Messiah Lutheran Church Information Guide Sunday, January 25, 2015 Sunday School Opportunities Today Messiah Lutheran Church *1801 W. Plano Pkwy. * Plano, TX * 972-398-7500 Youth Sunday School Openings: Rev. Dr. Victor J. Kollmann, Senior Pastor * Class/Grade 2 years 3 years 4 years Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Ninth-Twelfth Grade Bible Class Opportunities GROUP LEADER(S) TOPIC LOCATION Adults Pastor Kollmann The Holy Bible Gym Adults Pastor Otte Luke E215S Growing Marriages in Christ (GMC) Megan Krizan Parenting 101: From Toddlers to Teens E110S Conf. Rm. Adults Dick Huechteman Psalms E237N Mosaics Karrie Looney Various topics E220S Young Adults Pastor Welmer Discovering Our Lutheran Heritage E247N Guests Joan Konkel & Cathy Dalton Meet Messiah Family Rm. LUKE–A study on the New Testament book of Luke. GMC–"Parenting 101:From Toddlers to TeensGod commands us to love our neighbors, and while we don’t often think of them this way, our children are our neighbors too! At the same time, parenting is hard whether you are struggling with the terrible 2’s or the terrible teens. In this class we will be talking about parenting ideas that will help you improve your relationship with your children, engage their cooperation, and increase their selfcontrol, self-discipline, and self-esteem. ADULTS-Psalms-A study based on the book of Psalms. MOSAICs-This class is mostly made up of adults in the 30-40 age bracket. Various topics are offered. YOUNG ADULTS- This class is mostly made up of those who are 18-late 20’s, both single, and married, who are seeking fellowship in a class setting that helps them grow in their faith. The current topic is, Discovering Our Lutheran Heritage-A look at the Augsburg Confession, and its application for young adults today. MEET MESSIAH-If you would like to know about Messiah, meet at the Guest Information Desk at 9:30am. A few of our members will take you on a tour of our campus, and answer questions you may have about our church. Teachers Kathy Ozlowski, Mary Hooper Carmen Sorenson, Sandy Parks, Brooke Moncrief Juels Chrisman Scott and Janet Binder Christina and Steven Knoernschild Kris Weis Lauren Gutknecht and Dianne Kiehne Kerri Condie-Friend and Brenda Goforth Liese Semans and Holly Slaughter Charlene and Zach Travis David Schroeder, Christine and Robert Wondoloski Matt Lee Barb Coen, Elizabeth Ledford, Jodi Sorenson SUNDAY NURSERY-An attended nursery for infants until walking steadily is in the Education Building, E123N. Care for steady walkers through age 3 is in room E125N. Caregivers available from 8:00am – 12:15pm. A vibrating pager system allows parents to be called by the caregivers. We also have a cry room located at the back of the Sanctuary. Maps to the Education Building can be found at the Guest Information Desk in the Lobby. THE HOLY BIBLE-A study of the entire Bible book by book. Room E131N E133N E137N E130N E132N E115S E113S E135N E246N E244N E235N E242N Youth Rm. Grades 5-12 in Youth Room (E213S) IN THE LIBRARY….Come by the Messiah Library and start the New Year with a good book. There are Christian Novels, Children’s Books, Religion Reference Books, and books by acclaimed Christian authors to encourage us. Author Mark Batterson brings imagination, energy and insight in two of his books, WILD GOOSE CHASE, Reclaim the Adventure of Pursuing God, and IN A PIT WITH A LION ON A SNOWY DAY, How to survive and thrive when opportunity roars. Read about ten principles, first articulated by a student at Harvard in the 1960’s and since then, quoted, circulated and appropriated by countless people- politicians, civic and religious leaders, businesspeople, students, and nonprofit organization. They were taped to computer monitors, refrigerator doors and to the walls of Mother Teresa’s children’s home in Calcutta. The book is ANYWAY, The Paradoxical Commandments, Finding Personal Meaning in a Crazy World written by Kent M. Keith about his commandments, the philosophy behind them, and stories that bring them to life. Library Hours: Sunday before and after Bible Class Hour: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 11:30 – 2:30 PM 1 Mid-Week Bible Study Opportunities PASTOR KOLLMANN’S TUESDAY MORNING WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets on Tuesdays from 9:30AM-11:00AM in the Conference Room. The current study is the Lifelight series on the Old Testament books, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah. PASTOR WELMER’S WEDNESDAY MEN'S LUNCH AND BIBLE STUDY