St. Pius X Parish, R.C.

St. Pius X Parish, R.C.
“To Restore All Things in Christ”
Mission Statement
As God’s people of St. Pius X Roman Catholic
Church, Plainview, New York, we have been
called to Community by the Holy
Spirit to share in Jesus’ Mission
to proclaim the Gospel. Since
we live in challenging times of
new possibilities, we as stewards pledge to accept coresponsibility to provide spiritual, educational, social, physical
and financial resources to carry out the mission.
February 1, 2015
Mass Schedule
Monday - Saturday: 8:45 am
Saturday: 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
St. Pius X Parish
p: 516-938-3956
1 St. Pius X Court, Plainview, NY 11803
l f: 516-438-6138 l
Scripture Reflection
It is time for us to get ready for the Catholic Ministries
Appeal. You know the routine—I give a homily on the
need of the appeal and then our parish volunteers will be
asking you for a pledge. I would like to start however by
preaching about our need for stewardship of our resources
and how this applies to our Church, this appeal, and other
Our culture often talks about Money in a way of saying,
“How much can I get?” Think of the famous phrase from
Jerry McGuire, “Show me the Money!” It basically
means, I will only play if you give me all the cash. Or
take the song by the Steve Miller band that is edifying a
lifestyle like Bonnie and Clyde, “Take the Money and
And if we don’t have a means to get the money quick
then we will start asking God for ways to get the money.
How many of us had a lottery ticket in our hands and
have said, “Lord, if I win I will give half of this money to
the Church.” It’s like we are the old man on the Fiddler
on the Roof singing, “Oh I wish I were a rich man, ya ha
deedle, deedle, bubba, bubba, deedle deedle dum. I
wouldn’t have to work hard.”
We talk about money all the time like this. But let’s really
look at what money is about. Money is a symbolic item
that refers to an exchange of wealth. This leads us to ask
what is wealth? The answer to this question is very important and very Catholic. There is not a finite amount of
wealth that we have to redistribute around. NO! God has
given all of us opportunities to grow in wealth. Remember when God created man and woman, he then blessed
them by giving them dominion over all the animals,
plants, and resources of the planet. This is God’s original
gift to us. If you will, it’s our birthday gift and thus is part
of God’s plan. Remember this phrase. Gifts of God with
our work and collaboration creates wealth. What does
this mean?
First, any type of work that we do increases wealth. This
could be like cleaning out the sacristy closet for the first
time in years or sweeping the floor for the fifth time in a
week. This creates wealth because it maintains the items.
It could be something bigger like constructing a building
or developing a cure for cancer. It could be teaching or
coaching someone to discover something new and good.
These all create wealth.
Second and more important is where this all comes from.
It ultimately is all a gift from God. Our ability to do work
is a gift God gives us. The resources this planet has is a
gift that God gives us. Our ability to clean, create, or educate all comes from God. It is all a gift.
|2 | February 1, 2015
This idea is the same for us with the Church. God has
blessed us with so much. He has given us the ability to
grow in wealth. We need to give back some of this as a
way to say thank you. And you know what the Lord will
bless us for this. He will bless us with greater peace, joy,
generosity, love, trust, and faith. I guarantee it!
This is what is called the theology of stewardship. We are
to give the first fruits of our gifts to God. So often we
catholics give the left overs. We give what is in our wallet
and pull out a couple of bucks. Is this a way to be thankful and live a life of stewardship? No! If we want the
fruits of a life of the committed Christian we need to give
the first fruits.
So how can we do so? We need to be proactive, thoughtful, and charitable in our giving. We need to think and
pray with each new year and with a reassessment every
month in what ways that God has blessed us. We then
will want to give back to the Church, the diocese, and
other charities as a way to say thank you. We will do so
not from leftovers but first fruits and so we will give God
a percentage of our income. We will make that decision
and continue that throughout the year. Now, I am not as
concerned about how much you give as much as that you
give through the first-fruits theology because I want you
to have greater peace, joy, trust and all the other good
stuff. You may decide 1% or 5% or the traditional 10%.
Remember - all is a gift from God which He continuously
provides for us and when we realize this then we are free
in giving to others.
