Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Revealing the Light of Christ 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME / 3º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO JANUARY 25, 2015 / 25 DE ENERO, 2015 A Eucharistic Community Living the Good News Daily 105 n. la esperanza san clemente, ca 92672 949-492-4101 Fax 949-492-4856 www.OLFChurch.net @FatimaChurchSC PAR ISH INFOR M ATION AND CALENDAR / CALEND ARIO PARROQUIAL JANUARY 25, 2015 - FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Our parish calendar is online! Please visit www.olfchurch.net/ calendar.html for the most up-to-date information on events and activities in our parish. ¡Nuestro calendario de la parroquia esta en línea! Por favor visite www.olfchurch.net/calendar.html para la información más actualizada sobre ventos y actividades en nuestra parroquia. PARISH OFFICE 949-492-4101 CLERGY Fr. Jim Ries, Pastor jries@olfchurch.net / ext. 111 Fr. William Hubbard, Parochial Vicar whubbard @olfchurch.net / ext. 102 Deacon Chris Ciraulo cciraulo@olfchurch.net / ext. 118 STAFF Robin Margraf, M.A., M.S., Pastoral Associate rmargraf@olfchurch.net / ext. 113 Bridget Goodreau Jr High Youth Ministry bgoodreau@olfchurch.net / ext. 105 Lourdes Rojas Office Manager lrojas@olfchurch.net / ext. 101 Cate Girskis Confirmation - Youth cgirskis@olfchurch.net / ext. 117 Rosa Rama Faith Formation- Children & Adults rrama@olfchurch.net / ext. 104 Aida Lopez Maintenance, Spanish Music Coordinator ext. 101 Maria Juul Administrative Assistant, Faith Formation, Online Giving mjuul@olfchurch.net / ext. 119 Joanne Williams, MA Ed, Principal jwilliams@olfschool.net 949-492-7320 Cindy Clark, Administrative Assistant cclark@olfschool.net 949-492-7320 MASS SCHEDULE 8:00 am, 5:30 pm 7, 9, 11 am, 1 pm(Sp), 5:00 pm, 7:00 pm (SP) M-F 8:30 am, S 8:00 am Thursday 7-8pm, Saturday 4-5pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: M–F: Sat: 9-10am; noon-7pm 8:30am-noon PARISH OFFICE HOURS M-F Phone @FATIMACHURCHSC STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION FOR THE WEEK OF JANUARY 25 / REFLEXIÓN DE LA CORRESPONSABILIDAD PARA LA SEMANA DEL 25 DE ENERO “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Mark 1:17) Most of us have heard that scriptural quote many times. It occurs at the very beginning of Mark’s Gospel and involves Mark’s reporting of the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee. There is a reason that Jesus called these simple men to be His first followers. In part it is an example to each of us. Peter, Andrew, James, and John were not theologians; they were not learned; they were not known for their skills in speaking to and influencing crowds of people. They were fishermen. God has gifted each of us with various skills and stewardship calls us to use those skills to build the Kingdom of God. However, just as the Lord recognized something in those first Apostles, He sees the same in us. It was not what Jesus thought those men could accomplish, but His understanding of what they could do with Him, and Him working through them. In the same way we can accomplish much if we allow the Lord to work within us and through us. The well known late broadcaster Paul Harvey once said, “Too many Christians are no longer fishers of men, but keepers of the aquarium.” Stewardship is the means by which we, just as the first Apostles did, can become evangelists and “fishermen,” so to speak. Read more at www.thecatholicsteward.com. PARISH SCHOOL Saturday: Sunday: Daily Mass: Reconciliation: OLF is on Twitter 9am-12pm; 1-6pm 949-492-4101 “Venid en pos de mí y os haré pescadores de hombres.” (Marcos 1:17) La mayoría de nosotros hemos escuchado esa cita bíblica muchas veces. Se produce en el comienzo del Evangelio de Marcos e implica la presentación de informes de Marcos sobre el comienzo del ministerio de Jesús en Galilea. Hay una razón por la que Jesús llamó a estos hombres sencillos para ser sus primeros seguidores. En parte es un ejemplo para cada uno de nosotros. Pedro, Andrés, Santiago y Juan no eran los teólogos; no fueron aprendices; y no eran conocidos por sus