News February, 2015 Vol. 11 Issue 2 Official Publication of the Homeowners Association of the Country Walk of Lake Ridge Contents Contacts............................................................. 3 President’s Message.......................................... 7 Property Manager’s.................................. 7 & 9 Emergency Management............................... 12 Committee Section........................................... 12 Club Section.............................................. 13-15 Sports Section - Indoor Activities .................. 17 Literary Section......................................... 18-19 Upcoming Events Travel Committee’s Upcoming Trips.............. 12 Solos Club........................................................ 14 Pet Club Next Meeting.................................... 15 February Events Outside Our Community.... 26 FEBRUARY 2015 2/28/2015 2 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 COUNTRY WALK OF LAKE RIDGE 1 Country Walk Blvd., Whiting, New Jersey 08759 Community Manager, Linda Huftalen......(732) 849-4100 Office Fax..................................................(732) 849-9389 Clubhouse Reception................................(732) 849-9554 After hours emergencies...........................(609) 693-0090 Prime Management...................................(609) 693-0090 Kokes Warranty.........................................(732) 901-1650 LIBRARIAN Chet Vicary COUNTRY WALK REPRESENTATIVES Amer. Cancer Soc.. .... Marie Tatesure...... (732) 716-1728 C.A.R.E.S...............Rita Carbonaro.......... (732) 350-7747 Crestwood Vil. Sun pickup ......... W. Weber/R. Livingston THE COUNTRY WALK NEWS Editor: Lorraine Hilton Photography: Larry Hilton, John White, Chet Vicary, Paul Tamburello Founding Editor: Chet Vicary NOTARIES IN COUNTRY WALK Carleen and Rick Dopf.............................. (732) 350-0863 Linda Huftalen........................................... (732)849-4100 Carol Siracusa........................................... (732) 350-3829 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President............................................................ Rick Dopf Vice President............................................. Sandy Morley Secretary................................................... Lorraine Hilton Treasurer.......................................................Marsha Allen Director at Large........................................... Maureen Lee WHITING/ MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP 08759 EMERGENCY..............................................................911 Police/Fire/First Aid.................................. (732) 657-6111 Municipal Offices...................................... (732) 657-8121 COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS ADRC.................. John Puglisi................. (732) 350-1051 ARC..................... Paul Tamburella........... (732) 849-5096 E.M./Gov’t..............Larry Lee...................... (917) 715-6411 Finance................. Jean Koczka................. (732) 350-2101 Grounds................ Ray Veit....................... (732) 350-1646 Pool...................... Connie Johnson........... (732) 350-8606 Sunshine............... Rita Carbonara............. (732) 350-7747 Transition............. Ray Talty...................... (732) 350-2405 Travel ................. Joan Kilduff................. (732) 350-4134 Transportation...... Linda Huftalen............. (732) 849-4100 SERVICES NJ Motor Vehicle Agency......................... (609) 292-6500 Post Office................................................. (732) 657-8562 Municipal Offices...................................... (732) 657-8121 Consumer Affairs...................................... (732) 929-2105 New Jersey Transit.................................... (800) 582-5946 Ocean Cty Office of Senior Service..............(800) 668-4899 Ocean Cty Clerks Office, TR.................... (732) 929-2018 C.A.R.E.S.................................................. (732) 350-1400 Dial-A-Ride............................................... (732) 350-2900 Ocean Cty Library....Main, TR................. (732) 349-6200 Manchester................ (732) 657-7600 ACTIVITY AND CLUB CONTACT Aerobic Fitness..... Joan Libretto............... (732) 350-3267 Amateur Radio .... Joan Tramer................ (973) 872-2565 Billiards................. Larry Lee.................... (917) 715-6411 Bocce..................... Al McComas............... (732) 657-7902 CY Residents Club .......... Frank Mollo.... (732) 350-6828 CW Players .......... Julian/Lily Ayala........ (732) 716-1547 Hands and Feet...... Pat Newman............... (732) 350-4512 Horseshoe Club..... Larry Lee.................... (917) 715-6411 Mah-Jongg............ Maureen Lee............... (718) 530-4333 Pet Club................. Carol Siracusa............. (732) 350-3829 Ping Pong.............. Jacqueline Blanch....... (732) 953-6293 Poker..................... Sal Libretto................. (732) 350-6769 Scrabble Club........ Maureen Lee............... (718) 530-4333 Shuffleboard.......... Larry Lee.................... (917) 715-6411 Solos Club............. Linda Pregenzer.......... (732) 716-1949 Stitch N’ Sew........ Kathie McCann........... (732) 350-3546 Softball.................. Larry Lee.................... (917) 715-6411 Tennis.................... Paul Vogler................. (732) 350-5518 Tropical Fish......... Frank Siracusa............ (732) 350-3829 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Social Security Administration................. (800) 772-1213 HOSPITALS Community Medical Center (TR)............. (732) 557-8000 Kimball Medical Center (Lakewood)....... (732) 363-1900 Deborah Heart Lung (BrownsMills)......... (609) 893-6611 Ocean Medical Center (Brick).................. (732) 840-2200 UTILITIES Comcast Cable Co..................................... (732) 849-4646 Dover Oil.................................................. (732) 349-1551 JCP&L, Power & Light............................ (800) 662-3115 NJNG Gas Leak........................................ (800) 427-5325 NJNG Cust. Ser......................................... (800) 221-0051 Verizon Telephone Co............................... (800) 427-9977 Manchester Water..................................... (732) 657-8121 3 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 CLUB SECTION Stitch and Sew’s Annual Pizza Party Kathie McCann Stitch and Sew’s Annual Pizza Party was a delicious success. Sausage, Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Peppers, Onions and lots of other delicious toppings were in abundance on the pizzas from Joey’s Pizzeria that were on the serving tables for all the ladies to enjoy. Fortyseven ladies braved the low temperatures to come out and enjoy the afternoon of pizzas and yummy desserts. A special Thank You is sent to all the ladies who baked and made their sweet dessert specialties to share. Also, a special Thank You goes out to all those who assisted in making this event another success for Stitch and Sew. 4 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 CLUB SECTION Trim A Tree Party On December 6th the residents of Country Walk came together to decorate and light the Clubhouse Christmas Tree. The Solo’s Club sponsored the event which kicked off the start of the Holiday Season. George and Nancy Reid led the residents in the singing of Carols and other fun Christmas songs. Who will not remember the rousing rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas? Ed Lunch read a special version of T’was the Night Before Christmas but with a twist that showed how much our service men and woman sacrifice so that we can enjoy the warmth and fun of the Holidays. Many of the residents brought snacks and even dinner to share with their friends and neighbors. 5 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 Country Walk of Lake Ridge 1 Country Walk Blvd., Whiting, NJ 08759 Telephone 732-849-4100 • Fax 732-849-9389 The Country Walk of Lake Ridge Homeowners Association, Inc. reserves the unequivocal and unilateral right to revise, amend or reject outright any item, submission, photo, or advertisement that it deems inappropriate for publication. Should a prepaid advertisement be rejected hereto, the advertiser shall be entitles to a return in full of all collected fees paid to the Association in connection therewith, providing however that the material that precipitated the rejection shall not have been constructed by the advertiser for the sole purpose of negating an otherwise valid advertising contract. All material for publication must be submitted no later than the 15th day of any given month. Ad copy cancellations and changes must be submitted not later than 15 days prior to publication date. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to identify and communicate advertising errors and omissions. The content of all articles, reviews, and other news contained herein is the product and the property of the contributors thereof. The Country Walk of Lake Ridge Homeowners Association, Inc. assumes and acknowledges no responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy thereof. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual contributors hereto and they do not represent the opinions or official pronouncements of the Country Walk of Lake Ridge Homeowners Association, Inc. The products and services herein by the advertisers and others have not been tested, sanctioned or approved and they are not otherwise promulgated or endorsed by the Country Walk of Lake Ridge Homeowners Association, Inc. nor does the Association warrant that they are fit for their intended purposes. The procurers of such goods and services must determine for their own purposes if the goods and services fulfill their personal needs, under terms and conditions that are acceptable to them. countrywalkmanager@ Who Do I Call? What Do I Do? To reach Linda Huftalen, our Community Manager, by e-mail, you should use the above e-mail address. If you have a problem, fill out a work order and deposit it in the Community Manager’s mail slot in the Office door. No work will be done without a written work order. Similarly no complaint will be acted upon that is not presented in writing. “Town Crier” If you want to receive a copy of the Country Walk Town Crier, send your email address to lorraine121146@ what is the Town Crier you ask? The “Town Crier” is our e-mail system used to contact Country Walk residents with time sensitive information. Hello Sunshine Rita Carbonara-Smurra Feeling blue and dumpy too; Let Linda in the office know. Know anyone who is in the hospital or sick, Let Linda know and we’ll get a card out real quick. Should you hear of the passing of a member or someone in their family? Call Linda so we can send a card expressing our sympathy. DEADLINES — The deadline for inclusion in next months newsletter is the 10th of the prior month. For the issue to be distributed around March 1. Please plan your events and publicity accordingly and email your articles and pictures (no more than 2 MByte/picture) to lorraine121146@ 6 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 President’s Message Property Manager’s Report As I finish my first term as a member of the Country Walk Board of Directors, I continue to believe in teamwork. I knew that being a Board member would not be an easy task but before I made the decision, I looked at all the support that I had and the professionalism that we have living here for Board members to tap into. Although I’ve had experience in the past with preparing and working within budgets, numbers are not my greatest strength. My promise was to keep maintenance fees low and doing everything possible to keep delivering the services that all of the homeowners are paying for and deserve. I’m proud to be working with Board members who also believe in this ideology, and we have succeeded to this point. Working hand in hand with our Finance Committee, we have managed to keep the homeowner’s maintenance fees at the same level as it has been. Sure, the finance Committee was a big help in achieving this goal but it doesn’t stop there. The Grounds Committee added their experience by assisting us in negotiations and aiding us in entering into a new multi-year deal with our landscaping contractor. We were able to save money by changing our garbage hauler with the assistance of Prime Management. Some residents of Courtyard homes have banded together to form a club and have vowed to assist each other to help their friends and neighbors with problems unique to the Courtyard homes. Stitch and Sew, the Solo’s Club, and volunteers with the Pasta Dinner and Pancake Breakfast have aided immensely in helping to raise funds. There are many other groups and individuals (too many to include in this column) among us here in Country Walk that have volunteered to assist to raise funds, use their knowledge and volunteer their time for the benefit of us all. Having said all this, the reason for this article is to just point out a couple examples of how, coming together as