Tel: 01983 293261 29th January 2015

Right to Learn
Tel: 01983 293261
House Points
Right to be Safe
Right to be Respected
29th January 2015
Attendance: Whole School Target 96.7% Last Week: 97.7% Class: Penguin 99.2%
This Week’s Successes & News
Robin Hood Pantomime
Yesterday, all the children enjoyed a fantastic morning watching M&M
Productions - Robin Hood Pantomime. The staging and the characters
were amazing and the children all enjoyed the excitement of the show!
We look forward to seeing them again next year for ‘Beauty and the
Friends of Cowes Primary Thank you!
The Friends of Cowes Primary kindly agreed to donate £100 per class
to put together ‘wet weather boxes’. Seagull class (seen here on the
left) are the first class to purchase an exciting array of puzzles and
games such as dominoes, bingo, lotto and playdoh to keep the children
entertained when it is too wet to play outside. We would like to say a big
‘Thank You’ to them for such a super idea.
Keystage 2 Arts and Crafts Workshop
On Saturday 7th February we will be holding an Arts and Crafts
Workshop at Cowes Primary for Years 3-6. The time will be
10am - 12pm and the cost is £5.00 per child. There are limited spaces.
Please contact Ms Novak to book a space for your child .
Island Sportshall Athletics Final
We took part in the above tournament at Medina College on
Monday. We did extremely well and came in third place. More details
to follow next week.
St Catherine’s School - Open Day
There will be an open day at St Catherine’s School on Friday 6th
March. This is for children aged 7-19, with speech language and
communication needs.
Parent Consultations - Dates for your Diary
We will be holding Parent Consultations for two weeks, from Monday 2nd
March until Friday 13th March. Letters and timings will be coming home
Children’s Services - New Telephone Number
If you are worried about a child, being harmed or at risk, please contact
the Children’s Reception Team Tel: 0300 300 0117 anytime, day or night
(24hrs). In an emergency ring 999.
To report pupil absence by 9.30am each day: Tel: 293261 or Email:
For bookings
and full
please call
Club Cool,
on: 07511 709 744.
Letters home w/c 26th Jan 2015
Winchester Science Trip - Year 1 only
Hooke Court Information Leaflet - Year 4 only
Hooke Court Schedule - Year 4 only
Snow and Bad Weather Procedures - All pupils
If you have not received any of these letters,
please check our website or collect from the
Headteacher Awards
Lily Creed - for always trying her best and
working on her targets.
James Leek - for effort and improvement in
spellings and being a great tidier.
George Tilling - for great participation and
attitude on Viking Day.
Fri 30th Jan - Heron Class Assembly
Thurs 5th Feb - KS1 Praise Assembly
Fri 6th Feb - Osprey Assembly
Mon 9th Feb - Safer Internet Day for Parents at 2.00-2.45pm
Weds 11th Feb - Fri 13th Feb - Year 4 Hooke Court Trip
Thurs 12th Feb - KS2 Praise Assembly (Years 3-4)
Fri 13th Feb - Seagull Assembly
Mon 16th Feb - Fri 20th Feb - Half Term
Hand Knitted Easter
We will be selling these
beautiful hand knitted
Easter chicks made by Mrs
Minshull. These are filled
with either a Cadbury’s Cream Egg or a
Galaxy Cream Egg for £1.50 each.
These will be on sale from the office from
3pm each day on a first come first served
basis. Proceeds will go towards our school.
Literacy Awards
Ruby Day - for starting to show great
independent writing skills.
Lillie-Mae Lockyer - writing a detailed play
Joseph Tombleson - for trying hard to
extend his writing and improved effort.
Charlie Goodman - for trying hard to
extend his writing and improved effort.
Numeracy Awards
Finn Swift and Ella Young - for excellent
concentration and effort in adding.
Jacob Hempstead - fantastic approach to
adding 2 digit numbers.
Rosie Adams - fantastic approach to
adding 2 digit numbers.
Ellie Butcher, Summer Price, Lucy
Calloway and Abbie Faulkner - for
working hard at performing long
Star Time
George Perkins - Duck
Imogen Waitt - Kittiwake
Isle Drive Safely
We are supporting a local
charity called ‘Isle Drive
Safely’ in memory of Evey
If you would like to support this charity
and donate some money, the collection
box will be located by the office for the
next couple of weeks. You will also
receive an ‘Isle Drive Safely’ sticker to
place on to your car.
Back to Netball Club
For ladies living in the Cowes, Gurnard,
Northwood areas. For more information,
please speak to Mrs Pascoe at school.
Rotary Club - Ryde
Charity Quiz at Wootton Community
Centre. Fri 13th March - 7pm start.
Entry £8 per team member.
Phone: Mike Turner - 201023/07919603626
Lost Property
We have a lot of unnamed lost
property left from last term.
Items include school jumpers,
polo shirts, coats, hats,
scarves, gloves, shoes and football boots.
Please can you check if your child is missing any clothing items and check our lost
property box. Any remaining items will be
taken to the local charity shop on Friday
30th January. Thank you.
Drop-In Sessions
Class Drop-In Times after School
Monday: Year 4 and Year 6
Tuesday: Early Years
Wednesday: Year 3 and Year 5
Thursday: Year 1 and Year 2
Headteacher’s Drop-In Times
Wednesday 2.30-3.00pm
in the Reception Area/Meeting Room.
Please use the front entrance and
sign in at the office.
If you would like to add your name to the newsletter emailing list,
please email the office: