6 Tuesday, January 27, 2015 | Rushville Republican Tuesday, January 27, 2015 | Rushville Republican IN THE KNOW IN THE KNOW FAQ FAQ RUSH COUNTY - VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITES! Continued from Page 4 -away center on the first Saturday of the month. For more information about local recycling options and programs contact Clean Green Rush at 765-938-1342 or visit www.cleangreenrush.org and click on the “What Do I Do With ...” tab. How do I get my utilities turned on? Rushville City Utilities, 601 W. Third St., Rushville, provides water and sewage service. The office is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. A deposit must be paid at the time of application for residential service. This fee varies depending on the size or type of residence. In Carthage, visit Town Hall, 6 W. First Street, to apply for water and sewage services. The office is open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. A deposit is required; it may be paid at the Carthage Clerk’s office. Glenwood residents should contact the Glenwood Water Works, 208 W. Pearl Street. The office does not maintain full-time hours. Call 765-679-5906 or 765-5616289 for assistance. Service can usually be started with 24 hours. A deposit, initial start-up fee and a signed contract are required before ser vice begins. The Anderson Township Regional Sewer District, 204 W. South St., Milroy, can be reached at 765-629-2913. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. A deposit is required for service. The Western Rush County Regional Water & Sewer District services much of western Rush County including the communities of Arlington, Homer and Manilla. This utility is headquartered at 6682 W 235 S, Homer. The phone number is 765-663-5871. How do I register to vote? You must meet statutory requirements to register to vote. You have to be 18 on or before the General Election being held during any given year. You must also be a citizen of the United States of America, and resident of Indiana and a resident of the county where you are registering for at least 30 days prior to the election in which you wish to vote. There are numerous ways to register to vote. The two easiest ways to register are at the Rush County Clerk’s office on the second floor of the Rush County Courthouse or at the nearest Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles branch office. A voter registration must be filled out and signed. You will be asked to show your identification; a driver’s license or state-issued I.D. card are both acceptable forms of meeting this requirement. If you do not have either of these then you may use the last four digits of your Social Security number. The county clerk’s office will process your voter registration application and send you an acknowledgment card. This is your receipt for registering and will note what precinct you live in and where you will vote on election day. All license branches will allow you to register to vote if you are there for one of the following reasons: When applying for or renewing your driver’s license; when applying for a photo I.D.; when completing the driver’s license mail-in renewal application; or when changing your address through the BMV’s website. What are local health care options? Rush Memorial Hospital and Family Health Services, Inc. provide health care to area residents. Rush Memorial Hospital is located at 1300 N. Main Street, Rushville. Call 765932-4111 or check your phone book for the numbers to specific departments at RMH. Services and departments available include ambulance/EMS, athletic trainer, blood disorders, cancer care, cardiology services, 7 Continued from Page 6 Vote for your choice in several categories (vote for only one in each category). Winners of Readers Choice awards will be determined by the majority of votes. Fill out and submit to the Rushville Republican OR save time and VOTE ONLINE at rushvillerepublcan.com VOTE FOR ONLY ONE IN EACH CATEGORY People/Business Best volunteer for the community Brian Sheehan Clem Davis, RMH Ruth Houk Verlin Custer Bradley Davis Best educator Amaranta Kemple Keith Perin Angie Kuhn Mrs. Hatfield dan Scholl Aaron Kirchoff Best coach Melissa Marlow Brian Bowen Marty Frazier Mr. Cumberworth - Cross Country BRMS Best photographer Dan Green Darrin McGowan Shari Davis Best politician Mike Pavey John McCane Best radio Show hosts/DJ Brian Sheehan Jim Cowan Starr Keller Jack Reynolds Rich Conklin Kevin Green Frank Denzler Best minister Darrel Denny Jan Dimick Ray Sweet Jeff Edwards Father Gries - St. Mary Church Best insurance Farm Bureau Ins. Dusty Flannery French Insurance American Family Payne Insurance Agency Best firefighter Doug Sherwood Justin Cameron Steve Cain Chuck Jenkins Matt Connolly Best law enforcement officer Steve Houston Terry Drake Jim Cowan Craig Tucker Bob Bridges Best real estate agent Kenny Aulbach, REMAX Vincent Meo Tim Yazel Sherry Blackford Best landscaper Vogels Florist Ben Woods Bobby Spaeth Cody Kuhn Best carpenter DO Corn Ross WInters Tyler Gettinger Mike Andrews Construction Brandon Eakins-Gutter & Home Solutions Best heating & air conditioning Beard Heating and Cooling Clifford Marlatt J.R. Wortman Dewey Grocox Ronnie Puckett - Best Air Best waiter/waitress/where