The Catholic Ministries Appeal is a time when the diocese asks us to give of our resources to benefit the people
outside of the diocese, especially to schools, vocations,
youth and married ministries, Evangelization and catechetics, and helping the poor through Catholic Charities.
So you know my people what comes next. We will have
the pledge cards and next week I will speak at all masses.
For this week, I ask you my brothers and sisters to think
and pray about what kind of first-fruits that you can give
to your parish and to the Catholic Ministries Appeal
~ Fr. Valentine
Burning of the Palm
Gather your old palm from last year
and bring to the church. Containers will
be located in the foyer of the church.
Palms for use on Ash Wednesday will
be burned at the Family Liturgy on
February 15 at 10:30 am.
We Pray
We Pray for …
Mass Intentions
Monday, February 2
(Presentation of the Lord)
8:45 am Peter Savarese
Tuesday, February 3
(St. Blaise)
8:45 am Larry Deere (living)
Wednesday, February 4
8:45 am Angela Sonnenblick
Thursday, February 5
(St. Agatha, Virgin & Martyr)
8:45 am Laura Corrado
Friday, February 6
(St. Paul Miki & Companions)
8:45 am Domenick & Mary Rebello
Saturday, February 7
8:45 am Kathleen Conroy (living)
(Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time)
3:45 pm Peter Ferrante
5:15 pm Alison Murphy, Laura Corrado
Sunday, February 8
(Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time)
7:00 am For the St. Pius X Parishioners
8:30 am Mary Wheat, Catherine Galgano
10:30 am Alfonso Montovani
12:00 pm Mary & Frank Brigati (living)
Intentions of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
Universal: Prisoners
That prisoners, especially the young, may be
able to rebuild lives of dignity.
Evangelization: Separated spouses
That married people who are separated may
find welcome and support in the Christian
The Deceased & their Families
Rosemarie Pisklak, Amarachi Ekenna, Guy Maniet, Marie
The Sick
Frances DeRosa, Olivia Fernandez, Larry Deere, Mary Louise
Liguori, Salvatore Oliveri, José Antonio, Rose D’Ambrosio,
Anne Cardello, Brian McCanna, Rose Puleo, Peggy
Swanstrom, Michael Liguori, Ray Carney, Peggy Taylor,
Rosemary & Thomas Burke, Andrew Kohler, Charles Viagara, Benjamin Spano, Kathleen Cirillo, Muriel Ball, Carolyn
Miller, Christina Stanick-Delgreco, Nina Emanuele, John
Maniscalco, James Reilly, Jr., Louise Zellem, Diane Lohlein,
Helen D’Agostino, Conrad Girolyme, Tara Maune, Tara Bassette, Nicole Rizzo, Annabel Kreppel, Mary Phelan, Diane
Baker, Gloria-Jeanne Neglia, Graziella Scala, Carlos Malinauskas, Lisa DeVine, Rosemary Hagemann, Stephen Verga, Margaret Scott, Theresa & Dr. Mandi Manderson, Brendon Anthony Rader, Jean L. Quinn, Joseph Mazzola, Lori
Gentile, Shannon Dalton Forde, Edward W. Bruslins, John C.
Brusdeilins, Ken, Adele & Robert Halpin, James Masterson,
William McNally, Phyllis & John Gunning
Names of the sick will remain on the Prayer List for 3 weeks.
Please notify the Parish Office if prayers are still requested after
3 weeks or if the person is deceased.
Safety of our Parish Members in the Armed Forces
Christopher L. Whalan (Army Specialist)
Matthew Piccirillo
Sgt. Michelle Meyers (Army)
Cpl. Andrew S. Kahane (USMC)
Brendan Sassone (Navy)
God Bless the USA!
Special Devotions
Novena to the Immaculate Conception: Ever y Monday
following the 8:45am Mass
Rosary: Monday - Saturday following the 8:45am Mass
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Ever y Fr iday following the 8:45am Mass until 10:15am in the church and the
last Tuesday of each month from 9:15am to 7:00pm
Care of the Sick: Please notify the Par ish Office if ther e is
any parishioner who is ill at home so that we may administer
the proper spiritual care.
Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time | 3
We Give
Financially Speaking
Budgeted to meet expenses: …….. $6,485.00
Jan. 24, 2014 .…………...………... $4,519.50
Jan. 25, 2015 ….…………...…….. $5,122.50
Online ………………….…...... $ 550.00
Total …………………….….………... $5,672.50
St. Vincent dePaul ………………. $1,418.00
Thank you for your generosity!
Note: Second collection on February 8 for
the Maintenance and Repair of the parish.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
with WeShare!
Making it easier to give!
Joining WE SHARE helps
our church by defraying the cost of envelopes, postage (mailing & return postage), and staffing time.
WE SHARE enables you to continue your donations while you are out of town. It’s so easy and
means so much to us! Make your life easier and
save time! Join the families in our parish currently
using WE SHARE.
To join, visit the parish website
and click “Online Giving” in the menu. If you experience any problems with WE SHARE, contact
Lisa Boscarino at the Parish Office 516-938-3956.
Scout Toy Collection
Service Project
Ad Altari Dei Group
Service Project
Boy Scout Troop 423
Organized by 7th level students
Anthony Shiano & Robert Casal
New or Excellent Condition
Donations will go to sick & needy children
from local churches & nearby hospitals.
What blessings you bring to our Church when you
share your Catholic faith as you Serve God by Serving Others. Your support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal touches
so many of our neighbors in need, and we are so grateful for
your important participation.
As we begin the 2015 Appeal, I am reminded of Pope Francis’ call that “amid so much darkness, we need to see the light
of hope and to be men and women who bring hope to others.”
When we come together to help support these critical ministries, that is what we are doing-we are dispelling that darkness
and bringing hope and love to more than 600,000 people every year.
You are helping to feed the hungry, provide clothes and emergency support to the needy, strengthen parishes throughout
our Diocese, help form our future priests and deacons and
provide funding for Catholic Charities’ outstanding programs
and services. You are also helping to ensure that our ministries bring Christ’s light to hundreds of thousands of people in
hospitals, colleges and even our jails.
We hope that you will once again join with me, your Pastor
and many of your neighbors by making a gift to the 2015
Catholic Ministries Appeal, and if possible increasing your
already generous gift in an effort to help spread the “light of
hope” to even more people in need.
With prayers and gratitude, I am
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Donation box located in lobby of Faith Formation.
Collection ends February 28!
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Bishop of Rockville Centre
We Connect
St. Pius X Seniors
Janet Reilly, President
Moments to Remember!
Happy New Year! It’s a new year, let’s count our
blessings and thank God for every day. Our Club
continues to grow—attendance is good—
entertainment great! We’ve had dancers from the
Irish Club share with us. What next? German, Italian, Polish—a lot to look forward to. Stay strong
and healthy! Love, Janet
Next Meeting: February 17 at the Bethpage Community Center
Events and Trips:
February 2 - Movie (Now Y ou See Me) at the
Plainview Library, 10 am, friends welcome.
February 10 - Tuesday, Valentine Winter Recess
Breakfast and Dance, St. Pius X Gym 10:00am to
2:00pm, $15. Contact Ann Marie Toth 516-6943567. Music by Kal.
February 17 - “Mardi Gras” at Ace in the Hole,
$89. See Dolly 631-630-1735.
March 26-27 - “Funny Girl” at the Dutch Apple
Dinner Theater, Amish Tour, Sands Casino. $265
p/p double or $320 single. See Mary, 516-2498858.
April 29 - Greenwood Cemetery, Trolley Tour,
Brooklyn Navy Yard, Junior’s for Lunch, $105,
see Dolly 631-630-1735.
St. Pius X Knights of Columbus & Columbiettes
Calendar of Upcoming Events
February 5: Officers Meeting, 7:30 pm, RM #1
February 7: Free Throw Competition, 7:30 pm, Gym
February 12: General Membership Meeting, 7:30 pm,
RM #1
February 23: Columbiettes Meeting, 7:30 pm, Madonna
February 26: General Membership Meeting, 7:30 pm,
RM #1
We Gather
Father/Daughter &
Mother/Son Dance
Friday, February 13 7-9pm
Enjoy desserts and dancing
DJ Joe Salemi
A new St. Pius X family tradition!
