Holy Family Catholic Community January 25, 2015 • Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Un poco más adelante, vio a Santiago y a Juan, hijos de Zebedeo, que estaban en una barca, remendando sus redes. Los llamó, y ellos, dejando en la barca a su padre con los trabajadores, se fueron con Jesús. - Mc 1, 19-20 HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Visión de Holy Family Holy Family Vision Ser discípulos en Cristo – testigos vivos de la Buena Nueva. Disciples in Christ living witness to the good news. Cov thwj tim hauv leej Pleev ua tim khawv txog lub Moo Zoo. Misión de Holy Family "Holy Family" lub laug hauj lwm Somos una Comunidad Católica fortalecidos por el Espíritu Santo para amar a Dios y seguir a Jesucristo mediante la fe, la vida de oración y el testimonio. Peb yog ib pab ntseeg kav tos liv tau Leej ntuj Plig Ntshiab lub hwj huam, kom peb nyiam Tswv Ntuj thiab raws Yes Xus Pleev nyob hauv txoj kev ntseeg, kev teev hawm thiab kev ua tim khawv. Holy Family Mission We are a Catholic community empowered through the Holy Spirit to love God and to follow Jesus Christ through faith, worship and witness. "Holy Family" lub aeem maug HOLY FAMILY CONTACT INFORMATION Parish offices and mailing address: 271 Fourth Street Way Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508 Holy Family Church / Corner of Co Rd. K and Co. Rd. T 271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 7:30 am-4:15 pm Friday, 7:30 am-noon www.hffdl.org Phone: (920) 921-0580 Fax: (920) 922-4866 holyfam@hffdl.org Facebook and Twitter: HolyFamilyFdL PASTORS Ext. Rev. Ryan Pruess rpruess@hffdl.org Very Rev. Robert Stiefvater frbob@hffdl.org Rev. Max Tzul, FMM mtzul@hffdl.org Rev. Alan Veik aveik@hffdl.org 148 147 144 145 Sacred Heart Church / Corner of S. Peters and Western Aves. 200 S. Peters Ave., Fond du Lac, WI 54935 St. Mary Church / Corner of Merrill and Marquette Sts. 59 E. Merrill Ave., Fond du Lac, WI 54935 St. Peter Church / Corner of Hwy. WH and Church Road N8079 Church Rd., Malone, WI 53049 Trisha Flasch, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Veronica Ford, Assoc. Dir. Katie Kannall, Assoc. Dir. Mary Schroeder, Support Staff Deacon Ricardo Muñoz rmunoz@hffdl.org Deacon Dale Paczkowski dalep@hffdl.org 229 ADMINISTRATION Joseph Bird, Parish Manager jbird@hffdl.org Karen Boede, Clergy Secretary Kathleen Bunge, Bookkeeper Janice Elsinger, Support Staff Elise Winkel, Receptionist 117 125 123 124 101 BUILDING AND GROUNDS FACILITIES Al Nicolai, Supervisor anicolai@hffdl.org 126 CHRISTIAN FORMATION Dave Braun, Director dbraun@hffdl.org Erin Cobb, Marriage and Family Life Coordinator 133 134 Holy Family Catholic Community Pastoral Council 135 131 136 121 HISPANIC MINISTRY Deacon Ricardo Muñoz rmunoz@hffdl.org LITURGY AND MUSIC DEACONS 2 Location of each of our worship sites: Paul Thelen, Director pthelen@hffdl.org Ron Jacobson, Fire Choir Director Tom Klamrowski, Choir Director Eva Thelen, Choir Director 229 122 PASTORAL CARE Ruthann Ross, Director rross@hffdl.org Deacon Dale Paczkowski dalep@hffdl.org 139 SOCIAL MINISTRY Jack Braun, Director jbraun@hffdl.org 119 ADVANCEMENT & COMMUNICATIONS Gail Kraig, Director of Advancement 140 gkraig@hffdl.org Matthew Rodenkirch, Communications Coordinator 143 mrodenkirch@hffdl.org Mike Frydryk, Chairperson / Stewardship Commission Doris Grajkowski, Human Concerns Commission Larry Heller, Worship Commission Ester Martinez, Human Concerns Commission Barb Piechowski, Formation Com. Larry Richardson, Stewardship Com. Harry Schneider, Trustee Kevin Shaw, St. Mary’s Springs Academy Joe Stephany, Finance Council Dixie Sullivan, Human Concerns Commission Sean Twohig, Formation Commission Finance Council Steve Hess, Chairperson Mike McNamara Louie Paynter Harry Schneider, Treasurer Joe Stephany, Secretary St. Mary’s Springs Academy Kevin Shaw, President Doug Olig, Lead Principal | Erin Flood, Principal ADMINISTRATION OFFICES 114 Amory Street CAMPUS LOCATIONS Elementary Campus 95 E. 2nd Street Middle School Campus 63 E. Merrill Avenue High School 255 County Road K 924-0993 921-5300 921-9610 921-4870 SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS Time Church Celebrant Mass Intention (Low Gluten Hosts available; ask usher