PRESBYTERY OF SAN GABRIEL San Marino Community Church Saturday, January 24, 2015 Twining Campbell, Stated Clerk Mariko Yanagihara, Moderator-Elect Bong Bringas, Vice Moderator-Elect Wendy Tajima, Interim Executive Presbyter 8:30 a.m. Registration and Hospitality 9:00 Call to Order TE Cyndie Crowell Welcome TE James Baird 9:05 Worship - Annual Communion Service and Installation of Moderators 9:45 Report of the Stated Clerk 9:50 Committee on Ministry 10:30 Order of the Day: Presbytery Council 10:50 BREAK 11:05 Report of the Interim Executive Presbyter 11:10 Governance Task Force 11:20 Administration and Finance 11:25 Peru Partnership – Report from the October Women’s Trip Team Members: Lyn Beecher, Angie DeCormier, Maria Cakarnicas, Cyndie Crowell, Wendy Gist, Libbie Patterson, Karen Sapio, and Wendy Tajima 11:40 Nominating 11:45 Adjourn with Prayer TE Twining Campbell RE Steve Salyards TE Cyndie Crowell TE Wendy Tajima TE Bob Wendel TE David Tomlinson TE Rob Crowell Community Presbyterian Church 1750 Virginia Rd. San Marino, CA 91108 626 282-4181 REPORT OF THE STATED CLERK REVISED January 24, 2015 RECOMMENDATIONS: (Items 1-5 are on the consent agenda) 1. That enrollment of minister and elder commissioners be by enrollment list, excuses properly filed with the stated clerk be honored, and all honorably retired ministers and out of state ministers be excused unless enrolled as present. 2. That the Minutes of the Stated Meeting of November 8, 2014 be approved. 3. That the proposed docket distributed in the packet be approved. 4. To approve the December 2014 Financial Report. 5. That all corresponding members voted upon and registered in writing with the stated clerk be seated. You may comply with the “in writing” by bringing a note to the stated clerk. Please print clearly and remember to list your name, presbytery or home church. REPORT FOR THE RECORD: 1. Approved: The Redress of Imbalance of Ruling Elders to Teaching Elders. Each congregation is permitted to have double the Ruling Elders granted by the Book of Order. In addition each congregation is granted an additional elder representative to offset the Teaching Elder to Ruling Elder Imbalance. For 2015: total Teaching Elders = 136 total Ruling Elders = 139. 2. Received: Examined candidate Jennifer Ackerman for ordination and validated her call as the Coordinator of the Micah Groups at Fuller Theological Seminary. The Presbytery requested San Francisco Presbytery to ordain her and will receive Jennifer into membership upon her ordination. Examined and TE Charles Castles, HR for reception into San Gabriel Presbytery and approve his service as half-time Interim Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Temple City. Effective date: Oct. 27, 2014. 3. Dismissed TE Fulton Lytle from Ministry as a Teaching Elder upon his reception as a member of the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO). San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, San Gabriel was dismissed to the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO) effective January 7, 2015. 4. Approved: The dissolution of the pastoral relationship between TE Karen Berns and San Marino Community Church, San Marino. Effective date: Dec. 31, 2014. Granted the status of Honorably Retired to TE Karen Berns, effective date: Dec. 31, 2014. 5. Approved: The change in call for TE Margarita Reyes to a 62% position. 6. Granted: Permission for TE Peter Tan-Gatue to begin serving at First Thai Presbyterian Church, Covina; effective date: December 8, 2014. 7. Report of the Roster of the names of members of the Permanent Judicial Commission whose term expired within the last six years (D-5.0206b) Class of 2014 – Janice Takeda (RE) Class of 2013 – Mark Smutny (TE), Mariko Yanagihara (TE) Class of 2011 – Osvaldo Garcia (TE), Dee Kelley (RE), Nadine Quick (RE), Marguerite Shuster (TE) Class of 2009 – Marie Castellano (RE), John Najarian (TE) 8. The Presbytery of San Gabriel has insurance coverage through Church Mutual Insurance Company in accordance with G-3.0112. FOR INFORMATION 1. A settlement agreement has reached in a remedial case involving Arcadia Presbyterian Church. Proof has been received by the Permanent Judicial Commission that the Respondent has fulfilled all of the agreed obligations; the remedial case is dismissed. 2. Presbytery will be voting on the Proposed Amendments to the Constitution approved by the 221st General Assembly at the Saturday, May 2, 2015 meeting. A free copy of the amendment booklet can be downloaded at 3. The next Review of Session Records will be Saturday, April 25th, 2014 beginning at 9:00 am at the Presbytery Office in Pasadena. 4. San Gabriel Presbytery will meet at the following churches on these dates in 2015: Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 at Iglesia de la Comunidad Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles. Saturday, Sept. 19th, 2015 at Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church, Hacienda Heights Saturday, Nov. 14th, 2015 at La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church, La Verne 5. Just a reminder – If you make a motion on the floor that changes the printed handouts substantially or is a new motion, please write out your motion and turn it in to the stated clerk. It is always helpful to present action items in writing in advance. MINUTES Presbytery of San Gabriel Stated Meeting November 8, 2014 PRE-PRESBYTERY Prior to the convening of the meeting, presentations were given on the proposed Revised By-Laws and on the Presbytery’s New Beginnings process. ASSEMBLE IN GOD’S NAME The Presbytery of San Gabriel convened on Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at Divine Light Presbyterian Church, El Monte. A quorum was present as reflected in the roll. Teaching Elder Cyndie Crowell opened the meeting with Prayer and the lighting of the Christ candle, the call to worship and a hymn. Teaching Elder Cyndie Crowell moderated the meeting Ruling Elder Margy Wentz, served as clerk. Teaching Elder Samuel Kim welcomed the presbytery. ENGAGE IN GOD’S WORK REPORT OF THE STATED CLERK The Presbytery moved, seconded, and voted to adopt the Consent Agenda (Items 1-8). 1. That RE Margy Wentz serve as Stated Clerk for this meeting. 2. That enrollment of minister and elder commissioners be by enrollment list, excuses properly filed with the stated clerk be honored, and all honorably retired ministers and out of state ministers be excused unless enrolled as present. (See appendix A & B) 3. That the Minutes of the Stated Meeting of September 9, 2014 be approved. 4. That the proposed docket distributed in the packet be amended to replace the Report of the Interim Executive Presbyter with a Report from Presbytery Council. 5. To approve the September 30, 2014 Financial Report. (See appendix C) 6. That all corresponding members voted upon and registered in writing with the stated clerk be seated. 7. To approve the request of Village Presbyterian Church, Arcadia, to set aside the Book of Order term limitations for elders. 8. To approve the Redress of Imbalance. (See appendix D) REPORT FOR THE RECORD: Deceased: The Rev. Larry Driskill Dec. 1, 2013 Received: The Rev. Raafat Eglawly, as an Evangelist, pending transfer from the Synod of the Nile (a sister denomination in Egypt). Effective date Sept. 9, 2014 Dismissed The Rev. Peter Johnson to Catawba Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Effective date: Oct. 6, 2014. Review of Session Records Thank you to the following churches who attended Record Review on September 20th: Westminster - Temple City, Community Church - El Monte, Iglesia de la Comunidad – Highland Park, Trinity - Pasadena, Pasadena Presbyterian - Pasadena, Good Shepherd - Rowland Heights, Occidental - Eagle Rock, St. Andrews - La Puente, Shepherd of the Valley - Hacienda Heights, Knox - Pasadena, Divine Light - El Monte, First Thai - Covina, Community - West Covina, and Emmanuel Hispanic - Claremont. Churches that HAVE NOT had their Session records reviewed this year are: Alhambra True Light Presbyterian Church – Alhambra, Arabic Evangelical Presbyterian Church – Arcadia, Arcadia Presbyterian – Arcadia, Capstone Chinese Presbyterian Church – Arcadia, First Presbyterian – Azusa, First Filipino Presbyterian Church – Azusa, First Presbyterian Church – Baldwin Park, Claremont Presbyterian Church – Claremont, Eagle Rock Presbyterian Church – Los Angeles, Good Shepherd Taiwanese Presbyterian Church – Monterey Park, First Presbyterian Church – Pomona, South Hills Presbyterian Church – Pomona, San Gabriel Presbyterian Church – San Gabriel, Mideast Evangelical Presbyterian Church – South Pasadena. FOR INFORMATION 1. Information for your reference in 2015 Presbytery Minimums: Full-Time Salary & Housing$ 51,095.00 Travel/Professional 2,425.00 Study 900.00 Pension Dues for 2015: total 35% Member Only, 36.5% Family Coverage (11% pension, 1% Death & Disability, and 23% Member Only, 24.5% Family Medical) IRS Standard Business Mileage rate for 2014 is 56.0 cents per mile. 2. San Gabriel Presbytery will meet at the following churches on these dates in 2015: Saturday, Jan. 24th, 2015 at San Marino Community Church, San Marino Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 at Iglesia de la Comunidad Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles. Saturday, Sept. 19th, 2015 at Shepherd of the Valley, Hacienda Heights Saturday, Nov. 14th, 2015 at La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church, La Verne 3. Presbytery usually meets in a church by invitation. If your church would like to host presbytery in 2014 please contact the stated clerk. 4. Churches hosting the presbytery plan meals for the number of people who have made reservations. It is the presbytery policy that persons who have made a reservation, but do not show up for their meal, reimburse the host church for the cost of their meal anyway. Please be courteous in making and keeping your reservations for presbytery. 5. Just a reminder – If you make a motion on the floor that changes the printed handouts substantially or is a new motion, please write out your motion and turn it in to the stated clerk. It is always helpful to present action items in writing in advance. 6. The Presbytery Office address is: San Gabriel Presbytery 1757 N. Lake Avenue Pasadena, CA 91104 Phone Number: 626-794-1612 Fax Number: 626-794-1692 CORRESPONDING MEMBERS It was moved, seconded and voted to seat Teaching Elder, Steve Wirth representing the Presbyterian Foundation and a member of Los Ranchos Presbytery and Teaching Elder, Sara Armstrong, Missionary and member of Santa Fe Presbytery as corresponding members for this meeting. COUNCIL Teaching Elder David Cortes-Fuentes reported for the Council. San Gabriel Presbyterian Church – Gracious Dismissal During its meeting on March 11, 2014, the Presbytery of San Gabriel approved the dismissal of San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, following the process outlined in its Gracious Dismissal Policy. Prior to negotiating terms of its dismissal, the Church was responsible to fulfill all debt obligations with the PC(USA) and its agencies, as stated in the Gracious Dismissal Policy of our Presbytery. Since the March meeting, it has come to our attention that San Gabriel Presbyterian Church has two Church Mortgage Grants of $10,000 each, dating back to 1949, that have not been paid. Under the policy of the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, churches only need to pay back these mortgage grants if they cease to be a church of the PC(USA). These mortgage grants were discovered with San Gabriel after the Presbytery approved the Gracious Dismissal of the Church and was unknown to the Church, as the title was understood to be clear of all encumbrances, but prior to the effective date of dismissal. In order to allow the Presbytery and San Gabriel Presbyterian Church to resolve this issue, and only this issue, the Council of the Presbytery presents the following recommendation as a motion. Recommendation: That the Presbytery of San Gabriel rescind the dismissal of San Gabriel Presbyterian Church. It was moved, seconded and voted to amend the Council’s motion as follows: To amend the motion previously adopted at the Presbytery meeting on March 11, 2014, to approve the dismissal agreement with San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, to include a payment of $20,000 to cover the outstanding church mortgage grants, and to make the dismissal effective after the congregation concurs and pays the $20,000. Any future obligation related to these church mortgage grants will be negotiated between San Gabriel Presbytery and PILP. After an opportunity for questions and discussion, it was moved, seconded and voted by more than 2/3 vote to approve the amended motion. The presbytery joined together in the Affirmation of Faith followed by the Passing of the Peace of Christ and a hymn. COMMITTEE ON MINISTRY – MINISTRY TEAM REPORT Ruling Elder Steve Salyards reported for the Ministry Team. For Information: COM MT approved the MIF of La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church, La Verne, and gave the PNC their permission to circulate it in the search process for a pastor. The Draft Roll of Presbytery is included in this report. In an effort to be consistent we request all Teaching Elders to check their status, and if incorrect, to inform the Stated Clerk of the correct status. COM MT will be following up with churches that have not submitted their Pastoral Terms of Call. COM MT approved a paper on the Types of Pastoral Relationships pending input from the Committee on Preparation for Ministry - Ministry Team and is considering a paper on Ethical Standards for Teaching Elders. Pension Dues for 2015: total 35% Member Only, 36.5% Family Coverage (11% pension, 1% Death & Disability, and 23% Member Only, 24.5% Family Medical) It was moved, seconded and voted as follows: Omnibus Motion 1. To approve the change in call for TE Margarita Reyes to a 62% position at the following annual terms: Salary $ 24,564.72 Auto Allowance 1,515.60 Study Leave 900.00 Use of the manse valued at $ 7,369.47 Board of Pensions 14,785.56 2. To grant permission for TE Peter Tan-Gatue to begin serving at First Thai Presbyterian Church, Covina beginning Dec. 8, 2014. Peter will meet with COM and come before Presbytery at the January meeting. 