February 2015 - First Evangelical Lutheran Church

ear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
At the time of the Reformation, some Christians wanted
to eliminate Lent since Scripture didn't command it.
Luther urged that it be kept, for he saw Lent as an
opportunity for the strengthening of faith. "Lent, Palm
Sunday, and Holy Week shall be retained, not to force
anyone to fast, but to preserve the Passion history and
the Gospels appointed for that season" (Luther’s Works
53:90). Here Luther tells us that Lent should be
preserved, in part, because it reminded Christians of the
Passion (Suffering and Death) of Jesus and encouraged
them to meditate upon it. However, no one should be
forced to participate. It should be voluntary.
So we also retain Lent to this day because we
see it as an outward discipline that gives Christians a
wonderful opportunity for spiritual renewal. Our
observance of Lent combines many of the above
features. Through our midweek and Sunday services,
our Bible studies, and Lenten devotional materials, we
come face to face with whatever sin may be hindering
our walk with Christ. But most profoundly, we come face
to face with the Gospel of Jesus which forgives and
removes that sin and gives us the power to live anew.
Are you satisfied with your walk with Christ? Or
do you long for more—to know Him better, to be more
like Him, to experience His love more profoundly? Then I
urge you to willingly submit yourself to the discipline of
Lent. It will be another opportunity to bring you face to
face with Jesus and His Gospel. It will be another
opportunity for you to enter into spiritual renewal.
For Lutherans the 40-day
season of Lent is an important one.
But what is Lent? Do the Scriptures
mention it? Why do we observe it?
Though the Scriptures do not mention Lent, it has a
longstanding tradition in the Church. It began very simply
as a time of preparation for Easter. From the earliest
times it was customary for Christians in most places to
fast before Easter. At first this was a 2-day fast (Friday
and Saturday). As time passed this fast was extended
here and there to a week. Though it is not certain how it
developed, by 350 A.D. the 40-day fast that we now
have was already the practice in most places. Today
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy
Saturday—the Saturday before Easter (Sundays are
excluded to preserve the number 40 recognizing the 40
days Jesus was in the desert tempted by the devil).
For Christians living in the Fourth Century, Lent
had two major emphases: (1) It was seen as a time of
repentance and denial of self. All Christians were to
examine their lives according to the Ten Commandments
and other Christian ethical principles and repent where
necessary. They were to remember what it cost their Savior
to save them; (2) It was a time of instruction and preparation
for those wanting to be baptized to become members of the
church. During Lent they learned the Christian doctrine by
studying the Creed. They were led step by step through
prayer and special rites toward baptism.
Pastor Larry
Volume 114
Issue 2
February 2015
February 18
12:00 noon Service & 7:30 pm Evening Service
Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion
Lenten services on the following Wednesday nights:
February 25, March 4, 11, 18, and 25
Meet at 6:30 pm for Soup and Bread
Midweek Lenten worship service at 7:15 pm
Theme: reflecting on the different gods in our
lives that are at war with God.
Volume 114, No. 2
Inside this issue:
LCMC Gathering
Christian Education
Worship & Music
Youth & Family
Youth, continued
Happy Stitchers
Stephen Ministry
Worship Asst. Schedule 8
Thanks & Prayers
Intergenerational Activities
Faith & Fellowship Photos
February 2015
LCMC Gathering
LCMC Intermountain West
District Gathering
March 20-21, 2015
1st Evangelical Lutheran Church
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Keynote Speaker
Rev. Dr. Gemechis Buba,
Assistant to the Bishop for Missions
in the North American Lutheran Church
Come and see what God is doing in our midst at the
2nd Annual LCMC Intermountain West District Gathering
“4 As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God
and precious to him-- 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a
spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. “
1 Peter 2:4-5 (theme of the gathering)
No cost for attendees!
Friday dinner and Saturday
lunch & breaks will be furnished.
A general invitation is being extended to any interested LCMC congregation and
local churches of other Christian denominations.
To register:
Call the office at 522-9301 or
email office@firstlc.com
Friday, March 20
6:00—9:00 pm
Saturday, March 21
8:45 am—3:30 pm
Join us for a great time of fellowship, worship, prayer,
learning and breaking bread together.
Breakout Sessions in addition to Pastor Buba’s talks
“Transitions: The Mormon Migration from Religion to Relationship” — Pastor James Wakefield
“Discipleship at Home” — Kelli Kirk
Christian Education
1st Lutheran Morning and Afternoon Preschool Update
We start our daily sessions with Centers which help children with
social skills while there are a variety of cross-curricular toys and activities
to enjoy. Daily Circle times are used to introduce literacy, math, social
studies, science and motor skills concepts. Learning games, activities,
practice papers and music are used to reinforce these concepts. Our
creative preschoolers’ arts and crafts projects can be seen hanging
outside our classroom.