meets on Wednesdays at 12:00 Noon, in the Conference Room. Currently this group is studying the Gospel of Matthew. General Announcements & Fellowship Opportunities twelve biblical women and what they mean for your life today. Free baby-sitting with advanced notice. Bring friends! Contact Ellen Thorne with questions or to order your book: Dallas Lutheran School serves students and their families from 7th through 12th grade. Join us on our campus (8494 Stults Rd, Dallas, 75243) TODAY, from 4-6 pm at our Winter Open House to learn more about our academic and co-curricular offerings. Come see why we’re excited about our 1:1 iPad program and talk with teachers about how iPad integration helps prepare our students to attend the college of their choice. Check us out at and contact Betsy Bronkhorst at 214-349-8912 with questions. WOMEN’S EVENING BIBLE STUDY-Member Carla Detrie is leading a class for women that will meet every other Thursday (see calendar on back page) from 6:30-8:00PM in E245N. For more information about the current study, email Carla at DINING OUT-TOMORROW, 7:00 PM THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY FOR WOMEN-We meet on Thursdays, 9:30-11:00am. We meet in Room E245N. Our study is called “Twelve Women of the Bible” by Lysa Terkeurst. We are looking at the spiritual lessons learned from 2780 S.Central Expressway, McKinney. Hosted by Dorothy and John Rigg. Please sign up in Bible class, the Guest information desk, or by contacting Dorothy at 972-943-0025, BIBLE FELLOWSHIP GROUPS are open to guests and members alike. They welcome new participants. Please call the leader listed below if you want more information. CONTACT CITY TIMES Ed & Ruby Stoppenhagen, 972-235-8310 Richardson 2nd Sundays, 7-9pm Debbie Kelly, 972-480-8923 Richardson, Plano, Murphy 1st & 3rd Sundays, 6-8pm Rich Tobaben, 972-596-6749 Plano 2nd Sundays, 7-9pm CALLING ALL 1964 GIRLS (AND GUYS), or those who love 80s music, to attend the Totally 80s Sing-A-Long at the Alamo Drafthouse in Richardson. You can sit back and enjoy the videos, or join the group in singing (and even dancing) along. This fun-filled event is Thursday, January 29th, at 8pm. Tickets are $13.25. To attend or get more info, you are welcome to e-mail Ellen Thorne,, or purchase your tickets online (while they last) at Our group is sitting in the back, on the right side of the theater. Look for seat numbers in the 11-18 range. Pastor Kollmann’s Adult Information Class meets on Monday from 7:00-8:30 pm, in the Reception room. If you are interested in attending, please contact the Church Office, 972-398-7500. Notify us of any baby-sitting needs as well. PRIME TIMERS KICK OFF THE NEW YEAR WITH THE FIRST EVENT OF 2015-Please join other Prime Timers on January 29th, at 11:30 AM for lunch at The Shire Tavern. The address is 3600 Shire Boulevard, #112 (about a mile east of Messiah on the south side of 190). You can sign up at the Prime Timer table near the Gift shop. If you have any questions, please call Ann Hiser at 972-931-7810. 2 EVENTS A DAY FOR CARING & COMMITMENT Next Sunday, February 1st PEARL GIRLS ON A FAITH CASE “Fruit of the Spirit~Love & Kiwis February 15th, 12:30pm in the Youth Room For girls in K-4th. They are welcome to bring friends. 5th-12th graders through adults are encouraged to come help. Bring a lunch or buy pizza that is available. SOUPER BOWL OF CARING: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st For a specific list of needs, please check the Network website: You are welcome to donate items any time that week. Simply place your food donations in the grocery cart located in the worship lobby, or in the cart in the Outreach area next to the Chapel. Your monetary donations can be dropped off in the soup pot at the Guest Information Desk. Girls are secret investigators to solve a Faith Case. They’ll join the wacky Fruit Inspector Adam Apple and the capable, no-nonsense Commissioner in a suspenseful search for each fruit—and Adam Apple's evil nemesis, the Spoiler. Along the journey, girls will learn to let the Holy Spirit shape Christ-like character in their lives. Bring $1 and/or non-perishable items to church for Network Ministries in Richardson. Sign up on Sign-Up Genius. (please check spam if you don’t see your invite) Or you can all sign up by e-mailing Ellen Thorne, GLOW COMMITMENTS FOR 2015 Remember these people on the left? If so, we hope you’ll be a part of our own Not Ready for Prime Time Players Fellowship Group! Join us for our 2015 Planning Meeting & Potluck Dinner. We are honored to bring our GLOW commitments to the Lord next Sunday, February 1st. Using the GLOW outline on the left, please prayerfully consider how God wants to use you this year as you G.L.O.W. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I will share God’s light as I GLOW: Gladly enter God’s House weekly. (Worship) Listen for God’s voice. (Bible Study, Quiet Time, Prayer) Open my heart and hands to serve God. (Ministry) Wholeheartedly love God & my neighbor. It will be held on Sunday, February 15th at the home of Bruce and Cindy Heller (301 Cactus Court, Allen, TX) beginning at 3:00pm. Please bring a dish to share and several ideas of events or activities that you would like the group to participate in. We will begin with a brain-storming session and vote as a group as we plan our 2015 calendar of events. To review the Commitment Form before coming to worship, please visit our website, select the WHO WE ARE menu, and select What We Believe. Scroll down the page, and you will find the form options. The Forms will also be in your bulletin next Sunday. OR… To fill out your commitment online please go to this link: GLOW2015 Sign up on Sign-Up Genius. (please check spam if you don’t see your invite ) or e-mail Bruce, or Cindy, WOMEN’S GALENTINE’S DAY PARTY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH, 7-11pm at Messiah. GALentine’s (Valentine’s for the GALS) is a day to forget about your significant other (or lack thereof) and celebrate only the women in your life. We’ll gather for games, goodies, crafts, and more. This is a free event. Watch for your sign-up genius e-mail or contact Ellen Thorne, (Fellowship-Outreach) 3 MORE EVENTS SICILIANO’S A Taste of Italy PRIME TIMERS – “Having Fun Serving the Lord in the Prime of Life” Upcoming Events Come join us for a fun and tasty Italian dinner experience. Sicliano’s is a family owned restaurant that has been in Garland for many years and all of their food is great, not to mention the garlic rolls. 2210 W. BUCKINGHAM RD. Contact Ed or Norma Hester @ 972-675-0134, OR GARLAND, TX Thursday. February 19th Sign up sheets are available at the Guest information desk, and in 7:00 P.M. Pastor Kollmann’s Bible class on Sunday. FEBRUARY CLASSIC MOVIE & POTLUCK Friday, February 20th, 6pm, Potluck; 7pm, Movie “To Kill a Mockingbird” from 1962 Told through the eyes of "Scout," a feisty six-year-old tomboy, this movie carries us on an odyssey through the fires of prejudice and injustice in 1932 Alabama. Starring: Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Brock Peters, John Megna, and Robert Duvall. Look for your sign-up genius invite or e-mail: WOMEN’S RETREAT AT MESSIAH Our “Garden Getaway” will be on Saturday, March 21st. To be a part of the planning team, please contact Ellen Thorne, MONTH EVENT FEB 28 Sat. MARCH 19 APR 24 Friday MAY TBD JUNE TBD JULY TBD AUG 13 Thurs. SEPT TBD OCT 22 Thurs NOV 2 -4 ALOA – Senior Fest at Messiah Dallas Arboretum and Luncheon Rough Riders Baseball Game Frisco Ft. Worth Botanical Garden & Kimball Museum and Luncheon Sixth Floor Museum and Luncheon, Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, Dallas, and Luncheon Denton State School activity (addressing Christmas cards at Messiah) Old Fashioned Picnic and Ice Cream Social at Messiah Annual Planning Meeting Messiah 3-day trip to Branson, Missouri Mon-- Wed DEC TBD MESSIAH LUTHERAN NIGHT AT ROUGH RIDERS GAME Bus Tour – Dallas by Chocolate For more details, check future Announcement guides and Messengers, or check at the Primetimers table located near the Gift Shop. Messiah Lutheran Game Night Frisco Roughriders vs. San Antonio Missions Friday, @ 7:05 pm April 24th.. $39.00 per person includes seating at the Winstar Diamond Deck, unlimited Smokehouse BBQ, Dr. Pepper Products, Beer and Wine for first 90 minutes of the game, Limited edition souvenir, and a PlayBall game program. See Ed Hester 214-502-6238 or Marcia Murphy, at 972-332-8456 4 Children & Youth News Amy Plenger-972-398-7524 or Elizabeth Ledford-972-398-7509 or FAMILY LENT SERVICES BEGIN SOON! Our series this year explores many questions we all have about heaven. Starting on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18th, and continuing for six weeks, families will worship together as we study God’s Word. Services are at 6:00pm in the Chapel. If your family would like to participate as praise team leaders, Scripture readers, acolytes, or ushers, please sign up online by scanning the code below. CAREGIVER OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH Many of our parents appreciate the opportunity to participate in Bible studies, and fellowship events when parents know their little ones are in a loving and safe place. Youth who have completed the caregiver training are invited to sign up online for babysitting jobs at Messiah. Please scan the code below to see the upcoming needs for February. LAST CHANCE TO PICK UP CHRISTMAS PROGRAM DVDs Whether you ordered “Little Bit” or “Christmas Play by Play”, (or both!) please stop by the credenza in the administration building to pick them up. Please leave payment of $15/DVD in the box next to the DVDs, then check off your name. MYM Tonight! – MYM is our weekly gathering for grades 5-12 in the gym. We hang out and play games from 5 to 5:30, eat a delicious dinner provided by a parent from 5:30 to 6, meet for a large group discussion and video at 6, and then break up into high school led small groups. Come and join us! JAM – Bible study for grades 5-8, Wednesday, 6:30 to 7:30. FLOWER FUNDRAISER – It’s that time again! The youth will have their annual Flower Fundraiser again starting this month. Valentines Flowers can be purchased ahead of time in the Narthex on Sunday, January 25, and Sunday, February 1. Flowers will be available for pick up on Sunday, February 8, again in the Narthex. Flower Fundraiser prep for youth students will be in the choir room on Saturday, February 7. This is a great way to earn money toward summer trips or earn service hours for school. Those who are interested can also stay after to hand out Valentine’s notes to people in the area! Sign up to help in Sunday School! Movie MESH – Our next Movie MESH (an extended MESH from 6:30 to 9 where we watch and discuss a film) will be on Tuesday, January 28! Jonathan Beyer will lead our discussion over “Herbie: Fully Loaded.” SUPER BOWL PARTIES – Instead of our normal MYM schedule on Sunday, February 1, we will have Super Bowl Parties starting at 5 PM! Our high school students (grades 9-12) will meet at the Knoernschild residence (1316 Stonewick Dr Allen, TX 75002). Please bring a canned good to donate to the Super Bowl of Caring and a dish to share! Junior high students (grades 58) will meet at the Vogler residence (603 Wills Point Dr Allen, TX 75013). Come hang out! Messiah's fitness classes are open for registration. Cost is $60 for a twelve week class. All classes are open to the public, and walk-ins are welcome at $7 per class session. Zumba: Wednesdays, 5:10pm Yoga: Wednesdays, 6pm go to or scan the code to register online. Messiah Lutheran Coed Volleyball League Messiah’s adult coed volleyball league starts the week of March 1 st. League night is to be decided based on interest. Register as an individual or a coed team. For additional information visit Messiah’s recreation page at Teams: 6-8 players with 2 females on the court at all time League: runs for 8 weeks Cost: $40/player VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Volunteer to help with Sport and Recreation activities. Volunteer opportunities include refereeing, selling concessions, helping with children events and organizing future events. Contact Rebekah Myer if you are interested in growing this ministry. VALENTINES PARENT'S NIGHT OUT Leave the kids with us, and enjoy Valentine's Day out with your valentine. Kids will enjoy pizza, Valentines Day crafts, games and a movie. When: Feb, 14th Time: 5-9pm Where: Messiah Lutheran Gymnasium Who: children K-6th grade Cost: $15 for the first child and $10 for each additional sibling To register online visit: For information about any of these activities, or other recreation related questions, contact Rebekah Myer via email at or phone at 214-326-4608. 5 Messiah Serves: Our Social Ministries and Outreach International Mission News Dawn Johnson – 972-948-8966 – Karen Effective immediately we will temporarily suspend collecting plastic shopping bags for The NETWORK. ‘Tis only one Life, ‘Twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last. Volunteers greatly needed and appreciated!! Adults and Youth welcome. St. Luke’s will be having a medicine packing day, Sat, Feb. 7th from 8:00am - 4:00pm and Sun, Feb. 8th from 12:00noon - 4:00pm. We will be packing over Honduras Mission Trip 2400lbs of medicines to take with us to February 25 - March 4th 2015 Our Honduras information table is now Honduras. This will be a fun day filled with laughter, fellowship, prayer and plenty of available on Sundays. Stop by and