a team, brings success. We are always asking you, our neighbors, to help us to achieve our goals by volunteering for a Committee, join a club or just get together with friends to help raise funds and ideas for the good of the Community. The place to start is by visiting Linda in the Property Management Office. Tell her what your strengths and interests are and hopefully she will be able to steer you in the right direction to be part of the team that makes Country Walk the successful community that we are all proud to live in. SOME HELPFUL HINTS FOR WINTER With winter here, freezing temperatures, snow and icy conditions become part of the scenario. In looking at articles as I browsed through various publications, I came Linda Huftalen, across some winter weather hints that New Property Manager sounded interesting. I haven’t tried most of them, but I’m anxious to see if they work. Dress in layers when temperatures drop! Experts recommend wearing several layers of loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing rather than one layer of heavy clothing. Outer garments should be tight woven and water-repellent. Mittens are warmer than gloves. Wear a hat. Cover your mouth with a scarf to protect your lungs from extremely cold air. Wear sturdy, waterproof boots in snow conditions. Keep your cell phone fully charged! For your home: Store drinking water, first aid kit, canned/no-cook food, non-electric can opener, radio, flashlight and extra batteries where you can get them easily, even in the dark, should power lines go down…and don’t forget those necessary items for your pets. Make sure your home is winterized before you go, if you are going away for extended periods of time. Turn your water off outside, remove hoses and cover the spigots to keep them dry. Make sure the temperature inside your home is set no lower than 55 degrees to prevent pipes from freezing For your vehicles: Keep cars and other vehicles fueled and in good repair, with a winter emergency kit in each. Keep your headlights clear with car wax! Just wipe ordinary car wax on your headlights. It contains special water repellents that will prevent that messy mixture from accumulating on your lights – lasts about six weeks. Squeak-proof your wipers with rubbing alcohol! Wipe the wipers with a cloth saturated with rubbing alcohol or ammonia. This one trick can make badly streaking & squeaking wipers change to near perfect silence and clarity. Ice-proof your windows with vinegar! Frost on its way? Just fill a spray bottle with three parts vinegar to one part water and spritz it on all your windows at night. In the morning, they’ll be clear of ice mess. Vinegar contains acetic acid, which raises the melting point of water, preventing water from freezing. Rick Dopf Linda Huftalen, Property Manager Continued on page 9 7 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 Tropicana Trip Agnes Fisher, Joan Kilduff, Eileen Henriksen and Bernadette Livingston On December 8th a group from our community went to the Tropicana Casino in Atlantic City for the Christmas Show and lunch at Carmine’s Restaurant. A good time was had by all. Besides attending the show, lunch and gambling, some people visited the shops at the Casino for a little Christmas shopping. We want to thank everyone who came out and supported us. We hope to see you at our next event. Just watch the Country Walk News Bulletin for information on our future trips. 8 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 PROPERTY MANAGER REPORT from page 7 Exercise Room Questions Prevent car doors from freezing shut with cooking spray! Spritz cooking oil on a rubber seals around car doors and rub it in with a paper towel. The cooking spray prevents water from melting into the rubber. Fog-proof your windshield with shaving cream! Spray some shaving cream on the inside of your windshield and wipe it off with paper towels. Shaving cream has many of the same ingredients found in commercial defoggers. De-ice your lock in seconds with hand sanitizer! Just put some hand sanitizer gel on the key and the lock and problem solved. Lorraine Hilton, Secretary Occasionally the Board receives notes and calls as to why the temperature in the Exercise Room is either too hot or too cold. The temperature of that room is set to a constant 62 degrees as the recommended temperature for the best performance of the equipment to preserve its lifespan. It is suggested that if you feel it is too hot please dress appropriately and, of course, if you feel it is too cold we recommend the same idea of being prepared for the room. The Board requests that you keep the doors to the room closed at all times. This will help us all save money on the bills to heat and cool this room. We also remind you to wipe down the equipment after you use each piece and to always bring a towel with you for your own needs. Using equipment after someone else that has not wiped it down is a health hazard to you. Remember to sign in to the room. If watching the TV please turn it off when leaving the room as well. Please also remember to turn off the lights when leaving the room and the Clubhouse if you are the last person. One important thing to remember is that there is no food or drink (other than a water bottle) allowed in the room. If we are all respectful of the equipment and the other residents who use this room we will all benefit. Thank you all in advance for your help with this matter. Volunteers Needed! There are many opportunities for all residents to participate in planning and executing a variety of exciting activities through volunteering. Two specific Committees need volunteers – The Social Committee and The Clubhouse Committee. The mission of The Social Committee is to plan and organize social events for the enjoyment of the community. The mission of The Clubhouse Committee is to look after and preserve the quality of the physical plant of the Clubhouse and its amenities. Both committees make recommendations to the Board that will provide for the general health, well being and welfare of the residents. Please contact the management office and fill out a volunteer form if you are interested. Ocean County Cares Door Handles Chet Vicary Maureen Lee The Ocean Country Office of Emergency Management has an application called “We Care” for anyone who might need special assistance in an emergency. The “We Care” application can be obtained by calling the Office of Emergency Management at 1-800-331-8152. Once the form is completed, it should be returned to your local police department. If you need assistance