SUNDAY READERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHURCH FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 15 MARCH 2015 MASS TIME READERS MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION PIOUS GOODS STALL DATE 7/8 MAR 14/15 MAR 7/8 MAR 14/15 MAR 7/8 MAR 14/15 MAR VIGIL 6.00PM M Baert D Baert G Harmour M Peebles B Doyle V Biondich B Biondich M Burke R Burke R Kijurina E Villarin GROUP 2 GROUP 8 Sr F Horton J Denniss A Rojo S Kelly G Harmour M Burke D Taylor W Katsoolis B Doyle J Montano K Knight A Cartwright 8.30AM 10.00AM CHOIR 10.00AM CHURCH CLEANING GROUP 2 GROUP 7 CHURCH FLOWERS OUR LADY’S STATUE NO: 1 STATUE NO: 2 ALTAR SOCIETY LENT No Flowers G Jancz LENT No Flowers READINGS 7/8 MAR Exodus 20:1-17 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 John 2:13-25 THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT YEAR B Bulletin 8 MARCH 2015 14/15 MAR 2 Chronicles 36:14-16,19-23 Ephesians 2:4-10 John 3:14-21 M Turner C Jacobs Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Rosemeadow Father Christopher G. Sarkis, Parish Priest Father Hugh Dowdell, Assistant Priest Presbytery 80 Demetrius Road Rosemeadow, NSW, 2560 Parish Secretary (Tuesday – Thursday) Mrs Meshline Wolczak Administrative Assistant (Friday) Mrs Vicki Lo Cascio Phone: 4628 1385 Fax: 4625 7213 Postal Address PO Box 602 Campbelltown NSW 2560 SUNDAY MASS TIMES WEEKDAY MASS TIMES OLHC ROSEMEADOW ST. BEDE’S APPIN OLHC ROSEMEADOW Sat. Vigil: 6.00pm 1st Sunday of each month 5pm. Tuesday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am Wednesday: 9.00am Sunday: 10.00am Thursday: 9.00am VIETNAMESE MASS OLHC Friday: 8.20am st Saturday: 4.00pm 1 Saturday of the Month: 10.30am Office Hours Tuesday – Thursday 9.00am – 4.00pm (Closed 12.45 - 1.15pm) Friday 9.00am - 2.30pm Email: Website: OLHC School Principal: Mrs Michelle Rolfe Phone: 4626 5655 Fax: 4626 7227 PARISH VISION STATEMENT Our Lady Help of Christians Parish will strive to be a Christ-centred community, led by the Holy Spirit to bear witness to the Gospel message, nourished and strengthened by the Eucharist and the Sacraments. Following the model of Mary our Mother, our parish will be a place of welcome and mutual encouragement to all who seek to love God and their neighbour, and to manifest this love in their daily lives. In this way we will build up the Kingdom of God in our local community. DEVOTIONS Wednesday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 8am – 8.55am before Mass. Thursday: Rosary following Mass (Rosemeadow). Appin: 12 noon to 6.00pm at St. Bede’s Church, Appin. 12 noon: Angelus & Midday prayer; 1.30pm: Rosary; 3.00pm: Afternoon prayer and Divine Mercy Chaplet; 5pm: Evening prayer 5.40pm: Concluding prayers 1st Friday: Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 11am – 12 noon; 1st Saturday: Mass 10.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 11am - 3pm. CONFESSIONS, OLHC CHURCH Saturday: 5.15pm – 5.45pm Every 1st Saturday 11am – 12 noon MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS by appointment ST VINCENT DE PAUL CONFERENCE Tuesdays 12.30pm in the Presbytery. PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL, THE ARCHANGEL (Promulgated by Pope Leo XIII) St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into Hell, Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl through the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. ENTRANCE My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues my feet from the snare. Turn to me and have mercy on me, for I am alone and poor. RESPONSE Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory! God loved the world so much, he gave us his only Son, that all who believe in him might have eternal life. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory! COMMUNION ANTIPHON The Sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for her young: by your altars, O Lord of hosts, my king and my God. Blessed are they who dwell in your house, for ever singing your praise. PROJECT COMPASSION BOXES and envelopes are available this weekend at all the doors of the church. This is the official annual Lenten collection by the Catholic Church which, through Caritas Australia, uses the funds collected to help peoples in Australia and throughout the world. Please take one home...small amounts dropped into it regularly soon add up... PLEASE PRAY FOR: Recently Deceased: Peter Kupreski; John Barry; Maria Monsalvez; Sophia