food. Please join us. St. Luke’s Episcopal meet the Team Members, pick up an info sheet to see what we will be doing Church is located at 5923 Royal Ln. Dallas TX. in Honduras, or just chat with us and INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS PRAYER: PRAY share some of our excitement. We encourage FOR ALL OF OUR DONATED RESOURCES TO you to reflect on ways to support our team, including the purchase of medical and dental LAND IN THE PLACES THEY ARE NEEDED MOST. Messiah Lutheran Church is now supplies. Checks can be made out to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church or Messiah. You also receiving many donations in the form of cash donations for Honduras and Alamosa; cotton have the choice to donate online at fabric and ties for Haiti; coupons for troops; (online giving~mission to non-perishable foods for Network; Box Tops Honduras). If you have any questions, for the Lambs School, and much more. Lord, thoughts or prayers for the team, please feel thank You for all of these gifts coming from free to contact , Marie Tinnin, our members who see the needs of those or around them. Please help us facilitate 972-679-3997. getting these gifts into the hands of those who can use them to support their families and their neighbors who are in desperate need. MINISTRY NEWS & INFORMATION CONGRATULATIONS to The NETWORK of Community Ministries- Richardson, TX Celebrating 30 Years of Service! NETWORK's President, Chris Barnes: After 30 years of service, I am looking forward to 30 more for this extraordinary local charity. Right now, NETWORK is on the threshold of exciting progress for the future! Come by to visit our facility and take a tour. I promise, you will be hooked on the Mission of NETWORK. We "care, coach and empower our neighbors in need as they seek an improved quality of life." What an amazing thing. WANT TO BE INVOLVED WITH A MINISTRY? Be a NETWORK Deliver! You can help deliver the food collected in our grocery carts when they become full. If interested please send me an email at and I will add you to our rotation schedule and let you know the details. The NETWORK Food Pantry ensures that our neighbors do not go hungry. They are “food insecure” families who don’t know from where they will get their next meal. The NETWORK food Pantry depends on donations to provide the food distributed every single day. 90% of those we seek to help will receive food before leaving our facility, regardless of our ability to help in other ways. Meals on Wheels (MOW) Needs You! Meals on Wheels is a familiar program to many people. It is a vital service that helps those unable to cook for themselves get warm meals delivered right to their door. Messiah members have been active in this community service for many years and continue to serve one week each month in the North Dallas/Richardson area. Our Meals on Wheels Ministry could use more volunteers! Want to be more involved with your community? Consider being a volunteer with our Meals on Wheels team. For additional information please contact our Coordinator Sam Samuelson at 972-690-0989 or ONGOING COLLECTION PROJECTS Please note that all collection projects are located in the designated collection area next to the Family Room in the chapel building. Questions about any of our collection projects you can contact me at or 972-948-8966. Messiah’s Disaster Team CONTACT: Richard Lamson @ (972) 5963392. Food Network Drive - You can drop off non-perishable food in our two grocery carts. There is a clear file attached to one of the carts containing the list of non-perishable food items needed. Box Tops coupons benefiting our Lambs School. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents to the Lambs School. Clip out the coupons and drop them off. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSES Classes meet on Mondays from 7:00-9:00 PM on the 2nd floor of the Education building Coups For Troops is a project that sends coupons to military families serving overseas. You can also drop off your cut out coupons in a designated container located on the Social Ministries & Outreach table located across from the gift shop. Hotel and Travel Size Toiletries Drive- Donated hotel and travel size toiletries are collected to support the efforts of community organizations helping our neighbors with basic needs. Donations are also delivered to The Ronald McDonald House of Dallas. 