The Catholic Parishes of Uckfield & Heron’s Ghyll Parish Priest: Fr Stephen Hardaker: 01825 762221 or ! The Priest’s House, High Street, New Town, Uckfield. TN22 5DJ Deacon The Rev’d Simon Kirkdale: 07729 600156 or ! Deacon The Rev’d Dr David Tutt 07968 749951or ! Deacon The Rev’d Ken Fowler 07710 210962 or ! Newsletter items: Parish Website Registered Charity No. 252878 Day Sun st 1 Feb Mon (Sat evening) FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Tue THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD St Blaise Wed Thu St Agatha Fri St Paul Miki & companions Sat Our Lady Sun th 8 Feb (Sat evening) FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Time 5.00pm 5.30pm 9.30am 11.30am 7.00pm 9.30am 11.30am 9.30am 9.30am 11.00am 9.15am 12 noon 9.30am 10.00am 5.00pm 5.30pm 9.30am 11.30am 3.00pm Where Uck Uck Uck HG Liturgy Confessions Mass Mass Mass Uck Mass Uck Uck HG Uck Uck Uck HG Uck Uck Uck Uck Uck HG Uck Mass Funeral Mass Liturgy of the Word & HC Mass Funeral Service School Mass Mass Mass Confessions Confessions Mass Mass Mass Baptism Sunday 1st February 2015 Eucharistic Prayer for Various Occasions *3 Please note on Wednesday there is no Mass at St John’s but a Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion led by a lay person. Have you thought about attending a weekday Mass? Would you like to do so but perhaps the times are not right? We would love to be able to help people to get to a weekday Mass and to a time of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The Spiritual Graces are amazing. Would a Mass earlier in the morning or an evening help? Let Fr Stephen know. Mrs Joanna Sanchez is our new Head Teacher at St Philip’s Catholic Primary School. Although she has already taken up her responsibilities at the start of this term there will be a formal Induction Mass on Sunday 1st March (NOT the 8th) at 9.30am. Please do put the date in your diaries, especially those with children at the school. This Sunday, 1st February: There will be a 2nd Collection for the Catholic Education Service. This is the chief negotiating and advisory body on matters affecting all aspects of Catholic education. Parish gift aid envelopes are not needed. The next Shared Lunch is planned for Wednesday 11th March. Please pray for: Sergy Khlemanov who will be baptized next Sunday at St Philip’s and for his family at this time; for Maria Porpora RIP, whose funeral Mass is on Tuesday and for Alice Lassman RIP, whose funeral takes place on Intention People of the Parishes John Follett RIP Elizabeth Gibbens RIP Robert & Imelda Gray RIP Maria Porpora RIP Alice Lassman RIP In honour of the Sacred Heart John Loughlin RIP Stefania Parteka RIP Nusrat & Carmen Hosain For a private intention Khlemanov family Thursday this week. Vocation Matters: Please continue to pray for Tristan, Edmund, Martin, Peter & Tom - our five seminarians. Remember, too, Deacon Robin Farrow whom we hope will be ordained to the priesthood before too long. Jesus teaches with authority. He touches hearts and changes lives. An encounter with him can bring renewal and conversion. In exploring his dream for us, we seek to offer him everything that we are and everything we have. His words can really speak to our hearts and create exciting new beginnings. May he give us the courage and the graces we need to hold nothing back ... Bible Convention: Sunday 15th February, 2-6pm at St Philip’s, led by Fr Soji, an internationally renowned preacher & healer In English, there will be prayer & praise, preaching, Adoration and healing ministry. See posters for more details The A&B Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place 30th July until 7th August. Application forms are available ifrom the back of church or from the Pilgrimage Office or online ( Pilgrims requiring medical, nursing or any care assistance should contact the Pilgrimage Office in the first instance on 01403 740110 The St Philip’s Buildings committee meet on Monday after the 7pm Mass. Fr Stephen is beginning to plan a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in May 2016. More details in due course. Sphere: A reminder that we meet next on Wednesday 4 February to watch a DVD on Our Lady’s apparition at Pontmain in France, which was visited by our Parish Pilgrimage last May, and also to watch the Pictorial Review of Sphere’s activities throughout the year. Contact for Sphere is Chris on 07968 749953. Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams Leading Dominican, Fr Timothy Radcliffe Bishop Dan Turley from Diocese of Chulucanas More names to follow... Key Guests on the day: People of Arundel & Brighton Diocese! Redshirts 2015 - 'Calling all students in school years 10 or 11 (or equivalent age). Would you like to spend 10 days next summer in the south of France? Would you like to meet other young people from around the diocese? Would you like to deepen your faith and understanding of God in your life? Would you like to make a difference in other peoples lives? Would you like to have a pilgrimage experience of Faith, Fun, Friendship....and Food? If you have said yes to any of the above then being a Redshirt in 2015 could be just the thing for YOU! Dates are Wednesday 29th July to Friday 7th August. For successful applicants there will be two gatherings before the pilgrimage to get to know each other and to find out more about The Redshirts on Pilgrimage. If you are interested please email Ray Mooney (Redshirt Coordinator) Further information can be found on Diocesan Events & Information ( • J&P Assembly Taking Action. Crawley 31 January • Lent 2015 Small Group Materials • Free to Follow 7 February • Mass for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Horsham 7 February • Church Transfigured - Jubilee Day 14 March • Vacancy in Diocesan Schools Team • Redshirts Lourdes 2015 - Newsletter insert • Annual Formation Day for Pastoral Bereavement Support 9 May • 3 Parent Genetic Embryos - Need for action Festival 50 Programme Sunday 5 July at the Amex Stadium Brighton th Basic Timetable of the Day 10.00am Archbishop Opens Festival. 10.30am Speakers throughout the morning, workshops, Diocesan Showcase & Marketplace, Fairground rides, youth streams, school choir contest and much more. Lunch to buy on site or bring a picnic. 2.00pm Choirs, servers and others prepare for Mass. 3.00pm Mass with Archbishop Peter and Cardinal Cormac. The Diocese has taken over the whole of the Amex Stadium and is going to make full use of the available space in and around the Stadium. There will be: • Keynote speakers in the main arena • Schools Choirs singing across the venue • Arts & Crafts exhibition • Children’s activities and liturgies • Family activities and events • Displays and exhibitions from organisations, the Diocese and elsewhere. • Floral displays and arrangements • Theatre events and Cinema screenings • Bands playing in the Plaza • Archives and displays on 50 years of Arundel & Brighton The future of the Diocese will be key as all the groups and organisations join in presenting their hopes and plans as we await a new Bishop. The day will culminate with the celebration of the Jubilee Mass. Key speakers on the day: Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor Collections Last week St Philip’s St John’s Parish funds (Plate only) £499.44 £214.43 Thank you for your generosity and support. Regular Events Confessions: Saturday at 10am and 5pm at St Philip’s or after Mass on Sundays at St John’s Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: from 45 minutes before weekday Masses at St Philip’s (not before school Masses) Sick At Home Or In Hospital: if anyone is seriously ill at home or is in hospital, it is most important that a priest be informed so that the sick person may receive the spiritual help of the sacraments. Relatives or friends should contact Fr Stephen or the Catholic chaplain of the hospital parish (at Haywards Heath 01444 450139; at Eastbourne 01323 723222; at Tunbridge Wells/Pembury 01892 522525). Mothers Prayers: each Thursday at 10.30am at the home of Janet Desmond, (07985 989533). (also a group in Crowborough) Rosary Group: each Tuesday at 10am at St Philip’s & Wednesdays 10am at St John’s St Vincent de Paul: Outreach to those who may need our help or support Justice & Peace Group: meets at St Philip’s regularly Sphere: a ladies group meeting on the first Wednesday for spiritual input, social activities and outings. St Philip & St John’s Bridge Club: meets 2.00pm every nd th 2 and 4 Wednesday. Newman Forum: an adult faith discussion group meeting 2 or 3 times a year. Traidcraft Stall: at St Philip’s last weekend of each month
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