Messenger The Newsletter of Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Hastings, Minnesota A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Volume XXXII - No. 1 January-February 2015 Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 1, 2015 10:00 a.m. Saturday 5:30 p.m. Informal Worship Our Saviour’s annual meeting will be held immediately following the 9:15 am worship service, in the Worship Center at 10:00 am. Communion each week God will be honored, praised and thanked. A budget (investment plan) for 2015 will be adopted and new leaders will be elected. Sunday 8:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 9:15 a.m. Blended Worship Members are asked to attend this important, brief meeting. Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays 10:35 a.m. Contemporary Worship with New Creation Worship Band Communion each week Education Opportunities Sunday 9:15 & 10:35 a.m. Church School Wednesday Children’s Choirs (4:45-5:30) Church School (5:30-6:15) Lenten Worship begins Wednesday, Feb. 18 Join us on another Lenten Journey. Lent this year begins with our traditional Ash Wednesday service at either 4:00 or 7:00 on Feb. 18. On the following Wednesdays at 7:00, worship with us as we listen to stories presented by some of Jesus’ closest friends, or persons whose lives he touched. Hear dramatic presentations from Thomas (Chris Hellie), The mother-in-law of Peter (Kath Pengelly), Mary Magdalene (Danelle Kurtz), Martha (Sue Wagner), and Lazarus (Tom Sorenson). You will not only be fed spiritually by these Lenten monologues, but you can be literally fed as well, each Wednesday, 5:00-6:45. Date Feb. 18 Feb. 25 Mar. 4 Mar. 11 Mar. 18 Mar. 25 Meal Chicken Soup Taco Bake Turkey Dinner Roasted Pork Meatloaf TBD Join us and be fed! Served by and Donations to… Youth and Family Ministries Hastings Family Services Food With Friends Christian Education Sharing & Caring Hands Servant Road Pastor’s Page “Pray for me, so that when I speak, a message may be given to me to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel…” --Ephesians 6:19-20a NRSV Mystery of the Gospel Douglas John Hall has got me thinking about this phrase in Paul’s writings. This might seem like a strange phrase to those of us who grew up in the church. What is mysterious about the gospel? Isn’t it revealed in Jesus Christ? I was struck by the gulf between the meaningfulness of the Lessons and Carols service and the confirmation kids’ question. The Reason for an Additional Worship Service I am intrigued by the phrase ‘the mystery of the gospel’, because increasingly, the gospel appears to be a mystery to more and more people. Let me explain what I mean. This year’s Lessons and Carols service at the beginning of December I found to be especially meaningful. It really touched me. The hymn selections, the choir anthems, the whole service was very moving for me. I appreciated the layers of meaning in the service. It was a wonderful service. This gulf in questions and what it takes in order to be meaningful is the reason for thinking about an additional worship service. I don’t know how to provide what would be meaningful for those who like me were deeply moved by the Lessons and Carols service and what would be meaningful for those who are asking “why should I read the Bible” in the same service. This is about more than music. It is about the questions and concerns each group is asking and what each need out of a worship service. I want to be able to address both in meaningful ways. But, even as I was being deeply moved, a conversation was playing in my head that I had had with an 8th Grade Confirmation teacher, who with great (welcomed!) courage had told me that I had missed the confirmation kids in my confirmation opening remarks when I tried to talk to them about “Why God doesn’t answer prayer.” Essentially, she told me that her confirmation kids were asking prior questions like “Why should I read the Bible?” Obviously, those asking, “Why should I read the bible?” need to be moved to a deeper experience of the Christian faith, but that can’t be done by simply giving them what is meaningful to those of us who have been formed in the faith for years. It would be like reading a seminary text book on theology as the sermon and expecting everyone in the pew to find it deeply meaningful (when reading these books can be a stretch for those of us who attended seminary!) The first mystery of the gospel is that for many the basic understandings of the Christian faith are a mystery and we need to find a way to help make it understandable. An Experience of God There is a second mystery to the gospel. This second mystery is out of our control. It is why Paul, and I, ask for prayer. Faith is more than ideas, or knowledge. Faith in its essence cannot be taught. Christian understandings, doctrines, confessions