SUNDAY 8TH FEBRUARY EARLY COMMUNION 10.00AM: We meet in the Sanctuary. All welcome MORNING WORSHIP 11.00AM: Michael will be teaching from Mark 3 this morning. NO EVENING SERVICE MONDAY 9TH FEBRUARY TUESDAY 10TH FEBRUARY WEDNESDAY 11TH FEBRUARY THURSDAY 12TH FEBRUARY SATURDAY 14TH FEBRUARY 6.30pm 7.00pm 10.00am 2.00pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 1.30pm ~ 10.00am 8.00am Cubs - Church Hall (077145028028) Band Practice – Sanctuary Tuesday Toddlers (739521) Afternoon Small Group (736020) Beavers - Church Hall (734862) Church Prayer Meeting Women’s Fellowship - Hall Small Groups Knit Knatter, Craft Chatter - Centre Men’s breakfast - Centre SUNDAY 15TH FEBRUARY MORNING WORSHIP 11.00AM: Michael will be teaching this morning EVENING COMMUNION 6.30PM: We meet in the Church Hall. All welcome. SUNDAY SERVING, 15TH FEBRUARY Deacons: J Kirkland & C Sinclair Steward: H Dick Security: B Connon Offering: M Wilson Tea/Coffee: Marion’s Mates Prayer Ministry: P MacIntyre Singers: N Albrock & E Dick Crèche: M Wilson & C Clark Sound & Vision: A McKinlay & G Bowmaker Communion Servers: I King & C Server Communion Prep: B Young BMS BIRTHDAY SCHEME: 23rd February – Val Bonser MONDAY 16 TH 7.00pm FEBRUARY Deacons Meeting ND CHURCH ANNIVERSARY, SUNDAY 22 FEBRUARY MORNING WORSHIP 11.00AM: We look forward to welcoming Mark Pexton, Pastor of Leven Baptist Church, as our speaker. Mark will teach on Discipleship. FELLOWSHIP LUNCH & COMMUNION: All welcome. Please notify the church office if you have dietary requirements. AFTERNOON SESSION: Mark continues to teach on the subject of Discipleship. Viewfield Baptist Church To enable people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ Sunday 8th February Morning Worship 11.00am ~~~ Notices and Welcome Mp 520: Praise my soul the king of heaven Prayer All age Mp 241: Holy Spirit we welcome you/ Offering My 577: Rejoice in the Lord always (Round) Groups leave Mp 581: River, wash over me Sheet: The river Reading: Mark 3:1-30 Sermon Sheet: Come now fount of every blessing Benediction ~~~ ` CHURCH OFFICE 2 Viewfield Terrace, Dunfermline, KY12 7HZ, 01383 620465 email: Monday - Friday, 9.15am - 1.15pm Monday, 6.00pm - 9.00pm, Tuesday & Thursday, 7.00pm - 9.00pm PASTOR Rev Michael Bonser 60 Bellyeoman Road Dunfermline, KY12 0BB Study: 01383 665012 Home: 01383 730540 STUDENT PASTOR Mr Stephen Collins 2 Viewfield Terrace Dunfermline, KY12 7HZ Tel: 07969176494 CHURCH SECRETARY Miss Helen Short 45 Main Street Townhill KY12 0E 01383 727060 CHILDREN: Children under 3 are welcome to attend the CRÈCHE in Room 1 any time during the service. All children aged 3 to S2 can go to the Church Hall when the groups leave. PRAYER: If you would like someone to pray with you following the morning service, please sit quietly in a pew towards the front of church and a member of the Prayer Ministry team, identified by a badge, will approach you. Viewfield Baptist Church is a charity registered in Scotland No: SC006526 Services are available on CD by request. Please call or email the office. Why not join us for a tea/coffee downstairs after the service? NOTICES MEN’S BREAKFAST: The next Men's Breakfast will be on Saturday 14th February. Join us in the Viewfield Centre from 8am for bacon rolls, chat, study and prayer. Finishing around 09:30am FELLOWSHIP LUNCH: Many hands make light work and we would be very grateful for your help in making this year’s Anniversary Lunch (Sunday 22nd February) an enjoyable event for everyone. We have had a few offers of help but we still need volunteers to serve the meal, prepare a cold dessert and provide meals for dietary requirements. If you would be willing to help with one of these areas please contact the church office. If you plan to attend and have a dietary requirement please contact the church office to advise us. Thank you. WORLD MISSION PRAYER: The next meeting will be on Thursday 26th February from 7.30-8.30pm in the Centre. All are welcome to join us in praying for friends serving the Lord here and overseas. CHURCH MEETING: Will take place after Morning Service on Sunday 1st March. Please plan to