3. To release TE Elder Fulton Lytle from Ministry as a Teaching Elder, upon his reception as a member of the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO). It was moved, seconded and voted as follows: 1. To validate the ministry position of Coordinator of the Micah Groups of the Lloyd John Ogilvie Center at Fuller Theological Seminary. 2. To examine Jennifer Ackerman for ordination to the validated ministry of Coordinator of the Micah Groups at Fuller Theological Seminary; to request that San Francisco Presbytery ordain her; and, to receive Jennifer into the membership of San Gabriel Presbytery upon her ordination. After a period of examination appropriate for ordination, it was moved, seconded and voted to sustain the examination. It was moved, seconded and voted to ordain Jennifer Ackerman. 3. To sustain the examination of TE Charles Castles, HR, for reception into San Gabriel Presbytery, effective upon his dismissal from San Joaquin Presbytery, and approve his service as half-time Interim Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Temple City, effective date: Oct. 27, 2014; at the following terms: Salary & Housing $36,000.00 Pension & Medical Benefits 4,320.00 (post-retirement service) Vacation - Four (4) weeks per year Study Leave 875.00 (2 weeks annually – reimbursed as used) Reimbursement of Ministry Expense 2,345.00 Automobile (reimbursed as used) 0.56 per mile 4. To approve the dissolution of the pastoral relationship between TE Karen Berns and San Marino Community Church, San Marino, effective date: Dec. 31, 2014 5. To grant the status of Honorably Retired to TE Karen Berns, effective date: Dec. 31, 2014. ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE MINISTERY TEAM Teaching Elder Dave Tomlinson reported for the team. TE Tomlinson reported that the presbytery has done very well staying within its budget. He then spoke to the 2015 Proposed Budget and the Direct Mission reports. After an opportunity for questions, it was moved, seconded and voted to approve the 2015 Budget as presented. (See appendix E) GOVERNANCE TASK FORCE REPORT Teaching Elder Bob Wendel reported for the Task Force. TE Wendel reported on the proposed revision to the Bylaws which will be voted on at the January 2015 Presbytery Meeting. SPECIAL MUSIC The presbytery was treated to a duet by two members of Divine Light Presbyterian Church followed by the Reading of Psalm 100 by TE Mariko Yanagihara and a hymn. Vice Moderator, TE Mariko Yanagihara moderated the meeting. PEACE JUSTICE AND THE INTEGRITY OF CREATION TE Matt Colwell reported for the Task Force and introduced TE Sara Armstrong, Mission Co-Worker. TE Armstrong reported on her mission work in Peru and her work with our Living Waters teams. The presbytery celebrated the retirement of Cheryl Prentice, Executive Director of La Casa de San Gabriel. The presbytery acknowledged her many years of service to this important community center. UPDATE FROM THE PRESBYTERIAN FOUNDATION Teaching Elder Steve Wirth the new Minister Relations Officer for the Presbyterian Foundation invited the presbytery to take advantage of the services available from the Foundation. Financial workshops are available as well as an online giving program. NOMINATIONS MINISTRY TEAM Teaching Elder Mariko Yanagihara reported for the team. After an opportunity for nominations from the floor, it was moved, seconded and voted to elect the following: PERSONNEL Chairperson: Ruling Elder Knox Cologne Class of 2015 Ruling Elder Knox Cologne, San Marino Community Church Class of 2017 Teaching Elder Cynthia Warner Crowell, Trinity Presbyterian Church ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE Chairperson: Teaching Elder David Tomlinson Class of 2017 Ruling Elder Sterrett Collins, Pasadena Presbyterian Church Ruling Elder Carolyn Harris, Eagle Rock Presbyterian Church RE Maria Cacarnakis, of Pasadena Presbyterian Church. COMMITTEE ON MINISTRY Chairperson: Ruling Elder Steve Salyards Class of 2017 Teaching Elder Roberto Colón, Igelesia de la Comunidad Ruling Elder Sonnie Swenston, First, Baldwin Park Ruling Elder Robert Thomas, Pasadena Presbyterian Church COMMITTEE ON PREPARATION FOR MINISTRY Chairperson: Teaching Elder Matt Colwell Class of 2017 Teaching Elder Matthew Colwell, Knox Presbyterian Church Teaching Elder Marsha Fowler, Azusa Pacific University VICE MODERATOR* Ruling Elder Arnolfo (Bong) Bringas, San Marino Community Church *The Vice Moderator will become Moderator in his second year and Chair of Council in his third year Thanks to all those who have agreed to serve and those whose terms have ended! COMMITTEE ON PREPARATION FOR MINISTRY – MINISTRY TEAM REPORT The CPM Ministry Team met on Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at Knox Presbyterian Church, Pasadena at which time a quorum was present. For Information: Candidate Paul Eng, a member of True Light Presbyterian Church, Alhambra, was certified ready to receive a call and circulate his PIF. The team met with Candidate Yohan Kim for an annual consultation and recommends continuation in the process. Reports to the individual and sponsoring session have been provided as appropriate. Yohan is a member of Pasadena Presbyterian Church, Pasadena The team met with Certified Ready Candidate Sterrett Collins for an annual consultation and recommends continuation in the process. Reports to the individual and sponsoring session have been provided as appropriate. Sterrett is a member of Pasadena Presbyterian Church, Pasadena BRIEF ANOUNCEMENTS, CONCERNS, CELEBRATIONS The presbytery was given an opportunity to share joys and concerns and events happening in the presbytery. Interim Executive Presbyter, TE Wendy Tajima led the presbytery in prayer followed by a hymn. ADJOURN The presbytery adjourned at 12:05 p.m. with prayer and the benediction. Respectfully Submitted, Margy Wentz, Acting Stated Clerk TEACHING ELDER PRESBYTERY ROLL DATE NOVEMBER 8, 2014 E @ E @ √ √ E E E √ @ E @ E E @ @ @ E E E E @ @ @ @ E E √ @ @ √ √ E @ @ E @ E @ E E E E @ E √ @ @ @ E E @ @ ABHARI, MEHDI ANDERSON, BARBARA ANDERSON, BARBARA P BAIRD, JAMES BALLENGER, LARRY BATEMAN, BECCA BEANLAND, GAYLE BENZEL, CLIFF BERNS, DONALD BERNS, KAREN BIBAWI-SOLIMAN, VEN. BOLES, LARRY BOLES, PAUL BRIGHT, ZACHARY BROWN, RAYMOND K. BUCHANAN, MARK BURNETT, JOHEE CALHOUN, BRAD CAMPBELL, MARTHA CAMPBELL, TWINING CARLSON, CATHARINE GRIER CARLSON, MARK CASTELLANO, PAT CHATFIELD, DONALD F. CHEN, SHUI-TENG CHRISTMAN, VIRGINIA COATES, JESSIE COLON, ROBERTO COLWELL, MATTHEW CONNER, JIM CORMODE, SCOTT CORTES FUENTES, D. CROWELL, CYNTHIA CROWELL, ROBERT DAILEY, ERIK DAILEY, MILLASON D’ELIA, JOHN DAVIDSON, JACK DAVIS, HAROLD DAVIS, STEVE DAWSON, MICHAEL DE MELO, JAIRTON DECHAWAN, PRACHUAB DEMAREST, GARY DONNER, ADAM DUGGAN THOMAS DUONG, JOHN DYRNESS, BILL EDWARDS, DOUG ELGAWLY, RAAFAT FOWLER, MARSHA GARCIA, OSVALDO GIRGIS, MAGDY GITHUMBI, STEVEN E E E @ E E E E @ E E E @ @ E E E E E E @ E E √ E E @ √ E @ E E @ E E @ @ E @ E √ E @ E @ E √ E E E E E E E GLENN, CASPER GOODERICH, CHARLES GRANT, KEN GRIEFFICE, JASON HAGNER, DON HAMBURGER, RALPH HAWTHORNE, DON HENDRICKS, DEAN HERTIG, YOUNG LEE HETTISH, RICHARD HILL, TOM HOEY, ERIC HSIEH, FRANK HUANG, BOB HUANG, DAVID IYOYA, NICHOLAS JACOBY, ROBERT JARVIS, ANDREW JOHNSON, HARRIET JOHNSON, ROBERT KAMEL, HISHAM KANG, JOSEPH KIM, CHARLES KIM, SAMUEL KIM, SANGWHA KING, PAMELA KINSLER, ROSS KISER, KAREN KLIEWER, MARK KO, TAE-HYUNG KOONS, PATRICIA LAI, PETER LAI, PING TUNG LAMB, LISA LEE, DAVID LEE, DONGWOO LEE, JAMES SEUNG LIM, JUNG LIN, DAVY LINTHICUM, ROBERT LITTLE, BRYCE LODWICK, ROBERT LORENZ, AL LORIMER, JOHN LUTZ, DAVID LUTZ, STEPHEN LY, KEN LYTLE, FULTON MACK, BURTON MADDOX, DON MADRIGAL, LUIS MARKHAM, PAUL MCCLAIN, WARREN MCCURRY, DON √ @ E E E √ @ E E √ @ E @ E E @ E √ E @ E @ @ √ √ √ @ @ E E @ @ @ @ E E E E E @ E √ √ @ E E E E E E E @ E E MCDANIEL, REX MCHUGH, ADAM MESSINGER, THOMAS METCALF, STEVE MEZA, JOSEPH MILLS, ANN MOLDEN, RICHARD MOLLER, GARTH MOON, CYRIS MOORE, NANCY MORA, HUGO MORGAN, DALE MURPHY, CHRIS MUSCH, RON NAJARIAN, JOHN NELSON, TARRY NEWSTEAD, JANE O’GRADY, JEFF OLIVER, JIM OSIMO, ANTHONY OSIRIPAIBUL, THANIT OVERHOLSER, DENISE PAK, DAVID PAK, KYONG-GUN PARK, HEIDI PARKER, GREG PEACE, DWIGHT PENG, JAMES POPE, GEORGE POTTER, RALPH RAMOS, SANTOS RANDALL, VIKKI RASMUSSEN, SARAH REYES, MARGARITA ROBINSON, JAMES RODRIGUEZ, TONY ROGERS, JACK ROSE, DALE RUPPART, RANDALL SANDERS, JAMES SANTANA-GRACE E. SAPIO, KAREN SHANNON, FOSTER SHERVINGTON, ROGER SHUSTER, MARG SIEMON, JEFFREY SIMMEN, LOUIS SMUTNY, MARK SOGA, KEIJI SPAHN, DAVE STACKHOUSE, WIL. STAHMER, BRUCE STEBE, ROBERT STOCK, JOAN APPENDIX A E STOECKLY, EUGENE E STOUT, BARBARA @ SU, SEN YUAN E SUPINGER, ROCKY E SYMONS, JAMES √ TAJIMA, WENDY E TAYLOR, TOM √ TOMLINSON, DAVE E TRACY, KEN @ TSAY, ALFIE E VAN NESS, WILLIAM @ WANG, CHUNG-HSIN @ WASHBURN, BRAD √ WATTS-AFYRIE, N. √ WENDEL, ROBERT E WENTZ, TOM E WILLIAMS, HEATHER √ WILLIAMS, PATRICIA E WONG, HOOVER E WOO, DAVID E WOO, FRANKLIN E WOODBERRY, DUDLEY √ YANAGIHARA, MARIKO E YEE, ED @ YEH, KAOFANG E YU, BENJAMIN EDUAL MEMBERSHIP √ DE ROSAS, ANGEL √ =PRESENT E =EXCUSED @ =ABSENT 40 RULING ELDERS 27 TEACHING ELDERS APPENDIX B ELDER COMMISSIONERS November 8, 2014 (#)= COMMISSIONERS ALLOWED ALHAMBRA TRUE LIGHT(2) TUEY LEE KITTY CHIM DIAMOND BAR NORTHM. (2) ALTADENA FIRST (2) ROBERT TAKATA BOB UCHIDA EL MONTE COMMUNITY (2) STEPHENE MOSELEY BOB LOZA ARCADIA, ARABIC (2) ABSENT: 2 EL MONTE, DIVINE LT. (2) SUNG KI PARK HYUK JOO KWON PHILL WILLIAMS ABSENT: 1 ARCADIA PRESBYTERIAN (2) ABSENT: 2 ARCADIA CAPSTONE (2) ABSENT: 2 HAC. HGTS. SOTV (2) MEG TAM FREYA SCHMUS LA PUENTE, ST ANDREWS (2) ARCADIA VILLAGE (2) KATHARAN BARROWS MARIANNE COMPTON AZUSA FILIPINO (2) ABSENT: 2 AZUSA FIRST (2) ABSENT: 2 BALDWIN PARK (2) SONNIE SWENSTON MELINDA FORBES CLAREMONT, CLRMT. (4) ABSENT: 4 PASADENA NEW HOPE (3) ABSENT: 3 PASADENA. PRES. (7) MARGY WENTZ MARIA CACARNAKIS STERRETT COLLINS EDMUNDO VASQUEZ ABSENT: 3 PASADENA TRINITY (3) ABSENT: 3 ABSENT: 2 PAS. WESTMINSTER (3) ABSENT: 3 LA VERNE HTS (2) ABSENT: 2 POMONA FIRST (3) ABSENT: 3 L.A. EAGLE ROCK (2) ABSENT: 2 POMONA SO. HILLS (3) ABSENT: 3 L.A. GRACE (4) ABSENT: 4 ROSEMEAD FIRST (3) ABSENT: 3 L.A. IGLESIA DE LA COMUNIDAD (4) EXCUSED: 4 ROWLAND HTS. KOREAN (5) L.A. OCCIDENTAL (4) EXCUSED: 4 CLAREMONT EM HISP. (2) PEDRO CASTRO JOSE L. GONZALEZ MONROVIA FIRST (4) ABSENT: 4 COVINA, FAITH GRACE (3) ABSENT: 3 MONT. PK. TAIWANESE (4) ABSENT: 4 COVINA FIRST THAI (2) SOMSAK POOLPERM BETSY MUENYONG PASADENA KNOX (4) ABSENT: 4 PAS. FIRST TAIWANESE (4) ABSENT: 4 ABSENT: 5 SAN MARINO COM. (7) PHILIP LAO JOHN MORRIS NANCY SWANSON ALISON MORER TOM MILLAR BILL WELLS BILL PARROTT SO. PAS. CALVARY (3) HOLLY LEE VECCHIO ABSENT: 2 SO. PAS. MIDEAST EVANG. (3) ABSENT: 3 APPENDIX B ELDER COMMISSIONERS November 8, 2014 (#)= COMMISSIONERS ALLOWED TEMPLE CITY, GRACE (4) ABSENT: 4 TEMPLE CITY WESTMIN (4) PAT COLLINS BOB PITZER LYNN BEST LAURA-JEAN SLYKHUIS WEST COVINA COM. (3) ABSENT: 3 COUNCIL ELDERS (5) STEVE SALYARDS KNOX COLOGNE ARNOLFO BRINGAS MELINDA FORBES*signed in as elder commissioner ABSENT: 1 COMMISSIONED RULING ELDER (4) ROBERT THOMAS ABSENT: 3 CERTIFIED CHRISTIAN EDUCATOR (WITHOUT VOTE) HAZEL HARKEN Committee on Ministry Ministry Team Report to Presbytery January 24, 2015 COM RECOMMENDS FOR ACTION: 1. To examine Peter Tan-Gatue for membership upon his transfer from Pacific Presbytery and to approve his call as pastor at First Thai Presbyterian Church, Covina, CA. Effective date of membership Jan. 24, 2015 (Peter has been on the field since Dec. 8th, 2014); at the following terms: Salary & Housing $ 50,096.00 Full Pension & Medical Benefits 0.00 Vacation Four (4) weeks per year (1 week after 3 months) Study Leave 885.00 and two (2) weeks per year Three-month paid Clergy Renewal Leave in the seventh year of service Reimbursement of Ministry Expenses 2,375.00 Moving Costs (up to) 3,000.00 2. To examine and commission for one year RE Arnolfo “Bong” Bringas as a Commissioned Ruling Elder; to approve his three-quarter time service at San Marino Community Church, San Marino, with the approval to serve the sacraments. Effective date: Jan 24, 2015. At terms to be presented at Presbytery. 