can be taught, but the essence of faith cannot. There is a mystery to how a person comes to discover how the content of Christianity connects with the lived experience of being a Christian. There is a mystery to how a person comes to have a living trust in God – in the experience of turning to God in daily life. There is a mystery to finding the right words to help people discover that connection. Part of my walk of faith is in my clear need for God’s assistance and work in, through and even in spite of me as I try to find those words. And so, I ask for your continued prayer as I seek to be of use to you and God in making known the mystery of the gospel. Pastor Lloyd Menke Our Ministers: All members of Our Saviour’s Our vision: Rooted in God’s grace, always made new. Our mission: Living as the hands, feet and heart of Christ. Our promise: Rejoicing together in God’s grace, hope and love. Page 2 Pastoral Staff: Lloyd Menke, Senior Pastor Doug Duin, Associate Pastor Kelli Weiss, Associate Pastor for Family Life Our Website: Church email: January-February 2015 Growing in Grace and Loan Repayment There have been a number of questions that have arisen regarding what to do now that the Growing in Grace Campaign has ended. Please accept my apologies for not making this clearer on a timelier basis. First, thank you to all who have contributed generously to the Growing in Grace Campaign. Your generosity has allowed us to make many needed improvements and upgrades to our facilities, as well as, providing funding for some exciting mission work. The Growing in Grace Campaign ended December 31, 2014. However, as you know, we took out a loan of $75,000 to do additional renovations last year that were never a part of the plan for Growing in Grace. Our first payment of $15,000 on this loan is due June 1st. We have been generously granted two years of interest free money on this loan. After the first two years the interest will be 4.75%. We will need non-operating budget contributions to provide the money for this loan repayment. Therefore we would invite those of you who have been contributing to Growing in Grace to continue to give toward the loan repayment. Obviously, we would also invite those who have not contributed to Growing in Grace to consider making a contribution toward the loan repayment as well! You can simply write in the memo section of your check, “loan repayment.” If you still have Growing in Grace envelopes you can continue to use them to make contributions. Please note: that contributions placed in a Growing in Grace envelope will now go toward the loan repayment and not counted toward Growing in Grace. The Growing in Grace Campaign is finished. Nonetheless, if it is more convenient for you to continue to use these envelopes, you may do so with the understanding that your contributions in them will be going toward the loan repayment. Thanks, again, for the ways you generously provide for the ongoing financial needs of ministry at Our Saviour’s. Enjoy the convenience of electronic giving Electronic giving offers convenience for our members and much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. There are two ways to set up electronic donations. You can visit the church website at www.osel. org, locate the donation link and follow the instructions or, if you wish, you can simply complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office. As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. Authorization forms and additional information are available from the church office. Donate from your smart phone! Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church now offers a mobile version of our online giving page to make it easy for you to give anytime from your smart phone. Simply scan the image you see here using your phone’s Quick Response (QR) code reader! Pastor Lloyd Menke Thank you to our Accounti n g C r e w, Tricia Agen, Marie Smead, Pam Sorenson, Ardel Woodward. Thank you to our outdoor sign changers, Duane Davick, Dennis Martin, Mel Agen. Thank you to our volunteer receptionist, Pam Ganrud. Thank you to our Messenger Task Force, Audrey Adolphson, Helen Andreasen, Marion Crane, Darleen Hanson, Joyce Hoffman, Lois Malm, Jaci McNamara, Janelle Stevens, and the Tuesday Women’s Study helpers. January-February 2015 Thank you to the Happy Stuffers, Audrey Adolphson, Jennifer Bonness, Marion Crane, Duane & Janet Falkingham, Chip Grosenick, Darleen Hanson, Marge Hanson, Lois Morlock, Duane Sanderson, Janelle Stevens, Marge Trautmann, Roger Youngquist. We celebrate the gift of the volunteers who decorated our worship space so beautifully. Special thanks and kudos to Rachel Sager and Dave Warg for their leadership in the decorating process. Thanks to Larry & Jody Hoffman for their work with the beautiful live tree, to Pat Sanderson and