The Herald Sunday, February 1, 2015 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Roman Catholic Church Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 168 Chestnut St., Lockport, NY 14094 ! Rectory Office: (716) 433-8118 St. John’s Outreach: (716) 433-5252 St. John’s Faith Formation : (716) 478-3565 St. John’s Catholic Store: (716) 434-4219 DeSales Catholic School: (716) 433-6422 Breakfast Bash Next Sunday After Masses! ^hEzD^^^͗Sat. Vigil: 5:00 PM, Sunday: 7, 8:30, 10 AM & 12 Noon ! ,K>zzD^^^͗Holy Day: 7:00 & 8:00AM, 12:10 PM & 7:00 PM ! />zD^^^͗Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM, and 12:10 PM, Sat. 8:00 AM ! ^ZDEdK&ZKE/>/d/KE;KE&^^/KEͿ͗Sat.: 4:00-4:45 PM & Thurs. before 1st Fri.: 4:00-4:30 PM ^d͘:hEKsE͗Tuesday after 8 AM Mass! Infant &Child Baptism Preparation sessions are now at 6pm on the First Tuesday of the month. St John’s Outreach Center Hours Mon., Wed., & Fri: 12-3pm (716) 433-5252 Thanks for participating in Poverty Awareness Month. Let’s continue to build relationships with one another and live out the Gospel call. Saturday, January 31 Please help us to re-stock the following Hygiene items: deodorant and bathroom tissue 5:00PM BIRTH REM: Nancy O’Brien by the O’Brien Family Sunday, February 1 7:00AM 8:30AM 10:00AM 12:00PM Claire Piette by Bequest BIRTH REM: Edgar Tudor, Jr. by Family Joseph & Faith Lynch by Roy & Joyce Laubacker Jerry Dowd by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rotondo Monday, February 2 8:00AM Lawrence Atherton by Family 12:10PM DEATH REM: June Wilson by Lina & Dave Wilson Tuesday, February 3 8:00AM 12:10PM James E. McKnight by Sally Josephine Hutchison by Family Wednesday, February 4 8:00AM DEATH REM: Ralph Gar by Wife, Mary 12:10PM WEDD ANNIV REM: Harry Green by Sara Kenney Thursday, February 5 Our Furniture Ministry is in need of mattresses and box springs of all sizes, as well as dressers and kitchen tables and chairs. Please call the Outreach office to arrange for a pickup of any donations. 8:00AM Louis Rooney by Robert Rooney 12:10PM ANNIV OF DEATH: Butch Rongo by Family Friday, February 6 8:00AM Alyce Pease by Mary Jane Roskopf 12:10PM BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS TO: Ron Grell by Cathie Saturday, February 7 8:00AM Christine Burke by Sally McKnight 5:00PM Yolanda Gorman by Lucy & Tom Wronski Sunday, February 8 Thanks for your ongoing support of our Ministry. Bring your bottles and cans to the Good Neighbor Redemption Center on Walnut St. across from Harrison Place. Proceeds benefit Outreach. 7:00AM Shirley Lawson by the Family 8:30AM 3RD ANNIV OF DEATH: Bob Roskf by Family 10:00AM Esther C. Brown by Stan & Florence Kula 12:00PM Carol Ann Kelley by Perry The Sanctuary Lamp is lit this week For Dorothy Gampp By Dick & Dolores Hufnagel For details about this special intention, call the rectory. The Sanctuary Lamp is the 7-day candle next to the Tabernacle which signifies that the Real Presence of Christ is within it. Our next meeting will be held on Monday, February 2, 2015 in the Church Hall with recitation of the Rosary to begin promptly @ 6 PM. We look forward to meeting again after the holidays and invite members and guests interested in participating to attend! Our February Hostesses will be Dolores Hufnagel, Marian Hannigan, Shirley Weaver and Marilyn Stuart. Join us for fellowship, refreshments and planning for upcoming activities. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will be Wednesdays from 12 noon until 5 p.m. at All Saints Chapel, 76 Church St. The Divine Mercy Chapel in the back of the Carra Center at All Saints Oratory, 391 Market St. will no longer be used for adoration on Wednesdays. Trip to Italy͗^ƚ͘ƌĞŶĚĂŶŽŶƚŚĞ>ĂŬĞ͕EĞǁĨĂŶĞ͕Ez͗&ƌ͘ :ſnjĞĨǁŝůůƚĂŬĞĂŐƌŽƵƉƚŽ/ƚĂůLJ͕sĞŶŝĐĞͲWĂĚƵĂͲ&ůŽƌĞŶĐĞͲƐƐŝƐŝͲ ^ƚ͘WĂĚƌĞWŝŽƐŝƚĞƐͲZŽŵĞͲVa#can City, a,end the public AudiĞŶĐĞǁŝƚŚKƵƌ,ŽůLJ&ĂƚŚĞƌWŽƉĞ&ƌĂŶĐŝƐŝŶ^ƚ͘WĞƚĞƌ͛Ɛ^ƋƵĂƌĞ ŽŶKĐƚŽďĞƌϲͶϭϲ͕ϮϬϭϱ͘ŽƐƚƉĞƌƉĞƌƐŽŶŝŶƚǁŝŶĨƌŽŵdŽƌŽŶͲ ƚŽΨϯ͕ϮϵϬ͘&ŝŶĂůWĂLJŵĞŶƚŝƐĚƵĞ&ƌŝĚĂLJ͕:ƵůLJϭϳ͕ϮϬϭϱ͘/ĨLJŽƵ ĂƌĞŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚĞĚĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ&ƌ͘:ſnjĞĨƵĚnjŝŬ Ăƚ, or call 716-778-9822. Trip to France. Christ the King Seminary will sponsor a pilgrimage to the Shrines of France for twelve days, June 10-21, 2015. Father Joe Gatto and Msgr. Rich Siepka invite you to join them beginning in Lourdes and traveling throughout France with visits to Tours, Lisieux, the Normandy Landing Beaches, and ending with a three night stay in Paris. Price of the tour is $4,399 per person leaving from Toronto. For a more detailed itinerary and reservation information, please contact Nadine at or call 655-7092. Legion of Mary Update We are pleased to share with you that our Legion of Mary will continue to be an active source of community and spiritual works here at St. John’s. Through prayer and encouragement, our meetings and works of prayer, devotion and service will continue. We are here to stay and would so welcome new members to assist in serving our community. May this be a year of blessings and joy to all as we continue the spiritual and community work of our Legion of Mary. Please contact Imelda McGowan at 940-4291 or the church rectory at 433-8118 for information on membership and activities. PASTOR: PAROCHIAL VICAR: PASTOR EMERITUS: PARISH BUSINESS MANAGER: SACRAMENTAL ASSISTANT: COORDINATOR OF LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION: FORMATION TEAM: FORMATION SECRETARY: DIRECTOR OF OUTREACH: COORD. OF OUTREACH CLIENT & VOLUNTEER SVCES DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: ST. JOHN’S CATHOLIC STORE: BLESSING OF THROATS for the Feast of St. Blaise will take place on his Feast Day, Tuesday, February 3rd, after the 8am and 12:10pm Masses. ____________________________________________________ ATTENTION FUNERAL BRUNCH FOOD DONORS!!! A number of dishes have been left behind in our kitchen. Please claim your dishes so they don’t get disposed of. Rev. James A. Waite ● Rev. Joseph C. Dumphrey, OSFS ● Rev. Msgr. Donald R. Wangler Cheryl Naples ● Robert Goodlander, OFS ● Cheryl Donnelly ● Kathleen Wilson ● Brenda Randolph ● Michael Boron ● Virginia Gonzalez ● Lucy Wronski ● Jane Coakley ● ST. JOHN’S CATHOLIC STORE Phone: 434-4219 STORE HOURS: Wed. & Fri. 10-3 and after Masses on the weekend. Check out our selection of cards, gifts, religious articles, jewelry and books Bible study: Letters from Prison are the letters of Philippians, Colossians, and Ephesians that Paul wrote to encourage, correct, and instruct. He will inspire and challenge us to greater discipleship. We will meet in the Adult Education room on Tuesday mornings from 10 to noon from January 27 through March 10. Cost is $15. Eucharistic Ministers, Ministers of the Word & Altar Servers for Next Weekend: TEAM C exáà |Ç cxtvx Raymond E. Lamont Mary Ann Newton And for All deceased members and friends of the St. John’s Parish Community Estabania Andino, Anna Mary Archie, Jacqueline Artieri, Pauline Bain, Mildred Bartz, Rose Batt, Betty