FEBRUARY 2015 Volume 32 Issue 1 NEWSLETTER Highlights Wed, Feb. 18th 2015 820 JORIE BOULEVARD OAKBROOK, IL 60523 SUITE 110 Pre-Register for February Meeting by Monday Feb. 16th, 2015 Go to and enter your information in the right hand column entitled “MEETING PRE-REGISTRATION” VENUE CHANGE Please note that our February meeting location has changed from Nielsen to Daugherty Business Solutions, in Oakbrook. We apologize for any inconvenience DAMA Members!!! Renew Your DAMA Membership for 2015 Corporate Memberships — Provides Unlimited attendees for your company — $200, Individual Memberships — $50 Students — $10. Memberships can be renewed by going to our website at and clicking on 'Pay Your Dues'. Prospective members, now would be a great time to join DAMA. Just follow the above instructions. If you have any questions about membership please contact John Grage at Upcoming Meetings Date Location April 15th, 2015 Nielsen June 17th, 2015 Allstate Ins. Speakers Frank Anthony Algmin- Strategic Data Quality Peter Aiken - Implementing a Data-Centric Strategy & Roadmap From the Desk of Latha Nair, President, DAMA Chicago Chapter Happy New Year I ended the last year with the constant threat of coughing up my throat at the slightest vocal exertion. Consequently, I started off the New Year with all my ENT orifices carefully swathed in a warm scarf to keep the sniffles at bay. It was not exactly the most auspicious start but I am sure it will get better. Fortunately on the DAMA front, we ended last year with probably the best turnout at a meeting. As our field takes off, the interest and participation in our organization is growing exponentially. Ironically, great progress comes with its own vexing set of problems. The foremost challenge for us is to find venues that are large enough to accommodate our meetings. If you know of large meeting rooms at your organization or elsewhere that can seat 70 people comfortably, please let us know. This is also the time to plan for EDW 2015 in Washington, DC (March 29 to April 3). Add DAMA discount to the early bird discount for a neat set of savings. VENUE CHANGE: Please note that our February meeting location has changed from Nielsen to Daugherty Business Solutions in Oakbrook. I hope this does not cause too much inconvenience. Looking forward to another exciting year! 1 FEBRUARY 2015 Volume 32 Issue 1 DAMA Chicago Meeting—February 18th, 2014 Agenda & Speakers AGENDA 820 JORIE BOULEVARD OAKBROOK, IL 60523 9:00 a.m. Business Meeting 9:30 a.m Kurt Janvrin, “Case Study: Data Analysis to drive sales force optimization. ” 10:30 am Coffee Break SUITE 110 Morning Presentation 10:45 a.m. Diane Rollinson, “Case Study on Reference Data Management” Speaker : KURT JANVRIN Case Study: Data Analysis to drive sales force optimization 11:45 a.m. Break for lunch This case study will cover the business problem that was solved and how value was articulated from analytics by having more focused and targeted sales force. It will also discuss the data challenges and issues which ever encountered and how they were resolved to complete the analysis. Bio: Kurt Janvrin :Senior Principal, Business Intelligence & Analytics Kurt is a BI and Predictive Analytics practice leader in Daugherty’s Chicago Branch. He joined Daugherty in 2014 after 12 years at The Allant Group, a Marketing and Advanced Advertising Services Company, where he launched Allant’s Marketing Performance and ROI practice in 2004. Prior to Allant, Kurt spent 15 years with PwC Consulting (now IBM Business Services), as Strategic Consulting Practice Director. Kurt led projects for PwC in business and marketing strategy, performance measurement, forecasting, product development, promotions logistics, technology implementation and process improvement/change management for global clients. Speaker : DIANE ROLLINSON Case Study : Enterprise Reference Data Management This is a case-study on the 6 year journey of building support for and implementing an enterprise solution for managing reference data. This presentation will detail the approach the Association followed for selecting a tool, consolidating reference data from various silos, identifying data stewards, designing workflows, and promoting the results. Bio :Diane Rollinson Diane Rollinson is a practiced data practitioner. She has studied and worked with data for the past 30 years. Diane designed logical and physical data models and managed the evolution of systems for SPSS, American Hospital Association, ACNielsen, Discover Financial Services, University HealthSystem Consortium, and Experian. She is currently an Enterprise Architect for the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Diane experience includes functioning as a Database Administrator in mainframe DB2 and SQL Server databases. She is also experienced with system design, having designed and managed the implementation of MAPPware, a web-based Strategic Management tool. Diane has designed Performance Measurement systems for Discover Financial Services, the Iowa Soybean Association and the National Restaurant Association. 