for assistance) MONDAY, January 26, 2015—St. Timothy and St. Titus Readings/Lecturas: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Mk 3:22-30 7:00 am Sacred Heart Fr. Bob James Waldschmidt 2:00 pm Lutheran Home Fr. Bob Open Intention TUESDAY, January 27, 2015—St. Angela Merici 7:00 am Sacred Heart Fr. Ryan Readings/Lecturas: Heb 10:1-10/Mk 3:31-35 Edgar Waldschmidt WEDNESDAY, January 28, 2015—St. Thomas Aquinas Readings/Lecturas: Heb 10:11-18/Mk 4:1-20 7:00 am Sacred Heart Fr. Bob Marge Flitcroft (Anniversary) 8:00 am St. Peter Fr. Ryan William Lauby (Anniversary) 2:10 pm Taycheedah Fr. Al Open Intention THURSDAY, January 29, 2015 Readings/Lecturas: Heb 10:19-25/Mk 4:21-25 7:00 am Sacred Heart Reconciliation 7:30 am Sacred Heart (after 7:00 am Mass) Reconciliation 7:15 am Holy Family (prior to 8:00 am Mass) 8:00 am Holy Family Fr. Al Yvonne LaSalle and Family 10:00 am Holy Family A. Listecki Catholic Schools Week SMSA Fr. Bob Living and deceased of the Alfred Cadena Family FRIDAY, January 30, 2015 Readings/Lecturas: Heb 10:32-39/Mk 4:26-34 7:00 am Sacred Heart Fr. Ryan Jean Tautges (Anniversary) 8:00 am St. Peter Fr. Bob Open Intention SATURDAY, January 31, 2015 Readings/Lecturas: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/Mk 4:35-41 8:00 am St. Mary Fr. Al Carol Wirkus Kramer; H. James Bennett (Anniversary) Reconciliation 8:30 am St. Mary (after 8:00 am Mass) Reconciliation 3:15 pm Sacred Heart (prior to 4:00 pm Mass) Sunday Vigil 4:00 pm Sacred Heart * ∆ Fr. Max Living and deceased of the McGalloway Family; Clarice Theisen (Anniversary); Deacon Larry Hughes Reconciliation 3:15 pm St. Peter (prior to 4:00 pm Mass) Sunday Vigil 4:00 pm St. Peter Fr. Ryan Dennis Boehrig (Anniversary) and Jeff Boehrig (Anniversary) Sunday Vigil 4:15 pm Holy Family Fr. Bob Living and deceased of the Harold and Catherine Schneider Family; Bob Forester (Anniversary); William Preston SUNDAY, February 1, 2015—Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings/Lecturas: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 7:15 am St. Mary Fr. Al Open Intention 8:00 am Holy Family Fr. Ryan William and Christine Waldschmidt 8:30 am St. Peter † Fr. Max Rita Ciske (Anniversary) 9:00 am Sacred Heart † Fr. Bob Bea Pickart 9:30 am St. Mary † Fr. Al Living and deceased of the Osborn and Herr Families; Elmer Deitte 10:15 am Holy Family † Fr. Ryan Raymond and Joan Bares 11:00 am Sacred Heart * Fr. Bob Jerome H. Freund and Living and deceased members of the Hugo and Ann Koenigs Family Reconciliation 11:15 am St. Mary (prior to 12:00 pm Mass) Spanish 12:00 pm St. Mary * Fr. Max Open Intention Hmong 12:30 pm Sacred Heart Fr. Paul Open Intention 7:00 pm Sacred Heart Fr. Al For the Parishioners Presiders’ schedule subject to change without notice. † Children’s Liturgy of the Word * Baptism during Mass ∆ Adoration after Mass Holy Family Catholic Community 3 PARISH LIFE Parish Membership Please call Gail Kraig, Director of Advancement, at the parish office, 921-0580, ext 140 or email gkraig@hffdl.org to set up an appointment to register. Available hours are Monday 11:00 am—7:30 pm; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:00 am—4:00 pm; Friday 8:00 am—11:30 am. Marriage Preparation Contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to the wedding date. Baptism Preparation Call the parish office to schedule baptism. New and expectant parents are required to attend a baptism preparation class; godparents are also invited to attend. The next class will be held on Monday, February 2 at 6:30 pm in Holy Family Hall. ¿Cómo Ser Miembros De Nuestra Parroquia? Para inscribirse como miembro activo de la Parroquia, solo llame a las oficinas de Lunes a Jueves de 7:30 a 4:15 y Viernes de 7:30 a 12:00 del medio día. Pregunte por Diacono Ricardo Muñoz. 