC) candidates in respect of the posts reserved for them). The person claiming age relaxation under this category would be required to produce following documentary evidences: (i) In case of widow, Death Certificate of her husband together with the affidavit that she has not remarried since. (ii) In case of divorced women and women judicially separated from their husband, a certified copy of the judgement /decree of the appropriate court to prove t he fact of divorce or judicial separation, as the case may be, with an affidavit in respect of divorced women and they have not remarried since. h. All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions as stipulated in the advertisement. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualifications and prescribed proficiency speed in Computer typing/Typing & shorthand as laid down for various posts as on the last date of receip t of application. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained. The prescribed essential qualifications and experience are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. All app lications received will be screened by adopting suitable criteria and the shortlisted candidates will be called for test/interview. The decision of the CSIR-IMMT in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection and conduct of examination/interview will be final and binding on the candidates. i. The application should be accompanied by self attested copies of the relevant educational qualification, experience. The prescribed qualifications should have been obtained through recognized Universities/Institutions, etc. j. In respect of equivalent clause in Essential Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of advertisement, then the candidate is required to produce order/letter in this regard, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated otherwise the Application is liable to be rejected. However, equivalent qualification will be regulated as per the list of qualifications as recognized by CSIR only. k. If any document/certificate furnished in a language other than Hindi or English, a transcript of the same duly attested by a Gazetted Officer or Notary is to be submitted. l. Applications from employees of Government Departments will be considered only if forwarded through proper channel, certified by the employer that the applicant, if selected will be relieved within one month of the receipt of the appointment orders. Vigilance clearance should also be recorded. However, advance copy of the application may be submitted before the closing date. Applications routed through proper channel should reach CSIR-IMMT at the earliest. ‘No Objection Certificate’ must be submitted at the time of interview. m. Women and Persons with disabilities (PWD) fulfilling the eligibility conditions prescribed under GOI instructions are encouraged to apply. n. The posts will be governed by the New Pension Scheme applicable w.e.f. 01.01.2004 as notified by the Government of India and adopted by CSIR vide their letter No.17/68/2001-E.II dated 23.12.2003 and other instructions issued on the subject. o. Only outstation candidates called and found eligible for interview will be paid to and fro single second class rail fare from the actual place of undertaking the journey or from the normal place of their residence whichever is nearer to Bhubaneswar Railway Station on production of Rail Tickets/Rail Ticket Nu mbers or any other proof of journey. p. Any discrepancy found between the information given in application and as evident in original documents will make the candidate ineligible for appearing in interview. Such candidate will not be paid any fare. q. The number of vacancies indicated against each category is provisional and may vary at the time of selection. 