Minutes of Wisborough Green Parish Council’s Meeting held on Tuesday 18th November 2014 Wisborough Green Parish Council Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting to be agreed on 20th January 2015 Date: Tuesday 18th November 2014 Present: Mr K Charman (KC) (Chairman), Mr A Jackson (AJ), Mr M King (MK) Mrs S Overington (SO), Apologies: Mr P Drummond (PD), Mr H True (HT) In Attendance: Mrs L Davies, Clerk District Councillor, Mr Josef Ransley County Councillor, Mrs Janet Duncton Members of Public: 2 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.45 pm and welcomed all in attendance. Action By 1. Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received and accepted from Mr Drummond and Mr True. 2. Declaration of Members’ Interests: In relation to the Oil and Gas application, KC and MK both declared their interests, which members had previously considered and agreed would not conflict with the Kirdford application. No other interests were declared and no requests for dispensation had been received. 3. Minutes of the Last Meeting: The Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 21st October 2014 and the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Monday 10 th November 2014 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 4. Council Membership: The Clerk advised that she had this evening picked up an email from a possible applicant; KC agreed to contact. Chichester District Council (CDC) had confirmed that members could still be co-opted but would need to be made aware of the election on 7th May 2015. All members would need to complete nomination forms for this election, which would be sent out by CDC next March. The Clerk confirmed that the election flyers had now been ordered and was proposing to put in the March Parish magazine. 5. District/County Councillor Update: District Councillor: - With the elections next May, the Council was beginning to wind down. - The Local Plan was going through examination. CDC had agreed to undertake a housing audit in relation to the proposed 410 houses per year. - The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) figure was currently being defined. Although house prices varied across the district, it was likely to be one set figure. The Levy was available for infrastructure improvements. - County Councillor: Mrs Duncton reminded members of the Credit Union Scheme which was being promoted. This was a special Dementia Awareness week and County was raising awareness. As previously mentioned, help for carers was available and was being promoted by County. Mrs Duncton confirmed that she had forwarded details of the school car park to the Cabinet Member for comment. 187 Clerk Minutes of Wisborough Green Parish Council’s Meeting held on Tuesday 18th November 2014 - Mrs Duncton would be attending a special Environmental meeting to discuss Gatwick Airport following release of the latest information. The Chairman advised Mrs Duncton of the issues that the village already faced – volume, frequency, height, noise, night time disturbance – and highlighted that any increase in air traffic would exacerbate these concerns. Mrs Duncton advised that, in principle, WSCC was in favour of expansion at Gatwick due to the job creation. The Chairman asked Mrs Duncton to be fully aware of the implications for a much wider area. 6. Public Questions: Dr Jill Sutcliffe, a member of Keep Kirdford and Wisborough Green (KKWG) attended the meeting in relation to the Oil and Gas Planning Application Public Inquiry. She advised that a meeting was held last Friday, for members of KKWG, Kirdford and Wisborough Green Parish Councils, to meet a lady who had been involved in fighting wind farm applications since the early 90s. It was an informative meeting and meeting notes had been circulated. Dr Sutcliffe advised that WSCC’s Statement of Case and comments from interested parties had to be submitted by the 19 th December 2014. WSCC had also advised KKWG that it was unable to discuss the case. KKWG had now met and agreed to work on different aspects. KKWG would be applying for Rule 6 status so that it could be involved in the Inquiry and was likely to appoint a planning expert to present the case. It was necessary for the three groups to meet as a matter of urgency to confirm the areas on which to concentrate so that the case could be presented in an organised and efficient manner. 7. Matters Arising from the Parish Council Meeting on 21st October 2014 and on-going matters: a. Proposed Oil & Gas Exploration Site: AJ confirmed that he and PD attended Friday’s meeting; the meeting notes had been circulated. The meeting had given explanation to the Inquiry procedure and the key issues to address. It was noted that Dr Sutcliffe had made enquiries from a Planning Advisor to hold a Public Inquiry workshop and would provide further information in due course. Members agreed that dividing the areas of concern between the groups was beneficial and that Wisborough Green Parish Council would concentrate on the impact upon the character of the village. Due to her involvement in the Neighbourhood Plan, the Clerk advised that the Kirdford Clerk was taking the lead and would organise this initial meeting. b. Community Led Plan/Neighbourhood Plan: MK advised that the Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan document was now nearing completion and would be ratified at a Parish Council meeting to be held in early December; it was necessary for the members not involved in the Steering Group to also ratify the document. Following feedback from English Heritage, CDC was reviewing the decision regarding the Strategic Environmental Assessment and would advise further at the end of the week. A consultation on this Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan was planned for 6 weeks from 5th January 2015. All households would receive notification, responses could be by either email or hardcopy, and information events would be held in the Village Hall. c. Highways Issues: Community Use of School Car Park: Further to discussion at the last meeting, the Clerk confirmed that she had forwarded details to Councillor Janet Duncton to follow up with WSCC. The Clerk had also forwarded a copy of WSCC’s original email pertaining to the charges to the school for information. d. Gatwick Airport: Prior to PD being co-opted onto the Council, he had produced an article to be printed in the Parish magazine, which had not been published due to space constraints. This could now been published under the Parish Council’s name, either in the Parish magazine or the next Parish Council newsletter, but required endorsement by other members. The article had been circulated to all in advance of the meeting. Members agreed that the article was very informative but now required updating to reflect recent announcements. Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign (GACC) had recently circulated details of possible flight paths for a second runway, which was displayed. Although this was alarming, it was agreed that the article should concentrate on the current issues and to avoid any confusion, the implications of a second runway be left for a followup article. Members expressed their concern that air traffic over the village had certainly changed over the last year; now following a narrow path, low height, frequency, volume of traffic, noise and night-time flying. The article to be circulated for final approval with the following amendment: o Update to reflect current situation. 188 Minutes of Wisborough Green Parish Council’s Meeting held on Tuesday 18th November 2014 o o Increase emphasis on incoming flights as this had greatest impact on the village centre. Make reference to village website where further information and links were available. PD SO confirmed that she and the Clerk would be attending the GACC protest meeting on Saturday to get more information. 8. e. Biogas Plant at Crouchlands Farm, Plaistow: Further information had been provided by the applicant to which both Plaistow & Ifold and Kirdford Parish Councils were responding. The application would go to the WSCC Planning Committee in January 2015. f. Broadband Installation at Village Hall: Although the order had been placed by the Village Hall Management Committee, nothing further had been heard. g. Clerk’s Report on On-Going Matters: - Highways Update: o Newpound Lane: The jetting outside Fredericks and at Moonsbrook had now been undertaken. The gullies had been cleared outside Fredericks but further work was required at Moonsbrook. o Kirdford Road/Pavilion drainage: The Watershed application had been submitted but further quotes had been requested by WSCC. The Clerk had met with several contractors and was waiting for the quotations. o Skiff Lane Junction: Update requested. o Moonsbrook: As above. o School Road Watershed Application: the work had now started. o Granite setts: a quotation had been submitted to WSCC. Clerk New Items for Discussion a. 9. Clerk Clerk Renewable Energy Survey: Ms Katy Fletcher had attended the October meeting and presented to the Council an idea to circulate a survey to understand energy use in the village and to promote renewable energy. Ms Fletcher had now circulated further information to the Council to give explanation to her proposal, which also confirmed that she had no personal or prejudicial interests. Being involved in KKWG, Ms Fletcher advised that she now wished to leave until the spring to enable her to concentrate on the Oil & Gas Exploration Site Public Inquiry. Members agreed to offer Parish Council support to the proposal and that postponing would also ensure that it did not conflict or cause confusion with the forthcoming Neighourhood Plan consultation. To be considered again at the February meeting, with a view to promoting in spring 2015. Clerk Correspondence: Details of correspondence received since 24th September was displayed at the meeting. The Clerk highlighted details as necessary. - Jill Sutcliffe – Attended SDNP Meeting on behalf of the Parish Council – meeting notes - - circulated to all. Resident who is involved in the shoot at Harsfold Manor. Concerned about dog fouling in Harsfold Lane, on the land generally and also dogs not on bridleway and running around fields/woodland, disturbing wildlife. He had approached several people about this, but to no avail. The Clerk advised that she had contacted the NFU for advice and literature, and had suggested to the landowner that he purchase his own signs. Members agreed that an article should be put in the next Parish magazine. Rural Services Network – weekly email digest – circulated. WSCC – details of riparian ditches campaign. The Parish Council has already published details in the last newsletter. GACC – details of Gatwick protest on 22nd November and poster to display – circulated. CDC – notification of appeal against CDC’s decision to refuse planning permission for Winterfold. Details circulated. 189 Clerk Minutes of Wisborough Green Parish Council’s Meeting held on Tuesday 18th November 2014 - A Tony Morris – again raising awareness of WSCC’s recent decision to make cuts to the Fire - - - - - & Rescue Service. Janet Duncton voted in favour. Cllr Duncton advised that she had voted in favour due to the implications for Petworth; a retained fire station, which had struggled with recruitment over the years. Instead of a tender that needed to be manned by 5-6 personnel, it was being replaced by a smaller upgraded 4-wheel drive vehicle that was suitable to tackle heath fires and could be used by 1 or 2 personnel. An extra water douser was also being provided in Petworth. A sub group had been established to monitor the changes and review in one year. CDC – councillor resignation update. The next Parish Council elections will be held on 7 May 2015 and all current parish councillors will formally retire on 11 May 2015. Arun & Rother Connections - in