St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral 2300 WEST THIRD STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90057 Phone (213) 382-6269 Fax (213) 382-0175 February 8, 2015 V. Rev. Fr. Michel Najim, Dean & Great Economos Assistant Pastors: Rev. Fr. George Ajalat, Rev. Fr. George Taweel, Rev. Fr. Paul Olson Archdeacon George Shishim. Deacons: Dn. John Germain, Dn. Eliya Ammari Acolytes: Daniel Nofal, Michael George Altar Boys: Bashar Ammari, Daniel Esoh, Christian Kastoun, Meena Ammari. Choir Director: Alex Nassief Chantors: Alberto Fayad, Elias Kuncar, Eva Najim, Helena Ditko Williams, Gergory Foley Council Chairman: Rose Samore Ushers: Mrs. Jameel Beebe, Richard Ayoob, Curtis Annett Bookstore: Isabel Elac Candles: Joseph Maalouf Church School Director: Badia Mamar Youth Director: Natasha Abu Ata Men’s Fellowship: George Hanna Ladies Society: Kh. Eva Najim 2300 WEST THIRD STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90057 Phone (213) 382-6269, Fax (213) 382-0175 Youtube: abounamn St. Nicholas Festival Web Site:; Archdiocese Website:; Diocese Website:; Office hours: 9am to 4:30 pm daily Spanish Service – 8:00am Sunday Orthros – 9:15am Sunday Divine Liturgy –10:30 am EOTHINON 2 2 االيوثينا TONE 2 2 اللحن Sunday of the Prodigal Son & After-feast of the Presentation (Meeting) of Christ THE FIRST ANTIPHON My heart hath poured forth a good word; I speak of my works to the king. My tongue is the pen of a swiftly writing scribe. Refrain: Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Savior, save us. Grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee forever. (Refrain) Glory… Both now… (Refrain) THE SECOND ANTIPHON Gird Thy sword upon Thy thigh, O mighty One, in Thy comeliness and Thy beauty. Bend Thy bow, and proceed prosperously, and be king. Refrain: Save us, O Son of God, Who wast borne in the arms of righteous Simeon; who sing to Thee. Alleluia. Thine arrows are sharp, O mighty One, in the heart of the king’s enemies; whereby the peoples fall under Thee. (Refrain) A scepter of uprightness is the scepter of Thy kingdom. (Refrain) Glory… Both now… O, only begotten Son and Word of God… THE THIRD ANTIPHON Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and thy father’s house. Even the rich among the people shall entreat thy countenance. I shall commemorate thy name in every generation. (Now sing the Apolytikion of the Presentation.) THE EISODIKON (ENTRANCE HYMN) The Lord hath made known His salvation; He hath revealed His justice in the sight of the Gentiles. Save us, O Son of God, Who art risen from the dead; who sing to Thee. Alleluia. After the Entrance, sing the hymns in the following order below. RESURRECTIONAL APOLYTIKION IN TONE TWO When thou didst submit thyself unto death, O immortal life, then thou didst destroy Hades by the brightness of thy Divinity. And when thou didst raise the dead from the underworld, then all the powers of heaven did cry aloud unto thee: O Christ, O our God, thou giver of life! Glory to thee. طروبارية القيامة باللحن الثاني ّ حينئذ, أيها الحياة الذي ال يموت,عندما انحدرت إلى الموت األموات من أقمت وعندما,ق الهوتِك أمت َ َ ِ الجحيم ببر َ . المجد لك, أيها المسيح اإلله المعطي الحياة:ت السماويين ِ صر َخ نحوك جميع القوا,ت الثرى ِ تح APOLYTIKION OF THE PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN TONE ONE Rejoice, O Theotokos Virgin full of grace: for from You has shone forth the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, giving light to those in darkness. Rejoice and be glad of righteous old man, for You have received in Your arms the Deliverer of our souls who bestows upon us resurrection. طروبارية الدخول على اللحن األول س َّر، منيرا ً الذين في الظالم، المسيح إلهنا،البر ِ ألنه،افرحي يا والدة َ اإلل ِه العذرا َء الممتلئةَ نعمة ّ ِ منك أشرقَ شمس .سنا والمان َح إيانا القيامة حامالً على،أنت أيها الشيخ الصدِّيق َ َ وابتهج ْ َ ذراعيك المعتقَ نفو TROPARION OF ST NICHOLAS IN TONE FOUR The verity of your actions revealed you to your flock a rule of faith, an icon of` mildness, and teacher of abstinence, O Father Bishop Nicholas; wherefore by humility you have achieved exaltation and by poverty richness. Intercede with Christ our God to save our souls. طروبارية القديس نيقوالوس على اللحن الرابع ً وصورة ً للوداعة ومعلما، قانونا ً لإليمان،لقد أظهرتك أفعال الحق لرعيتك أيها األب رئيس الكهن ِة،لالمساك ِ .