Our main focus at RCC is to provide you with a TOP 10 REASONS TO DRESS4SUCCESS@RCC quality education. RCC provides dress guidelines in order to better prepare you for your future career. We request that you follow these dress guidelines 1. Make a good first impression. 2. Project a professional image. to help foster a professional atmosphere. Students will be sent home by a Program Director or one of the Deans for the following: Jeans with holes, rips, or sagging below the waist 4. Assimilate quickly into the Clothing that is too revealing real work environment. Clothing others Clothing that is a safety concern 3. Be seen for your abilities. 5. Foster a professional atmosphere. 6. Promote safety. that is causing a distraction to Thank you for your cooperation! 7. Prevent distractions. Clothing for meeting the RCC dress guidelines 8. Be a role model to others. is available through the Students-4-Students 9. Show your readiness for professional advancement. 10. The first impression you make is a lasting one! clothing exchange in Room 211 on a first- DRESS4SUCCESS@RCC Preparing you for your future! come first-serve basis. Information provided by the Office of the Dean of Students Karen Gilbert kgilbert@rockfordcareercollege.edu Updated July 1, 2011 *Student ID Tags* Definition of RCC Business Casual Medical Students are required to have their Pants scrubs ( a ny color or pattern ) Khakis and slacks that are similar to Dockers tennis shoes or nursing shoes RCC ID ’ s visible at all times. and other makers of cotton or synthetic material pants; jeans without holes, tears and not Business RCC business casual sagging below the waist; capris with a length below the knee; knee length shorts can be worn Medical Office during the Spring and Summer Quarters only— RCC business casual no cut-offs, sweat pants or pajama pants IT RCC business casual Skirts and Dresses RCC business casual below the knee are acceptable. Dress and skirt comfortably in public. Shirts and Blouses Casual shirts, dress RCC business casual shirts, sweaters, tops, no tank tops or halter tops RCC business casual or scrubs ( a ny color or pattern) close-toed shoes when doing lab work or RCC wear with khakis closed toe—closed heel shoes or tennis shoes Shoes Athletic or walking shoes, loafers, sneakers, boots, flats, dress heels, and leather deck-type Pharmacy Tech Massage Therapy scrubs ( a ny color ) golf-type shirts, and RCC wear are acceptable— Paralegal worn with tennis shoes Casual dresses and skirts with a length at or length should be at a length at which you can sit HIT/Coding & Billing or scrubs ( a ny color or pattern) shoes are acceptable, sandals—no flip-flops or stilettos Hats and Head Coverings Hats or any other head coverings such as scarves of any type are not allowed. Veterinary Technician RCC business casual For lab days: scrubs ( a ny color or pattern ) or Vet Tech clothing with scrubs tennis shoes or crocks W/O holes
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