George; Joseph Huband; Anniversaries: Clara McCrory; Labrinda Altamirano; Giorgio & Marcella Cattunar; EXPOSITION of the Blessed Sacrament before Wednesday Mass 8am – 8.55am. AN AFTERNOON OF PRAYER each Thursday from 12 noon to 6.00pm at St. Bede’s Church, Appin. Formal prayer times: 12 noon: Angelus & Midday prayer; 1.30pm: Rosary; 3.00pm: Afternoon prayer and Divine Mercy 5pm: Evening prayer; 5.40pm: Concluding prayers. PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO PRAYER AT APPIN THURSDAY12th MARCH HAVE YOU CONSIDERED PRIESTHOOD? Are you wanting to commit your life to Jesus Christ and serve God’s people? Priesthood is a fulfilling and challenging way of life. To know more contact your Parish Priest or Fr Richard Healey on or 0401 621 591, or visit RIZAL PARK FIESTA The Phillipine Australian Friendship Association will be hosting the annual Fiesta in Rizal Park on Saturday 14th March from 10am to 5pm. It will begin with the celebration of Mass at 9am in our parish church. All welcome. Flyers at Notice Board. CATECHESIS FOR ADULTS aged 16 years and over, continues each Sunday and Thursday, 7.30 – 8.30pm, in the Parish Meeting Room. Babysitters will be provided. You are warmly invited to take this opportunity to come and listen to a team of catechists from the Neo-Catechumenal Way, as they present the Good News. All welcome! PLEASE NOTE: These talks are ongoing and will be continuing for several weeks covering various topics. So if you miss one, don’t think that you can’t come to the next one; you can come to any or all of them as you wish. ARISE LENTEN RETREAT presented by The Catholic Guy Team, gathers people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the power of God in a real and relevant way through Scripture, music and the arts. The Catholic Guy Team holds life-changing events around Australia presenting a fresh approach to faith and life. Join us this Lent as we prepare for the most powerful Easter ever. Saturday 28th March at St Paul’s Catholic College Hall, 198 Old Prospect Road Greystanes. CHILDREN: pre-register for the special free daytime program for children aged 2 to 10 years. COST $60 singles or $90 couples – includes 5 sessions, dinner and supplies. Registration and Information: or phone 1300 734 880 – see flyer and brochures at notice board. ST VINCENT DE PAUL Conference meets every Tuesday at 12.45pm in the Parish Meeting Room (enter via office). Conference members also attend the Benevolent Society at 2 Mowbray Road, Rosemeadow, on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9.30am and 12.15pm, for people needing food and/or clothing assistance. If assistance is needed, anyone can go there. Also, if anyone would like to join the parish conference, please contact the Parish Office. Thank you. LENTEN DEVOTIONS Each Tuesday during Lent: Mass at 6.30 pm, Rosary at 7pm, and the Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm. LENTEN GROUP The Lenten discussion group will meet each Wednesday during Lent from 1.30pm in the Parish Meeting Room. PASCHAL PRECEPT Each of the faithful is obliged to receive Holy communion at least once a year. This is to be done between Ash Wednesday (18 February) and Trinity Sunday (31 May), unless for a good reason it is done at another time during the year. All the faithful must confess their grave sins at least once a year. LENTEN PENANCE Lent is a penitential season of prayer, self-denial and helping others. Other celebrations in Lent (e.g. marriage) must take account of the spirit of penance: musical instruments are only used to sustain singing and floral decorations simple. ASH WEDNESDAY and GOOD FRIDAY are days of fast and abstinence. The law of fasting binds those who have completed their eighteenth year, until the beginning of their sixtieth year; the law of abstinence binds those who have completed their fourteenth year (CCL 97, 1251-52). On all other Fridays of the year the law of the common practice of penance applies, and is fulfilled by performing some extra act such as: Prayer e.g. extra Mass or visit to Church, praying the Stations of the Cross or Rosary. Self-Denial e.g. not eating meat, sweets; giving up entertainment, drink etc Helping others e.g. a kind act for someone who needs it, extra thoughtfulness or understanding, etc. Catholics are obliged to receive Holy Communion at least once a year between ASH WEDNESDAY(18th February) and TRINITY SUNDAY (31st May). All of the faithful