3rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 24th / 25th JANUARY 2015 Synod of the Family: From Bishop Brian Finnigan: Parish Priest and Dean of Brisbane West Deanery Very Reverend Fr Gerry Kalinowski pp.corindagraceville@bne.catholic.net.au Parish Office Manager Michael Doherty Sacramental Co-ordinator Vanessa Sullivan sc.corindagraceville@bne.catholic.net.au Parish Visitor Malia Mar pv.corindagraceville@bne.catholic.net.au Youth Programme Facilitator Nadine McDonald youth.corindagraceville@bne.catholic.net.au Parish Finance Officer David England Finance Assistant Alana McDonald Volunteer Office Assistant Sr Evelyn Page Parish Office 18 Clewley St, Corinda, Qld 4075 Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm (Mon-Fri) Ph: (07) 3379 1534 Fax: (07) 3379 7931 E: corindagraceville@bne.catholic.net.au W: www.corindagracevilleparish.org.au St Joseph’s Church Oxley Rd & Martindale St, Corinda Christ the King Church Churchill St, Graceville St Joseph’s School 28 Clewley St, Corinda Ph: (07) 3379 6937 Christ the King School 7 Randolph St, Graceville Ph: (07) 3379 7872 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd 19 Randolph St, Graceville Ph: (07) 3379 8635 - Anne Delsorte Outside School Hours Care Clewley St, Corinda Ph:(07) 3278 5606 Julia Cumming Community Child Care Centre 12 Addison Rd, Graceville Ph : (07) 3379 3069 Brisbane West Deanery bwdeanery@bne.catholic.net.au www.brisbanewestdeanery.com.au Dear Bishop, Monsignor, Father and Deacon I encourage you to participate in the preparation for the next Synod on the Family, to be held in October this year. The questionnaire has now been uploaded onto our Archdiocesan website, and can be accessed as follows: http://brisbanecatholic.org.au/articles/Vatican-invitation-synod-input-open/ Please contribute your feedback by responding to the survey yourself, and also encourage your community to do the same. The survey is available on the Archdiocesan website, and includes a link to the full document. The survey can be completed as an individual or as a group. Archbishop Mark Coleridge, along with the Diocese of Darwin's Bishop Eugene Hurley, will be the Australian Bishops Conference representatives at the event. Unfortunately the time frame for response is once again brief. Responses must be received by Tuesday 10th February to be included in the collation of responses. As Archbishop Coleridge noted in his most recent Advent Pastoral letter, within the Body of Christ there are many different ways of taking part. "One of them was by responding to the questionnaire at the start of the Synod process. Another is serious engagement with the questions and tasks that will emerge from the Synod's first session," he said. "All who are part of the Body of Christ should pray for the work of the Synod this year and next - that reasonable hopes will be fulfilled and that the Synod will look at marriage through the lens of the Incarnation, balancing fidelity to the teaching of Christ and his Church with a compassionate and realistic response to men and women in need." Yours sincerely in Christ, Bishop Brian V Finnigan Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of Brisbane “Follow me”: This Saturday morning 24th January, Sr Cyprian celebrated her Diamond Jubilee as a Presentation Sister. We thank God, and Sr Cyp, for her faith-filled, and faithful witness as the Presentation face of God’s mission. The celebration of the Presentation Sisters included the Platinum Jubilee of Sisters De Lourdes Wynne, Perpetua Gaffney, Loreto Gregory, and the Diamond Jubilee of Sister Marguerite Bartholomew along with Sr Cyprian. A great witness to following Christ’s footsteps in serving the poor and promoting education across Queensland. May they all be abundantly blest by their loving God. Corinda Graceville particularly rejoices in the treasure that Sr Cyprian is within our parish. Thank you Sr Cyp for being the hospitable face of our compassionate God. Happy Diamond Jubilee. “Follow me” some more: others whom you may know who have celebrated significant Jubilees this year in the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart are Sister Lucy Bang who celebrated her Diamond Jubilee, and Sr Rita Clancy who celebrated her Golden Jubilee. Both Sisters celebrated with their congregation in Sydney earlier in January. God’s blessing on them as well for their ministry. Australia Day Mass ~ 9.00am Monday 26th January St Joseph’s Church, Corinda Welcome: Sr Rita Clancy has taken up residence at Corinda Convent. Sr Rita has a long association with the parish and many of you will remember her as both a past pupil and a past teacher at the former OLSH College Corinda. We welcome Sr Rita as she settles in and commences looking at ministering within the Archdiocese once again. Rejoice! The parish calendars have arrived. Now you can get stuck into your planning for the year by adding your family notes to the parish calendar. This is the parish’s