January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor: Rev. Paul Treacy Parochial Vicar: Rev. Michael Barsness Deacon: Larry Lawinger PARISH OFFICE 9100 93rd Avenue North Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 Phone: (763) 425-2210 Email: churchinfo@saintvdp.org PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon-Wed: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Thur-Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Masses Saturday Evening—5:00 pm Sunday— Daily Masses Monday through Friday—8:00 am Holy Day Masses As announced CONFESSIONS Monday-Friday—7:30 am Saturday—3:30-4:15 pm Or call the parish office at (763) 4252210 to schedule an appointment. EDUCATION CENTER 9050 93rd Avenue North Brooklyn Park, MN 55445-1406 School Office: (763) 425-3970 Email: schoolinfo@saintvdp.org Principal: Kathleen O’Hara Know and celebrate our Catholic Faith, Love God and our neighbor, www.saintvdp.org Serve as disciples of Jesus Christ. page 2 From the Pastor’s Desk PASTOR Rev. Paul Treacy Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 401 Email: f r pa u lt r e acy @s ai nt vdp .o r g PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Michael Barsness ( 763) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 4 02 Email: f r m ic h ae l bar s ne s s @s a i nt vdp .o rg Sunday, February 22nd— Tuesday, February 24th Jesus’ Motley Crew... Exposed! DEACON Deacon Larry Lawinger ( 763) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 4 03 Email: dc n lar r y la wi n ge r @s a i nt vdp .o rg BELGIAN WAFFLE BREAKFAST THIS SUNDAY! A Belgian Waffle Breakfast will be served this Sunday, Jan. 25th, from 8:15 am until 12:30 pm in the Education Center Cafeteria and Gym. Dad’s Belgian Waffles will serve their famous melt in your mouth waffles with a serving of sausage and beverages. Please join us and help support our many causes, like the St. Vincent de Paul School, that the KC’s fund throughout the year. The price is only $7.00, and children 5 and under eat free. An invitation to all Married couples for a time of renewal: Friday, February 6th, 2015 We are called just like Jesus’ followers who were real flesh and blood people with strengths and weaknesses. 6:30-8:00 pm each night Come for one night or all three! There is no need to have attended Part 1 in order to attend Part 2. An All-Parish Mission occurs when the entire St. Vincent de Paul community gathers to renew, refresh and re-energize our Catholic faith. Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Desserts to follow Dinner offered 5:00–6:30 pm Dinner offered 5:00–6:30 pm, Desserts to follow It is easy to be burdened by the struggles of everyday life. The Parish Mission is a time for us to gather in one place, listen to the inspiring words of a speaker, and pray with and for each other. Special programming available for children in grades K-6 and childcare for those 4 and under. Spend an evening with your valentine! Prayer Service and Renewal of Vows 6:30 pm in the church Speaker Lino Rulli is a native Minnesotan with a hilarious perspective on life. Rulli hosts “The Catholic Guy” on SiriusXM Radio 129. Guest Speakers Deacon Larry and JoAnn Lawinger Complimentary Beverages, Catered dinner and Dance 7:15-10:00 pm in Regan Hall He is a three time Emmy award winner and has given talks nationally and internationally. $50.00 per couple Ti c k e ts wi ll b e s ol d thi s w e ek e n d a nd nex t i n t h e G a th eri n g S p ac e af t er al l M as s es . Registration forms are available in the parish office. WEDDING BANNS Please pray for this couple who will soon be married in our church... Katelyn Sandvold & Phil Schmitz munication and www.linorulli.com a Rulli has a bachelor’s degree in commaster’s degree in theology. Please RSVP to Molly Schorr by February 18th at 763-425-2210 or mollyschorr@saintvdp.org to participate in the programming available for children grades K -6 and childcare for infant to 4 years old. www.saintvdp.org page 3 Worship DIR E C TOR O F W OR S H IP Stephen Barnhart LITURGICAL ROLES Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 414 Email: st e p he n bar n har t @s a i nt vdp .o rg DIR E C TOR O F M US I C Jacquie Okoh Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 416 Email: ja cq uie o ko h @s a i nt vdp .o r g PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Come adore this wondrous presence; bow to Christ, the source of grace! Here is kept the ancient promise of God's earthly dwelling place! Adorers are needed for: Sunday: 3 am, 7 am, 2 pm, 3 pm, 5 pm, 11 pm Monday: 2 pm Tuesday: 9 pm Wednesday: 12 am, 8 am, 2 pm Thursday: 11 am, noon, 5 pm, 6 pm Friday: 3 pm, 4 pm, 7 pm, 10 pm, 11 pm Saturday: 3 pm, 10 pm We are