Planning & Delivering Safe Work PLANNING AND DELIVERING SAFE WORK Edition 1 09 October 2014 Welcome to your Planning and Delivering Safe Work cascade You have been identified as being critical to the success of Network Rails flagship safety initiative Planning and Delivering Safe Work (P&DSW), therefore we want to keep you up-to-date with the developments that the programme is making. As you are aware the programme will radically change the way we carry out work on the Railway Infrastructure and has the executive backing of Robin Gisby (the programme sponsor), Mark Carne and Gareth Llewellyn. The programme continues to develop at speed, and we have overcome many challenges. I think it’s fair to say we have achieved a great deal in a short space of time, including: rule book changes and the adoption of systems which have been well proven in other industries. We have designed a national training package that will directly touch over 22,000 delegates, and we have trialled the roles and process’s in multiple scenarios across the business both internally and with our suppliers. We still get asked “why we are doing this?” and the simple answer is we need to improve safety. Too many of our colleagues are injured, sometimes fatally, whilst working on our infrastructure. P&DSW is about getting people to understand the risks they are facing and most importantly for them to take positive action to manage them. The processes and systems we've designed allow our people to do this more effectively than they've ever been able to do before. Martin Programme Director (P&DSW) Roles and Responsibilities (R&R) Update Key Programme Developments Definitions of Safe Work Leader/Safe Work Manager: - The SWL 1 covers small teams working on open lines or in a line blockage leading a relatively simple task of work. - The SWL 2 is in charge of worksites within possessions. Safe Work Manager (SWM) introduced. - The SWM (trained and competent to SWL Level 3) manages the largest and most complex sites. Task Leader title replaces the phrase Safe Task Leader (STL). In all instances the line manager is ACCOUNTABLE for planning safe work and for appointing an SWL who is RESPONSIBLE for delivering the work on site safely. Definition of the term Employed. Implementation Programme You will be aware that in early briefs we used the title Safe Task Leader (STL). This is a reference to a future competence which has not yet been developed. In order to prevent confusion we have removed all references to STL from our scenarios/briefing material. Planning & Delivering Safe Work Control of Work (CoW) Update Briefing Material & Version Control We are aware that the programme will be touching everyone that works on the railway infrastructure and w e are keen to maintain as much transparency about the programme as possible. With assistance from people across the business and from our contractors, we have designed a permit that is visual and simple to use. It contains a map which shows the work area and all the surrounding hazards, describes the job, the risks and the risk controls, and is a vast improvement on what we use today. The Risk Based Control of Work Software (Proscient) has undergone User Acceptance Testing (UAT), which was completed by volunteers from within Network Rail and the Contractor community. As an outcome we requested a number of minor changes and the updated version has been delivered for a second round of UAT. We remain on target for the software rollout. We will continue to share our most up-to-date material on our Safety Central pages and keep you updated via these cascades. Provided that you have a laptop/desktop that is connected to the internet and is using Internet Explorer 9 (and higher), then you will be able to create a permit. The software will display and function on Internet Explorer 8 however, you will not be able to print the permit. We have also tested on Google Chrome, which identified a minor bug. Planning-and-DeliveringSafe-Work TU Consultation & Validation Current Versions are: - P&DSW FAQs v2.0 - RCC Process Guide v1.0 - RCC Questionnaire Training Services v1.0 - RCC Questionnaire NonTraining Services v1.0 - P&DSW Presentation v1.2 - P&DSW R&R “As Is” and “Future Scenarios” v3.0 - Network Rail eLearning self register guide v1.0 - eLearning sponsor user guide v1.0 After a number of briefs, presentations and meetings with representatives of the TUs, the TU consultation paper has been submitted and the formal consultation commenced with the first meeting on 30 September. A further meeting is planned for the 16 October. Safety Validation is ongoing, the board includes personnel from across Network Rail, external suppliers and representatives of the ORR. The latest safety validation meeting was on 9 October and the team are making good progress. Training News The train the trainer courses commenced 29 Sep with the full SWL, Planner and Responsible Manager training due to start week commencing 20 October. Delegates attending the course for SWL training will be required to complete an online pre-qualifier. The guidance and link to undertake the pre-qualifier for the SWL course is found in the eLearning user guides on Safety Central (there is one for NR employees and one for suppliers) Once the delegate has successfully completed the prequalifier, they will be booked onto a training course and provided with details of when and where to attend For more detail on the training email: or contact your nominated Route or IP Implementation Planning & Delivering Safe Work Implementation Key Programme Dates: The immediate key programme milestones are: 29 Sep - Train the Trainer courses commenced. 30 Sep ‐ TU Formal Consultation 1 As a programme we always said that we had set ourselves a challenging target for implementation. Which had been based on a number of key assumptions. Over the last month we have been able to refine the programme and replace many assumptions with actual data. The implementation date is still dependent on the outcome of a number of factors such as the number of people that require training and the pass rate of delegates. As such we cannot provide a set date although present indicators point towards Quarter 2 2015. 01 Oct - RCC Process Guide Issued Any further developments will be communicated. 06 Oct - Round two of system testing commences Definition of Employed in Relation to SWL 09 Oct - Safety Validation Meeting An SWL will be regarded as employed by a Trackside PCL holder or an RCC holder (the "Employer") if they satisfy all of the following criteria: 16 Oct - TU Formal Consultation 2 - the Employer is the Sentinel Primary Sponsor; and 20 Oct - Training programme commences 21 Oct - RCC Web-Exs commence - he/she is employed under a contract of employment and is exclusively working for the Employer; and - he/she is acting on behalf of the Employer and using the Employer's safety management system(s); Where a deviation from the above is required, the Managing Director of the PCL holder or RCC holder will apply in writing to Network Rail, describing the arrangements for the individual worker concerned. A written decision will be provided on a case by case basis. Railway Contractors Certificate (RCC) Update The RCC Process Guide can be found on Safety Central. It explains there will be two types of RCC (Training and Non Training), which will be issued depending upon which services are provided. If you have any feedback on this cascade or on any questions regarding the Planning and Delivering Safe Work programme, then please email us at: Suppliers providing training services will be issued with an annual RCC, those providing non training services will be issued with an RCC on a ‘by contract’ basis. Potential RCC Suppliers are required to complete an RCC Questionnaire to determine their eligibility and commitment in progressing with the RCC. Suppliers providing both service types will need to complete both RCC application processes and questionnaires. For any specific queries about the RCC process please email at:
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