habilidades en el habla y de influir en las multitudes de personas. Ellos eran pescadores. Dios nos dotado a cada uno de nosotros con diferentes habilidades y la corresponsabilidad nos llama a usar esas habilidades para construir el Reino de Dios. Sin embargo, tal como el Señor reconoció algo en esos primeros Apóstoles, Él ve lo mismo en nosotros. No fue por lo que Jesús pensó que esos hombres podían lograr, sino por su comprensión de lo que podrían hacer con Él, y Él trabajar a través de ellos. De la misma manera podemos lograr mucho si permitimos que el Señor obre en nosotros ya través de nosotros. Un emisor de la tarde conocido como Paul Harvey dijo una vez, “Demasiados Cristianos ya no son pescadores de hombres, sino guardianes del acuario.” La corresponsabilidad es el medio por el cual nosotros, como lo hicieron los primeros Apóstoles, podemos llegar a ser evangelistas y “pescadores, “por así decirlo. Puede leer mas en www.thecatholicsteward.com 2 w e lco m e to our lady of fatima parish JANUARY 25, 2015 / 25 DE ENERO, 2015 f r o m o u r pa sto r , fr. James C. Ries Dear Parishioners and Friends of Our Lady of Fatima,/ Queridos parroquianos y amigos de Nuestra Señora de Fátima, My mom used to say, “It must be God’s will” a lot; usually after something bad would happen. One time these two older boys cut the string to my kite, which I was flying. They ran ahead to get it, but it got stuck in a tree and was destroyed. I came home crying and my mom’s answer was, “It must be God’s will”. Really? Of course we want God’s will to be done. We see two examples today of God calling others to follow Him and do His will. Jonah runs away, tries to escape, even tries to kill himself to avoid it, but ends up doing it, to great success. He was afraid of what the people of Nineveh might say or do to him. He had imagined the worst, so he ran. We are like this sometimes. We imagine the worst that could happen if we really follow God’s will. The first Apostles were called today too. They just dropped everything and left with Jesus. We find later that the Apostles have normal human traits, like fear of the unknown, but at this moment it seemed like the right thing to do, so they followed. Most of us are somewhere in between. Hopefully we are not as fearful as Jonah and are making our way to being as trusting as the first Apostles. I have found now, a deep sense of peace when I allow God’s true will to be done. MASS INTENTIONS/ INTENCIONES SUNDAY 1/25 7am Roy Hurlbut ✝ THURSDAY 1/29 9am Berenice Heising FRIDAY 1/30 11am Emma Flores ✝ 8:30am Anne Reallon ✝ 1pm Misa Pro Popolo SATURDAY 1/31 5pm Louis Zanotti ✝ 7pm Miguel Cubillo MONDAY 1/26 8:30am Ken Wehage ✝ 8am James Shaw ✝ 5:30pm Roy Hurlbut ✝ SUNDAY 2/1 7am Seiso Ishizue ✝ 9am Patricia Jones ✝ 11am Roberta Flemming ✝ 8:30am Roy Hurlbut ✝ 1pm Gregorio Velazquez ✝ WEDNESDAY 1/28 5pm Misa Pro Popolo 7pm Sophia Cuenca 8:30am Phyliss Draper Jim Dunleavy TUESDAY 1/27 8:30am Patricia Seaver ✝ READINGS/LECTURAS DAILY READINGS CAN BE FOUND AT WWW.USCCB.ORG/BIBLE/INDEX.CFM SUNDAY 1/25 Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 Thursday Night Confessions: January 29; February 12 & 26 (in the church) MONDAY 1/26 God bless you all! TUESDAY 1/27 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mk 3:22-30 Fr. Jim Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mk 3:31-35 Mi madre solía decir: “Debe ser la voluntad de Dios” mucho; por lo general después de que algo malo pasara. Una vez unos chicos mayores cortaron el hilo de mi papalote, que yo estaba volando. Corrieron por delante para agarrarlo, pero se quedó atorado en un árbol y se destruyó. Llegué a casa llorando y la respuesta de mi madre fue: “Debe ser la voluntad de Dios”. ¿En serio? WEDNESDAY 1/28 Por supuesto que queremos que se aga la voluntad de Dios. Vemos dos ejemplos hoy de Dios llamando a otros a seguirle y hacer Su voluntad. Jonás huye, trata de escapar, incluso intenta suicidarse para evitarlo, pero termina haciéndolo, con gran éxito. Tenía miedo de lo que la gente de Nínive podrían decir o hacer. Se había imaginado lo peor, por lo que corrió. Somos como el a veces. Nos imaginamos lo peor que podría suceder si realmente seguimos la voluntad de Dios. Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mk 4:26-34 Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20 THURSDAY 1/29 Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-2 FRIDAY 1/30 SATURDAY 1/31 Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 1:69-75; Mk 4:35-41 SUNDAY 2/1 Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk1:21-28 Los primeros apóstoles fueron llamados también hoy. Ellos simplemente dejaron todo y se fueron con Jesús. Encontramos más tarde que los apóstoles tienen rasgos humanos normales, como el miedo a lo desconocido, pero en este momento parecía que era lo mejor para hacer, por lo que lo siguieron. La mayoría de nosotros estamos en algún punto intermedio. Esperemos que no seamos tan temeroso como Jonás y estemos haciendo lo mejor para confiar como los primeros apóstoles. He encontrado ahora, una profunda sensación de paz cuando permito que se aga la voluntad verdadera de Dios. Jueves Noche de Confesiones: 29 de enero; 12 de febrero y 26 (en la iglesia) Dios los Bendiga a todos! Padre Jim 3 ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME / 3º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 3 FOR FURTHER REFLECTION/PARA MÁS REFLEXIÓN Each week, we will publish a few questions intended to help you explore a particular theme in the Sunday’s readings. Use them for your personal reflection throughout the week or as a topic of conversation at your dinner table, ministry meeting or your next social gathering. Carrying the Sunday readings into our week is a way to help us grow in our faith as individuals and as a parish. JANUARY 25, 2015 - 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME25 DE ENERO 2015 - 3ER DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Letting go Dejando ir It’s not just a song you can’t get out of your head; it may be a call from God. The people of Nineveh left behind their sinful ways. The apostles left behind a familiar way of life. John had to give away his very freedom. Letting go of those things that keep us from God is a necessary step and we do that so we can have something better – God’s very self. No es sólo una canción que no puede salir de tu cabeza; puede ser un llamado de Dios. Los habitantes de Nínive dejaron atrás sus malos caminos. Los apóstoles dejaron atrás una forma de la vida familiar. Juan tuvo que dar su propia libertad. Dejando a lado aquellas cosas que nos alejan de Dios es un paso necesario y lo hacemos para que podamos tener algo mejor - A Dios propio. 1. What might you leave behind in order to follow Jesus more faithfully? 2. What can you embrace in order to follow Jesus? THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY/ GRACIAS POR SU GENEROSIDAD OFFERTORY January 18th $ $19,770.50 God has given us all we have, let us rejoice and be glad. Please use envelopes or consider giving online. You can call the Parish Office to request envelopes or to learn more about online giving. Dios nos ha dado todo lo que tenemos, gocemonos y alegremonos. Utilice sobres o considere la posibilidad de donar en línea. Usted puede llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para solicitar sobres o para aprender más sobre las donaciones en línea. PARISH NEWS, EVENTS & OPPORTUNITIES Pastoral Service Appeal (PSA2015)/ Apelación Servicios Pastorales (ASP 2015) In February we will be conducting our PSA2015 with the other parishes in the diocese to help 1. ¿Qué puedes dejar atrás para seguir a Jesús con mas fidelidad? 