completing the form or you need someone to pick up your completed form, call the Office of Emergency Management at 1-800331-8152 for assistance. All your information will be kept strictly confidential; however, it will assist our Emergency Management officials in planning for your safety in the event of an emergency. Emergency Management staff will be happy to answer any of your questions regarding the “We Care” program and can send you additional weather emergency information. Please call 1-800-331-8152. At the Courtyard Meeting a question came up concerning who is responsible for the door handles. The answer is we all are. But another resident informed us that the Kwikset Door Handles are “Guaranteed for Life”. This resident called the company and they sent out a new front door handle. The only cost was for shipping and handling which was about $8.00. If you have trouble with a broken door handle you can contact Kwikset Corporation, Lake Forest, California 92610 at 1-800-327-5625. If you have any questions about this procedure call Maureen Lee at 1-718-530-4333. Missing Teapot A donation of a $168.00 teapot was made by Joan Kilduff to the Clubhouse in the past year. It was discovered missing recently. If you borrowed the teapot we need to have it returned immediately. No items should ever be removed from the Clubhouse without prior Board Approval. No questions asked just return this expensive teapot to the kitchen. Reference: Ocean County Office of Senior Services, January/February 2015 Newsletter. 9 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 http://www. To read the current issue of the Country Walk newsletter on line, please visit the web site above. Choose “Community Papers” from the left hand side of your screen, and then choose “Country Walk” from the table at the top of the page. It’s a great way to keep up with the Country Walk Newsletter when you are away or didn’t receive your paper issue. 2015 OPEN MEETINGS The Board requests your attendance at these Open Board Meetings. Please mark your calendars and come out and join us. March 16, 2015 7:00 PM June 15, 2015 7:00 PM September 21, 2015 7:00 PM December 21, 2015 7:00 PM January 4, 2016 Candidates Night 7:00 PM January 18, 2016 Elections 3:30-6:30 PM January 18, 2016 Annual Meeting and Election Results 7:00 PM 2015 BOARD WORKSHOPS The Board has set a regular business meeting schedule as follows: February 4, 2015 8:30 AM March 3, 2015 8:30 AM April 7, 2015 8:30 AM May 5, 2015 8:30 AM June 2, 2015 8:30 AM July 7, 2015 8:30 AM August 4, 2015 8:30 AM September 1, 2015 8:30 AM October 6, 2015 8:30 AM November 4, 2015 8:30 AM December 1, 2015 8:30 AM January 5, 2016 8:30 AM Tax-Aide Chet Vicary Tax-Aide is an AARP - sponsored resource to prepare your federal and state tax returns. IRS-trained and - certified volunteers prepare individual tax returns for free. They meet with taxpayers, usually by appointment, in libraries, community centers and other public facilities. Tax-Aide operates from about February 1 to April 15. It’s open to anyone but is aimed at moderateand low-income people 60 and older. Both federal and state returns can be prepared, but Tax-Aide volunteers can’t work on business or complicated individual returns. You can find a location at, where you can search by address, zip code or county; or call 888227-7669 toll-free for information Reference: AARP Bulletin, Ask Our Tax Experts, January-February 2015, page 38 2015 MAINTENANCE FEES DUE April 1st, July 1st, October 1st 10 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 11 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 COMMITTEE SECTION EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT/GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS (EM/GA) COMMITTEE Larry Lee/Judy Kuhmichel November 13, 2014 Manchester Coordinating Council – Beginning in January or February of 2015 there will be a Food Bank coming to Whiting once a month for about two (2) hours. Following is some general information: • Somebody C.A.R.E.S will be taking the lead on this new program. • This program is for seniors. • There will be a registration form to complete. • There is no charge for the food - if you show up, you will get food. • Since this is a new program, we only have minimal information. As the program proceeds, we will keep you posted with more details. THERE WILL BE A CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS FROM EACH SENIOR COMMUNITY TO ASSIST WITH THIS PROGRAM FOR JUST ONE DAY OF ONE MONTH. IF YOU THINK YOU MAY BE INTERESTED, LOOK FOR FURTHER INFORMATION IN FUTURE NEWSLETTERS. Travel Committee Joan Kilduff, Agnes Fisher Eileen Henriksen, Bernadette Livingston UPCOMING TRIPS Finnegan’s Wake - March 11, 2015 Join us for a trip to the Brownstone in Paterson, Family Style Lunch, Show, Bus and all gratuities. Bus leaves Country Walk Club House at 9:15 AM and leaves the Brownstone at 3:30 PM. For Advertising Contact Senior Publishing Company at 1-888-637-3200 SENIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY accepts advertisements and advertisements are based upon information provided by the advertiser. SENIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY does not independently investigate the accuracy of advertisement content and does not warrant or represent the accuracy of the content of any advertisement. Branson and The Ozarks – October 10-18, 2015 You are invited to an informational and reservation meeting for a trip to Branson and The Ozarks, 8 nights and 9 days, October 10-18, 2015, for $869 pp (less than $100 a day). Trip includes 8 Nights of Lodging, 8 Breakfasts, 1 Lunch, 4 Dinners, and 7 Outstanding Shows. All taxes, meal and bus gratuities are included. Call Eileen Henriksen (732) 350-0172 or Joan Kilduff (732) 3504134 for additional information. QUILTING Kathi McCann 911 Memorial/Museum – May 5, 2015 A trip to the 911 Memorial/Museum and lunch at Piro’s Restaurant in Union Beach, N.J. is planned for May 5, 2015, at $85 per person. Sign-up for trip will be on Tuesday, March 3, 2015, at the Club House at 6:30 PM. Look for the flyer with more detailed information on the Memorial/ Museum, Lunch Menu at Piro’s and time-line for the day. ads-1728 Quality Workmanship Fourteen Day Service Available Edge to Edge Quilting 732-849-5892 12 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 CLUB SECTION Stitch and Sew Upcoming Events Kathie McCann February 12th, 2015 - March 19th, 2015 - April 16th, 2015 May 14th, 2015 June 18th, 2015 July 25th, 2015 August 6th, 2015 September 26th, 2015 October 15th, 2015 