8.30am and 10.30am :: Sanctuary, L2 22 March 2015 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE SERVE? Mrs Sally Chew COMBINED SERVICE There will be no Joy Kids’ Ministry, Youth & Filipino Services today WHILE INSIDE THE SANCTUARY PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION OF OUR USHERS No Food & Drink Phone on Silent Mode No Video Recording Sunday Bulletin can also be downloaded by QR Code located at the foyer or from our website: www.tpmc.org.sg FAMILY NEWS BAPTISM & MEMBERSHIP 1 WELCOME LUNCH 6 We congratulate and welcome our brothers and sisters in Christ who will be baptised and received into membership today at the 10.30am service. If you are visiting or new to our church, please join us for a time of fellowship this afternoon. Date: 22 Mar (Sun) Time: 12.30pm Venue: Worship Hall I (L3) MINISTRY BOOTHS GOFEST 2015 2 Check out our Ministry Booths at the Courtyard (L1) after service and sign up to serve! EASTER EVANGELISTIC SERVICES 3 Invite your friends to our Easter Evangelistic Services. Date: 5 Apr (Sun) Time: 8.30am & 10.30am Venue: Sanctuary (L2) EASTER CELEBRATION FOR CHILDREN Date: Time: Venue: Cost: Registration: 4 5 Apr (Sun) 10.30am - 1pm Worship Hall I (L3) $1 per child (3 to 12 years) Foyer (L2) Christian Ministry Staff (CMS) Touch and impact lives of students, teachers, parents and school staff. To find out more, email cms.admin@methodist.org.sg or visit the Methodist Church website (http://www. methodist.org.sg) and search for “CMS”. The 2nd Offering collected next week will be towards Outreach & Social Concerns - Beacon Children’s Ministry. Learn how to take Jesus out to the streets, communities & the nations! Dates: 3 - 6 Jun (Wed - Sat) Venue: TPMC Cost: $30 (special rate for TPMC) Registration: Information Counter (L1) For Youths & Children, please sign up with your respective ministries MISSIONS TRIPS 8 Country: Chiangmai Dates: 21 - 25 Apr Cost: $700 (estimated) Country: Chiangmai Dates: 2 - 6 May Cost: $620 (estimated) Sign up at the Information Counter (L1) Serve in our Methodist schools as a 2ND OFFERING 7 PREACHER NEXT WEEK 9 Pastor Rupert Lim is a trained professional violinist who gave up his music career to follow the call of God. He is serving full time in Cornerstone Community Church. 5 As we will be having our Easter Evangelistic Services on 5 Apr, Communion Services will be observed next week (29 Mar). HELPFUL INFORMATION Rev Reuben Ng Pastor-in-Charge reuben.ng@tpmc.org.sg 9680-8580 Rev Michael Wong Retired Pastor 9457-4127 BE PART OF A CELL Grow deeper in fellowship with the Church through the Cell Group Ministry. For enquiries: Contact us at 6259-8644 GIFT FOR VISITORS Obtain a Welcome Pack at the Welcome Booth located at the Foyer. LIBRARY@TPMC FLOR AL THAN KSGIV ING Forms for Floral Thanksgiving are available from the ushers and at the Information Counter (L1). LOST AND FOUN D ITEM S Please check with the Information Counter for your lost and found items. Bank and Account No: DBS 005-003700-0 Acct Name: Toa Payoh Methodist Church Type of Acct: Auto Save All donations received will go to the church’s general offering. This is not for pledges or specific donations 15 March 2015 Offering & Pledges 10.30am Pledge $ 5,848.00 $ 24,983.00 Offering $ 5,459.90 $ 4,972.65 416 447 Children 20 72 Youth - 87 Filipino - 63 Attendance Main Mr Clement Sim Worship & Music/ Hospitality clement.sim@tpmc.org.sg 9173-7729 Ms Pamela Pan Traditional Worship/ Member Care pamela.pan@tpmc.org.sg 9638-2068 Mr Wilson Koh Youth/Prayer wilson.koh@tpmc.org.sg 9111-8426 Mr Daniel Lee Cell Group/ Discipleship & Nurture daniel.lee@tpmc.org.sg 9636-3252 Mrs Sarah Hoi Children’s Programme/ Beacon Children’s Ministry sarah.lim@tpmc.org.sg 9878-7480 ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM CHURCH