Term 1 Week 2 3 February 2015 NEWSLETTER Scarborough State School | Cresco | Pride of the Peninsula From the Principal The dust from day 8 has now well and truly settled. As part of the school restructure we lost the services of Mr Trudell (year 3), reallocated Ms Emblow (year 4 to year 3) and created a year 4/5 grouping with Ms Burtenshaw and Ms Reinke. As can seen, be the impact from day 8 was widespread and not undertaken lightly. I am extremely appreciative of the staff, students and parents who have demonstrated resilience and flexibility. On behalf of the students, staff and parents, I thank Mr Trudell for his work at our school and wish him all the best at his new school - Burpengary Meadows. Mrs L’Estrange (Deputy Principal) is on leave and we welcome Louise Simms as Karren’s replacement. Our school’s Annual Improvement Plan has been distributed via our smartphone app and is also available from the documents section of our website. Essentially the plan outlines the areas of focus for the coming 12 months in achieving our 3 main areas for improvement: 1. Improve Student Literacy and Numeracy Outcomes 2. Improve % of Students in Upper Two Bands 3. Build Teacher Capacity We welcome any feedback, comments, suggestions or questions. We will be holding our Meet the Teacher sessions in the week commencing 23 February. Sessions start at 3:15pm. • Monday 23 - Year 5 (in L1) and Year 6 (in G1/ G2) • Tuesday 24 - Year 4 (in B Block) and Year 3 (in I2) • Thursday 26 - Year 2 (in I1) and Year 1 (in A1) and Prep (in Q1) The session for our year 4/5 group is to be advised (but will be in the week commencing 23 February). The table on the next page outlines our current class structures: Newsletters - Scarborough State School 1 Term 1 Week 2 3 February 2015 Class Teacher Room Email PA Nicole Hall Q01 nhall76@eq.edu.au PB Dehaan Everaardt Q10 dever24@eq.edu.au PC Michelle Milner P01 mmiln7@eq.edu.au PD Renee Lockwood O03 rxloc1@eq.edu.au 1A Lyndsay Starkey A01 lstar25@eq.edu.au 1B Kaela Bazeley A02 kbaze2@eq.edu.au 1C Cheryl Robinson A03 crobi24@eq.edu.au 1C Mieke Munko A03 mmunk1@eq.edu.au 1D Rebecca Gill A04 rgill101@eq.edu.au 1E Kylie McNamara A05 kmcna9@eq.edu.au 2A Shona Harper N01 sharp5@eq.edu.au 2B Margaret Popkin N02 mpopk1@eq.edu.au 2C Michelle Rabbitt I03 marab0@eq.edu.au 2D Petrina Fitzpatrick I01 pfitz1@eq.edu.au 2E Gail Thomson I01 gthom157@eq.edu.au 3A Trish Steele I05 tstee58@eq.edu.au 3B Robyn Sheehy I06 rshee16@eq.edu.au 3C Renee Emblow I02 rtemb0@eq.edu.au 3D Sharon Sade I02 ssade1@eq.edu.au 3E Wendy Horrocks I03 whorr1@eq.edu.au 4/5A Wendy Burtenshaw L2 wburt2@eq.edu.au 4/5A Kathryn Reinke L2 krein4@eq.edu.au 4B Rowena Maxwell B07 rmax22@eq.edu.au 4C Kate Murray B06 kmurr152@eq.edu.au 4D Sara Ostrofski B04 saost0@eq.edu.au 4E Ann Connors B03 aconn37@eq.edu.au 5B Dianne Spencer F01 dnurn42@eq.edu.au 5C Andrew Larkin F03 alark6@eq.edu.au 5D Kathey Cebula F04 kcebu2@eq.edu.au 6A Gary Drew G01 gdrew1@eq.edu.au Newsletters - Scarborough State School 2 Term 1 Week 2 3 February 2015 Class Teacher Room Email 6B Kirsten Simpson G02 ksimp117@eq.edu.au 6C Mick George H02 mgeor78@eq.edu.au 6D Hailea Petersen H04 hwalf4@eq.edu.au Operational Procedures On Tuesday 10 March we will be offering students in Prep to Year 2 the opportunity of participating in the Bravehearts Ditto's Keep Safe Adventure Show - more information at: http://www.bravehearts.org.au/pages/product-information.php This will be a free event for students of parents participating in the Student Resource Scheme. All other students will be required to pay to attend. School assemblies will be held of a Tuesday afternoon (2:30 - 3:00pm) for years 3 to 6 and Wednesday afternoon (2:00 - 3:00pm) for Prep to Year 2. Students and parents (or high school students) are to wait in the designated areas when they arrive at school. Prep – Year three are to wait under “F Block” (directly behind the administration block and Years 4 – 6 to wait under “G Block” (the block adjoining F Block). Students are to wait in these areas for safety reasons. At 8:30am the first bell rings and students are able to visit the office etc as required. Students are to remain close to their classrooms and wait quietly. When the 8:40am bell rings it is expected that students will be ready to commence the day’s activities. We advise all parents and students that outdoor equipment (Adventure Playgrounds etc) are out of bounds before school and after school i.e. NO PLAY BEFORE SCHOOL! The school gates will be closed at approx. 