JoAnn Theodorson for the poinsettia set-up, and thanks to those of you who helped with decorating and the un-decorating. Thanks for making Our Saviour’s so warm and festive! Thrivent offers a program called Thrivent Choice Dollars to its members. People who own Thrivent products can recommend where Thrivent Financial distributes part of its charitable outreach funds each year. Our Saviour’s participates as a recipient of Thrivent Choice Dollars. In 2014, Our Saviour’s received $3,391 in contributions from our members who designated Our Saviour’s to receive the gift. Since Thrivent began the program, Our Saviour’s has received $11,557. Your generous gifts help to purchase the new chairs for the Fellowship Hall. Thank You! Keep up the wonderful designating! Page 3 Caring Ministries Serving our need to care and our need for care. Jeanie McCabe, Council Rep. Team Leaders: Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Prayer Chain is composed of church members who pray daily for those requesting prayers for themselves and others. They need not be members of our church or community. Requests are kept confidential unless otherwise specified. Prayer requests may be submitted to: or to the Prayer Chain Anchor, Rosanne Otto 651-226-8299, (voice mail is available if no one answers) or you may call the church office. If you would like to become a member of the email prayer chain or the phone prayer chain, please call Rosanne 651-226-8299. We pray that God will bless you with peace! Grief Support - Pastor Doug Duin Care Cards - Audrey Adolphson Prayer Chain Anchor - Rosanne Otto Lay Ministry - Paula Davick, Tricia Agen, Maxine Wiech Communion Ministry - see Pastor Doug Duin Spark Family is a devotional resource that will help families explore Bible stories together! Every issue includes Bible stories, pictures, questions, and activities. If you are looking for ways to talk about God with your child or with a child in your life then we invite you to bring home the current issue of the new Spark Family devotion! Copies are available by the office door. STILL PRAYING! Hastings Area Grief Support Group is a welcoming place for grieving people to find comfort and understanding. The meeting place is Tilden Community Center, 310 River St. Hastings. Grief Group meetings are held every Thursday, 6-7:30 p.m. and are open to the public. Intercessory Prayer Ministry meets at 5:00 pm on Wednesday evenings. Join this wonderful group as they diligently meet and pray for the staff and life of our church. Contact Jan Peterson with any questions - (651) 437-9531 We do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes… --Romans 8:26 Personal and Family Devotionals and Care Notes The conduct of a Christian Questions of how to conduct oneself as a Christian, or how to serve as a Christian, must be answered by life itself — the life of the individual in his direct, responsible relationship to God. This is dynamic, never a static thing. And how can we speak at all of the true meaning of conduct and service if we do not speak first and last of love? For it is love which sums up all other commands. The one who loves knows better than anyone else how to conduct himself, how to serve the one he loves. Love prescribes an answer in a given situation as no mere rule can do. “The man whose life is lived in love does in fact, live in God, and God does, in fact, live in him.” —Missionary/author Elizabeth Elliot in The Liberty of Obedience Page 4 Provided by the Pastoral Care Team are available free in the rack outside the office. You are welcome to take one for yourself or offer one to a friend. Our sincere Christian sympathy is extended to: Reba Johnson - death of brother Norb Reinardy - death of sister-in-law Maxine Wiech - death of brother Adam Rachuy - death of father Kurt Kohn - death of brother Sandy Strandberg - death of father Maxine Schroeder - death of husband Kathy Pearson - death of father Lois Malm - death of brother Paul Woxland - death of brother Sally Glasrud - death of daughter Annette Watson - death of mother Tom Trutna - death of brother Please remember these and others you may know of in your prayers. PLEASE, call the church office with news of a birth, hospitalization, or bereavement. Privacy Laws - Hospitals are not able to give patient admission notification to churches. If you are aware of anyone in the hospital who would like a pastoral visit or be included in prayers, please call the church office. January-February 2015 Serving Ministries Congregational Contacts... Hastings Family Service Board - Shelly Rohr, Terry Storholm, Carrie Jo Short Meals on Wheels - Maxine Wiech Narthex Food Wagon - Carol Rupp Fixers for Christ - Greg Mikel Food With Friends - Sharon Langenfeld, Cathy Shores Servant Road - Cary Nygaard Sharing and Caring Hands - Jana Serres, Heidi Siebenaler Tanzania