3. To concur with the request of TE Mark Carlson and the congregation First Presbyterian Church, Azusa, CA to dissolve the pastoral relationship between TE Mark Carlson and the congregation of First Presbyterian Church, Azusa. Effective date: Dec. 31, 2014 4. To grant TE Mark Carlson the status of Honorably Retired. Effective date: Dec. 31, 2014. 5. To concur with new COM policies as presented. COM has approved a policy on Categories of Pastoral Ministry and a policy on Standards for Ethical Behavior of Non-Pastor Teaching Elders and Leaders. Both of these policies were included with the packet OMNIBUS MOTION 1. To approve the Administrative Commission to ordain and install Jennifer Ackerman on March 8, 2014. TE Mariko Yanagihara (New Hope Church) to preside RE Arnolfo Bringas (San Marino Community Church) RE Maria Cacarnakis (Pasadena Presbyterian Church) TE Chris Murphy (Fuller Theological Seminary) TE Wendy Tajima (San Gabriel Presbytery) Corresponding Members: TE Dr. Mark Labberton (San Francisco Presbytery) TE Dr. Tim Dearborn (Seattle Presbytery) TE Lindsey Reed (San Francisco Presbytery) The Board of Pensions dues for 2015 now includes an additional 1.5% medical dues for dependent coverage. San Gabriel Presbytery compensation minimum includes this dependent coverage, which would raise the Board of Pensions dues to 36.5% (11% Pension, 1% Death & Disability, 24.5% Medical). For pastors without dependents, the dues are 35%. FOR INFORMATION: In Memoriam Necrology Report 2014 Earle R. Harvey, Jr. Earle Ralston Harvey, Jr. was born July 17, 1919 in Hankou China to Missionary parents and died on May 4, 2014. Earle graduated from Occidental College in 1942 and then attended San Francisco Theological Seminary earning an M. Div in 1945 and an MA (in church music) in 1953. Upon his ordination on May 20, 1945 at Burlingame Presbyterian Church Earle served in churches in Nevada, California, Wyoming, and Iowa as well as serving as a missionary in China and India. Earle served as a commissioner to General Assembly twice before his retirement in 1986. Even in his retirement Earle continued to serve the church as supply pastor for two churches in New Zealand and then a few years later as supply pastor for a church in Oregon. In addition to his parish and missionary work Earle also served as a Prison Chaplain for the San Diego Juvenile Court and was the Dean of Junior Choir Camps at Pacific Palisades Conference Center for ten years. Jack Makonda Jack Ishak Makonda was born on December 18, 1939 and died on August 22, 2014. Jack was baptized by De Protestantsche Gemeente in Banjarmasin, south Borneo/Kalimantan, Indonesia. After earning a Masters degree in Economics, Business and Finance from State University Diponegoro Jack spent twenty years working in various companies, banks and financial institutions in Jakartaim Indonesia. During this time Jack was chairman of GMKI (Gerakan Mahasiswa Kristen Indonesia – Indonesian Christian Student Movement), serving 23 different churches in Semarang (Central Java). Jack and his family became members of Michilinda Presbyterian Church (now New Hope) and he was elected a Ruling Elder in 1995. During a mission trip with Michilinda back to Indonesia, Jack felt called to ministry. Under care of the session and San Gabriel Presbytery he enrolled at San Francisco Theological Seminary and earned an M. Div in 2004. Upon ordination in 2012, Jack served with the National Indonesian Presbyterian Council as Evangelist and Field Staff member and he translated the Book of Order into Indonesian language that was approved by the NIPC that same year. Presbytery of San Gabriel Categories of Pastoral Ministry Approved by COM MT 1/12/15 The current Book of Order has streamlined the categories of pastoral relationships which are bound by constitutional restrictions. This allows for a presbytery to further define pastoral relationships that it believes would be helpful as the presbytery works with a church to plan for the most suitable type of relationship. The Book of Order gives the following main categories of pastoral relationship: 1. Installed (G-2.0504a): can be pastor, co-pastor, or associate pastor, to be installed for an indefinite period or for a designated term determined by the presbytery in consultation with the congregation and specified in the call. When a congregation has two co-pastors and the relationship of one of them is dissolved, the other remains as pastor. The relationship of an associate pastor is not dependent upon the pastor, but an associate pastor is ordinarily not eligible to be the next installed pastor of the congregation. Note: San Gabriel Presbytery has adopted the practice of determining at the initial call of an associate whether that associate is eligible to be considered as the pastor of the congregation to which the associate is being called. 2. Temporary (G-2.0504b): the session, with the approval of presbytery, obtains the temporary pastor (as opposed to the congregation with installed pastors). No formal call shall be issued and no formal installation shall take place. A specified period of service is set but not to exceed twelve months in length, which is renewable with the approval of presbytery. The temporary pastor is ordinarily not eligible to serve as the next installed pastor, co-pastor, or associate pastor. Titles and terms for temporary relationships shall be determined by the presbytery. Note: San Gabriel Presbytery has adopted the practice of determining, when the services of a temporary pastor is begun, whether the temporary pastor is eligible to be considered as an installed pastor for that congregation. Installed Pastoral Relationships The sub-categories of installed pastor are not subject to change by an individual presbytery. However, the role of a “Designated Pastor” has evolved, so the prior restrictions of a designated pastor have been eliminated. Now, any church can call a pastor to an indefinite term or to a designated term. A designated pastor, therefore, is not to be confused with a temporary pastor. The length of term can be any length, as determined by the presbytery when shaping the form of pastoral leader best suited for the church at that point in time. The church session and presbytery should meet to discuss a designated pastoral relationship about six months prior to the end of the designated term, to decide whether to renew or extend the term, remove the designation, or dissolve the relationship. Temporary Pastoral Relationships A suggested list of temporary pastoral relationships is as follows: 1. Interim or Transitional Pastor: someone who is invited to help a church intentionally reexamine its mission and its readiness to call a new pastor in anticipation of calling a new installed pastor. An interim (also known as an intentional interim or transitional or transformational pastor) is usually trained in transitional ministry and signs a contract that outlines key interim tasks (as determined by the church session and presbytery) and restricts the interim pastor from applying for the installed pastoral position. The term is ordinarily 12 months and would be renewed only after the presbytery has considered the progress which the church is making in its transitional work. In certain cases the presbytery and session may enter a relationship with the understanding that the interim period will be longer than 12 months, though the contract period cannot exceed 12 months at a time. The interim relationship may be terminated by either the interim pastor or the session with 30 days’ notice unless specified otherwise in the contract. There is no expectation that the interim will stay with the church until the next installed pastor is called. There is an expectation that when the installed pastor is called, the interim follows the same separation ethics that guides a departing installed pastor. 2. Supply Pastor: someone who is employed by the session of a church for pastoral services for no more than 12 months per term, when the session is not actively preparing to call an installed pastor. A church may employ a supply pastor if there is uncertainty as to the church’s ability to call an installed pastor, if the presbytery is directly involved in working with a church on its future direction, the church needs time before they can enter into an active search for an installed pastor, or for whatever reason the church does not have the intention of calling an installed pastor. 3. Ruling Elder Commissioned to Particular Pastoral Service (CRE): a ruling elder trained and commissioned by the presbytery to perform certain pastoral duties. The presbytery will assign the specific authorized responsibilities of the CRE, which may include moderating the session, serving Sacraments, etc. The commission is for a defined length of time not exceeding three years, though the term can be renewed, and the presbytery shall review the commission at least annually. The CRE is authorized for the congregation or tasks as outlined in the commission, and when that service is completed, the ruling elder may be listed as available to serve but not authorized until commissioned again by the presbytery. A teaching elder shall be assigned as a mentor and supervisor. While the commission is in effect, the CRE may be considered a voting member of presbytery on behalf of that congregation. 4. Transitional Consultant: when a pastor leaves a church, the presbytery, through the COM MT, meets with the session to determine how the pastoral responsibilities will be fulfilled. In certain cases a session may employ someone who specializes in short-term transitional work before another pastor is invited to serve. In crisis situations this consultant is referred to as a “First Responder.” Compensation for temporary pastors, including CREs, is equivalent to that of installed pastors. Transitional consultants are contracted for specific short-term responsibilities so are not compensated in the same manner. Other Relationships with Teaching Elders or CREs 1. Tentmaking Pastor: a teaching elder or CRE who is called to a church of the presbytery who agrees to work for compensation that is less than the presbytery minimum, and who is also employed in another position. The COM MT must be careful in working with the church to assess the viability of a congregation that cannot afford to pay the presbytery minimum, and to ensure that justice issues related to fair compensation are addressed. The relationship with the pastor’s other job should be clarified—the other position does not need to be in ministry, but should not be in conflict with the values of the church or the ethical standards for teaching elders, and the church needs to respect time constraints in order to allow the pastor to fulfill h/her obligations to the other employer. It is suggested that relationships with tentmaking pastors have designated terms, either as temporary or installed, so that the compensation can be reviewed on a regular basis. 2. Evangelist/Organizing Pastor: as mission needs and opportunities arise, the presbytery may contract with individuals to form and lead new worshiping communities or new church starts. As long as the new worshiping community is not yet chartered (and therefore no session is yet in place), the evangelist or organizing pastor may be employed by the presbytery, accountable to the presbytery, and covered by presbytery insurance. 3. Commissioned Pastor (not to be confused with CRE): in exceptional circumstances, the presbytery may choose to approve the placement of someone who is not yet authorized for pastoral responsibilities in a supervised pastoral role. Examples include a candidate who is not yet certified ready to receive a call, a pastor from another denomination who is working with the presbytery to prepare for ministry within the PC(USA), or a candidate who is certified ready but the church and/or pastor are not committed to making this a call. If the COM MT approves such a relationship, the term will be no longer than 12 months, there will be a teaching elder appointed as a supervisor with regular meetings between student pastor and supervisor, and the presbytery may authorize another person to moderate the session and/or serve sacraments, or make other restrictions on the ministry as needed. The term may be renewed for no more than 12 months, and only after Presbytery review. 4. Parish Associate: a teaching elder who agrees to work with a church in a limited capacity, upon the invitation of the moderator of session and with the approval of the session and COM MT. The parish associate may or may not be financially compensated, is not subject to the presbytery minimum, and is not to be considered a pastor of the church but will be a support to the pastor. However, the parish associate is bound by the same ethical guidelines as a pastor, including separation ethics touched on in G-2.0905 and expanded on by presbytery policy. 