Grandin Court Baptist Church 2660 Brambleton Ave Roanoke, VA 24015 540-774-1684 Rev. Brian Burnette Minister of Childhood Education Church Staffing Changes Are Coming!! Beginning June 1, 2014 there will be some new job titles at Grandin Court: PASTOR CHARLIE KRAUSE Charlie is “retiring” and moving to Part-time. He is now the Minster of Senior Adults and Pastoral Care. Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. Proverbs 22:6 PASTOR BRIAN BURNETTE Brian is taking on the education responsibilities for all ages and letting go of his Preschool Director duties. He is now the Minister of Children and Spiritual Formation. Formation MRS. LAURA BREWER Laura will now be the Preschool Director and handle all the daily tasks of running the Preschool Program. Family Sabbath School JULY 18-20, 2014 Join us for our churchwide, intergenerational, summer faith event! We will be learning about experiencing SABBATH together. Adults, children, and youth will all learn how to STOP & REST PRACTICE GOD’S PRESENCE ENGAGE IN JUSTICE We will use the books, SABBATH IN THE SUBURBS, by Maryann McKibben Dana, and SABBATH AS RESISTANCE, by Walter Bruggemann, along with other works, as our guides for the weekend. Our mission experience for the weekend will be Make sure you reserve the date now! WEEKEND SCHEDULE Friday, July 18 5:30pm – Gathering activities/Family Faith Fair 6:00pm – Dinner 6:30pm – Worship Presentation & Children’s Activities 7:15/7:30pm – Evening Prayers 8:00pm – Dismiss Saturday, July 19 9:00am – Stop Hunger Now 12:00pm – Lunch/Presentation Sunday, July 20 10:30am – Combined Worship in MAC 12:00pm – Dinner on the Grounds PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION IS OPEN! If you have a child who will be ages 2-4 by September 30, 2014, then sign them up for our Preschool Program! Did you know that your church is home to a Virginia Star Quality Initiative Preschool with a Three-Star Rating? That means we are committed to creating a QUALITY learning environment for your children. We are intentional about letting your child discover literacy, science, & math concepts as they play and interact with our classrooms. Now is a great time to consider all we have to offer and see how much our classrooms have changed and our teachers have grown over the last two years. Contact Pastor Brian for more information or a tour. Complete registration information is available at Fall 2014 Sunday School Teacher Needs Can you serve the children of our church as a Sunday School Teacher this Fall? Please consider fil ing one of these positions: Preschool SS Director (Each Sunday you make sure classes have enough teachers & help with snack prep & cleanup.. Also get parents to fil out paperwork for each child) Elementary SS Director (Each Sunday you make sure classes have enough teachers. Fil -in for teachers as needed. Get parents to fil out paperwork for each child). Lead SS Teachers (Prepare to share weekly Bible story & activities with children. Delegate other responsibilities to (See Brian for which classes are open) Assistant teachers). Assistant SS Teachers (Share teaching duties with Lead. Prepare snack for class if needed. Fil in for Lead as needed) Current Children’s SS Teachers, please let Pastor Brian know ASAP if you are wil ing to continue with your current class or are ready for a break. KROGER GIFT CARDS FUNDRAISING FOR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Kindergarten Worship Class If your child is entering Kindergarten this Fall, sign them up to get prepared for worship! Brian will teach a weekly worship class for Kindergarteners during the usual Extended Session time on these Sundays in August: August 4 August 11 August 18 What is Worship? Singing in Worship Worship Practice (Parents Attend) Each week, we work on worship bags that the kids can use to bring their Bibles and other supplies with them to worship. After the children finish the class, they will be presented a Bible and their worship bag in the AUGUST 24, 11:00am Worship Service. Your Kindergartener should begin staying in the service and no longer attend Extended Session on the following Sunday, August 31. Did you know that we are members of the Kroger Gift Cards Fundraising program? We know that most of us shop at Kroger, but now you can make your shopping work for the Children’s Ministry at Grandin Court! Using the Cards is so simple: • Purchase a card for $5 ($5 is already loaded on the card) • Take the card to Kroger and as you check out, have the cashier put any amount of money on the card up to $500 at a time. • Then just pay for your groceries using the Gift Card. • Every time $5,000 is collectively loaded on all our Gift Cards in use, we get a check for 4% of the proceeds. Over the last 2 years we have raised almost $3,000! Please think about buying a Kroger Gift Card! The funds raised from the Gift Cards helps us to lower the cost of our annual Summer Mission Camp, to buy supplies, and to update the furniture in our nursery. If you need a card please contact Brian. He still has plenty of cards left. Thanks for your support! All children and youth will promote to new classes (if applicable) Kindergarteners & Sixth Graders will be presented with Bibles during the 11:00am Worship A SUMMER transition group for 5th and 6th Graders Join Brian & Mac for Fun Fellowship Activities! Put these dates on your calendar. Wednesday June 25 Salem Red Sox Game 7pm-End ($8/ticket + food$$) Wednesday July 9 Hiking the Cascades 10am-2pm (pack a lunch/wear a swimsuit) Wednesday July 16 Transformers@Tanglewood Time TBD—Around 7:00pm (Bring Ticket & Snack $$) Wednesday August 6 Slip N Slide@Church 10am-2pm (pack a lunch/wear a swimsuit) Wednesday August 13 Putt-Putt 6:30pm-8:30pm (bring $5 for gold + token $$) Female Chaperones Needed! - Let Brian or Mac know if you can attend any of the above dates CHILDREN’S COUNCIL PAID CHILDCARE Summer Schedule: May 13 June 24 July 15 August 19 6:30pm in the Sunshine Classroom COORDINATOR POSITION The Children’s Council has created a NEW PAID POSITION to handle our childcare needs. Here’s a brief list of what the Childcare Coordinator responsibilities are: • • • • • • • Keeps the 9:00am Nursery for Birth-4 and recruits a rotating list of volunteers to help. Acts as Nursery Area Greeter during SS hour. Oversees the 11:00am worship childcare each Sunday. Maintains the Extended Session Schedule, the SubList, and Volunteer Contact Info. Keeps the Wednesday Evening Nursery from Sept.-April and recruits a rotating list of volunteers to help. Communicates with the Children’s Minister when there are issues or concerns. Serves on Children’s Council (monthly meetings) A more detailed job description including wage rate is available from Pastor Brian. If no one in the church feels called to this ministry position, then we will conduct a public search. Please let Pastor Brian know if you are interested. Extended Session Reminders • PLEASE make sure you contact your weekly TEAM LEAD if you are going to miss your shift. • PLEASE contact your TEAM LEAD to let them know if you have switched with another volunteer so they know who to expect and can go get them if they forget. • PLEASE let your TEAM LEAD know what Sunday you switched to, so they can send you a reminder of your new Sunday. • PLEASE try not to grab the same parents all the time if you are short a person in the nursery! A few people are getting worn out! You can always call or text Pastor Brian! Extended Session Schedule 2013-2014 Babies, Ones, & Twos 1st Sun Susan Wadsworth Michelle Floyd 2nd Sun Kelli Best Bonnie Topping 3rd Sun Donna Coffman Cathy Manning 4th Sun Lauren Crowder OPEN 5th Sun Carla Selvey OPEN Threes & Fours Rob or Laura Spring Susan Burnette OPEN Sabrina Hunsicker Paul Dull Susan Chrisley Candice Dull Alex Price Carol Baumgardner Brad Brewer Brian Burnette Team Leader Rachel Carter Jeanette O’Neill Ericka Lanier Heather Price Kelli Best 9AM Nursery Laura Spring Ashley Harmon Hillarie Beam Julie Brown OPEN
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