looking for a hourly coordinator for 11 pm. This requires approximately 10 minutes of phoning a week. Please call JoAnne Newman at 763-420-4089 to sign up or to be a sub. SATURDAY, JAN. 31 & SUNDAY, FEB. 1 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Fr. Treacy Fr. Barsness Fr. Barsness Fr. Treacy 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Cassidy Family Men’s Schola Children’s Choir Freedom 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Cristin Curwick, Maggie Grossman, Ellie Leach Lauren Kuharski & Kristina Reed Alex Holscher, Hannah Greteman, Gavin Rinehart Alex & Lauren Bergman, Payton Morris SERVERS 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Betty Bartos & Josh Rem Tom Heltemes & Dan Sweeney Paul Berendes & Chuck Sawicky Pat Gleason & Lisa Capistrant MUSICIANS LECTORS 5:00 pm Andrew Rem, Sandy Wheeler, Fred & Anna Glynn, Terry Just, Kay Commers, Maureen Daehn, Lee Paulson 7:30 am Manuel Garcia, Tom Hanson, Anton Jochim, Gloria & Larry Krynski, Donna Anderson 9:00 am Tom & Sue Gorecki, Jennifer Holscher, Rebecca Keran Joel Salzer, Kim Seibert, Georgette Steeves, Kristi Rinehart 11:00 am Judy Randall, Margaret & Tony Schauer, Lori Varecka, Mary Jo Gagner, EUCHARISTIC Kevin Landman, Dawn Lewandowski, Lorena Carter MINISTERS 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am MASS INTENTIONS FOR JAN. 25—FEB. 1, 2015 PRESIDERS Maureen Daehn Ted & Bunny Dargis Dorothy Malone Gino & Julie Maccario WELCOME CENTER Please Note: the Gift Shop will be closed during the month of January for redecorating. Watch for new items and a new look in February. GIFT SHOP Monday 8:00 am Javier Cerda Tuesday 8:00 am † Rachel Miller READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JAN. 25, 2015: Wednesday 8:00 am † Wayne Wander Thursday 8:00 am † Richard DeSchepper Friday 8:00 am † Dorothy Smith Saturday 5:00 pm † Darlene Groves Sunday 7:30 am Parishioners 9:00 am † Delores Souvignier 11:00 am † Florence Swatzina Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Mk 3:22-30 Heb 10:1-10/Mk 3:31-35 Heb 10:11-18/Mk 4:1-20 Heb 10:19-25/Mk 4:21-25 Heb 10:32-39/Mk 4:26-34 Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/Mk 4:35-41 Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 www.saintvdp.org page 4 Formation & Education DIR E C TOR O F F AI T H F OR MA T IO N Chuck Pratt Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 407 Email: c har le s pr at t @s ai nt vdp .o r g S U ND AY S C H OO L CO OR DI N A TOR Kim Ordner Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 434 Email: k i mo r d ne r @s a i nt vdp .o r g ADULT FAITH FORMATION SAINT MOVIE DISCUSSION Wednesday Jan. 28th, 9-10:30 am, in the West Meeting Room, free will offering. We will be viewing a documentary movie about the life of St. Andre Bessette of Montreal. He was the humble doorkeeper for a boy’s college, yet when he died in 1937, over a million people attended his funeral. He is the first male Canadian-born saint. EL E ME N T AR Y F A I TH F OR MA T IO N C OOR . Mary Ann Marschall Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 406 Email: m ar y a n n mar s ch al l @s a int vd p.o r g JR ./ S R . HI GH FA I TH F OR MA T IO N C OOR . Nichole Chang Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 436 Email: n ic ho le c ha ng @s a int v dp.o r g F AI T H FOR M AT I O N R ES O UR C E C OOR . Coffee and goodies provided. Contact Chuck Pratt at 763-4252210 or charlespratt@saintvdp.org to register by Tuesday, Jan. 27th but if you decide to attend at the last minute, please do join us. Erika Novak FIRST EUCHARIST (COMMUNION) ENROLLMENT SESSIONS – JANUARY 27 TH & 28 TH , 2015 Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 434 Email: e r i ka no va k @s a i n t vdp .o r g S CH O OL P R I NC IP AL Kathleen O’Hara Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 3 970 , e x t . 104 Email: k at h le e no har a @s ai nt vdp .o rg QUESTION OF THE WEEK Adult/Teen: If you had to make a list of ways you show your belief in the Good News, what would be on it? Child: What can you do this week to show your classmates that you believe in the Good News? Please take some time today to discuss these questions or reflect on them in private prayer. —From Lectionary Link by Harcourt Publishers INSPIRING AND INFORMATIVE CATHOLIC CD’S Still only $3 each! Jesus the Bridegroom: The Greatest Love Story Ever Told Dr. Brant Pitre is an enthusiastic and engaging speaker who regularly lectures throughout the country. In this stunning talk, Dr. Pitre applies his knowledge of the Jewish roots of Christianity to the very heart of the Gospel: the love of Christ. You will learn what it really means to have a “personal relationship” with Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior, and