Partnership - Christy Baum Opportunities for Service Fixers for Christ Do not hesitate to call the church office - 437-9052 if you need help with a leaky faucet, a squeaky door, removal of a dead shrub, replacing burned out ceiling light bulbs, hanging a picture, etc... Our volunteers are eager to help you! As we launch our 150th anniversary year in 2015, we’re excited to share the story of this organization. In this milestone year at LSS, we’ll celebrate neighbors who have helped make Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota what it is today. We couldn’t carry out our mission without good neighbors, all across the state, who have stepped forward to join in this mission work. It’s going to be an exciting year at LSS! Thank you for all you do to carry on that legacy of innovation and loving the neighbor in ways that inspire hope, change lives and build community. Contact: 651-642-5990 or visit their web site: You’ll find many great resources, interesting stories of changed lives and ways you can donate or volunteer. People helping people! Sharon Langenfeld, Council Rep. Hastings Family Service 301 Second Street East in Downtown Hastings 651-437-7134 ACCEPTS ONLINE DONATIONS: Hastings Family Service provides emergency food, clothing, financial assistance, and other support for those experiencing a crisis in their lives, HFS works to give them a hand-up rather than a hand-out. Provides groceries to people in need of emergency, short-term assistance. In addition to a five to seven day supply of groceries, persons receive a voucher to a local grocery store for perishables. Items such as pancake mix and syrup, bottled juices, diapers, personal hygiene items, including toothbrushes, laundry soap are always needed. Your contributions may be brought to HFS or dropped off in the blue wagon in the church gathering area. Thank you for reaching out to our community. Meals On Wheels In partnership with Regina Medical Center, this program provides hot meals and a safety check for the elderly and people living with a disability. Do you like to drive? OSEL delivers meals to residents of Hastings every other Monday through Meals on Wheels program. Call Maxine Wiech (437-4356) for more info. Just Friends can always use drivers! Residents of our community need rides to medical appointments within Hastings and/or the metro area. Receive mileage reimbursement. Call Mick Humbert, 437-7134, if you would like to be a driver. It’s Tanzania Time Our Tanzanian brothers and sisters are always in our prayers, but once again at this time of year we remember them in a special way. The opportunity is available for you to help provide educational funding for students. Many of you have consistently supported students these past several years and we are grateful for your support. We are actively looking for new supporters. Our goal this year is to provide sponsorship for over 20 students. The cost is $400/student. Maybe you can make it a family, or neighborhood, or small group project? Please sign up at the welcome center if you are able to help. The students thank you! Food With Friends Ministry This ministry on the first Thursday of the month serves a meal to people unable to provide a meal for themselves or their family or those just looking for someone to talk to. Thanks to all who helped with food and/or serving in December. The next meal will be on Thursday, Feb. 5 at 6:00 PM. Sign up at the Welcome Center to provide food and/or help with setup, serving, and cleanup. Contacts: Cathy Shores, 651-208-6244 Sharon Langenfeld, 437-8128 Sharing & Caring Hands Sharing and Caring Hands is an outreach ministry of Our Saviour’s. Every other month we deliver meals at the Sharing and Caring Hands facility in Minneapolis. Thanks to all who helped with food and/ or serving in December. Our next date to serve will be Saturday, February 14. Watch for sign-ups on the kiosk in the gathering area at church to help provide food and/or to go along to serve. Contact: Jana Serres, 651-707-7241 Heidi Siebenaler, 480-2225 January-February 2015 Page5 Christian Education Theresa Chatelle Director of Faith Formation 651-437-9052, ext. 27 Ellen McCullough, Council Rep. Church School Christian Education Leadership Team meets the 4th Tuesday of every month in the church office conference room. Next meeting is Feb. 24, 2015: 6:00 PM Dates to Remember Souper Bowl of Caring NO Sunday School: March 15 (Spring Break) On Sunday, February 1, millions of Americans will tune into the Super Bowl. There will be parties with abundant food and fellowship. At the same time there will be people worrying about finding shelter and a warm meal. Future events to watch for!! So, we are having a SOUPER BOWL of our own. On Sunday, February 1, we are inviting you to take part in our Souper Bowl of Caring. Church school students will