Roberto - El Reparo Amy Morton - Park Restaurant Tracy Isgrigg - Park Restaurant Jean - Park Restaurant Eddie - Mezcal Best restaurant cook Jackie Newkirk Max McMichael - Farm Boys The Mezcal team Park Restaurant Carrie Meckes Best accountant Jane Smiley Krissi Williams Deb Ripberger Ashley Stiers Becki - Evelyn Richer Best tax preparer Deb Ripberger Jane Smiley Matt Davis Krissi Williams H & R Block Best investment broker Chris Seals Best lawyer/attorney Brian Humphrey Paul Barada Jr. Ronald Wilson Jeff Wessling Bob Gulde Rick Levi Best barbershop/barber Norman Bowles Betsy's & Joni's Promise at Betsy's Barber Shop Aimees Illusions Vickie Farley - All About You Nichole Buhler Williams Heather Aker Karen Leisure - Shampoo Bowl Stephanie Owen Susan Hoeing Kim Hutchinson - Kim's Salon D & D Nails Bobbette Miller Stacy Kirkham Illusions Dr. Morrell Best doctor Dr. Russell Daugherty Best optometrist Dr. Craig Fenmore Dr. Donald Snyder Dr. Steve Sickbert Dr. Amerihan Sheila Browning Best nurse Carrie Tressler Joyce Geis Becky at RMH Beth West Dr. Taff Best dentist Dr. John Wiles Dr. Mary Beth Sheehan Dr. Jamie Morgan Dr. Randy Young Best veterinarian Dr. Rob Jackman Jessica Buford Lauren Perin My Bright Beginnings Becki Paul Carrie Poole Best chiropractor Dr. Todd Best preschool Dr. Wallace Boys and Girls Club Center Christian Church Little Stars St. Mary Preschool Jessica Buford Best cellular phone service Straight talk Best welder Cellular Connection Mark Webb - Webb's Welding Eric Amos Dan Naylors Bruce Davis Blake Norris Best screen printing Harcourt Outlines Best Public Relations Best New Business Brian Sheehan Twisted Sisters Sports Bar & Grill Douglass Body Shop Mike Smith's Bob Biehls Hubler Westside Twisted Sisters Sportsman Rushville Boys and Girls Club K of C Best place to play bingo Rushville Eagles Best place to meet people Elks American Legion Church Mezcal Bar and Grill Twisted Sisters Elks Takathemoke Center Christian Church St. Paul United Methodist Church Plum Creek Christian Church Arlington Christian Church Megan Tucker Glenda Konradi Jeanie Lacy, Rushville Megan Perin Food Mezcal El Reparo Elks The Park Restaurant The Park Restaurant Corner Restaurant McDonald's Hardees Subway Best homestyle cooking Campbell's Auto Sales Best tires D&D The Park Restaurant Autozone O'Reilly's Carlton's Exhaust Plus NAPA Hubler Best oil change Exhaust Plus Hubler Rushville Automotive Specialists Twisted Sisters Pizza King Shopping Mezcal Best overall customer service Just Rite Mezcal Gettingers The Park Restaurant Best specialty/gift shop Farm Boys BBQ Dairy Queen Best food bargain Taco Bell Stagg's Dairy Treats Twisted Sisters Bob-O-Link Liquors Elizabeth's Keepsales Rushville Pharmacy Junction on 3 Elizabeth's Keepsakes Dawson's Car Wash Mezcal El Reparo Twisted Sisters Pizza King Pizza King El Reparo Farm Boys BBQ The Park Restaurant Dairy Queen Mezcal The Park Restaurant Pizza King Twisted Sisters Best Specialty Cake Shop (birthday, wedding, etc.) Kroger Dairy Queen Village Pantry Kroger Speedway Shell - Kristy Kreme Vogels Florist Antler Pointe Citizen's State Bank MainSourcd Wells Fargo Best furniture store Curtis Brothers Pizza King Burns Furneral Home Moster Funeral Home Curtis Brothers Dairy Queen Best paint and wallpaper store Pizza King Pizza Hut Best tuxedo rental Little Caesars Twisted Sisters Best pizza Tweedy's Illusions Best place to watch the game Mezcal Bar and Grill Elks Twisted Sisters Memorial Gymnasium Best place for family entertainment g American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Family Insurance Company Home Office - Madison, WI 53783 © 2011 002131 - Rev. 6/11 Kevin L Snyder Agency 121 East Third Street Rushville, IN 46173-0506 (765) 932-3401 (765) 932-3977 Fax ksnyder@amfam.com Riverside Amphitheater Rushville Bowl Ball Diamonds Mezcal Bar & Grill RCHS Drama Department Our Paper Best writer Aaron Kirchoff Frank Denzler Kate Thurston Bill Ward Miller investigation Where are they now? Janelle Bedel Starkey Steroid The Rest New businessses A proactive County/City Council Taco Bell Road work Concession stand for legal leagues North Industrial Park Development Best downtown event 4th of July Parade Christmas on Main St. Patrick's Day Parade Fall Fest Farmer's Market Best non-downtown event Amphitheater Concerts Steam Engine Show Rush County Fair Relay for Life Walk for Cancer RCYF & Elks covered bridge dinner Best decision by a governmental agency City Hall buying old theater Gas prices lowered No chicken tax North Industrial Park Trash and recycle bins. Pick up and looks very nice. Brian Sheehan Harlem Globetrotters Spilman Case Starkeys arrest Best reason to live in Rush County The people Small town atmosphere Cheap cost of living Good schools Quiet Wagler Furniture Store Best BBQ restaurant __________________________________________________ Hinsey Brown Todd Funeral Centre 325 W. 2nd 932-4659 Funniest news event Additional Nominations*(Fill in the blank) Best Hearing center _______________________________________________ Best Community organization ________________________________________ R USHVILLE P HARMACY & F INE G IFTS ♥ Gifts & Collectibles ♥ Bridal Registry ♥ Prescriptions ♥ Home Medical Equipment Your Hometown Pharmacy & Specialty Gift Store since 1946. 