Sunday, February 1, 2015 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time World Day for Consecrated Life - February 8th St. John Eudes Catholic Community Served by the Eudist Fathers of the North American Province 9901 Mason Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311 818 341 341--3680 / Fax 818 882 882--4326 EUCHARISTIC LITURGIES Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m., 12:45, 2:15 (Spanish) and 5:30 p.m. Monday - Friday: 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. Saturday: 8:30 a.m. Confessions: Saturday 4:00 to 5:00 p.m., Weekday, by appt. only Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:30 a.m.; 12:15 and 7:30 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. @ 8:00 Liturgy of the Hours - Chapel PARISH CLERGY Rev. Gérard Lecomte, CJM, Pastor Rev. Carlos Valencia, CJM, Associate Pastor Msgr. Peter Nugent, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Son Hoang Deacon Michael A. Perez, Senior Deacon PARISH OFFICE Hours: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday – Friday Parish E-mail: PASTOR’S OFFICE Rev. Gérard Lecomte, CJM, Pastor Marty Bowden, Pastoral Staff Assistant For appointments with pastor: Phone: 818-341-3680, Ext. 106 E-Mail: SCHOOL OFFICE Barbara Danowitz, Principal (818)341-1454; Fax (818)341-3093 Website: GIFT SHOP Mary Ellen Pike, Manager 818-341-3680, Ext. 157 E-Mail: 4th Sunday in Ordinary time Saint John Eudes February 1, 2015 Father Gérard’s Corner The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time always “keynotes” how the year’s evangelist (this year, Mark) looks at Jesus, and therefore how we will see Jesus throughout this liturgical year. For Mark, Jesus breaks boundaries: clean/unclean, sacred/profane, Chosen People/Gentiles. At Jesus’ baptism, Mark pictured the boundary breaking. The heavens were “torn open,” a dramatic sign that the Spirit establishing the Kingdom had burst forth upon the world, never to be reversed. Today, another “tearing open”—an unclean spirit “convulses” an afflicted man. But no voice from heaven, as at Jesus’ baptism; rather, a loud cry, the unclean spirit’s reaction to the Kingdom present in Jesus. This theme also recurs in Mark. The Kingdom’s coming is costly, demanding personal transformation and self-sacrificing love. Ultimately, a third “tearing” occurs as Mark recounts Jesus’ death. The temple veil will be torn in two from top to bottom, the Kingdom’s paradoxical victory in seeming defeat. In Deuteronomy, Moses promised the people “a prophet like me.” But Jesus is even more! Boundary-breaking Jesus breaks the Sabbath’s work ban and begins the work of Kingdom-building by breaking Satan’s reign over an afflicted child of God. The people exclaim a kind of profession of faith: “A new teaching with authority.” They also question, “What is this?” In word and sacrament, Jesus “enters our synagogue” today. Though we may be as anxious as Paul’s Corinthians were about our worldly commitments, Jesus challenges us to ponder the depth of our faith and question the cost of our discipleship. Fr. Gérard J.S. Paluch PRAYER OF THE WEEK Gracious and loving God, your Son, Jesus, taught us how to live as his disciples. Give us the grace and the courage to follow his way. Grant these and all good things in his name, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever. QUESTION OF THE WEEK Mark’s Jesus teaches not by words primarily but by deeds, not to build up himself but to help others, and thus with an authority founded not on power but in service. What will I do this week to help another and be of service? POPE FRANCIS’ INTENTIONS FOR FEB. Universal: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. Evangelization: That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. PRAYER FOR PRIESTS Please pray for the following priests this week: Feb 1 Rev. Msgr. Michael Slattery, St. Kateri Tekawitha Catholic Church, Santa Clarita Feb 2 Rev. Raphael Song, Sung Sam Korean Catholic Center, Los Angeles Feb 3 Rev. Michael Stechmann, O.A.R., Cristo Rey Catholic Church, Los Angeles Feb 4 Rev. Norman Supancheck, St. Didacus Catholic Church, Sylmar Feb 5 Rev. Paul Rafferty, O.P., St. Dominic, Los Angeles Feb 6 Rev. Vasile Gorzo, St. Frances de Sales Catholic Church, Sherman Oaks Feb 7 Rev. Paul Griesgraber, St. Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church, Reseda WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRATED LIFE In 1997, Pope John Paul II instituted a day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life. This celebration is attached to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2nd. This Feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect light of Jesus Christ to all peoples. The celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life is transferred to the following Sunday, February 8th in order to highlight the gift of consecrated persons for the whole Church. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation. “Have you remembered St. John Eudes Church in your will or trust?” Page Three Saint John Eudes February 1, 2015 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CONGRESS GET ON THE BUS The Religious Education Congress is ready to enrich and revitalize us once more. Join us March 12, (Youth Day), March 13-15, 2015 at the Anaheim Convention Center. Get On The Bus is Here Today! Don't miss out! Register now for this spirit-filled and enriching weekend! You may access the book on line and register by visiting To obtain a Registration Guidebook contact your religious education office at your parish or call the RECongress information line at (213) 637-7348 to request your own copy of a Registration Guidebook. OUR LADY OF LOURDES FEAST The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes will be held together with the Monthly Filipino Mass on Saturday, February 14, 2015 at 5:30 PM. The living Rosary starts at 4:30 PM followed by the Procession of Our Lady of Lourdes with her Crowning, Flower Offering, Candle Offering and Eucharistic celebration. Contact: Carmelita Canoy (818) 701-3084 or Luisa Gabaya (818) 640-5734 TOGETHER IN MISSION Our Holy Father Pope Francis has enlivened the Church to renew our spirit of evangelization. Through their ministries and education supported by funds provided by Together in Mission, recipient parishes and schools are doing just that, reaching out to their communities and making the message of God’s love known to those around them. The funds we collect will directly benefit more than 250,000 of our Catholic brethren, and ensure our parishes and schools remain centers of faith and hope for their surrounding communities. Archbishop Gomez will soon be sending letters to those that have generously given to Together in Mission in the past. If you receive this letter, we ask you renew your support. May God bless you for your generous support of this year’s appeal. FIRST FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 First Friday is February 6 - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins at the conclusion of the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Join us for an hour of tranquility in the company of the Lord. Benediction at 6:00 p.m. Over the years we have grown in so many faithful supporters here at SJE. We would like to thank Fr. Gerard and Fr. Carlos for their continued support of this program. Please stop by and visit our table today to learn more about this great cause or just to let us know that you care. There are donation envelopes in the pews today. You may drop off your donation at our table in the narthex. Envelopes may also be left at the business office or put in the collection basket on any weekend. They may also be mailed directly to the GOTB office. Thank you so much for your support. To make a donation or learn more about Get On The Bus, please contact Bob or Mary Lou Vanderlip at 818-998-3613 Make checks payable to: Get On The Bus – Bus S – SFV Donations are tax deductible Tax ID # 68-0547196 SAVE THE DATE!!! “The Passion of Christ” Retreat with Dr. Bill Creasy – March 28 As we enter Holy Week, Dr. Creasy will present a day-long parish retreat on "The Passion of Christ." This promises to be a profoundly spiritual day, as we follow Jesus from his entry in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to his crucifixion and burial on Good Friday. We will meet in the Church at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at 4:30 p.m. This event is free and a brown bag lunch will be provided. BAPTISMS Spanish: 1st Saturday of the month at 12:00 p.m. English: 3rd Saturday of the month at 12:00 p.m. By appointment: Please call or visit the Parish Office Baptism Seminar Classes are held the 3rd Sunday of every month In Room A/B of Grill Hall from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. (No need to pre-register) For those baptizing at another parish and taking the class here, the fee is $25 per person. Page Four Saint John Eudes RCIA CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Second year Parents with children who are preparing for the celebration of a Sacrament are entering a special time in the life of your family. It is a time to reflect on the meaning of the Sacrament in your life and the ways in which your family life expresses the importance of these sacraments. Please make sure that you attend the mandatory retreats and events on time. February 