920-921-0580 ext. 229. Bautismos/Presentaciones Se comienza la preparación con un mínimo de 2 meses de anticipación. Las platicas para la preparación de Bautismos son el segundo Jueves y Sábado de cada mes. Jueves a las 6:00 pm o Sábado a las 10:00 am. Primera Comunión y confesiones (Reconciliación) Este Sacramento se recibe durante el segundo grado de la escuela. Las clases se comienzan cada año escolar, Septiembre-Mayo. La celebración es aproximadamente la primera semana de Mayo. Matrimonios/Quinceañera Deben estar inscritos como miembros de la parroquia. Se requieren 6 meses de anticipación. Ritos de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) Esto es para los mayores de 18 años que no han recibido Bautismo, Primera Comunión o Confirmación. Inscribirse en Noviembre o Diciembre. Las clases comienzan en Enero y finaliza en Abril. Por cualquier duda o más información, llamar a Diacono Ricardo Muñoz. Bulletin Announcements The regular deadline for bulletin announcements is Thursday by 9:00 am, 11 days prior to the publication date. Contact Matthew via email at mrodenkirch@hffdl.org or send your information to the attention of Matthew at 271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508. All items are subject to approval and editing. When emailing, please include the name of your event in the subject line. 4 Holy Family Catholic Community Please remember in your prayers the following from our Holy Family community who have died. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Pilar De La Rosa Rose Mary Kaprelian Sharon Lee Minnick Rose Ross Leo Schneider Sunday Mass Online Thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, Holy Family Church is producing the Sunday Mass for viewing on our website and YouTube channel. Go to our website home page at www.hffdl.org, search YouTube for Holy Family Fond du Lac or go directly to: http://www.youtube.com/user/ HolyFamilyFdl. You can also use your smartphone and scan the QR code shown here to get to our YouTube channel. Reconciliation Holy Family: Thursday, 7:15 am (prior to 8:00 am Mass) Sacred Heart: Thursday, 7:30 am (after 7:00 am Mass) Saturday, 3:15 pm (prior to 4:00 pm Mass) St. Mary: Saturday, 8:30 am (after 8:00 am Mass) Sunday, 11:15 am (prior to noon Mass) St. Peter: Saturday, 3:15 pm (prior to 4:00 pm Mass) Parish Devotional Life Morning Prayer Sacred Heart Monday-Friday 6:40 am Rosary Sacred Heart St. Peter St. Mary Holy Family Holy Family Monday-Friday Wednesday and Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday 7:40 am 7:40 am 8:30 am 3:30 pm 7:25 am First Friday Novena Sacred Heart 1st Friday 7:30 am First Saturday Novena St. Mary 1st Saturday 8:30 am Eucharistic Adoration Sacred Heart Monday-Friday 6:00 am-10:00 pm Saturday 6:00 am to Sunday 10:00 pm A 30 minute Eucharistic Adoration will be held after selected Sunday Mass each week. See page 3 for dates. Adoration for Vocations St. Mary 1st Sunday following the 9:30 am Mass WEEK MON., Jan. 26 TUE., Jan. 27 WED., Jan. 28 THU., Jan. 29 AT A 6:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym Open Basketball 6:30 pm Sacred Heart Hall Hispanic Couples meeting 8:00 am St. Mary Maurer Hall Holy Family Mission Quilters 7:00 pm Sacred Heart Hospitality Room Bread of Life Prayer Group 5:30 am Holy Family Hall Men’s Group 9:30 am Sacred Heart Hospitality Room Exploring the Sunday Readings 6:45 pm Holy Family Fireside Room Men’s Bible Study Group 10:00 am Sacred Heart Hospitality Room FRI., Jan. 30 SAT., Jan. 31 Faith Builders 7:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym Open Volleyball 6:00 pm St. Joseph Gym Open Basketball 12:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym SUN., Feb. 1 GLANCE Open Basketball 8:30 am Holy Family St. Agnes Resource Room 12:00 pm Holy Family Hall Catholic Schools Week St. Mary's Springs Academy is celebrating the great gift of Catholic education throughout our Preschool-12th Grade system with themed days and special presentations throughout this week and an all school Mass at Holy Family Church with Archbishop Listecki as our presider. We are especially grateful this week for the consistent and significant contributions from Holy Family Catholic Community. Take some time to visit our Elementary and Middle School campus’ at a special open house on Saturday, February 28: St. Joseph Campus (Childcare and PreK - Grade 2) 95 East Second Street Session 1: 9:00—10:15 am Session 2: 10:30—11:45 am St. Mary Campus (Grades 3 - 8) 63 East Merrill Avenue Session 3: noon - 1:30 pm Thank you again for all your support and prayers. With God's Will we will continue to offer terrific Catholic Education in the Fond du Lac area for many years to