302 N. Main - Rushville 932-3328 Best Musician ____________________________________________________ Osborne Electronics/Radio Shack Public Paint & Wallpaper Walmart Best Principal ____________________________________________________ Best Concert venue ________________________________________________ Best Place to get a beer _____________________________________________ Rushville Bridal/The Bridal Boutique Best bargains Best Local band ___________________________________________________ CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS All Makes & Models Over Serving Stagg's Dairy Treats Goodwill Still Stylish Best Rush Co. landmark _____________________________________________ Rush County The Park Restaurant Best shoe store Milroy Shoes Stagg's Dairy Treats Twisted Sisters Takathemoke Restaurant Lion's Shack Best feed mill The Park Restaurant Twisted Sisters Best gas station El Reparo Lion's Shack Best chicken The Park Restaurant Elks El Reparo Gettingers Mezcal Pizza King Pizza King Craig Duncan, Milroy Ed Dickson Pizza Hut Elks Jim Wainwright Farmboys Smokehouse Jean's Asian Bistro Best buffet Park Restaurant Kroger Village Pantry Park Restaurant McDonald's Corner Restaurant Speedway Best milkshake y Best Bartender ____________________________________________________ Elks Best cup of coffee y Dollar General Dairy Queen Farmboys Smokehouse And we're happy to be part of this community. Thank you for your business and your trust. We look forward to many more successful years together. Christian Values Just Rite McDonald's Best pie We're proud to celebrate 18 years of service. 19 Best place to go dancing Christian Value Best appliances/electronics store Just RIte Best restaurant for children Horse Bend BMO Harris Mezcal Best hot wings Rushville Florist Best golf course Stagg's Dairy Treats Best steaks Grimebusters Best flower shop Best mortuary Best donuts Best pork tenderloin Junction on 3 Best bank Best restaurant to take out-of-town guests El Reparo Best fries Save A Lot Best car wash Best restaurant for romantic dinner Twisted Cakes & Things Troyer Co. Store & Deli Kroger Best antique store McDonald's Best restaurant for family dining Rush Pharmacy El Reparo Stagg's Dairy Treats Best place for dessert 744 E. U.S. 53, Rushville 765-932-4133 1163 S. US 129, Versailles 812-689-5800 www.fraleyimplement.com Best thing that’s happened in Rush Co. this year CVS Twisted Sisters Stagg's Dairy Treats Davis Towing Kroger Best grocery store Implement Sales Best story Car Clinic Staggs Farm Boys BBQ Automotive Specialist Hubler Best wrecker service Best place to get a sandwich Hubler Exhaust Plus Corner Restaurant El Reparo Corner Auto Car Clinic Farm Boys BBQ Best place for Mexican food Hubler Best automotive accessories Best formal dining restaurant Best restaurant for breakfast Campbell's Auto Sales Best used truck dealer Best Massage Therapist Jim Fallis - Fallis Painting Stagg's Dairy Treats Dairy Queen Just Rite McDonald's Hardees Best mixed drinks Kip Burkett - Rushville Pharmacy Jana - Kroger Pharmacy El Reparo Elks Amber Myers - CVS Mezcal Twisted Sisters CyanMagenta MagentaYellow YellowBlack Black Cyan Best body shop Elks Eagles Ben Tackett See FAQ / 7 Best repair service FRALEY Kevin Green Elks Dairy Queen Scott Rohl's - Walmart O'Reillys 765-938-2027 Best place to shoot pool Takathemoke El Reparo Best pharmacist/where Campbell Brothers Downtown Rushville Brian Vanover Twisted Sisters John Gridley Rosefelds Best local DJ/karaoke person Corner Auto Farmboys Smokehouse Mike Bostic Entertainment Hubler Auto Center McDonald's Adam Newton K of C Best used car dealer Dreama - Young's office Jim Wainwright Elks Best new truck dealer Holly Bess Steve Cain - Unlimited Electric Hubler Caldwell Acres Frank Denzler Automotive Best sales staff 201 Building St. Mary Catholic Church Best Church Judy Eckstein - Superb Smiles Mark Heimsoth - Rushville Automotive Dairy Queen Best reception hall Hubler Auto Center Regina Laird Exhaust Plus McDonald's Hardee's Still Stylish Best new car dealer Pizza Hut Best electrician/where Just Rite Walmart Spencer Workwear Junction on 3 Elks Gregg Lemmons-Lemmons Tractor Service Taco Bell Milroy Shoes Farmboy's Smokehouse BBQ Mezcal Darren Hoeing - Car Clinic Best fast food drive thru Goodwill Best clothing Lions BBQ Shack Twisted Sisters Olin Durbin - Car Clinic Stagg's Dairy Treats Able Auto Care Macy Workman Best mechanic/where Mezcal Automotive Specialist Dr. Susan Yager Jim Hunt McDonald's Exhaust Plus Dr. Hunt Dustin Reynolds Lions BBQ Shack Dairy Queen The Car Clinic Best Hygienist Cassiel Andrews - J.R. Wortman Dewey Grocox Best ice cream Twisted Sisters Cain Signs Dr. Phillip Orem Best plumber/where Mezcal El Reparo Long Lasting Designs Dr. Doug Schweikhart Best painter/where Best margarita Taco Bell Best hamburger Best hairstylist/salon Best nail tech/salon Best Childcare/Daycare facility HEARING CENTER Falmouth Farm Supply Spencer Workwear Odums Feed Barn Best Health practice ________________________________________________ Best Shoe Repair __________________________________________________ 932-2776 Best Apartment complex ____________________________________________ 925 South St. Road 3, Rushville, IN 46173 Country Mark BP/Dawson's