7th – Reconciliation Retreat @ 9:00 am in grill hall February 21st- Reconciliation Day @ 9:30 am March 23rd-Eucharist parent meeting @ 7:00 pm The SJE Children’s ministry was overwhelmed with the thank you letters from the children who received Christmas gifts/cards from this parish that we would like to share a couple of the letters with you: “I would like to say thank you for the lovely gifts you have given me. I really appreciate it because this year we did not have much money to buy gifts. The day we got the gifts, we were blessed with them and I am very grateful for it. God bless you!” “Thank you for gift bag of My Little Pony, Barbies and the five dollars. …. God bless you and Mary and the angels. You know that God is happy about you because some of the children don’t have toys and you are making those children very happy and the children really like the toys. God gave that feeling to give to us so God is very happy of you. Thank you!” February 1, 2015 A Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults I have called you; you are mine, Isaiah 43:1 Are you feeling called to deeper faith? Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Do you have questions about the Catholic faith? Have you been baptized but not yet received Confirmation and Holy Communion? RCIA encourages a change of heart and transformation of spirit while deepening our understanding of God. The journey begins with Inquiry, which meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Grill Hall Rm C . The journey incorporates all aspects of parish life: prayer, worship, Scripture study, community, and acts of charity. The RCIA process is open to adults and youth (grade 6 and up) in separate tracks. RCIA adults meet on Tuesday evenings throughout the year from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in Grill Hall. RCIA youth continue to meet on Tuesdays evenings, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. If you are interested, or know someone who might like to join us, please call Molly in the RCIA office: 818-3413680 ext. 121. SCOUT SUNDAY, FEB 8TH Scout Sunday is February 8th. At the 9:00 a.m. Mass all are invited to wear their Scout uniforms, boys, girls and leaders, past and present, from any troop or pack. BEREAVEMENT DROP IN SUPPORT The drop-in Bereavement Support meets the second Saturday of each month after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. St John Eudes charted Cup Pack 466 and Girl Scout Troop 2806 will have an information booth following Mass for anyone interested or with questions! Page Five Saint John Eudes YOUTH MINISTRY Year 1 Confirmation February 4, 2015 7 – 8:30 p.m. Grill Hall Year 2 Confirmation February 11, 2015 7 – 8:30 p.m. Grill Hall February 10, 2015 6:30 – 8 p.m. Montal Hall Would you consider helping our teens? Sponsor a youth. The Year 2 candidates for Confirmation are attending a retreat on February 27-March 1 at Circle V Ranch Camp in Santa Barbara. This retreat can be a transformational event for the teens as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Unfortunately some of our families are having financial difficulties and are unable to pay the registration fee of $150.00. This fee covers the cost of the retreat center and transportation per person for the weekend. Your donation can help send a student who is unable to pay on this unforgettable experience. No donation is too small or too big! You can mail or drop off your donation to the parish office anytime. Please mark it Confirmation Retreat donation so it is credited towards the Confirmation candidates. Thank you so much for your generosity! WORLD MARRIAGE DAY Join us in honoring the Sacrament of Marriage! World Marriage Day is on Sunday February 8. To honor the married couples of our parish, the 8th grade class of St John Eudes School is selling roses. Each single rose is wrapped in cellophane with a few candy kisses and a note card for you to share sweet sentiments. All proceeds will be used for the 8th grade legacy gift at graduation. Please stop by the table on the plaza and buy a rose for your spouse. February 1, 2015 BRING IN YOUR OLD PALMS Please bring in your old palm leaves to be burned and used as ashes on Ash Wednesday. You can leave them in a container that will be in the Narthex. Thank you! SJE PARISH CARNIVAL NEEDS HELP!! Our Parish Carnival happens again this year over the Memorial Day weekend. We are looking for several volunteers to Chair, or Co-Chair, the overall Carnival Committee, to coordinate the volunteers, and to organize the entertainment. If you have these talents, we'd love to hear from you! Please contact either Mike Hartfield: 818-433-5359 or Fred Perez: HEALING MASS Page Six Saint