DONATION 8.30am Rev Joshua Loo Pastor joshua.loo@tpmc.org.sg 9834-4905 PASTORAL TEAM Visit us at Room #03-07, every Sunday (except 5th Sundays), from 9.45am to 11.00am. OPEN TO ALL! THANKSGIVING TPMC PASTORAL & ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PASTORS Mrs Ruth Khoo Operations Manager ruth.khoo@tpmc.org.sg 9641-1881 Mr Angelito Mojico Communications & Media Executive angelito.mojico@tpmc.org.sg Ms Bernice Ong Admin Executive bernice.ong@tpmc.org.sg Ms Cynthia Poon Admin Executive cynthia.poon@tpmc.org.sg Ms Sharon Lew Accounts Executive sharon.lew@tpmc.org.sg Mr Christopher Tan Property & Facilities Executive christopher.tan@tpmc.org.sg 9049-4321 Mr Soh Kok Tong AV & IT Executive koktong.soh@tpmc.org.sg 9147-0866 PASTORAL AND ADMIN TEAM MOVEMENT Mr Clement Sim is on annual leave from 8 - 28 March 2015. WEEK AT A GLANCE SUNDAY :: 22 March 2015 Traditional Service 8.30am :: Sanctuary (L2) Contemporary Service 10.30am :: Sanctuary (L2) Welcome Lunch 12.30pm :: Worship Hall I (L3) WEDNESDAY :: 25 March 2015 Girls’ Brigade 16th S Company 3pm :: First Toa Payoh Secondary School The Learning Academy (TLA)/ Arrows Seminar Book of Malachi by Pastor Benny Ho (1/3) 7.30pm :: Sanctuary (L2) Next Sunday’s Message What Happens When We Worship? Pastor Rupert Lim THURSDAY :: 26 March 2015 Grace Age Group (Senior Ministry) Lunch & Bible Study (Hebrews) 12noon :: Courtyart (L1) & Worship Hall III (L3) The Learning Academy (TLA)/ Arrows Seminar Book of Malachi by Pastor Benny Ho (2/3) 7.30pm :: Sanctuary (L2) FRIDAY :: 27 March 2015 Boys’ Brigade 76th J Company 7.30am :: First Toa Payoh Primary School Girls’ Brigade 16th P Company 7.30am :: First Toa Payoh Primary School The Learning Academy (TLA)/ Arrows Seminar Book of Malachi by Pastor Benny Ho (3/3) 7.30pm :: Sanctuary (L2) SATURDAY :: 28 March 2015 Boys’ Brigade 10th Company 8.30am :: Beatty Secondary School Marriage Preparation Course 10.00am :: Upper Room (L4) Beacon Children’s Ministry 1.00pm :: Classrooms (L2) SERVICE STEWARDS 22 Mar 15 Worship Leader Tech Ministry Counting Stewards LCEC Welcome Booth Information Counter Roslyn Sim Denise Lee Jenny Mok Choy Kum Yuen Emily Chin Mabel Lim Tan How Huat Lye Kuan Loy Tan Kee Heng Bernice Ong Jennifer Lim Alan Tay Poh Wee Koh Lau Lai Wan Susan Seah Karen Mak Sheila Kong Yvonne Goh Kenneth Yeo Priscilla Lee Bernice Ong 8.30am 10.30am Toa Payoh Methodist Church, 480 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh Singapore 319641 Tel: 6259-8644 Fax: 6259-2091 Email: info@tpmc.org.sg Website: www.tpmc.org.sg ORDER OF WORSHIP | 22 March 2015 PREPARATION Choral Introit “You are My All in All” Jubilate Choir PRAISE *Call to Worship Mrs Roslyn Sim Leader: You are our security, O Lord, we find refuge in You, People: Everything that is good comes from You Lord! Leader: You give me guidance and make my heart glad, People: You lead me on the path of life. Leader: In Your presence there is fullness of joy, All: In Your Kingdom there is fulfillment forever! Amen! *Hymns of Praise “Ye Servant of God” UMH 181 “The Old Rugged Cross” UMH 504 WORD *Prayer for Illumination All: God, source of all light by Your Word, You give light to the soul. Pour out on us the spirit of wisdom and understanding, that our hearts and minds may be opened to know Your truth and Your way. Amen. Sermon Hymn of Response “What Happens When We Serve?” “Take My Life, and Let It Be” Mrs Sally Chew UMH 399 PRAYER Prayer on Behalf of All PARTICIPATION Greetings Offertory Prayer Family News *Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” PROCLAMATION *Hymn of Dedication “He Lives” UMH 310 *Benediction Choral Response “May the Grace of Christ Be with You” Postlude *indicated congregation to stand Jubilate Choir ACT Now! …on the sermon preached on 15 Mar 2015 ACTNow! (Applying