5. Pastor Emeritus: an honorary title given to a pastor after s/he retires from a church. The role of “Pastor Emeritus” gives the former pastor no authority to provide pastoral services, leadership, or influence in the former church, and cannot be compensated by the church. As with the parish associate, the pastor emeritus’ work with the former church is contingent on the invitation of the moderator of session and with the approval of the session and COM MT. It is suggested that the title Pastor Emeritus not be considered for at least one year after the pastor’s retirement. PRESBYTERY OF SAN GABRIEL STANDARDS FOR ETHICAL BEHAVIOR OF NON-PASTOR TEACHING ELDERS AND LEADERS Approved by COM MT 1/12/15 PREFACE The relationship between a pastor and congregation is often deeply personal, built on an accumulation of shared transitional and transformational times in personal and corporate lives. It has evolved through teaching, preaching, sacraments, weddings, funerals, presence in times of crisis, praying with and for members, counseling, and shared leadership. The pastor has encouraged people in worship, equipped them for tasks, helped bring forth gifts, and prepared them for mission. During these times in most cases trust, confidence, admiration, affection, fondness, respect, and love have grown. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) supports healthy relationships between pastor and congregation, which require others in positions of influence to respect the covenant relationship that has been established with the current pastor. When the relationship between a pastor and a congregation ends for any reason, it marks the beginning of a period of high emotions, uncertainty, and excitement for both the pastor and the congregation. In the months and years that follow, the congregation will evaluate its ministry and seek new leadership. This is a particularly important time in the life of the congregation and it requires appropriate distance from the past pastor so that the congregation can embrace its future. Likewise, that time is important for the former pastor to embrace a new stage in his or her life whether that is retirement, a new call, a new vocation, or a period of Sabbath from the practice of ministry. When congregations and former pastors do not keep appropriate distance from each other, it impedes the ability of both to accept the guidance of the Holy Spirit in this new stage of their lives. Because there are multiple educational institutions and church-related retirement communities within its boundaries, San Gabriel Presbytery is greatly blessed by the presence of theological academics and retired church leaders in our congregations. Because they are often held in great esteem by congregation members due to education or current or former positions of leadership, it is important for those in influential positions to show affirmative support for the covenant relationship between pastor and congregation. While there is no document that can cover every circumstance, this document provides guidance for members and congregations of San Gabriel Presbytery to maintain clear role definition of leadership within our churches. It is a local application of PC(U.S.A.) polity as it pertains to pastoral relationships. TO WHOM THESE STANDARDS APPLY • Pastors For the purposes of this document, the term “pastor” applies to any Teaching Elder or Commissioned Ruling Elder who has been authorized to serve in an installed or temporary pastoral relationship. When a pastoral relationship is dissolved, all former pastors, whether they are teaching elders who served in installed or temporary positions or commissioned ruling elders, are expected to abide by a Boundaries Covenant out of respect for their ordination vow to “be governed by our church’s polity, and abide by its discipline… and be a friend among your colleagues in ministry” (W-4.4003e). • Pastor Emeritus(a) When a pastor retires, a congregation may choose to honor that pastor with the title “Pastor Emeritus(a).” This is an honorary title only, and does not offer any authorization for service or influence on the ministry of the congregation. A Pastor Emeritus(a) cannot be compensated by the church, and is expected to abide by the standards for ethical separation. Any work with the former church is contingent on the invitation of the moderator of session and with the approval of the session 1/12/15 approved by COM Page 1/8 and Presbytery Committee on Ministry. It is suggested that the title “Pastor Emeritus(a)” not be considered for at least one year after the pastor’s retirement, and the session shall obtain the approval of the Presbytery Committee on Ministry before proceeding. • Parish Associates A Parish Associate is a teaching elder who agrees to work with a church in a limited capacity, upon the invitation of the moderator of session and with the approval of the session and the Presbytery Committee on Ministry. This relationship is dissolved when a new moderator of session is appointed, unless the new moderator extends a new invitation. The parish associate may or may not be financially compensated, is not subject to the presbytery minimum, and is not to be considered a pastor of the church but will be a support to the pastor. However, the parish associate is bound by the same ethical guidelines as a pastor, including separation ethics touched on in G-2.0905 and expanded on by presbytery policy. • Church Leaders In this document, the term “Church Leaders” refers to persons who carry unusual influence within a congregation, such as honorably retired pastors, academics with training in theology or ecclesiology, and family members of former pastors. Whether these individuals are teaching or ruling elders, and whether or not they attempt to exert influence, it is advised that these church leaders understand the impact of their opinions and behavior on the relationship between pastor and the congregation in which they are active. As members of a congregation, or teaching elders active in the ministry of a particular congregation, they are expected to abide by the same ethical standards and affirmations that are set for all members of the congregation. If they hold specific leadership responsibilities, those responsibilities should be subject to reaffirmation by the new moderator of session, as for a parish associate. • Congregations Congregations are asked, when a pastor is installed, to affirm the pastoral relationship. Whether or not the pastoral service is installed or temporary, it is appropriate to act in a manner consistent with these affirmations, including to “listen to the word he (she) preaches, welcome his (her) pastoral care, and honor his (her) authority as he (she) seeks to honor and obey Jesus Christ our Lord.” (W-4.4006b(3)) When a pastoral relationship is dissolved, the session of a congregation is expected to formulate a Boundaries Covenant with the departing pastor, and to help teach the congregation to abide by it out of respect for the former pastor, his or her new call (or retirement), and the new pastor of the congregation and the promises that the congregation makes to that new pastor “to respect his (her) decisions, and to follow as he (she) guides.” (W-4.4006b(2)) • Presbytery The Presbytery has the responsibility to be “Pastor, Counselor, and Advisor to Teaching Elders and Congregations” (G-3.0307), which includes nurturing healthy relationships between current pastor and congregation, and to help teaching elders to transition to new places of ministry or rest. Whenever a pastoral relationship is dissolved, the Presbytery through its Committee on Ministry will work with departing pastor and session to develop a Boundaries Covenant, and encourage all parties to live within the terms of that covenant. When other church leaders form significant relationships with a particular congregation, the Presbytery may also encourage the adoption of a Boundaries Covenant to make clear the nature of that relationship as it relates to the congregation’s covenant relationship with its pastor. • Removal by the Presbytery If a pastor is removed by the presbytery, or renounced jurisdiction while under investigation, that pastor shall not be invited to return without the approval of the Committee on Ministry. 1/12/15 approved by COM Page 2/8 • Other Relationships While the Committee on Ministry does not require a Boundaries Covenant for persons serving congregations in other capacities, (e.g., youth ministry directors, Christian Educators, organists, etc), it commends this document to congregations as a way to have a discussion about separation ethics when those individuals leave their employ. PC(U.S.A.) POLITY Recognizing the difficulty that a continuing relationship between a former pastor and a congregation can cause, the Book of Order stipulates the following: G‐2.0905 Officiate by Invitation Only After the dissolution of the pastoral relationship, former pastors and associate pastors shall not provide their pastoral services to members of their former congregations without the invitation of the moderator of session. Additionally, the 210th General Assembly approved the document “Standards for Ethical Conduct for Ordained Officers in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),” which the Committee on Ministry commends to all deacons and elders (ruling or teaching) for study. There is a version for all members of a congregation, and another for paid and volunteer staff. In the Standards for Ordained Officers, items 14 through 17 apply to the relationship between congregations, former pastors, and current pastors: I will conduct my ministry so that nothing need be hidden from a governing body or colleagues in ministry. Therefore I will: 14. Deal honorably with the record of my predecessor and upon leaving a ministry or office speak and act in ways that support the ministry of my successor; 15. Participate in the life of a ministry setting I left or from which I have retired only as directed by presbytery; 16. Provide pastoral services for a congregation I previously served only as directed by the presbytery and provide pastoral services to members of other congregations only with the consent of their pastors; and 17. Consult with the Committee on Ministry in the presbytery of my residence regarding my involvement in any ministry setting during my retirement. When a former pastor is making an uninvited impact on the life and work of his or her former congregation and its current pastor, it is the responsibility of the presbytery to intervene for the sake of “promoting the peace and harmony of congregations and inquiring into the sources of congregational discord.” (G-3.0301c) If the former pastor persists in this disapproved work, the presbytery may administer discipline through the processes outlined in the Book of Order (G-2.0509) remembering that discipline is “for building up the body of Christ, not for destroying it, for redeeming, not for punishing.” (D-1.0102) 1/12/15 approved by COM Page 3/8 BOUNDARIES COVENANT The Committee on Ministry recognizes that each congregation and pastor face different circumstances, so some flexibility is required in order to encourage the health of the presbytery and the congregations and teaching elders under its care. Therefore, the Committee requires that departing pastors and sessions develop a Boundaries Covenant to order their lives after the relationship is dissolved. See a template for this Boundaries Covenant which is attached. The Boundaries Covenant has some parts that are nonnegotiable and some that will be negotiated by the session and the departing pastor, with the advice and approval of the Committee on Ministry. The Boundaries Covenant will be kept on file at the Presbytery office and will be given to any temporary or installed pastors who serve the congregation after that point for so long as it is relevant to the life and ministry of the congregation. If a church leader takes on a substantive relationship with a particular congregation, the session may develop a Boundaries Covenant with that church leader, to make clear the roles of church leader and pastor in the life of the church. A template Boundaries Covenant for Church Leaders is attached. If a church continues to depend on or engage with a former pastor or church leader acting in a manner inconsistent with these standards, the Committee on Ministry will intervene for counsel, and may consider the church not ready to call or maintain a pastoral relationship. Non-Negotiable Elements • Officiate by Invitation Only The former pastor will not provide pastoral services to members of their former congregations except as invited to do so by the current moderator of session. The moderator of session may withdraw an invitation previously given by a past moderator or pre‐arranged in the Boundaries Covenant. • Compensation Ceases The former pastor shall not continue to receive compensation from the congregation, whether