The Good News The Newsletter of Carmel Lutheran Church Inside: p. 2 p. 3 p. 4 p. 5 From the Pastor February Sermon Series Midweek Lent Services Statements of Faith “Hearts Compelled to Share” Capital Campaign College Care Packages Feb. Socks Collection p. 5 p. 6 p. 7 New Lifelight Class Volunteer Training Bible Study Resources Italian Dinner News Staff Highlights Senior Adults Lunch Fine Arts Academy Mixed Group Choir Children’s Musical Visiting Choirs February 2015 p. 8 When God Opens Doors Preschool Registration 5th-8th Grade Event p. 9 Pack Away Hunger A Heart for Service p. 10 Women: Together Tuesday Daytime Fellowship Fund Raisers Update p. 11 Among Us With Thanks p. 12 2015 Women’s Retreat Insert:Feb. Worship Volunteers Feb. Calendar Carmel Lutheran Church is reaching out, caring for, and building people toward maturity in Christ! From the Pastor I just cannot help myself! There is a number that I want you to think about: 102,795. What is its significance? Let me do a little math for you. On average, 56 million people die worldwide every year. That amounts to 153,425 people every day. Since only one-third of the world is Christian, that means 102,795 individuals die each day without Jesus as their Savior. some pandemic disease, it would be one of the greatest tragedies in history. There would follow nonstop news coverage and outcries for something to be done. Yet, it happens every day. lived out their lives in Christian love and the Holy Spirit worked through their words and deeds. He created faith in people to where the church was growing every day. You can do it! By way of perspective, Lucas Oil Stadium seats 70,000 maximum. Bankers Life Fieldhouse seats 18,165. Victory Field seats 14,230. Fill them all to capacity and you would still be 400 seats shy of that number. That many people enter eternity without Jesus as their Savior… every, single, day! By God’s grace, those of us who know Jesus as Savior also know the cure! That is why, even at the very real risk of intimidation, persecution, and death, the early disciples of our Lord Jesus were not about to be deterred from their efforts to “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Indeed, on one such occasion the disciples boldly declared, “For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). If that many individuals died in a day from a terrorist attack or And that is exactly what the disciples did! They preached and ALTAR EGO by Len Jones It can be intimidating to share our faith with those around us. The world in which we live continues to be a world that is hostile to Christ and those who follow Him. But that is exactly why we cannot help but speak! The world needs a lot of Jesus, and you and I can give it to them! My dear friends, God has given us a blessed opportunity to make an eternal impact. Having experienced God’s mercy and grace firsthand, it is our privilege to point others to Jesus and thereby direct them to God’s forgiveness and life. Driven by this, may we each join with the disciples of old in saying, “We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). Empowered by Christ’s cross and emboldened by God’s mercy…we speak! Pastor Dan “I was just fine with the concept of sharing my faith until Pastor said we actually had to talk to people.” 2 February 2015 Worship in February Sermons in January Lenten Midweek: “The Parables of Lent” • Ash Wednesday Feb. 18 “The Promise of Winter” Do we just “endure” these cold winter days? Is it possible that God can use our winter, fallow times to give us strength and even joy? Please join us as we search God’s Word to find hope and peace in the promises of God. • Jan. 31/Feb. 1– “Peace in Times of Praise” (Psalm 111), Pastor Luther Brunette • Feb. 7/8– “Joy in Our Provision” (Psalm 147), Pastor Dan Schumm • Feb. 14/15 – Transfiguration Weekend Pastor Scott Giger “Christ at the Crossroads” In this season of Lent, we’ll see Jesus in the defining moments of our lives because of the defining moments of His. • Feb. 21/22 – “At the Crossroad of Temptation” (Mark 1:9-12) Confirmation Statements of Faith continue This year there are 43 eighth grade students who participate weekly in Sunday School, Confirmation classes, and other fellowship and servant activities. Through March, each 8th grader will share his/her “Statement of Faith” with the congregation during various Sanctuary and Worship Center services, in preparation for the Rite of Confirmation on March 21. Please greet and affirm these students in the months to come as they share their faith with us. (For specific dates and service times for each Confirmand, visit students/7th-8th-grade—right sidebar, “2015 Statement of Faith Schedule”.) “He spoke to them in parables,” the Bible tells us of Jesus. In this spring’s Lenten midweek series, these parables will speak to us of the core components of this sacred season. Within each parable’s plot is woven a unique message about what we receive through the crucified Christ. May this Lenten season offer you the opportunity to reflect on the teachings, sufferings, death, and resurrection of the Savior into whose name we have been baptized and are made new. Our Midweek Lenten services begin with “Receive Justification (The Pharisee & the