2 1:15 p.m Mani Kumar Mandah “MDM Implementations; Are we on the right track?” 2:45 p.m. Presentation from Embarcadero – October Meeting Sponsor Afternoon Presentation Speaker : Mani Kumar Mandah MDM Implementations; Are we on the right track With the master data issues bogging down many of the past/present implementations of ERP/CRM applications, organizations are realizing the need for a solution that addresses these master data challenges. Also with the push from Vendors and Analysts promoting the need for implementing an MDM solution, many organizations have taken the plunge. But are they implementing MDM right? This session attempts to reflect the lessons learned and best practices for implementing MDM solutions. Bio: Mani Kumah Mandah - President, EWSolutions Mani Kumar Manda is an Entrepreneur and a Founder of Rhapsody Technologies, Inc., a boutique firm in advisory and implementation services for Master Data Management (MDM), Data Quality, ERP and CRM solutions. Mr. Manda is also the founder and chair for an Oracle MDM Special Interest Group and is a board member of the Fox River chapter of APICS, a Supply Chain focused organization. With over 25 years of expertise in implementing innovative and creative solutions for solving business problems using technology, Mr. Manda had worked with Fortune 1000 Clients across many industries. Mr. Manda specializes in enhancing productivity in Sales, Marketing, Supply Chain, Finance and Service functions and reduce operational costs by providing the optimal master data of a best quality. Prior to founding Rhapsody Technologies, Mr. Manda was a Managing Consultant and Practice Director for Packaged Applications Group at MCI System House, a global System Integrator, and now part of HP. FEBRUARY 2015 Volume 32 Issue 1 DAMA Chicago Meeting—February 18th, 2015 820 JORIE BOULEVARD OAKBROOK, IL 60523 SUITE 110 Location Pre-Register for February Meeting by Monday Feb.16th, 2015 Go to Enter your information in the right hand column entitled “MEETING PRE-REGISTRATION” 3 FEBRUARY 2015 Volume 32 Issue 1 DISCOUNT CODE: DAMA15 for $250 discount Click here to REGISTER Click here to Learn More About DGIQ ABOUT DAMA CHICAGO DAMA Chicago was founded in the Fall of 1986 with the first meeting in December of that year. DAMA Chicago holds six bimonthly meetings annually on topics pursuant to DAMA’s goals. These meetings include informal round-table discussions, featured presenters, invaluable sharing through association with professionals in our field, two Special Interest Groups, and much more. The Chicago Chapter has attained broad appeal in the Midwest as a resource for Information Resource Management. The Data Management International (DAMA), Chicago Chapter is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of data asset management concepts. DAMA Chicago's mission is to engage in activities that promote data asset management concepts and to broaden the skills of professionals who work in this field. GOALS MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS •Bi-monthly meetings •Member Newsletter •Information Exchange Forums and Special Interest Groups •Heavily discounted training targeted to the DM Professional •Lending Library of top DRM books •Corporate discount on dues •Automatic membership in DAMA International - To promote and develop data asset management concepts and practices. OFFICERS - To be a focal point for issues relating to data asset management practices. - To further the professional development of data asset management professionals. Chapter President Latha Nair - To enhance Corporate Management’s understanding of how data asset management affects the bottom line. Treasurer Susan Earley Secretary Alan D. Arico DAMA Chicago on LinkedIn Join our LinkedIn Group. Keep up-to-date with DAMA happenings between published newsletters by joining our group. You can start or join in a discussion, make announcements of interest to other DAMA Chicago members, post jobs, let other members know of other professional meetings or classes in the area, or just keep informed. Give Us Your Feedback Please forward any questions, comments, or ideas regarding this newsletter to VP Membership John Grage VP Programs Cathy Nolan Asst. VP Programs Diane Voyles VP Marketing Emmanuel Kuenyefu Librarian Michael Ryan VP Info. Services Michael Miller VP Online Services Dan Murphy Past President Ray Coffman DAMA Int. Liaison Cathy Nolan Did you know if you are a member of the Chicago Chapter of DAMA, you are also a member of DAMA International? Remember to visit their website regularly (DAMA International Website ) It is loaded with information and resources for the Data Professional, including data-related events and conferences. The website also contains many discounts for which DAMA members qualify. DAMA members get discounts on conferences from DATAVERSITY, IRM UK, and TDWI. 4 VP Education Services Saisudheer Nelluri
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