Bridegroom. Parents and guardians wishing to have their child celebrate their First Eucharist this spring must attend one of the First Eucharist Enrollment Sessions on January 27th & 28th. Even if you have attended an enrollment meeting before, you need to attend again. Your children will not automatically be enrolled to celebrate the sacraments just because they are registered for Faith Formation, are attending a Catholic school, or you attended a First Reconciliation enrollment meeting in the fall. These meetings are for parents/guardians only. Attend one of the following meeting times in Regan Hall: Tuesday, January 27th, Registration 5:45 to 6:15 pm. Speaker 6:15 to 7:15 pm. Wednesday, January 28th, Registration 4:45 to 5:15 pm. Speaker 5:15 to 6:15 pm. Wednesday, January 28th, Registration 6:30 to 7:00 pm. Speaker 7:00 to 8:00 pm Requirements for Enrollment: The U.S. Bishops require that children be prepared for First Reconciliation prior to preparation for First Eucharist (Communion). Children need to have previously completed Level One, be currently enrolled since September in either Catholic school or Faith Formation (religious education), and have been prepared for First Reconciliation. If you have questions or for more information, contact Mary Ann Marschall at 763-425-2210, ext. 406 or via e-mail at: maryannmarschall@saintvdp.org. www.saintvdp.org page 5 Formation & Education PRE-BAPTISM SESSION Baptisms for infants and young children under the age of seven are on the first and third Sundays of each month at 12:30 pm. Parents are always encouraged to attend the Pre-Baptism Session, which is required if it has been five years or longer since last attended. The Pre-Baptism Session is held on the first Tuesday of every month from 7-8:30 pm, in the East Meeting Room. Our next session is on February 3rd. Registration is required for this session at the Parish Office (763-425-2210) and babysitting is not available. YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE It is recommended that you attend the session before the birth of your child. On behalf of the Religious Communities of our Archdiocese you are invited to stop in for a visit. Visitors of all ages are welcome. Families are most welcome. No RSVP needed. Keep in mind that godparents must be practicing Catholics who are confirmed, one male and one female, and at least sixteen years of age. Religious Open Houses on Sun., Feb. 8 from 1-4 pm Go to 10000vocations.org and click on Religious Open House (more) for a list of participating locations. SCHOOL NEWS CATHOLIC UNITED FINANCIAL RAFFLE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: JANUARY 26 TH – JANUARY 31 ST , 2015 In celebration of Catholic Schools Week, St. Vincent de Paul students and families will be participating in all Masses this week. Please visit the Science Fair after all Sunday Masses in Regan Hall and in Room 100. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATION! Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for the donation of a wheelchair for our school. Pictured at right with Miss O’Hara is Knight Dave Whatmuff, grandfather of kindergarten student, Evan Lavone. We are thrilled that our school has been selected once again among many Midwest Catholic Schools in the Annual Catholic Schools Raffle fundraiser sponsored and funded by Catholic United Financial. This extraordinary opportunity is sponsored by Catholic United Financial. Catholic United Financial donates GRAND prizes, and every cent of the sold raffle tickets go directly to our school! Last year we raised over $25,000.00. This year our goal is to be the top selling school with a goal of $35,000.00. Our students will be selling $5.00 raffle tickets for a chance to win prizes. Ticket sales are from Friday, January 23rd, through Sunday, March 8th, 2015. ** Helpful hint, bring your address labels to church with you to simplify signing your tickets ** THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS!! Thank you to all SVDP families for your generosity to our annual Toasty Toes Drive. Students brought in socks that were donated to The Basilica of St. Mary’s Shoe Ministry. This year we had our biggest donation to The Basilica of St Mary’s Shoe Ministry that we have ever had. Your generosity is very much appreciated!! www.saintvdp.org page 6 Parish Life DIR E C TOR O F P AR IS H L IF E PARISH PRAYER LINE Molly Schorr Dear Parishioners, Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 435 Email: mo l ly s c ho r r @s a i n t vdp .o r g VO LU N T E ER CO OR DI N A T O R Kathleen Pomerleau Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 408 Email: k at h le e npo me r le au @s a i nt vdp .o rg CO OR DI N A TOR O F YO U T H M I N IS TR Y Kelly Hayes Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 405 Email: ke lly h ay e s @s a int vdp .o r g CO MM U N IC A TI O NS C O OR D I NA T OR Molly Gewedik Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 107 Email: mo l ly ge we d i k@ s ai nt vdp .o r g Prayer is a cornerstone of our faith, as it is the communication we have with our Lord and God. There are many ways of praying, all of which are valued by God. St. Vincent de Paul Church has several avenues for us to use to be supported in prayer and to help others. 