attend as important decisions regarding the building project will be taken. QUIZ NIGHT ADVANCE NOTICE: The Fellowship Core Team are organising a quiz night in March (date to be confirmed. It’s a family event with refreshments. We are looking for teams of size 4/6, so please see if you can put a team together or plan to come to be part of the audience. More details to follow. BLAIR ATHOLL CAMPING WEEKEND: 29th May – 1st June. Come along and join us whether hail, rain, sleet or snow (joke). For more information or to book your space please contact Pete (734617). Mmmm the smell of the BBQ beckons!! LIMELIGHT PRODUCTIONS: Present the light hearted musical Hairspray at the Alhambra from 17th - 21st February, 7.15pm. Tickets £15 (concessions available) from Judith Davidson – 720121. BETHANY SLEEPOUT: Due to staffing shortages Bethany will be unable to host a sleepout in Dunfermline this year. If you are interested in taking part / supporting this fundraiser the closest events will take place at Edinburgh, St Andrews and Dundee. ORIGIN SCOTLAND RESURRECTION 2015: Will take place at the Usher Hall Edinburgh on Easter Sunday, 5 April, 7.30pm. This is one of the largest Christian events in Scotland, it’s a fantastic opportunity from people from all denominations to gather together to worship and it’s free! This year’s closing speaker will be Nick Blair. To avoid disappointment book your ticket to via or call 01312080095. An offering on the night towards the expenses. FAITH MISSION EDINBURGH CONVENTION: The Edinburgh is about solid, accessible Bible teaching with a programme for all ages. This year it will take place from Tuesday 30th June - Sunday 5th July. For more information is available via www.edinburgh or call 0131 672 2149 COFFEE SHOP We are still on the lookout for a new volunteer to work one morning a week in the coffee shop outreach ministry. Additionally it would be great to have a couple of people who can fill in during holidays or illness. Please be encouraged to consider this and to contact the office or speak to any of the other volunteers if you would like more information BUILDING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FUND UPDATE - 5 FEBRUARY 2015 N.B. In previous updates in the bulletin we have reported total costs and total income. The figures below are net figures, taking account of payments already made. A decision on whether to accept the loans and use the further £100,000 from the General Fund will be taken at the Church Meeting on Sunday 1st March. Projected balance of costs: £ 494,297 Balance in Project Fund at 5 Feb 2015 £ 141,831 Already committed from General Fund £ 155,000 Additional available from General Fund Promised/expected by end December 2015 Interest free loans offered £ £ £ 100,000 18,915 80,000 Total available £ 495,746 Additional Funds required to cover VAT costs which will be recovered £ 80,000 PRAYING TOGETHER There are a number of opportunities coming up for us to meet together to pray. We will meet in the Viewfield Centre, unless otherwise indicated. You are warmly invited to the following: February: 10th 7.30 pm Church Prayer Meeting 16th 7.00 pm Band of Prayer 4.00 pm Pastors’ Prayer time 18th 26th 7.30pm World Mission Prayer March: 10th 7.30 pm Church Prayer Meeting 16th 7.00 pm Band of Prayer 5.15 pm Prayer Tea followed by evening communion Service at 6.30pm 22nd If you are unable to be present, please take a few minutes, wherever you are, to join in prayer with those who are meeting together. GROUPS WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP: Mid-term meal at the Keavil hotel. VAL’S ENGAGEMENTS: As President of the Women’s Fellowship Val has the following upcoming engagement, Coatbridge - 16th February. CENTRE SMALL GROUP – If you would like to be a member of a Small Group but would rather not come out at night, then our informal Group is for you. We meet in the Centre Coffee Shop on Tuesdays, 2pm. Please phone David, (736020) for more details. THANK YOU: David & Joy would like to thank all of their friends for their prayers and concern.
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