Tax Collector)” on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18. All services that day will include Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes. Ash Wednesday service times and locations (February 18) Noon – Prayer Chapel 6:45 p.m. – Worship Center 7 p.m. – Sanctuary Wednesday Lenten service times/locations (February 25 - March 25) Noon – Prayer Chapel 7 p.m. – Sanctuary Wednesday, Feb. 25: Receive the Word (The Sower & the Seed) Wednesday, March 4: Receive the Treasure (The Hidden Treasure & the Priceless Pearl) Wednesday, March 11: Receive Mercy (The Good Samaritan) Wednesday, March 18: Receive Grace (The Workers in the Vineyard) Wednesday, March 25: Receive Forgiveness (The Prodigal Son) February 2015 3 Capital Campaign Everything you always wanted to know about a capital campaign visit* (*but were afraid to ask) For our “Hearts Compelled To Share” campaign, our volunteers are looking forward to visiting with you personally to share the vision for our ministry expansion in Fishers. When a volunteer calls you, please be receptive to a visit at your earliest convenience. We’re only asking for about 45 minutes of your time. So what happens in one of these visits anyway? A church volunteer will get to know you better, share the vision and plans for CLC’s multisite expansion to Fishers, seek your thoughts and opinions, and ask for your financial support. Hearts Compelled To Share We are blessed to announce that early pledges to “Hearts Compelled to Share” total $3.5 million— from just 67 families! That represents not only the best start to any capital campaign at CLC, it also means that we’ve already exceeded the total for any capital campaign at CLC by $700,000! And that’s by only reaching out to 7% of CLC families. Praise God for how He is working in the hearts of many to support the expansion of ministry at CLC. What does this mean? • We can do this! These 67 families represent a cross section of CLC. It wasn’t just the 67 top donors. It involves families from every giving category and includes our staff, Governing Board, campaign committee, and other donors. • There’s almost 800 more families to reach. If 67 families can do this much, then together and by God’s grace, we can make this multisite ministry expansion a reality! What a great kick off weekend! We thank everyone who helped make the kick off to our capital campaign on January 24/25 a great success! Special thanks to Lindsey Thompson and Jennifer Wiese who helped coordinate food and activities after all the services, and for the Children’s and Student Ministry teams for coordinating activities for our young disciples. 4 February 2015 What is the purpose of visiting everyone? Our volunteers have five objectives for every visit: 1. Have a good time and enjoy the moment 2. Develop and strengthen personal relationships 3. Gain an understanding of the person’s perceptions about CLC, its ministry, and the capital campaign 4. Ask each family to consider a pledge to the capital campaign 5. Ask if they are willing to help volunteer So someone is going to ask me to make a campaign pledge? Of course. We believe in being up front and honest. No church can survive, much less grow, without adequate financial support. But we’re not there to twist any arms. Although your visitor will ask you to consider a generous gift to the capital campaign in light of the needs presented in the conceptual plan, what you decide to give is completely up to you. Does the visit have to be in my house? No. It can be wherever you’re most comfortable. Some have taken place right here at church, at a coffee shop, or during lunch. No one has called me yet for a visit. What should I do? Sign up at one of the Welcome Desks, or call the office at 317.814.4252. If a volunteer has already contacted you, please respond promptly so we can keep the campaign moving toward its conclusion at the end of May. General CLC Info Care packages for college students New LifeLight Bible Study On Sunday, Feb. 8, at 11 a.m., Valentine care packages will be assembled and sent to all CLC college students living away from home. All members of CLC are encouraged to donate home-baked cookies and brownies, hot chocolate, packaged soups, microwave popcorn, candy, and anything else college students would love to receive. Do not donate softer baked goods (Little Debbie’s/Hostess) as they can get smashed! Put your donations in a donation bin by either worship area, or in the west kitchen (near door 6) by 10:30 a.m. on February 8. Because we will need to fill over 100 Valentine care packages, we hope everyone who donated last year, and new donators, will be able to give! • Beginning Wednesday, Feb. 4, 6:30 p.m. Help our college students • If you have a college student, please email his/ her street address, phone, and email to Gwyn Borcherding ( • To volunteer to help package or mail the boxes, contact Annette Probst (, 317.842.1305). • If you are donating items for the care packages, please contact Donna Moffatt (317.845.2922, and let her know what you are donating. • If you would like to help with the postage (each box costs $8-10 to ship), please make your check payable to LWML, with “Care Packages” in the memo line, and put it in the LWML