salary, use of church property, or reimbursements except those negotiated as part of a severance agreement that has been approved by the Committee on Ministry. • No Relationship with the PNC The former pastor shall not be involved in the call process for a new pastor in any way. This includes, but is not limited to, influencing the election of a PNC, commenting on the mission study, or making recommendations on particular candidates. • Discourage Membership Transfers If the former pastor has taken a new call near the former congregation, he or she will not attempt to recruit members from the former congregation and will encourage any who inquire about moving their membership to remain committed to their current congregation. • Contribute to Positive Collegial Relationships Whether a former pastor or an active church leader, several points in the Ethical Standards of Behavior call for a leader to refrain from destructive gossip, to honor the sacred trust of relationships in the church, and to be judicious in the exercise of power that he or she holds. Negotiable Elements • Period of Separation It is recommended that former pastors and their family find a new church community, and to adhere to a period of no contact of any kind with the congregation for a period of time after the call is dissolved. This period lasts at least 1 year after a new pastoral relationship is established; it should be noted that it can take over a year before a new pastor is called, so this period may last several years. In any case, the former pastor is encouraged to consult with the moderator of session before reengaging with the congregation in any way. 1/12/15 approved by COM Page 4/8 • Return for Pre‐Arranged Services There may be an impending service that will take place after the date of dissolution for which the former pastor was already planned to lead. Some individuals express their desire to have the former pastor lead their memorial service. After the relationship is dissolved, the former pastor is expected to gently decline any requests to lead. If there is a compelling reason for the former pastor to participate, the former pastor should consult with the current moderator of session rather than send the church member to ask the current pastor’s permission (as this places on the current pastor the burden of seeming inhospitable). • Community Relations A pastor is often seen as a pastor to people beyond the membership of the congregation. This may take on many forms, whether it is presiding at weddings and funerals of non‐members, participating in the leadership of local ministries or providing counseling to members of the community at‐large. Factors that should be considered in possibly allowing the former pastor to participate in community events include the extent that these activities are connected to the ministry of the congregation, and how much is it personal projects of the pastor. If the former pastor’s involvement is brought to a close, it is recommended that the event coordinators be notified. The name of the church should be used only with permission of the session, regardless of what individual—pastor or non-pastoral leader—is participating. • Family of Former Pastor Are any of the pastor’s family members also members of the congregation? This is a sensitive issue, but family members of the former pastor may exert influence—or perpetuate ministry approaches of the former pastor—more strongly, not having been trained in boundary ethics. It may be optimal for the future relationships of the congregation for the family members to take a leave from the church for at least a year after a new pastoral relationship has been established, and not to take a leadership position unless the current pastor invites them to. The Presbytery leadership, and neighboring congregations, is encouraged to actively offer support to the former pastor’s family as needed. If the family of the former pastor continues to play a significant role in the leadership of the church, the Presbytery Committee on Ministry may surmise that the congregation is not ready to call a new pastor. • Friendships with Former Pastor The former pastor may have friendships with certain members of the congregation that continue after the pastoral relationship has been dissolved. This may cause some concern among congregation members, as some will be invited to continue a relationship while others will not. The former pastor needs to take the responsibility to limit any social interactions from straying into comments about the life of the church. • Social Media New forms of media have enabled new forms of ministry; they have also complicated separation ethics as former pastors can more easily continue to provide pastoral services or guidance to members of their congregations using electronic communications. Some questions to consider include: — To what extent have blogs, social media, text/instant messages, email and other electronic means been a part of the ministry of the former pastor? — What needs to change to help the congregation turn away from their former pastor and towards their new one? This may include “defriending” former church members on one’s Facebook page. • Severance When a pastor leaves a congregation there are some final compensation issues to be negotiated including the use of accrued vacation time, the disposition of church property (laptop, books, cell phone, vestments, etc.), and the use of a manse beyond the date of dissolution, etc. In the event that the dissolution of the call was not initiated by the pastor, the Presbytery will often require an agreement that includes the continuation of compensation for a defined period of time while the pastor seeks a new call. 1/12/15 approved by COM Page 5/8 • Reaffirmation of Leadership Responsibilities Leadership roles of parish associates and other church leaders shall be dissolved when one pastor leaves, but may be reaffirmed by the new moderator of session. If the new moderator does not reaffirm that leadership role, church leaders are bound to respect the decision, or find another place to use their gifts. COMMUNICATING THESE STANDARDS TO THE CONGREGATION It is best if multiple parties explain these Standards for Ethical Behavior to the congregation, and the Boundaries Covenant, so that the document can be fully understood and does not appear to come from only one source. Upon notice that a pastoral relationship will be dissolved, the Presbytery will meet with the session to talk about next steps and include the Boundaries Covenant as part of that discussion. The session should share the contents of that discussion with the congregation at or before the meeting to dissolve the pastoral relationship. It is also particularly important for the departing pastor or church leader to speak in support of these ethics with the congregation and to publicly share the contents of the Boundaries Covenant. On the pastor’s last Sunday, the Committee on Ministry encourages the congregation to include a liturgical dismissal of the pastor that acknowledges his or her service to the congregation and the agreed upon separation ethics. Both the Book of Occasional Services and Saying Goodbye: A Time of Growth for Congregations and Pastors by Edward A. White include some resources for that purpose. A representative of the Presbytery is often present on the pastor’s last Sunday and will say a few words about separation ethics at that time; if a representative is unable to attend, a letter to the congregation may be sent instead. It is important for the leaders of the church to understand the purposes for these standards of behavior, as often the requests to bend these standards occur long after the former pastor has departed. Churches that believe their culture does not allow for these standards might be reminded that concerns have been raised by pastors in many such cultures. In summary, some underlying reasons for complying with these standards include: The continuing presence of the former pastor may impede the congregation’s ability to bond with a new pastor, and to consider new ideas and ministries. Continued requests from the former congregation fails to release the obligations of a pastor, and prevents the former pastor from moving on to his or her next phase of ministry. If any requests are accepted, the former pastor is put in the uncomfortable position of choosing which requests are accepted and which ones are not. Clinging to past relationships constrain the movement of the Holy Spirit to bring new opportunities into the life of the church and the lives of the former and current pastors. Thus, the continued dependence on a former pastor, or on specific church leaders with unusual influence, may signal that a church is not yet ready to begin the next phase of ministry with a new pastor. The Constitution of the PC(U.S.A.), and the Standards of Ethical Behavior, support the authority of the current pastor, and find it unethical for others to challenge that authority based on personal relationships or positions of perceived power. The health of the Presbytery—and the collegial relationships between pastors and churches—is encouraged by the maintenance of proper boundaries and clear leadership roles. 1/12/15 approved by COM Page 6/8 SAN GABRIEL PRESBYTERY BOUNDARIES COVENANT FOR FORMER PASTORAL LEADERS This covenant will order the future relationship between __________________ (hereafter referred to as “the pastor”) and __________________ (hereafter referred to as “the church”) who both understand and accept the terms of this covenant and commit themselves to abiding by them as a way of encouraging the health and ministry of both the pastor and the congregation when the pastoral relationship is dissolved as of __________________. • • • • • As of the date stated, the pastor and the congregation covenant together that The pastor will cease all pastoral duties and will only perform pastoral services to the congregation at the invitation of the current moderator of session; The congregation will end compensation to the pastor except any negotiated severance; The pastor will not attempt to influence the search for a new pastor or the future ministry of the church; The pastor will not recruit members of the congregation to join him or her in his or her new call; Any future contact between the pastor and members of the congregation will be as friends and not as pastor and parishioner. Period of Separation: Return for Pre-Arranged Services: Community Relations: Family: Friends: Social Media: Severance: In signing, the parties indicate a commitment to abide by the above covenant and that they have received, understand, and will abide by the Standards for Ethical Behavior of San Gabriel Presbytery. Clerk of Session Date Departing Pastor Date Moderator of COM Date 1/12/15 approved by COM Page 7/8 SAN GABRIEL PRESBYTERY BOUNDARIES COVENANT FOR NON-PASTORAL LEADERS This covenant will order the relationship between __________________ (hereafter referred to as “the leader”) and __________________ (hereafter referred to as “the church”) who both understand and accept the terms of this covenant and commit themselves to abiding by them as a way of encouraging the health and ministry of both the pastor and the congregation. In this document “leader” or “church leader” refers to an individual with unusual influence, due to education or current or former leadership positions in the church. • • • • • As of the date stated below, the leader and the session covenant together that The leader will play a leadership role with the church, under supervision of the pastor and session as outlined below; The leader will respect and support the authority of the pastor, as the pastor “seeks to honor and obey Jesus Christ our Lord” (W-4.4006b(3)); The leader’s area of expertise is respected and received by the pastor and congregation; If the pastor’s relationship with the congregation is dissolved, the church leader will cease all specific ministry leadership roles, unless the current moderator of session invites the leader; If the church leader is involved in visible leadership roles, the leader will utilize the name of the church in community events with permission of the session. Effective Dates: from to Leadership Role and Areas of Expertise: Responsibilities: Community Relations: In signing, the parties indicate a commitment to abide by the above covenant and that they have received, understand, and will abide by the separation ethics policy of San Gabriel Presbytery. Clerk of Session Date Leader Date Moderator of Session Date 1/12/15 approved by COM Page 8/8 PRESBYTERY OF SAN GABRIEL REPORT OF THE PRESBYTERY COUNCIL January 24, 2015 1. Motion: Following the pastor’s announcement of his intention to retire, the Committee on Ministry Ministry Team chair met with the Session of First Presbyterian Church of Azusa and determined that the church does not have adequate leadership to make decisions regarding its mission, ministry, property and assets on behalf of the congregation. Therefore, the Presbytery Council recommends that a five‐member Administrative Commission be formed to assume original jurisdiction of the session of First Presbyterian Church, Azusa. This AC may include members of the current church Session. (Members of the AC will be named at the Presbytery meeting.) 