9:00am and re-opened at approx. 2:30pm each day. All parents are required to “Sign-In” at the office during the day if they visit the school. At the end of the day students are to leave the school grounds as soon as possible to allow cleaners and staff to get on with the jobs they have to do. All students are required to hand in their mobile phones to the office, before school, in a plastic bag with their name and class on the front. These can be collected from the office at three o’clock. From the Deputies School Photos School photos will be taken on Wednesday, 25 February and Thursday, 26 February. MSP will again be the photographers. Order envelopes will be sent home with students approximately one week before the photographs are taken. The school does not handle the orders or payments for the photos. Inter-school Sport Newsletters - Scarborough State School 3 Term 1 Week 2 3 February 2015 Students in years 5 and 6 will have the opportunity to participate in inter-school sport, this term. The district competition commences on Friday, 27 February. This year students will have to compete for a place in a team. Students who are not placed in a team or who choose not to participate in the district competition, will remain at school on Friday afternoon and participate in sports activities at school. Student Discipline Please be aware that we expect all students to follow our school rules. They are based on safety and respect and are in place to ensure that all students are in a supportive environment. Students who breach the rules may be subject to consequences. One of the supportive consequences is time-out. At time-out, students are with a teacher during lunch breaks. Students are able to discuss the rule breach and think about alternative actions. Time-out is an important part of our school’s Responsible Behaviour process for students. Because of its importance, students must attend if they are referred to time-out. Any student who misses attendance without a satisfactory reason on two occasions, may be subject to a two-day suspension. Music News All classes from year 3-5 will be playing the recorder as part of their classroom music lesson. This instrument helps the students to learn music skills such as playing in groups, and note reading, which are prerequisites to more formal instruction in the instrumental music program. If your child does not have their own instrument, a spare, sterilised recorder will be supplied until they have their own. Year 6 classes this year will be playing ukulele as well as xylophone and other classroom percussion instruments. There are enough ukuleles for 1 instrument between 2 students. Students are not expected to supply their own ukulele. If you would like to bring your own ukulele to music it must be brought to Mrs Goldsworthy for tuning the day of your lesson. Lessons for year 6 will be on Wednesday. VOCAL GROUP To all the super keen vocalists who have been enquiring about when vocal group will be starting, our first rehearsal will be 27th February. That will be a Friday morning in Mrs Goldsworthy’s music room from 8-8:30am. Instrumental Music Students. IMPORTANT Beginner instrumental students will have their first lesson this week. If Music fees and forms have been returned, you may take your instrument home for REGULAR practice. Parents, please note that school insurance will only cover accidental damage to instruments on the school grounds. If you would like additional protection for the instrument in your care contact your insurance provider. Most importantly, do not leave your instrument in a hot car and take care of where it is stored when at home. Newsletters - Scarborough State School 4 Term 1 Week 2 3 February 2015 All instrumental students must have a black display folder for their ensemble/band music and lesson handouts. This folder must be brought to every lesson and rehearsal. A lot of time is wasted when teachers have to hunt for