partnership with the Woodland Trust is putting on a free event for those who manage land on 28 Nov in Midhurst. Please see here for further details http://arunwesternstreams.org.uk/events Aimed at farmers, landowners and agents in catchment. WSCC – press release for ‘Being Prepared for Winter’ preparations. Open Space Society – autumn magazine. Forwarded to MK. WSCC – feasibility report for Boxall Bridge – circulated. Trying to set up a meeting with WSCC to discuss further. Members agreed that the Clerk could forward a copy of the report to KKWG. Rural Services Network – weekly email digest – circulated. CDC – street naming, numbering and nameplate policy adopted by CDC cabinet on 14th October. Petra Billings, West Weald Landscape Project - The funding for the West Weald Landscape Project runs out in March 2015 and I am seeking further funding to extend the project for a second phase from April 2015 to March 2017. I am in the process of writing an application to Chichester District Council for a grant of ~ £24,000 towards total project costs of ~£86,000 for the two-year project term, and I have been advised by my contact at CDC to seek parish support for this application. I am aiming to submit the application in time for the next CDC Grants and Concessions Panel meeting on 28th November. Given the close association I have had with the Wisborough Green community over the last few years, I wondered if the Council would be prepared to write a letter of support? Members agreed that the Clerk should forward a letter of support. WSCC – Surface Water Management Plan newsleter – circulated. Josef Ransley – notification of a Planning Advisory Service workshop of oil and fracking on 16th January 2015 in Horsham. Details circulated. WSCC – Asking Parishes for feedback on noise issues relating to A27.Rural Services Network – weekly email digest. SDNP – October key highlights update – circulated. KKWG – forwarded on the applicant’s statement of case and details received from WSCC regarding the Oil Appeal – circulated. Village Hall Management Committee – minutes of meeting held on 27th October – circulated. GACC - Airports Commission has today published their consultation on plans for a new runway at Gatwick or Heathrow. It is at https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/increasing-the-uks-long-term-aviation-capacity GACC will be studying it and the mass of supporting documents, carefully and will let you have a detailed analysis in due course. Copy of press release attached. Circulated. Carters Way Resident – after heavy rain, water collected on the footpath Kirdford Road – was forced to walk on the grass so shoes affected. Concerned about the effects of cold weather and ice forming. Advised that water is potentially related to the Pavilion and that a Watershed application had been submitted. WSCC – publication of Annual Health Report. Circulated. KKWG – copy of meeting notes from meeting regarding oil appeal – circulated. Rural Services Network – weekly email digest. West Weald Landscape Project – newsletter. Circulated. 190 Minutes of Wisborough Green Parish Council’s Meeting held on Tuesday 18th November 2014 - Lodsworth Parish Council - At recent meeting, had a number of parishioners from Lickfold PD - Clerk - (hamlet within the parish of Lodsworth) attending to highlight their concerns regarding the significant increase recently in commercial air traffic in the local area. The residents are not entirely sure what to do and are very keen to gauge the views of others locally to see if there are any other areas which have been affected and noticed changes in the amount of air traffic. Contact details for residents given. Details forwarded to PD to follow up. Liz Beth, Planning Aid - Have a bit of support time left on the direct support scheme but will not stretch much past the start of the Reg14 consultation in January 2015. Could apply for more support. It was agreed that the Clerk should apply in case further help is required. GACC - press release and details of possible flight paths for second runways. Circulated. - KKWG – notification that the group will be applying for Rule 6 status in order to take a full part in the Public Inquiry which will need determination, resources and funds. Will now be meeting as a group on a weekly basis and keen to liaise with Parish Councils to how to address the local concerns. 8.40 pm – Mr Ransley and the members of public left the meeting room. 8.45 pm – Mrs Duncton left the meeting room. 10. Finance: a. Accounts for Payment: The Clerk displayed the Cheque List for November which was approved. Cheque Number 2807 2808 2809 2810 Total 137.13 961.47 493.80 25.00 _______ Details British Telecommunication plc – broadband and telephone charges West Sussex County Council – Clerk’s salary for October Pyzer Cleaning Services – daily cleaning of public toilets WG Fete Society – donation for use of bunting but included in payment made to Council 1617.40 Cheques dated 18th November 2014 b. c. Statement of Accounts: The Clerk displayed details of the actual year to date figures against budget. The Clerk highlighted the payment received from the Horticultural Society and the Watershed Funding for School Road had been received but not paid out. There were no concerns that she wished to highlight. There were no further questions. The Clerk would circulate the report. Budget Preparations for 2015/16: A draft budget had been prepared by the Chairman and Clerk, and circulated in advance of the meeting. The anticipated year end balances as at 31 st March 2015 were discussed in detail prior to considering the next budget. The Clerk provided details of the reserve accounts based upon the planned provision being made. The 2015/16 budget headings were scrutinised. The inflation costs for village maintenance items were noted and members agreed that expenditure on projects identified should be included. Although showing a negative budget, the £1500 election provision might not be spent and further savings were likely in the budget. MK advised that due to recent grant funding, the Youth Club did not require funding in the next year, so this was removed. Members were conscious that funds would be required for the oil and gas public enquiry, and agreed that some provision should be made. The end of year transfers would be reviewed in April once the year-end balances were confirmed. Members were conscious that the Precept had been increased last year by £5000 to account for the toilet funding and if possible, should be maintained at the current level of £40,000 for next year. The Clerk highlighted that the CDC grant might be reduced so residents would see a small increase as a result. Members agreed to the budget as presented and would confirm the Precept requirement in January. 