3. HOW TO APPLY: a. Candidates are required to apply in the prescribed format (application and synopsis) downloaded from CSIR IMMT website or neatly typed on A4 size paper on one side as per the format available on the website Candidates applying for more than one post must submit separate application form for each post indicating the Post Code No. of the post with separate Demand Draft(s) for each application. b. Applications completed in all respects enclosing attested copies of all certificates, mark sheets of all semesters/years/aggregate, testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, experience, caste/community/PWD, valid email i.d., mobile number, recent passport size photograp h signed along with non–refundable application fee of .100/- (SC/ST/PH/Women/CSIR employees are exempt from payment of application fee) in the form of crossed Demand Draft drawn on any nationalized bank valid for a period of three months in favour of “Director, CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology” payable at the State Bank of India, RRL Campus Branch (Branch Code-7499), Bhubaneswar, should be sent in an envelope superscribed ”APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF_________________(Post Code_______)”, Advt. No._________ by post to The Administrative Officer, CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar-751013 (Odisha) on or before the last date. The last date given above will be the same for the candidates belonging to far-flung areas also. c. (i) ‘Candidate’s Name’ and (ii) ‘Post Code Applied for’ must be filled up on the back side of Demand Draft: d. In case of universities/institutes awarding CGPA/SGPA/OGPA grad es etc., candidates are requested to convert the same into percentage based on the formula as per their university/institute. e. Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fees once paid will not be refunded on any count nor can it be held in reserve for any other recruitment or selection process. f. Candidates should specifically note that applications received after the closing date for any reason whatsoever (such as envelopes wrongly addressed, delivered elsewhere, postal delay, received after the last date, not supported by copies of certificates, etc.) and incomplete applications (i.e. without photograph, unsigned and without application fee, if applicable, without testimonials, applications other than prescribed format, etc.) will be summarily rejected. Any enclosure received separately subsequent to the receipt of the application cannot be connected therewith. No representation in this regard will be entertained. Furnishing of false, incorrect, wrong information will be a disqualification. g. Candidates applying for any of the above posts may note that corrigendum/addendum to advertisement, extension of the last date for receipt of applications, the date of written/proficiency test, short-listed candidates to be called for interview, date of interview, change of date, selection result, cancellation of one or all posts, etc. will be notified on CSIR-IMMT website. Therefore, candidates are advised to visit the for latest updates. 4. h. Canvassing in any form and / or bringing any influence political or otherwise will be treated as disqualification for the post. NO INTERIM ENQUIRY OR CORRESPONDANCE WILL BE ENTERTAINED. Following documents must be attached along with application form sent by post: a. Demand Draft of 100/- as application fee, where applicable. b. Three coloured photographs out of which one pasted on the form and signed across in full. c. Self Attested photocopies of Date of Birth, educational qualifications certificates & mark sheets, etc. d. Self Attested photocopy of caste certificate, if applicable. e. Filled in synopsis Controller of Administration सीएसआइआर-खनिज एवं पदार्थ प्रौद्योनिकी सं सर्ाि CSIR-INSTITUTE OF MINERALS & MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY भुविेश्वर-751013 (ओनिशा) BHUBANESWAR–751013 (ODISHA) टिप्पण: 1. अभ्पर्ी इस प्रप्र को सवपं भर एवं ससे प्रशासनिक अनिकारी, सीएसआइआर-खनिज एवं पदार्थ प्रौद्योनिकी संसर्ाि, भुविेश्वर-751013, ओनिशा को अग्रेनित कर द नजससे वह 22-12-2014 तक पा सससे पहले पहुँच जाए । सभी कॉलम सनचत रूप से भरे जाए । अपूण थ आवेदि प्रप्र असवीकत कर यदपा जाएिा । Note: 1. To be filled in candidate’s own handwriting and forwarded to the Administrative Officer, CSIR-Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar–751013, Odisha, so as to reach him on or before 22-12-2014. All the columns should be properly filled in. Incomplete application form will be rejected summarily. नवज्ञापि संखपा Advertisement No. िवीितम हसताक्षरिटरत पासपोिथ आकार की फोिो नचपकाएं । 