November included a trip to the fire station for the morning
preschoolers and a Thanksgiving celebration for both classes.
Thank you to our Happy Stitchers for our December quilt-making presentation. The gift of a quilt for each child
made the day so special. Our Happy Stitchers are truly a vessel that showed God’s love that day. We finished
December with delightful Christmas programs followed by refreshments and a gift exchange.
Adult Inquiry/New Member Classes are coming!
Sometimes people are curious about the basics of Lutheran Christian belief. Sometimes people have been worshipping
at First Lutheran and want to commit themselves to becoming members. Sometimes people are already members and
would like a review of the foundational teachings. Maybe you find yourself in one of the mentioned groups.
Starting Sunday morning, February 8 at 9:00 am, Pastor Larry is offering an Adult Inquiry class for any and all
people, members or not, on the fundamentals of being a Lutheran Christian. In addition to the above categories, maybe
there is someone you have in mind to invite that you could attend with so that they can come feeling supported and
accompanied by a friend. Please offer to come to the class with them. There is no obligation to join assumed by
attending the class. But anyone, Lutheran or not, who wants to become an official member of First Lutheran is required
to attend. Sign-up is necessary. Please call the office at 522-9301 to sign-up.
Volume 114, No. 2
February 2015
Worship & Music
Christmas Cantata CD’s
Thanks for supporting Music Ministry
CD’s of our 2014 Christmas Cantata,
Thank you for the generous monetary gifts to our music
fund from so many of you during the last month. The
Christmas Cantata is quite an expensive venture and much
of it is funded through the music special funds. They
became depleted during the month of December and
already are well established for the next
year. Thanks for your support of our
music ministry.
Penny Dixon
“Jesus, Our Peace”
are available.
Suggested donation is $7.00.
Bell Choir—If you want to give it a try,
this is your chance!
Christmas Cantata Offering
Cherub Bells (3rd grade and up)
Plan to attend 3 rehearsals on Tuesdays
(Feb. 3, 10, and 17 from 6:00—6:30 pm)
We will then play for worship on
Sunday, February 22.
If you have questions,
contact Penny at 522-9301
or email her at: pendix@first
The offering collected during the 2014
Christmas Cantata was $16,000 including Thrivent
Financial’s contribution. Those checks to the Idaho Falls
Food Bank, the Soup Kitchen and the Rescue Mission will
be presented on Sunday, January 25, during Worship.
Shrove Tuesday—February 17—Pancakes from 6:00 -7:00 pm
The Tuesday before Ash Wednesday is traditionally called Shrove Tuesday. So what is it
and what is it all about? Traditionally viewed as a day of repentance, Shrove Tuesday has become
the last day for celebration and feasting before the period of fasting practiced during the Lenten
season. The name "Shrove Tuesday" is derived from the word "shrive", which means to confess and
receive absolution. The name denotes a period of cleansing, wherein a person brings their lusts and
appetites under subjection through abstention and self-sacrifice.
The concept behind this practice is found in 1 Corinthians 9:27 where the Apostle Paul states: “..I punish my
body and enslave it, so that after proclaiming to others I myself should not be disqualified..." Ironically, Shrove
Tuesday has evolved into a day of frivolity and indulgence during which people participate in as much pleasure and
self-gratification as they can before Lent begins.
Shrove Tuesday originated during the Middle Ages. As in contemporary times, food items like meats, fats,
eggs, milk, and fish were regarded as restricted during Lent. To keep such food from being wasted, many families
would have big feasts on Shrove Tuesday in order to consume those items that would inevitably become spoiled
during the next forty days. The English tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday came about as a way to use
as much milk, fats, and eggs as possible before Ash Wednesday began. In France, the consumption of all fats and
fatty foods on this day coined the name "Fat Tuesday" or Mardi Gras. England began the tradition of serving
pancakes, and for this reason the day is known as "Pancake Day". So here at First Lutheran we have a feast of
pancakes starting at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, February 17. All are welcome. Come hungry.
A little humor. . . “C’mon Grandma, you’ve got to try it,” I pleaded to my elderly Grandmother.
I don’t know how
she lasted this long without ever using the Internet, but enough was enough I thought. “Okay,” she said reluctantly
settling down by the computer and slowly putting on her reading glasses. “What do I do now?”