Best Nurse practitioner ______________________________________________ Speedway Shell Best Estitician (skin specialist) ________________________________________ Best building supplies Milroy Building Supplies Best fresh meat Kroger Tweedy's Lumber Gettinger's Meat Save-A-Lot Best heavy equipment Coon Excavating Fraley's Smith Implements Tweedy Lumber Best dry cleaners Linda Smith/All About You Best lawn/garden products Schmidt Engine The Rules •Using the ballot here, vote for your favorite in each category. Vote for only one in each category. •Only original newspaper ballots will be accepted. No photo copies please. •Voting ballots are due by 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 2 or must be postmarked by Saturday, Jan. 31. •Watch your newspaper for the winners that will publish in February 2015. *Final nominated categories at the discretion of the newspaper. O'Dell's Lawn Service Fraley Tweedy Lumber Vogels About You Tweedy Lumber Your Name ___________________________________ Best hardware Milroy Building Supply Best jewelry Engagement Ring Rushville Pharmacy Star Strung Designs - Starr Keller Walmart Best farm supplies/implements Fraley Implements Best motel/hotel Crop Production Smith Implements/John Deere Comfort Inn Best assisted living facility Flatrock River Lodge Miller's Merry Manor Best Sign Company A Sign Above Cain Sign Company 26 Years Address _____________________________________ City/State/Zip _________________________________ Phone Number _______________________________ Do you subscribe to the Rushville Republican? yes no Mail ballots to: Reader’s Choice Awards, c/o Rushville Republican, 126 S. Main St., Rushville, IN 46173 You may also drop your ballot off at the Rushville Republican office. Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Save Time VOTE ONLINE rushvillerepublican.com diabetic education, emergency department, extended hours, imaging, infusion clinic, in-patient nursing, laboratory, massage therapy, nutritional services, occupational health, orthopedics, pediatrics, Pro-time clinic, rehabilitation therapy, surgical associates, skilled care, sleep study, SmartSkin, smoking cessation, social services, surgical services, visiting specialists and volunteer programs. Family Health Services, Inc. is located at 509 Harcourt Way, Rushville and provides health care for all ages. For an appointment call 765-932-3699. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Closed for lunch noon to 1 p.m. every business day. Services include pre-natal care and hospital delivery by board certified obstetricians, well-baby and wellchild exams, care during menopause, routine physical exams for adult, health care when you are sick, free childhood immunizations, free childhood lead screening, women’s health exams, free pregnancy testing, disability physicals, chronic disease management, smoking cessation education, assistance with Medicare D, assistance with medications, assistance in completing Hoosier Healthwise application, appropriate referrals, evening appoints available, mental health services available. There are also two chiropractors practicing locally: Dr. James Todd and Dr. Darrin Wallace. Dr. Todd operates Rushville Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Clinic at 312 N. Main Street, Rushville. His phone number is 765-9324444. Dr. Wallace’s office is located at 1520 N. Main Street, Rushville and his phone number is 765-9325600. Persons in need of mental health assistance may contact the Dunn Center, 201 Harcourt Way, Rushville. The phone number is 765932-3974. Harcourt Counseling Services is located at 121 E. Third Street, Rushville. Their phone number is 765932-5905. Mental Health America in Rush County maintains an office on the third floor of the Rush County Courthouse. Their phone number is 765-932-2004. Centerstone also provides a variety of mental health related ser vices. Centerstone is located at 201 Conrad Harcourt Way, Suite A, Rushville. You can contact Centerstone at 765-9323974. What parks are available in my area? There are several parks available throughout Rush County. Carthage has two parks: Veterans Park and McNabb Community Park. Veterans Park, located at Main and Mill Streets in Carthage, was established in 2000. It includes a gazebo with benches and a monument commemorating veterans. McNabb Park is located at the corner of Walnut and Log Streets in Carthage. The long-established park was named in honor of Dr. McNabb, who took care of Carthage and surrounding residents for many years. There are six parks in the city of Rushville. North Veterans Memorial Park is located north of Rushville Consolidated High School. South Veterans Memorial Park is located between Jackson and Sexton Streets and Ninth and 11th Streets. Community Park is located on Fort Wayne Road, on Rushville’s east side. Laughlin Park is located on Rushville’s west side, at Second and Spencer Streets. Willkie Park is located in the 200 block of N. Main Street, Rushville. Riverside Park is located along the north side of Flatrock River, west of Main Street and south of Water Street. For information about renting a shelter house or hosting a special event in one of Rushville’s parks contact City Hall at 765-9323735. 