“ ” Jesus, Messiah

“As the shepherd’s staff was a tool of service, so are we who serve with Jesus.”
Dr. Jim Butler — Pastor
April 2014
“Jesus, Messiah” Musical
April 13 — 10:30am
Ken and our choir are more excited about this year’s musical presentation than
any other musical they have ever done. “Jesus, Messiah” is a powerful reminder
of Jesus who is our Redeemer. It is through His death on the cross that we have
redemption from our sin. His resurrection is our hope of everlasting life. The
Easter message would not be complete without our being reminded that He is
coming again! Please take advantage of this special service by inviting your unchurched friends
and family to come with you to hear “Jesus, Messiah.”
Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
April 13 Following Lunch
Debbie has announced that this year’s Easter Egg Hunt will
take place on the ball fields immediately following our luncheon.
There will be one area for younger preschoolers and another for older preschoolers
and children. Parents, be sure to bring your cameras to capture memories of your children/
grandchildren looking for eggs.
We still need hundreds of plastic eggs and individually wrapped candy to put in the eggs.
Please bring your candy and eggs, and place them in the “big blue buckets.” We need them no later
than April 9.
Youth Spaghetti Luncheon
April 13 — Noon
It has been our custom for the past several years to have an all-church luncheon
immediately following our Easter musical. The youth are selling tickets for the
luncheon for $5 per person. Instead of standing in line at an area restaurant for lunch
on that Sunday, why not just eat here. You will get a good meal and help our youth
raise money for camp this summer at the same time. Jamie and Jenny are working very hard on
growing our Youth Ministry. We love our young people. This is just one way you can show your
support of their ministry. Tickets are on sale now. We ask that you purchase your tickets by April
9, so we will know how much food to prepare.
Spread the Word
Our Children’s Ministry Is Expanding
3 New Ministries This Fall
As I am at my desk writing this month’s article the fact hit me
that it is only 12 weeks until our move to Olive Branch. This
thought is both exciting and terrifying to me. So much has yet to
be done, and I don’t mean just construction. Here are some
things which we must do before June 22.
Throw away all the “stuff” we don’t need at our new church.
(We are doing that on April 26.)
Move all of our tables, chairs, instruments, records, office
equipment, etc. to our new home in Olive Branch.
Prepare our new Sunday School rooms, Worship Center,
and offices for us to use. (The contractor has promised we
will be in the building no later than June 29.)
Enlarge our Security and Greeter Teams. We will need to
train these people to handle the crowds we expect when we
move. If you would be willing to serve as a Greeter, Usher,
Security Team member, parking greeter, bus driver, choir
member or decision counselor. . . .please contact Phil as
soon as possible.
Remember. . . .we only get 1 chance
to make a good first impression!
$100,000 Building Fund Challenge
18 Week Challenge Goal:
Given in First 6 Weeks:
$ 38,332
(1/3 of the weeks are past,
You have given 38% of our goal)
Amount Needed For Our Goal: $ 61,668
Throw Away Day—April 26
Debbie, our staff and committees have been praying about
beginning a series of exciting new ministries which will begin in
August. These ministries have a 2 part purpose:
To share Christ’s love with preschoolers.
To minister to younger families in the Olive Branch area.
We believe that these exciting new ministries will help our
church reach young families in a more effective manner.
5 Day 4 Year Old Pre-K—Beginning in August we will be
offering a 5 day morning Pre-K for 4 year olds. Classes will be
from 8:45 to 11:45 each morning. The public school system
does not offer Pre-K in the schools and many families feel it is
important to have this for their child’s development. The cost
will be $225 per month. Space is limited to 42 children in the 4
year old 5 day program. Please help us spread the word.
Enrollment information is on our website:
3 Day 3 Year Old Pre-K — In addition to our 4 year old PreK we are also opening a room of 3 year old Pre-K. This program
will be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:45 to 11:45
am. Because of the age difference this program will not be as
structured as the 4 year old program. However, they will be a
curriculum which will be appropriate for these children’s needs
and development. There are only 12 openings for this program.
The cost is $160 per month. Enrollment information is also on
our church’s website.
2 Day Mother’s Day Out — A third ministry which will
begin in August is our new Mother’s Day Out on Tuesday and
Thursday from 9am-2pm. This program is designed for children
ages 2 months to school age. This is the chance for moms to
place their children in a loving Christian environment, while
they have some time to themselves. The cost of this program is
$135 per month for babies (2 months-12 months), and $125 for
children 1 year to school age. Again, the enrollment information
is on our church website.