be in the Narthex as you leave worship collecting monetary donations. All of the money collected will go to support Hastings Family Service. Just find a student holding a soup pot to make your donation. Come join the fun! Looking for volunteers to help serve and clean up the March 11th Lenten Supper sponsored by Christian Education—Proceeds go to Feed My Starving Children. Contact Theresa. Page 6 NO Wednesday School or Children’s Choirs: February 18 (Ash Wednesday) March 18 (Spring Break) April --2015/2016 Registration begins for Church School and Choirs June 8-12 - Vacation Bible School — Registration will begin in April Together in Faith is a ministry that pulls parents into the role of being primary faith mentors for their children. The Together in Faith ministry provides an experience for parents to learn alongside their child. These experiences will help each of you grow in your faith and provide you an opportunity to support the spiritual development of your child. All of these sessions take place on Sunday morning at 9:15 and 10:35. (Wednesday students are welcome to join with either hour.) Sunday, February 9 ---- The Keys---4 yr. olds and their parents We will learn the power of forgiveness; how to say you are sorry. 9:15 or 10:35am in the classroom. Look for Updates at the end of February NO Confirmation during Lent (February 18 through April 1) Even though small groups are not meeting, Confirmation students are expected to attend Lenten worship. Make a night of it! Wednesday nights during Lent (March 5 through April 16) • Lenten dinners from 5:00 to 6:45 • Lenten Worship starts at 7:00 Confirmation will start back up again on Wednesday, April 8. 7th Grade Keep up with your worship notes and service hours. April 18—All day retreat at Camp Victory. Watch for more info and mailing. April 22—6:15pm Mandatory Parent Night with guest speaker Marilyn Sharpe “Building a Faith That Last” 8th Grade February 27, 5:45pm—Visit Temple of Aaron Synagogue in St. Paul—Watch for info in the mail. March 29, 4-6pm—Mandatory parent(s) and student Seder. Watch for mailing. 9th Grade Start those mentor meetings and pastor sessions. Continue to attend Wednesday night worship time. January-February 2015 Youth and Family Ministries Kelli Weiss Associate Pastor for Family Life 651-437-9052, ext. 17 Laura Cassidy, Council Rep. Wednesday Nights During Lent at Our Saviour’s! Families and individuals have opportunities to connect in faith, community, and Christian education every Wednesday night. Here’s our Lenten schedule (Feb. 18 - Mar. 25): Homework and Hangout (2:45—5:30 pm) Children’s Choirs (4:45—5:30 pm) Church School (5:30—6:15 pm) Supper (5:00—6:45 pm) Lent Worship (7:00—7:30 pm) Chancel Choir (7:30—8:30 pm) Family Faith Practice (7:30-7:45 pm) Adult Leader for Ash Wednesday Meal Wednesday, February 18. As a fundraiser for our students’ trips to camp and on mission trips, we will be hosting supper on Ash Wednesday. Chef John will be preparing the food, but we need an adult to provide leadership to the students volunteering that night. If you’re interested in helping, contact Dee Bowles, our fundraising coordinator, 651.437.2185 or Serve the Lord—Mary’s Place Serve the LORD Go in peace, serve the Lord! Let’s serve God by serving our neighbors, community, and people around the world. About twice a month all youth (middle school and high school) and adult leaders are invited to participate in service right after worship on Sunday morning (unless otherwise noted). All youth and families welcome! SERVE THE LORD - Sundays All youth and families welcome! January 25: Mary’s Place (11:45 AM - 4 PM February 8: Valentine’s Day Cards and Cookies (11:45 AM - 3 PM) February 22: Free child care (11:45 AM - 3:30 PM) Sunday, Jan. 25 from 11:45 am to 4:00 pm. Mary’s Place is a transitional apartment complex connected to Sharing and Caring Hands in North Minneapolis. We’ll be playing with kids during their Kids Club/ Daycare time. Serve the Lord—Valentine’s Day Sunday, February 8 from 11:45 am to 3:00 pm. We will be frosting cookies and making cards to deliver to people in the community—specifically our friends at various assisted living and senior housing apartments in town. Serve the Lord—Free Child Care February 22 from 12:30-3:30 pm. We want to be able to offer a gift for families of free child care and a fun day for kids to play at church. Our older students and families will lead games, a craft, making a snack, as well as supervise the nursery for younger children. We will also serve lunch to the children and volunteers. Sign-ups for children and a sign up for volunteers will be at the Welcome Center. Fundraisers Youth & Family fund-raising opportunities coming soon to earn money for mission trips and camps. Watch for information in next month’s Messenger for: Ash Wednesday Supper - Feb. 18 