Christ’s Teaching NOW) follows the weekly sermon series of TPMC, and challenges us to apply and put into practice the biblical truths we hear each week. It is the recommended Bible discussion material for TPMC’s Cell Groups, and leader’s notes are available to all Cell Group Leaders and at the Information Counter. What happens when we encourage? Rev Reuben Ng SERMON SYNOPSIS We may not realise it, but our words of encouragement or discouragement have great impact on others. While discouragement may dishearten and tear people down, encouragement literally brings people up to the place where they have spine and spirit. Encouragement need not wait until someone becomes discouraged; we can encourage others to continue running the race well and holding fast to the truths of God. While people crumble and things break down by default in this fallen world, Christians should be synonymous with the act of encouragement. This is why we are instructed to keep building each other up [1 Thessalonians 5:11], and to encourage each other daily [Hebrews 3:13]. When we encourage, lives are changed and things turn around. Thus, the Bible is full of examples of changed lives and fates through encouragement: e.g. Moses encouraged Joshua when he was about to take over the leadership, Caleb encouraged Israel to go in and take the Promised Land, etc. Paul himself may not have become the great apostle he was: if not for the initial encouragement from Joseph called Barnabas (‘Son of Encouragement’). Because of Barnabas’ encouragement to Paul, lives change and things turn around – we now have Paul’s writings as half of our New Testament. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Do you think Christians are synonymous with the act of encouragement? How often do you encourage or discourage others around you? [Children’s Activity: Watch this TV commercial – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIS4qndqZQM. What causes the girl’s heart to become smaller and bigger? Based on the message of this video, discuss how we can change the world around us by encouraging others.] 1/2 | ACT Now! …on the sermon preached on 15 Mar 2015 ACTNow! (Applying Christ’s Teaching NOW) follows the weekly sermon series of TPMC, and challenges us to apply and put into practice the biblical truths we hear each week. It is the recommended Bible discussion material for TPMC’s Cell Groups, and leader’s notes are available to all Cell Group Leaders and at the Information Counter. 2. Reading the account of Saul/Paul soon after his conversion, what role do you think Barnabas’ encouragement played in Paul’s apostolic ministry later on? What does this teach us about how encouragement can change our lives and turn things around, even today? [Verses to help us go deeper: Acts 9:19-31, 11:19-25] 3. In life everyone goes through discouragement, and even more so as we try to live out the Christian life. Besides our words, what are some other ways we can be encouraged and strengthened? [Verses to help us go deeper: Colossians 4:7-8, Romans 15:4-5, 1 Corinthians 14:3] PRAYER POINTERS Thank God for His encouragement (through His Word, His promises and His people) to help us overcome during difficult times. Pray that the Lord will help us to identify opportunities to encourage others, and step out in faith to encourage even when it may seem awkward or daunting. Pray and encourage one another, as a church or cell group, to keep running the race till Jesus returns. MEMORY VERSE Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. [Hebrews 10:24-25, NIV] PRACTICAL HANDLE It’s time to be a Barnabas! Let’s apply what we have learnt about encouragement. Spend some time to pray and ask God to show you at least three persons to encourage. Take some time to write and send encouragement notes to them, or encourage them in person. 