St. Cecilia Church Iglesia Santa Cecilia Celebrating 100 Years est. 1913 5105 SW Franklin Ave. Beaverton, Or 97005 Phone:(503) 644-2619 Fax: (503) 626-7204 Web Site: January 25, 2015 Rev. Cary Reniva, Pastor Fr. Mark Bentz, Parochial Vicar Deacon Bill Richardson, Hispanic Ministry, Ext. 176 Deacon David Hammes, Pastoral Minister Parish Office, Press 2 Cheryl Motal, Office Coordinator, Ext. 160 Jim Cassinelli, Business Manager, Ext. 164 Shelly Schultheis, Accountant, Ext. 162 Michelle Hallett, Development, Ext. 178 Erika Ascencio, Hispanic Asst., Ext. 161 MASS SCHEDULE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SATURDAY 5:00pm (Vigil) SUNDAY 7:30am 9:00am 10:45am 12:30pm 2:30pm (Spanish) Adult Faith Programs Betsy Willing, Ext. 163 RCIA Mike Flanigan 503-524-6922 Deacon David Hammes 503-320-0077 Middle School/High School Confirmation Mary Kiefer, Ext. 171 Elementary RE (Grades 1-5) Amy Maris-Volf, Ext. 172 WEEKDAYS Monday through Saturday 8:00am Nursery & Preschool Betsy Willing, Ext. 163 CONFESSIONS/ CONFESIONES Spanish RE, K-12 Letty Rodriguez, Ext. 163 Saturday/Sabado 8:40am - 10:00am 3:30pm - 4:40pm ST. CECILIA SCHOOL Sue Harris, Principal Tami McIntyre, Registrar School Office, 503-644-2619 Press 3 Parish Office Hours (English): Monday through Thursday 8:30am to Noon, 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Horario de Oficina en Español: para bautismos, quinceañeras y catecismo para niños, jóvenes y adultos, Lunes-Jueves 2-5pm only St. Vincent de Paul: 503-643-1702 Infant Baptism: Before scheduling a date for baptism, parents must be registered members of St. Cecilia Parish and attend two consecutive classes held on Thursdays at 7:00pm in August, November, February and May. Contact Deacon David Hammes, (503) 320-0077, to register for classes and for more information. Matrimony: Couples must contact a parish priest and arrange for pre-marriage instructions. No date will be set until there is a conference with a parish priest, at least six months prior to the wedding. Ministry to the Sick & Homebound, Anointing, & "Welcome Ministry": Call Joye Boone, (503) 644-2619, Ext. 170. Are you pregnant and considering your options? Catholic Charities can help: 503-238-5196. Grief Support Ministry: Call the Parish Office, 503-644-2619. Funeral Services: Please contact the parish priest before scheduling any funeral services. Perpetual Adoration: Chapel is open 24 hours and located in the Parish Center. Bulletin Deadline: 10:00am Monday for the following Sunday. Please submit bulletin information to a “new” email account, Prayerfully Consider Have you ever wondered what it would be like to save someone’s life? A beautiful young lady of our parish, Ana Rivera and her family, had a change of direction happen in their lives on November 7, 2014. Ana and her mom were attending Friday night prayer group in the parish center when Ana experienced some discomfort in her arm. She noticed a large bruise forming on her bicep. She showed her mom and together, with other friends, decided that she should go to the emergency room and get it checked out. They were seen at the Kaiser Emergency Room in Hillsboro and within a couple of hours were told that she had cancer. She was sent immediately to Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center in Clackamas and admitted to the Oncology floor. Ana stayed there for six weeks. Chemotherapy was begun shortly after her arrival, and the seriousness of her condition, an advanced case of Acute Myeloid Leukemia, was made known to them. She was told that she needed a bone marrow transplant and then another round of chemotherapy. Her feeling of being tired in the weeks before as she attended classes as a senior at Aloha High School progressed to her feeling very sick and extremely nauseous in a hospital bed, as the chemo and its good and bad effects took over her body to fight the cancer. Her mom stayed with her day and night during her hospital stay, reluctantly leaving for a night here and there when her twin sister offered to stay with Ana. Family and friends pitched in to help on the home front with Ana’s younger siblings: brothers’ Jose and Salvador and sister Lupe. She was able to come home just before Christmas. The great news came during the Christmas Season that her brother, Angel, is