Event is FREE
Things to come
Engeman’s Theater, Myrtle Beach, 9/11 Museum
& Little Italy, Brooklyn Cemetery Tour, San Gennaro Festival & Harbor Cruise
Sunshine: Please call Rose Messina @ 681-4450
with information re: illnesses, etc.
Sign of the Cross K of C—
only Deaf/Hearing Impaired council in the world
WANTED: Catholic men to become a member of
“The Sign of the Cross” Knights of Columbus Council. We are the “ONLY” Deaf/Hearing Impaired K of
C Council in the world. We meet the first and third
Monday of every month in Hicksville. For more information contact, John Passarella, Grand Knight @ or call 516-997-8347.
2015 Bereavement Support Group
Bridges to Hope Bereavement ministry, sponsored by St. Pius X Parish, will again hold an
eight-week Grief Support Program, open to all regardless of how long ago your loss occurred. Y ou are not
alone in the grief process.
First session ~ Sunday, February 15
1:30 – 3:30 pm in Room 1, St. Pius X School
Registration is required. Please call the par ish office
@ 516-938-3956 / CarolAnn @ 516-840-0000, or
Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time | 5
We Remember ~ We Celebrate ~ We Believe
Dear Family,
On the Feast of Christ the King, November 23, 2014 we as a parish began a year of celebration, spiritual renewal and reconnecting with each other as a parish family as together we prepare for our Diamond Anniversary! Yes - we are turning 60! Ecclesiastes
3 reminds us that “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under
the heavens ….” Since September 2014, the 60th Anniversary Planning committee has
been meeting monthly to plan events for this anniversary year. Many events, activities,
liturgical celebrations and opportunities to celebrate our past, rejoice in the present and
prepare for our future as a parish family have already been planned. You will see that these events embrace the
theme that we have selected for our anniversary year.
We Remember ~ We Celebrate ~ We Believe - This is the theme we have chosen for our anniversary year. The
theme is inclusive - W E - reaching to the past to embrace those who came before us, embracing the present, believing in our future and always celebrating the presence of our loving and gracious God throughout our history.
The words surround the St. Pius X parish crest - forming a circle, but not complete - the circle of our family remains open to new and renewed life, new family members, new ideas, new beginnings.
Anniversary Hymn (W e Remember, by Marty Haugen) – You may have noticed that we have been singing
this hymn often. While the idea for our theme “We Remember ~ We Celebrate ~ We Believe” came first, we
soon realized that there is a beautiful hymn, especially the refrain, that encapsulates the essence of what it is we
are truly celebrating. I encourage you to take the time to read and reflect on these words so that the next time we
sing this hymn together they will have renewed meaning.
We remember how you loved us to Your death,
And still we celebrate for You are with us here.
And we believe that we will see You when you come in Your glory, Lord.
We remember, we celebrate, we believe!
Anniversary Prayer - At each Mass during our anniversary year we will pray our anniversary prayer together.
As the saying goes, “A family that prays together, stays together.” This prayer has been inserted into each missalette for your convenience.
Opening and Closing Liturgies – The patron saint of our parish emphasized the Eucharist, saying, "Holy Communion is the shortest and safest way to Heaven" – and so it is for our faith family. The bookmarks for this anniversary year is the celebration of the Eucharist. We opened the anniversary year with a moving liturgy marked by
the presence of members from the founding families of our parish, followed by a procession with the Blessed Sacrament. The date for our closing liturgy is Sunday, November 22 at 12pm and we welcome Bishop Andrzej
Zglejszewski as the main celebrant.
Anniversary Calendar – By now you should have received the parish 60th Anniversary Calendar and hope you
are delighting in the beautiful pictures. Hopefully you have noticed that each picture is accompanied by a quote
from our patron saint, St. Pius X carefully selected to complement the picture. The last page of the calendar lists
some of the many activities we have planned for this anniversary year. Mark your calendar and join us for all of
these events.
Anniversary Parish History Book – Our parish historian, Marion Celenza prepared a detailed history of our parish. During 2014 we shared weekly segments of this rich history in our bulletin and website. Our parish history
along with additional information will be compiled into a book with pictures to be printed at the end of our anniversary year. More details will be forthcoming.
|6 | February 1, 2015
We Remember ~ We Celebrate ~ We Believe
60th Anniversary Gala (Sunday, October 4) – The date has been set and all are invited! This is a family event.