6 Tuesday, January 27, 2015 | Rushville Republican Tuesday, January 27, 2015 | Rushville Republican IN THE KNOW IN THE KNOW FAQ FAQ RUSH COUNTY - VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITES! Continued from Page 4 -away center on the first Saturday of the month. For more information about local recycling options and programs contact Clean Green Rush at 765-938-1342 or visit www.cleangreenrush.org and click on the “What Do I Do With ...” tab. How do I get my utilities turned on? Rushville City Utilities, 601 W. Third St., Rushville, provides water and sewage service. The office is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. A deposit must be paid at the time of application for residential service. This fee varies depending on the size or type of residence. In Carthage, visit Town Hall, 6 W. First Street, to apply for water and sewage services. The office is open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. A deposit is required; it may be paid at the Carthage Clerk’s office. Glenwood residents should contact the Glenwood Water Works, 208 W. Pearl Street. The office does not maintain full-time hours. Call 765-679-5906 or 765-5616289 for assistance. Service can usually be started with 24 hours. A deposit, initial start-up fee and a signed contract are required before ser vice begins. The Anderson Township Regional Sewer District, 204 W. South St., Milroy, can be reached at 765-629-2913. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. A deposit is required for service. The Western Rush County Regional Water & Sewer District services much of western Rush County including the communities of Arlington, Homer and Manilla. This utility is headquartered at 6682 W 235 S, Homer. The phone number is 765-663-5871. How do I register to vote? You must meet statutory requirements to register to vote. You have to be 18 on or before the General Election being held during any given year. You must also be a citizen of the United States of America, and resident of Indiana and a resident of the county where you are registering for at least 30 days prior to the election in which you wish to vote. There are numerous ways to register to vote. The two easiest ways to register are at the Rush County Clerk’s office on the second floor of the Rush County Courthouse or at the nearest Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles branch office. A voter registration must be filled out and signed. You will be asked to show your identification; a driver’s license or state-issued I.D. card are both acceptable forms of meeting this requirement. If you do not have either of these then you may use the last four digits of your Social Security number. The county clerk’s office will process your voter registration application and send you an acknowledgment card. This is your receipt for registering and will note what precinct you live in and where you will vote on election day. All license branches will allow you to register to vote if you are there for one of the following reasons: When applying for or renewing your driver’s license; when applying for a photo I.D.; when completing the driver’s license mail-in renewal application; or when changing your address through the BMV’s website. What are local health care options? Rush Memorial Hospital and Family Health Services, Inc. provide health care to area residents. Rush Memorial Hospital is located at 1300 N. Main Street, Rushville. Call 765932-4111 or check your phone book for the numbers to specific departments at RMH. Services and departments available include ambulance/EMS, athletic trainer, blood disorders, cancer care, cardiology services, 7 Continued from Page 6 Vote for your choice in several categories (vote for only one in each category). Winners of Readers Choice awards will be determined by the majority of votes. Fill out and submit to the Rushville Republican OR save time and VOTE ONLINE at rushvillerepublcan.com VOTE FOR ONLY ONE IN EACH CATEGORY People/Business Best volunteer for the community Brian Sheehan Clem Davis, RMH Ruth Houk Verlin Custer Bradley Davis Best educator Amaranta Kemple Keith Perin Angie Kuhn Mrs. Hatfield dan Scholl Aaron Kirchoff Best coach Melissa Marlow Brian Bowen Marty Frazier Mr. Cumberworth - Cross Country BRMS Best photographer Dan Green Darrin McGowan Shari Davis Best politician Mike Pavey John McCane Best radio Show hosts/DJ Brian Sheehan Jim Cowan Starr Keller Jack Reynolds Rich Conklin Kevin Green Frank Denzler Best minister Darrel Denny Jan Dimick Ray Sweet Jeff Edwards Father Gries - St. Mary Church Best insurance Farm Bureau Ins. Dusty Flannery French Insurance American Family Payne Insurance Agency Best firefighter Doug Sherwood Justin Cameron Steve Cain Chuck Jenkins Matt Connolly Best law enforcement officer Steve Houston Terry Drake Jim Cowan Craig Tucker Bob Bridges Best real estate agent Kenny Aulbach, REMAX Vincent Meo Tim Yazel Sherry Blackford Best landscaper Vogels Florist Ben Woods Bobby Spaeth Cody Kuhn Best carpenter DO Corn Ross WInters Tyler Gettinger Mike Andrews Construction Brandon Eakins-Gutter & Home Solutions Best heating & air conditioning Beard Heating and Cooling Clifford Marlatt J.R. Wortman Dewey Grocox Ronnie Puckett - Best Air Best waiter/waitress/where Roberto - El Reparo