a perfect match for her, and that he is willing to be her bone marrow donor. Her bone marrow transplant is supposed to happen sometime in February. Ana was able to come to a Sunday morning youth gathering on January 4 th where we prayed over her. She has been attending classes with the help of a home tutor through the Beaverton School District. On January 6 th, she was given news by her doctor that she would need to go back to the hospital for another round of chemotherapy. She is just finishing that treatment. Your willingness to help, if you are ages 18-44, would be to sign up to be on the Bone Marrow Donor Registry. “Everyone” can help spread the word to family, friends and co-workers to help save more lives. Your prayers are all the family has asked for, but any financial support would also be a great help to the Rivera family. Thousands of patients just like Ana depend on the Be The Match Registry to find a donor who can give them the chance for a cure. Join us. Save Lives. If you are 18 to 44 years of age and in good health, your consent to a cheek swab sample will place you on the Be The Match Registry — you could be the one to save one of the thousands of patients in need of a bone mar r ow transplant. You’ll only be contacted if you’re a match for someone in need. Be The Match Marrow Registry Drive HOSTED BY: St. Cecilia Youth Ministry DATE: Sunday, February 8, 2015 TIME: 8:30am-1:30pm LOCATION: St. Cecilia Activity Center The need for diversity is very important. Of the 10 million members on the registry, only 10% are Hispanic, 7% are African American, and 7% are Asian. Tissue typing is an expensive process, so financial contributions of any size are truly appreciated—you can make a donation by visiting . Please feel free to contact our Be The Match representative, Magda, at 503-310-9349 or msilva@nmdp.or g if you have any questions. We hope you will take a few minutes to attend the drive and help save a life. EMAIL ADDRESS FOR CHURCH BULLETIN ARTICLES Bulletin Deadline: 10:00am Monday for the following Sunday Place your food items for St. Vincent de Paul in the barrels at the main entrance to the church and the West annex door: This weeks food items: PORK AND BEANS VOCATION COMMITTEE We ask each parishioner to pray the following Petition to God: “ For an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life and for a deeper gratitude for the priests and religious now serving our diocese by proclaiming the kingdom of heaven among us,” We pray to the Lord. We invite you to join with the Vocations Committee in our parish prayer activities as we celebrate the World Day (of Prayer) for Consecrated Life dur ing this year that Pope Francis has declared as the Year of Consecrated Life. On Saturday, January 31st, Archbishop Sample will dedicate the 5:30pm Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral to those serving the church in a Consecrated Life Vocation. We invite members of St. Cecilia Parish to attend this special Mass. If you’re not able to drive there on your own, you can take MAX to the Cathedral (use the Providence Park station) or take the car pool that will leave St. Cecilia’s parking lot at 4:15pm (call Tom Eyer at 503-804-0398 if you’re interested in the car pool). Our St. Cecilia Parish family will celebrate the World Day (of Prayer) for Consecrated Life on the weekend of February 7-8 at all Masses. We ask that you please pray for all those who have made commitments to the Consecrated Life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God’s gift for their vocation. Please go to St. Cecilia’s website to find our prayer for vocations to a Consecrated Life. Pray that, through the intercession of the Holy Spirit, there will be an increase in vocations to the Consecrated Life. For more information on this vocation, please contact Fr. Cary or Fr. Mark. MAY 11-20, 2015 Message Phone: 503-646-4435 Web Site: Mass Intentions Saturday, January 24th 5:00pm †Terry McKinnon—Bill & Margaret Walker Sunday, January 25th 7:30am Thanksgiving—Barbara McQueen 9:00am People of St. Cecilia 10:45am †Linda Shockman—Lauer Family 12:30pm †Sung Hoon Pang—Jane Murray 2:30pm †Marcella Donoghue—Family Monday, January 26th 8:00am †Maria H. Pham—Nguyen Family Tuesday, January 27th 8:00am †Joanne Barta Wednesday, January 