191 Clerk Minutes of Wisborough Green Parish Council’s Meeting held on Tuesday 18th November 2014 11. Planning a. Planning Applications: There were no planning applications to review. b. Chichester District Council Planning Decisions: The following was noted: c. Application No: Application and Reason Decision WR/14/03210/FUL Mrs Victoria Wilkins Shipbourne Farm Fittleworth Road Wisborough Green Erect 12 stables with associated feed and storage rooms together with car parking, sand school and hard standing for the storage of dung. Permit WR/14/03343/TPA Mrs Vanya Seager-Green Field House Newpound Lane Wisborough Green Crown reduce by 20%, remove 3 no. lowest limbs on east sector and crown thin around cables by 10-15% on 1no. Oak tree (T1) subject to WR/96/01120/TPO. No TPO WR/14/03367/TCA Mrs Vanya Seager-Green Field House Newpound Lane Wisborough Green Notification of intention to fell 1no. Ash tree. No TPO Greenways Nursery – Public Inquiry on 18th/19th November: The Chairman and Clerk attended the Inquiry today; the Chairman read the Council’s statement which had been circulated and agreed prior to the meeting, and answered questions as necessary. The Clerk gave details of the day’s discussion, which would continue tomorrow (19 th November). 12. Other Reports a. Village Hall: SO attended the Village Hall Management Committee meeting on 27th October to look at a re-design of the internal space. It had been a positive meeting which resulted in several lines of enquiry. Minutes of the meeting had been circulated. The Chairman was pleased that a valuable link with the Committee had been established and he would be attending the Annual General Meeting on 24th November 2014. b. Workhouse: The Clerk was obtaining quotations for the exterior re-decoration. Clerk c. Allotments: An allotment holder had previously mentioned the condition of the hedge, which was currently cut by allotment holders as part of the tenancy agreement, asking if the Parish Council would cut as it did sometimes look untidy. Members agreed that this should be considered further at the next meeting. Clerk Pavilion: From discussion at the Green Coordination Group meeting, it appeared that it was the Sports Association’s perception that the Parish Council was not supportive of the Association’s plan to improve the building. The Chairman had reiterated that the Parish Council was in principle keen to support and would therefore provide the Sports Association with the key points from previous discussion in order to guide their investigations. It had been agreed that a meeting would be organised with a CDC Planning Officer in the New Year to discuss options further. KC and AJ would arrange to meet with a Trustee in the near future. KC/AJ d. e. The Green: A Green Coordination Group meeting was held on 28th October 2014; the minutes had been circulated. There were no issues to highlight. A request from the Sports Association to spray to suppress worms had been received, which was agreed by members; the Sports Association would fund. 192 Minutes of Wisborough Green Parish Council’s Meeting held on Tuesday 18th November 2014 f. Neighbourhood Watch: No village specific details to report. g. Footpaths/Conservation: Nothing to report. h. Youth Club: Nothing to report. i. North East Parishes Forum on 24th November 2014; KC attended an informative meeting at Fittleworth. Minutes would be circulated shortly, but he highlighted discussion relating to Travellers, Community Right to Bid and the apprehension of a person living in London who might be responsible for thefts in the area. 13. Any Other Business: a. The Clerk thanked AJ for installing the advertising frames in the public toilets. 14. Date of Next Meeting: Planning Committee Meeting on Tuesday 2nd and 16th December 2014 at 8.00 pm (if required) Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 20th January 2015 at 7.45 pm. The Clerk highlighted that a further full Council meeting would need to be held at the end of November/beginning of December in order to ratify the Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan; dates would be circulated. Part 1 of the meeting closed at 9.40 pm. 15. Exclusion of Press and Public: Pursuant to Standing Orders Section 1d, and in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public were excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. Neighbourhood Plan: As both Parish Council members not involved in the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group had been unable to attend the meeting, it was not possible to ratify the document. A further meeting would therefore be held at the end of the month. Some policy content, the implications of a Strategic Environmental Assessment, further involvement of community members and arrangements for the forthcoming consultation were discussed. There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 10.00 pm. ................................................................................................ Chairman ......................................................... Date 193
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