1. Chapel List - There is a list in the Chapel where anyone can write down prayer concerns. Anyone visiting the Chapel on their own or as part of Perpetual Adoration is encouraged to pray for those petitions entered in the book. 2. Petitions – If you are experiencing a serious medical problem, you may call the parish office and request to be placed on the Petitions. Your name will be read from the altar at all weekend masses for two weeks. 3. Parish Sick List – If you have a serious or potentially life threatening illness, you may call the parish office and ask that your name be placed on the list that goes in the weekly bulletin. Your name will be on that list for four weeks. If you wish, you may extend that time by calling the parish office at the end of four weeks. THE AUCTION FOR EDUCATION PRESENTS "KENTUCKY DERBY" The Breakfast Auction is Sunday, April 12th and Auction Night is Saturday, April 17th. This year’s event will be bigger than ever! Our event will include a silent auction, a delicious dinner, live auction, grand prize raffle drawings and more! The Auction for Education is the major fundraiser for our Faith Formation program and St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School. We expect to sell out again this year, so don't wait! Auction tickets, $100 cash raffle tickets and tuition raffle tickets can be purchased after Mass or online beginning in early February. Large auction items are NEEDED. Do you have access to any trips, sports tickets, services or electronics items that could be donated? Items for themed basket are also needed. We encourage families that are interested in donating to combine their dollars with another family to donate a larger item. Please drop off all donated items at the Parish Office by Saturday, March 28th. If you have specific question about the Auction or about donating at item, you can contact either Kris Silas (763) 218 -2350 or Gina Schupanitz 612-382-0452. We appreciate 4. Prayer Request Line – Over two hundred parishioners are involved in the Prayer Request Line ministry. Prayer concerns can be communicated by calling the numbers listed in the bulletin. Prayers can be for anyone or any needs we have, no matter how small. Names may or may not be used. To respect others’ privacy, when requesting a prayer for someone else, please ask their permission. Health problems, relationships, family conflict, safe travel, marriage, comfort for the dying, emotional support, housing, legal issues, and spiritual guidance all appear on the list of needs. No prayer is unimportant. Prayers of thanks and praise are offered for blessings we’ve received. Prayer line members receive prayer requests via e-mail. This is open to anyone who would like to pray for others in this way. All you do is receive a list of prayer requests and pray as it fits into your day. There are no requirements as to how or when you pray. You can do this wherever you are. These prayers are kept in strictest confidence, as God knows what’s in our hearts. Some people choose to pray once as they receive the prayers on e-mail. Others print out the prayers, post them, take them to Perpetual Adoration, or pray them with family. It is a simple matter of saying you’d like to pray for others. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Prayer Request Line, please call Jackie McDonough at (763) 425-7297. Any and all of these avenues of prayer are available to parishioners at any time and are very welcomed. www.saintvdp.org page 7a Finance & Admin. BUSINESS MA NAGER Norm Olafson (763) 425-2210, ext. 411 Email: no r mo laf s o n @s ai nt vdp .o r g MEMBERSHIP We welcome you to our parish family! If you are interested in learning more about our church, or would like to join, please stop in at the parish office to register. You may also register at the Welcome Center before or after Mass or over the internet at www.saintvdp.org. All adults, age 18 and older, should be registered. BAPTISMS: MATRIMONY: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12:30 pm. Pre-Baptism Class is required. Call the Parish office to register. It is recommended that you attend