2. ¿Qué puedes abarcar con el fin de seguir a Jesús? En febrero estaremos realizando nuestra ASP 2015 con las otras parroquias de la diócesis para ayudar a financiar importantes ministerios diocesanos y Nuestra Señora de Fátima. Nuestro objetivo es ganar dinero para ayudar a reducir nuestra deuda. Queremos que todos empiecen a rezar y pensar en hacer un compromiso en febrero. Nuestros dólares de ASP no sólo nos ayudan aquí en nuestra parroquia de Fatima, pero son también una manera que nosotros podamos ministrar a otros fuera de nuestra área inmediata. Los dólares de ASP se utilizan para apoyar ministerios que comparten nuestra fe, como los que ayudan con la comunidad sorda. ASP ayuda a crecer nuestra fe ofreciendo becas a las familias para que puedan asistir a la escuela católica. ASP también ayuda a aquellos que sirven en nuestra fe, por ejemplo, la formación de nuestros diáconos como el Diácono Chris. Estas son sólo unos pocas maneras en que sus dólares de ASP se utilizan para compartir, crecer y servir en nuestra fe. Por favor, sepan que al dar al ASP, estos dólares deben ser gastados en las áreas señaladas en el folletos. Estos dólares se consideran fondos restringidos y no se les permite ser utilizado en cualquier otra forma. fund important Diocesan Ministries and Our Lady of Fatima. Our goal is to raise money to The Bible Timeline – the Story of Salvation. help reduce our debt. We want everyone to start praying and thinking about making a pledge in February. This is our story. This is your story. Please join us! Our PSA dollars will not only help us here at OLF, but they are also a way for us to minister to others outside of our immediate area. PSA dollars are used to support ministries that share our faith, like those who help with the deaf community. PSA helps to grow our faith by offering scholarships to families so they can attend Catholic School. PSA also helps those who serve in our faith, for instance the formation of our deacons like Deacon Chris. These are only a few ways your PSA dollars will be used to share, grow, and serve in our faith. THURSDAYS, 9:30AM / MCGOWAN HALL - A Jovenes Para Cristo de Nuestra Señora de Fatima 30, 31 DE ENERO Y 1 DE FEBRERO DEL 2015 Te invitan a tener un encuentro personal con Cristo Jesús por medio de un Retiro de Iniciacion. Este es tu momento… no dejes pasar la oportunidad de encontrarte con Cristo Jesús. Ven y abre tu corazón y tu alma… y El, hará maravillas en Ti. Para más información comuníquese con René Ríos, Rosario Sánchez o cualquier miembro de JPC. Please know that when giving to PSA, these dollars must be spent in the areas noted in the brochures. These dollars are considered restricted funds and are not permitted to be used in any other fashion. 4 w e lco m e to our lady of fatima parish JANUARY 25, 2015 / 25 DE ENERO, 2015 Bereavement Ministry Opportunities Recently we were asked to make both a financial and time commitment to God for the coming year with our Stewardship Drive. I’d like to ask you to consider using your time commitment in our Bereavement Ministry. If you have had a calling to be present for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one please consider this rewarding ministry here at Our Lady of Fatima. We probably all have had first hand experience in this process and therefore you can relate to a caring individual who will provide this greatly needed support in any number of ways: ◆◆ Assisting with the Funeral Liturgy preparation ◆◆ Assisting with the Funeral Liturgy itself ◆◆ Leading the Rosary at the Vigil ◆◆ Assisting with post-funeral gatherings ◆◆ Making follow-up contact with grieving family members If you are interested please contact Doug Batezel at dougbatezel@icloud.com or 366-6418. Teen Confirmation/Adolescentes de la Confirmacion TEEN VOLUNTEERS FOR SUNDAY 5PM MASS We are in an effort to make the Sunday 5pm Mass a Teen Mass. We began with teens sitting together at Mass. Now we invite teens to be sacristans at Mass. Sacristans greet parishioners, hand out music sheets, usher, help with offertory, bring up the gifts, and hand out newsletters at the end of Mass. Calling all teens to take another step in your faith and serve as sacristans at the 5pm Sunday Mass. For more information and to sign up to participate, visit the youth ministry page at www.olfchruch.net or call Eugene at our Teen Leadership at 485-9776. VOLUNTARIOS ADOLESCENTES PARA LA MISA DOMINICAL DE LAS 5PM Estamos en un esfuerzo por hacer la Misa dominical de las 5pm una Misa juvenil. Comenzamos con los adolescentes sentandose juntos en la Misa. Ahora invitamos a los adolescentes a ser ujieres en la Misa. Los ujieres dan la bienvenida a los