28th 8:00am Int. St. Jude Guild Members 9:00am †Mary Margaret Meagher—Jane Murray Thursday, January 29th 8:00am †Joe & Anne Rigert Friday, January 30th 8:00am Int. Jack & Maria Fazio Saturday, January 31st 8:00am Int. Nick Rigert & College Students Dolores Doty, Richard (Dick) Tollisen JESUS I TRUST IN YOU Singing of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the sick and dying and pro-life causes Monday evenings at 7:00pm in the Adoration Chapel. TASTY, HOMEMADE CINNAMON ROLLS Saturday, January 24 after the 5:00 PM Vigil Mass and Sunday, January 25 after the 7:30, 9:00, and 10:45 AM Masses, Social Concerns will be selling Donna’s tasty, homemade cinnamon rolls for $6.00 per half dozen. Consider purchasing an extra plate for later — they freeze beautifully! Proceeds will support the Archdiocese of Portland’s new House of Discernment. Vocations Director, Fr. Jeff Eirvin and men considering seminary will live in a prayerful, communal setting. THANK YOU for supporting Social Concerns! St. Cecilia School News HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT ST. CECILIA SCHOOL? St. Cecilia School Raffle Before & After School in the Office January 25th in the Activity Center Grand Prize for our 2015 Auction Raffle is a "Choose Your Own Adventure Package." The adventure is a choice between a $5,000 Travel Voucher to Azumano Travel (so the winner can plan their ultimate vacation) or a $5,000 St. Cecilia Tuition Voucher (to help fulfill your “Education Adventure”). REGISTER YOUR FRED MEYER CARD Our Community Partner # 86648. 1st prize is a $499 Apple iPad Air 2nd prize is $250 in your choice of scrip gift cards PURCHASE SCRIP GIFT CARDS Questions? Contact Heather 503-318-4755. OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 25th, 2015 10:00 am – 12:30 pm 12250 SW 5th Street (across from Beaverton Library) 503-644-2619 Tickets are $25; only 1,200 will be sold. Last year, “all” raffle tickets were sold! Your continued support would be greatly appreciated! Raffle drawing will be at 9:30pm on February 28th, 2015 at the school auction being held at NW Events and Envirornments. You don't need to be present to win. Contact April Werts for tickets: or (503)747-3498. Nursery & Pre-K on Sunday’s @ 9:00am Kinder “Believers”, Sunday’s 10:15-11:30am Betsy Willing, ext. 163 The Nursery is OPEN during the 9:00am Mass Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children, K-5th grades, are invited to attend during the 9:00 am Sunday Mass. Children process to the Parish Center with adults during the Liturgy of the Word and then return to celebrate the rest of Mass in the Church. Adult/Youth Volunteers are needed. If interested in helping, please call Vicki Giampietro at 503-639-8745. ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION Believers grades 1-2 Disciples grades 3-5 Meet Sunday Mornings 10:15-11:30am Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172 Upcoming dates January 25—Children’s Safe environment class grades 1-5 in the Parish Center Please note: Today’s lesson will be about safe touch and respect of our body in regards to sexual abuse, predators, bullies, etc. It is mandated by the diocese for us to offer it; you may opt out. February 1—Regular Class February 1—SEEKERS First Eucharist Preparation SEEKERS Grades 2-5, English Program Sunday Mornings, 10:15-11:30am Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172 *Registration is CLOSED for this year’s Sacrament Preparation. *Thank you to all who came to the 3rd session! *Next Session: February 1, 10:15-11:30am ADULT/Child together in the Parish Center Homework: Please attend Mass regularly and pay special attention to the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Youth Ministry & Confirmation Sacramental Preparation Mary Kiefer, ext. 171 February YM Gatherings: Feb 1- in Parish Center Feb 8 - Good food at Knights’ breakfast available between 9:30- 10:00am. Gathering is from 10-11:30am in Parish Center Feb.22. 