“Now, I’m going to open the home page of Google,” I explained. “Okay, here it is! Now type in ANY question
you want into the bar here and you will find an answer to your question,” I confidently assured her. Grandma looked
at me warily, thought for a second, and slowly began to type, “How is Gertrude doing this morning?”
Question: My childbirth instructor says
it’s not pain I’ll feel during labor, but
pressure. Is she right?
Answer: Yes, in the same way that a
tornado might be called an air current!
Volume 114, No. 2
A Sunday School class was studying the
Ten Commandments. They were ready to
discuss the last one. The teacher asked if
anyone could tell her what it was. Susie
raised her hand, and quoted, “Thou shall
not take the covers off thy neighbor’s wife.”
I didn’t know if my granddaughter had learned her
colors yet, so I decided to test her. I pointed out
something to her and asked what color it was. She
would tell me, and she was always correct! But it was
fun for me so I continued. At last, she headed for the
door saying sagely, “Grandma, I think you should try to
figure out some of these yourself!”
February 2015
Youth & Family
FELC Youth Group
Mission Trip 2015
February 8, 2015
Attention Parents and Youth of grades 8th—12th
(and any other interested adults)
PreK—3rd grade 4:30 – 6:00 pm
4th—6th grade 4:30 – 6:00 pm
7th—12th grade 4:30 – 6:00 pm
If you or your child are interested in going on this
year’s Mission trip, please join members of the Mission
Team for the 2015 Mission Trip meetings. We will meet
the first Sunday of the month (February 1, March 1,
Saturday, April 4, and May 3) These meetings will be held
after worship in the high school Sunday School room.
Come prepared to learn about expectations, fundraisers,
service events and requirements for the trip. If you have
any questions, contact Jade Anderson at 589-2378.
Don’t forget to join your church friends from FELC for
youth group! Bring a neighbor or a friend from school for
an afternoon of faith, fellowship and fun! Starting in
February, the Youth & Family Ministry Team is excited to
announce that all three age groups will be meeting
with their individual age groups at the same time!
Parents, this a great opportunity to bring ALL your kids
for an afternoon at church.
Information as to where we’re going and the dates for
our trip will be announced at the February 1 meeting.
Bowling, anyone??
Calling all ages, please join
your FELC family and friends at an
intergenerational Bowling Event,
on Sunday, February 15 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm at
Bowlero Lanes (670 1st Street). Admission prices are
$2.50 for shoe rental and $3.50 per game for individuals
12 years of age and older, $2.50 per game for those
under 12. All ages are welcome! Invite a friend and enjoy
some fellowship and fun!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to call Sara Wilmot at 681-1933.
First Communion classes
are starting soon! Classes are
February 1, 8, and 15 from
11:30 am—12:30 pm. Participants bake
their own communion bread on
Saturday, February 21 at 10:00 am.
First Communion Sunday is February 22. Children
from 3rd grade through 8th grade can sign up for the
classes by calling the church office at 522-9301.
Please sign up soon.
Spaghetti Dinner—Friday, Feb. 13
2nd Graders!
You are invited to come and receive a gift from your
Church family on Sunday, March 15, during worship service
at 10:15 am. This will be a cross with Luther’s rose
and “I am Lutheran” on the back.
Calling ALL generations and ages! You
are cordially invited to attend a
pre-Valentine’s Day Spaghetti Dinner on
Friday, February 13 to benefit the FELC
Youth Summer Mission Trip. We welcome singles,
couples, and ALL families. Walk-ins are welcome but
reservations are encouraged to help the Youth and
Family Ministry Team with planning.
It will remind you that you are God’s child and that He
loves you very much. Please come and accept this gift as
a sign of your church’s continued commitment to the
promise made at your baptism to walk with you in your
faith walk. We ask that you call the church at 522-9301
or email the office at office@firstlc.com by March 11
if you will be coming to receive this gift. Blessings!
Please call Jade Anderson at 589-2378 with your
reservation. Dinner will be served from 4:30—7:30 pm.
A suggested donation of $10 per person or $30 per family
is asked.
If you are interested in helping in any way with
this wonderful fundraiser whether set-up, decorating,
cooking, serving, cleaning, etc., please call Jade
Anderson at 589-2378. This is a wonderful servant event
to complete servant hours for this summer’s mission trip.
From the Christian Education Team
Angel Contest Winners: Throughout the
church during Advent and Christmas there was quite
a group of angels on shelves, on window ledges,
hanging from signs and trees, high and low. There
was a contest to guess the total number of angels.
Shannon Mullinix guessed there were 208 angels, and she got
the exact amount correct!! Greg Katainen came in closest
among the adults with a count of 201. Congratulations to
Shannon and Greg. Talk to Pastor Larry about your prize.