All of us know what it is like to collect piles
of “junk” in our homes. Junk, in this context,
means anything you have that is now broken,
worn out, or no longer useful. Well for the past
If you have any questions, or need more information, please
28 years, LaBelle has been accumulating stuff. We need to get
Debbie Johnson, our Children’s Director, at
rid of it, because there is no place to put it at our new church.
We need your help! On April 26 we will have a clean up day
here at LaBelle. We will rent a commercial dumpster, and we
need your help in filling it up. If we can get enough volunteers,
Our Deepest Sympathy:
then it will not take but a couple of hours to get the job done. A
Dr. Butler, and his wife Lawanda, would like to
word to all of our Sunday School teachers. . . .we ask you to
extend our church’s sympathy to: LaVonya Palmer and
go through your room and throw away any old supplies,
family on the loss of her nephew, to Edith Taylor & Ed
materials or stuff. If you do not do this, then we will decide what
Sneed & families on the loss of their niece, Nancy
is good stuff and junk for you, but by then it will be too late.
Thornton, to Becky Baskin & family on the loss of her
Meet at the church on April 26 at 8am. Be sure to bring your
aunt, Mary Jane Hutchins and to Jean Cain & family on
work clothes, gloves and a big smile. A complimentary breakfast
the loss of her mother, Era Anderson.
biscuit and coffee will be served to all who come and help.
The Shepherd’s Staff
Page 2
Youth News
By Jamie & Jennie Mullen
Let me begin by saying thank you so much for these first few months.
Jenny and I are so excited about the future of this church and youth group.
Student Life Summer camp has been scheduled for May 28 th-June 1st, at
Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, GA. This camp will be filled with
God’s Word and a blast for all. Please fill free to look at Studentlife.com and
watch the camp promo video. Your next camp payment of $75 is due
April, 27th. If you have not paid your deposit please talk with me this
April 13th is the spaghetti lunch fundraiser. Parents please bring
several desserts as we are expecting about 200 people or more. If you are
not in choir we may need some help with cooking.
Jenny has set up a Remind101 account to send out information to your
kids. Please text @5e2ef to (662) 655-0045 and follow the directions to
subscribe. This is the easiest way to stay informed. We have also created a
twitter account @LaBellestudents and an Instagram account: labellestudents.
Please connect with us and encourage your kids to go follow these accounts.
“Don’t forget Sunday is Sausage and Biscuit Sunday” so please be here early
to help. Scott Beene has agreed to help me cook.
If we can ever help your family please let us know.
Children’s Corner
By: Debbie Johnson, Children’s Director
There is so much going on right now my head is spinning!! The first is
Easter. We are planning our Easter Egg Hunt for Sunday, April 13 th. The
youth are having a fundraiser lunch and we will hunt eggs about 1:00pm after
lunch. The “blue buckets” are out and ready for plastic eggs and candy. I
hope the weather is beautiful and if it is not we will hunt inside the building
like last year.
I am also putting together a nursery rotation for Sunday mornings. (Worship
time only.) If enough people sign up you may only have to work once every
few months. I know that you may sing in the choir or be a grandparent and
say that you have served your time, but these babies need you. I also need
another Sunday School worker in the 4 & 5 year old room.
V.B.S. is coming fast! We will be holding it in July in the new building. I have
directors for 7&8th grade, 5th Grade and Crafts. THAT’S IT!! I really need
more workers to step up. This will be a very critical time for LaBelle Haven.
We will be new and many families will be coming to see what we are all
about. If we are not ready then they might not come back. Please help out
this year! If you can’t direct, then plan to help. I also need a snack director
this year. Please pray about serving, and I know God will say YES!!!!
Lastly one of the most exciting new ministries that LaBelle Haven is starting
this year is “LaBelle Haven Kidz Academy.” We will have a Pre-K program for
3-5 year olds and also a Mother’s Day Out! I will need a few workers and also
a lot of KIDS!!!! If you know of someone that can benefit from this ministry
please have them visit the church website www.labellehaven.org or they are
welcome to e-mail me at djohnson@labellehaven.org. I know that God is
going to bless this and use it as a source of outreach.
To help out with any of these items above please contact Debbie at
djohnson@labellehaven.org or call me at 901-864-9388.
Next Church-Wide Outreach ~ April 28th
Light Meal at 5:30pm, Visitation 6:00 - 7:30pm
Come join us as we go out to visit those who have visited us. We will meet at
5:30pm to eat a light dinner, then we will go out at 6:00pm. We will meet back
at the church at 7:30pm for a report/praise time and dessert. We need
everyone who can to participate in this outreach event. Let’s share the
excitement of LHBC!