mailbox in the workroom. Join a new weekly discussion on the Gospel of Mark, beginning February 4. LifeLight is a Bible study for both men and women that meets Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., in room 101B. Grow in your personal faith in Jesus through in-depth study of this Gospel. Contact Tom Gambrel ( for more information and to reserve your study guide. Worship volunteer training • Sunday, Feb. 8, 11:45 a.m., Worship Center If you are an usher, communion assistant, or greeter for either the Sanctuary OR the Worship Center, please plan on attending a very brief training event at CLC on Sunday, Feb. 8, 11:45 a.m., beginning in the Worship Center. The training will last about 15 minutes. We will go over and standardize the process of ushering and serving, and cover issues that have been raised lately to make sure that we are doing the best job possible of welcoming and serving those who worship with us. Contact Pastor Max Murphy ( with questions. Bible study resources available for your Connect Group The CLC Library has many resources for Connect (Small) Group Bible study. Feel free to visit our library to see what we have available, or go to and search “connect group resources”. We hope these materials will come in handy as you plan your group’s topics for 2015! Italian Dinner news Make this collection a great sock-sess! During February, the LWML is collecting socks for The Sharing Place and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Our goal is to collect 400 NEW pairs of socks for men, women, and children. If every family brought in just ONE pair, we would far exceed our goal! (Gently used socks are also welcomed.) Socks can be placed in a donation bin by either worship area, and door #2. The Italian Dinner is taking a break for 2015. Our CLC students (7th-12th graders) thank you for supporting Student Ministry! February pack meeting: Blue & Gold Ceremony and Crossover Join us at CLC from 1-3 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 22, to learn all about Cub Scout Pack 188 and the impact we have in our community! We have many fun and exciting events happening this spring, so if your son (age 6-10) would like to get involved, contact Stacy Barry ( or Scott Price (317.403.9684). February 2015 5 Staff Highlights: Get to Know... 15 things you might not know about... Jan Williams Bruce Williams Where are you originally from? Fort Wayne, Ind. Where are you originally from? Evansville, Ind. What do you do here? “Other duties” as assigned by the Senior Pastor (or anyone else)! What do you do at Carmel Lutheran? I am the director of Women’s Ministry. I’m also the Director of the Fine Arts Academy (FAA), heading up the board that plans each year’s FAA summer program. I also occasionally play the organ in worship. Why do you like working here? I believe that the Holy Spirit is at work here in the CLC community of faith, and it is exciting to see and experience the impact. Bruce & Jan What makes for a great workday? Helping people. Describe yourself in three words: Analytical, introvert, (not too) serious. Who’s been an inspiration to you in your life? Henry Stoll, a gentleman I knew at Pilgrim Lutheran Church. Henry had the enthusiasm, curiosity, and spark of a kindergartner in an 80-year-old body. A very smart, very humble servant of God. What’s the best advice anyone has given you? When you encounter something different or new, try not to rush to a judgment on whether it is better or worse than what you are used to. Try to spend some time just understanding and appreciating the difference. Where did you meet your spouse? How long have you been married? If I know what’s good for me, I’ll go with Jan’s answers to these questions! } What’s playing in your car right now? A variety: Fernando Ortega, The Manhattan Rhythm Kings, Allison Krause, Carole King, and Peter Mayer. Favorite sports teams or icons: I’m a Colts fan! Favorite foods: Potato chips, peanuts, and candy— I try to maintain a balanced diet. Favorite vacation or vacation activity: Our family loves to spend time in northern Michigan and at Camp Arcadia, specifically. I also enjoy walking and hiking in the mountains, either Smoky or Rocky. Who’s the most famous person you’ve met? I once shook hands with Ted Kennedy following a speech (his, not mine) to a US Chamber of Commerce breakfast in Mexico City. What is the one THING you cannot do without? My flip phone—I just read an article in USA Today that said they’re coming back! I’m excited, this will be my first experience on the cutting edge! What’s something that most people don’t know about you? I once shot a hole in one on Number 9 at Riverside Golf Course about 35 years ago…my golf game has been in decline ever since! 