2/2 | EASTER SUNDAY EVANGELISTIC SERVICE CHANGE THAT LASTS By: Mr Wilson Koh 5 April 2015 8.30am and 10.30am TPMC Sanctuary (L2) PRAYER GUIDE FOR HOLY WEEK SERVICES • The presence of God will be strongly manifested. “In Your presence is fullness of joy…” - Psalm 16:11 • The worship team will be effective instruments to lead people to worship God. “All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, and shall glorify Your name.” – Psalm 86:9 • The Holy Spirit will glorify Jesus in every part of the service. “He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.” – John 16:14 MESSAGE • The truth in the message will reveal Jesus to the hearers. “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”– John 14:6 • The power of God will change the lives of the hearers through the message. “…our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.” – 1 Thessalonians 1:5 VOLUNTEERS • They will serve with the strength, joy and grace of God. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13 • They will represent Jesus in all aspects to the friends and visitors. “…as He is, so are we in this world.” – 1 John 4:17 PRAYER GUIDE FOR EASTER SUNDAY CHURCH • We will remember the love of God and give thanks to Him who first pursued us. “We love, because He first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19 • We will experience a greater revelation of His love. “…that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge...” - Ephesians 3:17-19 • We will be filled with His compassion to see others as Christ sees them. “Jesus… was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd.” – Mark 6:34 • We will be compelled by His love to share the Gospel with others. “For the love of Christ compels us…” - 2 Corinthians 5:14 • We will boldly invite our friends and loved ones to the Easter services. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” – 2 Timothy 1:7 VISITORS & FRIENDS • They will be available and drawn by God to come for the Easter services. “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him…” - John 6:44 • Their hearts will be open and ready to hear the Gospel “But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.” – Mark 4:8 • Their eyes will be open to the truth “For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles...” – Luke 2:30-32 • They will take a step of faith and receive Christ personally “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” – Romans 10:10 05 Apr / Sun No service 04 Apr / Sat Cost: $1.00/child (3 to 12 years old) Easter Celebration for Children 2015 No Filipino and Youth Services Easter Message: Change That Lasts Easter Sunday Services Message: Becoming a Curse Scripture Text: Galatians 3:13 Good Friday Combined Service with Toa Payoh Chinese Methodist Church (TPCMC) 03 Apr / Fri 02 Apr / Thu Message: Two Cups Scripture Text: Mark 14:22-26; 32-38 Maundy Thursday Scripture Text: Mark 8:34-38; Galatians 6:14 01 Apr / Wed Message: The Road of the Cross Crossroads: Life’s Key Decisions and the Cross Scripture Text: Mark 15:29-32, 39; Luke 23:39-43 31 Mar / Tue Message: The Roads at the Cross Crossroads: Life’s Key Decisions and the Cross Scripture Text: Mark 8:27-33; John 10:14-18 30 Mar / Mon Message: The Road to the Cross Crossroads: Life’s Key Decisions and the Cross Date / Day Services Rev Raymond Sim Mr Wilson Koh Rev Reuben Ng Rev See Ping Eik Academic Dean and Chen Su Lan Professor of New Testament at Trinity Theological College Dr Tan Kim Huat Speaker SCHEDULE OF HOLY WEEK SERVICES 10.30am 8.30am / 10.30am No 8.30am service 10.30am 8.00pm 8.00pm Time Worship Hall 1 (Level 3) TPMC Sanctuary (Level 2) TPMC Sanctuary (Level 2) TPCMC Sanctuary (Level 2) TPMC Sanctuary (Level 2) Venue
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