feligreses, reparten las hojas de música, ayudar con la colecta del ofertorio, traen los regalos al altar, y reparten los boletines al final de la Misa. Llamando a todos los jóvenes a dar un paso más en su fe y servir como sacristanes en la Misa dominical de las 5pm. Para obtener más información y para inscribirse para participar, visite la página del ministerio de adolecentes en www.olfchruch.net o comuniquese con Eugene nuestra Adolecente de Liderazgo al 485-9776. Mothers of Preschoolers January 30, February 13 & 27, 9-11:30am New moms, do you need a break? Do you need some time to relax, laugh, talk to other moms, and grow spiritually? Join MOPS! Your child will be happily at play with our amazing childcare workers and you’ll get a chance to just be you, bravely. MOPS is a ministry for any mom with a child age 0-5. Contact Sarah Donovan at sarahedonovan11@gmail.com to register. OLF PARISH SCHOOL NEWS OLF Parish & School Auction Gala Catholic Schools Week - School Open House & Science Fair/Semana de Escuelas Católicas Casa Abierta y Feria de Ciencia TODAY! JANUARY 25, 10AM - 2:30PM All parishioners, families, and friends are invited to take a student-led tour of our campus. Administrators, teachers, and parents will be available to answer questions pertaining to curriculum, spiritual and secular, and showcase our newly implemented technology-infused programs. Also, please visit our Jr. High Science Fair that will be displayed all day in McGowan Hall. 25 DE ENERO, 10AM - 2:30PM Todos los feligreses, familias y amigos estan invitados hacer un recorrido dirigido por estudiantes de nuestra escuela. Los administradores, maestros, y padres estarán disponibles para contestar preguntas relacionadas con el currículo, espiritual y secular, y mostrar nuestros programas de tecnología infundidos recientemente. También, por favor visite nuestra Feria de Ciencias de nuestros Secundarios que se mostrará todo el día en salon parroquial McGowan. OLF Parish School Celebrates 50 years in 2015! Our Lady of Fatima Parish School was founded by the Religious Sisters of Charity in 1965 as a primary elementary school for grades 1-4. At that time, four Sisters of Charity and one lay teacher staffed the school. Additional grades were added each year so that by 1969 students were enrolled through 8th grade. The school remained under the administration of the Religious Sisters of Charity until 1989. Over the years, the presence of of these sisters wove a distinct pattern into the fabric of the school community. Among the many gifts the sisters brought with them when they established the school were a reverence for the whole of creation, a respect for all cultures and traditions, a commitment to move beyond fear and prejudice, a passion to serve, and a generous willingness to respond to the needs and times. These charisms have left an indelible mark on our school history and have influenced the formulation of the school’s mission, philosophy, vision, and school-wide learning expectations. If you are, or happen to know, an alum of OLF Parish School we would love to hear from you as we plan our big celebration. Please contact Kris Windes at kwindes@olfschool.net or 492-7320. Support OLF Parish School & Encourage Healthy Habits At Home EAT LOCAL | EAT FRESH | EAT BETTER TOGETHER Receive fresh, organic produce conveniently delivered right to your home while earning 10% back for our school! Our Lady of Fatima Parish School is proud to partner with Farm Fresh To You, a family farm growing organically since 1976. Friends and family in the greater Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento,and San Francisco Bay areas can help raise funds through Farm Fresh to You too! Visit www.farmfreshtoyou.com to sign up. And don’t forget to use the PROMO CODE: fatima (all lower case), so OLF School will receive the 10% for fundraising! Enrollment Info OLF School offers transitional kindergarten through the 8th grade level. If you are considering enrolling your child or children please contact Kris Windes at kwindes@olfschool.net or 492-7320 to learn more about our implementation of 21st century learning opportunities. The school is accepting new students. FEBRUARY 28 / BELLA COLLINA TOWNE & GOLF CLUB Please go to www.olfschool.net or call 492-7320 for information or to purchase tickets - $75.00/person. 