John Eudes February 1, 2015 New Parish Hymnals – “Journeysongs” Liturgical music is an integral part of our celebrations and special events here at St. John Eudes parish. As St. Augustine said, “To sing is to pray twice”. Since our present hymnals are outdated, we will be replacing them with a hardcover hymnal “Journeysongs – Third Edition”. Journeysongs includes a repertoire of over 850 titles, including bilingual Mass settings, psalms, hymns (traditional, contemporary, chant, and multicultural), and other Rites of the Church and Service music. St. John Eudes parishioners are familiar with many of the songs since over 200 of them are from our current hymnal, “Breaking Bread”. We are asking for donations to help cover the cost of the hymnals. With your gift of $20.00 you may remember or honor a loved one with a Bookplate where your name and/or the name of a loved one is printed and placed inside the front cover of the hymnal. General donations are also welcome. If you would like to make a donation, please include the information requested below: Donated By:_______________________________________ Ph. No:_____________ In Honor Of::__________________________________________ If you would like to make a donation or have further questions, please visit the Choir Table after Mass (9:00 and 11:00 a.m. only), the Cantor, Choir Director (Dana Howell), or contact the parish office. Thanks for your continued support of St. John Eudes Choir! SJE CALENDAR, Readings, Meetings, and Mass Intentions SUNDAY February 1 MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 Saint Blaise Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk1:21-28 Jan 25-31 Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 9:00 AM FIRST COMMUNION CLASSES 1:30 PM LEGION OF MARY 9:00 AM MICRACULOUS MEDAL PERPETUAL NOVENA 12:00 PM AL-ANON 6:30 PM CUB SCOUTS 6:30 PM GIRL SCOUTS 7:00 PM HISPANIC PRAYER GROUP 7:00 PM SPANISH BAPTISM SEMINAR 4:00 PM 1ST COMMUNION CLASSES 4:00 PM JUNIOR LEGION OF MARY 6:30 PM EDGE 7:00 PM RCIA 7:00 PM HISPANIC PRAYER GROUP FORMATION 6:30 am For Increase of Vocations & Religious Life 8:30 am Pacita Ochoa† Federico Aguilar† Maria & Nick Cavalluzzi† 6:30 am For Victims of Terrorism Around the World 8:30 am Vasil Gogosha† Arturo & Josefa Adriano† 5:30 pm Isabelita Moresca Bonsol† 7:30 am Peace in the World & in our Homes and Hearts 9:00 am Duaine Crick†, John Canfield†, Robert Valentine† 11:00 am People of the Parish 12:45 pm Hedy Schmitt†, Jim Melton† Elenita M. Cartensen - Healing 2:15 pm Pablo Antonio Garcia† Ernesto Navarro - Birthday 5:30 pm Arliss Wood† WEDNESDAY 4 THURSDAY Saint Agatha Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 9:30 AM BIBLE STUDY 4:00 PM 1ST COMMUNION CLASSES 6:30 PM NOVENA OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP 7:00 PM BIBLE STUDY 7:00 PM YEAR 1 CONFIRMATION 7:30 PM FOREVER GRATEFUL 7:00 PM HISPANIC PRAYER GROUP 7:00 PM HISPANIC RCIA 5:30 PM AL-ANON 7:00 PM ADULT CHOIR REHEARSAL 7:00 PM HISPANIC PRAYER GROUP 7:30 PM SPANISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 6:30 am For all People suffering from Cancer 6:30 am Jin Woo Peter Park† 8:30 am For Holy Souls in Purgatory 8:30 am Roderick Laino† SATURDAY 5 FRIDAY Saint Paul Miki & Companions Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 7:00 PM AA 6:45 PM POKER NIGHT 7:00 PM HISPANIC MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER 7:00 PM SEMILLA DEL REINO 8:00 PM SDWC 6:30 am Alejandro M. Larson† 8:30 am Jesus Leuterio, Sr.† 7 To view location of meetings or events, visit the website: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 9:15 AM LEGION OF MARY 6:30 PM BLUE & GOLD CUB SCOUT BANQUET 6:30 PM WINE TASTING For school - To view location of meetings or events, visit the website: For parish - For school - For parish - 8:30 am Ricardo Rama Castaneda - Birthday 6 Page Eight Saint John Eudes February 1, 2015 WOMEN’S RETREAT LADIES, COMING SOON!!! THE POPULAR ANNUAL SPIRITUAL RETREAT February 27, 28 & March 1 POKER NIGHT THE SJE FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE INVITES YOU TO GO “ALL IN” OUR MONTHLY NL HOLDEM POKER TOURNAMENT Do you need a serene weekend getaway? For 2 nights, 5 meals and snacks Would you like to deepen your prayer life? Sacred Heart Retreat House in Alhambra is for you Starts at 5 p.m. and ends Sunday about noon Transportation provided for $10 For reservations and information please call: Mary Melton at (818) 346-0927 DID YOU KNOW? Instagram: Photo and Video Posting Dangers for Young People. . . Teens and tweens frequently post photos online using their cell phones. One of the most popular mobile applications (apps) for photo sharing is called Instagram… Instagram allows