2. Motion: Whereas, extensive negotiations and meetings for Gracious Dismissal between the Presbytery Engagement Team and the Special Committee of the Korean Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Rowland Heights and other leaders of the congregation have resulted in a deadlock, the Presbytery Council recommends that an Administrative Commission be established for Korean Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church. (Members of the AC will be named at the Presbytery meeting. Note that “full authority of the session” is also known as “original jurisdiction of the session.”) This Administrative Commission is authorized to: ‐ Conduct an administrative review of the session and its responsible management of the church’s worship and congregational life as a community of faith, hope, love and witness and the management of the physical property of the congregation for the furtherance of its mission. ‐ Assume full authority of the session. ‐ Determine the application of the Presbytery’s Gracious Dismissal Policy on behalf of both the church and the Presbytery, bringing a recommendation to the full Presbytery. ‐ Determine as the Presbytery whether there is a schism within the membership of the congregation and whether the Presbytery is unable to effect a reconciliation of a division into separate congregations within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and determine as the Presbytery if one faction is entitled to the property because it is identified by the Presbytery as the true church within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). See attached report for background information. 3. Motion if the AC for the KGSPC is approved: the Council recommends that the Presbytery Engagement Team appointed to work with Korean Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church be dismissed with gratitude effective January 24, 2015. 4. For Information: The Council received the following resolution from the Session of the Eagle Rock Presbyterian Church: “As stewards of financial resources of this church, (they) will be making no further contributions to the presbytery, synod, or the General Assembly of the PC(U.S.A.) until such time as the General Assembly reverses course on its approval of same‐sex marriage. We are directing all financial support (per capita and mission) to ministries that align with our convictions until such a time that the General Assembly repents of its action and returns to God’s natural design for human sexuality as revealed at Creation, affirmed by Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit.” The Chair of the COM Ministry Team and Interim Executive Presbyter were invited to meet with the Session to hear their concerns in person, and to seek ways to continue doing ministry together in spite of the dispute over the GA’s action, including supporting mission projects such as Living Waters that have no connection with this issue. Report to San Gabriel Presbytery on Gracious Dismissal Process with Korean Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church January 24, 2015 Summary Over two years ago, leaders from Korean Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church (KGSPC) expressed a desire to engage in the process outlined in the Gracious Dismissal Policy of the Presbytery of San Gabriel. According to the policy, a Presbytery Engagement Team (PET) was formed to work with the Special Committee of the Congregation (SCC) that was appointed by the Session of Good Shepherd. These two groups have worked diligently to come to an agreement that meets the mission priorities of the church and complies with the Gracious Dismissal Policy and the polity of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The process has been even more complex than other potential dismissal negotiations, for several reasons. First, the process was delayed by a remedial case involving two other churches that were being dismissed. Second, this was the first time in this Presbytery when a dismissal was considered with a church that had in its membership a cohesive group of church leaders who are contesting the effort to leave the PC(USA). Finally, during the time these negotiations have been underway, the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission made decisions related to dismissals which carry the weight of the Constitution and require immediate compliance. These decisions required changes to the Presbytery’s Gracious Dismissal Policy, including among other things even greater consideration to the potential use of the property by members remaining with the PC(USA). After years of diligent negotiations by all parties, the Presbytery Engagement Team has reported to the Presbytery Council that they have exhausted all options available to them as outlined in the Gracious Dismissal Policy, and have not been able to find a resolution that is acceptable by them as representatives of the Presbytery, the church negotiating team seeking dismissal for the church, and the church members wishing to remain with the PC(USA). Further, PET members have witnessed a very high level of conflict, especially in the last month, and continue to receive complaints from members of both groups in the church that members of the opposing group are acting in bad faith, attempting to manipulate the process, or not being truthful in their statements to the PET. The PET is not in the position to determine the relative veracity of the claims by either group. This escalating conflict has impacted the worship life of the congregation, with intimidating words and actions observed within and around Sunday worship services. Therefore, the PET has recommended to the Council, and the Council recommends to the Presbytery, that an Administrative Commission be formed to find resolution to this situation. Some History In their report to the Council, the PET gave this synopsis of their work with Good Shepherd: Even before a PET was formed for this congregation in 2012, a group from KGSPC let the Executive Presbyter and Committee on Ministry know that there were members of the church who did not wish to leave the PCUSA. The engagement process with this church began in 2012, but was put on hold while the remedial case involving the dismissal of the Glenkirk and Covina churches was resolved. In October of 2013, a new PET was formed. Over the past 15 months this PET has: -- Met with the SCC to see if there could be a reconciliation between the Pastors and members of the Session and congregation petitioning to leaving the PCUSA and the Presbytery of San Gabriel. The SCC and PET concluded that this was not possible. Page 1 of 2 -- Met with members of the group who wish to stay with the PCUSA. -- Reached an initial settlement with the SCC which was acceptable to the majority of the congregation, but not acceptable to the group wishing to remain with the PCUSA. -- Held two meetings with members of the SCC and Stay group together seeking to bring about a reconciliation between those two groups that would enable negotiating a settlement acceptable to all. This was not successful. -- Requested that the Stay Group submit a proposed budget and ministry plan in order to gauge their capacity to use the Good Shepherd property for PCUSA ministry in that community. The results are inconclusive due to the difficulty of ascertaining how many members would remain with the PCUSA in the event of a congregational split. -- Received frequent notices of concern from both groups that members of the other group were acting in bad faith, attempting to unfairly manipulate the process, or being untruthful in their statements to the congregation or the PET. Given this history, the PET has come to the conclusion that we are not able to accomplish our task according to the San Gabriel Presbytery Gracious Dismissal Policy which is to attempt reconciliation and, if that is not possible, to negotiate a settlement for dismissal which is agreeable to all parties concerned. The level of conflict within the congregation is too high for us to negotiate a settlement that will be acceptable to both the Exit Group, the Stay Group and the Presbytery. We believe that the situation as it now stands at KGSPC of Rowland Heights is beyond what the Gracious Dismissal Policy was designed to resolve. Council Recommendation At its meeting on January 13, 2015, the Council of San Gabriel Presbytery voted to make the following recommendation to the Presbytery. Note that “full authority of the session” is also known as “original jurisdiction of the session.” Whereas extensive negotiations and meetings with representatives of the session and other leaders of the congregation has resulted in a deadlock on dismissal negotiations and a high level of conflict within the congregation including public statements of intimidation during worship, the Presbytery Council has concluded under G-3.0303e that the session of Korean Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church of Rowland Heights is unable or unwilling to manage wisely its affairs and so recommends to the Presbytery that an Administrative Commission be established for Korean Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church of Rowland Heights. This Administrative Commission is authorized to: ● conduct an administrative review of the session and its responsible management of the church's worship and congregational life as a community of faith, hope, love, and witness, and the management of the physical property of the congregation for the furtherance of its mission ● assume full authority of the session ● determine the application of the Presbytery’s Gracious Dismissal Policy on behalf of both the church and the Presbytery, bringing a recommendation to the full Presbytery ● determine as the Presbytery whether there is a schism within the membership of the congregation and whether the Presbytery is unable to effect a reconciliation or a division into separate congregations within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and determine as the Presbytery if one of the factions is entitled to the property because it is identified by the Presbytery as the true church within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Page 2 of 2 BYLAWS OF THE PRESBYTERY OF SAN GABRIEL Synod of Southern California and Hawaii (Revised [date]) CHAPTER I — GENERAL 1.10 DEFINITION The Presbytery of San Gabriel (“the Presbytery”), organized on January 4, 1968, at 7:30 p.m., is the organizational unit and the seat of original authority of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) realized by the convocation of all Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders representing churches and ministries within the geographical bounds as established by the Presbytery and approved by the Synod and the General Assembly. (For details see the Presbytery Manual of Operations.) 1.20 GOVERNMENT The Presbytery is governed primarily by the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and secondarily by these Bylaws and by any Standing Rules and Manuals of Administrative Operations, as may be adopted from time to time. 1.30 FUNCTIONS The functions of the Presbytery are contained in the Book of Order, section G-3.03. CHAPTER II — MEMBERSHIP AND MEETINGS 2.10 MEMBERSHIP The members of the Presbytery shall be all Teaching Elders duly enrolled, Ruling Elder Commissioners elected from each of the particular churches within the bounds of the Presbytery, and the Ruling Elders who are committee chairs or members-at-large elected to Presbytery Executive Commission (“Executive Commission”). These Ruling Elders shall be enrolled upon their election. Ruling Elder Commissioners elected by the particular churches shall be enrolled as members of the Presbytery upon filing with the Stated Clerk a certification of election by registering. 2.20 CALENDAR There shall be a minimum of four stated meetings of Presbytery each year, at least one of which shall be held on a Saturday. The dates of these meetings shall be determined by the Executive Commission. 2.21 TIME AND PLACE All stated meetings shall be held at hours and in churches or places determined by the Executive Commission. The place of a special meeting shall be designated in the call. 2.22 QUORUM A quorum shall be any five Teaching Elder members and five Ruling Elder members present, provided that at least five churches are represented. 2.30 TELEPHONE, VIDEO CONFERENCE AND ELECTRONIC ACTIONS AND MEETINGS 2.31 Action without Meeting Unless otherwise restricted by these bylaws, any action required or permitted to be taken at any meeting of the Board of Trustees or a Commission of the Presbytery may be taken without a meeting if all members of the Board of Trustees or Commission consent thereto in writing or by electronic transmission, and the writings or electronic transmissions are recorded in the minutes of the proceedings. 