Details are noted below.
God Bless You— Fr. Valentine
Mark Your Calendar!
Following are some upcoming events already on our parish calendar. Since this is our Anniversary year, all
events are part of our journey towards our 60th Anniversary. I extend my personal invitation to each of you to
join your parish family as we journey through this year together.
♦ Tuesday, February 10 – Seniors Valentine’s Day Party
♦ Friday, February 13, 7-9 pm – Mother/Son & Father/Daughter Dance
♦ Sunday, February 15, 10:30 am – Family Liturgy – Faith Formation fourth graders will participate to
help celebrate Mardi Gras as we burn palm to be used on Ash Wednesday and bury the Alleluia
♦ Wednesday, February 18 – Ash Wednesday
Sunday, March 1, 3 pm (Church) – Glen Mohr Chorale presents “It is Finished”
Sunday, March 8
♦ 2 – 4 pm (Church) – Lenten Reflection led by Fr. Frank Pizzarelli, SMM
♦ 5 pm (Church) – Monthly Youth Mass, celebrant Fr. Frank Pizzarelli, SMM. All 6th, 7th and 8th
grade faith formation youth are required to participate.
♦ Sunday, March 15, 3 pm (Church) – Creative Ministries presents “Journey, Cross & Crucifixion”
♦ Sunday, March 22, 4 pm (Church) – “The Story of Easter” presented by the children of the parish along
with the Youth and Adult choirs
Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time | 7
Week at a Glance
Worship for Sunday January 31/February 1
Worship for Sunday February 7/8
(Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time)
(Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time)
Dt 18:15-20, 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28
Jb 1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39
Saturday, January 31
3:45 pm – Fr. Valentine
5:15 pm – Fr. Chux
Saturday, February 7
3:45 pm – Fr. Valentine
5:15 pm – Fr. Chux
Sunday, February 1
7:00 am – Fr. Chux
8:30 am – Msgr. Tom
10:30 am – Fr. Valentine
12:00 pm – Fr. Valentine
Sunday, February 8
7:00 am – Fr. Chux
8:30 am – Fr. Valentine
10:30 am – Fr. Valentine (SCOUT SUNDAY)
12:00 pm – Msgr. Tom
In the Community
Spirituality For Singles Monthly Singles Gathering
Saturday, Feb 7, 8:30 pm, after the 7:30 pm Mass
St. Aidan Parish, 510 Willis Ave., Williston Park,
Our Monthly gathering for singles; discussion, meditation, socialization. This Gathering will feature a
guest performance by Reason 4:13 Ages 35+; $5.00
donation - snacks, pizza and beverages will be served
Contact: Ray (516) 561-6994 or e-mail
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Looking for the perfect Valentine’s Gift?
Consider a Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend! The next weekend on Long Island is scheduled for February 13-15, 2015 at the
Montfort Spiritual Center in Bay Shore, NY. Space is
limited. For more information about the weekends or
to apply, call 1-877-697-9963 or visit our web site at
St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Daughters
is hosting Military Bridge
Date: Sunday, February 22 @ 1:30 pm
Where: Msgr. Tarrant Hall (St. Ignatius Old School
on East Nicolai Street, behind the church)
Cost: $10.00 per person, Cake, coffee, and tea include. Everyone will go home with a beautiful prize!
For information call Alice at 516-433-7857
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SAT Exam Prep Course
For May 2nd SAT Exam
Dates: February 28, March 7, 21, 28, April 18 & 25
Time: 9:00—11:30 am in Marian Hall at
St. Dominic High School
Course Fee: $250 (includes textbooks)
Contact: Mrs. Stutzmann 516-922-4888 x5241
Shrines of Italy (May 12-21, 2015)
Travel with St. Joseph College faculty members Sr.
Grace Rowland, CSJ & Fr. Frank Pizzarelli, SMM.
For information call Sr. Grace at 631-654-1099 or
New York State Right to Life presents
“Denial of Treatment” Seminar
with Burke Balch, J.D.,
Director of National Right
to Life’s Robert Powell Center
for Medical Ethics.