6 February 2015 Why do you like working here? There are boundless opportunities to introduce people to explore deeply the God that continues to amaze and challenge me the more I get to know Him through the Scriptures. What makes for a great workday? Teaching a great Bible study and preparing for the next. Describe yourself in three words: Passionate, creative, introvert. Who’s been an inspiration to you in your life? My older sister, who has made a huge impact globally for the Lord as a wife, mother, grandmother, and missionary. What’s the best advice anyone has given you? If you take on too much activity and responsibility, you ultimately end up not only hurting yourself, but also negatively impacting the lives around you. Balance is so important. If you could meet any Bible character who would it be? Moses. He was a such humble man, who trusted the Lord implicitly, learning how to be a great leader of a nation of very stubborn people. Where did you meet your spouse? How long have you been married? I met Bruce through one of my choir members who recommended that I ask him to join the choir while I was the choir director at Pilgrim Lutheran. We have been married almost 32 years. What’s playing in your car right now? NPR or WGNR. What do you like to do to unwind? Solve jigsaw puzzles or sudoku. Favorite books: The whole Diana Gabaldan Outlander series. I have read them all! Favorite sports teams or icons: Colts, of course! (Favorite choral group: St. Olaf Choir) Favorite food: Really good, authentic Chile Relleno, like we ate in Mexico! Favorite vacation or vacation activity: Camp Arcadia in Michigan, or hiking anywhere. What’s something that most people don’t know about you? Bruce and I lived in Mexico City for three years and our daughter, Sarah, was born there. Senior Adults Fine Arts Academy Senior Adult Luncheon Feb. 2 Join us for our next monthly pitch-in luncheon on Monday, Feb. 2, starting at noon in room 102. All seniors are welcome, especially those new to CLC! Please bring a dish to share. Our presenter will be Danny O’Malia, former President of O’Malia’s Food Markets. His topic will be our Indianapolis Indians baseball team. Fine Arts Academy, June 22-26 Christmas in JUNE?! The theme for the 2015 Fine Arts Academy (FAA) is “The Wonders of His Love”. Come celebrate the preparation and proclamation of Jesus’ birth with all of your FAA friends and discover more fully the wonder of Christ’s arrival on earth. The Fine Arts Academy is a week long summer arts camp where faith, community, and creativity combine to bring glory and praise to God. It is open to those who have completed Kindergarten through Grade 8. More information about daily schedules and classes being offered can be found (by late February) on the CLC website or in the registration brochure available at a Connection Center. Contact Jan Williams (, 317.814.4252) for more information. Music February Pick-Up Choir: Mixed Group • One rehearsal, Sunday, Feb. 15, 12-12:30 p.m. Are you a teen or adult (male or female) and enjoy singing? Can’t commit to regular rehearsals? Then join us for our one-time CLC Sanctuary Mixed Group Choir. Rehearsal will be Sunday, Feb. 15, from 12-12:30 p.m. in the Choir Room. The choir will then sing Sunday, Feb. 22, in the 10:45 a.m. Sanctuary service. For more information email Josh Pedde (, or find us on CLC Connect under the group “Sanctuary Pick Up Choir”. Join us as we raise our voices to the Lord in song! Two visiting choirs coming to CLC, housing needed We are pleased to announce the following visiting choirs that will be performing at CLC. Both groups are in need of housing hosts. If you can welcome one or more students into your home for one night, please contact Barry Bobb (, 317.814.4252). Concordia Seminary-Ft. Wayne “Laudamus” Men’s Chorus • Concert: Saturday, February 21, 6 p.m. (also singing at Sanctuary worship services that weekend) • Housing needed: Evening of February 21 for 15-20 men. Concordia University-Chicago “Kapelle” Choir (mixed choir) • Concert: Friday, March 6, 7 p.m. • Housing needed: Evening of March 6 for about 40 male and female students. Children’s Musical is March 1! Our Children’s Musical is in rehearsal now as we prepare for our performance date of March 1, 9:30 a.m., in the Sanctuary. We look forward to sharing this musical with you. It includes some great songs of faith and some insight into our need to praise God! Reminder to parents In addition to our usual Wednesday rehearsals, there will be TWO Saturday morning rehearsals, from 9-10:30 a.m., on February 21 and 28. Please make every effort to have your child there for both rehearsals. February 2015 7 Stewardship KOK Preschool News Celebrating the end of “When God Opens Doors” capital campaign KOK accepting registrations for 2015-16 school year As the daylight gradually lengthens, our Kids of the Kingdom (KOK) Preschool is beginning to get ready for the 2015-2016 school year. Families are already making plans for their children’s Christian education for next fall. Here is the registration schedule: Thank you for your generous support of the “When God Opens Doors” (WGOD) capital campaign which officially ended December 31, 2014. Although the original end date of this campaign was November 2013, pledges and contributions continued coming in throughout 2014. Your gifts totaling $2,965,782 made it possible for Carmel Lutheran to accomplish the following: • Current site renovations totaling $1.06 million which were completed in December 2011 • Purchase of additional west side land • The temporary pay down of existing debt resulting in additional principal payments of $52,000 • Partial purchase of land for Fishers multisite project As disciples of CLC, we continue