November 7th to December 7th, 2015 November 10 & 11th, 2015 December 10th, 2015 Snack Day 1:00 PM Annual Tea at 1:00 PM Snack Day at 1:00 PM 10th Anniversary Reunion (date pending) 1:00 PM Snack Day 1:00 PM Wine and Cheese Night – Open to the Community 7:00 PM S&S BBQ 1:00 PM Cancer Walk – Suggested donation $10.00. This year we will walk for Van Dyke Hospice. Snack Day 1:00 PM Toys for Tots – Clubhouse Whiting Food Pantry - Drop off at 2 Summer Lane Holiday Luncheon (Date Pending) 13 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 CLUB SECTION Solo’s Club Linda - 2015 Meeting Dates Pregenzer/Eileen Henriksen The Solos Club will meet every third Tuesday of the month at 6:45pm in the clubhouse. The date is as follows: Feb 17 July 21 Mar 17 Aug 18 Apr 21 Sept 15 May 19 Oct 20 June 16 Nov 17 Dec 15 Pet Club 2015 Dates Carol Siracusa All dates are Monday evenings at 7:00 PM and meetings are open to all residents who do or do not have pets but just love animals. March 2, 2015 June 1, 2015 September 21, 2015 December 7, 2015 Dog Regulations as of October 1, 2013 Manchester Township Ordinance Chapter 101 Animals is the governing document that is the basis for the refined Country Walk’s Dog Regulations. In addition to the Township’s Ordinance Regulations the following Country Walk rules will also be in effect: 1.All Dogs must be registered with the Property Manager by August 1 of each year. 2.Pet owners are encouraged to use their own Personal property. Personal Property for the purposes of this decision is to be considered to the curb (Belgian Blocks). 3.Residents cannot walk their dog on other resident’s Personal Property which includes signs and mailboxes and which is also to be considered to the curb (Belgian Blocks). 4.The following areas are not to be used to walk pets: a. The Clubhouse Property b. No animals allowed in the Clubhouse excluding Service Dogs c. All Recreational Areas d. The Exit and Entrance Property which includes the center island and side peripheral berms. e. The front Pond and Pond Area grounds. 5.The residents need to pick up immediately as this is a Manchester Township Ordinance as well as washing down the area with water that is to be carried. Failure to comply will be enforced by the Township of Manchester and the articles of our governing documents. See POS Article III Section 10, Letter J Page 25 Letter Y Page 33. If you would like a copy of the Manchester Township Animal Code see the Property Manager. 14 Country Walk of Lake Ridge The Pet Corner FEBRUARY 2015 Carol Siracusa “Valentine’s Day is for pets, too” Carol Siracusa have rolled out myriad Valentine’s Day themed promotions that tout everything from adoptions to “be mine” – logoed dog clothing to heart-shaped treats”. When going out to purchase a gift for your pet, remember to make sure it’s not from China. Petco has just removed all items from China off their shelves because they are not regulated and have been proving to be unsafe with story after story of illness and even death of some pets. Aside from gifts for pets maybe it’s a good time to adopt a pet. Valentine’s Day can also be a lonely time for some people and pets alike so why not bring a furry life companion into your home? You can check with the Popcorn Park zoo because they have many animals looking for homes. Or if you cannot take a pet in your home you can check out the Popcorn Park Zoo “Share- A- Pet Program”. For further information call 609-693-1900. For those who do not have the time or money to be purchasing gifts for their pets – that’s ok too! Because our pets don’t even know it’s Valentine’s Day and they give affection every day. They do not need a special holiday to celebrate companionship. Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day! Valentine’s Day is not just for couples! It’s a day of love for all and that includes our pets! Many of us will show our pets some extra pampering and affection on Valentine’s Day. Many Americans spend a “collective $815 million on Valentine’s Day goodies for their pets”. While it may sound strange to non-pet owners but pets are invaluable companions making their owners “feel good”. In this digital world that we all live in – pets are one of the very few ways of personal communication one on one. Our pets do not communicate on Facebook! Lol! “Seizing the opportunity to capitalize on these lovestruck consumers, pet retailers, manufacturers and shelters Fun Times at the Pajama New Year’s Eve Party! Carol Sircusa, The CW Pet Club they wanted for refreshments. Lily Ayala took control of shopping, coordinating responses and table arrangements. We all worked on this party project by decorating, serving and cleaning up. Julian did a great job with the music; he had everyone come up on the dance floor to sing and dance together. Dancing went on until well after the New Year came! There were about 40 people in attendance and there would have been more if we had thought of this a little sooner but better late than never! Everyone loved the idea that they could just come dressed in their PJ’s! We all had a great time! We danced all night, enjoyed lots of good food and desserts. It was a great way to ring in the New Year! After the party Lily received thank you notes and phone calls thanking her and Julian for a wonderful time at the clubhouse! See photos on page 29 Back in December at The Country Walk Pet Club Christmas Party the topic came up about our plans for New Year’s Eve. Since nothing had been planned for the Clubhouse the idea came up to have a party at the Clubhouse and open it up for the entire community! Then the idea started to take shape with all the brainstorming going on among our group. Before we all knew it a party was born! Julian Ayala offered to DJ using the equipment from Stellar Theatre and Lily offered to donate toward the decorations and many supplies complements of Stellar Theatre. Coffee and tea were also supplied free of charge. Because of these donations the party was offered free of charge to anyone who wished to attend. If they so desired guests could bring their own snacks and beverages. At this late date we thought it was best to make it as informal as possible with the dress code being Pajamas or anything comfortable. We then put together flyers inviting the whole community asking them to bring whatever 15 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 16 Country Walk of Lake Ridge SPORTS SECTION FEBRUARY 2015 Spring Bowling Maureen Lee There will be an Informational Meeting and Sign-up for our Spring Season Bowling League on February 9th at 