Volume 114, No. 2
Save the date—Sunday, March 8, 2015
Dessert Auction Fundraiser in conjunction with Praise
and Potluck Sunday. This is a fundraiser for Luther
Heights Day Camp. If you are willing to donate desserts
for this event, please contact Bobbi Hasner at 528-8092
or 757-8186.
February 2015
Youth, continued
Picture a camper finding belief, 20 feet off the ground,
not just for the moment, but for life. Annie made it all the way up,
and after fearlessly—fearlessly—screaming down the zip line, she
exclaimed for everyone to hear: “Did you see me?!” Her buddy
replied, “Annie, look what you did!” Annie declared, “No. God
and me did it.”
Belief happens every summer at camp for Annie and
hundreds (and hundreds) of campers of every age and ability. Kids
discover their true worth and potential; gain confidence through
positive friendships; grow in new life skills and passions; and most
of all, deepen their faith in God through the love of Jesus!
We cannot do camp without you and your prayerful,
generous financial support. In a very real way your belief in us
carries us to the top of the tower and allows us to exclaim “Look
what God and we did!” Thanks for believing in Lutherhaven’s
mission to kids of every age, for celebrating with us all God is
doing through Lutherhaven Ministries!
(The following is from Lutherhaven; this story
happened while our youth were there for FELC
Mission Trip 2014)
Tis the season of child-like belief: the wonder of Jesus’
birth, love and joy, hope and faith. Something truly changes in a
person’s heart when belief comes to stay. Belief creates a spark
in the soul.
It’s tough enough being a kid these days. Belief gets
bullied by self-doubt. Peer pressure. A chorus of harmful voices
nagging at them every day. So imagine how much harder to
believe being a kid with special needs. Annie was a Lutherhaven
Champ Camper this summer who couldn’t believe a “loving” God
would create her with disabilities. All week at camp she wrestled
with that, until Thursday found her on the face of our 40-foot
climbing tower—and face to face with belief.
Cursing every inch of the way, Annie believed in one
thing: she’d never make it. Twenty feet up she froze. Hanging
by her rope, looking over her shoulder for her high school one-onone buddy below, Annie cried out for prayers to God for courage.
Her buddy roared up a prayer for Annie.
Bob Baker, Executive Director
Happy Stitchers
Congregational Quilt—The Words
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever
comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in
me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35)
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the
vinedresser.” (John 15:1)
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the
world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but
will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.
Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he
live.” (John 11:25)
The final block is not technically an “I AM” statement, but
in the context of the story of the Samaritan woman at the
well, there is really no doubt that Jesus was identifying
Himself as the Living Water.
Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and
who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would
have asked him, and he would have given you living
water.” … 13 Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of
this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks of the
water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The
water that I will give him will become in him a spring of
water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:10, 13-14)
Our final article explaining the design of the
congregational quilt covers the words on the squares that
make up the cross.
The square at the center of the cross carries the
words “I AM” in large, gold, block lettering. This is God’s name
as He told it to Moses in Exodus 3:14.
God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Say
this to the people of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
Jesus identified Himself with this name of God multiple times.
Here is what transpired according to Mark when Jesus was
questioned at His trial before the high priest.
But he remained silent and made no answer. Again the
high priest asked him, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the
Blessed?” 62 And Jesus said, “I am, and you will see the
Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and
coming with the clouds of heaven.” (Mark 14:61-62)
Jesus also made it clear to His disciples that He is God.
“I and the Father are one.” (John 10:30)
This is why the “I AM” is at the center of the cross, because
Jesus is God.
Each of the other blocks carries a statement of Jesus,
defining Himself for His followers.
The top square has “Alpha and Omega”.
And he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the
Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will
give from the spring of the water of life without
payment.” (Rev 21:6)
Following, there are the seven “I AM” statements from the Book
of John.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the
life. No one comes to the Father except through
me.” (John 14:6)
So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I
am the door of the sheep.” (John 10:7)
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down
his life for the sheep.” (John 10:11)
Volume 114, No. 2
He used the same phrase again in dealings with the Pharisees
in the temple.
On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood
up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me
and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture
has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living
water.’” (John 7:37-38)
The Happy Stitchers hope
that this series of articles explaining
the design of the congregational quilt
has given you an appreciation of the
deeper, spiritual significance of its
design. May God bless you!
February 2015
Stephen Ministry
Penny Power
In January, Penney Power supported the
community-wide emphasis on the Homeless Standown.
You made a difference in the lives of real people by contributing to
the purchase of warm gloves and socks at a time when our weather
becomes colder and colder.
