PMD EXPRESS February 2015 - Archdiocese of Santa Fe Youth

Archdiocese of Santa Fe Pastoral Ministries Division
Vol. 19, No. 2
February 2015
Under the Leadership of Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan
The Pastoral Ministries Division is “Called by God, Sent to Serve”
Abuse Awareness Workshops
Office of Pastoral Planning & Evangelization
Michelle Montez
Denise Frias
Executive Director
Executive Assistant
Living the Eucharist Cycle B
Because of our Archdiocesan-wide participation in Living the Eucharist during Lent
2014, Paulist Evangelization Ministries is
offering a sizable credit to the Archdiocese for those parishes that would like to
offer Living the Eucharist cycle B during
Lent 2015. If your parish is planning to embrace this wonderful Evangelization program as part of the parish Lenten journey, and would like help
with the cost of materials, please contact our office (see box)
To register and for more information contact: Annette, Victims Assistance Coordinator at 505.831.8144.
Neighbors Reaching Neighbors
Take some time to reach out to Inactive Catholics living around your parish! Let Neighbors Reaching Neighbors give you all the tools you need to
invite those in your community to connect with your parish!
Not sure where to get started with door-to-door evangelization? A great
way to begin is planning a social event, like a Mardi Gras Celebration, or
Parish Lenten Fish Fry. Social events are a low-pressure way to invite people to be a part of your parish community. Use Neighbors Reaching
Neighbors to get the word out! Get started with the Neighbors Reaching
Neighbors Tool Kit. Click here
Archdiocesan Pastoral Council
Will meet on Friday, February 27 at 6pm in the Catholic Center. Councilors please bring your calendars for 2015. Contact our office if you’re not
able to attend.
Evangelization Commission
Thursday, February 19 from 6pm-9pm at Catholic Center (4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW Albuquerque, NM 87120)
Saturday, March 14 from 9am-Noon at Catholic Center
(4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW Albuquerque, NM 87120)
Native American Ministry
Deacon Sidney Martin
Shirley Zuni
Native American Advisory Board Meeting
Thursday, February 19 at 10am in the Catholic Center.
Please bring your calendar for scheduling future meetings.
If you cannot attend, please contact Shirley (see box).
Guidelines for Visiting a Pueblo Village
Will meet on Tuesday, March 10 at 7pm in the Catholic Center. Commissioners please bring your 2015 calendars. Please contact our office if you
cannot attend.
Inside This Issue
Archdiocese of Santa Fe 2014 Abuse Awareness Training for
Adults: Creating a Safe Environment for Our Children. Revised 09/20/2010. (formerly known as the Sexual Abuse Misconduct Prevention Workshop)
ABUSE AWARENESS TRAINING FOR ADULTS. In order to create a safe environment in the workplace, neighborhood,
home and church and to acquaint Archdiocesan personnel
with policies and reporting procedures, the Archdiocese
provides Abuse Awareness Training for Adults on an ongoing basis. Attendance at the training is mandatory for all
adults, over the age of 18 who volunteer in any ministry, in
any parish within the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.
Pre-registration is necessary. These workshops are sponsored by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Note: Do not bring
children. No one under age 18 is allowed in the workshop. If
you are late you will not be allowed to enter the training.
The Guidelines for Visiting a Pueblo Village have been
promulgated by Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan and are
ready for distribution. Call the office (see box) to request
Social Justice &
Respect Life
Family Life
Formation for
Christian Service
Office of Religious
Hispanic Ministry
Office of Worship
Priests’ Birthdays
Youth and
Young Adult
Ministry Resource
Pastoral Outreach
The Archdiocesan Website:
February 2015 PMD Express — 2
Office of Social Justice &
Respect Life
Anne Avellone
Janet Olmsted
Paid CCHD Internship Available!