to be called to “reach out, care for, and build people toward maturity in Christ”. We ask that you prayerfully consider being a part of the “Hearts Compelled To Share” capital campaign currently underway. Each CLC family will be contacted so that we can personally share with you the exciting vision of our Fishers multisite project! • CLC disciples not yet attending KOK may register on Saturday, Feb. 7, and Sunday, Feb. 8. The Preschool office, located across from the gym entrance by door #2, will be open before and after services that weekend. Happy Valentine’s Day from KOK Preschool!! • Community registration begins Thursday, Feb. 12, at 7:30 a.m. in room 127. Registration forms are available in the Connection Centers outside a worship area and completed forms will be accepted beginning on the above dates. If you have any questions, please call KOK Director Janice Heins in the KOK office (317.814.4262). We are looking forward to another exciting year of preschool here at CLC! Students: 5-8 What’s your CALL of DUTY? All 5th through 8th graders are invited to participate in a special service project for our soldiers! What: Writing letters to veterans and soldiers in the military... PLUS a special speaker! Where: Carmel Lutheran When: Saturday, Feb. 28 Time: 7-8:30 p.m. 8 February 2015 • Current KOK families may register beginning Monday, Feb. 9, through Wednesday, Feb. 11. Door #2 will be open at 8:30 a.m. Registration will be in room 127, located next to the preschool office. Outreach Pack Away Hunger 2015 (formerly Kids Against Hunger) • Saturday, March 7, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Mark your calendars! The date is set for this year’s Pack Away Hunger event! This is the same event that we’ve done in the past for Kids Against Hunger, however they are now working through an organization that provides a more nutritious meal in the same style packaging. Join us Saturday, March 7, to help assemble the specially formulated mix and package meals that will help feed the hungry. Why do this? “[This event] is a great way to be involved in a service project that makes a huge impact in the world community. It’s a way to serve with your entire family or small group and know that the work you are doing is making a difference in someone’s life. It is a way to care for others who we might not be able to reach in other ways.” To sign up, come to a Pack Away Hunger table outside a worship area after each service in February. Or, sign up online: Visit and search “pack away”. Shift times • Saturday, Mar. 7: 9-11:30 a.m. shift Any age can participate! In our participation over the last five years, CLC has packaged a total of 286,249 meals all with the help of family and friends like you! We are looking for participants of ALL ages and abilities to help make this year successful. Even children can help with measuring, packing, and boxing the meals. It’s a great event for you and your Connect Group, family, and friends! Here’s what people are saying about our participation in this great event: What did we do last year? “In 2014 we assembled 84,000 meals, and they were shipped to Guatemala. Drought conditions have existed in portions of Guatemala for several years. Many of the people are also very poor. The meals we made were critical to the survival of people there.” • Saturday, Mar. 7: 1-3:30 p.m. shift • Friday, Mar. 6: 6-8 p.m. setup (10 volunteers are needed who can carry 50 lb. bags and move tables) Let’s work together and help improve the lives of children and others who suffer from hunger and malnutrition, both in the U.S. and in developing countries. For more information, contact Paige Vauter ( Share your heart for service! When CLC has the opportunity to participate in supporting a community activity, we must often assemble a team of volunteers quickly with an interest in such a project, and sometimes the opportunity is lost. We are currently forming “Heart Teams” who can quickly come together to assist with service opportunities like supplying food, doing light construction, and providing general event support. Team participants can include individuals, entire families, and Connect Groups. Sign up online to be a part of a Heart Team (formerly called “Quick Response Team”)! Go to and search “heart team”. Then, click on the sign up link. When an opportunity arises in your area of interest, you will be contacted by email, and can decline if it doesn’t fit your schedule at that particular time. Questions? Contact Pastor Giger (, 317.814.4252 x215). February 2015 9 Women n! u sF Ladies Daytime Fellowship Roo m 100 We will meet on Friday, Feb. 13, at 12:30 p.m. in room 101B. We will be doing projects for Kids of the Kingdom as well as other projects as needed. Questions? Call Dottie Renner, 317.846.0701. p. Tu e m .• Mardi G ra Lutheran Women’s Missionary League sd ay, Fe bruar y 17 • : 7- 8 30 It’s Fat Tuesday! Join us for a taste of Mardi Gras and enjoy some favorite New Orleans treats! Did you know Lent begins February 18 with Ash Wednesday? How can you grow spiritually in this season of repentance as you prepare for Jesus’ triumphant resurrection on Easter? We’ll give you some insights and practical steps to take. Be sure to bring a friend! Register online at, search “Together Tuesday” Wholly Loved: CLC Women’s Retreat March 14, 2015 9 a.m.