SUNDAY READERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHURCH FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1 FEBRUARY 2015 MASS TIME READERS DATE VIGIL 6.00PM 8.30AM 10.00AM CHOIR 10.00AM CHURCH CLEANING CHURCH FLOWERS OUR LADY’S STATUE NO: 1 STATUE NO: 2 ALTAR SOCIETY 24/25 JAN M Baert D Baert M Burke R Burke B Doyle M Byatt GROUP 3 GROUP 1 M Abdalla G Jancz 31 JAN/1 FEB V Biondich B Biondich A O’Reilly S Magua R Kijurina E Villarin GROUP 2 GROUP 2 A Cartwright M Bianco MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION PIOUS GOODS STALL 24/25 JAN Sr F Horton 31 JAN/1 FEB J Denniss 24/25 JAN A Rojo 31 JAN/1 FEB S Kelly M Burke D Pottier M Mourin B Doyle J Montano J&L Clavijo M Bianco M Smith READINGS 24/25 JAN 12/13 JULY Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Isaiah 55:10-11 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Romans 8:18-23 Mark 1:14-20 31 JAN/1 FEB Deuteronomy 18:15-20 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Mark 1:21-28 WEEKDAY MASS TIMES OLHC ROSEMEADOW ST. BEDE’S APPIN OLHC ROSEMEADOW Sat. Vigil: 6.00pm 1st Sunday of each month 5pm. Tuesday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am Wednesday: 9.00am Sunday: 10.00am Thursday: 9.00am VIETNAMESE MASS OLHC Friday: 8.20am Saturday: 4.00pm 1st Saturday of the Month: 10.30am DEVOTIONS Wednesday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 8am – 8.55am before Mass. Thursday: Rosary following Mass (Rosemeadow). Appin: 12 noon to 6.00pm at St. Bede’s Church, Appin. 12 noon: Angelus & Midday prayer; 1.30pm: Rosary; 3.00pm: Afternoon prayer and Divine Mercy Chaplet; 5pm: Evening prayer 5.40pm: Concluding prayers 1 Friday: Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 11am – 12 noon; 1st Saturday: Mass 10.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 11am - 3pm. st Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Rosemeadow Father Christopher G. Sarkis, Parish Priest Father Hugh Dowdell, Assistant Priest Presbytery 80 Demetrius Road Rosemeadow, NSW, 2560 CONFESSIONS, OLHC CHURCH Saturday: 5.15pm – 5.45pm Every 1st Saturday 11am – 12 noon MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS by appointment ST VINCENT DE PAUL CONFERENCE Tuesdays 12.30pm in the Presbytery. Office Hours Tuesday – Thursday 9.00am – 4.00pm (Closed 12.45 - 1.15pm) Friday 9.00am - 2.30pm Parish Secretary (Tuesday – Thursday) Mrs Meshline Wolczak Administrative Assistant (Friday) Mrs Vicki Lo Cascio Phone: 4628 1385 Fax: 4625 7213 Postal Address PO Box 602 Campbelltown NSW 2560 M Turner C Jacobs SUNDAY MASS TIMES 3rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR B Bulletin 24/25 JANUARY 2015 Email: Website: OLHC School Principal: Mrs Michelle Rolfe Phone: 4626 5655 Fax: 4626 7227 PARISH VISION STATEMENT Our Lady Help of Christians Parish will strive to be a Christ-centred community, led by the Holy Spirit to bear witness to the Gospel message, nourished and strengthened by the Eucharist and the Sacraments. Following the model of Mary our Mother, our parish will be a place of welcome and mutual encouragement to all who seek to love God and their neighbour, and to manifest this love in their daily lives. In this way we will build up the Kingdom of God in our local community. PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL, THE ARCHANGEL (Promulgated by Pope Leo XIII) St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into Hell, Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl through the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. ENTRANCE O sing a new song to the Lord; sing to the Lord, all the earth. In his presence are majesty and splendour, strength and honour in his holy place. RESPONSE Teach me your ways, O Lord. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, Alleluia! The kingdom of God is near: believe the Good News. Alleluia! COMMUNION ANTIPHON Look toward the Lord and be radiant; let your faces not be abashed. PLEASE PRAY FOR: Anniversaries: Therese Wales; Marge & Arthur Chalkley; Frances Attard; Deceased Members of the Morgan, Kennedy & Attard Families; Mary Brechney; Richard O’Brien; Evelyna Zamudio Deceased: Daphney, John & Jennifer O’Brien; Leonard & Grace Hayes; Gregory Family; Holy Souls; OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CATHOLIC PARISH, ROSEMEADOW SACRAMENT OF FIRST RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) 2015 This Sacrament will be celebrated on Thursday 26 March from 4pm. It is available to all children who are in Year 3 or above and have been baptised. If you wish your child to make this Sacrament with the option of receiving their First Holy Communion later in the year and did not come to the enrolment night last year you MUST attend the first lesson for this programme on Saturday 21 February, 2015 commencing at 4.15pm. Children will participate in lessons within the Parish School classrooms, and parents will meet with Father in the Parish Meeting Room. This is the last opportunity for you to enrol for 2015. The programme fee of $25 is also payable at the first lesson. NOTE: If you will be enrolling at the first lesson, then please arrive at 3.45pm to the Parish Meeting Room before the lesson to complete the paperwork. You will need a copy of your child’s birth and baptism certificate to attach to the enrolment form. Thank you. NOW AVAILABLE AT THE PIOUS GOODS STALL COLUMBAN CALENDARS: for 2015. Beautifully illustrated art masterpieces. $9 each EXPOSITION of the Blessed Sacrament before Wednesday Mass 8am – 8.55am. AN AFTERNOON OF PRAYER each Thursday from 12 noon to 6.00pm at St. Bede’s Church, Appin. Formal prayer times: 12 noon: Angelus & Midday prayer; 1.30pm: Rosary; 3.00pm: Afternoon prayer and Divine Mercy 5pm: Evening prayer; 5.40pm: Concluding prayers. HAVE YOU CONSIDERED PRIESTHOOD? Are you wanting to commit your life to Jesus Christ and serve God’s people? Priesthood is a fulfilling and challenging way of life. To know more contact your Parish Priest or Fr Richard Healey on or 0401 621 591, or visit NEW ALTAR SERVERS New Altar Servers Training will commence shortly. Training sessions will be each Friday from 4 to 5pm in the Church, commencing on Friday 20 February. Those who wish to train must have made their First Holy Communion and be regular Mass attendees. A parent or guardian will need to be present at the first session to complete information details. Please ring the parish office with your name and phone number if you wish to undertake Altar Servers training. GIVING FAMILIES A SAY – Preparation Questionnaire 2nd Synod on the Family. The Second Synod on the Family is being held in October 2015 in Rome. Pope Francis, through the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (ACBC), invites you to offer input into the preparation documents for this important gathering. To assist you in this task a simplified questionnaire has been developed which can be found at You are invited to offer input by 8 February 2015. It is preferred that responses are made online. However, written responses may be submitted by completing the printed version and sending it to: Synod Responses PO Box 1239 Wollongong 2500. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Spend a weekend with your spouse in a peaceful setting of this weekend enrichment. 6-8 March at Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville. contact Ardell & Bill Sharpe on 4283 3435 or BILLINGS LIFE: NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Did you know we offer telephone counselling for all those living in rural and remote areas? Our accredited tutors can assist you in planning your family naturally to either achieve or avoid pregnancy. To speak to a tutor please call now. Free Call 1800 335 860 FORWARD NOTICE: EASTER LITURGY MEETING There will be a liturgy meeting to organise the liturgies for Holy Week and Easter on WEDNESDAY 11 FEBRUARY 8 PM IN THE PARISH OFFICE. It is essential that a representative from every choir group is present. Thank you. MATT LAFFAN SCHOLARSHIP The Matt Laffan Scholarship provides financial assistance to a physically disabled student who wishes to reside at St John’s College, within the University of Sydney. It is possible that the Scholarship may become available in 