Hosted by
Long Island Coalition for Life
Saturday, February 7
Joseph Barry Council of K of C Hall
45 Heitz Place, Hicksville, NY
Free lunch will be provided for attendees
Register by Feb. 4! Call NY State Right to Life at
518-434-1293 or contact Marie Mawn at 631-5880168.
Parish Info
We Belong
Stay Connected
Keep us Updated!
Have you moved? Married? Changed your email address? Help us keep our parish database
up-to-date by sending us such changes via email to: or call the Parish Office at 516-938-3956. Remember to include your name, address, phone, cell, e-mail
and other relevant information.
We Need You!
We invite you to review our ministries and get
involved! If you wish to volunteer for any ministry, please contact Fr. Valentine at or 516-938-3956 for
more information.
Ministry for the Sick and Homebound
Please inform us about parishioners or loved
ones who are hospitalized, homebound or in a
nursing home by e-mailing the pastor at or call the Parish Office at 516-938-3956.
Visit our Website!
Check the parish website to stay current with
parish activities and events
Follow us on Facebook!
Tweet of the Week
Pope Francis
Wedding Banns
Kourtney Kuzma & Paul Bullwinkel
Alen Lonic & Heather Cussen
Practicing charity
is the best way
to evangelize.
Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time | 9
Welcome Newcomers
Parish Staff
Welcome! We are glad you are here. We encourage
you to explore the offerings of our parish. We think
you will find much here to encourage your engagement in our common spiritual journey.
If you regularly worship at St. Pius X Parish, we ask
that you register with us. Simply e-mail Fr. Valentine
at or call the Parish Office at
Welcome! Many families with children tend to worship at the monthly Family Mass at 10:30am as well as
the 5:15pm Mass on Saturdays which offers contemporary music.
Fr.Valentine Rebello, Pastor
Fr. Chux Okochi, Weekend Assistant
Msgr. Thomas Mulvanerty, Weekend Assistant
Michelle Mascolo, Dir ector of Faith For mation
Denise DeSousa, Secr etar y, Faith For mation
Anne Bantleon, Stewardship & Ser vice Ministr ies
Maryanne Rietschlin, Adult Faith For mation
Marion Celenza, Par ish Special Events & Histor y
Linda & Steve Rhoads, Youth Ministr y
Louise Buchanan, RCIA
Sal Spano, Litur gy
Teresa Arrigo, Dir ector of Music
Karen Yakacki, Youth Choir
Maureen Lomenzo & Robin Yakacki,
Contemporary Ensemble
Ann Masciarelli, Choir Conductor
Here are some suggestions to parents to help their children learn to pray the Mass, and create a reverent,
prayerful atmosphere at Mass for all ages.
• If you have time, visit the church and walk your
child around the worship space and acquaint them
with the art, statues and architecture of our beautiful Catholic tradition. Show them the baptismal
font and talk about their baptism. Point out the
beauty of our stained glass. Stop by the Parish Office - if the pastor is available, he will gladly accompany you on your visit.
• For Mass, arrive early to use the restroom, get a
drink, and settle in.
• Children are curious. Sit toward the front. Children will be able to see what the priest is doing
and with your help will pay more attention.
• Help your children pray and embrace the Mass.
The Mass offers a teaching moment with your
children to develop a sense of reverence and respect for the Mass and the sacred.
• Model full participation for your child by actively
participating in the Mass responses and singing
the hymns.
|10 | February 1, 2015
Rosann Kelly, Par ish Administr ator
Lisa Boscarino, Bookkeeper
Michele Windisch, Secr etar y, Par ish Office
Ann Zirpolo, Secr etar y, Par ish Office
José Pin-Amen, Manager of Facilities
Rica Coelho, Casie Caiazza, Ashley Pajer
John Shamul, Kathleen Wright
Anne Bantleon, Argante Cappelli (Chairperson), Neil
DeRosa, Maureen Heitner, Michelle Mascolo, Maryann Rietschlin, Dario Rossi, Sal Spano
Mercedes Colwin (Chairperson), Anthony Corrente, Neil
DeRosa, Brian Dossie