For February, let’s look at the other end of the spectrum—
our community’s newborn babies! When new parents take their
bundle of joy home for the first time, state law requires a child
safety seat; for those who can’t afford it, F.I.S.H. supplies one to
keep the baby safe, not only on the way home but for months to
come. But what about all the “software”—a baby blanket, diapers &
wipes, infant clothes, etc.? February’s Penny Power will supply
newborn kits to be provided at the hospital when those babies are
going home. The kits will be provided through the Humanitarian
Center and delivered in concert with F.I.S.H. for every new life
among us.
Remember this from the January Crosswalk. . .
“Helping the poor and needy prolong life, reduce suffering, be
self-reliant, prepare for emergencies, sustain life, and promote
personal responsibility.”
Obviously, the key is “helping the poor and needy”; it’s a call to
serve. Our congregation strives to care for others’ welfare in many
ways with several active programs. In mid-February, we will have a
chance to explore another way to care for God’s people, through the
organization who generated the mission statement quoted above.
We have an opportunity to join other Christians—all denominations,
all ages, all talents—to serve the needs of the less fortunate among
us throughout Eastern Idaho. By working together, the Humanitarian
Center lets us reach out as a community of Christians to a
community of people in need. “Synergy” is when the results are
greater than the sum of its parts—an appropriate outcome for the
goals of the Humanitarian Center.
A few “Thank Yous” for our Missions Gifts
Dear Friends at First Evangelical Lutheran Church,
Thanks for your prayers and support. Your gift is making events like
this happen: (From an article in the Lake Orion Review)
“. . . Transformation Christ Church is sponsoring a Charity Christmas
Concert to raise money to purchase supplies for Bruce Gertz who is
homeless and often fends off the weather in plastic wrap; and for the
benefit of Grace Center of Hope in Pontiac, which provides refuge and
programs for individuals attempting to re-enter society after hardships.”
Thank you from Hospice of Eastern Idaho
Hospice of Eastern Idaho would like to acknowledge and thank you for the
donation we received from your church. The money received from this
generous contribution will go towards enhancing our patient care programs
here in our community. We appreciate your support for our community’s
only non-profit hospice.
From China Service Ventures and Jeff & Mim Nellermoe Thank you so
much for your gift of $4,109.00. This kind of faithful giving sustains our
work and builds God’s kingdom. We truly appreciate it. It is an exciting
time to be working in China. God has opened doors that were not open
even a few short years ago. Pray for our work, that the love of Jesus might
change hearts and lives. Again we say thank you!
Volume 114, No. 2
God…Where Can I Find You?
“In a little while the world will no
longer see me, but you will see me…”
--John 14:19
Sometimes life can be so amazing that we
can’t believe how much God must love us that
He gives us so much to be thankful for. Yet
there can be times that our faith is sorely tested
with unfortunate happenings, and we struggle to
find evidence that we are not abandoned, that
God still is beside us yet seems so quiet.
Scripture is a wonderful resource to renew our
strength to begin again, reminded that truly God
is always in command of our life.
I find the following words comforting
when waiting for God to answer:
“I see God in the face of a child,
I hear God through the whispers of prayers,
I smell God in the beauty of a flower,
I taste God when given Communion at His house,
I touch God when I share His love in hugging my
hurting friend.”
First Lutheran is so blessed to offer the
caregiving of 18 trained Stephen Ministers
available if you need someone to confide in
when struggling through a difficult time in your
life. We also are happy to announce that nine
more members have begun 50 hours of training
to become Stephen Ministers! If you would like
to learn more about having a Stephen Minister
assigned to help you, make an appointment to
discuss this opportunity with Pastor Larry.
