ITU Panel as a side event of LLDC on “Addressing Connectivity Challenges in LLDCs” (Vienna, Austria, 3 November 2014) ITU-D MDRU Project: an Introduction Toshikazu SAKANO, NTT Network Innovation Laboratories in Yokosuka, Japan. 1 Contents Background and overview What is MDRU? ITU-D MDRU Project: scope and current status Summary 2 Background and overview of MDRU R&D Project An R&D project aiming at reducing the ICT service demand/supply gap was launched in March 2012 with a support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan. Member organizations are NTT Network Innovation Labs., NTT Communications, Tohoku University and Fujitsu. The goal of the project is to establish the network and services for disaster affected area fast and flexible. To reach this goal, we proposed a resilient network architecture based on a movable and deployable ICT resource unit ( we call MDRU). Once a disaster occurs, an MDRU is carried to a disaster affected area and promptly delivers ICT services to the people around the unit locally. MDRU Wide area network Telecom building HUB Datacenters Optical fibers Wired LAN Wireless Access 3 Let me show you a video on what MDRU is all about. 4 Extension of areas and capacity by networking MDRUs Large-size MDRU Attaché case type MDRU Miniaturization of MDRU IP-PBX Medium-size MDRU Batter y Wi-Fi AP Small unit with limited function “ICT Car” Small-size MDRU Small Large ICT Resource Capacity/ Robustness Roadmap of MDRU proto-typing Modularized MDRU Small Mobility/ Expandability/ Flexibility Large 5 Disaster occurs somewhere in the world all the time In November, 2013, Super typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) crossed the middle of Philippines and caused devastating damage. Securing the connectivity in the disaster area is always the first priority over every restoring activities 6 ITU-D launched an MDRU Project ITU-D quickly responded to this situation and proposed an MDRU project. The objective of the project is to install an MDRU in northern Cebu in Philippine and conduct a feasibility study to confirm the effectiveness of MDRU and also to contribute to the restoration of the typhoon affected area. ITU-D, MIC (Japanese Government) and DOST(Philippine Government) signed the agreement for this project in the middle of May this year. 7 Stakeholders for the project The project is led by ITU-D (Project leader; Mrs. Gisa Fuatai Purcell) Philippine-side: DOST/ICTO conduct the project with the collaboration of CVISNET. Japan-side: MIC plays the acting role with the collaboration of NTT group ITU-D (Project Leader: Mrs. Gisa Fuatai Purcell) DOST/ICTO MIC DOSTVII CVISNET San Remigio City Philippine side NTT Group Japan side 8 Planned feasibility study In the study, MDRU deployment in the disaster affected area is simulated as a disaster drill. This simulation plans to be conducted several times during the project period. By conducting the items above with the operation of volunteer-based municipal employees and residents, the study confirms the feasibility and effectiveness of the MDRU solution. Municipal Hall Shelter Refugee information IP-based telephone Wi-Fi network area Refugee information 9 Summary MDRU is now not just an R&D outcome, but is about to be a real countermeasure for natural disasters and other threats. ITU-D MDRU project has already started as the training of MDRU operation to the people in Cebu. Grand launching of the project with the installation of core part of MDRU is planned in December this year and the feasibility study will last until September next year. 10 Thank you for your kind attention. Acknowledgement: A part of MDRU R&D in Japan is from “the R&D on the reconfigurable communication resource unit for disaster recovery,” and “the R&D on “Movable ICT Units” for emergency transportation into disaster-affected areas and multiunit connection,” both supported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan. For more information, please access to Dr. Toshikazu Sakano at, 11
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