Catholic Campaign for Human Development’s (CCHD) Archdiocesan office in Albuquerque is
looking for Catholics who have a passion for service and justice, to apply for a paid position,
approx.18-20 hours/week, $12/hr for Fall 2015 and Spring 2016. The internship is a great
Sandra Arpero
Nancy Sanchez
opportunity to learn more about social justice education, poverty relief, communiCCHD Intern
CRS Intern
ty development, economic development and Catholic social teaching. Job skills needed in505-831-8235
clude bi-lingual, English/Spanish, good organizational skills, leadership experience,
ty service experience and effective writing and communication skills and computer skills.
CCHD has a particular interest in helping low-income Catholics to participate in a practical
learning experience that ordinarily would be out of their reach due to financial limitations.
Bring Lent to Life in the with
Applications can be requested by e-mail . Contact Anne Avellone in
CRS Rice Bowl!
the Office of Social Justice and Respect Life for more information. Applications must be reCRS Rice Bowl helps ceived by March 2. Don’t pass up this wonderful opportunity!
millions enrich their
Lenten journey as
Be A Faithful Citizen:
we draw closer to
God in preparation
Stay Up To Date on the New Mexico
for Easter. During
Legislative Session
Lent we will pray,
Allen Sanchez, Director of the New Mexico
fast, learn and give
Conference of Catholic Bishops, presents the
as a way to reach
concerns of the three Catholic Dioceses of
out in solidarity with our brothers and sisters
New Mexico at our New Mexico legislature in
around the world through the newly reSanta Fe. The purpose of the Conference is to
Celebrate Love!
designed Rice Bowl. In this year of faith, we
promote the greater good of humankind by
invite all Catholics to fully live out the spirit of Love is gift that can only be celebrated by
sharing it with other people. In fact, it’s even addressing issues of moral concern and social
Lent season through CRS Rice Bowl.
justice as seen through
more gratifying when it’s given than when
Each Lent, nearly 13,000 faith communities
it’s received. God tells us there is no greater the eyes of the Catholic
across the United States participate to
commandment than to love our neighbor as faith. The Conference
demonstrate solidarity with the poor around
we love ourselves. This is especially true for informs and educates its
the world. Seventy-five percent of Rice Bowl
those neighbors who are in most need of
members and the public
donations come to CRS to help fund developlove and care, especially the poor and vulabout those issues and
ment programs designed to increase food
nerable. I invite you to reflect on what ways encourages all to advosecurity around the world. Twenty-five peryou can celebrate love by sharing it with
cate for those issues and
cent of the donations sup-port hunger and
people in need around you. For ideas on
the betterment of hupoverty alleviation efforts in our Archdiocese
how you can do this, visit
manity. This year is the
like St. Felix Pantry, St. John’s soup kitchen, and
60-day session, which began on January 20
St. Vincent de Paul and Brothers of the Good
You can also schedule a presentation for
and ends on March 21. Life, being the greatShepherd soup kitchen.
junior high and high school youth, confirmaest gift from God, is top priority, as is concern
tion groups, young adults or adults, in EngAsh Wednesday is February 18.If you have
for the poor. Listen to Catholic radio daily or
not already done so, you can order your free lish or Spanish, by contacting Sandra Arpero
go to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe website for
(see box).
2015 materials including faith formation remore legislative updates from Allen. Sign up
sources by calling the office (see box). For
to receive the latest information from the
additional on-line resources like videos, pray“I
NM Conference of Catholic Bishops and the
ers and recipes to use at home, visit http://
2015 legislative session by calling the Office . Each year, Rice Bowl
means caring for the dignity of the (see box).
invites us to pray with our families and faith
communities; fast in solidarity with those
person, but above all I would say
See page 5 for another announcement
who hunger; learn more about our global
do not lose hope.” (Pope Francis)
community and the challenges of poverty
overseas; and give sacrificial contributions to
those in need.
Looking for a new way to bring Lent to life? There’s an app for that! Free for iPhone
and Android. Get daily reflections, meatless recipes, and track your Lenten sacrifices.
Scan this QR code, or visit
February 2015 PMD Express — 3
Office of Family Life
Vision—Every family, a holy family;
every home, a holy place.