Amy Morton - Park Restaurant Tracy Isgrigg - Park Restaurant Jean - Park Restaurant Eddie - Mezcal Best restaurant cook Jackie Newkirk Max McMichael - Farm Boys The Mezcal team Park Restaurant Carrie Meckes Best accountant Jane Smiley Krissi Williams Deb Ripberger Ashley Stiers Becki - Evelyn Richer Best tax preparer Deb Ripberger Jane Smiley Matt Davis Krissi Williams H & R Block Best investment broker Chris Seals Best lawyer/attorney Brian Humphrey Paul Barada Jr. Ronald Wilson Jeff Wessling Bob Gulde Rick Levi Best barbershop/barber Norman Bowles Betsy's & Joni's Promise at Betsy's Barber Shop Aimees Illusions Vickie Farley - All About You Nichole Buhler Williams Heather Aker Karen Leisure - Shampoo Bowl Stephanie Owen Susan Hoeing Kim Hutchinson - Kim's Salon D & D Nails Bobbette Miller Stacy Kirkham Illusions Dr. Morrell Best doctor Dr. Russell Daugherty Best optometrist Dr. Craig Fenmore Dr. Donald Snyder Dr. Steve Sickbert Dr. Amerihan Sheila Browning Best nurse Carrie Tressler Joyce Geis Becky at RMH Beth West Dr. Taff Best dentist Dr. John Wiles Dr. Mary Beth Sheehan Dr. Jamie Morgan Dr. Randy Young Best veterinarian Dr. Rob Jackman Jessica Buford Lauren Perin My Bright Beginnings Becki Paul Carrie Poole Best chiropractor Dr. Todd Best preschool Dr. Wallace Boys and Girls Club Center Christian Church Little Stars St. Mary Preschool Jessica Buford Best cellular phone service Straight talk Best welder Cellular Connection Mark Webb - Webb's Welding Eric Amos Dan Naylors Bruce Davis Blake Norris Best screen printing Harcourt Outlines Best Public Relations Best New Business Brian Sheehan Twisted Sisters Sports Bar & Grill Douglass Body Shop Mike Smith's Bob Biehls Hubler Westside Twisted Sisters Sportsman Rushville Boys and Girls Club K of C Best place to play bingo Rushville Eagles Best place to meet people Elks American Legion Church Mezcal Bar and Grill Twisted Sisters Elks Takathemoke Center Christian Church St. Paul United Methodist Church Plum Creek Christian Church Arlington Christian Church Megan Tucker Glenda Konradi Jeanie Lacy, Rushville Megan Perin Food Mezcal El Reparo Elks The Park Restaurant The Park Restaurant Corner Restaurant McDonald's Hardees Subway Best homestyle cooking Campbell's Auto Sales Best tires D&D The Park Restaurant Autozone O'Reilly's Carlton's Exhaust Plus NAPA Hubler Best oil change Exhaust Plus Hubler Rushville Automotive Specialists Twisted Sisters Pizza King Shopping Mezcal Best overall customer service Just Rite Mezcal Gettingers The Park Restaurant Best specialty/gift shop Farm Boys BBQ Dairy Queen Best food bargain Taco Bell Stagg's Dairy Treats Twisted Sisters Bob-O-Link Liquors Elizabeth's Keepsales Rushville Pharmacy Junction on 3 Elizabeth's Keepsakes Dawson's Car Wash Mezcal El Reparo Twisted Sisters Pizza King Pizza King El Reparo Farm Boys BBQ The Park Restaurant Dairy Queen Mezcal The Park Restaurant Pizza King Twisted Sisters Best Specialty Cake Shop (birthday, wedding, etc.) Kroger Dairy Queen Village Pantry Kroger Speedway Shell - Kristy Kreme Vogels Florist Antler Pointe Citizen's State Bank MainSourcd Wells Fargo Best furniture store Curtis Brothers Pizza King Burns Furneral Home Moster Funeral Home Curtis Brothers Dairy Queen Best paint and wallpaper store Pizza King Pizza Hut Best tuxedo rental Little Caesars Twisted Sisters Best pizza Tweedy's Illusions Best place to watch the game Mezcal Bar and Grill Elks Twisted Sisters Memorial Gymnasium Best place for family entertainment g American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Family Insurance Company Home Office - Madison, WI 53783 © 2011 002131 - Rev. 6/11 Kevin L Snyder Agency 121 East Third Street Rushville, IN 46173-0506 (765) 932-3401 (765) 932-3977 Fax ksnyder@amfam.com Riverside Amphitheater Rushville Bowl Ball Diamonds Mezcal Bar & Grill RCHS Drama Department Our Paper Best writer Aaron Kirchoff Frank Denzler Kate Thurston Bill Ward Miller investigation Where are they now? Janelle Bedel Starkey Steroid The Rest New businessses A proactive County/City Council Taco Bell Road work Concession stand for legal leagues North Industrial Park Development Best downtown event 4th of July Parade Christmas on Main St. Patrick's Day Parade Fall Fest Farmer's Market Best non-downtown event Amphitheater Concerts Steam Engine Show Rush County Fair Relay for Life Walk for Cancer RCYF & Elks covered bridge dinner Best decision by a governmental agency City Hall buying old theater Gas prices lowered No chicken tax North Industrial Park Trash and recycle bins. Pick up and looks very nice. Brian Sheehan Harlem Globetrotters Spilman Case Starkeys arrest Best reason to live in Rush County The people Small town atmosphere Cheap cost of living Good schools Quiet Wagler Furniture Store Best BBQ restaurant __________________________________________________ Hinsey Brown Todd Funeral Centre 325 W. 2nd 932-4659 Funniest news event Additional Nominations*(Fill in the blank) Best Hearing center _______________________________________________ Best Community organization ________________________________________ R USHVILLE P HARMACY & F INE G IFTS ♥ Gifts & Collectibles ♥ Bridal Registry ♥ Prescriptions ♥ Home Medical Equipment Your Hometown Pharmacy & Specialty Gift Store since 1946. 