02/2014 आवेयदत पदिाम Post applied for: पद कोड (पयद कोई हो) Post Code (if any) Affix recent signed passport size photograph डी डी/आइ पी ओ का नववरण Particulars of D.D./I.P.O. सं/No. ....................... यदिांक .................. Date रुपपे के नलए For .......................................... पर आहटरत Drawn on ................................. कापाथलप प्रपोि के नलए (For official use) डी डी/आइ पी ओ रुपपे के नलए D.D./IPO for ................. यदिांक/Date .............................. बैंक/डाकघर Bank/PO हिा यदपा िपा Removed हसताक्षरिर/Signature 1. पूरा िाम (सपष्ि अक्षरिर म ): ________________________________________________________________________________ Name in full (In BLOCK LETTERS) : ____________________________________________________ 2. (क) क्पा आप पुरुि पा मनहला हैं :_____________ (ख) क्पा आप नववानहत पा अनववानहत हैं :________________ (a) Whether Male or Female: ___________ (b) Whether Married or Unmarried : ______________ 3. नपता/पनत का िाम: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Father’s/Husband’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ 4. (क) जन्म नतनर् __________________________ (ख) जन्म सर्ाि ___________________________________________ (a) Date of Birth: _________________ (b) Place of Birth : ______________________________ -2- 5. 6. आवेदि प्राप्त करिे की अिंतम नतनर् को आपु विथ महीिे यदि Age as on the last date of the application. Years Months Days पता : (क) प्र ाचार हेतु : Address: (a) Correspondence: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ दूरभाि संखपा/ ई - मेल Tel/Mobile/E-Mail: : ___________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ (ख) सर्ापी (b) Permanent: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 7. क्पा आप जन्म अर्वा अनिवास से भारत के िािटरक ह ?_______________________________ Are you a citizen of India by birth or by domicile?:_________________________________ 8. सस राज्प का िाम नजसके आप निवासी हैं: ________________________________________________ Name of State to which you belong: ____________________________________________ 9. िमथ/ Religion: _________________________________ 10. क्पा आप यकसी एक अपप संखपक समुदाप के हैं पर्ा मुनसपम, इसाई, नसख, बुद्ध पा पारसी Whether you belong to one of the Minority communities: namely: Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists or Zoroastrians (Parsi) NOTE: Any change of address given above should at once be communicated to the Administrative Officer, CSIR-Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar-751013 (Odisha). Candidate must arrange for redirection of communications to their addresses, if necessary. The Institute will make every effort to take account of changes in candidate’s address but cannot accept any responsibility in this matter. -3- 11. क्पा आप अिुसूनचत जानत/ अिुसूनचत जि जानत/ नवकलांि व्पनि/ अन्प नपड़िे विथ के हैं ? पयद हाुँ , तो अपिे दावे के समर्थि म प्रमाण-प्र की अिुप्रमानणत प्रनत संलग् ि कर । (सनचत विथ म सही का निशािा लिाएं) . यदि आप विकल ांग व्यक्ति ैं ि तय आप अ.वि / SC ST OBC दृ. वि/ श्र. वि ैं ै और विकल ांगि की प्रति शि ि : ___________ State whether you are a member of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class/Persons with Disability. If so, attach an attested copy of the certificate in support of claim. (Tick mark in appropriate box). In case PWD, indicate whether OH, VH, HH: _______, ______ % 12. GEN PWD of Disability. क्पा आप आइएमएमिी-भुव/सीएसआइआर/ सीएसआइआर प्रपोशालाएं/संसर्ाि के यकसी कमथचारी के संबंिी हैं ? पयद हाुँ, तो कपपा ब्पोरा द : Are you related to any employees of the IMMT-Bhu/CSIR/CSIR Lab./Instts.? If so, please give details: िाम Name 13. पदिाम Designation प्रपोिशाला/संसर्ाि का िाम जहक कापथ कर रहे हैं Name of the Lab./Insttt. where working संबंि Relationship शनक्षरिक/ व्पावसानपक अहथताएं (मटिक परीक्षरिा के बाद से , प्रमाण-प्र की प्रनत संलग्ि कर) Educational qualifications (matriculation onwards, attach copy of proof): सत्तीणथ परीक्षरिा बोडथ/नवश्वनवद्यालप Examination Board/Unipassed versity कु ल अंक प्राप्त अंक अंक की श्रेणी प्रनतशतता Total Marks % of Class/ Marks secured marks Division विथ नजसम अवनि सत्तीणथ हए हैं Year of Duration passing नविप Subject(s) 14. Proficiency Speed in Computer typing: For Post Code -01, 02, 03 English…………………… /Hindi………………… 15. (a) Short-hand Speed: For Post Code - 04 - English ……………………./Hindi………..