Beth Lukes
Yvette Duran
Enrichment and Support for
Married Couples
Retrouvaille: a lifeline for troubled marriages
a weekend experience for healing and seven
follow-up sessions over a 3 month period, led
by former Retrouvaille participants. Friday
evening, Saturday and Sunday, February 1315 at Madonna Retreat and Conference Center in Albuquerque. For more information call
1-800-470-2230 or 505-890-3495. Visit the
Marriage Encounter Weekend: Marriage
Encounter invites couples to renew their
commitment to one another and learn to
communicate in a deeper, more productive
way during the weekend of February 7 & 8,
2015 at the Madonna Retreat Center in Albuquerque near St. Pius X High School. Marriage
Encounter also satisfies Archdiocesan requirements for civilly married couples who
wish to enter the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. The cost for the weekend is $75 per
couple and is due upon registration. This nonrefundable fee includes meals, overnight
stay, and reflection materials. Contact Duane
Andersen at or call 505877-0062.
A six-week Communications Skills Course
for Spanish-speaking couples. Topics to
include Communications, Problem Solving, Finances, Intimacy, Family and
Friends, Parenthood
Archdiocesan Pre-Cana Classes
ASF Evenings for the Engaged at St. Jude:
Preparation for Marriage for engaged couples. March 3, 5, 10, 12 and 14 at St. Jude
Parish. For information call 505-898-0826.
Empoderando Familias, ninety-minute
talks on ways to improve your pattern of
relating with family members for grandparents, parents, spouses, aunts, uncles,
and single Moms and Dads
1st and 3rd Monday of every month at Risen
Savior in ABQ at 7pm. Call 505-821-1715.
2nd and 4th Monday at St. Joseph on the Rio
Grande in ABQ at 6:30pm. Call 505-839-7952.
ASF Weekend for Engaged in Belen: Mar1st & 3rd Thursday at St. Mary’s Parish Hall in
riage preparation for engaged couples. February 6-8 at Our Lady of Belen. To register call Vaughn at 6pm. Call 575-584-2954.
Deacon Michael Montoya at 505-864-8289.
Mariposas: a Catholic prayer support group
Engaged Encounter: Marriage preparation
for families who have a loved one suffering
for engaged couples (lodging and meals infrom an addiction. The group meets Tuesday
cluded). February 20-22 in Albuquerque. To
evenings from 7pm to 8:30pm at the Catholic
register by phone call 505-352-1177 or online Center. Call the office to register (see box).
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Couple to Couple League: The SymptoThermal Method of Natural Family Planning
will be taught by the Couple to Couple
League in a series of three sessions. This
method uses natural indicators of hormone
changes in a cross-checking way. To register
for a course go to Click on
“Learn/Register” and choose the course option that fits your schedule. Certificates are
generated upon completion.
The Creighton Model Fertility Care
System™: St. Joseph FertilityCare Center in
Albuquerque, NM, invites you to learn about
the Creighton Model FertilityCare System for
family planning. Services are also available in
Marriage Enrichment: Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sandia Park, Santa Fe, Los Alamos and EspaParish in Española will be having a M.E. Expeñola. Introductory Sessions offered the 2nd
rience program presentation on February 13
and 4th Thursday of every month 7-9pm, at
and 14. The parish address is 908 Calla RoLourdes Hall (rooms 130 & 132) in Albuquersario Española, NM 87532. To register call
que and by appointment. Lourdes Hall is lothe parish office at 505-753-4225.
cated behind St. Pius High School. For information call St. Joseph Fertility Care Center at
Healthy Relationships 101 : A series of six
classes on how to express ideas clearly; become a better listener; resolve conflicts in a
For information on NFP sessions offered in
healthy way; and discover joy & happiness in the Northwest Deanery, Los Alamos, Santa
your relationship. These classes are for DaFe and IHM areas: contact Leslie Esquibel at
ting, Engaged and Married Couples. The next 505-690-3710, or visit
set of classes will be February 3, 10, 17, 24,
March 3 and 10, 2015. Call the office to regFamilies of Americas Natural Family
ister (see box). The cost is $40 a couple.