Gertens’ Flower Sale (Orders taken in March for delivery in May) Spring Garage Sale - TBD (Start cleaning/saving now!) Camp and Mission Trips Silent Auction! Help our trip participants earn funds for their 2015 trips. OSEL will hold our annual mission trip silent auction to help defray the costs of the trips. Mission trip and camp participants and others may donate items and services (e.g. tickets to Vikings/Wild, cabin stay, restaurant certificates, 5-10 hours of babysitting services, weed pulling, let your imagination run wild, what is your talent, skill or???) Auction donations are being collected by Dee Bowles between now and February 1. Please contact Dee at 651.437.2185 or The auction will run between February 8 – 22. Scrip Gift Cards are available at the Welcome Center on Sundays or in the church office during business hours, M-F. January-February 2015 Page7 CAMP WAPO Even though the snow is falling, it’s time to start thinking about camp!!! Camp is a place where fun and faith collide. Encounter God’s word, make friends and create memories to last a lifetime. Scholarships are available through WAPO. This year’s theme is “AmagingRace” and instead of registering through the church, all registrations are to be made online at: Registration with deposit is DUE: Sunday, March 15. Seeds Weekend - July 24-26 Completed 2nd or 3rd grade This action packed weekend is an opportunity for our youngest campers to experience the fun and fellowship of camp in a weekend setting. Knowing this may be some of the kids’ first camp experience, WAPO counselors spend every moment with them. They provide a safe and caring environment filled with music, Bible study, campfires, crafts, water activities and tons of games. Youth Camp - July 26-31 Completed 4th-9th grade This week, packed with a variety of activities, is meant to impact kids for eternity. Each day includes Bible study, chapel, cabin activities, free time, games and a campfire. TIM TEAM-July 26-31 Completed 9th-12th grade TIM Team is a leadership development opportunity for Senior High youth. TIM teamers commit to one year of service as leaders in their home congregations working primarily with younger youth. TIM Teamers will spend time at both Ox Lake and Wapo during the 6 day experience. TIM Teamers will have lodging at Ox Lake, as well as experiencing the Low / High Ropes Challenge Course. During the week, much of each day is spent at Wapo interfacing and participating as leaders amongst the younger youth from their congregation. Page 8 During Lent last year we were able to create a devotional book compiled from writings by members to pass out to the congregation. We’d love to be able to offer this opportunity again! If you’re interested in contributing something to the book, contact Pastor Kelli. Reflections will be due the first week of February. Here’s what we’re looking for: Write up to a page (a paragraph is OK too!) worth of thoughts related to the theme “Easter Stories.” That theme is up to your interpretation; it could be: • Ways you’ve seen God bring new life in your life or some- one else’s; • Your experience with how God has brought/brings joy in the midst of sorrow; • A time when God has shown up somewhere unexpected; • A reflection on what Easter means to you. These stories can be personal or not— they can be about you or someone you heard about one time. They can go deep or remain sort of on the surface. They can be questions or something you are certain about. It’s up to you. We are looking for diversity and a variety of ways people can connect during Lent. Scrip Cards—on-going, year round fundraiser. Families may purchase gift cards from Our Saviour’s to stores/ restaurants/gas stations/etc. and earn a percentage back to personal fundraising accounts. Scrip cards cost exactly what they are worth (i.e. $25 @ Target is $25). Stop in the church office if you have any questions or want to purchase scrip cards. Shared Ministry Through Small Groups Kristine Thompson, Council Rep. Continuing Groups... First timers are always welcome. Men’s Study Group Sundays, 6:30 p.m. Contact Dennis Nygaard, 437-7943 Luther, the Man Mondays, 6:30 p.m. Contact Pastor Menke, 437-9052 Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. Contact Jan Peterson, 437-9531 Men’s Wednesday Morning Group Wednesdays, 5:45 a.m. Contact Tim Mellesmoen, 437-5221 Adult Study Group Currently studying Romans Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Contact Kristine Dotson, 480-2287 Good News Men’s Group Thursdays, 9:00 a.m. Contact Pastor Doug, 437-9052 Ben Utecht in Concert Surrender to Love February 13, 2015 7:00 PM Hastings High School Auditorium Hastings native Ben Utecht returns to his hometown for a one-night-only performance and will share his inspired music and giant voice in a style of Pop/ Rock with country music influences. His