10--11:30am FEB 8 : BONE MARROW DONOR DRIVE HERE to STAND with Ana….ask how you can GET INVOLVED! CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES: DUE on FEB.1 are LOTS OF THINGS! Saint Report, Sponsor Form, and Baptism Certificates. Due on FEB 8 is YM SURVEY! offered on 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month with Mark Hart T3 Timeline of the Old Testament 3:00-4:00 OR 6:00-7:00 in Parish Center. February dates: 3 and 17. ALL Confirmation Candidates attending public school need to come to this! Prayers for Ana – NOTHING BETTER that we can do…..but to Gather at 9:30am in the Chapel on Jan 25 - TODAY and EVERY Sunday before we have YM Gatherings! Service Opportunities in the Parish: Night Strike is BACK– Feb. 5 Meet at 6pm. Drivers and Chaperones nee needed. PERMISSION FORM REQUIRED. First Saturdays – 8am Mass and Service. Next one: Feb. 7th. Invite a friend and COME!! SVDP – Here at St. C. every Monday –Friday morning at 8:30am people are making food boxes. Contact Mary if you want to sign up Faith Café - March 8th 4-6:30pm. There are 4 spots available…..Contact Mary Congratulations to the 40 children who celebrated First Reconciliation this Saturday !!!! Congratulations to those who made a Profession of Faith to enter into our Catholic Faith!! Tammy Hanna, Sophia Foutch, Jackson Parker!!!!! Communion Visitors and Welcome Ministry Joye Boone, ext. 170 HELLO SQUAD ST. CECILIA WOULD LIKE TO HONOR & PRAY FOR YOU! By now you have seen us, on Saturday or Sunday, waiting by the Church door, to Greet and Welcome You to St. Cecilia. We will be listing anniversaries monthly in our parish bulletin. But we need your help! Do you have an hour to give to the Lord? 4 Saturdays/Sundays = 1 hour. An extra 15 minutes for 4 days; a month of Sundays! You will be surprised how fun it is! Get to know your fellow parishioners. Find some dates that fit for you, and JOIN OUR TEAM! Families too! Please call or email Joye Boone with your names (John & Mary Smith), anniversary date (January 31) and how many years (12) you’ve been married! HAPPY JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES! Rene & Shirley Lacambre, January 7, 25 years Anthony & Loraine VanDomelen, January 13, 63 years Norman & Marsha Carter, January 16, 55 years Rick & Peggy Jansen, January 22, 49 years Paul & Ann Levasseur, January 24, 46 years Call Joye Boone, 503-644-2619 ext 170 or email If you have a loved one who is no longer able to come to Mass, has moved to a “care” facility, changed residences or is hospitalized, please notify Joye at the Parish Office. We want to be a friendly voice from St. Cecilia Parish to keep in contact and provide Sacraments. Adult Faith Formation January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Psalm Second Reading Gospel Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm 25:4-9 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20 Bible Basics Everything you wanted Mark's Gospel is told with a great sense of urgency and immediacy. Jesus is a person of action, and events occur in rapid succession. We see this in today's Gospel. Time is of the essence; the fishermen immediately put aside their livelihood to become Jesus' disciples. The Kingdom of God is here and now. The time of fulfillment is at hand. to know from Genesis to Jesus How might our lives be different if we more fully shared this sense of the immediacy of God's kingdom? 7:00 pm, Parish Center—Rooms A BC A Women ’ s Bible Study with Fr. Mark Bentz Tuesday, January 27th Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesdays through May HAVE YOU EVER HAD A LIFE-CHANGING LENT? Join Matthew Kelly, the best-selling Catholic author in America, on a life-changing journey through your Best Lent Ever. Each week, participants will receive short videos and inspiration from Matthew that explain the genius of Catholicism and empower them to become the best-version-of-themselves. Go to to sign up! Respect Life & Other Newsworthy Happenings Thank you to all who joined the enthusiastic participants at last Sunday’s Rally for Life in Portland! Field of Crosses for the Unborn January 30 Join the St. Francis-Sherwood Respect Life Committee to pray for and remember the lives lost from abortion at the cross memorial site. The crosses, installed by the Knights of Columbus, are located on the corner of Tualatin-Sherwood Road and Cipole Roads, next to Columbia Corrugated Box Company, Inc. Please meet at 9:15 AM. Join the Movement! The U.S. bishops are inviting the faithful nationwide to join a movement of prayer, penance, and sacrifice for the sake of renewing a culture of