-7 p.m. At CLC See back page for more info! 10 February 2015 Updates on LWML mission fund raisers Discover Indy Savings Books: We sold 100 Discover Indy Savings Books in 2014. Thanks to you, we were able to send $1,000 to Lutheran World Missions, earmarked for Pastor Todd Roeske and his mission trip to the Philippines. LWML is grateful to all who bought Discover Indy Savings Books. (The 2016 books will be available beginning in August.) Thanks to Ruth Trepanier who worked many hours on this project. Christmas Cookies, Crafts & More! This year’s Cookie Walk was a great success! We made a profit of $3,326. Thrivent Financial also contributed $500, for a total of $3,826. From this profit, $2,869 (75%) will be used to help pay for a new playground at the school CLC is supporting in El Maguey, Guatemala, and $956 (25%) will go to help the food pantry and preschool at St. Peter Lutheran Church (downtown Indianapolis). The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League thanks everyone for their support of this effort and of all mission efforts of CLC. In the previous seven years, we have been blessed to donate $35,266 to build houses and rebuild a school in Guatemala. Among Us With Thanks Births Thank you to the disciples and Pastors of Carmel Lutheran who have “reached out and cared for” us throughout our recent season of loss. Experiencing the death of Sharon’s sister in October (Matt’s aunt), Dave’s cousin in November (Matt’s baptismal sponsor), and both Sharon’s father (Matt’s grandfather) and Dave’s mother (Matt’s grandmother) in December has caused us to rely on our Christian friends and the strength of our faith—that faith which continues to “mature” as we study, worship, and serve at CLC. We are greatly blessed to be a part of CLC’s ministry! • • • • • • To Alan & Jenna Walker, a daughter, Alexa Faith, on Dec. 19. To Kaitlin (former CLC DCE) and Jeremiah Bauer, a son, Caleb Noel, on Dec 22. To David & Re’Ana Lohss, a daughter, Catherine LeAnne, on Dec. 26. (Grandparents—Brian & Paula Lohss; great-grandparents—Dave & Marilyn Lohss) To Pete & Lani Fangmeier, a son, Everett John, on Jan. 8. To grandparents Jerry & Sue Campbell, a granddaughter, Jeness Noel Kruse, on Dec 21. To grandparents Doug & Kathy Metcalf, a grandson, Daniel James Hirsch. Dave & Sharon Reed Matt, Brenda, Hannah & Hailey Reed Baptisms • • • • • • Mackenzie Eilene Stiller, daughter of Matthew & Cara Stiller, on Dec. 27. (Sponsors include CLC disciple Brian Stiller.) Gavin Henry Lee, son of Ray & Ruth, on Jan. 2. Brody Erick Overturf, son of Wes & Amy, on Jan. 4. Grant Martin Wear, son of Greg & Cassie, on Saturday, Jan. 10. Oliver David Funston, son of Tim & Kari, on Jan. 17. Oliver Michael Henry Welty, son of Kristen & Laura, on January 24. Wedding • Congratulations to Greg Godwin & Denice Hansen, who were married Jan. 17. Sympathy • • • • • • • • • • • • A special thank you from The Foundation for Lutheran Child and Family Services to the CLC disciples who used their time, talents, and treasures for the Christmas celebration at Lutherwood. Your generosity made the season special for our kids and was a wonderful example of Christ’s love in action! To the family of George Beal, including wife, Lois. To Matt Porter, at the death of his father, Charlie. To Sharon Reed at the death of her father, Ray Meske. To Dave Reed, at the death of his mother, Irene. To Shirley Altstadt, at the death of her mother, Shirley Duoos. To Paula Calabrese, at the death of her mother, Mary Spencer. To Sue Campbell, at the death of her stepfather. To Lisa Lovell, at the death of her grandfather, Gerald Frazier. To Jill Nisenshal at the death of her uncle, Roger Ransom. To John Schild, at the death of his uncle, Don Schild. To David Stippler, at the death of his uncle, Richard Meyer. To the family of Bev Ackerman (former CLC disciple). (The following is from a recipient of one of our prayers shawls.) Dear Sisters in Christ, I must say that I was overwhelmed with the gift of the beautiful shawl! My eyes filled with years thinking of your caring and generous gift. And most of all, for the prayers behind it! My husband will place it on my shoulders and pray for me. It gives great comfort knowing that the “body of Christ” extends even to those we haven’t met yet. May God bless your giving ministry! February 2015 11 Carmel Lutheran Church LC-MS 4850 East Main Street Carmel, IN 46033 317.814.4252 Change Service Requested The Good News is published monthly for the disciples and friends of Carmel Lutheran Church in Carmel, Indiana. We welcome you to worship with us! For information on service times, please call the church office at (317) 814-4252 or visit our website at (Cathy Klemm, Newsletter Editor – Photo Page CLC Women’s Retreat Mar. 14 When you are out of options, where do you turn? One woman, out of options, reaches for Jesus. What is the result? Come spend the day with your sisters in Christ as we discover, through her, that in Christ, we are all “Wholly Loved”! Wholly Loved: CLC Women’s Retreat Saturday, March 14, 2015 9 a.m.