6 Messiah Lambs School Messiah Lambs will begin registration for currently enrolled families and members of Messiah Lutheran Church for the 2015 -2016 school year during the first week of February. We offer classes and care for children who are 6 weeks old through kindergarten. If you would like more information about our program, or schedule a tour, please contact the Lambs’ Office at 972-398-7560. Pray for One Another This Week Katie Rowan-healing from Pneumonia. Corrine Olsen, grandmother, healing her or making her comfortable. Michael, Mary, Elizabeth and Garrett Pace Dan’s mom, Dorothy, experiencing back pain, discovered fracture in back, having an MRI Thurs. Dan, Kathy & Becky Koeneman Peggy Schutza, mother, improvement in medical conditions. Brian Altus Lisle Shoop, cousin, serious colon cancer surgery Monday morning. Lives in PA. Also that wife, Barb, will have strength and faith to get through this rough time. Pray for healing and quick recovery. Carl and Shirley Crittenden There will be wine and cheese & crackers while you shop. Kendra Scott jewelry is great for wives, moms, sisters, aunts, daughters and friends! KENDRA SCOTT AT THE SHOPS AT LEGACY 5800 LEGACY DRIVE, SUITE C2A Lutheran Schools Week is a celebration of PLANO, TEXAS 75024 Lutheran school children of all ages. It will be held January 23rd through January 29th, 2015. Messiah Lambs, along with about 1,200 other Don’t forget our ongoing Lutheran schools who serve infants to age 5, will fundraiser, Scrip cards– This celebrate our wonderful schools and the great joy program helps the Lambs, and benefits you at the same time! Go to we have learning about Jesus. Our theme this Wal-Mart or Tom Thumb every year is “I Know My Sheep, and My Sheep Know week? Buy gas often? Heading to Me.” John 10:14. Our preschool children, ages 2-6, will be singing at the beginning of late service Macy’s to buy a wedding present? Then why not support the Lambs at on Sunday, February 1st. the same time? Each Scrip sale gives a percentage back to the Lambs. Check out VALENTINES DAY GIFT FUNDRAISER all of the great choices at the Lambs’ Table next to BENEFITTING THE LAMBS SCHOOL-Join us for The Lamp Gift Shop. a fun shopping event with 20% of sales benefitting our Lambs School on February 2nd, from 5-8pm at the Kendra Scott store at The Shops at Legacy. Get that special someone a great gift that gives back too! Messiah Lambs celebrate Lutheran Schools Week Anna Comreid, death of brother, prayer for family. Doris Fletcher Darrell Cassady, Mike’s brother, continued prayers for healing, strength during his chemo treatments. Mike, Kim and Chase and Kristian Cassady Keri-Pray for healthy baby and for health of Keri, daughter of Bill & Sherry Moyer. Rigoberto Linares (brother of Lina) health restoration; Juan and Josepino (parents) wisdom, understanding, patience. Ann Murphy, health and blessings. Diane Testa, friend of Kathy Theiss, undergoing chemo for lung cancer. Stephanie Hart, daughter, zest for life, health. Diana Safe travels to California this week for us and Liz Hart, Audrey Hart and Monie Burnett. Charles, Cindy and Cate Hayes. Gigi Henderson, sister-in-law, thank you for your Greg Adams, doctors have advised Greg to go home prayers. She is in remission, to the doctors’ and stay comfortable; there is no more they can do amazement. Noel and Mike Henderson for him. May God fulfill His Will and comfort Greg and his family and friends. Mark, Leah and Kieran Men and women in blue; may we all pray for their Lewis safety and their courage to remain strong in their line of duty. Foales family Tracy, Kelly and Aniah, comfort in Michael’s death. Thanks to God for safe trip and move to Hawaii for Pray for Christians being persecuted, to be daughter and family, Shannon, Bill and Ethan Ng. protected. Marlis, find a way to retire. Marlis Jay Lowry Semans Jodi Zerba, sister, guide my sister and help her find Susan Seegmiller, continued healing of right arm, a job. Kris Holben following through with therapy and trust in God. Please, Lord, may America be strong as the days Jim Anderson, healing of prostate cancer. ahead give us heartache. Bless Corky and Phyllis, Ken Hawk having less pain and stress. May Vi Huse have less pain. Dorothy and John Rigg Continue prayers for husband, Ken, during his recuperation from surgeries. Barbara Gable Derrow Sheets, brother, beginning radiation treatments this week for cancer. Lesley Lamb Steve Chambers, help him to come to church and to come to know Christ. Karen and Brigette Chambers 7 Jenn Bollom, prayers that her blood counts will improve. Praise God that tumor is beginning to