life, marriage, and religious liberty. Visit or text “fast” to 99000.” Your prayers matter. Your sacrifices make a difference. Watch a 90-second video ( about the Bishops' Call to Prayer share it with a friend! FEBRUARY 18—MARCH 29 Join the worldwide movement to protect mothers and babies! Stay tuned for more details “Catholic Charities Pregnancy Support & Adoption Services is in need of loving, car ing families interested in expanding their family through open adoption. We are experiencing a shortage of families and need couples who are willing to join us in ministry to women facing an unexpected pregnancy. Our next Orientation Class is February 27 & 28. For more details or to schedule a free informational interview, contact Shawn Cass at 503-238-5196 or” "If you want peace, work for justice." Pope Paul VI Health Care for All-Oregon (HCAO) is a non-profit agency that seeks universal publicly funded health care for all Oregonians. On February 11, HCAO is planning a rally at the state capital in an effort to get our legislators to embrace this movement. Holy Trinity Catholic Church will be a staging area for buses to take people to the state capitol rally. Contact Jerry Osacho, 503-5201638,, for information and to reserve a seat on the bus. Join us for a panel discussion with Q&A regarding universal health care and Health Care for All-Oregon on Tuesday, January 27th, 7-8pm, Fireside Room, Holy Trinity Parish, 13715 SW Walker Rd. Beaverton Service Opportunity for ALL Parishioners Night Strike is BACK– Feb. 5 Meet at 6pm in St. Cecilia Parking Lot. Drivers and Chaperones needed. Archdiocese Driver’s Form required if you are taking teens. PERMISSION FORM REQUIRED. We’ll be back by 10 pm. Come serve the homeless alongside our youth under the Burnside Bridge. Contact Mary, YM Coordinator, for more details. American Red Cross Blood Drive Thursday, February 26, 2015 from 1:30—6:30pm St. Cecilia Parish Center Parking Lot To schedule your appointment, contact 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or —sponsor code: StCeciliaBeaverton MINISTERIO HISPANO - PARROQUIA SANTA CECILIA, BEAVERTON Coordinador: Diácono Bill Richar dson Sacerdotes: P. Cary Reniva y P. Marcos Bentz Secretaria: Er ika Ascencio Teléfono oficina: 503-644-2619, Ext. 161 o Ext. 176 Horas de oficina en español: de Lunes a J ueves de 2:00 a 5:00 PM TERCER DOMINGO DE TIEMPO ORDINARIO 25 DE ENERO, 2015 JESÚS LLAMA A SUS PRIMEROS DISCÍPULOS En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús se encuentra en la orilla del lago de Galilea y llama a 2 pescadores, Simón y su hermano Andrés para que lo sigan. En una respuesta sencilla pero muy radical para sus vidas, ellos dejan sus redes y le siguieron. Sabían bien, nos imaginamos, que sería una gran aventura, pero no podían saber lo que les iba a costar, ni las maneras en que cambiarían. Al corto tiempo, Jesús llama también a Santiago y a Juan, otros 2 hermanos pescadores, y ellos responden de la misma manera. ¿De qué manera(s) te ha llamado a ti a seguirle el Señor? ¿Cómo le has respondido? ¿Qué desafíos has encontrado en este seguimiento? MISIONEROS CUMPLEN 100 AÑOS La congregación religiosa de los MISIONEROS DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO celebraron 100 años desde su fundación el día de la Navidad, 2014. Esta es la comunidad de la que forman parte los Padres Joel Quezada y Celso Marquez, junto con el Diácono Armando, quien se encuentra sirviendo con nosotros en Santa Cecilia en este último año de su formación para el sacerdocio en el seminario de Mt. Angel. Esta comunidad religiosa nació en MEXICO en 1914, precisamente durante la Revolución Mexicana y su persecución fuerte del gobierno contra el clero. Las 2 personas inspirando y dirigiendo estos inicios fueron el Padre Felix de Jesús Rougier, y Conchita Cabrera. Agradecemos mucho todo el trabajo que ellos han hecho, y continúan haciendo, tanto en nuestra diócesis como en otras partes del mundo. Oramos que Dios les mande muchas vocaciones. RELIGIÓN EN AMERICA LATINA Un centro de investigación y estudios con sede en Washington llamada Pew Research publicó información sobre diversas estadísticas de religión en América Latina. Entre otras cosas relatan que en estos países viven casi el 40 por ciento de los católicos del mundo entero. El país más