---Pat Matthews, Stephen Leader
When you worry—Matthew 6:19-34
If you are discouraged—Isaiah 40
When you need courage—Joshua 1
When God seems far away—Psalm 139
When in sorrow—John 14
If you have the blues—Psalm 34
If you are lonely—Psalm 23
For a great invitation or opportunity—
Isaiah 55
When someone fails you—Psalm 27
When you want rest & peace—
Matthew 11:28-30
February 2015
8:45 AM Choir
9:00 AM Adult Bible Story Hr
9:00 AM GIFT - All ages
10:15 AM Worship with Holy
11:30 AM 1st Communion
Class/Room #6/till 12:30pm
11:45 AM 2015 Mission Trip
Planning Meeting/High
School Sunday School Rm
12:00 PM "Team Talk"
10:00 AM Friends
for Learning - Greek
3:45 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM TOPS Weight Loss Group
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
10:30 AM FELC @ IF
Soup Kitchen
1:00 PM Preschool
3:45 PM Kindermusik
5:00 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM Bell Practice
9:00 AM Preschool
9:30 AM Kindermusik
10:45 AM Kindermusik
1:00 PM Preschool
2:00 PM Women's Bible
5:30 PM Women's Bible
6:30 PM Care & Concern/
Senior High Classroom
7:00 PM Confirmation
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Kaffeeklatsch
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in prayer
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
6:45 PM Stephen Ministry
7:00 PM Adult Bible Story
7:00 PM Stephen Ministry
10:00 AM Kindermusik
11:30 AM King's Men
2:30 PM Blood Drive/
Fellowship Hall
8:45 AM Choir
9:00 AM Adult Bible Story Hr
9:00 AM GIFT - All ages
9:00 AM New Member Class
10:15 AM Worship with Holy
11:30 AM 1st Communion
Class/Room #6/till 12:30pm
11:30 AM Praise & Potluck
4:30 PM Youth Night/Pre-K 12th grade/Fellowship Hall,
High school Rm, Double
classroom & 7th & 8th grade Rm
10:00 AM Friends for
Learning - Greek
3:45 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM TOPS Weight Loss Group
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
12:00 PM Happy Stitchers
Bible Study
1:00 PM Preschool
3:45 PM Kindermusik
5:00 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM Bell Practice
6:30 PM Property meeting
7:30 PM Finance Meeting
9:00 AM Preschool
9:30 AM Kindermusik
10:45 AM Kindermusik
1:00 PM Preschool
2:00 PM Women's Bible
5:30 PM Women's Bible
7:00 PM Confirmation
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Kaffeeklatsch
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in Prayer
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
6:45 PM Stephen Ministry
7:00 PM Adult Bible Story
DEADLINE (12 Noon)
10:00 AM Kindermusik
11:30 AM King's Men
1:00 PM Out to Lunch
4:30 PM PreValentines Day
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
Fellowship Hall
8:45 AM Choir
9:00 AM Adult Bible Story Hr
9:00 AM GIFT - All ages
9:00 AM New Member Class
10:15 AM Worship with Holy
11:30 AM 1st Communion
Class/Room #6/till 12:30pm
11:45 AM Humanitarian
Presentation/Fellowship Hall
3:00 PM Bowling at Bowlero
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
10:30 AM FELC @ IF
Soup Kitchen
Presidents Day
1:00 PM Preschool
Office Closed
3:45 PM Kindermusik
10:00 AM Friends for 5:00 PM Kindermusik
Learning - Greek
6:00 PM Bell Practice
6:00 PM Shrove Tuesday
3:45 PM Kindermusik Pancake Dinner till 7:00 PM
6:00 PM TOPS Weight Loss Group
Ash Wednesday
9:00 AM Preschool
9:30 AM Kindermusik
10:45 AM Kindermusik
12:00 PM Ash Wednesday
1:00 PM Preschool
2:00 PM Women's Bible
5:30 PM Women's Bible
7:30 PM Ash Wednesday
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Kaffeeklatsch
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in Prayer
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
6:45 PM Stephen Ministry
7:00 PM Adult Bible Story
7:00 PM Stephen Ministry
10:00 AM Kindermusik
11:30 AM King's Men
12:00 PM Regional
Council Worship
7:30 AM Men in
Mission - Breakfast
- Fairwinds
10:00 AM 1st
Communion Bread
Hall/till 12:30pm
First Communion Sunday
8:45 AM Choir
9:00 AM Adult Bible Story Hr
9:00 AM GIFT - All ages
9:00 AM New Member Class
10:15 AM Worship with Holy
8:00 AM Newsletter
10:00 AM Friends for
Learning - Greek
3:45 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM TOPS Weight Loss Group
9:00 AM Preschool
9:30 AM Kindermusik
10:45 AM Kindermusik
1:00 PM Preschool
2:00 PM Women's Bible
5:30 PM Women's Bible
6:00 PM Confirmation
6:30 PM Soup
and Bread
7:15 PM
Lenten Worship
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Kaffeeklatsch
11:30 AM Sunnyside
Saints' Luncheon
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in Prayer
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
6:45 PM Stephen Ministry
7:00 PM Adult Bible Story
10:00 AM Kindermusik
11:30 AM King's Men
12:00 PM Regional
Council Worship
1:00 PM Quilting
Class/Fellowship Hall
till 4:00
Volume 114, No. 2
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
1:00 PM Preschool
3:45 PM Kindermusik
5:00 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM Administration
6:00 PM Bell Practice
7:00 PM Council Meeting/
9:00 AM Baptismal
quilt tying/till noon/
Fellowship Hall
February 2015
It’s not too early to be setting aside items
for our Annual FELC Garage Sale on Saturday, May 2!