Planning Method: Instruction is available in
Coming Soon—Classes in Spanish for Improv- Tucumcari and throughout the SE Deanery.
ing Family Relations, given by Dr. Gabriel
Call the Family Life Office (see box) to
schedule a class.
Family Grief Ministries
Healing Hearts Parish Support Groups (also
known as DOVES): Peer support for widowed,
separated and divorced persons, led by
trained facilitators.
Children’s Grief Ministry: for children grieving the loss of a loved one due to death or
the estrangement resulting from parent’s
separation or divorce. Sessions are offered
for groups of 4 or more upon request. To
register for the next session, call the Family
Life Office (see box).
Be an answer to prayer. Become a
Family Life Ministry Volunteer.
NFP Instructor English and Spanish
Parish Leaders for Young Adult (30 – 40)
Singles Group
Coordinators for parish ministry to families with a member suffering a mental or
physical handicap
Team Members for both Marriage Encounter and Engaged Encounter
All of these events are posted online
on the Family Life Office
Event Calendar at
February 2015 PMD Express — 4
Office of Formation for Christian Service
Deacon Keith Davis
Della Montaño
Rosalie Romero
Part-time Secretary
Part-time Secretary
Basic Theology Courses
Introduction to Jesus. Thursdays, February 12-March 19 from
Ecumenical Institute for Ministry
The EIM provides formation classes for lay ministers of various
Christian denominations. Courses can be applied toward FFCS
Advanced Theology certificates.
Intensive Level Programs
Intensive level programs are designed for those seriously interested in ministry. They are three year college-level formation programs.
6:30-8:30pm at Lourdes Hall in ABQ. Instructor: Connie Smith.
$10 course fee. Register online at: https:// or call Rosalie (see box).
Caminos de Fe. For information or to enroll, call or email
Introducción a La Iglesia. Saturdays, February 28 & March 14
Jornada de Fe. For information or to enroll call or email Joel
from 9am to 1pm at Ascension Parish in ABQ. Instructor: Connie Smith. $10 course fee. Register online at: https:// or call Rosalie (see box).
Introduction to Scripture. Saturdays, March 14 & April 11
from 9am to 3pm at St. Anne’s Parish in ABQ. Instructor: Jason
Rodarte, Ed.D. $10 course fee. Register online at: https:// or call Rosalie (see box).
Introduction to Church History. Thursdays, April 16-May 14
from 6:30-8:30pm at Lourdes Hall in ABQ. Instructor: Dcn.
Keith Davis, Ed.D. $10 course fee. Register online at: https:// or call Rosalie (see box).
Advanced Level Courses
Advanced level theology courses may be taken by anyone,
however, it is most helpful if the basic level courses or their
equivalent have been taken first. These classes usually
have required reading and homework assignments.
Angels and Demons. Tuesdays, February 10--24 from 6:308:30pm at Lourdes Hall in ABQ. Instructor: Maria Cruz-Cordoba,
MA. 6 credit hours (Creed). $10 course fee. Register online at: or call Rosalie (see
A Lenten Journey through the Old Testament. Thursdays, February 19– March 12 from 5:30—7:30 pm. Queen of Heaven,
ABQ. Instructor: Jason Rodarte, Ed.D. $10 course fee, Register
online at: or call
Rosalie (see box).
Liturgical Theology: Beyond the Basics. Saturdays, March
14 & 21 from 9am to noon at St. John’s Parish in Santa Fe. Instructor: TBA. 6 credit hours (Liturgy & Sacraments). $10
course fee. Register online at:
cst=3cbb4e or call Rosalie (see box).
The Development of Doctrine in the Early Church. Tuesdays, April 14-May 12 from 6:30-8:30pm at Lourdes Hall in ABQ.
Instructor: Dcn. Keith Davis, Ed.D. 10 credit hours (Ecclesiology).
$10 course fee. Register online at: https:// or call Rosalie (see box).
Joanne Dupont Sandoval at 505-689-2404 or 505-351-9961,
Hopko at 505-466-8412,
Emmaus Journey. For information or to enroll, call or email Dcn.