eight person band brings a fullblown concert experience to Hastings, combining his powerful sound with a stimulating media and light show. The Surrender To Love concert will be an experience that includes worship and Ben’s message about life’s challenges and setting meaningful priorities. His concert has been described as having the potential to be a life-changing event. Use promo code WORSHIP20 and save 20% on tickets at: January-February 2015 Worship & Music Ministries Diane Pearson Organist 651-437-9052, ext. 21 Kevin Gagnon Media Coordinator Hymn Festival Saturday, Feb. 7 5:30 pm Sunday, Feb. 8 8:00 & 9:15 am You are invited to join us on Saturday, Feb. 7 at 5:30 or Sunday, Feb. 8 at 8:00 or 9:15, for an Our Saviour’s “Singing Our Faith” hymn festival. The service will be structured around the hymns of faith that have been submitted by the congregation. Please join us as we hear again God’s promises to us through the music of the church. You are invited to nominate a hymn and to tell us why it is meaningful to you. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, January 28. Bring your nomination to the church office or use the orange welcome cards in the pews and place them in the offering plate at a Sunday morning worship service. Choir Directors: Kathy Hardy - Jubilee Ringers Lin Warren - Chancel Choir Tammy McMenomy - God’s Little Angels (Preschool-Kindergarten choir) Diane Pearson - Good News Gang (1st through 5th grade choir) Jerrie Pittenger, Council Rep. Considering Ushering? A few new people are needed to fill out some existing usher teams at all services. If you have considered this ministry, now is the time to act. New schedules are being put together soon. Please call Linda at 437-9052, ext. 12, or email: Linda.gathright@ There are also opportunities to serve at special services coming up soon, like Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. If you plan to attend one or more of these services and would like to usher or assist with communion, please let Linda know as well. (NOTE: All worship services accepting new Ushers as well as Greeters, Lectors, Communion Assistants and Coffee Fellowship Servers!) Special thanks to all those who currently serve in one or more areas listed above. Jubilee Ringers The handbell choir is still looking for some musical people to ring bells! If you’ve ever thought about joining the bells, now is a great opportunity to start! Rehearsals are Mondays at 7:00. Please contact Kathy Hardy at hardy1@ if you are interested in joining! Recently Baptized at Our Saviour’s Maximus Herman Ogilvie Born: September 13, 2014 Baptized: December 21, 2014 Parents: Trevor Ogilvie and Jessica Herman Sponsors: Angela Simpson, Troy Shannon Story Eleanore Stewart Born: July 27, 2014 Baptized: December 28, 2014 Parents: Joseph & Mindy Stewart Sponsors: Megan Broin, Jason Stewart Rayah Skye DuBé Born: November 15, 2014 Baptized: January 11, 2015 Parents: Michael DuBé & Miranda Rivera Sponsors: Andrew Rivera, Cory DuBé, Sean DuBé Weston Joseph Lodermeier Born: November 14, 2014 Baptized: January 17, 2014 Parents: Joe Lodermeier and Bre Erickson Sponsors: Sam Erickson, Tony Lodermeier The next Baptism Seminar has been scheduled for Sunday, March 1 at 11:45 a.m. If you wish to have a child baptized, you must first attend a seminar. Please call the church office, if you wish to register for the next seminar, to schedule a baptism, or if you have questions. We are broadcasting our Sunday worship services on KDWA 1460 AM radio and at at 6:30 p.m. on Sundays (9:15 service) and 6:30 pm Wednesdays (10:35 service). Tune in if you’re unable to attend worship. January-February 2015 Page 9 Coming Weeks at Our Saviour’s Church doors are open 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., weekdays. Please call the office to schedule ALL meetings, 437-9052. Sunday, Jan. 25 7:30 AM Weekly Prayer 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Blended Worship 9:15 & 10:35 AM Church School 9:15 & 10:35 AM Together in Faith for Kinder- gartners & Parents 10:35 AM Contemporary Worship Service Monday, Jan. 26 11:00 AM-5:30 PM Red Cross Blood Drive 12:00 Noon Church Staff Meeting 6:30 PM Luther Study 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503 7:00 PM Jubilee Ringers Tuesday, Jan. 27 9:00 AM Women’s Study 1:00-7:00 PM Red Cross Blood Drive 6:00 PM Christian Education Leadership Team 6:30 PM Auditors Wednesday, Jan. 28 5:45 AM Men’s Study 2:45 PM Homework & Hangout 4:45 PM God’s Little Angels Choir 4:45 PM Good News Gang Choir 5:00 PM Intercessory Prayer 5:00 PM Supper 5:30 PM Wednesday School 6:15 PM Confirmation 6:15 PM High School Worship 6:30 PM Adult Study 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 7:30 PM Coffeehouse Thursday, Jan. 29 9:00 AM Men’s Study 5:00 PM New Creation Band Rehearsal 5:00 PM Servant