are obliged to confess their grave sins at least once a year. BILLINGS LIFE: NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Did you know we offer telephone counselling for all those living in rural and remote areas? Our accredited tutors can assist you in planning your family naturally to either achieve or avoid pregnancy. To speak to a tutor please call now. Free Call 1800 335 860 PRO-LIFE VIGIL 40 days for Life which started February 18th, continues to March 29th. This could be your offering for LENT. The Vigil continues 6am - 8pm everyday at Preterm abortuary, 1 Randle St, Surry Hills (just near Central Station). Contact Family Life International 9519 9111 to register your name and the hours you intend to cover at Vigil. LIGHT TO THE NATIONS YOUTH PILGRIMAGE Come and join 1,000 young people (16-35 and the young at heart, families welcome) experiencing Easter together in 2015. Witness the liturgy come alive and take part in prayer, pilgrimage, drama, contemporary music and personal sharing that will revive your faith. You'll never forget it! 2nd-5th April 2015 in Appin, NSW. More info at ST TERESA'S FIFTH CENTENARY CONCERT Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Church Varroville Saturday 28th March 2015 at 2pm. The celebrations begin with a Mass at 10.00 with Bishop Peter Ingham, followed by a sausage sizzle lunch at 12pm. At 2pm, the concert begins and at 7pm there will be dinner dance. Entry is by donation to raise funds for students pilgrimage to Ávila and Project Compassion. For more information see www. and or contact Parish Office on 9693 73737 or Flyer on Notice Board. POSITION VACANT The Office of the Bishop is seeking to fill the position of General Assistant – Hospitality. The position is full time, based in Wollongong and is planned to commence in April 2015 or by negotiation. The Position Description is available at Send your letter and resume to by Friday 20 March 2015, or post to PO Box 1239, Wollongong NSW 2500. Enquiries: Mary on 4222 2468. HOLY WEEK MINISTERS Thank you to all ministers who have put their names down for Holy Week ceremonies. We still need the following: POSITION VACANT – cook (weekends only). Ability to cook for large numbers a necessity (i.e. 25 – 60 people) Please contact: Sr Agnes 4236 0628, The Abbey 695 Mountain Road Jamberoo. One male reader for the Gospel at the Vigil Mass for Palm Sunday - Saturday 28 March One reader for the First Reading on Good Friday afternoon - Friday 3 April at 3pm Nine men for the Washing of the Feet ceremony on Holy Thursday - 2 April at 7.30pm The Roster is at the Front Notice Board. Thank you. NEW ROSTER FOR STATUE OF OUR LADY are located at the FRONT NOTICE BOARD. Any Parishioner, who would like to have one of these statues in their home for a week, can put their name down on the roster. Thank you LATIN MASS following the success and enthusiastic reception of the Mass in Latin last month, we will be having another on Sunday 15th March at the 10am Mass. I will print off small leaflets so that you can follow along this time. All welcome. GROUP 2 CHOIR requires more Male singers. If you are an eager singer, no experience necessary, any vocal range, and would be interested in joining the Sunday Choir group please contact the Parish Office ... Remember to sing at Our Lord’s Mass, you are twice blessed! CHURCH READERS REQUIRED FOR 10am MASS vacancies have become available for 2 readers at the 10am Mass. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office. Thank you. FRENCH MASS will be celebrated on 8th March at 6pm at St John’s Church , Campbelltown GETTING TO KNOW YOU GROUP will be meeting Thursday 12th March at 1pm in the parish meeting room. All welcome “You shall not covet” is perhaps a difficult commandment to keep in our consumer-oriented society. But as Christian stewards, we know that we are the recipients and caretakers of God’s manY Gifts to us. May this understanding that all is gift help us to be less resentful of the gifts of others. CRAFT GROUP The Parish Craft Group have collected a number of knitted squares. We invite anyone who can sew to help us join our squares to make Wrap With Love blankets. The squares could be collected on Thursday from the Parish Office and sewn at home. Anyone who would like to help could phone the Parish Office. Thank you “Nothing but self-will can separate us from God.” Saint Alphonsus Ligouri
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