………… (b) Typewriting Speed: For Post Code - 04 – English……………………/ Hindi……………..…… 16. Indicate medium of Typing /Written test opted: Either English or Hindi: [Kindly note that medium of type test will be the medium of written examination for the post code-01, 02 & 03.] -417. अनतटरक्त अहथ ताएं, पयद कोई । Additional qualifications, if any. 18. पद के नलए न्पूितम अहथता क की प्रानक के बाद व्पावसानपक अिुभव का नववरण (प्रमाण-प्र की प्रनत संलग्ि कर): Details of professional experience (attach copy of proof) after acquiring the minimum qualification for the post: निपोक्ताका िाम िाटरत पद Name of the Post held employer वेतिमाि एवं अंनतम आहटरत वेति Scale of pay & last pay drawn अवनि से तक Duration From अिुभव विथ- माह-यदि Experience To कापथ की प्रकनत Nature of job YY-MM-DD Total: Y__M__D__ 19. (i) क्पा आप पूवथ सनिक हैं? पयद हाुँ, तो कपपा से वा का िाम सूनचत कर सेिा / िौ से िा / वापु से िा /अिथ सनिक बल: _______________________________________ Are you an ex-servicemen? If, yes, please indicate whether Army/Navy/Air-force/Para Military- force: ________________________________ (ii) िाटरत पद सूनचत कर / Indicate the rank held: ____________________________________ (अभ्यर्थ द्वारा ध ररि अांति म पि के समर्थन में अपने पि ू थ तनय ति से प्रम तपर की कक प्रति प्ष ा ां कित कि की क) (A copy of certificate may be endorsed from his previous employer in support of his last rank held by the applicant) 20. क्पा आप भारत से बाहर िए हैं ? पयद हाुँ, तो कपपा नववरण द : Whether visited outside India? If so, particulars thereof: भ्रमण यकए िए दे श का नववरण Address visited of Country भ्रमण की अवनि से तक Duration of visit From To भ्रमण का सद्देश्प पासपोिथ सं एवं यदिांक Purpose of visit Passport No. & Date -5घोिणा DECLARATION मैं __________________________________ एतद् द्वारा घोिणा करता हुँ यक आवेदि प्र म यदपा िपा नववरण मेरी जािकारी तर्ा नवश् वास के अिुसार सही, पूणथ एवं सनचत हैं । पयद मेरे द्वारा दी िई कोई सूचिा िलत अर्वा अिुनचत पाई जाती ह अर्वा चपि से पू वथ अर्वा बादम यकसी अपा्र ता का पता चलता ह तो मेरी अभ्पर्थिर्ता रद्द की जा सकती ह रर मेरे नवरूद्ध कारथ वाई की जा सकती ह । I _________________________________________hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any of the information being found false or incorrect or any ineligibility being detected before or after the selection, my candidature is liable to be cancelled and action initiated against me. यदिांक/ Date: _____________________ अभ्पर्ी के हसताक्षरिर CANDIDATE’S SIGNATURE सर्ाि/ Place: _______________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- सेवारत अभ्पर्ी अपिे वतथमाि निपोक्ता से निन िांयकत पष् ांकि पर हसताक्षरिर करवाप । Candidate already employed should get the following endorsement signed by his/her present employer. नवभाि/ कापाथलप प्रिाि द्वारा पष् ांकि Endorsement by the Head of the Department or Office सं/ No. यदिांक/Date: पूणथ हसताक्षरिर Full Signature पदिाम Designation मोहर/ Stamp Advt. No. 02/2014 Synopsis Sheet Post Code Posts applied for Name Category Date of Birth Age as on 22.12.2014 ___________Years___________Months_____________days Name & Year of exam. Name & year of the Examination passed Total Marks Marks Passed, Total Marks & of the exam. Obtained Name Year Marks obtained, % of Marks. % of marks % % % % % Experience Desirable Qualification Computer typing Speed for post code 01,02 & 03. Hindi_______ w. p. m /English ______w. p. m Typewriting Speed for post code 04 Short-hand speed for post code 04 Correspondence Address Hindi________w.p.m./ English________w.p.m. Mobile /Land Ph.No. E-mail Id. D.D. No. Date of application Enclosures 1. Hindi________w.p.m./ English________w.p.m. 2. Date: Check-List a. Demand Draft of 100/- as application fee, where applicable. b. Three coloured photographs out of which one pasted on the form and signed across in full. c. Self Attested photocopies of Date of Birth, educational qualifications certificates & mark sheets, etc. d. Self Attested photocopy of caste certificate, if applicable. e. Duly filled Application Form & Synopsis Sheet. Date of receipt of application Filled by Office: 2014 Last date of application: 22.12.2014 Date: Signature of the applicant
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