SUN St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church This Week at St. John’s 8:00 am Rosary Between Masses Meet Between the Masses - Parish Hall PSR - Annex Classrooms Daily Mass/Offerings 7:00 am Men’s Prayer Group - Community Room 8:30 am MDO - Parish Hall MON 6:45 am 8:00 am 7:00 pm . 8:30 am 3:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm TUE WED MDO - Parish Hall Leap Frog TYM - Parish Hall Good Cheer - Boure’ on the square Tuesday Mass 8:30am Stan Sandroni Behrndt Family Wednesday Mass 12:10pm Stan Sandroni Knights of Columbus 8:00 am Rosary THUR FRI Mission Mississippi - Spirit of Excellence Church Rosary Adoration Monday Mass 12:10pm The Moore Family Torma Family 7:00 am Adoration until noon 10:00 am Prayer Shawl Ministry - Community Room 11:00 am Confessions until noon Alcoholics Anonymous meets on Mon., Wed., at noon; Mon., Wed., Fri., at 5:30pm; Thurs. at 8:30am; Men only, Thurs. at 5:30pm. Emotions Anonymous meets on Sat. at noon. Thursday Mass 8:30am Jerry Lexa Lexa Family Friday Mass 6:45am Mass 12:10pm Sam Provenza Kelly McCormick Saturday Mass 10:00am At Emeritus This Week’s Readings MON Presentation of the Lord Mal 3:1-4 Ps 24:7-10 FRI St. Paul Miki and Companions Heb 2:14-18 Lk 2:22-40 or Lk 2:22-32 Heb 13:1-8 Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8-9 Mk 6:14-29 TUE Heb 12:1-4 Ps 22:26-28, 30-32 Mk 5:21-43 SAT Heb 13:15-17, 20-21 Ps 23:1-6 Mk 6:30-34 WED Heb 12:4-7, 11-15 Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18 Mk 6:1-6 SUN Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time THURS St. Agatha Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 Ps 147:1-6 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24 Ps 48:2-4, 9-11 Mk 6:7-13 Mk 1:29-39 Mass Date &Time Sun. Feb 8 8:30 am Comm. Minister P. Smith (H) Lectors B. Smith Ushers B. Newman J. Townsend C. Mullen D. Sharpe Servers D. Bianco S. Bianco Sun. Feb. 8 11:00 am G. Read (H) L. Wolff D. Clinton T. Liddell M. Smidebush J. Lindbeck L. Kelly N. Roberts CM/Sick K. Wachter M. Stark B. Smith P. Smith B. Sawyer If you are unable to serve at your assigned time, it is your responsibility to obtain a substitute. Should you have a question concerning scheduling, or if you know that you will be unable to serve next month contact Joan Cleary for Communion Ministers & Lectors at 234-9586/; or Nancy Roberts for Altar Servers at 234-4079/ Check out our website: E-mail us at: 416 South 5th St. Oxford, MS 38655 Office: 662-234-6073 Fax 662-234-6079 Catholic Campus Ministry At Ole Miss Phone: 662-234-6073 Rev. Joe Tonos, Pastor Brad Noel, Campus Ministry Advisor Mary & Scott Leary, TYM Directors Tara Luber, PSR Director Ted Klingen, Deacon Fr. Joe at home: 236-1298 Sunday Masses: Sunday 8:30 am, 11:00 am, 5:00 pm - 403 University Avenue Daily Mass: Tues, Thurs 8:30 am Mon, Wed, Fri 12:10 pm - 403 University Avenue Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sunday, 7:45am, 10:30am & 4:15pm, or by appointment. Nursery: Downstairs 8:30am, 11am, 5pm-6pm on Sunday Parish Center Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-4:30 pm and Friday 8:30am-noon Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Giving to St. John’s The parish of St. John’s is home to almost 450 families plus around 1200 students who identify as Catholic. There are also the usual guests, visitors and weekenders who call St. John’s their spiritual home away from home. It does take money to run the parish. We have expenses like any business or home. We have to pay utilities and for upkeep. We pay for the materials we use and often give away. We pay for the staff and for the services we need to keep our parish clean, safe and strong. Your giving to the OPERATING BUDGET is important. Giving to other funds such as special collections or Clayton Stevens is generous but they do not help our parish or the Church. If you love St. John’s and want to see us advance into the future “full of hope”, then please prayerfully consider a regular gift to the parish. Online Giving is also an option. Welcome to all our visitors and guests and we hope you enjoy your stay here in Oxford. Newcomers to our parish please call the parish office at your earliest convenience to be registered. Matrimony: Couples should call 6 months in advance for required preparation. Baptism: Parents may call Fr. Joe for preparation. Parents of all children enrolled in parish programs must be registered in the parish. Bulletin submissions must be sent to the office by noon on Wednesday in writing via email or in person. Current laws do not permit the Church to get information on hospitalized patients. If you know of someone in the hospital or recovering at home, please let the Church know so we can schedule a visit. Pray for our sick and home-bound: Fran DeVoe, Ron Knapp, Gladys Baglioni, Steve Sura, Marie Adams, Candy Gambrell, Joan Lucey, Sam Provenza, Pat Shields, Robin Lovelady, Noel Torma, Tiffany Torma, John Robert Phillips First Friday: First Friday Mass at 6:45am on Friday, February 6 with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to follow until noon. Confessions at 11:00am until noon. Mass at 