another part because a student has left their folder at home or in the classroom. Looking at the music of the person sitting next to them will not always work. Ms Munns has returned to Scarborough to teach our band students and will be at our school on WEDNESDAYS. Senior band will begin rehearsals from week 2 Wednesday 4th February at 7:30am. Attending Band or Ensemble rehearsal is a requirement for continued enrolment in Instrumental music. Failure to attend this rehearsal may lead to your dismissal from the Instrumental music program. If you are unable to attend rehearsal due to sickness, a note to the instrumental teacher is required. Ms Lawton will be teaching String instruments this year and will be at Scarborough on MONDAYS. Ensemble rehearsal will begin in week 3 from Monday 9th February, in the afternoon from 3-4pm. • Lessons for all continuing students will start from week 2. • Beginner students starting an instrument for the first time in 2015 will have their first lesson in week 3. • If your lesson time clashes with swimming, you must see your instrumental music teacher before school to arrange to attend a lesson at an alternate time so you can be at your swimming lesson. Early communication can help to solve a problem before misunderstandings and frustrations occur. A quick email will help resolve an issue when the Instrumental teacher is at another school. Here are the email addresses of the music staff so you can contact them should the need arise. Save this information in a safe place for future reference. Mrs Goldsworthy — hgold2@eq.edu.au Ms Munns — dmunn5@eq.edu.au Ms Lawton — klawt19@eq.edu.au Please be aware that Ms Munns teaches at 4 different schools and Ms Lawton is at 6 different schools, so it may take some time for them to return any communication. Music Captains Speeches for the position of Music will be heard in the music room behind the hall next week during first break. If you have prepared a speech for this leadership role please be ready to address the music teachers and instrumental music students Wednesday 17th February. Newsletters - Scarborough State School 5 Term 1 Week 2 3 February 2015 ⽇日本語のクラスのニューズ Japanese Class News This week in LOTE (languages other than English), the Year 2s have been reading “Kintarou”. Kintarou is the story of a Japanese boy with immense strength who wrestles with bears and becomes a samurai. The Year 2 classes thoroughly enjoyed colouring in a picture of Kintarou in his red “haragake” after reading the story! The Senior School has been focussing on Japanese introductions this week. Learning about the 「Aは (wa) Bです (des)」grammar pattern. Ask your child to introduce themselves to you in Japanese – they know how! Remember: boys use “boku” and girls and adults use “watashi”! 元気でね!Take Care. ~Sensei From the Office Proof of Age It is a legal requirement that a member of the office staff sight a Birth Certificate, or a receipt indicating that a Birth Certificate has been ordered during the student enrolment process. There are still 8 students in Prep, 1 in Year One, 2 in Year Two and 3 in Year 4 for whom this requirement has not been met. Parents are reminded that Student Resource Scheme forms are to be returned to allow invoices to be generated and for you to be registered for the scheme. Parents who have opted not to be a part of the resource scheme will be ‘billed’ for the items covered by the scheme. P and C News PELLIE’S TUCKSHOP NEWS Just a reminder to those parents of the the school community that currently have children in Grade 1 this year. Please remind your child that if they have ordered a Slushie for either first or second break that they need to return to Tuckshop with the bag to collect. Be aware that he Slushie IS NOT sent down with their food order. VOLUNTEERS AFTERNOON TEA Our Tuckshop girls are holding an afternoon tea this coming Thursday 12th February 2015 at the Tuckshop. If you are interested in volunteering we invite you to attend this event and any of your questions will be answered along with an information session. We will also provide free tea & coffee. Please come to Tuckshop at 2:30pm Newsletters - Scarborough State School 6
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