católico es Paraguay, con 89% de la población, y el menos católico es su vecino Uruguay, con solamente el 42%. Mexico (81%), Colombia (79) y Ecuador (79) siguen a Paraguay. Por otro lado, solamente el 8% de latinoamericanos dicen con seguir ninguna religión. ACCIÓN EJECUTIVA DE INMIGRACION 2014 La semana pasada se entregó información después de la Misa de parte de CARIDADES CATÓLICAS a las personas que querían informarse sobre un nuevo programa. El objetivo es otorgar acción diferida a los PADRES de ciudadanos estadounidenses, y CAMBIAR los requisitos para la acción diferida para los que llegaron a Estados Unidos como niños o “Dreamers”. El programa ofrece permiso temporal para quedarse en este país y protección en contra de la deportación. Las fechas clave es si estuvieron en Estados Unidos continuamente desde enero 1 del 2010. Estos cambios todavía NO HAN EMPEZADO. Por lo tanto, NO LE PAGUE A NADIE por ayudarle con una petición o solicitud. Si desearía usted asistir a una charla o informe más completo sobre este asunto, avise a la oficina parroquial. REDESCUBRE EL CATOLICISMO Si estuvieron aquí en la parroquia para la Navidad, recordarán que se le regaló a cada familia una copia del libro “Redescubre el Catolicismo”, escrito por Matthew Kelly. Nos gustaría mucho que alguien que haya empezado a leerlo esté dispuesto(a) a compartir con la comunidad sus impresiones o comentario. Si pueden escribir con brevedad, unas 2 o 3 o 4 líneas o frases, algunas las podríamos incluir en el boletín de la parroquia. Quizás de esa manera otros se motiven a leerlo y comentarlo. LAS SIGUIENTES PLÁTICAS PARA BAUTISMO de niños menores de 5 años se ofrecerán en MARZO. Inscríbanse en la oficina. ¿TIENE PLANES PARA EL MATRIMONIO? Si usted y su novio (o novia) están pensando en casarse en la Iglesia dentro del próximo año, no es demasiado temprano para averiguar sobre los diferentes pasos que se toman en preparación para este sacramento. Las personas tomando estas pláticas típicamente estarían pensando en casarse en, o cerca del verano del mismo año (junio, julio, o agosto). Haga una cita con nuestro párroco, el Padre Cary, a través de la secretaria, para darse a conocer y empezar el proceso. MENSAJE MARIANO “¡Queridos hijos! En este tiempo de gracia nuevamente los invito a la oración. Oren, hijitos, por la unidad de los cristianos a fin de que todos sean un solo corazón. La unidad entre ustedes será real en la medida en que oren y perdonen. No lo olviden: el amor vencerá sólo si oran, y vuestro corazón se abrirá. !Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!” 25 de enero, 2005. OFERTORIO Estas cantidades abajo son lo que aportamos en nuestra Misa de español. No se olviden de ofrecer LA PRIMERA HORA de nuestro trabajo de la semana a nuestro Señor. 1/11/15 $1,334 1/4/15 $1,477 1/1/15 $ 531 12/28/14 $1,618 12/25/14 $1,326 Gracias por su continua generosidad en el trabajo de Nuestro Señor. Action Alert: IRS mailing The Archdiocese has just learned that the IRS is delayed in issuing IP-PINs. Thus, you may not receive an IP-PIN during this tax season, even though you had a background check performed in connection with service for the Archdiocese, a parish or school. The IRS will continue to issue IP-PINs on a rolling basis. If you have received an IP-PIN, you must use it to file your taxes. If you have not received an IP-PIN, the IRS advises that the best way to protect yourself is to file your taxes early. The IRS apologizes for the delays and the confusion it has caused. The FAQs posted in the Archdiocese's website are being revised accordingly and will be updated on Tuesday, January 20, 2015. If you have questions, please contact the IRS Identity Protection Special Unit at 1-800-908-4490 or visit a Taxpayer Assistance Center. Please do not contact the Archdiocese or your parish or school. Neither the Archdiocese not your parish or school has any further information on the issuance of the IP-PINs. July 2014—December 2014 Offertory Report Actual Budget Actual to Budget July 2014-June 2015 Annual Budget $575,000 $573,000 100% $1,120,000 2014 Contribution Statements will be mailed January 26. Thank you for your support!!! 