7:00 PM. Our tentative schedule is from Tuesday, April ng and Health Coach - Vicky Farrell 7th through Tuesday, May 26th at the Playdrome in Toms River. Our Awards Luncheon will be the following Tuesday after the last game. All interested residents come on out and join us for another great season. ainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist 2) 610-6486 INDOOR ACTIVITIES Rummikub Games % off your first multi session purchase. Linda Pregenzer ng, small group, and group training. to Begin Friday, February 6th at 1:00 PM in the Card Room. All residents are invited to join whether you know how to play or not. We will teach you. It is loads of fun! Join us for a fun filled afternoon! Once we have enough interested then as a group we can decide what would be a good time and how often to play. I look forward to teaching anyone interested and hope you will come out. For further information contact Linda Pregenzer at 732-716-1949. RUMMIKUB is aintile based game that combines program include an increase balance, the elements of rummy Mah Jonng. This is a game ular endurance, controlling weight,and managing played like rummy but with tiles not cards. You play 4 to eases, improving mood, promoting cognitive a table and play individually not partners. This game has been around forProgram many years and I thought since so many at the Personal Training Features of us like games and want to best our brains active that this would be a good one. Anyone interested in learning how to play RUMMIKUB please come to the Clubhouse Card room on Friday, February 6th at 1pm. We will begin this new game on You First Personal Training and Health Coach - Vicky Farrell NASM certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist (732) 610-6486 Email: Website: Free Consultation plus 10% off your first multi session purchase. We offer one on one training, small group, and group training. Benefits of a personal training program include an increase in balance, coordination, strength, cardiovascular endurance, controlling weight, managing or reducing the risk of chronic diseases, improving mood, promoting cognitive well-being and boosting energy. Checkout my website to see what the Personal Training Program Features 17 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 LITERARY SECTION Library Notes Chet Vicary, Country Walk Librarian Think of our Country Walk Library as a first-stop for recent and popular books. For older and more specialized books, consider the Ocean County Library System with its main branch in Toms River by the County Building Complex, the Manchester Branch on Colonial Drive next to the Manchester Township Municipal Offices, and the Whiting branch in the Stop & Shop shopping center west of Whiting where Routes 70, 530 and 539 meet. I would like to thank the residents that donated Harlan Coben’s 2013 Six Years, Vince Flynn’s Separation of Power, Carl Hiaasen’s Sick Puppy and Basket Case, David Baldacci’s Wish You Well and The Simple Truth, Tami Hoag’s Prior Bad Acts, Michael Black’s Hostile Takeovers, Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose, Sue Grafton’s R is for Ricochet, Gena Showalter’s 2011 On the Hunt, Nora Roberts’ Night Shield, Winds of Change and 2009 Black Hills, Mary Higgins Clark’s Daddies Little Girl and Dying For Mercy, Stuart Woods’ Short Straw and White Cargo, Karen Rose’s 2008 Scream for Me, Brad Meltzer’s The Zero Game, Andy McDermott’s 2008 The Tomb of Hercules, Rick Mofina’s 2009 Six Seconds, Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper, Sylvia Day’s 2014 Captivated By You, Fern Michaels’ 2011 Christmas at Timberwoods and 2013 The Blossom Sisters, Daniel Silva’s The Messenger, Steve Martini’s 2009 Guardian of Lies, Jo-Ann Mapson’s 2010 Solomon’s Oak, Dee Henderson’s The Negotiator, Miles Stanford’s The Complete Green Letters, Elizabeth Peters’ The Golden One, James Patterson’s 1st to Die, 2nd Chance and Beach House, Elisabeth Leamy’s 2010 Save Big, Jenny McCarthy’s Life Laughs, Bill Napier’s Splintered Icon, Patricia Cornwell’s 2011 Red Mist, Joseph Girzone’s Joshua and the City, Craig Shirley’s 2011 December 1941, John Sanford’s 2013 Storm Front, Belva Plain’s Homecoming, LaVyrle Spencer’s That Camden Summer, Anita Shreve’s A Wedding in December, Diane Chamberlain’s The Courage Tree, Nelson DeMille’s 2012 The Panther, Karen Robards’ Superstition, Zoey Dean’s How to Teach Filthy Rich Girls, John Grisham’s The Innocent Man, Sidney Poitier’s The Measure of a Man, Stephen King’s Misery, Wizard and Glass, and Full Dark, No Stars, Nathaniel Fick’s One Bullet Away and Danielle Steel’s 2011 Hotel Vendrome. Feel free to write your name inside the front cover so that another resident that reads your book can thank you for donating it and possibly discuss it with you. Attention PAAD and Senior Gold Beneficiaries 2015 Medicare Part B Chet Vicary As I have mentioned previously in this newsletter, The Medicare Part B deductible for 2015 will remain at $147.00 and the Part B premium will stay at $104.90 for most Medicare beneficiaries. This is due to our very low inflation rate. Chet Vicary Effective January 1, 2015, income limits for PAAD and Senior Gold increased. PAAD (Pharmaceutical Assistance for the Aged and Disabled) Income limit: Less than $26,575 (single); less than $32,582 (married) Senior Gold Prescription Discount Program Income range: $26,575 - $36,575 (single); $32,582 $42,582 (married) Reference: Ocean County Office of Senior Services, January/February 2015 Newsletter. 18 Country Walk of Lake Ridge LITERARY SECTION FEBRUARY 2015 NOTES OF APPRECIATION Thank you Wally Weber and Roger Livingston, who every month for at least the last 5 years, made time to go, load and return with the latest The Crestwood Village Sun newsletter. You don’t read it? You should! Not all Whiting Villages are like CW. There are a lot of activities in other village open to CW residents. There is also a Q&A from Bob’s Hardware Store along with columns from C.A.R.E.S and the Manchester Coordinating Council - all very interesting. Next time you see Roger or Wally, thank them for their time, effort and spirit to benefit CW residents. Pick up a copy in our Clubhouse entry, but, psst, don’t tell them it is because of me that they have to pick up more copies because of an increased CW readership. Chet Vicary ***** I would like to thank all my friends and neighbors of Country Walk for all your cards, prayers, food, plants and especially all your calls checking up on my progress. You fill my heart with gratitude. Mary Murray Yay to Wally and Roger! I admit