the class before the birth of your child. Arrangements should be made one year in advance. T HE Call the parish office for more information at 763425-2210. DEADLINE FOR S UBMISSIONS FOR THE IS M ONDAY AT N OON . B ULLETIN JANUARY 18, 2015 (WEEK 28) Current Year-to-Date Sunday General Collection $18,005.65 $1,079,545.10 Automatic Withdrawal & Online Giving $21,563.40 Children/Youth Total Support Major Repair & Replacement Fund-Collection Automatic Withdrawal & Online Giving Total Support for Major Repair Fund $48.20 $1,474.68 $39,617.25 $1,081,019.78 $62.00 $587.00 $649.00 Facilities Calendar page 7b SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 BABY BOTTLE GIVE AND TAKE SCIENCE FAIR IN THE GYM CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK BEGINS 8:30 am KC Waffle Breakfast/School Cafeteria 9:00 am Sunday Pre-School/Education Ctr 11:00 am Sunday Pre-School/Education Ctr 5:30 pm SPECIAL EVENT — All Jr./Sr. High Faith Formation meets from 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm. Start in classrooms. 6:00 pm Intermission Youth Event/Sanctuary MONDAY, JANUARY 26 7:00 pm Resound Choir Rehearsal/Sanctuary TUESDA 5:45 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Y , JANUARY 27 First Eucharist Parent Session/Regan Hall Elementary FF Classes/Education Ctr KC Rosary/Cry Room KC Meeting/W Mtg Rm Bell Choir Rehearsal/Sanctuary Back WEDNES 9:00 am 4:45 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:15 pm 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm D A Y THURSD 8:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm A Y , JANUARY 28 Saint Movie Discussion/W Mtg Rm First Eucharist Parent Session/Regan Hall Elementary FF Classes/Education Ctr Edge Jr. High Youth Group/E Mtg Rm Freedom Choir Rehearsal/Church First Eucharist Parent Session/Regan Hall Elementary FF Classes/Education Ctr LIFE Night Sr. High Youth Group/E Mtg Rm Devotion Choir Rehearsal/Church , JANUARY 29 DARE Graduation/Regan Hall Martha’s Group/W Mtg Rm RCIA/E Mtg Rm Singcerely His Choir Rehearsal/Sanctuary SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 BABY BOTTLE COLLECTION 3:30 pm Confessions/Chapel SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 BABY BOTTLE COLLECTION 9:00 am Sunday Pre-School/Education Ctr 11:00 am Sunday Pre-School/Education Ctr 12:30 pm Baptisms/Sanctuary $30,563.25 Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of St. Vincent de Paul! www.saintvdp.org KC Rosary: There is a rosary prayed every Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the cry room, led by the Knights of Columbus. Plan to attend whenever you can. www.saintvdp.org page 8 Parish Life (continued from page 6) CHILDREN’S STEWARDSHIP Here are a few of the “offerings” from the children’s envelopes received last Sunday: Libby—reading to my sister Jack—getting my mommy flowers, Jean—I helped my brother up the stairs Brady—playing with my little brother and letting him win Anna—I cleaned my room after my brother made a mess in it Sydney—helped mom make dinner YOUTH MINISTRY EDGE (Grades 7-8): 5:00-6:00 pm in the East Meeting Room Come enjoy an evening of games, fun with friends, and pizza! Just bring $3.00 for Pizza. COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (CCW) UPCOMING MEETING Remember that our next meeting will be Tuesday, Feb. 10th in the West Meeting Room. Also recall that this year is election year and we will have at least one vacancy to fill… so be thinking of whom you will nominate for the March election. Take a look at our new website at: saintvdp.org LIFE Night (Grades 9-12): 7:30-9:00 pm in the East Meeting Room Come join other high school students for a night filled with time with friends, games, and tons o’ snacks! VIGIL OF REPARATION FOR THE WORLD APOSTOLATE OF FATIMA: The World Apostolate of Fatima invites you to a Vigil of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary on Friday and Saturday, February 6-7, 2015, 6:30 pm – 1 am at the Church of St. Jerome, 380 East Roselawn Ave., Maplewood. The Vigil includes Confession, Rosary, Mass of the Sacred Heart at 7:30, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, silent and public prayers, procession of statue of Our Lady of Fatima, Benediction and Mass of the Immaculate Heart at Midnight, ending with a Rosary. Families are encouraged to come for all or part of the evening. Please contact Cynthia at (651) 772-2221 for more information, or visit www.fatimaonline.org. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CLASSES The Couple to Couple League will be offering a Premenopause Class for users of the Sympto-Thermal Looking for more information on a specific program, ministry, or committee? Or just looking for a way to get involved? Check out our “Parish Life” and “Be Involved” tabs. Method of Natural Family Planning at the Church of the Epiphany in Coon Rapids. Class date: Saturday, February 7th, 2015, at 10:00 am. Registration at http://twincities.ccli.org. For more information call 612.721.3791 or email twincities.ccli.org@gmail.com. www.saintvdp.org page 9 Outreach DIR . O F P AS T OR AL & S O CI AL O U TR EA C H Okey Anyanwu Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 417 Email: o ke y @s ai nt vdp .o r g P AS TOR AL M I NIS T ER Margaret Schauer Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 410 Email: m ar gar e t s c ha ue r @s a i nt vdp .o rg ST. VINCENT DE PAUL HITS THE ROAD… Our parish Outreach ministry will take parishioners on the road beginning January through May 2015. This new program highlights the Eucharistic message of going into and beyond our immediate communities to become the “Jesus” we receive daily and weekly at Mass. When we hit the road this new year, we will be visiting the following organizations and communities being supported by Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD): Tuesday, January 27th: Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en Lucha Saturday, February 21st: Catholic Charities Higher Ground Tuesday, March 24th: Elpis Enterprises Saturday, April 25th: Hmong American Farmers Association Tuesday, May 26th: East Side Neighborhood Development Co. Please, consider joining us for some or all of these local immersion trips, which are meant to affirm our presence not just as a church IN the community, but a church FOR and WITH the community in the spirit of our patron saint – St. Vincent de Paul. For more information, please contact Okey Anyanwu at the parish office: (763) 425-2210, Ext. 417 or e-mail: okey@saintvdp.org JUSTFAITH STARTS JANUARY 29 TH THROUGH MAY 2015 JustFaith program leads its participants into the world of the suffering, the poor, and the marginalized, so that they can learn who they are as individuals, who God is, and what is to be done. It is a transformational program that provides its participants with an opportunity to explore the demands of the Justice tradition of the Church with emphasis on the relationship between our faith, human dignity and the common good. This exploration is punctuated by lively readings, visuals, discussions, fervent prayer and memorable experiences on weekly basis following a prepared syllabus. The syllabus usually covers topics like: the scripture imperative for justice, the Church’s preferential option for the poor, U.S. Bishops’ statements on justice, the causes of growing world poverty, consumerism, racism, etc. For more information and registration, please contact Okey Anyanwu at the parish office—763-425-2210, Ext. 417. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Please pray for parishioner † Ben Felling. Please also pray for parishioner † Richard Siblerud. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. A special Thank you to all of our Funeral Volunteers: those who call parishioners to bring in food items, those that donate deserts and salads, and our workers who volunteer to help serve on the day of the funeral. We are so blessed to have all of you be a part of this very important ministry. “Thank you for bringing the grace of God to those who mourn. Thank you for being filled with compassion and sharing it with those in need. May God bless you as you so freely share your blessings with those whose lives you touch.” BABY BOTTLE BOOMERANG COLLECTION St. Vincent’s will participate in a "Baby Bottle Boomerang" this January. It’s a fun project for the entire family that provides vital funds for WomenSource, a life-saving and life-changing local pregnancy center. This center provides hope for women facing unplanned pregnancies. After Mass this weekend, empty baby bottles will again be distributed. Then you can collect pocket change or enclose a cash donation in the baby bottle (checks should be made out to St. Vincent de Paul). Please return your filled bottles on this weekend or next in the Gathering Space where they will be collected. For more information, please contact Okey Anyanwu at okey@saintvdp.org or call the parish office at 763-425-2210, Ext. 417. PLEASE REMEMBER THE SICK OF OUR PARISH IN YOUR PRAYERS: Danny Kroll, Darlene Gross, Darlene Loeffler, Veronica Smude, Bob Burks, Cole McDonough, Sylvia Ditter, Alfred Smith, Jerien Okoh-Tisch, Paul Costabilo, Rita Goth, Mitchell Swirtz, Michael Klobe, and Mary Belter. PRAYER REQUEST LINE CONTACT PEOPLE DAILY — 8 AM TO 9 PM: Jackie McDonough at (763) 425-7297 EVENINGS, WEEKENDS: Anna Duffy at (763) 323-8018 www.saintvdp.org
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