12:10pm. Please make some time for the Lord! Emeritus Mass: We will have Mass with the Anointing of the Sick on Saturday, February 7 at Emeritus. All are invited. Mission Mississippi meets on Tuesday, February 3 at 6:45am at the Spirit of Excellence Church (9 CR 287 off Hwy 6). Survey Says: Welcome Back Rebels! Adoration Tuesday 7-8pm in the church. Women’s Book Study (Tues, 8:15pm in the St. John's Community Room): This semester's book is Emotional Virtue by Sarah Swafford. Books will be provided so plan to join us on Tuesday nights after Adoration! Good Cheer This Wed (8pm @ Bouré): "In the World, but Not of the World" (1 Cor 5-6). Special guest this week: Dr. Buddy Arrington. Sign up for the STATEWIDE SPRING RETREAT (Feb 20-22) online today! | @CCMOleMiss Spaghetti Supper! The Parish Council is assembling a survey that will be Cooks, servers, set up and clean up crews are needed! “live” online in February and also in hard-copy. The If you would like to be a part of this fun ministry, survey gives you, the parishioner, an opportunity to Please consider signing up to help. You may email rate the various programs and offices of the Parish. Fr. ( or text (662-801-1008) Joe and the Council are also interested in the next Susan for more information or to volunteer. step we should take as a parish. These are exciting times for Oxford and the OUL community. It is wise to make decisions today that may Confirmation: bring positive results in this promising future. On Saturday, May 2nd at 11:00am, Bishop Joseph Kopacz (Jackson) will preside and confer the Sacrament of Confirmation during a special Mass. Youth in 9th thru 12th grades are invited to participate. The parish’s big social event is scheduled for May 1, It is preferable that the youth is a practicing 2015 at the Oxford Convention Center! The Delta’s Catholic and from a registered family. Parents are party band, The Krackerjacks, are the featured requested to contact Fr. Joe if interested performers and expect good food, good drinks, (662-234-6073). Adults who are Baptized Catholic but premium silent auction items and very good time. not Confirmed may also inquire. Also, take a chance on winning $10,000.00! Mark the date down and bring a friend! February Second Collections Drawdown 2015: Candlemas: Monday, February 2nd, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord. The traditional blessing of candles will be done at noon Mass. Parishioners are invited to bring a candle or a box of candles to be blessed. Feb. 8th - Building Fund Feb. 22nd - Black & Indian Missions Palms: Bring your palms from home and put in the basket in the Narthex. They will be burned for use on Ash Wednesday. Jeanne Bowen, mother of Peggy Smith; Brenda Holliday, sister of Judy Graham Emeritus: Margaret Ferguson, Eileen Kingery, Mattie Miller, Ruth Hill, Ann Elise Kimbell Yalobusha Nursing Home: Christienne Acuff VA: Robert Stack, Raymond Gusmus, Rudy Franck, Gene Valley, Paul Gowan Oxford Rehab: Fidelioso Reveles, Jeanette Reardon, Justo Gonzales Hermitage: Glennys White, Bud Gaia Rest in Peace: May God receive the souls of Eric Jordan, brother of David (d. January 24) and Norman Nelson, husband of Maxine (d. January 27). Please keep their families in your prayers. Adult Faith Formation: Financial Blessings Operating Fund: Anticipated Weekly Operating Expenses Fiscal Year 2014/2015 $ Weekly Contribution $ OnLine Giving $ Total $ Building Fund: Weekly Contribution OnLine Giving: Total Blood Drive Men’s Prayer Group The Men’s prayer group meets on Monday mornings at 7am in the Community Room to discuss the readings for the week. All men are welcome. Mark your calendar now to save the date for our St. John's Ladies Retreat at Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat House. The theme is Invitation to Joy! We will carpool leaving on Friday afternoon, Feb. 27 and return on Sunday afternoon, March 1, 2015. For more info contact Mille Smith at 901-848-1335 or $ 4,560.00 $ 285.00 $ 4,845.00 Thank you! Try Online Giving! Log on to “” PSR/TYM TYM: AFF does not meet this morning. We will attend Meet Between the Masses in the Parish Hall. The Knights of Columbus annual blood drive will be Friday, February 20th. Please watch the bulletin for more information. 9,300.00 6,281.19 2,069.50 8,350.69 TYM youth will be collecting donations today after Mass as part of the national "Souper Bowl" Fight Against Hunger, proceeds will go to Lovepacks. Thank you for your donations! The next two weekends we will be selling tickets for the annual Mardi Gras dinner, which will be February 17th. First Friday Mass will be Friday, Feb., at 6:45 a.m. Milk and donuts following! Please join us. Pictorial Directory Photographs for the Pictorial Directory will be taken in the Annex Wed., Feb. 4, through Sat., Feb. 7. If you have signed up and can't remember your time, a roster is located in the Narthex or contact Gene ( If you haven't yet signed up, there are still time vacancies available online. ( The ladies of St. John will gather on Monday, February 2, at 11:30 am, in the Cry Room at church to pray the Rosary.
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