The Shepherd’s Staff
If your information has changed or will change, please take a moment and call the
church office at (901) 362-2273 and let us know so we can update our records.
The Beene Family
6161 Tranquil Dr.
Olive Branch, MS 38654
(901) 485-3349
Lavonia “Peggy” Camp
3797 Lake Village Cv.
Olive Branch, MS 38654
(662) 895-4497
Avery Nichols
4274 Bienville
Nesbit, MS 38651
(901) 828-7112
Leila Carter
6088 Chickasaw Dr.
Olive Branch, MS 38654
(901) 634-7070
Caleb Wright
1573 Breckenridge
Nesbit, MS 38651
(901) 500-7463
DeWayne & Jean Dickey
6985 Stanley Dr.
Olive Branch, MS 38654
(662) 893-0290
A donation was given to The Building Fund:
In honor of: Bill Campbell’s 85th Birthday
By: Mitch & Dot Wright
In memory of: Curtis Boyd
By: The Gray Family, Wanda Langston
& Fred Langston
In memory of: Melba Lipscomb, Fay Crockett,
Dorothy Riles & W. C. Baker
By: Nora Baker
A donation was given to The Choir Chair Fund:
In memory of: Ann Hastings & Joyce McKinnon
By: Angela & Harold McKinnon
A donation was given to House Beautiful:
In memory of: Dorothy Riles & Fay Crockett
By: Anne Bailey
Music Ministry
By: Rev. Ken Washburn, Minister of Music & Sr. Adults
Excitement in the choir is building because in just a week and a half we
will be sharing what we have been laboring over the past few months.
I’m speaking of course of the presentation of the Easter musical “Jesus,
Messiah.” Our members have spent many hours in learning the music
and preparing our hearts to be used by our Lord on this special day. It is
our sincere prayer that we will see people saved and relationships
renewed as the Holy Spirit moves among us.
Please pray for our choir in these remaining days as we make final
preparations. Even more though we are asking for your help in inviting
those who need to hear a clear presentation of the Gospel message of
salvation through the shed blood of our Savior, our Rescue, our Ransom.
Make plans to join us Palm Sunday, April 13th, at 10:30am.
Senior Adults:
On Thursday, April 10th, our J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Choir will be
singing for the residents of LifePointe Village in Southaven. We will meet
at 11:00am that day at the church for a brief rehearsal. We will then go
together for lunch and head to LifePointe to sing at 2:00pm. We hope all
of our members can attend and as always welcome anyone who would
like to go share with us as we sing.
On Thursday, April 24th, we will have our monthly Senior Adult Potluck
Luncheon. The church will provide the meat and we are asking our
Seniors to bring the salads, vegetables, and desserts to go with our meal.
In March, we had eighty four in attendance and we would love to see our
numbers grow. We are still finalizing details of our program for that day
but I guarantee a day full of fun, fellowship and laughs. Make plans to
join us and invite others!
Page 3
LaBelle Haven Baptist Church Calendar of Events for . . .
6:30p Deacon’s Meeting
1p Children’s Easter Egg
5p Union
1:30p Stewardship Mtg.
5:30p Church-Wide
5:30p Supper
6p Banner Ministry Mtg
6:30p Revelation Study
Youth Bible Study
Children’s Choirs
7:30p Adult Choir
11a Brief JOY Choir Prtc,
Lunch, Singing at
LifePoint Village in
Southaven at 2pm
5:30p Supper
6:30p Revelation Study
Youth Bible Study
Children’s Choirs
7:30p Adult Choir
12p Youth Spaghetti Lunch
9a-12p Special Choir
18 Good Friday Holiday 19
10-11:30a JOY Choir
5:30p Supper
6:30p Revelation Study
Youth Bible Study
Children’s Choirs
7:30p Adult Choir
11:30a Sr. Adult Pot-Luck
Lunch in Gym
8a-12p Church-Wide
Clean-Out Day
5:30p Supper
6:30p Revelation Study
Youth Bible Study
Children’s Choirs
7:30p Adult Choir
The Shepherd’s Staff Newsletter
LaBelle Haven Baptist Church
6825 E. Holmes Rd.
Memphis, TN 38141
“Jesus, Messiah” Musical
6p New Member Banquet
In Gym
10-11:30a JOY Choir
Sr. Pastor
Dr. Jim Butler
12p Choir Lunch & Rehearsal
Assistant Pastor/Minister of Ed
Rev. Phil Anderson
Minister of Music & Sr. Adults
Rev. Ken Washburn
Youth Sausage & Biscuit
Breakfast Sunday
Children’s Director
Debbie Johnson
Minister of Youth
Jamie Mullen