This garage sale raises money to send our children to Bible Camp. As you do your cleaning, your
sorting, your exchanging old for new, your simplifying, please remember the sale and start setting things
aside. This is a wonderful way for you to support sending our children to camp. Our set up week will be
from Sunday, April 26 through May 1. We will need many volunteers to help set up for the sale.
February Fellowship for All
Memorial Ministry
I am pleased to announce to you that Nonda Meyer has
agreed to take over the Memorial Ministry. She will be
contacting committees regarding any possible memorials
they would suggest and getting acquainted with the
process of receiving and dispensing of memorial funds.
My deep thanks to her for coming forward and taking on
this important ministry.
Carole Mason
Praise and Potluck Sunday is February 8.
Following are the dish assignments:
Thank you to everyone for
supporting our monthly
Last Names Beginning With:
N, S
A, I, P, T, W
H, J, K, L
C, D, E, F, G
B, C
Red Cross Blood Drive is coming to
First Lutheran on Friday, February 6th
from 2:30—6:00 pm. Sign-ups are in
the narthex of the church.
Come pay it forward!
Please remember to return the hearing
devices to their appropriate charging
stand so they will be ready for use the
following Sunday. NOTE: There are
several missing, so please check that
they did not follow you home.
Bread/rolls, butter
Cheese or fruit
Green or fruit salad
A pasta or potato dish
a hot dish/casserole or meat
clean-up & kitchen duties
If your child has not had a chance to bring something
for the mystery box and would like to, please fill out a
mystery box card located on the table in the office.
Hospice of Eastern Idaho Volunteer Training
If you would like to know more about being a hospice
volunteer, or simply learn about end-of-life care and caregiving, plan to attend this training: March 16, 19, 23, 26 from
5:30—8:30 pm at 1810 Moran in Idaho Falls. Call the Hospice office with any questions or to sign up at 529-0342.
Katie Wiseman, Volunteer Coordinator
“TEAM TALK” is the first Sunday of every month, for Church Council Liaisons and Ministry Team Chairs.
Worship Assistant Schedule
+=Cross Bearers
# = Coordinator
Feb. 1
10:15 am
Natalie Jessmore+
Madeline Jessmore,
Marie Cleverly
Andy Wentzel Dave McDaniel Bev Novak
Pat Matthews
Greg Katainen#
Jim & Peggy Jessmore
Greg & Kathy
Cathi Bean
Feb. 8
10:15 am
Sarah Lerum+
Paul Lerum,
William Lerum
Caleb Hason+
Megan Hanson,
Sydney Walsh
Patty Cottrell
Jill Rehfield
Jim Dixon#
Dave Frederick, Cal Miller
Jim Dixon
Dave Frederick
Cathi Bean
Cathi Bean
Cathi Bean
Dave Sheldon#
Dick & Anne Mitchell
Richard &
Cathi Bean
Shelley Williams
Shawn Cleverly+
Marie Cleverly,
Bailey Wilmot
Michelle &
Jim Dixon#
Marge Dineen
Marie Cleverly Lisa Swenson, George Harris Lisa Swenson
Feb. 15
10:15 am
Feb. 22
10:15 am
Volume 114, No. 2
Cathi Bean
February 2015
Thanks and Prayers
Thank you to our First Lutheran family
following the death of our dear mother and
grandmother, Erma Brown. Your prayers,
cards, and words of sympathy and support
have been a great comfort and blessing.
DiAnn and Anya Brown
Dear Congregation &
Congregation Council,
I simply cannot thank you
enough for the generous
monetary Christmas bonus. What a
wonderful surprise awaiting me on my desk
on Christmas Eve. It is truly such a blessing
to “work” together with you in doing God’s
work at First Lutheran Church.
Penny Dixon
Thanks so much for the generous
Christmas bonus. I am truly blessed to work
with and for so many wonderful people here
at FELC. May you all have a very Blessed
and Happy New Year.
Heide Weatherby
A big thank you to members of our Altar
Guild and also each of you who serve as
worship assistants. Your work during the
holiday season was greatly appreciated.
Wendy and I are so very thankful to each
of you for the generous Christmas bonus we
received from the congregation this year,
plus all the individual cards and gifts. You
make us feel very appreciated and loved.
Thank you.
Pastor Larry
Your Christmas gifts to me were so
appreciated. Each day during the holiday
season there were treats left on my desk
that truly warmed my heart. Thank you for
your thoughtfulness.
