Training Services v1.1 RCC Supplier Web-ex’s Planning & Delivering Safe Work 21 October 2014 Keith Miller – Implementation Manager Rebecca Pears – Programme Manager (Change) Planning & Delivering Safe Work Background / History Introduction of Safe Work Leader Introduction of ePermit System (Proscient) Railway Contractors Certificate Next steps 21-Oct-14 / 2 Reminder: How we got here & barriers to Safe Work Reminder - Task levels & Rail / Task risks E V E N T S 18% 15% 4% 60% Task / Environmental Risk S A F E T Y Rail Risk 2% Reminder – Key Principles Fundamental change in the way work is planned and carried out on the track designed to be clear who is in charge of the work, for workers safety including Operational safety and task safety Introducing the concept of Safe Work Leadership where the worksite is controlled by a person who is involved in creating the plan , is on site and is employed by the business managing the work - Network Rail , the Principal Contractor or certificated Contractor for those specific works The line manager is ACCOUNTABLE for planning safe work and for appointing a SWL who is RESPONSIBLE for delivering the work on site safely The planning effort should be appropriate for the task being carried out and the risks identified for the work Simpler communications, Clearer responsibilities Route Control (Area Authority) ECO APPROVE / ISSUE WORK PERMITS & CERTIFICATES Manages Railway Operational Risk Creation of Safe Work Leader Competence o Controlling mind for safety of task and Worksite o Network Rail or Principal Contractor employee Permit to work o Issued to safe work leader o Specifies protection controls o Specifies task controls APPROVE / ISSUE RAILWAY CERTIFICATES Signaller Manages Worksite / Task Risk Protection Technical Team Authorities Safe Work Leader Team Leader / Foreman Work Team Control of Work – Technology RCC Highlights An RCC is required if contractors need to provide the SWL competence on a worksite, and they don’t currently hold a PCL, nor are eligible to hold a PCL RCCs will primarily seek to confirm that Safety management processes & planning are adequate for the type and level of work being undertaken Two types of RCC, if both service types are provided, then both application processes will need to be followed: o Training Services (Annual) o Non-Training Services (On a ‘By Contract’ basis) RCCs don’t have a separate module in RISQS / Achilles To confirm your requirement for an RCC, we have requested that you complete the relevant RCC Questionnaire RCC Process Guide & Questionnaires 30 Sep: RCC Process Guide o Issued via email & Safety Central o Replaced RCC Initial Guide 10 Oct: RCC Questionnaires o Ascertain commitment & eligibility RCC Min Entry Requirements – Training No requirement to adhere to RIPS Rules & pass audit, however MUST o Register with RISQS and hold the relevant Product Codes o Complete the Industry Minimum Requirements (IMR) & pass audit o Adhere to the Sentinel Scheme Rules & pass audit o Adhere to the Network Rail Code of Conduct o Pass RTAS (Railway Training Accreditation Scheme) annual inspection. Requirement to appoint an SWL Recognise that companies providing Training Services do not receive contracts direct from Network Rail and that the activities involved are routine / repetitive Annual RCC, with annual review prior to awarding the next years’ annual RCC: o usage, o incidents o issues arising RCC Application Process – Training RCC – Next Steps Following the web-ex sessions, we’ll respond to each Supplier on the potential RCC list and inform whether we’ll be progressing their RCC Application If the application is being progressed, Suppliers should commence the application process and ensure the minimum entry requirements are met in advance of the go-live date RCC application process will be managed by the PDSW Team for the first 12 months following the SWL competence go-live date Thereafter a review will be undertaken and a decision made as to where within Network Rail this should be managed. . Queries Queries relating to: o RCC, email o PDSW Programme or SWL email o SWL Training email Further information on PDSW, SWL & RCC can be found on Safety Central Q&A
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