2015. Contact St John’s College for application details. Ph: 02 9394 5000. Email: Applications close 27 January 2014. OLD PALMS Please start bringing in your old palms from last year so they can be burnt for use on Ash Wednesday. Place in box at Front Notice Board. Thank you CCD COORDINATORS MEETING Macarthur – Highlands Co-ordinators: Monday 2 February 10am-11.30am. Micah House, 35a Cordeaux Street, Campbelltown. RSVP by 27 Jan. NEW ROSTERS FOR STATUE OF OUR LADY are located at the FRONT NOTICE BOARD. Any Parishioner, who would like to have one of these statues in their home for a week, can put their name down on the roster. Thank you GROUP 2 CHOIR requires more singers. Remember to sing at Our Lord’s Mass, you are twice blessed! For further information please contact the Parish Office. CHURCH CLEANING The new rosters for Church Cleaning are ready for collection. If you are part of this ministry please collect your copy from the Front Notice Board after Mass. Thank you CHURCH READERS REQUIRED FOR 10am MASS vacancies have become available for 3 readers at the 10am Mass. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office. Thank you. ATTENTION CATECHISTS All scripture catechists are required to attend a meeting on Thursday 5 February 2015 in the parish Meeting Room at 10.00am. Child Protection Forms and green cards need to be filled in. Also, Scripture Books will be available for collection. Thank you PLEASE NOTE Lately a number of foreign currency coins have been placed in the collections. Please do NOT place ANY foreign coins in the collections as we use a counting machine for coins, and this has resulted in number of errors of late at the bank. Thank you for your attention to this matter. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Commencing 17 February at St Peter's Catholic Church (235 Devonshire St, Surry Hills) 6pm Mass followed by candle lit procession to Preterm abortuary and concluding with pancake supper. A daily prayer vigil during LENT at the Preterm abortuary, 1 Randle St, Surry Hills (near Central Station) from 6am - 8pm. Family Life International, 95199111 E: Web: PALMS AUSTRALIA will be conducting a guided tour of the communities in which their global volunteers are working in East Timor from April 6 - 18. There are limited places. Enquires need to be processed by February 28 so call 02 9518 9551 or register interest online: STARTING SOON: CATECHESIS FOR ADULTS Many of us have not received any catechesis in our faith since our confirmation or Communion or marriage classes. Our lives have changed, and we need to grow and mature in our faith as well. All adults (aged 16 years and over) are warmly invited to take the opportunity this Lent to come and listen about how to do this. God knows that He really loves us, but sometimes we don’t or do not know where to find him. This catechesis is being sponsored and presented by the Neo-Catechumenal Way and will be held every Sunday and Thursday evening at 7.30pm – 8.30pm starting Sunday 15 February in the Parish Meeting Room. Babysitters will be provided for those who require it. All welcome! Spread the word! Contact Fr. Sarkis, 46281385, or Gabriele, 0424 051 916, for further information. TERESA: A 500th CELEBRATION February 7, day retreat, Presenter: Fr Greg Burke, OCD Cost: $20 Where: 247 St Andrews Road, Varroville, NSW, 2566 Contact: Ph 02 8795 3400, email:, Registration: 9am – 10.15am Retreat: 10.20am – 4pm Tea and coffee provided. Please bring your own lunch. Pick-ups from Minto train station: 9.30am and 10am STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT There is a certain urgency in today’s gospel as Jesus calls His first disciples - Andrew and Simon, James and John. Each one follows Jesus immediately, unhesitatingly abandoning nets and boats and father and fellow-workers. To what is Jesus calling me- at this moment, in these circumstances I find myself in today? What will I need to abandon in order to follow Him? Never work for just money or power. They won’t save your soul or help you sleep at night. - Marian Edelman
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