8.30am and 10.30am :: Sanctuary, L2 25 January 2015 IN HIS PRESENCE John 6:16-21 Main Services Rev Richard Tan WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE TALK? Youth Service Mr Wilson Koh Filipino Service Mr Angelito Mojico WHILE INSIDE THE SANCTUARY PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION OF OUR USHERS No Food & Drink Phone on Silent Mode No Video Recording Sunday Bulletin can also be downloaded by QR Code located at the foyer or from our website: www.tpmc.org.sg WEEK AT A GLANCE SUNDAY :: 25 January 2015 Traditional Service 8.30am :: Sanctuary (L2) Children’s Programme 8.30am & 10.30am :: Worship Hall II (L3) Contemporary Service 10.30am :: Sanctuary (L2) Youth (YF) Service 10.30am :: Worship Hall I (L3) Filipino Service 10.30am :: Worship Hall III (L3) WEDNESDAY :: 28 January 2015 Girls’Brigade 16th S Company 3.00pm :: First Toa Payoh Secondary School THURSDAY :: 29 January 2015 Grace Age Group (Senior Ministry) Chinese New Year Shopping Trip 9.00am :: Meet at TPMC FRIDAY :: 30 January 2015 Boys’ Brigade 76th J Company 7:30am :: First Toa Payoh Primary School Girls’ Brigade 16th P Company 7:30am :: First Toa Payoh Primary School Worship Night 8.00pm :: Sanctuary (L2) SATURDAY :: 31 January 2015 Boys’ Brigade 10th Company 8:30am :: Beatty Secondary School Beacon Children’s Ministry 1.00pm :: Classrooms Next Sunday’s Message What Happens When We Converse? Rev Reuben Ng HELPFUL INFORMATION BE PART OF A CELL Grow deeper in fellowship with the Church through the Cell Group Ministry. For enquiries: Contact us at 6259-8644 GIFT FOR VISITORS Obtain a Welcome Pack at the Welcome Booth located at the Foyer. LIBRARY@TPMC Visit us at Room #03-07, every Sunday (except 5th Sundays), from 9.45am to 11.00am. OPEN TO ALL! FLORAL THANKSGIVING Forms for Floral Thanksgiving are available from the ushers and at the Information Counter (L1). LOST AND FOUND ITEMS Please check with the Information Counter for your lost and found items. CHURCH DONATION Bank and Account No: DBS 005-003700-0 Acct Name: Toa Payoh Methodist Church Type of Acct: Auto Save All donations received will go to the church’s general offering. This is not for pledges or specific donations THANKSGIVING 18 January 2015 Offering & Pledges 8.30am 10.30am Pledge $ 7,921.10 $ 4,479.00 Offering $ 3,898.10 $ 4,799.95 Attendance Main 454 386 Children 18 93 Youth - 85 Filipino - 57 FAMILY NEWS SPEAKER THIS WEEK 1 Rev Richard Tan previously served in TPMC from 1992-1995. Currently residing in Perth, Western Australia, he established Firstlight Church in 2008. Besides pastoral work, he is also an adjunct lecturer in theology and Christian leadership at Harvest Bible College. Together with Joanne, they have 2 children, Amanda & Nathaniel. KOPI TIME Course Dates: Time: Venue: Closing Date: Registration: 6 8, 15 Feb, 1 & 8 Mar (Sun) 1pm - 3pm Worship Hall III (L3) 1 Feb (Sun) Information Counter 2 If you are visiting or are new to our church, please join us for a time of fellowship over coffee/ tea on: Date: Time: Venue: BAPTISM & MEMBERSHIP COURSE 25 Jan (today) 9.45am & 12.15pm Family Room (L1) CONGRATULATIONS 3 To John & Nuri Lin on the birth of baby Isaac on 15 Jan 2015! To Charles & Constance Wunady on the birth of baby Athena on 20 Jan 2015! FLORAL THANKSGIVING 4 From Michelle & Melissa Cher, in memory of their late grandfather, Mr Hui Chiak Sam. LIVING AN ABUNDANT LIFE Invite your friends to join this evangelistic event by TRAC WSCS. Date: 7 Mar (Sat) Time: 10.30am-3.30pm Venue: Ban Heng Pavilion, Harbour Front Centre Cost: $22/pax - TRAC WSCS will sponsor $10 for every non-Christian guest Registration: Sign up with payment at the Information Counter (L1) Highlights: Sharing/ Live Music/ Fashion Show/ Door Gift COLLECTION OF CERTIFICATES 5 Our heartfelt condolences to: Mr & Mrs Choy Kum Yuen & family on the passing away of Choy’s mother, the late Mdm Tang Swee Lan on 15 Jan 2015. Ms Catherine Sim on the passing away of her father, the late Mr Sim Swee Mok on 17 Jan 2015. 