Frank & Rita Lucero at 505-831-8126, This a
3 year program.
Escuelas de Ministerios (Español). Courses are held in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Clovis. Contact Rocío González at 505-831-8152,
Class dates, times and instructors are subject to
change. For the most current schedules visit the
FFCS website:
Institute of Formation for Christian Service
(Summer Institute)
The Summer Institute is a week-long intensive formation
program for Teachers, Catechists, Youth Ministers and
Pastoral Ministers. Classes are offered in theology and
skills (both basic and advanced levels) Participants can
take from one to as many as 10 classes.
June 1-5, 2015
Lourdes Hall, Catholic Center
Registration materials will be available after Easter.
February 2015 PMD Express — 5
Office of Hispanic Ministry
Rocío González
Elvia Becerra
Claudia Ceballos
Part-time Secretary
Upcoming Classes
These sessions are presented in Spanish:
Formación para el Liderazgo Hispano
February 7 at St. Anne in Santa Fe.
Session 6: Comunicación y Mediación Transformativa
Presenter: Myrna Fraker
Escuela de Ministerios Año II
February 21 at the Catholic Center in Albuquerque.
Session 6: Liturgia y Sacramentos
Presenter: Rev. Francisco Alanís
Escuela de Ministerios Año I
February 28 at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Clovis.
Session 6: Introducción a las Escrituras: Antiguo Testamento I
Presenter: Jesús Ollervides
Immigration Reform and Administrative Relief
On November 20, 2014,
President Obama announced executive actions
to address problems in our
immigration system, including an expansion of
the Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
program and the creation
of the Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) program.
In order to assist our immigrant brothers and sisters within the Catholic community to obtain reliable information about these programs,
the Office of Hispanic Ministry is collaborating with Catholic Charities
of Central New Mexico to offer information sessions in Spanish on
these Administrative Relief programs. Sessions will be offered by
Catholic Charities and are open to anyone interested in knowing
who is eligible to apply for these programs, how and when to apply,
what is needed to apply, fees, etc.
Information sessions presented by Catholic Charities will take place
on the following dates and locations:
 Tuesday, February 3, 9:00 –11:00am at Catholic Charities,
Bridge Office (2010 Bridge Blvd S.W. Albuquerque, NM 87105)
 Monday, February 9, 7:00 – 9:00pm at Holy Family Church (562
Atrisco Dr SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105)
 Saturday, February 21, 1:00 – 3:00PM at The Catholic Center
(4000 St. Joseph’s Pl NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120)
 Friday, February 27, 7:00 – 9:00pm at San Clemente Parish in
Los Lunas (244 Luna Rd NE, Los Lunas, NM 87031)
 Saturday, March 7, 1:00 - 3:00PM at Our Lady of Guadalupe
Church in Clovis, NM (921 North Davis St. Clovis, NM 88101)
For more information please contact the Office of Hispanic Ministry
(see box) or call Catholic Charities Center for Immigration and Citizenship Legal Assistance at 505-724-4651.
From the Social Justice and Respect Life Office
“Conversations with Dorothy Day” will be presented in a theatrical
performance in Albuquerque, Saturday, February 7, 2015. Dorothy
Day, the co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement, spent 47
years caring for the poor and leading the Catholic Church to a more
active concern for the needs in U.S. society. The live performance of
the one-woman show will be enacted by actress Sharon HalsayHoover who will depict Dorothy in scenes visiting with her friends
and reading from her journals and other writings as she talks about
her life.” As a young woman in the 20s and 30s, Dorothy became
aware of the exploitation of immigrants and the poor. She became a
suffragette, a journalist and an activist for human rights. The event is
scheduled from 7:00-8:30 pm at the First Congregational UCC, 2801
Lomas Blvd NE, with a reception to follow (corner of Lomas and
Girard). Trinity House Catholic Worker, a referral-based shelter for
homeless women with children, will benefit an effort to raise funds
for the shelter’s new roof. Admission is a suggested $10 donation. All
are welcome. For more information, visit or call Trinity House at 842-5697,
Bro. Denis Murphy or Mary Quinalty.
