PLANNING AND DELIVERING SAFE WORK Edition 4 21 January 2015 Key Programme Dates: Welcome to the Planning and Delivering Safe Work Cascade Happy New Year, and welcome to the first Planning and Delivering Safe Work (P&DSW) Cascade of 2015. The immediate key programme milestones are: In the run in to Christmas the programme built up some great momentum, which we have carried into the 2015. We now have over 850 delegates that have passed through SWL, Planner and AA training, and we are maintaining a healthy pass rate means. 8 Jan – SVP Panel meeting In the first few weeks of 2015 we have also completed another run of train the trainers’ courses, which has brought our trained strength of “Trainers” up to 91, so the number of courses being run will continue to increase, which is great news. 19 Jan – SWM Pilot courses run 13-14 Jan – Control system trials 20 Jan – System UAT One of our key developments, since the last cascade, has been the initial drafting of “The Code of Practice for Planning and Delivering Safe Work”. A lot of work has already gone into this document, which when complete, approved and published will replace Network Rail’s 019 standard. There is still some work to do but the initial drafts are promising and we have received positive feedback from stakeholder reviews. We are really keen to keep you informed about the programme and hope you find these cascades a useful update on the progress we are making. If you are a line manager, and members of your team are touched by the changes we are making then please share this cascade with them. Martin Frobisher Programme Director (P&DSW) 21 Jan – Controller Consultation (TSSA) 9 Feb – Safety Consultation Follow up Feb 15 – IWA e-learning goes live Feb 15 – Publish “The Code of Practice for Planning and Delivering Safe Work” If you have any feedback on this cascade or on any questions regarding the Planning and Delivering Safe Work programme, then please email us at: Training News The momentum for our SWL training continues to grow and we have now fully opened up the training for our suppliers too. Your implementation manager will be able to forward details of the training plan, and will be publishing further guidance on Safety Central soon. It’s been really exciting hearing the feedback from the delegates on course and we are committed to continue to make the journey through the training as smooth and straightforward as possible. We have uploaded a video to Safety Central of delegates that have undertaken the course which can be viewed at the link: Delegates Training Experience Pre-Course Qualifier Due to a number of technical issues, we had removed our SWL pre-course qualifier and delegates were completing it as a test on day one of the course. The technical issues have now been fixed and the pre-course qualifier can now be completed prior to attending the course. The details of how to log in to the pre-course qualifier can be found at the links below: For NR internal colleagues follow NR pre-course qualifier instructions For our suppliers follow Suppliers pre-course qualifier instructions If you are booked on to the SWL course you are actively encouraged to complete the pre-course qualifier. PDSW Handbook – The Code of Practice for Planning and Delivering Safe Work (PDSW) Previously known as the PDSW Handbook, the Code of Practice for PDSW is a level 2 standard, which introduces Network Rails new “Permit to Work System”. With associated reference material, and disposition to existing standards It formally introduces the new ePermit technology, the SWL competency and other system roles. Formal briefing will begin at the end of February. Roles and Responsibilities Update Recently, we’ve had a number of questions and queries about the number of Safe Work Leaders (SWLs) that can be present within a worksite/site of work. One of the key principles of the programme is that there will only be one SWL responsible for a worksite/site of work. Within a possession there could be multiple worksites and each worksite would require their own individual SWL2; within each worksite, there could potentially be multiple work areas, which would be led in the same manner as they are today. We have also had a number of questions regarding the definition of a SWL and Employed status. In order to be selected for SWL training the delegate must satisfy the requirements of the SWL Employed Definition Letter, issued 17 September 2014 and can be found at the following link SWL Employed Letter. SWM Identification We’ve finalised the design of the Safe Work Manager (SWM) headwear cover. It’s very similar to the SWL headwear cover, but it’s all black with reflective ‘SWM’ writing. This will be work by those who are required to perform to SWL Level 3, also known as the SWM. Visit SWL Products on Safety Central for more information. Trade Union Consultation and Validation Both consultation and Validation are proceeding well. Our last Safety Validation Panel meeting was held on 8 January and was very successful in closing out the final queries. We have one more round of meetings which we believe will be our last before we conclude safety validation. We will also shortly be entering into area consultation, with LNE, Anglia and Scotland being the first areas to go through the process. Railway Contractors Certificate (RCC) – Review Panel We are continuing to hold RCC Review Panels on a fortnightly basis, the next one will be held on 22 January 2015 to cover any additional suppliers which require an RCC. SWL Products Control of Work (CoW) Update We have received the latest version of the ePermit software (Proscient), which has been uploaded onto Network Rail servers; it has gone through rigorous load testing and is now available to supplement our training environments. The software is proceeding through a final round of testing. Although the software has been updated, we have uploaded a video of proscient to show how the system will look, work and feel: click the link Proscient Demo Video. As part of the PDSW Programme, we’ll be introducing a number of new products, which can be found on Safety Central. As these products are designed and created, we’ll update the content. We’ll be sending an initial batch of some of these products, to both Suppliers and Network Rail. This will be done free of charge. Further and future product requirements over that which is initially sent will need to be ordered and purchased themselves direct from the product suppliers. We cannot mandate which product supplier external Suppliers choose to use, so we have not listed our chosen suppliers. Internally within Network Rail, these products will be found on i-store, and Catalogue Numbers will be added to Safety Central in due course, so you can more easily locate them. These new products will be available to order in early 2015.
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