8 If you were Baptised and/or received into Membership on 21 Dec 2014, please collect your certificates at the Information Counter (L1). SENIORS OPEN SUNDAY CONDOLENCES 7 Date: Time: Venue: 9 1 Feb (Sun) 10am - 1pm Worship Hall I (L3) ACTNOW! 10 There will be no ACTNow! materials on sermons by guest speakers. SECOND OFFERING 11 The second offering for next week will be received for the Boys’ & Girls’ Brigades. TPMC PASTORAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM PASTORS Rev Reuben Ng Pastor-in-Charge reuben.ng@tpmc.org.sg 9680-8580 Rev Joshua Loo Pastor joshua.loo@tpmc.org.sg 9834-4905 Rev Michael Wong Retired Pastor 9457-4127 Mr Clement Sim Worship & Music/ Hospitality clement.sim@tpmc.org.sg 9173-7729 Mr Wilson Koh Youth/Prayer wilson.koh@tpmc.org.sg 9111-8426 Mr Daniel Lee Cell Group/ Discipleship & Nurture daniel.lee@tpmc.org.sg 9636-3252 Ms Pamela Pan Traditional Worship/ Member Care pamela.pan@tpmc.org.sg 9638-2068 Mrs Sarah Hoi Children’s Programme/ Beacon Children’s Ministry sarah.lim@tpmc.org.sg 9878-7480 Mrs Ruth Khoo Operations Manager ruth.khoo@tpmc.org.sg 9641-1881 Ms Sharon Lew Accounts Executive sharon.lew@tpmc.org.sg org.sg Mr Angelito Mojico Admin Executive angelito.mojico@tpmc.org.sg Ms Bernice Ong Admin Executive bernice.ong@tpmc.org.sg Ms Cynthia Poon Admin Executive cynthia.poon@tpmc.org.sg Mr Christopher Tan Property & Facilities Executive christopher.tan@tpmc.org.sg 9049-4321 Mr Soh Kok Tong AV & IT Executive koktong.soh@tpmc.org.sg 9147-0866 PASTORAL TEAM ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM PASTORAL AND ADMIN TEAM MOVEMENT SERVICE STEWARDS 25 Jan ‘15 Worship Leader Pamela Pan Tech Ministry Kevin Hong Winston Ho 8.30am Sumit Nag 10.30am Jerome Sim Lau Lai Wan Counting Stewards Choy Kum Yuen Emily Chin Mabel Lim Sheryl Chen LCEC Welcome Booth Francis Cheang Annabel Lye Information Counter Bernice Ong Sharon Lew Jennifer Lim Sam Ho Jenny Leong Kennedy Low Mak Kok Nam Priscilla Lee Bernice Ong Sharon Lew Kristal Chan Toa Payoh Methodist Church, 480 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh Singapore 319641 Tel: 6259-8644 Fax: 6259-2091 Email: info@tpmc.org.sg ORDER OF WORSHIP | 25 January 2015 PREPARATION Choral Introit “Glorious Father” Jubilate Choir PRAISE *Call to Worship Leader: Ms Pamela Pan Grace and peace to you from the One who is, who always was, and who is still to come. People: the Alpha and Omega-the beginning and the end. Leader: This is our God, People: the One who loves us, and who gave Himself for us; Leader: who gathers us together in this place, and bids us seek His face. All: Let’s worship God together! *Hymns of Praise “Seek the Lord” UMH 124 “Great is Thy Faithfulness” UMH 140 WORD *Prayer for Illumination All: Holy Spirit, pour out upon us wisdom and understanding, that, being taught by You in Holy Scripture, our hearts and minds may be opened to receive all that leads to life and holiness. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Sermon “In His Presence” Hymn of Response “Abide with Me” Rev Richard Tan UMH 700 PRAYER Prayer on Behalf of All PARTICIPATION Greetings Offertory Prayer Family News *Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” PROCLAMATION *Hymn of Dedication “I Stand Amazed in the Presence” UMH 371 *Benediction Choral Response Postlude “The Lord Bless You” Jubilate Choir ACT Now! Jan 18, 2015 ACTNow! (Applying Christ’s Teaching NOW) follows the weekly sermon series of TPMC, and challenges us to apply and put into practice the biblical truths we hear each week. It is the recommended Bible discussion material for TPMC’s Cell Groups, and leader’s notes are available to all Cell Group Leaders and at the Information Counter. What Happens When We Meditate By Mrs Sarah Hoi SERMON SYNOPSIS • Unlike ‘meditation’ in the Eastern and New Age contexts, which involves emptying the mind to receive ‘enlightenment’; biblical meditation is renewing and filling our mind with the words and thoughts of God. • Now, when we worry, we already know how to fill our minds with negative thoughts about possible scenarios that we cannot change. But instead, God calls us to direct our thoughts towards better things: whatever is true, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and praiseworthy [Philippians 4:8]. • Therefore, biblical meditation involves dwelling our thoughts on God’s character and attributes [Psalm 63:3], His deeds [Psalm 143:5], and His words [Psalm 119:15]. And just as cows spend eight hours a day chewing the grass, we can receive the full benefit of God’s Word when we meditate on it. • Although a quiet place and time would be more conducive, we can actually meditate and think about God anytime and anywhere – if we make a conscious effort to. • When we bring our cares and concerns to God, instead of worrying about them; we experience His peace, grace and goodness in our lives, becoming fruitful and prosperous [Psalm 1:1-3]. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What thoughts do you generally ‘meditate’ and fill your mind with? What do the thoughts of a person reveal about his/her priorities and desires? [Children’s Activity: Use words or draw pictures to describe what thoughts we fill our minds with. Make the point that our thoughts reveal our priorities. They can also use words or draw pictures to describe their thoughts about God, and these can serve as a reminder whenever they want to meditate and think about God.] 1/2 | ACT Now! Jan 18, 2015 ACTNow! (Applying Christ’s Teaching NOW) follows the weekly sermon series of TPMC, and challenges us to apply and put into practice the biblical truths we hear each week. It is the recommended Bible discussion material for TPMC’s Cell Groups, and leader’s notes are available to all Cell Group Leaders and at the Information Counter. 2. What does the Bible say about other kinds of spiritualism? What lessons can we Christians learn from these negative examples? [Verses to help us go deeper: Matthew 6:7, Colossians 2:16-23, Matthew 12:43-45] 3. We frequently say that we are too busy to pray or meditate; but do we need a silent and peaceful environment or lack of activity, in order to start worrying (i.e. negative ‘meditation’)? How will cultivating a habit of meditation benefit us in our daily lives? [Verses to help us go deeper: Deuteronomy 6:6-9, Joshua 1:8, Proverbs 23:7a] PRAYER POINTERS • Thank God that He has revealed to us His Word, that we may renew our minds through constant contemplation and meditation on His character, deeds and words. • Pray for wisdom and revelation as we meditate on God. MEMORY VERSE In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches. I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word. [Psalm 119:14-16 ESV] PRACTICAL HANDLES How often do you meditate, i.e. dwell your thoughts on God? Make a conscious effort this week to increase this – through longer devotion and/or thinking about Him more as you commute or perform routine chores. Make yourself accountable to someone, so that we can mutually encourage each other towards greater meditation of Him in our lives. 2/2 |
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