2.32 Participation Members of the Board of Trustees or a Commission of the Presbytery may participate in any of their meetings by means of telephone, video conference, or other communication equipment, provided all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other or read their comments in real time. Participation in a meeting pursuant to this subsection shall constitute the presence of such person at the meeting. All such meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order. 2.40 SPECIAL MEETINGS A special meeting is a separate meeting of the Presbytery held at a different time from that of a stated meeting, and is convened to consider only one or more specific items of business. Notice of a special meeting shall be sent not fewer than ten days in advance to each Teaching Elder and each church Council, describing the purpose of the meeting. The Presbytery Moderator shall call a special meeting at the request of or with the concurrence of five Teaching Elders and five Ruling Elders provided that at least five churches are represented. Should the Moderator be unable to act, the Stated Clerk shall, under the same conditions, issue the call for the special meeting. The Synod may direct the Presbytery to convene a special meeting for the transaction of designated business. 2.50 WORSHIP Each stated meeting shall include a brief period of worship. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper shall be observed at least once a year. 2.60 MILEAGE EXPENSES Upon request, the Presbytery shall provide for the expenses incurred by its members in attending meetings of Presbytery, the Board of Trustees, or any Commission, Committee, or Task Force by granting mileage allowances based on specific recommendations by the Administration and Finance Committee. 2.70 MINUTES Minutes of each stated meeting shall be recorded by the Stated Clerk, who shall send copies to the members of Presbytery in a timely manner after adjournment, with formal approval given at the succeeding meeting of Presbytery. CHAPTER III — OFFICERS AND STAFF 3.10 TITLES The principal officers of Presbytery shall be Moderator, Vice-Moderator, and Stated Clerk. -- 2 -- 3.20 MODE OF ELECTION, TERMS, DUTIES 3.21 VICE-MODERATOR / MODERATOR ELECT The Vice-Moderator shall be nominated by the Representation and Nominations Committee and elected at the last meeting of each calendar year for a three-year cycle. In the first year, the Vice-Moderator shall perform the functions of the Moderator of Presbytery when requested by that officer, or in the inability of the Moderator to serve. In the second year, he or she shall become Moderator of Presbytery. The Moderator of Presbytery shall have those duties described in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Book of Order section G-3.0104. In the third year he or she shall serve as chairperson of the Executive Commission. Should the Moderator and Vice-Moderator be unable to serve, the last previous Moderator who is present and able to serve shall function as Moderator. 3.22 STATED CLERK The Stated Clerk shall be elected at the May meeting from nominations made by the Personnel Committee. The term shall be for three years and the duties shall be as defined in the Book of Order. 3.23 VACANCIES An officer may resign at any time by giving thirty days notice to the Stated Clerk, except that the Stated Clerk shall resign by notifying the Moderator and the chairperson of the Personnel Committee. Any vacancy so created, or created by death, permanent disability, disqualification, or any other cause, shall be filled by regular election procedures. From the nominations of the Personnel Committee the Executive Commission shall have the authority to make temporary appointments to the office of Stated Clerk or Executive Presbyter in the event that office should be vacated between meetings of Presbytery. Such appointments are subject to approval by Presbytery, and Presbytery shall in regular manner elect a Stated Clerk at its earliest convenience. CHAPTER IV — ORGANIZATION 4.10 4.20 ORGANIZATION A. Executive Commission (described in Chapter V) B. Commission on Ministry C. Commission on Preparation for Ministry D. Permanent Judicial Commission E. Administration and Finance Committee / Board of Trustees F. Education Committee G. Justice, Peacemaking and Mission Committee H. Personnel Committee I. Representation and Nominations Committee J. Self-Development of People Committee K. Vision and Strategy Committee STANDING COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Presbytery and the Executive Commission have sole authority for the establishment or permanent dissolution of standing committees and commissions. -- 3 -- As needed, the Presbytery may form Commissions, Committees, and Task Forces in accordance with the Book of Order, these Bylaws, the Standing Rules, and the Manual of Operations. 4.30 4.40 ELECTION AND TERMS OF SERVICE 4.31 Members of all standing commissions and committees shall be elected by Presbytery to serve for terms as prescribed in these Bylaws, the Standing Rules, or the requirements of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Except for the Permanent Judicial Commission, members should be elected for terms of three years, and each commission or committee should be divided into three approximately equally-sized classes, one class to be elected each year, unless Presbytery or the Executive Commission directs otherwise. 4.32 The Representation and Nominations Committee will propose candidates to the Presbytery for election. Nominations from the floor shall be allowed as long as the candidate has given consent to be nominated, and eligibility is determined. 4.33 The Permanent Judicial Commission shall be elected in compliance with the Book of Order (D5.0101). 4.34 Terms of office shall begin in January 1 following election, or immediately upon election to fill unexpired terms. 4.35 Organization of standing commissions and committees will be flexible in order to meet the current mission needs of the Presbytery. However, all commissions and committees shall be composed with the goal of reflecting the diversity of the Presbytery, and balanced between Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders, and women and men. This diversity goal also includes race, age, gender, and physical condition, and should seek the broadest participation of all member churches. 4.36 No member shall serve in any single capacity for consecutive terms, either full or partial, aggregating more than six years and, having served, any such member shall be ineligible for another term until one year has expired. 4.37 A member of Presbytery should serve on only one standing commission or committee at a time, with the exception of the Executive Commission. 4.38 Vacancies occurring by death, resignation, or other cause may be filled by election by Presbytery or Executive Commission immediately, or at the end of the term. Any committee or commission member desiring to resign shall send a letter of resignation to the Stated Clerk and a copy to the chair of the Representation and Nominations Committee. When a member has been absent without excuse from three consecutive meetings of the Executive Commission, standing commissions or committees, Presbytery or the Executive Commission may declare the position vacant and elect another person to fill the unexpired term. 4.39 Standing commissions and committees may appoint to themselves advisory members; these have voice but not vote. The number of advisory members shall not exceed half the number of elected members, and shall not diminish the diversity or balance of the elected membership. STANDING COMMISSIONS Composition and quorum for commissions shall comply with the Book of Order. Commissions shall be composed of Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders in numbers as nearly equal as possible and sufficient to accomplish their work. A quorum of any commission shall be a majority of its members unless stated otherwise upon establishment of the commission. -- 4 -- 4.41 Commission on Ministry Coordinates Presbytery responsibility as pastor, counselor, and advisor to Teaching Elders and congregations—especially by supporting and guiding churches through pastoral transitions; provides pastoral care for Teaching Elders and church Councils; mediates in conflicted situations between pastors and congregations; and promotes healthy relationships between pastors and congregations. 4.42 Commission on Preparation for Ministry Cares for and oversees the process of discernment and preparation for inquirers and candidates for ordination to the office of Teaching Elder 4.43 Permanent Judicial Commission Fulfills the requirements of the Rules of Discipline in the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). 4.50 STANDING COMMITTEES Details on each committee are included in the Standing Rules of the Presbytery. 4.51 Administration and Finance Functions as the Board of Trustees of the Presbytery and oversees care of corporate responsibilities and fiduciary health of the Presbytery. Advises local churches on property and finance matters, and reviews and recommends proposals for the sale, leasing, or encumbrance of church property. 4.52 Education Committee Facilitates education ministries among member churches of the Presbytery, including Christian education for all ages and for particular age groups including preschools. Coordinates education and training opportunities for Presbytery meetings and events. 4.53 Justice, Peacemaking and Mission Committee Discerns and coordinates mission priorities for the Presbytery beyond local church ministries, and provides education and service opportunities for Presbytery members. 4.54 Personnel Committee Oversees and reviews Presbytery staff, implements Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employment policies, and guides local churches with regard to their personnel matters. 4.55 Representation and Nominations Committee Advocates for and promotes full representation of the rich diversity of the Presbytery in leadership by identifying and resourcing potential leaders; reviews and reports on Presbytery performance on representation and inclusive practices; identifies, invites and nominates candidates for leadership in the wider church. 4.56 Vision and Strategy Committee Reviews the responsibility for mission within the geographic bounds of the Presbytery. Identifies and/or guides and nurtures new worshiping communities that help to further the mission of the Presbytery. Reviews proposals for grants and new ministries submitted to the Presbytery. Membership includes but is not limited to at-large members of the Executive Commission. -- 5 -- CHAPTER V — EXECUTIVE COMMISSION 5.10 5.20 MEMBERS 5.11 The Executive Commission shall consist of a minimum of 14 members: the immediate past Moderator of Presbytery as chair; the incumbent Moderator and Vice-Moderator of Presbytery; representatives from the Representation and Nominations Committee, the Commission on Ministry, the Commission on Preparation for Ministry, Administration and Finance, Personnel, Education, Mission, and Strategy and Vision. The Commission shall also consist of a minimum of three at-large positions that serve as representatives of the Presbytery (each elected for a 3-year term), nominated by the Representation and Nominations Committee and elected by the Presbytery. 