I’ve taken them for granted and haven’t thanked them, or even thought about their volunteering, for the last year or so. But, this morning leaving the Fitness Room in our Clubhouse I saw Wally and Roger leaving Country Walk and I thought “OMG it is the second half of December” and I remembered that Senior Publishing (who does our The Country Walk News newsletter along with The Crestwood Village Sun - actually Donna from SP works on both newsletters) takes off the last week of December so the January issue is published and distributed early. They were going to the CVS (no, not the Convenience, Value, Service drugstore) - but the above mentioned newsletter’s office to pick up the latest issue for Country Walk residents. You knew The CVS (the newsletter) didn’t deliver here - right? and that CW volunteers went to their office to get bundles of the latest issue to bring back to the CW Clubhouse lobby? For you, for me! Be thankful for them, two under-appreciated residents that make CW living better and more interesting. Income Tax Counseling is Available Chet Vicary The Ocean Country Office of Senior Services provides a list of volunteer income tax counseling sites. Ocean County is fortunate to offer Free Income Tax Assistance to people unable to afford this service. The AARP TaxAide volunteers are specially trained in cooperation with the Internal Revenue Service and the NJ Division of Taxation to understand the many provisions of the tax code; particularly those that affect older people. Personal one-onone assistance is provided to help the taxpayer complete Federal and State tax returns. Please call the Office of Senior Services at 732-929-2091 or 1-800-668-4899 for the site nearest you. I don’t know if Country Walk has requested to be a site or where the nearest site is, so call the above number for additional information. Reference: Ocean County Office of Senior Services, January/February 2015 Newsletter. 19 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 Meadowbrook Carting ANY TRASH COLLECTION DAY THAT FALLS ON A HOLIDAY WILL BE COLLECTED THE FOLLOWING DAY. Loori Bus Service Schedule - 9:30 am Pickup TUESDAY - MALL GROCERY SHOPPING (Lacey) April 14 - Freehold Mall July 14 - Manahawkin Oct 13 - Monmouth Mall Feb 13 - Shoprite - Lacey Feb 27 - Shoprite - Lacey Mar 13 - Shoprite - Lacey Mar 27 - Shoprite - Lacey Apr 10 - Shoprite - Lacey Apr 24 - Shoprite - Lacey May 8 - Shoprite - Lacey May 22 - Shoprite - Lacey Jun 5 - Shoprite - Lacey Jun 19 - Shoprite - Lacey July 3 - Shoprite - Lacey July 17 - Shoprite - Lacey July 31 - Shoprite - Lacey Aug 14 - Shoprite - Lacey Aug 28 - Shoprite - Lacey Sept 11 - Shoprite - Lacey Sept 25 - Shoprite - Lacey Oct 9 - Shoprite - Lacey Oct 23 - Shoprite - Lacey Nov 6 - Shoprite - Lacey Nov 20 - Shoprite - Lacey Dec 4 - Shoprite - Lacey Dec 18 - Shoprite - Lacey ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE CAN BE FOUND AT THE FRONT DESK OF THE CLUBHOUSE. 20 Country Walk of Lake Ridge Crossword Puzzle FEBRUARY 2015 Answers on page 27 21 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 New Ocean Ride Service to and from Country Walk The Ocean Ride OC 1 (Whiting) bus services Country Walk, with 1 trip to the Ocean County Mall and 2 returning trips. Service will only be on Tuesday and Thursday except for major holidays. Although there are official stops along the route, a rider may flag the driver to stop at any safe location along the route. A simplified schedule as of July 2011 follows: Run 1 Run 2 Official detailed schedules may be obtained at the Country Walk 9:18 am County Connection in the Ocean Country Mall or at Holiday City Mini Mall 9:46 am the Mobile County Connection vehicle. For further Community Medical Ctr 9:57 am information, call the Ocean County Transportation Services Toms River Park/Ride 10:03 am Department at 732-736-8989. Ocean County Mall (arr.) 10:21 am You can always go online for any information you might need as well. Ocean County Mall (dep.) 10:40 am 1:50 pm Toms River Park/Ride 11:05 am 2:15 pm Medical Ctr. 11:10 am 2:20 pm 7f54-4648-be44-36cc111b2133.pdf Holiday City Mini Mall 11:15 am 2:25 pm Country Walk 11:45 am 2:55 pm We accept no responsibility for any advertisements. If there are any complaints concerning an advertiser, please contact them directly. If you receive no satisfaction, you can contact your Better Business Bureau or the Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs. EXACT CHANGE IS REQUIRED The fare is $1.00 for age 60 and over (Senior or Medicare IDs accepted). FREE $150 OFF SERVICE CALL (with repair) GAS BOILER/ FURNACE REPLACEMENT Not valid on after hours or weekend services. Expires 2/28/2015 891 Route 37 West, Toms River, NJ 08755 732-349-1448 1-800-688-TEMP 732-657-8367 √ CERTIFIED & TECHNICALLY TRAINED PROFESSIONALS √ SAME DAY SERVICE / REPLACEMENTS √ FULLY LICENSED / FULLY INSURED √ SERVICE & INSTALL ALL MAKES & MODELS √ FREE ESTIMATES ON REPLACEMENTS & NEW INSTALLATIONS CentralAirConditioning•Boilers•Furnaces HeatPumps•HotWaterHeaters TanklessWaterHeaters•AtticFans Oil/Gas/PropaneConversions AirCleaners•DryerVents•Humidifiers Tune-Ups•ServicePlans FINANCING AVAILABLE NJ HIC #13VH02253000 Michael J. Belanger, NJ Master Plumbing LIC# 9465 RT Brown, NJ Electrical LIC# 10584 $250 OFF GAS CONVERSION $100 OFF TANKLESS GAS HOT WATER SYSTEM OR $50 OFF GAS HOT WATER HEATER $150 OFF $250 OFF CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING REPLACEMENT NEW INSTALL OF AIR CONDITIONING OR HEATING SYSTEM COUPONSMUSTBEPRESENTWHENSIGNINGCONTRACT andmaynotbeusedforpriorservices/installations.Couponsdonot expire,exceptservicecallcoupon. ads-1101E 22 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 Dial-A-Ride Dial-A-Ride: 732-350-2900 – Request a contribution for service New Ocean Ride Bus Service and Fares Suduko OCEAN RIDE BUS SERVICE Tuesday and Thursday (except major holidays) Leaves Country Walk at 9:18AM and travels to Ocean County Mall Leaves Ocean County Mall at 10:40AM and 1:50PM and travels to County Walk $1.00 Each Way - Exact Change Only – Over 60, Disabled or Student $2.00 Each Way - Exact Change Only – 60 and Under ads-919A Additional information can be found at TransportationRouteLinkPage.aspx Answers on page 27 D. K. SLEDZIK HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING INC. 1 FORT DE FRANCE AVE, TOMS RIVER, NJ 08757 • 732-349-0389 “Always in your Neighborhood” CALL OUR OFFICE IF YOU DIDN’T RECEIVE YOUR AIR CONDITIONING PARTS AND LABOR CONTRACT CONVERT TO GAS, UPGRADE YOUR SYSTEM, SAVE ENERGY AND EXPENSES. CALL OUR OFFICE FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE TODAY! • FREE FALL OPTION • MANY PARTS COVERED • FREE MAINTENANCE ON SYSTEM • 7 DAY - 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES 732-349-0389 FOR MORE INFORMATION GUARANTEED 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE • 7 DAYS A WEEK D.K. SLEDZIK IS ONE OF THE LARGEST MAINTENANCE COMPANIES IN OCEAN COUNTY. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FOR OVER 40 YEARS. 0% Financing Available FULLY INSURED LIC # 13VH01401100 23 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 We Publish This Newspaper h e T S e h n c a i o e r R M o a T rket? g n i y r T Senior Publishing Company We Publish The Official Community Newspapers For 97 NJ Adult Communities • Priced To Fit Your Budget • Multiple Month Discounts • 6 Month Pre-Payment Special One Phone Call Puts You In Touch With Over 84,000 Senior Community Readers. 100% Coverage InOver 95 Communities! If Your Business Caters To NJ’s Senior Citizens You Need To Contact Senior Publishing Call Or Email For More Information Toll Free (888) 637-3200 24 Country Walk of Lake Ridge Club Section FEBRUARY 2015 Stitch and Sew’s Toys For Tots 2014 Kathie McCann Once again Country Walk residents have stepped up to the plate with an amazing assortment of beautiful gifts for needy children. Trucks for boys, Barbie and other assorted dolls I am sure went over big and of course “Frozen” is always popular with the girls. Another tradition that continued in 2014 was a gift of a new bicycle (this year it’s a boy’s bike). Special thanks go out to Mike Morley, Tom McCann, and Annie Wieboldt for their most welcome help with coordinating and delivery. Thanks again and Happy New Year. Straight Horizons This is the time of year when many of us travel to warmer places. This gives us the opportunity to shoot some landscapes and seascapes of the places we visit. It is very important to make certain you hold your camera level on this type of shot so the horizon is straight and level. Having a tilted horizon line is especially important when shooting sunrises and sunsets. If the horizon is tilted (even slightly) it will make the image seem unnatural and give it an unbalanced feel. It is also important to keep your camera level when shooting indoors. Horizontal lines, such as a fireplace mantel, molding, or door frames, that are not levelwill make your images less appealing. When photographing, take your time and make certain your composition is good and level. That’s it for this month. As always you can email me with any questions at If you’d like to see more of my images you can visit my site at . Remember to keep shooting and trying to improve your images, but most importantly, have fun with your camera. 25 Straight Horizon Crooked Horizon Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 February Events Outside Our Community Music, History and Food 26 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 Crossword Answers Suduko Answers Shore Birds On the Belmar Beach Least Tern And Chick American Oystercatcher Least Tern Chick Safe Under Mom’s Wing 27 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 Club Section Children’s Christmas Party Eileen Henriksen I would like to thank Santa, Mrs. Santa and their Little Elf. Many thanks were given to us from the grandparents. Fun was had at all the tables - Bingo, Crafts, Face Painting, Tattoos and “Pin the Nose” on the Snowman. The children loved the little secrets Santa knew about them. They wondered how he knew. A great time was had by all. 28 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 Club Section Carol Sircusa, The CW Pet Club Fun Times at the Pajama New Year’s Eve Party! 29 Country Walk of Lake Ridge SALE DOOR 8x7 spc-882c FEBRUARY 2015 NJ Cert #13VH01882000 NO SUBCONTRACTORS Jeff’s Powerwashing This Space Fast, Professional Hot Water and “Family Soap • Mold Removal Service Owned and Operated” Houses • Patios • Roofs Washed Available 732-901-5336 ——— Insured Lic. #13VH01634500 Senior Discounts • Free Estimates Low Pressure Roof Stain Removal Call 888-637-3200 Safely Washing Houses & Roofs for Over 15• Years Fully D BULLETIN ABOVE Whiting Flower Shoppe Hometowne Plumbing I TABLOID BELOW 550Route530,Ste.11 R CrestwoodShoppingCenter,Whiting No Job Too Small Jeff’s Powerwashing 732-941-4513 E Hot Water and Soap • Mold Removal Local, Family Run and Operated • Open 7 Days Houses • Patios • Roofs Washed 732-270-3232 C NotJustFlowers–GiftsGalore Lic.732-901-5336 9452 FORMER MARINE T Insured Lic. #13VH01634500 GUARDIAN O Senior Discounts • Free Estimates This Space Low Pressure Roof Stain Removal Safely Washing Houses & Roofs for Over 15 Years R Available SERVICE Y ——— Repairs ~ Sales ~ Installation Repairs Done Right! Call 888-637-3200 732-269-9667 732-269-9667 • 609-693-80 GARAGE DOOR HALF BULLETIN REPAIRS DONE RIGHT! The Best Service, Parts, and WarrantyThat’s The Guardian Advantage Service • Repair • Sales • Installation Winter Special Senior Discount (Excludes Sale Items) Get Your NEW Insulated Door Today SERVICING ALL BRANDS OF GARAGE DOORS & OPENERS Broken Springs Replaced • Rollers & Cables Replaced Transmitters & Receivers ONLY $649 Insulated Installed regularly $849 SALE DOOR 8x7 NJ Cert #13VH01882000 NO SUBCONTRACTORS spc-882c Fast, Professional Service “Family Owned and Operated” 732-269-9667 • 609-693-8040 30 • Fully Insured Country Walk of Lake Ridge In FEBRUARY 2015 Trips & Tours Travel & Cruise Center ! ! r a e Y h t 6 2 r u O g in t Celebra BOOK YOUR 2015 SUMMER CRUISE SPECIALS NOW! Royal Caribbean “Liberty of the Seas” 9 Night Bermuda and Caribbean Cruise July 2, 2015 Starting from $1439.00 per person Celebrity Cruises “Celebrity Summit” 7 Night Bermuda Cruise June 7, 2015 Starting from $624.00 per person Royal Caribbean “Liberty of the Seas” 5 Night Bermuda Cruise June 27, 2015 Starting from $775.00 per person Ships Depart & Return from Bayonne (Cape Liberty) N.J. ALL RATES ARE BASED ON INSIDE CABINS, DOUBLE OCCUPANCY, TAXES AND GOVERNMENT FEES NOT INCLUDED. PLEASE CALL FOR OUTSIDE, BALCONY AND TRIPLE AND QUAD OCCUPANCY RATES. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE UNTIL BOOKED AND DEPOSITED. Voted Best of the Best Travel Agency 2007 Through 2013 by Readers of Asbury Park Press Business Hours Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm • Saturday & Evenings By Appointment Call Toll Free: 877-758-0235 31 ads-3696a 304 Union Ave / Hwy 71 Brielle 732-223-5565 Country Walk of Lake Ridge FEBRUARY 2015 32 Country Walk of Lake Ridge
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