Road Annual Celebration Friday, Jan. 30 9:30 AM Bulletin Stuffers Saturday, Jan. 31 5:30 PM Saturday Worship Service Sunday, Feb. 1 Souper Bowl of Caring 7:30 AM Weekly Prayer 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Blended Worship 9:15 & 10:35 AM Church School 10:00 AM Annual Congegation Meeting 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship Service Monday, Feb. 2 12:00 Noon Church Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503 7:00 PM Jubilee Ringers Tuesday, Feb. 3 9:00 AM Women’s Study 6:00 PM Council Organization Meeting 7:00 PM Good Neighbors 4-H Wednesday, Feb. 4 5:45 AM Men’s Study 9:00 AM Quilting 2:45 PM Homework & Hangout 4:45 PM God’s Little Angels Choir 4:45 PM Good News Gang Choir 5:00 PM Intercessory Prayer 5:00 PM Supper 5:30 PM Wednesday School 6:15 PM Confirmation 6:15 PM High School Worship 6:30 PM Adult Study 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 7:30 PM Coffeehouse Thursday, Feb. 5 9:00 AM Men’s Study 4:30 PM New Creation Band Rehearsal 6:00 PM Food with Friends Friday, Feb. 6 9:30 AM Bulletin Stuffers Saturday, Feb. 7 5:30 PM Saturday Worship Service with Festival Sunday, Feb. 8 7:30 AM Weekly Prayer 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Blended Worship with Hymn Festival 9:15 & 10:35 AM Church School 9:15 & 10:35 AM Together in Faith - 4 yr. olds & Parents 10:35 AM Contemporary Worship Service 11:45 AM Serve The Lord 7:00 PM Sons of Norway Monday, Feb. 9 12:00 Noon Church Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503 7:00 PM Jubilee Ringers Tuesday, Feb. 10 9:00 AM Women’s Study 6:00 PM Church Council Wednesday, Feb. 11 5:45 AM Men’s Study 2:45 PM Homework & Hangout 4:45 PM God’s Little Angels Choir 4:45 PM Good News Gang Choir 5:00 PM Intercessory Prayer 5:00 PM Supper 5:30 PM Wednesday School 6:15 PM Confirmation 6:15 PM High School Worship 6:30 PM Adult Study 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 7:30 PM Coffeehouse Wednesday, Feb. 18 - Ash Wednesday 5:45 AM Men’s Study 9:00 AM Quilting 4:00 PM Ash Wednesday Worship NO regular youth activities, church school or children’s choirs 5:00 PM Intercessory Prayer 5:00 PM Supper 6:30 PM Chancel Choir 7:00 PM Ash Wednesday Worship Thursday, Feb. 19 9:00 AM Men’s Study 4:30 PM New Creation Band Rehearsal Friday, Feb. 20 9:30 AM Bulletin Stuffers Saturday, Feb. 21 5:30 PM Saturday Worship Service Sunday, Feb. 22 7:30 AM Weekly Prayer 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Blended Worship 9:15 & 10:35 AM Church School 10:35 AM Contemporary Worship Service 11:45 AM Serve The Lord Monday, Feb. 23 12:00 Noon Church Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503 7:00 PM Jubilee Ringers Tuesday, Feb. 24 9:00 AM Women’s Study 6:00 PM Christian Education Leadership Team Wednesday, Feb. 25 5:45 AM Men’s Study 2:45 PM Homework & Hangout 4:45 PM God’s Little Angels Choir 4:45 PM Good News Gang Choir 5:00 PM Intercessory Prayer 5:00 PM Supper 5:30 PM Wednesday School 7:00 PM Lenten Worship Service 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Thursday, Feb. 12 9:00 AM Men’s Study 4:30 PM New Creation Band Rehearsal Thursday, Feb. 26 9:00 AM Men’s Study 4:30 PM New Creation Band Rehearsal Friday, Feb. 13 9:30 AM Bulletin Stuffers Friday, Feb. 27 9:30 AM Bulletin Stuffers Saturday, Feb. 14 8:00 AM Creative Memories 8:00 AM Sharing & Caring Hands 5:30 PM Saturday Worship Service Saturday, Feb. 28 5:30 PM Saturday Worship Service Sunday, Feb. 15 7:30 AM Weekly Prayer 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Blended Worship 9:15 & 10:35 AM Church School 10:35 AM Contemporary Worship Service 12:00 Noon Valentine Brunch Monday, Feb. 16 12:00 Noon Church Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503 7:00 PM Jubilee Ringers Newsletter Deadline Tuesday, Feb. 17 9:00 AM Women’s Study 7:00 PM Stewardship Ministry Team Page 10 The next Messenger deadline is Tuesday, Feb. 17, at 4:00 p.m. January-February 2015 Faith and health Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School made a study of the effect praying can have upon those who pray. He discovered those who pray 10 to 20 minutes daily can lower their blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and metabolic rates. Prayer can work wonders. —Proclaim, Nov. 1, 1998 January-February 2015 Page 11 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 95 Hastings, MN 400 West Ninth Street Hastings, Minnesota 55033-2025 (651) 437-9052 Dated Material Address Service Requested Ash Wednesday Worship Service of Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes Wednesday, Feb. 18 4:00 & 7:00 p.m. Light Supper in the Fellowship Hall between services (5:00 - 6:45 p.m.) Free will donation Sponsored by Youth and Family Ministries for youth mission trips and/or summer camp
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