Penny Dixon
Pastoral Acts for December by
Pastor Larry
12/29/2014 Sylvia Bellairs
1/21/2015 Gerald Sanford
1/8/2015 Jeff and Kim Nate and family
Celebration of Marriage
1/18/2015 Andrew Williams & Chantelle Tam
Volume 114, No. 2
Those who mourn the loss of loved ones:
 Family & friends of Erma Brown, DiAnn Brown’s mother, on her passing
 Family & friends of Paul Fisk on his passing
 Family & friends of Frances Shadley, Jeff Shadley’s grandmother, on her
 Family & friends of Harry Barker, Tausya Storer’s grandfather on his passing
 Family & friends of Sylvia Bellairis, Jane Hoff’s mother, on her passing
 Family & friends of Robert Brock, Marda Kirkwood’s brother on his passing
Those who are ill:
 Joan Moore, Cathy Abreu’s aunt
 Don Larson, Debra Holst’s father
 Diane Prout, David & William Lerum’s grandmother
 Dona Reynolds, Elaine Harris’s sister
 Luanne Lance, Cal Miller’s sister-in-law
 Brock Steingruber, Rebecca Steingruber & Carrie Jenkin’s nephew
 Shirley Roberts, Shawn Cleverly’s mother
 Bob Gould, Liselotte Gould’s son
 Jean Bruno, Jo Glissendorf & Sue Cox’s friend
 Karen & Geoff Turner, Ann Hurley’s cousins
 The Murray Family, Rachel Clausen’s relatives
 The Derrick Family, Dora Evan’s relatives
 Craig Cleverly, Shawn Cleverly’s brother
 Jamie Muirbrook, Marie Mathewson’s granddaughter
 Bill Bubb, Jyl Jackson’s father
 Chaplain David Hunsicker, Chaplain John Piirto’s friend
 Clara Rasmusan, Bobbi Hasner’s relative
 Gary Bean, Cathi Bean’s father-in-law
 Amy Schmutz, Carole Mason’s friend
 Ethel Lerum, Chuck & Connie (Harlan Lerum’s grandmother, uncle & aunt)
Marilyn Thoren
Dennis Kunerth
Dave Sheldon
Jerry Townsend
Schoonmaker family
Maddie Laug
Kay Sawyers
Joe Portale
John Cox
Ann Hurley
Nancy Bergman
Easton Jardine
Rose Fischer
Bill & Reba Lockman
Nell Johnson
Debbie Holden
Tordie Combs
Sydnie Eldridge
Missionaries: Lutheran Bible Translators Rev. Michael & JoAnn Megahan in
Botswana; Missionaries to China, Rev. Jeff & Mim Nellermoe
Friends and family serving in the military: Marc Schoonmaker, Andrew Wallace,
Skylar Hudman, TJ Litteer, Mike Stultz, Garrett Marchington, Kyle Skeen, Jeff
Knudson, Thomas Butler, Alton Helm, Eric Gratzke, Rob Slanger, Mike Monroe,
Calvin Wilde, Kevin Hancock, Jody Townsend, Paul Roege, Craig Bukowski,
Michael Smith, Jack Hogan, Kali Rice
Dear Friends at First Lutheran Idaho Falls and Pastor Larry,
Wishing everyone at First Lutheran Idaho Falls A BLESSED
2015 from the Jaswanthkumar family here in Gainesville, Florida.
February 2015
Crosswalk is a publication of
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First Evangelical Lutheran Church
455 West Sunnyside Road
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
Tel: (208) 522-9301
Fax: (208) 522-1898
E-mail: office@firstlc.com
Website: www.firstlc.com
Address service requested
Sunday Worship Schedule
8:45 am: Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am: God’s Instruction For Today (GIFT)
10:15 am: Worship Service
11:30 am: Fellowship and Coffee
Staffed Nursery Care is available
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am to 4pm
Volume 114, No. 2
The Reverend Larry Cudmore
Pastor Emeritus
The Reverend John Piirto
Director of Music Ministries
Penny Dixon
Church Administrator
Heide Weatherby
Directors of Christian Preschool
Wendy Cudmore and Patti Chapin
Salvador Bolainez (Sal)
Financial Secretary
Patty Cottrell
Martha Wentzel
Crosswalk Editors
DiAnn Brown and Karen Guilford
Put news items for the Crosswalk in the “Newsletter” box at the church office
OR e-mail items to: diannbrown@cableone.net and knsg1949@gmail.com
February 1
Killing Him Softly
Judges 4
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
February 8
Broken Victory
Judges 6-7
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
February 15
Spoils of War
1 Samuel 15
February 22
1 Samuel 16-18
First Sunday in Lent
February 2015