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For more info call: Est. 1978 Eric Serving the community for 34 years through Catholic values, by providing outstanding quality for all of life’s special occasions 425.643.2610 • 3500 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue, WA 98006 Private Sale of 2-Side by Side plots, at a Reduced Price * The plots are located in the sold out & prestigious, Catholic Section in the Garden of Gethsemane / (425)985-9587 1-800-867-0660 Asset Preservation, Medicaid, Long Term Care Planning, Disability, Wills & Trusts, RN on Staff Elder Law Offices of JULIANNE KOCER, P.S. 206-525-6919 • Helping Fellow Catholics Care for Loved Ones Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible Hard to say... easy to work with! Living Better than ever Assisted Living Services Available 503.281.0752 1 block east of Jesuit High School 8566 SW Apple Way Beaverton, OR 97225 Canyon Auto Repair t Ask Abouer Parishions! Special ASE Master Technicians & Collision Catholic Owned All work guaranteed Complete Mechanical & Body Repair Beaverton 503-646-2573 Tigard 503-597-5000 Finding Solutions for Your Financial Needs Teddy H. Martin, AAMS® 503.645.6665 503-626-7466 12225 S.W 2nd St. #100 Beaverton, OR Call today for a free estimate: (503) 372-7981 • Business & individual tax Services •Financial Statements • Bookkeeping •Strategic Planning •Accounting Member SIPC 5075 SW Griffith drive, Ste 100 4655 SW Griffith Dr. Ste 165 503-646-8592 • Piano Lessons Tamara Pozzi Wayne L. Gerig, O.D. 503-244-1004 • Parishioner 10225 S.W. Hall Blvd. #101, Tigard, OR 97223 503-357-1446 Forest Grove 503-496-7500 Rick compton Mobile: 503-704-7633 Charming Boutique-like Assisted Living “Expect Exceptional Service” Rick@RickSells BEACH STREET RETREAT OCEAN VIEW VACATION RENTAL HOME 3 BDRM(+LOFT) / 2 BATH MANZANITA, OREGON (503) 368-2929 503.641.0911 DENTISTRY TO MEET YOUR BUSY SCHEDULE • Same day crowns • Cosmetic specialists • In-office implants • Early morning appointments $ RE/MAX HALL OF FAME Parish member since 1982 Se Habla Español Newsletters Booklets Postcards Mailers Printing 20% Off* Jeff & Kathryn Hoyt Owners/Directors (*First time customers) Covered by most Insurances~ Medicare Approved 1.800.795.2070 / DOUGLAS A. RUST, DMD BRIAN T. RUST, DMD 877.847.8602 Tualatin Valley Funeral Alternatives Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? Ask Your Doctor About The Bellacure OA Knee Treatment Device Digital & Offset Call Donna/Kevin 1-800-867-0660 ext. 253 149 FOR A CLEANING, EXAM AND X-RAYS Se Habla Español Affordable • Fast • Quality 12925 SW Canyon Road Beaverton, Or. 97005 Hablo Español Personal Injury • Business Law • Immigration Law (503) 646-7750 (503) 626-4600 Tony Byers , Broker 503-643-6607 Beaverton Chicken, Fish & Chips, Steaks & Sandwiches Attorney at Law 9790 SW Nimbus Beaverton, OR 97008 •Wisdom Tooth Removal •Dental Implants •IV Sedation “30 Varieties of Pancakes & Waffles” Parishioner 503.684.6465 Melissa Bobadilla 12520 SW Hart Road, Beaverton 503-644-8424 Beginning • Intermediate • Advanced 12 blocks south of St. Cecilia Church Service & Repair Since 1985 503-646-2688 Optometric Physician • Short Stays Available • Chaplain on Staff Parishioner Tom’s Pancake House Like Us On Facebook Dr. Rose Detmer Stone Optometric Physician Serving Washington County since 1937 20/20 Eye Care Professionals Schmidt & JohnSon, LLP, C.P.A.’s 503-646-1432 4755 S.W. Watson Avenue, Suite 100 Beaverton, OR 97005-0521 503-626-6400 Parishioner (503) 646-5181 T. Scandia Motors A Senior Living Community “Help when you need it” Body and Paint, Inc. SAAB, VOLOVO &SUBARU 5711 SW Multnomah Blvd. Portland Or. 97219 Call (503) 245-7621 Financial Advisor Parishioner West Hills Be our guest... lunch! $5.00 Heitzman Personalized Services, Caskets, Markers, Vaults, Urns Serving all cemeteries including: Crescent Grove, Mt. Calvary, Sunset Hills, Skyline, Valley Memorial Park (Beaverton) New Location: 12270 SW First St. 503-641-9060 (Hillsboro) 237 West Main St. 503-693-7965 137 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call 503-650-6347 Parishioner 503-297-4183 503-642-7323 14570 SW Hart Road Beaverton • (503) 626-5100 • SUPER-SOILS Clip & Save •• BARK BLOWING • RECYCLE CENTER ©CPI Dr. David McBride Optometrist Commercial - Residential Remodel & Repair Rock for Ponds, Pathways & Patios
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