new year gift to you. Put it on the fridge, home notice board – wherever you do your family planning of events and meetings. As well as having all the regular important things like school holidays and State of Origin dates, there are the feasts of the saints and liturgical seasons to follow. Grab your copy at Mass. In the footsteps: The parish welcomes the Regional Superior of the Missionaries of Charity from PNG who is visited the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd on Saturday, 24th January. We wish you a hearty Australian welcome, and trust you will be inspired by what you see at the atrium. Australia Day Mass: Yes the bottom of the front page and the Weekday liturgy list on the back page are correct. Mass is being celebrated in the parish on Monday morning 26th January, 9am at St Joseph’s Corinda. Come along and celebrate Eucharist for our nation. Possibly there might also be a cuppa tea, and Aussie biscuits or even damper on the go!! Welcome back: the school staff returned last week. It is the students’ turn to return this week. Wednesday sees all the happy youngsters return refreshed and eager to begin another school year. Parents won’t have to be as rousing as God to Jonah in today’s first reading (“UP! God said, ‘Go to Nineveh, the great city, and preach to them as I told you to.”) I am sure our students will be up, ready and champing at the bit to be at school to take in what the teachers have to elucidate. Welcome back too: Julia Cummings Community Child Care Centre has completed a major refurbishment of its building and playground. The workers have toiled assiduously through December and January. As could be expected, there are always complications. AND the news is very good. The Office of Early Childhood Education and Care must revisit the service to issue the service approval when the building works are finalised and all equipment and furniture is set up. This is scheduled for Tuesday, 27th January. That means that the re-opening of the service cannot happen until Wednesday, 28th January. One day over is pretty good. Still, this is inconvenient and a challenge for families. Centacare (who manage the facility) apologises for the delay. On Wednesday, welcome back to the little ones who will be very excited with the renewed service being provided. Beth Eden: please do remember these our parishioners as they celebrate the Sacraments of Anointing of the Sick and reception of Communion this Wednesday. Prayers continue: do also keep in your prayers Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan and all others on death row as they plea for clemency, and for lawmakers across the globe as they enact laws of justice. Ash Wednesday: so you realise your need of a parish calendar; Ash Wednesday is engraved on the parish calendar on 18th February. See how much assistance the parish calendar is?? Preparation and Planning: Lent will soon be here. For those who are planning Lenten discussion groups can you please be in contact with Michael at the parish office to assist us in our organisation of resources. Nothing like an invitation by Jesus to, “Follow me,” … doesn’t mean you have to leave behind all on the shores of Galilee. Simply put aside some time to give to nurturing your spirit as you become involved in the Lenten program for this year. Any others wishing to ‘cast a net’ please contact the parish office. NEWS FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE...... 40 Days for Life Campaign From February 18 to March 29, Brisbane will join with hundreds of other cities for our seventh 40 Days for Life Campaign. We encourage you to join us in prayer, especially at our peaceful vigil at Bowen Hills. In preparation for our campaign you are invited to a Wine and Cheese Evening on the lawns of the heritage listed St Columba’s Church. Enjoy spectacular city views, music (provided by Warwick Adeney) and of course a lovely selection of wine and cheese to support our 2015 campaign. Our guest speaker for the evening is Catherine Toomey: a pro-life advocate who knows what it is like to be on the front-line. This will be a casual social night for all; an opportunity to get to know one another and to bring someone along who hasn't participated in 40 Days for Life before and would like to learn more. Details for the evening are: Thursday 29th January, 6:30pm for a 7pm start at St Columba’s Church, 170 Kedron Brook Road, Wilston. Merchandise (shirts, umbrellas, hats, books, pens, etc) will be available for sale on the night - cash only. Please RSVP by the 20th of January either on facebook or via 40daysbrisbane@gmail.com The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People has announced that the first International Day of Prayer against Human Trafficking will take place on 8 February which is the feast of St Josephine Bakhita. Pope Francis joined other faith Leaders at the end of 2014 to sign a Joint Declaration on Modern Slavery. You can find out more about