Office of Worship
Angela Flores
Fabian Yañez
Chas Glicco
Office Manager
St. Basil Chant School: February 9-13 at Immaculate Heart of Mary
Retreat Center in Santa Fe. The website:
Hispanic Music Conference (SWLC): June 25-27 in the Diocese of Las
Cruces. The website is:
February Priests’ Birthdays
Very Rev. Hyginus Chuks Anuta 2/13
Rev. Larry Bernard, OFM 2/02
Rev. Frederick Brand 2/29
Rev. Terrence Brennan 2/22
Very Rev. John Cannon 2/15
Very Rev. Dennis Garcia 2/12
Rev. Lucian Hendren 2/08
Rev. Jose Hernandez 2/09
Rev. Bruce Hausfeld, OFM 2/05
Rev. Tien Tri Nguyen 2/08
Rev. Thomas Noesen, OP 2/24
Rev. Leo Padget 2/29
Happy Birthday!
Rev. Andrew Pavlak 2/21
Please remember
Rev. William Sanchez 2/12
to pray for our priests!
Rev. Mark Schultz 2/24
Rev. Donald Starkey 2/07
Rev. Thomas Zotter 2/15
February 2015 PMD Express — 6
Upcoming Skills Class
Office of Religious Education
Maria Cruz Cordoba
Kathy M. Garcia
Tuesday, February 10 from 6pm-7:45pm at Shrine of St. Bernadette
Room C3-C5. 13-C Using Crafts to Teach about Lent: participants will
learn creative ideas to help students understand the season of Lent as a
time of sacrifice, prayer, growth and reflection through hands-on activities. To register call Maria Garcia (see box).
Maria Garcia
Leslie Farias
Shirley Zuni
Part-time Secretary
Catequesis en Español
Native American
Religious Education
Wednesday, March 11 from 4pm to 5:45pm at Shrine of St. Bernadette
Room C3-C5. 12-C Creativity and the Catechetical Environment:
This workshop provides practical techniques for preparing the catechetical meeting space, and provides creative ideas and materials to enliven
the catechetical session. To register call Maria Garcia (see box).
Sunday, April 12 from 10:30am to 12:15pm at Shrine of St. Bernadette
Room C3-C5. 1-G Using Scripture in Ministry: This workshop acquaints
Upcoming Catechetical Leader Meetings
participants with ways of using Scripture for faith-sharing in a variety
Please notify Kathy Garcia (see box) if you are able or unable to of settings that can be applied to their specific area of ministry. To
attend your deanery meeting.
register call Maria Garcia (see box).
NW Deanery: Thursday, February 12 from 10-Noon at San Juan
Monday, May 4 from 4pm to 5:45pm at Shrine of St. Bernadette Room
Bautista in Ohkay Owingeh.
C3-C5. 2-G Leading Prayer Ministry: This workshop teaches a variety of
SW Deanery: Saturday, February 14 from 12-2pm at Our Lady of
skills and methods for leading groups in prayer in various pastoral
Guadalupe in Peralta.
settings and situations. To register call Maria Garcia (see box).
For more information contact Della in the Office of
Youth and Young Adult Ministry (see box). Events are
subject to change. Note: Chaperone a Must. One
chaperone for every six youth and should be 21 years
of age or older and must have attended the
Archdiocesan Abuse Awareness Workshop.
The Youth and Young Adult Ministry Website:
Facebook Page:
Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Meagan Chavez
Bernadette Jaramillo
Della Montaño
Part-time Support Staff
Taylor Kingston
Deacon Sidney Martin
Deacon Anthony Trujillo
Middle School & Young Adults
Native American Young
Adult Coordinator
Hispanic Youth and Young
Adult Coordinator
also includes chaperone. The registration deadline is Tuesday, FebruArchdiocesan SW High School Lenten Retreat
Sunday, February 15 at Las Nutrias Mission-La Joya from 11am – 3pm ary 17 or until the retreat capacity is reached.