come! RCIA Italy Trip Information meeting Spiritual Treasures of Southern Italy Join Fr. Pat Heppe for a once in a lifetime experience visiting Rome and exploring some of the spiritual and scenic treasures of southern Italy from October 19-29, 2015. Visit the Vatican and Rome’s coliseum; travel to Naples, Pompeii and the Amalfi coast and walk the gardens of the Isle of Capri. If you are interested, come to an informational meeting in Holy Family Hall on Sunday, February 1 at noon or contact Wendy at Burkhalter Travel, 1-800-556-9286, ext. 251. Parish Mission in Lent Save the Date! February 23-25 Holy Family is pleased to host Fr. James Kubicki for our Parish Mission: “Living a Eucharistic Life.” You don’t want to miss this international speaker and writer who will guide us through how to draw close to Christ and the Eucharist. He is the National Director for the Apostleship of Prayer, and a retreat and Parish mission master. Each day we will have a morning session after the 7:00 am Mass (7:45 am – 9:15 am) at Sacred Heart. We will also have an evening session at Holy Family church on from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Please join us! Calvary Cemetery CSA Open House A Memorial Mass is held at 9:00 am on the first Saturday of each month at the Calvary Cemetery Chapel of the Risen Christ Mausoleum, located on Fond du Lac Avenue. The Public is invited to enjoy refreshments, tours, meet the sisters and there will also be activities for the children. On Sunday, February 8 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes at 320 County Road K. Found Item An earing was found at St. Peter Church at Christmas. Please contact Bud at 904-1296 if this might belong to you. Holy Family Catholic Community 5 CHRISTIAN FORMATION Religious Education Classes Sunday, January 25—5:00-7:00 pm Grades 9-10 Sacred Heart Center and Annex Wednesday, January 28—6:15-7:30 pm Grades 1-5 Sacred Heart Center Grades 6-8 Sacred Heart Annex Bible Study with SPIRITUS February 3 is our next youth and young adult night with SPIRITUS at the Victory Center. Young Adults can join us from 5:45-7:15 pm for a dinner discussion about faith. High School Youth are invited from 7:30-9:00 pm for snack, socializing and learning about what it means to be a witness to our faith. SPIRITUS nights will be the 1st and 3rd Monday each month. We hope to see you there! We are still looking for SPIRITUS dinner sponsors for February 17 and March 17. We are looking for someone to make a simple dinner for about 10 people that can be delivered to Sacred Heart on the night of the event. If you are willing to respond to this ministry please call Trisha, 920-921-0580. “LIKE” our Facebook Pages! Holy Family Youth Ministry FdL Holy Family Young Adults FdL Youth service Opportunities Thursday, February 19, Bingo at Woodlands: 5:45 – 6:45 pm at 77 Wisconsin American Drive, building #2. To volunteer, call Joan at 922-4856. Thursday, February 19, Bingo at St. Francis Home: Youth volunteers are needed to play bingo with the residents at 33 Everett Street from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Youths not yet in middle school or high school can attend with a parent or guardian. Some of the residents don’t see or hear well and need assistance to play bingo. Others just enjoy having young people play bingo and visit with them. Please contact Evelyn McLean-Cowan at 929-9116. Women’s Ministry – Sharing Our Journey Sharing Our Journey small groups are beginning soon; before and during Lent. There will again be opportunities to sign up for women’s small groups on a variety of faith filled topics. This is a great way to deepen your relationship with God, other women of the parish and to grow in knowledge of our faith. Please contact Dave Braun in the Christian Formation office at dbraun@hffdl.org for the options, times and days. 6 Holy Family Catholic Community Dear Holy Family, The group that went on a pilgrimage to the March for Life would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you for all the prayers and support from you, our community. We all have been called by Christ to love, without judgment or conditions or limitations… we are called to love as Christ did. We love each person from conception to natural death, and it was this that our experience has strengthened within us. Thank you for making this possible for all the young people. Please continue to offer your support to this group both financially and through prayer. Love, Your Pilgrims Adult Participants for Youth Missions Needed Our Youth Mission Trips are looking for 3 more adults to travel and participate with the students. There is a need for a male adult on one of the high school trips and 2 male or 1 male 1 female for the middle school level. This involves driving to either the St. Louis, MO or Springfield, IL sites, working alongside the youth, encouraging them and helping them process the experience. There will be opportunity to interact with the students before the trip and we will give you resources and prepare you for leading the students while on the trip. If you are interested, please contact Trisha Flasch, 921-0580 or tflasch@hffdl.org. Attention Confirmation Students! The SECOND Confirmation retreat is February 6-7. Paperwork MUST be turned in before that weekend! We will leave Sacred Heart on Friday, February 6 at 6:00 pm and return on Saturday, February 7 at approximately 8:00 pm. Contact Veronica Ford at 921-0580 ext. 131 or vford@hffdl.org, with any questions. Light Weigh Orientation Light Weigh will be offered at Holy Family starting with an orientation on February 2 at 6:30 pm in the Holy Family Fireside Room. This is a wonderful journey of our Catholic Faith to gain “Peace with Food.” This program is meant for any man or woman who may struggle with food and dieting. Light Weigh means no dieting, no special foods, no calorie counting, keeping track of points, grams and no special eating programs and NO weigh-ins. Take a moment and check out their website, www.lightweigh.com. Holy Family will host this Catholic based program for you to join with the 1000’s of others who have peace with food. Registration will take place the night of orientation for those interested. Contact Dave Braun in Christian Formation if you cannot attend the orientation: dbraun@hffdl.org or 920-921-0580 ext. 133. SOCIAL MINISTRY Prayer Service for Life 2:00 pm this Sunday, January 25: All persons are encouraged to attend and participate in this Prayer Service For Life sponsored by the Fond du Lac Chapter of Wisconsin Right To Life and Fondy Teens4Life, which will be held from 2:00 - 3:00 pm on Sunday, January 25 at Spirit Of Life Church, 240 N. National Avenue. The Prayer Service will mourn the loss of millions of American babies who have died since the U. S. Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade, decided January 22, 1973, which made abortion legal throughout the United States for any reason during all nine months of pregnancy. The Prayer Service will pray for: parents who aborted their children; people who encourage abortions; an end to legal abortions; and encouragement to people to publicly stand up for life at all its stages. Feed My Starving Children Online Sign Up has begun! A New Name for Archdiocesan Office: Dignity of the Human Person The Office of Social Justice Ministry at the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has a new name which comes as a direct result of the Synod outcomes: “Dignity of the Human Person.” This office will continue to work with parishes and the greater community to promote Respect Life and Social Justice Efforts and develop leaders to promote human dignity from conception until natural death. They invite you to contact them if you or your parish wants to: Promote and participate in initiatives that promote Human Life and Dignity. Train leaders or parishioners on social justice issues. Participate in Catholic Relief Services efforts (including Rice Bowl, Strike Out Poverty Bowl-a-thon or other emergency relief appeals). The Feed My Starving Children event is returning. Last year over 1,000 volunteers packed 200,000 meals. Volunteer to serve on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development Committee which reviews local grant applicants and conducts site visits. Volunteer sign-up is online: Volunteer on February 13 or 14 to pack dry food bags to feed children all over the world. This year’s goal is for 600 volunteers from all around Fond du