5.12 The Executive Presbyter and the Stated Clerk shall be ex-officio members of Executive Commission without vote. RESPONSIBILITIES, POWER, AND AUTHORITY 5.21 5.22 The Executive Commission shall have all the responsibilities, power and authority of Presbytery with the exception of: A. Dismissing congregations to other Reformed denominations. B. Examinations of Candidates for ordination, or members of other denominations seeking ordination or to be Teaching Elders in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) C. Establishing administrative commissions of the Presbytery, or making any changes to the charge of an administrative commission, other than ordination or installation commissions. D. Approval and amendment of the Standing Rules. The Executive Commission shall: A. Set Presbytery meeting agendas. B. In partnership with the Administration and Finance Committee, approve the annual budget for recommendation to the Presbytery. C. Oversee distribution of special funds available for mission and ministry. D. Oversee mission, program, and other activities of Presbytery in consultation with the Executive Presbyter and Stated Clerk. E. Identify ministry needs and opportunities in need of a Ministry Task Force (a short or long term interest group, vetted by the Executive Commission, gathered around a specific project or an identified ministry priority for the Presbytery). These Task Forces will present annual reports to the Executive Commission. F. Make nominations to the Representation and Nominations Committee to be elected by the Presbytery. G. Appoint a temporary Executive Presbyter or Stated Clerk when necessary as provided in Section 3.23. -- 6 -- 5.30 H. Enroll and dismiss Teaching Elders upon recommendation of the Commission on Ministry during the period between presbytery meetings, and shall report the action at the next meeting of the Presbytery. The Executive Commission shall be empowered by Presbytery to grant dismissal of candidates under care to another presbytery when recommended by the Commission on Preparation for the Ministry during the period between presbytery meetings, and shall report the dismissal(s) at the next meeting of presbytery. I. Receive annual reports from related organizations and agencies of the Presbytery. MEETINGS The Executive Commission should meet regularly at least two weeks prior to each stated meeting of Presbytery, or upon call of the Chairperson or any two members of Executive Commission. CHAPTER VI — THE CORPORATION 6.10 FORMATION AND DUTIES 6.11 6.20 A. Receive, hold, encumber, manage, and transfer such property as may come under its jurisdiction; B. Manage its corporate affairs as Presbytery may direct. CIVIL CORPORATION 6.21 6.30 The Presbytery shall form a corporation or corporations under the laws of the State of California to enable it to: Members of the Corporation shall be Teaching Elder members and Ruling Elder commissioners present at a stated presbytery meeting. A. The Presbytery of San Gabriel exists under the California Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation Law for religious and charitable purposes. B. The principal office for the transaction of the business of the Corporation will be located in Los Angeles County, California. C. The general powers of the corporation shall be those normally ascribed to such corporations, and shall be subject to the provision of the California Non-Profit Corporation Law and any limitation noted in these bylaws. D. The Trustees of the Corporation shall be the members of the Administration and Finance Committee. E. The officers of the Civil Corporation shall be: (1) a President; (2) a Vice-President; (3) a Secretary; and (4) a Treasurer. These officers shall be elected by the Administration and Finance Committee from its membership. F. The Annual Meeting of the Corporation shall be held in connection with the first stated meeting of the Presbytery held in each calendar year. G. The Corporation shall indemnify any agent of the corporation against any liability asserted against or incurred by the agent in such capacity and arising out of the agent’s status as such, as may be allowed by the California Non-Profit Corporation Law and any future amendments to it. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION A copy of the Articles of Incorporation of Presbytery is annexed to these Bylaws as Exhibit A. -- 7 -- 6.40 FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of the Presbytery shall be the calendar year. CHAPTER VII — RELATED ORGANIZATIONS 7.10 REPORTS OF RELATED ORGANIZATIONS Related organizations and agencies of the Presbytery, shall report annually to the Executive Commission or through their related commission or committee. These reports should include activities and a financial report. CHAPTER VIII — GENERAL ASSEMBLY COMMISSIONERS 8.10 TIME OF ELECTION Commissioners to General Assembly shall be elected no later than the first stated meeting of the year in which General Assembly is meeting. 8.20 8.30 NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF COMMISSIONERS 8.21 The Stated Clerk shall maintain and make available to the Representation and Nominations Committee at least 90 days before the nomination of Teaching Elder commissioners, a list of the continuing members of Presbytery in order of longest service since last attendance at General Assembly as a commissioner, or the date of their beginning ordained ministry in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The participation of a nominated Teaching Elder in Presbytery shall be noted. 8.22 In making nominations, the Representation and Nominations Committee shall consider Ruling Elders from churches in order of the longest time since their last representation at General Assembly, or, if they have not been represented, since their organization. The participation of a nominated Ruling Elder in Presbytery shall be noted. 8.23 The Representation and Nominations Committee shall present to Presbytery a full slate of nominees. An opportunity for nominations from the floor shall always be given. From those nominated, Presbytery shall vote for the number Presbytery is entitled to send to General Assembly. The nominees receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared elected. ALTERNATES Nominees receiving the highest number of votes next after the elected commissioners shall be deemed elected as alternates. If any commissioner cannot attend General Assembly, that commissioner shall at the earliest day possible return the commission for an alternate, observing the order of the highest number of votes received, until one is reached who can attend. 8.40 ELIGIBILITY Any Teaching Elder or Ruling Elder within Presbytery shall be eligible for this election except that a commissioner shall be ineligible for election to two sequential General Assemblies. 8.50 BALLOTING Election shall be by written ballot taken separately for Teaching Elder commissioners and Ruling Elder commissioners. -- 8 -- 8.60 YOUNG ADULT ADVISORY DELEGATES Young Adult Advisory Delegates to General Assembly and their alternates shall be elected in the same manner prescribed for commissioners in sections 8.10 through 8.50 above, and shall be members of congregations within this Presbytery. 8.70 THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ADVISORY DELEGATE These delegates are nominated by seminaries and elected by the Presbytery. CHAPTER IX — SYNOD COMMISSIONERS 9.10 NOMINATION AND ELECTION The number of commissioners to be elected shall be determined in accordance with Synod rules for representation. An equal number of Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders shall be elected by Presbytery as commissioners to Synod, to serve for one year. Elected Commissioners are eligible to be re-elected twice (thus serving a total of three (3) years). 9.20 ALTERNATES All enrolled Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders shall be elected as alternates. Vacancies can be filled by the Moderator of Presbytery in consultation with the Stated Clerk or Executive Presbyter. CHAPTER X — AMENDMENT AND SUSPENSION 10.10 AMENDMENTS Amendments to these Bylaws may be made by two-thirds vote of members present at any stated meeting provided that written notices of the proposed change shall have been made at the previous stated meeting. 10.20 SUSPENSION These Bylaws may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a stated meeting. This vote is applicable to only the current meeting. -- 9 -- 2014 YEAR-END FINANCIAL REPORT, PRESBYTERY OF SAN GABRIEL PRESENTED BY THE PRESBYTERY ADMINSTRATION AND FINANCE COMMITTEE CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CONGREGATIONS OF SAN GABRIEL PRESBYTERY…..GIVE YOURSELVES A “BIG PAT-ON-THE-BACK”!! The “encouraging” 2014 Statistics: 36 of 40 active congregations in the Presbytery contributed to “Shared Mission”—plus two individuals o (Remember….Shared mission is composed of the “per-capita” assessed by the Synod and the General Assembly and a proportionate share of the mission costs of the Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly) Of the 36 congregations contributing to Shared Mission, 19 of them contributed at or above the amount of their annual pledge o (several congregations in that group contributed SIGNIFICANTLY above their pledged amount!) An additional 17 churches, although not pledging, contributed at or above the level of their 2013 contribution. o (9 congregations in that group contributed SIGNIFICANTLY more than they did in the previous year.) Of the 36 congregations contributing, 26 gave over 90% of their apportionment. o (8 congregations in that group exceeded their apportionment by at least 50%.) The total Shared Giving receipts of $434,656 was $19,656 above the budgeted projection of $415,000. NOTE: All major expense items that are under the direct control of the Presbytery are at or under the budgeted amount for 2014, as well. THANK YOU ALL…………….. AND LET’S KEEP UP THIS GREAT WORK AS WE MOVE AHEAD INTO 2015! Please give your 2015 pledge by February 16. Prepared from the year‐end financial reports by the A and F committee: 1.20.2015 9:54 AM 01/21/15 Cash Basis Presbytery of San Gabriel Preliminary Rev & Exp Budget vs Actual - Summary January through December 2014 Jan - Dec 14 Budget $ Over Budget Ordinary Income/Expense Income 4000 · General Mission 4310 · General Assembly Grants 4320 · Synod Grants 4350 · Shared Grants 434,656.08 475,000.00 0.00 16,667.00 1,634.96 4400 · Extra Committment Giving 46,250.98 4600 · Investment Income 16,358.05 4610 · Interest 1,259.59 4800 · Special Offerings 47,862.73 4900 · Other Income/Special Offerings 11,189.78 Total Income -40,343.92 575,879.17 475,000.00 100,879.17 Expense 5000 · Synod & GA Mission Remittance 67,300.00 5040 · Special Offerings Remittance 46,753.92 5050 · Other Giving 17,567.00 5200 · Per Capita Expense 61,664.20 5400 · Extra Commitment Giving 37,659.22 68,300.53 -1,000.53 61,664.20 0.00 5800 · Education 0.00 3,100.00 -3,100.00 5900 · Interpretation of Stewardship 0.00 100.00 -100.00 6000 · Committee on Ministry 6100 · Mission 6200 · Personnel 6300 · Preparation for Ministry 6400 · Church Development 6500 · Administration & Finance 6600 · Worship 6700 · Other Expenses Total Expense Net Ordinary Income 2,558.13 2,700.00 -141.87 18,392.53 19,000.00 -607.47 212,120.84 240,000.00 -27,879.16 930.00 4,600.00 -3,670.00 0.00 2,800.00 -2,800.00 57,103.92 60,025.00 -2,921.08 0.00 150.00 -150.00 896.70 10,200.00 -9,303.30 522,946.46 472,639.73 50,306.73 52,932.71 2,360.27 50,572.44 2,360.27 46,338.50 Other Income/Expense Other Income Gracious Dismissal Funds Total Other Income 149,060.00 149,060.00 Other Expense 8100 · Loss on Sale of Asset Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income 153,293.94 153,293.94 -4,233.94 48,698.77 Page 1 of 1 Presbytery of San Gabriel Preliminary Balance Sheet Prev Year Comparison-Summary Dec 31, 14 Dec 31, 13 $ Change ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 1000 · Petty Cash 300.00 300.00 0.00 1017 · Cash in Bank - Highland Park 27,958.75 27,958.75 0.00 1024 · American West Checking 61,840.12 44,920.78 16,919.34 108,013.38 192,025.14 -84,011.76 98,024.78 0.00 98,024.78 388,973.34 372,615.29 16,358.05 1026 · American West Savings Account 1027 · American West Money Market 1100 · New Covenant Funds 1180 · AIG Financial Advis.#7J4-030864 Total Checking/Savings 2,130,220.63 745,947.43 1,384,273.20 2,815,331.00 1,383,767.39 1,431,563.61 Other Current Assets 1210 · Accounts Receivable 1300 · Prepaid Expenses 6,889.43 1,500.00 5,389.43 12,144.54 6,496.86 5,647.68 1350 · Prepaid Mission 1,127.74 563.88 563.86 Total Other Current Assets 20,161.71 8,560.74 11,600.97 Total Current Assets 2,835,492.71 1,392,328.13 1,443,164.58 Fixed Assets 1500 · Long Term Assets Total Fixed Assets 505,123.78 505,123.78 0.00 505,123.78 505,123.78 0.00 -8,935.00 201,275.94 -210,210.94 0.00 9,000.00 -9,000.00 -8,935.00 210,275.94 -219,210.94 Other Assets 1840 · EP Housing - Shared Equity 1841 · Receivable - Synod Total Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS 3,331,681.49 2,107,727.85 1,223,953.64 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities 2010 · Accounts Payable 505.52 2021 · FICA/Medicare Payable 764.99 0.00 764.99 0.00 500.00 -500.00 1,270.51 1,005.52 264.99 1,270.51 1,005.52 264.99 1,270.51 1,005.52 264.99 2050 · In/Out Account Total Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Total Liabilities 505.52 0.00 Presbytery of San Gabriel Preliminary Balance Sheet Prev Year Comparison-Summary Dec 31, 14 Dec 31, 13 $ Change Equity 2605 · Held for Grace Presbyterian Chu 587,361.00 0.00 587,361.00 3200 · Restricted Reserves 365,439.42 394,106.42 -28,667.00 3300 · Mission Development Funds 648,153.13 19,204.98 628,948.15 33,226.26 40,321.03 -7,094.77 3450 · Congregation Vitalization Funds 126,522.38 126,522.38 0.00 3458 · Congregation Transf & Revital 291,796.82 291,796.82 0.00 1,200,437.37 1,205,994.87 -5,557.50 3400 · Designated Reserves 3500 · Unrestricted Fund Balances 3900 · Retained Earnings 28,775.83 -180,479.35 209,255.18 Net Income 48,698.77 209,255.18 -160,556.41 Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 3,330,410.98 2,106,722.33 1,223,688.65 3,331,681.49 2,107,727.85 1,223,953.64 Presbytery of San Gabriel CPM Ministry Team Report January 24, 2015 The CPM Ministry Team met on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at Knox Presbyterian Church, Pasadena at which time a quorum was present. For Information: The team met with Inquirer Andrew Sloan for an annual consultation and recommends continuation in the process. Reports to the individual and sponsoring session have been provided as appropriate. Andrew is a member of Community Presbyterian Church, San Marino.
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