Beauman, Sandy Benevento, Rose Bergman, David Berhalter, Mary Ann Bishop, Elizabeth Bishop, Wayne Bixby, Patrick Bower, Mary Ann Boyne, Charles Brown, Jonathon Brown, Josephine Burgio, John Call, Joanne Chambers, Robert Cinelli, Rosalia Clark, Josephine Cline, Linda Coffey, Mary Regan Condon, Doug Conlin, Robert Cramer, Derek Cutter, Marion DiNicolantonio, Sally Dockery, Douglas DeFilippo, Challis Dietz, Herbert Dietz, Sr., Gary DiMaggio, Ethel Donner, Harold Donoughe, Charles Faraci, Im Sun Fermoile, James Fiegel, Daniel Fitzgerald, Sargent Fitzgerald, Joanne Follick, Terry Fox, Bob Frey, Barbara Fremch, Joe Furioso, Mary Gangi, Mary Garlock, Albert Gates, Joseph Graham, Paul Gregoire, Charles Guarnieri, Martin Hartz, Vincinza Harvey, Chris Hausrath, Francis Hensel, Darlene Hereth, Cecelia Hillman, Art Hintz, John Jablonski, Ruth Jagow, Mary-Ann Jolley, Tammy Jordan, Jerome Kern, MargaretMary Kern, Deanna Klumpp, Edward Kolok, Josephine Lamont, Jack Langdon, Alyce LaPort, Sandra LeBar, Helene Lee, Michael Lewandowski, Robert Linderman, Eileen Ludwig, David Manna, Cheryl Marciniak, Jason McGahan, James McKenna, Bill McLean, Lorna McLean, Donna Mellenthien, Margaret Moor, Jane Moore, Dennis Moran, Diane Moskalik, Albert Mullaney, Jamie Naple, Deborah Nichols, Lynda Niland, Christopher Niver, Fanny Orlando, Lynn Peacock, Dorothy Pease, Louis Peracciny Jr., Jean Pettit, Daniel Petock, Marcia Plants, Judy Porroni, Shirley Prue, Carolyn Putalavage, Samuel Quagliana, Eleanor Raymond, Cecelia Reger, Sally Remmele, Gretchen Ridler, Sandra Rooney, Concetta Rosati, Connie Rosetti, Robert J. Roth, Joseph Rucci, Anthony Sammarco, Diane Sammarco, Robert Sanders, John Santarsiero, Cindy Sargent, Jeannie Sargent, Patricia Schiavitti, Margaret Schomers, Mary Schubauer, Mary Seaver, James Shanahan, Karen Smith, Phillip Smith, John Sommers, Helen Spedding, James Spedding, Carl Stieffenhofer, Susan Storbeck, Ace Strickland, Anita Sullivan, Jennifer Sullivan, Jamey Tatu, Jimmy Tatu, Joanne Tatu, Rose Tatu, Frank Teglash, Clara Tilney, Marcia Tilney, Cory Todak, Michael Tomaino, Thomas Truscio, Rosemarie Tucker, Carmen Ubiles, Margaret Vanderlinde, Albert Ventura, Sandra Weger, Joe Whalen, MaryLou Williams, Jean Wise, Catherine Wyshyvanuk, Audrey Zolyome, and Edward Zolyome. ASH WEDNESDAY SOUP SUPPER is scheduled for Wednesday, February 18 at 5:30pm with a talk by Fr. James followed by 7pm Mass. Volunteers are needed to bring meatless soups. There is no charge for participants but a free will offering will be taken up. Mark your calendars and kick off Lent with a simple meatless meal. Please Register by February 4th. Advertising Sales Opportunities Sell Ads Like this One! 716-625-9191 Mullane Chrysler, Dodge & Jeep • Prior Outside Sales Experience Preferred • Base Pay - Plus Commissions & Bonuses • Medical & Dental Insurance • Generous 401K Employer Matching Contributions • Paid Vacation • Paid Holidays Email Resume: or call Chris at 1-800-477-4574 ext. 6224 6200-6240 S. Transit Rd. Lockport, NY Parishioners for 4 Generations Builders of Distinctive Continuous MURPHY MARY MURPHY Auto, Homeowners, Business & Life Insurance Service Since 1916 111 Pine St. Lockport, NY ORLEANS MONUMENT WORKS, INC. 433-3848 7 Hawley Street • Lockport, NY 14094 716-434-3787 ~ 3 generations of service ~ Wright’s Corners Southtown Storage Center ANIMAL CARE CENTER Personal & Commercial Self Storage 716-433-2434 433-7867 6404 Robinson Rd., Lockport, NY A. 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