(includes Mass). The fee is $5 per person. For ages 14-18 (in HS). The
Archdiocesan ABC High School Lenten Retreat
registration deadline is Wednesday, February 11.
Friday, March 6 at Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary from 6pm –
10:30pm. The fee is $5 per person. For ages 14-18 (in HS). The regisArchdiocesan SF Deanery High School Retreat
tration deadline is Tuesday, March 3 or until the retreat capacity is
Friday, February 13 at Santa Maria de La Paz from 5pm -10pm. The
fee is $5 per person. For ages 14-18(in HS). The registration deadline reached.
is Tuesday, February 10.
Archdiocesan Confirmation Retreat
Saturday, February 7 from 9am – 1pm at St. Jude Thaddeus. The fee
is $10 (includes lunch). The registration deadline is Tuesday, January
Saturday, March 28 from 9:30am - 3pm at the Catholic Center 4000
St. Joseph Pl. NW Alb. NM 87120. The fee is $10 per person also includes chaperone. The registration deadline is Tuesday, March 17 or
until the retreat capacity is reached.
Archdiocesan SW Middle School Lenten Retreat
Archdiocesan Junior High 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Archdiocesan Youth Ministers Retreat
Saturday, February 21 at San Juan Diego Mission-Meadowlake from 1pm Saturday, March 14 at place TBA from 9am – 5pm. The fee is $10 per
team and must be paid in advance. The registration team deadline is
– 6:30pm (includes Mass) . The fee is $5 per person. For grades 6th –
Monday, March 2. No registrations at door. Coach is required to have
8th. The registration deadline is Tuesday, February 17.
attended the Archdiocesan Abuse Awareness Workshop and be 21 or
Taize Prayer Service
(open to all ages and all Christian Denominations)
Archdiocesan Confirmation Retreat
Friday, February 27 from 7:30 pm – 9pm at the Norbertine Abbey
5825 Coors Blvd. SW Alb. NM 87121. No fee, do not need to register. Saturday, April 11 from 9:30am - 3pm at the Catholic Center 4000 St.
Joseph Pl. NW Alb. NM 87120. The fee is $10 per person also inArchdiocesan Confirmation Retreat
cludes chaperone. The registration deadline is Tuesday, March 31 or
Saturday, February 28 from 9:30am - 3pm at the Catholic Center
until the retreat capacity is reached.
4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW Alb. NM 87120. The fee is $10 per person
February 2015 PMD Express — 7
Ministry Resource Center
Deacon Keith Davis
Rosalie Romero
Ministry Resource Center Hours:
Mondays - Fridays
8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed 12-1 for lunch)
Saturdays: 10am to 1pm (closed holiday weekends)
Catholic Fiction
Some of the Catholic Authors
available at the MRC:
Not currently a library patron?
You can register online. Just visit our
website at:
The eBook catalog can be reached directly
on this site:
“Like” the
ASF– Ministry
Resource Center on
J.R.R. Tolkein
G.K Chesterton
St. Thomas More
Louis de Wohl
Georges Bernanos
Deacon Ron Hanson
Dante Alighieri
Willa Cather
James Joyce
Flannery O’Connor
And many others.
The Ministry Resource Center has a
strong collection of adult and juvenile
fiction—many works by Catholic
Authors. They are available at the
MRC in Albuquerque, at Holy Apostles Library in Raton and as eBooks.
All for free. Great reading on a cold
Used Book Sale
The Ministry
Resource Center
will hold a sale
of surplus books,
many from the
donated collection from the
former College
of Santa Fe. Over 3,000 titles will
be available. Most are theological
works and include Bibles, biographies, ethics, systematic theology, Scripture, Christology, Ecclesiology and other topics.
Saturday, May 23
9am to 3pm
Catholic Center
4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW, ABQ
Proceeds from the sale will be
used to purchase additional
resources for the library,
especially eBooks.
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe in partnership with VLCFF credits these
courses towards ministry certification!
TO SIGN UP: Click on “Become a New Student”, go to “Create a Profile”, be sure
to select “Archdiocese of Santa Fe” under “Diocese/Partner”, and
receive our discount automatically!