-7 p.m. At Carmel Lutheran Church Registration fee: $65 (early bird price through February 16: $60) Included: Lunch, dinner, afternoon barista service, snacks Registration forms available at a Connection Center and at Women’s Bible studies. Or, register online:, search “women’s retreat”. Greeters Usher Teams 10:45 am TBA John Swayze 5 pm Phil & Wilma Driver Rich Burke 8 am Tom & Freda Dick Culter Weigel Service Time 5 pm Pat Anderson 8 am Andy & Sarah Lawrence 10:45 am Roger & Jane Kuba 7 pm Chuck & Jean Muller Sat Feb 21 Sun Feb 22 Wed Feb 25 (Lent) John Swayze Jeff Groth Dick Culter Rich Burke Joe Law Bryan Cox Alli Woodworth, Olivia Reichart Griffin Euler, John Zirkelbach Allison Himler, Charlotte Henderson Sound Schulenburg Poteet Schulenburg Ralph Kerwin, Steve Deuser Schulenburg Steve Lepper, Doug Metcalf, Poteet Dave Reed, Dave Tonne, Bruce Williams Schulenburg Lynn Bierlein, Roger Kuba, Scott Kimmerly, Dwight Schmidt Communion Assistants Schulenburg Schulenburg Schulenburg Mossner Schulenburg Karl Krohn Team Video Team Setup – Neil & Barbara Welty S/C Tracy Hughes S/C – Matt Thomas Setup – Kate Weidner Kent Burrow Team Shaun Scholer Team 10:35 am Dave Hulka Family Jim Euler Family 4:45 pm Alex & Jessica Hilt 8:30 am Kendall & Lisa Rump Sat Feb 21 Sun Feb 22 Debbie Salefski Alex Hilt John Ugstad Skip Drahman, Wally Gerber, Scott Fearrin, Annette Coulombe Joe Newkirk, Tim Siukola Shannon Rueffer Dave Adams, Bill Doron, Kent Gremel, Michael Minniear, Dave Probst (5 needed) Sarah Powell 10:35 am Don & Debbie Klein Ron Himler Family 6:45 pm (2-4 needed) Murphy Family Larry Calihan 4:45 pm Tom Ruminer Family 8:30 am Dave & Donna Moffatt 10:35 am Steve Kreiger Family Chris Schumann John Ugstad Skip Drahman, Wally Gerber, Scott Fearrin, Gwyn Borcherding Joe Newkirk, Tim Siukola Jonathan Kolanowski Dave Adams, Bill Doron, Kent Gremel, Michael Minniear, Dave Probst Pam Verbarg 10:35 am TBA 4:45 pm Chris Schumann Family 8:30 am Matt & Esther Lewis Murphy Family Nancy Weisenbach 4:45 pm Marc Zolner Family 8:30 am Scott & Kathy Fearrin Wed Feb 18 (Ash Wed) Sat Feb 14 Sun Feb 15 Sat Feb 7 Sun Feb 8 Sat Jan. 31 Sun Feb 1 Kelly Howe (, 733-8695) Sound: Norm Schulenburg (, 710-0284) WORSHIP CENTER WEEKLY VOLUNTEERS FOR FEBRUARY 2015 Hoby Lowry (, 508-2224) Video Team: Karl Krohn (, 877-3333) MaryAnn McMurry (, 814-4252) Lock Up: Gayle Carlson (, 814-4252) Sharon Reed (, 842-4737) Altar Guild: Pat Nash (, 844-2329 Date Service Greeters/Ushers Communion Assts Readers Bill Yager (, 844-3491) Time Jeff Stellhorn Gayle Carlson Ushers/Communion: 4:45 p.m. – Jessica Hilt (, 260-433-7713) 8:30 am – Bill Black (, 581-0303) Server Scheduler contact information: For the most up-to-date server schedules, visit Altar Guild: Ruth Erickson (team leader), Katie Schafer, Traci Brauer, Tonya Jost NOTE: Sat., Feb. 28, will be part of the 1st weekend in March. (Feb 28/Mar 1) Greeters: Ushers: Acolytes: Readers: Communion: Server Scheduler contact information: Jeff Traupman Lock-Up Setup – Marilynn Brent Sobierajski & Leon Walker Team S/C – Lori Oldson Art Grecco Serve/Clean David & Karen Morris Setup – Nancy Weisenbach Coffee Hour Altar Guild: Team 2 – Marcy Culter (Team Leader), Marie Bade, Cheri Balog, Madeline Braun, Ruth Daugherty, Ruth Erickson, Liz Hitzeman, Cindy Johnston, Marty Upton Cindy Stellhorn JoNell Stevenson Dave Hooper Pete Rump Tom Gambrel, Chuck Mihalik, Scott Kimmerly, Dwight Schmidt Carol Valentine Bob Liepse, Jim Koole Schulenburg Sheri Robb Mossner Craig Johnston, Mike Pomerenke, Gayle Carslon, Don Moffatt, Bill Yager Lynn Hitzeman Tom Gambrel, Mike Cassidy, Schulenburg Chuck Mihalik, Ridge Miller Tim Stamp Maggie Hay, Rebecca Hummel Cora Watkins, James Luce NOTE: Sat., Feb. 28, will be part of the 1st weekend in March. (Feb 28/Mar 1) 7 pm Mike Cassady 10:45 am Pat & Bill Nash Tammy Fero Gabe Greene Brenda Clark Steve Lepper Readers Jennifer Midkiff Kelly Matsuoka, Maddie Schultz Elizabeth Schmidt, Jim Hitzeman Jenna Browning Hannah Gretz, Maddie Schultz Jennifer Merry, Griffin Euler Acolytes 5 pm Jim & Nancy Koole Hoby Lowry 8 am Craig & Cindy Gayle Carlson Avery Iverson, Johnston Michael Ogawa Wed Feb 18 (Ash Wed) Sat Feb 14 Sun Feb 15 5 pm Rich & Nancy Drew Davis Burke Sun Feb 8 8 am Phil & Wilma Driver Harlan Hofeling 10:45 am Becky & Brian Lynn Bierlein Harvey Sat Feb 7 Sat Jan. 31 Sun Feb 1 Date SANCTUARY WEEKLY VOLUNTEERS FOR FEBRUARY 2015 Carmel Lutheran Church ~ February 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Wednesday Night Music Rehearsal Schedule: 4:00 pm - Children’s Music 6:15 pm - Celebration Ringers (6 pm on 2/18 & 2/25) 7:00 pm - Worship Band (6 pm on 2/18 & 2/25) 7:30 pm - Sanctuary Choir (7:45 pm on 2/18 & 2/25) 1 2 6:15 am - 3M (Men’s) Mite Box Collection (for Missions) Bible Study 8:00 & 10:45 am - Worship Services (Sanctuary) 8:30 & 10:35 am - Worship Services (Worship Center) 9:00 am Moms in Prayer 9:30 am - Adult Bible Classes / Discover CLC Class 11:30 am - Women’s Kids Kount / Student (5th-12th) Bible Classes (No Confirmation) 8 8:00 & 10:45 am - Worship Services (Sanctuary) 8:30 & 10:35 am - Worship Services (Worship Center) 9:30 am - Adult Bible Classes / Discover CLC Class Kids Kount / Student (5th-12th) Bible Classes 11 am - Care Packages for College Students 11:45 am - Worship Volunteer