the Declaration and sign it too by going to: www.globalfreedomnetwork.org/ Information about St Josephine Bakhita (a Canossian Sister from Sudan), resources for the International Day of Prayer, a link to Pope Francis' World Day of Peace Message which deals with slavery and human trafficking, as well as more information and suggestions for action on human trafficking can be found on the site of Australian Catholic Religious against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) at www.acrath.org.au You can also obtain more information about support for trafficked women in South-East Asia by contacting the Queensland Coordinator of ACRATH, Sr Janine Bliss fmm on 0412 185 026 or jbliss@fmm.org.au PARISH NEWS ....... Australia Day Mass 9.00am Monday 26th January St Joseph’s Church, Corinda First Day of School: Wednesday 28th January Solo Seniors: Friday 30 January 10.30am Morning tea at Helen’s. Please bring a plate. Phone 3879 8577 or 3392 8159 for more info. CWL Meeting 9.30am Tuesday 3rd February - Parish Centre Graceville Care & Concern Meeting 1.30pm Wednesday 4th February. Contact Patra: 3379 8653 Parish Youth Team Meeting 7.30pm Thursday 5th February - Parish Office Corinda Liturgy Team Meeting 10.00am Saturday 7th February - Parish Office Corinda Parish Bus Trip to Binna Burra, Lamington Plateau, Canungra, Beechmont, Numinbah Valley, Mt Warning. Wednesday 11th February 2015 Departs Corinda 8.15am ~ Departs Canossa 8.30am Fare: $40 includes morning tea. Bring or buy your own lunch. BOOK NOW! Bookings: George Cole 3379 7570 or Herman’s Tours 3379 6255 ASH WEDNESDAY ~ 18th FEBRUARY 2015 Mass - 8.30am - Christ the King Church Mass - 7.30pm - St Joseph’s Church Book Club 3.00pm Friday 13th February - Parish Office Corinda NOTE FROM CATHOLIC WOMENS LEAGE CORINDA GRACEILLE PARISH BRANCH Our Branch of the CWLA is looking for new members. We are an autonomous group of women who work locally, nationally and internationally for the cause of women and families and for peace and justice for all. It is a group where women meet together to serve others and support each other in a spirit of faith, fun and friendship. If you would like to find out more about us or attend a meeting you would be most welcome. New members are always welcome Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 9.30am in the Parish Centre, 19 Randolph Street, Graceville For more information please contact President Clare Winter on 3379 2805 PARISH YOUTH NEWS ....... Pizza Night: Many of you will have attended the youth Pizza Nights held during Advent. These were a great success and we received much positive feedback and so have decided to make this a regular youth event in the Parish Calendar each month. The first youth Pizza Night for the year will be on Sunday 15 February in the Parish Centre, after 6pm Mass at Christ the King. All young adults 18-35yrs as well as high school aged youth are encouraged to attend a get to know other young parishioners. For more information, contact Nadine at youth.corindagraceville@bne.catholic.net.au Movie Nights: During January we held two movie nights for youth & young adults. We saw Exodus: Gods and Kings, and then The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. On each occasion, the movie was followed by dinner and good conversation. We are delighted to report that those who attended had a wonderful time and are keen to keep this going as a sporadic youth event. Watch the Facebook page for our next instalment sometime in February or March, and if you have ideas for the next movie, or would like any more information, let me know at youth.corindagraceville@bne.catholic.edu.au CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD is a faith formation process for children aged 3-12, where the child has the opportunity to encounter God and build his/her own personal relationship with God, through the use of many beautiful hands on materials based on the Scriptures and the Liturgy. Groups are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays both during the day and after school. To book your children into any of the groups please call 3379 8635. World Day of Prayer 2015 We of Sherwood Uniting Church are looking forward to welcoming you and your fellow parishioners to the 2015 World Day of Prayer Service on Friday, 6th March and to refreshments afterwards. We have chosen to commence the service at 10.30am as that seemed to work well last year. The Bahamas are the theme country of focus this year and we invite representatives of your parish to join us on Friday, 6th February at 10.30am in our Fellowship Room to plan the service and to consider how we can best promote the theme of the Bahamas. We can forward booklets & details of apportioned readings to those who cannot attend the planning meeting, as necessary. Please RSVP by 5/2/15 to Judy Thornton at jimethornton@optusnet.com.au We pray for the good health, strength and healing of Tony Angwin, Bishop Ray Benjamin, Fleur Bennell, Trevor Butler, Judith Cremin, Bernie Denham, Antony Doran, June Duncan, Grace Fanton, Betty Ferguson, Chris Ferguson, Joy Follent, Clare Foster, John Gagen, Joyce Gray, Irene Hannon, Rose Hodgman, Lisa Hopgood, Veronica Howard, Juliette Jamieson, Zelda Joseph, Marge Kent, Monica Lampe, Cheryl Matheson, John Maxwell, Gordon McCormack, Annie McMullen, Brian Mealey, Monica Morrison, Mario Nacole, Jonathan O’Brien, Patricia O’Brien, Terry O’Donohoe, Paul Ogden, Paul O’Sullivan, Emma Parer, Mary-Pat Parer, Naomi Parer, Roland Peterson, Daphne Quinn, John Quinn, Carmel Radford, Les Raymer, Theresa Raymer, Ron Riley, Olive Schmidt, Bill Seymour, Fr Brian Taylor, Annette Thrum, Fiaz Uddin, Margaret White, Bill Willliams, Colleen Williams-Kee, OLSH Sisters Lucy, Valerian, Bernadetta, St Bernard & Damian. May those who have died recently rest in peace, especially Barry McMahon, Joan Geeling, Valerie Partridge, Enid Esdale, Noni Darch, Bryan Simon, Frank Bowling, Victor Bolton, Linda Hall We pray for those whose anniversaries occur about this time, especially Stephen Kimmins, James Mahon, Raymond Neilsen, Bill Boucher, Bradley Warbrooke, Giuseppe Danieli, Luigi Turco, Jesus & Noel Largoza, Cyril & Flora Bennett, Fabio Solmayor, Elizabeth Jenkins, Bridget Carmody, John Peter Byrne, Elizabeth & Michael Callender Children’s Liturgy of the Word WEEKDAY LITURGIES Monday 9.00 am St Joseph’s – Mass (Australia Day) Wednesday 8.30 am St Joseph’s – Mass Sunday 9.30 am Christ the King 1st & 15th February HYMNS AND RESPONSES FOR SUNDAY MASSES RESPONSORIAL PSALM: "PSALM 25: TEACH ME YOUR WAYS, O LORD" Thursday 9.00 am St Joseph’s – Mass Friday 9.30 am Christ the King – Mass Saturday 7.00 am St Joseph’s – Prayer of the Church with Communion Saturday 6.00 pm St Joseph’s Sunday 8.00 am 9.30 am 6.00 pm St Joseph’s Christ the King Christ the King Saturday 5.00 pm – 5.30 pm St Joseph’s SUNDAY MASSES PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS: "I WANT TO WALK AS A CHILD OF THE LIGHT" SACRAMENT OF PENANCE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism for Children is celebrated by appointment on the following Sunday’s of the month 2nd Sunday 11.00 am St Joseph’s 4th Sunday 11.00 am Christ the King All enquiries to the Parish Office PRAYER GROUPS Tuesday 7.45 pm 4 Merring St, Oxley (ph. 3379 6780 / 3379 7402) Wednesday 9.00 am Parish Centre - 19 Randolph St, Graceville Friday Community of the Risen Lord Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group Christ the King Church, Graceville 7.30 pm Praise, Worship & Message - every Friday Adoration - 2nd Friday of the month “The Flock” Young Adults (aged 18-35) - 0428 811 751 or visit Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/CorindaGracevilleCatholicYouth CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUPS Tuesday 5.30 pm 34 Mortlake Rd, Graceville (ph. 3379 2581) Thursday 9.00 am 34 Mortlake Rd, Graceville (ph. 3379 2581) LITURGICAL CALENDAR (Printed so that users may live daily in the spirit of the Prayer of the Church) SUN, 25 JAN MON, 26 JAN TUE, 27 JAN WED, 28 JAN THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 3rd SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 Australia Day Is 32:15-18; 1 Cor 12:4-11 or Rom 12:9-13 Mt 5:2-12 or Lk 12:22-32 St Angela Merici, virgin - Optional Memorial Sts Timothy and Titus - Optional Memorial Heb 10:1-10; Mk 3:31-35 St Thomas Aquinas, priest, doctor of the church - Memorial Heb 10:11-18; Mk 4:1-20 (Alt. Wis 7:7-10, 15-16; Mt 23:8-12) THU, 29 JAN Heb 10:19-25; Mk 4:21-25 FRI, 30 JAN Heb 10:32-39; Mk 4:26-34 SAT, 31 JAN St John Bosco, priest - Memorial Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Mk 4:35-41 (Alt. Phil 4:4-9; Mt 18:1-5) FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME SUN, 1 FEB 4th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Deut 18:15-20; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28 18 Clewley St, Corinda Qld 4075 P (07) 3379 1534 COMMUNION: "TAKE AND EAT" Refrain: Take and eat; take and eat: This is my body given up for you. Take and drink; take and drink: This is my blood given up for you. COPYRIGHT ACKNOWLEGMENTS "Psalm 25: Teach Me Your Ways, O Lord" by C. Smith, © Willow Publications; "I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light" by K. Thomerson, © Celebration; "Take and Eat" by J. Quinn & M. Joncas, © Selah Publishing; Australian Agent Word of Life. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Licence No. 186E. Clip Art, © LiturgyHelp. ARE YOU NEW TO THE PARISH? If you have recently joined the parish, WELCOME!! Please make yourself known to us. We’d like to formally greet you, so please complete a “NEW PARISHIONERS’ SHEET” at the front of the church and some one from the parish staff will get in touch with you soon. CARE AND CONCERN CO-ORDINATOR PATRA KALINOWSKI 3379 8653 F (07) 3379 7931 E corindagraceville@bne.catholic.net.au
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