3 ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME / 3º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 5 AROUND THE DIOCESE Priesthood Discernment Evening/ Tarde de Discernimiento al Sacerdocio WE PRAY FOR ALL THE SICK/ OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS Tina Goodale Socorro Leon Terry Varriano Delia Avila Theresa Molina Corrine Hardman The Vocations Office cordially invites men interested in diocesan priesthood to this opportunity to become familiar with the life, prayer, and possible call to priesthood in the Diocese of Orange. There is no commitment on your part, other than the expression of interest to participate. Please contact the Director of Vocations, Rev. John Moneypenny at (714) 282-3036 or fr.jmoneypenny@rcbo.org if you have any questions. Christy Gildner Roy Butler Saundra Mulato John O’Donnel Jose Sanchez Holden Zimmerle Mary Dull Miguel Cubillo Taylor Pearcy Ann Marie Schoors Dorothy Gibney Alec Wurth 4 DE FEBRERO, 6PM / DIÓCESIS DE ORANGE, CENTRO PASTORAL EN LA CATEDRAL DE CRISTO Rose Marie Ledonne Christian Mayers Joan B. Busacay Sandra Dye Dalia Ornellas Laura Monay Guadalupe Flores Justina De La Torre Josine Kummetz Mark Mikulics FEBRUARY 4, 6PM / DIOCESE OF ORANGE PASTORAL CENTER AT CHRIST CATHEDRAL La Oficina de Vocaciones invita cordialmente a los hombres interesados en el sacerdocio diocesano a esta oportunidad de familiarizarse con la vida, la oración, y la posible llamada al sacerdocio en la Diócesis de Orange. No hay ningún compromiso de su parte, que no sea la expresión de interés en participar. Esta reunion sera en Ingles, por favor, póngase en contacto con el Director de Vocaciones, Padre John Moneypenny al (714) 282-3036 o fr.jmoneypenny@rcbo.org si tiene alguna pregunta. AND OUR BELOVED DEAD/Y POR NUESTROS QUERIDOS FALLECIDOS James Shaw Brian Glassco Celia Morales Margaret Tilson Alberto Navarro Guillermina Rangel ◆◆ Controller Dennis O’Keefe Jacob Faust ◆◆ Director of Real Estate Management Roberta Fleming Gary Lofgren Shirley Taylor John Vaughan Louis Zanotti Salem Akroush Alanna Reade Argantine Akroush Ken Wehage Bud Serotsky Roy Hurlbut Refugio Garcia Ron Lathrope Mary Matranga Beatrice Lux William Vann Lyoba Craine and all victims of Alberto Navarro war and violence. Positions Available at Christ Cathedral Campus The Diocese of Orange seeks to fill the following management positions: ◆◆ Director of Information Technology Please visit www.rcbo.org for detailed job descriptions. Applicants are asked to send a cover letter and resume, in confidence, to hrjobs@rcbo.org . IN OUR COMMUNITY Community Outreach Training: Make a difference in your community/Entrenamiento de Alcance Comunitaria: Haga una diferencia en su comunidad Jorge Contreras JANUARY 31, 1 - 3:30PM / CAPO BEACH CHURCH (SAN FELIPE DE JESUS) This training is for community members who would like to get involved with the Sheriff ’s Department Homeless Outreach Team. Participants will receive introductory training in the fundamentals of homeless outreach and the opportunity to meet other community members that are part of your city’s Outreach Team. Training is provided by Coast to Coast Foundation. For more information/questions, please call 888-275-5160 31 DE ENERO, DE 1 A 3:30PM/ SAN FELIPE DE JESUS EN CAPO BEACH Este entrenamiento es para miembros de la comunidad que deseen participar con el Departamento del Sheriff “Equipo de Alcanse a Desalojados”. Los participantes recibirán capacitación introductoria en los fundamentos del “Alcance a Desalojados” y la oportunidad de conocer a otros miembros de la comunidad que forman parte del Equipo de Alcance de tu ciudad. La formación será proporcionada por la Fundación de Costa a Costa. Para más información / preguntas, por favor de llame al 888-275-5160 8 w e lco m e to our lady of fatima parish JANUARY 25, 2015 / 25 DE ENERO, 2015
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