St. Norbert College
(New Mexico Campus)
Graduate Pastoral Theology
Master of Theology Degree available in ABQ
Cycle 2: March 8 - 28, 2015
(Registration: Closes March 4, 2015)
Call 505-873-4399 Ext. 229 for more info.
12 Seminars are currently scheduled (5 in Spanish)!
Scholarships are available!
Affordable Undergraduate
Catholic Education
2440 Louisiana Boulevard NE, Ste 100
Albuquerque, NM 87110-4405
Lewis University in Albuquerque offers a Pastoral Theology Minor. All active Catholics attending Lewis receive a 10% discount on tuition. For info contact either Jim
Saya or Joyce Montoya Roach at 505-255-3947. Scholarships are Available!
February 2015 PMD Express — 8
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
Pastoral Ministries Division
4000 St. Joseph Place, NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
Return Service Requested
If you no longer wish to receive the PMD Express, or if there is an address/name change please contact
Maria Garcia at or 505-831-8151. Thank you!
Office of Pastoral Outreach
Deacon Robert Vigil
Josephine War
Prison Ministry Mentors Needed!!!
Are You being called to give a helping hand
to adult Ex-Offenders (prisoners) who have
recently served their time, and are being
released from New Mexico prisons? These
are both men and woman who desire to
change their lives and become productive
and law abiding citizens of our beautiful
state of New Mexico. All they need is a positive influence (mentor team) to talk to and
offer to spend a little time with them once a
week for a year, until they can get reestablished out of prison. The Archdiocese
of Santa Fe, has a program called Thresholds which does just that. It is under the
Pastoral Outreach Office and the staff is
planning a training session for Mentors on
February 12-14, 2015 at St. Anne Catholic
Church – Santa Fe, New Mexico. For further
information and registration, contact Jean
Bussemeir Mentor Coordinator at 505 8318174 - Pastoral Outreach Office.
Volunteers Needed
The Office of Pastoral Outreach provides the following ministries and needs volunteers to
help in all ministries. Prison / Detention, Thresholds, Blessings of Age for Seniors, People
Living with Disabilities, Veterans, Substance Abuse, Nursing Homes. The Pastoral Outreach
Office is a liaison to Brothers of the Good Shepherd and St. Vincent de Paul. If you would
like to volunteer for any of these ministries, please bring a letter of good standing from
your Pastor, as well as a certificate of completion of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Abuse
Awareness Training for Adults to the Pastoral Outreach Office. For more information call
Josephine (see box).
Upcoming Events
Blessings of Age: Wednesday, February 4 at Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary. Registration
begins at 8am. Mass begins at 9am. Cost is $15. Please RSVP by January 20 to the Pastoral
Outreach Office (see box).
BeFriender Workshop: Tuesday, February 23– Friday, February 27 at Lourdes Hall Rm. 136
in Albuquerque. For more information and to register call Josephine (see box).
REGISTRATION FEES-PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE JANUARY 26-$799 per person. Team Discount: 3 or more registrations from the same church or organization attending the same
workshop will receive $75 off the total fee.
PAYMENT AFTER JANUARY 26-$849 per person. Team Discount: 3 or more registrations
from the same church or organization attending the same workshop will receive $75 off
the total fee. INCLUDED IN FEES: Fees include a full set of leader materials for each participant.
Refreshments will be provided each day in addition to a light continental breakfast, morning snacks, lunch and afternoon snacks.
Help Us Conserve
Resources and Trees!
We wish to thank all who are
contributing to the Annual Catholic
Appeal, making the ministries of the
Pastoral Ministries Division possible.
If you have an email address we can send you the
PMD Express, via e-mail, which will save printing materials.
Simply send a message to
Published by the ASF Pastoral Ministries Division
4000 St. Joseph Place NW Albuquerque, NM 87120
Michelle Montez
Denise Frias
Rita Lucero
Maria Garcia
Executive Director & Editor
Executive Assistant & Assistant Editor
PMD Associate
Assistant Editor