Lac to pack 125,000 meals in 2 days. Volunteer yourself or with a group of friends or family. Share Catholic social teaching. To Register: Visit www.fmsc.org/ (Feed My Starving Children website). This sign-up requires no donation, although they encourage each person to give as they are able to reach the group goal of $27,500. Click on: “Volunteers” Click on: “Mobile Pack Events” Click on “Wisconsin” Click on: “Get Involved” for Fond du Lac Yellow boxes appear on left screen and click on: “Volunteer to Pack” or “Donate” (Minimum age is 5 years old and youth groups must include adults; number of adults based on age of youth). To Make a Donation: Donate online at the website, www.fmsc.org or mail to: Feed My Starving Children, Event #1403-34, 401 93rd Ave NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433. For more information, contact Deb at (920) 579-1825. Understand the Church’s position on a specific social or political issue. Form consciences for Faithful Citizenship. Encourage youth to learn about the root causes of poverty and our faith-inspired efforts to overcome them. Receive a list of community resources and food pantries throughout the archdiocese. Learn strategies to engage in advocacy efforts. For more information, contact: At the Archdiocese of Milwaukee: Robert Shelledy, Director, Dignity of the Human Person shelledyr@archmil.org, (414) 758-2286 Archbishop Cousins Catholic Center 3501 South Lake Drive, St. Francis, WI 53235 Mailing Address: Dignity of the Human Person P.O. Box 070912, Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912 At Holy Family Catholic Community contact: Jack Braun, Director of Social Ministry jbraun@hffdl.org, (920) 921-0580 271 Fourth Street Way Fond du Lac, WI 54937 Holy Family Catholic Community 7 PASTORAL CARE “From Deep Within…A Lenten Day of Retreat; Forming a New Heart and Spirit” Holy Family Church, Saturday, March 21, from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. Presenters: Ms. Monica Meagher Fr. Zoy Garibay, O.F.M., Cap You will not want to miss this event. The day offers: Prayer Dynamic Presentations Time for Reflection Morning Prayer Lunch Mass at 4:15 pm And much more! Check the Holy Family website for more details at www.hffdl.org or look for the postings in the churches. RSVP with payment of $15 by March 10, to Ruthann Ross at Holy Family Catholic Community, 271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac, WI 54937. Yes! Please register me for the Lenten Day of Retreat! Name ____________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________ E-mail ___________________________________________ Special Dietary Needs ______________________________ Greeting Cards for Correctional Institutions Stop! … Don’t throw out the greeting cards you receive! Holy Family has been providing greeting cards to the Kettle Moraine Correctional Facility for many years. Most recently, we received a request from Taycheedah Correctional Institute for cards as well. Any type of greeting cards are accepted: birthday, sympathy, get well, thank you, holidays, etc. All cards we receive are sorted through and any personal information is discarded before they are sent to the correctional facility. Please drop your cards off at the parish office for this much needed and appreciated ministry. 8 Holy Family Catholic Community Health and Wellness Ministry Holy Family’s Health and Wellness Ministry is happy to promote good health and will be offering Blood Pressure Checks on Saturday, February 7 from 3:00 – 4:00 pm at Sacred Heart Church and on Sunday February 8 from 9:00 – 10:15 am at Holy Family Church. Stop by for your free blood pressure check. We have your good health in mind! Blood Drive The next Holy Family sponsored Blood Drive will take place on Saturday, February 14 from 7:30—11:30 am in Holy Family Hall. Everyday, ordinary people are saved by some extraordinary people: people who gave blood! Your donation could be the most valuable gift you ever give. Just ask anyone who has ever received blood. Please be a hero to someone in need! Weekly Justice Challenge 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Justice Challenge: Sunday’s Gospel has Jesus calling together a motley group of people to be his apostles. They drop whatever they are doing—fishing, mending their nets, whatever—and begin a life of discipleship. What trust they demonstrate in Jesus! Your challenge this week is to drop the “nets” in your life which keep you from contributing to the building of God’s Kingdom as Jesus described it—a Kingdom in which everyone gets the chance to live with dignity and hope. Reflect on how willing you are to drop the mundane in order to follow Jesus. Copyright © Center for Ministry Development, 2014. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved. Holy Family Connection: My mother was a woman of very meager means. She raised a family of 7 children and when 5 of them were still dependent on her for food, shelter and clothing, she found herself in the situation of being a single parent. She could have easily gotten into the mundane routine of work, home, cooking, laundry and cleaning, then back to work the next day – day in and day out. But, instead she responded to Jesus’ challenge to serve others. Our dear Mother, who herself qualified for aid and assistance, but chose to refuse that aid, chose instead to serve others with the same needs. She set aside her own “net,” a net that carried the burden of providing for her family, and became a faithful servant, feeding the hungry and offering hope and peace to those in need. My mother passed away this January 8. She leaves behind a legacy of good and faithful service to God and others. What is the “net” that you can set aside? And in doing so, what kind of faithful servant will you be? Who and how many people can you make a difference to? -Ruthann Ross, Director of Pastoral Care HOLY FAMILY AND BEYOND Christ Child Society This is a National Organization founded in Washington D.C. in 1887. There are 46 chapters in 17 states. The Fond du Lac Chapter, established in 2000, is one of 4 in Wisconsin. All are welcome to join us Tuesday, February 3 at 6:30 pm in Sacred Heart Hall to learn more about our ministry. Or Call Barb, 922-2437 or Paula, 923-2709 for more information. Francis and Cathy Binotto Zachery Haas and Hailey Vlach Andrea Hernandez Benjamin and Amanda Holz and Jackson and Daphne Dale and Dolores Jungwirth Juan and Rosa Mendez and Juan, Marco, Javier, Sebastian and Andrea Michael and Cherie Prado Beatrice Weiss Oliver Burkart Son of Aaron and Emily Sandra Ceballos Daughter of Luis and Emma Rosa Funez Daughter of Angel Funez and Tanya Tamayo-Funez James Galligan Son of Steven and Claudia Autumn Hayward Daughter of Douglas and Elizabeth Charlotte Luther Daughter of Dallas and Erin Victoria Manthey Daughter of Brandon and Johanna Carson Schneider Son of Scott and Melissa Hollis Schoeneberg Son of Quinn and Jessica Valentine/Sweetheart Dinner and Dance Saturday, February 14 the public is invited to the Knights of Columbus Hall for a night of dinner and dancing. Cocktails at 5:00 pm, buffet style dinner at 6:00 pm and dancing from 7:00—10:00 pm with music by Just the Two of Us. Cost for the dinner and dance is $18.00/person and dance only is $10.00/person. Please call with your reservations by Wednesday, February 11 to 920-921-1290. The de Chantal Society Ladies, we invite you to take a short respite that promises silence, prayer and spiritual formation…time for YOU. The de Chantal Society is a group of women who are passionate about supporting vocations, families and their own spirituality. We gather a few times per year in the peace of Saint Francis de Sales Seminary for Eucharistic Adoration, formation and benediction. Our February gatherings will be led by Fr. Ryan Pruess. Please join us at whichever time works best for you: Wednesday, February 25, 7:00 – 9:00 pm Thursday, February 26, 9:00 – 11:00 am Gatherings are held at Saint Francis de Sales Seminary, 3257 South Lake Drive, St. Francis. RSVP to newheartnewspirit@sfs.edu or 414-747-6463 Construction Loan Update Loan balance 12/01/2014 Principal paid in December $434,364.75 $3,547.00 Loan balance 12/31/2014 $430,817.75 Interest paid in December $1,350.00 Parish Financial Summary July 1, 2014 through January 4, 2015 Actual Revenue Budgeted Revenue Shortfall $1,612,277 $1,649,000 ($36,723) Holy Family Catholic Community 9
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