shrink. Oncologist estimates only two more chemo treatments, then surgery. Keep praying! God is good! Joyce Laux and Suzanne Wilson Jim Wilkins, lifelong friend, healing and wellness as he recuperates from surgery to repair a broken hip. Lord, give him patience and perseverance. Larry and Nell Froning Jim and Bev Hickerson, parents, hoping and praying both will feel better soon. Burwinkel Family For safe travel to Houston and return for Jim and Marge Anderson as Jim continues treatment on his cancer. Also our granddaughter, Lizzy, for her broken foot to heal. Jerry and Kay Ross God protect our nation from terrorists and others. Marti McNamara Milo Berg Larry and Arlene Case Daphne Evans LaVerne Foster Together in the Lord This Week Family unity and financial help. Norma Hernandez Lutherans for Life; pray that God will bless their work as they educate and equip the church to uphold biblical truth about the God-given value of human life. Don and Cyndie Johnson SUNDAY Worship Sunday School/Bible Class Worship Vistation Team-Fazio/Hawk Grace Community Church MYM (Youth) Christian Yoga Mark Armstrong, continued prayer for his heart, mind and soul. Allie and Susan Armstrong Rose Babbitt, prayer for healing of eyes. May God restore her eyes so she can drive again. Rose and Robert Babbitt RECOVERY: Vi Huse-healing, Kathy Woolstonhealing, Susie Strieter-hip, Steve Florsheimhealing, Maddie Herzog-heart, Susan Seegmillerarm, Don Bender-healing, Lois McCulloch-hip, Dottie Herrmann-healing, Doug Nevil-healing, Keys Murphy-healing, Ed Hester-back, Barbara Albert-healing, and Ken Gable-healing. Raymond Gust Freda Hafeman Kerwin Kaaz Betty Ladishew Doris Mitchell Keys Murphy Tony Raines Ruby Shank WEDNESDAY Men’s Bible Study and Lunch Zumba Fitness Class Choristers/Cherubs Yoga M.E.S.H. Movie Night F JAM (Youth) Worship Service Sanctuary Orchestra 12:00 PM 5:10 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:45 PM MONDAY Pack #261 Praise Team Boy Scouts English As A Second Language Adult Information Class Dining Out 6:30 PM THURSDAY 7:00 PM Women’s Bible Class (Thorne) 7:00 PM Women’s Bible Class (Detrie) 7:00 PM Prime Timers Luncheon 7:00 PM Millennial Choir/Orchestra 7:00 PM Totally 80s Party @ Alamo 9:30 AM 6:30 PM 11:30 AM 3:30 PM 8:00 PM TUESDAY Women’s Bible Class (Kollmann) Joyful Ringers Pack #612/Troop #7921 Sanctuary Choir 9:30 AM 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM NEXT SUNDAY Worship Sunday School/Bible Class Worship Vistation Team-Detrie/Tonn Grace Community Church MYM (Youth) Christian Yoga 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM HEARTS FOR LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF-When disasters happen, Lutheran World Relief responds with immediate aid. During the month of February, we are gathering health care and baby supplies for shipping to their warehouse in March. If you want to help, please pick up a pink paper heart from one of the baskets at the LWML table or the collection table by the Chapel. Bring back the items listed on the heart no later than Sunday, March 1st, to the collection area by the Chapel. This is just one more way our members make a difference in our community and the world! Sign Up TODAY —You can now set up your church offering to automatically draft from your checking or savings account each month. Now is the time to sign up. If you are interested, or would like more information, contact Susan Piper at: or call her at 972-398-7504. Enrollment forms are at the guest information desk. Please fill out the form, provide a voided check, place in the envelope provided and place in offering plate, or in Susan’s mailbox. BASKETS NEEDED Perhaps you, or someone you know in our congregation has received a plant from the Sunshine guild during an illness or following surgery, or a loss in your family. Volunteers make this very special ministry possible with the creation of the plant baskets, as well as the delivery. To help keep this ministry going strong, we are asking for basket donations. Small or large baskets are welcome. You can drop them off at the Reception area. Need to Change current deductions? Please fill out another enrollment form and place it in the provided envelope in the offering plate or in Susan’s mailbox. Unless your bank account information has changed, no voided check is needed. If you need to cancel your deductions, or have any questions, please contact Susan Piper at: or call her at 972-398-7504. 8
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