members to digitally edit, upload and share photos and short videos with other members through the Instagram website, email, and other social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Tumbler, and Flickr—all with a single click. The biggest danger for young people is that the photos and videos that they are posting on Instagram are accessible to countless unintended viewers…which means the images can be viewed by anyone in the world. For complete VIRTUS® Article with helpful tips email: When: Where: How Much: Friday, February 6th at 6:45 p.m. Room C $40 Buy-in +20 Re-buys Pizza and Snacks are provided. A portion of the buy-ins support the church building fund. Registration will be open until 8:00 p.m. For any questions: Ulrik Singontiko @ 818-406-1693 Peter Guerriero @ 818-917-0087 Jazzy Yuhico @ 818-625-3386 Fred Cabral @ 818-388-3743 GIFT SHOP St. John Eudes Gift Shop (818)341-3680 ext. 157 Sunday: 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. • Closed Monday. Tuesday through Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Bibles, Books, Candles, Rosaries, Statues, Jewelry, Crucifixes, Wall scrolls, Novenas, Holy cards, medals, Greeting cards and Wedding, Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Quinceanera items. We also carry Vatican Library line of jewelry and 2015 Church Calendar. We now carry monthly Give us this Day books. SENIOR FUNSTERS The Shop is located at the Mason parking lot Church entrance Senior Funsters meeting on February 6th at 10:30 a.m. In Grill Hall, AB Room. COMMUNION FOR THE SICK Come and join us for a fun round of BUNCO. You don’t need to know how to play. It’s easy to learn and it’s a good mixer. Come and meet old friends and new and if you’re lucky, win a prize. Luncheon will be served. A $5 donation is requested. Please call Joan at (818) 341-3262 or Diane at (818) 998-3401 and let us know if you are coming. Hope to see you there!! If you, a family member or friend are unable attend Mass to receive Holy Communion due to illness or disability, we would like to arrange to bring the Eucharist to you. To request a visit, please call the rectory at 818-341-3680. Page Nine Saint John Eudes ORACION DE LA SEMANA Dios misericordioso y lleno de ternura, tu Hijo Jesús nos enseñó a vivir como discípulos suyos. Danos la gracia y el valor de seguir su camino y concédenos esto que pedimos en su nombre, que contigo vive y reina por los siglos de los siglos. 1 de febrero, 2015 ADORACION AL SANTISIMO 6 de febrero, 2015 Viernes 7:30pm Se invita a la comunidad de SJE a participar a la adoración al "Santísimo Sacramento" En la Iglesia. Introducción a la Liturgia del Día Dios, por su bondad, nos ha llamado aquí hoy a fin de que nos apoyemos los unos a los otros en nuestra fe y para alimentarnos en la mesa de la Palabra y de la Eucaristía. Llamados a ser discípulos de Jesucristo, ¿de qué manera escuchamos la palabra de Dios y la ponemos en práctica? ¿Hace esa palabra algún impacto en nosotros? ¿O tal vez nuestra vida se parezca más a la película “El día de la marmota” [Groundhog Day, que se celebra mañana], o sea la misma cosa día tras día y sucesivamente? Tal vez nuestra oración de hoy deba pedir que escuchemos bien lo que Dos nos está diciendo y que estemos resueltos a hacerlo realidad en nuestra vida. PREGUNTA DE LA SEMANA El Jesús de Marcos no enseña primordialmente con palabras, sino con obras; no para hacerse resaltar a sí mismo, sino para curar a otras personas; es así que su autoridad no estaba fundada en el poder, sino en el servicio. ¿Qué haré esta semana para ayudar a otra persona y brindarle algún servicio? SEMILLA DEL REINO Semilla de Reino ya comenzó, para todas las personas que se anotaron los esperamos todos los viernes de 7:00 - 9:30 p.m., salón A/B ACTIVIDADES Jueves 5 de febrero - 7:00 p.m. Grupo de Oración, salón Santa Paula Montal. Viernes 6 de febrero - 7:00 p.m. Encuentro Matrimonial, salón G Semilla del Reino, salón AB Sábado 7 de febrero – 9:00 a.m. Clases de Ingles, salón C MINISTERIOS Y GRUPOS Lectores: Yvonne y Jaime García (818) 317-5109 Ministros De La Comunión: Norma y Orlando Mazariegos (818) 317-9206 Ujieres: Ana Zacarías (818) 489-2466 Monaguillos: Gaby Arroyo 818-481-7029; Belen Rangel 818-993-3509; Gloria Villegas 818-620-0791 Coord. De Coros: Carlos Pérez (818) 233-4814 Catecismo: Madre Guadalupe (818) 885-6265 Grupo de Oración: Ramón Flores (805) 907-9909 Semilla Del Reino: Vilma Hernández (818) 231-3844 Encuentro Matrimonial: María Ávila (818) 970-2537 Coord. De Liturgia: Yvonne García (818) 317-5109 Coord. De Bautismos: Fr. Carlos, Celia Estrada. ESTAMOS EN FACEBOOK! COMUNÍCATE CON NOSOTROS Email:
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