Training 5:30 pm - Confirmation 7:15 pm - 7th-8th Basketball Downtown Bible St. 12:00 pm Seniors Lunch 6:30 pm Men’s Basketball 7:00 pm - GriefShare 9 3 9:00 am - Internat. Friends Bible Study Moms in Prayer 9:15 am - LIFT Women’s Bible Study 10:30 am - Int’l Friends 12:00 pm - Men’s Downtown Bible St. 6:30 pm - Women’s Bible Study 7:00 pm - DivorceCare DivorceCare for Kids Spiritual Care Team SonRise Tuesday Women’s Book Club 10 9:00 am - Int’l Friends Bible Study Moms in Prayer 9:15 am - LIFT 10:30 am - Int’l Friends 12:00 pm - Men’s Downtown Bible St. 6:00 pm - American Heritage Girls 6:30 pm - Women’s Bible Study 7:00 pm - DivorceCare DivorceCare for Kids Discipleship Team SonRise Tuesday 4 6:30 am - GIFT (Men’s Bible Study) Busy Woman’s Bible Study 9:15 am - Women’s Bible Study 4:30 pm - English Conversation Class Women’s Bible Study 6:30 pm - Lifelight Bible Study Prayer Ministry Team 7:00 pm - 7th-8th/High School Activities 8:30 pm - Men’s Open Basketball See Wed. Music Rehearsal Schedule (above) 11 6:30 am - GIFT (Men’s Bible Study) Busy Woman’s Bible Study 9:00 am - Sewing for Missions 9:15 am - Women’s Bible Study 1:00 pm - Senior Euchre 4:30 pm - English Conversation Class Women’s Bible Study 6:30 pm - Lifelight Bible Study 7:00 pm - 7th-8th/High School Activities Employment Midweek Mentoring 8:30 pm - Men’s Open Basketball 5 6 7 12 13 14 9:15 am - Women’s Bible Study 9:30 am - English as Another Language 7 pm - CLC Brass Coed Volleyball Women’s Bible St. Evening MOPS Outreach Team Knitting Lessons 9:15 am - Women’s 9 am Bible Study Daytime MOPS 9:30 am - English as 12 pm - Ladies Another Language Daytime Fellowship 7 pm - CLC Brass Coed Volleyball Women’s Bible St. 9:00 am - SonRise Saturday 3:45 pm - Band Reh. 4:45 pm - Worship (Worship Center) 5:00 pm - Worship (Sanctuary) 6:15 pm - Taizé Prayer Service KOK Registration Open for New CLC Families 6:15 am-Men’s Bible 8:30 am KOK Registration: Current Families 9:00 am Moms in Prayer 11:30 am - Women’s Downtown Bible St. 6:30 pm-Men’s Bball 7:00 pm-GriefShare 15 1617 18 Ash Wednesday 192021 22 23 8:00 & 10:45 am - Worship Services (Sanctuary) 8:30 & 10:35 am - Worship Services (Worship Center) 9:30 am - Adult Bible Classes / Discover CLC Class Kids Kount / Student (5th-12th) Bible Classes 12:00 pm - Pick-Up Choir Rehearsal: Mixed Group 5:30 pm - Confirmation 7:15 pm - 7th-8th Basketball 8:00 & 10:45 am - Worship Services (Sanctuary) 8:30 & 10:35 am - Worship Services (Worship Center) 9:30 am - Adult Bible Classes / Discover CLC Class Kids Kount / Student (5th-12th) Bible Classes 1:00 pm - Cub Scout Pack 188 Blue & Gold Event 5:30 pm - Confirmation 7:15 pm - 7th-8th Basketball 6:15 am - 3M (Men’s) Bible Study 9:00 am Moms in Prayer 11:30 am - Women’s Downtown Bible St. 6:30 pm Men’s Basketball 7:00 pm GriefShare 6:15 am - 3M (Men’s) Bible Study 9:00 am Moms in Prayer 11:30 am - Women’s Downtown Bible St. 6:30 pm Men’s Basketball 7:00 pm GriefShare 9:00 am - Int’l Friends Bible Study Moms in Prayer 9:15 am - LIFT 10:30 am - Int’l Friends 11:30 am - Ladies Bridge 12:00 pm - Men’s Downtown Bible St. 7:00 pm - DivorceCare DivorceCare for Kids Finance Team Together Tuesday SonRise Tuesday 24 9:00 am - Int’l Friends Bible Study Moms in Prayer 9:15 am - LIFT 10:30 am - Int’l Friends 12:00 pm - Men’s Downtown Bible St. 6:00 pm - American Heritage Girls 6:30 pm-Women’s Bible 7:00 pm - DivorceCare DivorceCare for Kids SonRise Tuesday 7:30 am - Men’s Bibles & Bagels 3:45 pm - Band Reh. 4:45 pm - Worship (Worship Center) 5:00 pm - Worship (Sanctuary) See Wed. Music Rehearsal Schedule (above) 6:30 am - GIFT (Men’s Bible Study) Busy Woman’s Bible Study 9:15 am - Women’s Bible Study 11:30 am - Make a Joyful Noise Choir 12 pm - Ash Wednesday Service 4:30 pm - English Conversation Class Women’s Bible Study 6:00 pm - Lifelight Bible Study 6:45 pm - Ash Wednesday Service (WC) 7:00 pm - Ash Wednesday Service (Sanc) 7th-8th/High School Activities 8:30 pm - Men’s Open Basketball See Wed. Music Rehearsal Schedule (above) 25 6:30 am - GIFT (Men’s Bible Study) Busy Woman’s Bible Study 9:00 am - Sewing for Missions 9:15 am - Women’s Bible Study 12:00 pm - Midweek Lenten Service 1:00 pm - Senior Euchre 4:30 pm - English Conversation Class Women’s Bible Study 6:00 pm - Lifelight Bible Study 7:00 pm - Midweek Lenten Service 7th-8th/High School Activities 8:30 pm - Men’s Open Basketball See Wed. Music Rehearsal Schedule (above) 9:00 am - Children’s Musical Rehearsal 12-5 pm - Concordia Seminary Interviews 2:30 pm - Internat. Friends Family Fun 3:45 pm - Band Reh. 4:45 pm - Worship (Worship Center) 5:00 pm - Worship (Sanctuary) 6:00 pm - Concert: Seminary Men’s Choir 9:15 am - Women’s Bible Study 9:30 am - English as Another Language 7:00 pm - CLC Brass Coed Volleyball Women’s Bible St. Evening MOPS Governing Board Knitting Lessons 26 27 9:15 am - Women’s 9:00 am Bible Study Daytime MOPS 9:30 am - English as Another Language 7:00 pm - Coed Volleyball Women’s Bible St. CLC Brass 28 7:30 am - Men’s Bibles & Bagels 9:00 am - Children’s Musical Rehearsal 3:45 pm - Band Reh. 4:45 pm - Worship (Worship Center) 5:00 pm - Worship (Sanctuary) 7:00 pm - 5th-8th Grade Service Event
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