302 N. Main - Rushville 932-3328 Best Musician ____________________________________________________ Osborne Electronics/Radio Shack Public Paint & Wallpaper Walmart Best Principal ____________________________________________________ Best Concert venue ________________________________________________ Best Place to get a beer _____________________________________________ Rushville Bridal/The Bridal Boutique Best bargains Best Local band ___________________________________________________ CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS All Makes & Models Over Serving Stagg's Dairy Treats Goodwill Still Stylish Best Rush Co. landmark _____________________________________________ Rush County The Park Restaurant Best shoe store Milroy Shoes Stagg's Dairy Treats Twisted Sisters Takathemoke Restaurant Lion's Shack Best feed mill The Park Restaurant Twisted Sisters Best gas station El Reparo Lion's Shack Best chicken The Park Restaurant Elks El Reparo Gettingers Mezcal Pizza King Pizza King Craig Duncan, Milroy Ed Dickson Pizza Hut Elks Jim Wainwright Farmboys Smokehouse Jean's Asian Bistro Best buffet Park Restaurant Kroger Village Pantry Park Restaurant McDonald's Corner Restaurant Speedway Best milkshake y Best Bartender ____________________________________________________ Elks Best cup of coffee y Dollar General Dairy Queen Farmboys Smokehouse And we're happy to be part of this community. Thank you for your business and your trust. We look forward to many more successful years together. Christian Values Just Rite McDonald's Best pie We're proud to celebrate 18 years of service. 19 Best place to go dancing Christian Value Best appliances/electronics store Just RIte Best restaurant for children Horse Bend BMO Harris Mezcal Best hot wings Rushville Florist Best golf course Stagg's Dairy Treats Best steaks Grimebusters Best flower shop Best mortuary Best donuts Best pork tenderloin Junction on 3 Best bank Best restaurant to take out-of-town guests El Reparo Best fries Save A Lot Best car wash Best restaurant for romantic dinner Twisted Cakes & Things Troyer Co. Store & Deli Kroger Best antique store McDonald's Best restaurant for family dining Rush Pharmacy El Reparo Stagg's Dairy Treats Best place for dessert 744 E. U.S. 53, Rushville 765-932-4133 1163 S. US 129, Versailles 812-689-5800 www.fraleyimplement.com Best thing that’s happened in Rush Co. this year CVS Twisted Sisters Stagg's Dairy Treats Davis Towing Kroger Best grocery store Implement Sales Best story Car Clinic Staggs Farm Boys BBQ Automotive Specialist Hubler Best wrecker service Best place to get a sandwich Hubler Exhaust Plus Corner Restaurant El Reparo Corner Auto Car Clinic Farm Boys BBQ Best place for Mexican food Hubler Best automotive accessories Best formal dining restaurant Best restaurant for breakfast Campbell's Auto Sales Best used truck dealer Best Massage Therapist Jim Fallis - Fallis Painting Stagg's Dairy Treats Dairy Queen Just Rite McDonald's Hardees Best mixed drinks Kip Burkett - Rushville Pharmacy Jana - Kroger Pharmacy El Reparo Elks Amber Myers - CVS Mezcal Twisted Sisters CyanMagenta MagentaYellow YellowBlack Black Cyan Best body shop Elks Eagles Ben Tackett See FAQ / 7 Best repair service FRALEY Kevin Green Elks Dairy Queen Scott Rohl's - Walmart O'Reillys 765-938-2027 Best place to shoot pool Takathemoke El Reparo Best pharmacist/where Campbell Brothers Downtown Rushville Brian Vanover Twisted Sisters John Gridley Rosefelds Best local DJ/karaoke person Corner Auto Farmboys Smokehouse Mike Bostic Entertainment Hubler Auto Center McDonald's Adam Newton K of C Best used car dealer Dreama - Young's office Jim Wainwright Elks Best new truck dealer Holly Bess Steve Cain - Unlimited Electric Hubler Caldwell Acres Frank Denzler Automotive Best sales staff 201 Building St. Mary Catholic Church Best Church Judy Eckstein - Superb Smiles Mark Heimsoth - Rushville Automotive Dairy Queen Best reception hall Hubler Auto Center Regina Laird Exhaust Plus McDonald's Hardee's Still Stylish Best new car dealer Pizza Hut Best electrician/where Just Rite Walmart Spencer Workwear Junction on 3 Elks Gregg Lemmons-Lemmons Tractor Service Taco Bell Milroy Shoes Farmboy's Smokehouse BBQ Mezcal Darren Hoeing - Car Clinic Best fast food drive thru Goodwill Best clothing Lions BBQ Shack Twisted Sisters Olin Durbin - Car Clinic Stagg's Dairy Treats Able Auto Care Macy Workman Best mechanic/where Mezcal Automotive Specialist Dr. Susan Yager Jim Hunt McDonald's Exhaust Plus Dr. Hunt Dustin Reynolds Lions BBQ Shack Dairy Queen The Car Clinic Best Hygienist Cassiel Andrews - J.R. Wortman Dewey Grocox Best ice cream Twisted Sisters Cain Signs Dr. Phillip Orem Best plumber/where Mezcal El Reparo Long Lasting Designs Dr. Doug Schweikhart Best painter/where Best margarita Taco Bell Best hamburger Best hairstylist/salon Best nail tech/salon Best Childcare/Daycare facility HEARING CENTER Falmouth Farm Supply Spencer Workwear Odums Feed Barn Best Health practice ________________________________________________ Best Shoe Repair __________________________________________________ 932-2776 Best Apartment complex ____________________________________________ 925 South St. Road 3, Rushville, IN 46173 Country Mark BP/Dawson's Best Nurse practitioner ______________________________________________ Speedway Shell Best Estitician (skin specialist) ________________________________________ Best building supplies Milroy Building Supplies Best fresh meat Kroger Tweedy's Lumber Gettinger's Meat Save-A-Lot Best heavy equipment Coon Excavating Fraley's Smith Implements Tweedy Lumber Best dry cleaners Linda Smith/All About You Best lawn/garden products Schmidt Engine The Rules •Using the ballot here, vote for your favorite in each category. Vote for only one in each category. •Only original newspaper ballots will be accepted. No photo copies please. •Voting ballots are due by 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 2 or must be postmarked by Saturday, Jan. 31. •Watch your newspaper for the winners that will publish in February 2015. *Final nominated categories at the discretion of the newspaper. O'Dell's Lawn Service Fraley Tweedy Lumber Vogels About You Tweedy Lumber Your Name ___________________________________ Best hardware Milroy Building Supply Best jewelry Engagement Ring Rushville Pharmacy Star Strung Designs - Starr Keller Walmart Best farm supplies/implements Fraley Implements Best motel/hotel Crop Production Smith Implements/John Deere Comfort Inn Best assisted living facility Flatrock River Lodge Miller's Merry Manor Best Sign Company A Sign Above Cain Sign Company 26 Years Address _____________________________________ City/State/Zip _________________________________ Phone Number _______________________________ Do you subscribe to the Rushville Republican? yes no Mail ballots to: Reader’s Choice Awards, c/o Rushville Republican, 126 S. Main St., Rushville, IN 46173 You may also drop your ballot off at the Rushville Republican office. Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Save Time VOTE ONLINE rushvillerepublican.com diabetic education, emergency department, extended hours, imaging, infusion clinic, in-patient nursing, laboratory, massage therapy, nutritional services, occupational health, orthopedics, pediatrics, Pro-time clinic, rehabilitation therapy, surgical associates, skilled care, sleep study, SmartSkin, smoking cessation, social services, surgical services, visiting specialists and volunteer programs. Family Health Services, Inc. is located at 509 Harcourt Way, Rushville and provides health care for all ages. For an appointment call 765-932-3699. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Closed for lunch noon to 1 p.m. every business day. Services include pre-natal care and hospital delivery by board certified obstetricians, well-baby and wellchild exams, care during menopause, routine physical exams for adult, health care when you are sick, free childhood immunizations, free childhood lead screening, women’s health exams, free pregnancy testing, disability physicals, chronic disease management, smoking cessation education, assistance with Medicare D, assistance with medications, assistance in completing Hoosier Healthwise application, appropriate referrals, evening appoints available, mental health services available. There are also two chiropractors practicing locally: Dr. James Todd and Dr. Darrin Wallace. Dr. Todd operates Rushville Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Clinic at 312 N. Main Street, Rushville. His phone number is 765-9324444. Dr. Wallace’s office is located at 1520 N. Main Street, Rushville and his phone number is 765-9325600. Persons in need of mental health assistance may contact the Dunn Center, 201 Harcourt Way, Rushville. The phone number is 765932-3974. Harcourt Counseling Services is located at 121 E. Third Street, Rushville. Their phone number is 765932-5905. Mental Health America in Rush County maintains an office on the third floor of the Rush County Courthouse. Their phone number is 765-932-2004. Centerstone also provides a variety of mental health related ser vices. Centerstone is located at 201 Conrad Harcourt Way, Suite A, Rushville. You can contact Centerstone at 765-9323974. What parks are available in my area? There are several parks available throughout Rush County. Carthage has two parks: Veterans Park and McNabb Community Park. Veterans Park, located at Main and Mill Streets in Carthage, was established in 2000. It includes a gazebo with benches and a monument commemorating veterans. McNabb Park is located at the corner of Walnut and Log Streets in Carthage. The long-established park was named in honor of Dr. McNabb, who took care of Carthage and surrounding residents for many years. There are six parks in the city of Rushville. North Veterans Memorial Park is located north of Rushville Consolidated High School. South Veterans Memorial Park is located between Jackson and Sexton Streets and Ninth and 11th Streets. Community Park is located on Fort Wayne Road, on Rushville’s east side. Laughlin Park is located on Rushville’s west side, at Second and Spencer Streets. Willkie Park is located in the 200 block of N. Main Street, Rushville. Riverside Park is located along the north side of Flatrock River, west of Main Street and south of Water Street. For information about renting a shelter house or hosting a special event in one of Rushville’s parks contact City Hall at 765-9323735.
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