YOUNG ISRAEL OF NEW ROCHELLE Forty-Eighth Annual Dinner March 8, 2015 17 Adar 5775 Guests of Honor Haina Just-Michael and Bernard Michael Young Leadership Award Presented to Aura and Daniel Lurie We encourage you to make dinner reservations and submit your ad online using our journal website, accessible through Alternatively, you may complete this form, include your ad copy on the back, and return it to the shul office. Please select your Dinner Journal ad category from the list below: Diamond Emerald Ruby Platinum Gold Silver $10,000*** $7,500** $5,000** $3,600** $1,800** $1,000** Patron Supporter (New Member) Donor Friend Name Listing $650** $360++ $350* $200 $125 ***Includes a Table of 10 2 Dinner Reservations * Includes 1 Dinner Reservation ++For members who joined YINR since January 2013; includes 2 Dinner Reservations ** Includes I/We will gladly attend the Young Israel of New Rochelle Dinner. Please reserve _____ seats. Sorry, I/we are unable to attend. Please accept the enclosed donation of $______. Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________ Email: ______________________________________ Seating Requests: _______________________________________________________________ Please send this form and ad copy to: Young Israel of New Rochelle 1149 North Avenue, New Rochelle, New York 10804 Tel: 914-636-2215 Fax: 914-636-7082 Email: Please make checks payable to: Young Israel of New Rochelle Credit Card: AMEX/MC/VISA/DISCOVER Card No. ______________________________ Name on Card: ____________________________ Exp. Date _________ Security Code: ____ AD DEADLINE: Wednesday, February 25, 2015
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