خالص نفو ِسنا فتشفع إلى المسيحِ اإلله في،أحرزت بالتواضعِ الرفعةَ وبالمسكن ِة الغنى فلذلك،نيقوالوس َ ِ KONTAKION OF THE PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN TONE ONE Thou, O Christ God, Who by Thy Birth, didst sanctify the Virgin’s womb, and, as is meet, didst bless Simeon’s arms, and didst also come to save us; preserve Thy fold in wars, and confirm them whom Thou didst love, for Thou alone art the Lover of mankind. قنداق التقدمة للدخول على اللحن األول .وباركت يدي سمعان كما يليق ,ع البتولي اليوم َ َ يا من بمولدِك قد,ظهرت وخلصتنا أيها المسيح اإلله َ َ َّست المستود ْ أيها المحبُّ البشر وحدَك, وأي ْد عبيدَك الذين أحببتَهم,بسالم في الحروب احفظ رعيتك ٍ THE EPISTLE Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us. Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous. The Reading from the First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians. (6:12-20) Brethren, all things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be enslaved by anything. Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food; but God will destroy both one and the other. The body is not meant for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by His power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I therefore take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who joins himself to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, “The two shall become one flesh.” But he who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him. Shun immorality. Every other sin which a man commits is outside the body; but the immoral man sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. الرسالة ْ . ابتهجوا أيها الصديقون بالرب,لتكن يا رب رحمتُك علينا .بولس الرسو ِل األولى إلى أهل كورنثس القديس فص ٌل من رسال ِة ِ َ ُّ ً ع شييئا الطعيام.يتسيلي عليي َ ولكين لين أد, ك ُّل شيءٍ يح ُّل ليي. ولكن ليس ك ُّل شيءٍ ينفع, ك ُّل شيءٍ يح ُّل لي,يا اخوة وهللا قيد, واليرب للجسيد, بيل هيو لليرب, أما الجسد فليس هيو للننيى. وهللا سيبيد االثنين معا,للبطن والبطن للطعام ِ َّ أميا تعلميون. وسييقيمنا نحين أيديا ً بقدرتيه,أقام اليربَّ مين بيين األميوات أن أجسيادَكم هيي أعدياء المسييح أف خيذ َّ أعدا َء المسيح وأجعل منها أعدا َء امرأة زانية حاشى! أم إنكم ال تعلمون أن من اتحدَ بامرأةٍ زاني ٍة صيار وإياهيا اهربيوا مين." ولكن من اتحد بيالربّ ِ صيار وإيياس جسيدا ً واحيدا.ً "يصير االثنان جسدا ً واحدا: فإنه قيل.جسدا ً واحدا َّ أال تعلمييون. أمييا النانييي فإنييه يييذنب إلييى جسيدِس. فك ي ُّل خطيئي ٍة يرتكبهييا اإلنسييان هييي خارجييةا عيين جسيدِس,الننييى أن , ألنكيم اشيتريتم بيثمن, بيل ن,أجسادَكم هي هيكل الروح القدس وهيو فييكم وقيد نلتميوس مين هللا إنكيم لسيتم ألنفسيكم .أرواحكم التي هي ن فمجدوا هللا في أجسادِكم وفي ِ THE HOLY GOSPEL The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. (15:11-32) The Lord spoke this parable: “There was a man who had two sons; and the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of property that falls to me.’ And he divided his living between them. Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took his journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in loose living. And when he had spent everything, a great famine arose in that country, and he began to be in want. So he went and joined himself to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would gladly have fed on the pods that the swine ate; and no one gave him anything. But when he came to himself he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, but I perish here with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me as one of your hired servants.”’ And he arose and came to his father. But while he was yet at a distance, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet; and bring the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and make merry; for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to make merry. Now his elder son was in the field; and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing. And he called one of the servants and asked what this meant. And he said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has received him safe and sound.’ But he was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and entreated him, but he answered his father, ‘Lo, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command; yet you never gave me a kid that I might make merry with my friends. But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your living with harlots, you killed for him the fatted calf!’ And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to make merry and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and ”’is found. اإلنجيل المقدس القديس لوقا االنجيلي البشير والتلميذ الطاهر. فص ٌل شريفٌ من بشار ِة ِ فقسم النصيب الذي يعود علي من المال. ت أعطني قال الربّ هذا المثل :كان لرج ٍل ابنان ,فقال األصغر ألبيه :يا أب ِ َ َ أييام قليلية جميع االبين األصيغر كي ّل ميا يمليك ,وسيافر إليى بلي ٍد بعييد ,وهنياك بيدّد ماليه عائشيا ً فيي ماله بينهميا .وبعيد ٍ اإلسراف .فلما أنفق ك ّل شيء أصابت ذلك البلد مجاعةا شديدة ,فوقع في ضيق .فلجأ إلى العمل عند رجيل مين أهيل البلد ,فأرسله إلى حقوله ليرعى الخنازير .وكان يشتهي أن يمأل بطنَه من الخرنوب الذي كانت الخنازير تأكله ,فليم أجير ألبي يفديل عينهم الطعيام ,وأنيا أهليك جوعيا .سيأقوم وأمديي إليى أبيي ِ يعطه أحد ا .فرجع إلى نفسه وقال :كم ٍ وأقول له :يا أبي أخطأت إلى السماء واليك ,وال استحق أن أدعى لك ابنيا فياجعلني كيأجير عنيدك .فقيام ورجيع إليى ت أخطيأت أبيه .فرآس أبوس قادما من بعيد فأشفق عليه وأسرع إليه ,وألقى بنفسه على عنقه وقبله .فقال له االبن ييا أبي ِ إلى السماء واليك ,وال أستحق بعد أن أدعى لك ابنا .فقال األب لخدميه :هياتوا أفخير ثيوب وألبسيوس ,وضيعوا خاتميا في يديه وحذاء في رجليه .وأتوا بالعجل المثمن واذبحوس ,فنأكل ونفرح ,الن ابني هذا كان ميتا فعاش ,وكيان ضياال فوجد .فأخذوا يفرحون .وكان ابنه األكبر في الحقل ,فلما رجع واقتيرب مين البييت ,سيمع صيوت الغنياء واليرق . فدعا أحد الخدام وسأله :ما هذا فأجابه قد رجع أخوك ,فذبح ليه أبيوك العجيل المسيمن .فغديب ورفيد أن ييدخل. فخرج أبوس وسيأله أن ييدخل :فقيال ألبييه :كيم سين ٍة خيدمتك وميا عصييت ليك أميرا ,فليم تعطنيي جيديا ألفيرح بيه ميع أصحابي .ولكن لما رجع ابنك هذا ,بعدما أكل مالك مع النواني ,ذبحيت ليه العجيل المسيمن! فأجابيه أبيوس :ييا ابنيي, أنت معي في كل حين ,وكل ما هو لي هو لك .ولكن علينا أن نفرح ونسر ,الن أخاك كان ميتيا فعياش وكيان ضياال فوجد. OBLATION In loving memory of Georges Sabagh, Tamam, Farida, Ghalia and George Deeb. Offered by Georgette and Khalil Kastoun. In loving memory of John L. Sadd Sr. (28 years) offered by his family Marjorie, John and Suzi, Jim and Roberta, Joyce and Richard, Louie and Tamar, Paul, Danielle, Elizabeth, Jamie, Steven and Marie. Memory eternal. Holy Bread & Wheat Offered By: Georgette Deeb, and the Ayoub Family. Coffee Hour Sponsored By: No Coffee Hour. Please join us for the General Meeting in the Heritage Ballroom There are still dates available to sponsor a coffee hour for 2015 calendar. If you would like to Sponsor a Coffee Hour please contact Joujou George at (562) 522-1322 *Please call 2-4 weeks in advance, if possible to reserve the date(s). PASADENA / WEST COVINA BIBLE STUDY The Bible study lead by Fr. Michel assisted by Deacon John & Elen Saleh Will resume on Feb 20th, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the home of Sam & Elen Saleh 17315 azalea cort, La Puente CA 91744 Please contact Elen Saleh for more details: (626)839-1961 BURBANK/ GLENDALE BIBLE STUDY This Bible study led by Fr. George Taweel is on Thanksgiving & Christmas hiatus and will resume on Thursday, January 8th at 7:00PM. Please contact Dr. Abdullah Matar for location details: Phone: (818) 434-0500 / E-mail: GRANDA HILLS BIBLE STUDY This Bible study led by Fr. George Taweel is on Thanksgiving & Christmas hiatus and will resume on Thursday, January 15th at 7:00PM. Please contact Marina Fasheh for location details: Phone: 818) 693-7824 / E-mail: ARABIC BIBLE STUDY By Elen Saleh through the website of St Nicholas Cathedral: Saint Simeon Orthodox Mission We are overjoyed to announce that Metropolitan JOSEPH will serve the first Divine Liturgy at our new mission church, St. Simeon Mission, on February 8, 2015. St. Simeon is a child of St. Nicholas Cathedral and we would like to thank all of the clergy and parishioners for their prayers, love, and spiritual support. We are located at 28200 Bouquet Canyon Road, Suite A, Santa Clarita, 91350. Please Email Mark Nassief at for more information or to be added to our email list. DONATED BY: ST. NICHOLAS RESEARCH LIBRARY Go Forth • • • February 8th, 2015 Volume 25 Number 6 THE DIVINE LITU RGY OF OUR HOLY FATHER JOHN CHRYSOSTOM THE ANAPHORA – THE SACRIFICE OF THANKS As in the prophet Isaiah’s vision (Is 6:1-3), God’s praying people are lifted up before the throne of God. “Heaven and earth,” angels and people, join in the same triumphal song and greet the Eucharistic Christ: “Hosanna, which means: “Help! Save!” With these blesses powers, O Master who lovest mankind, we also cry aloud and say: Holy art Thou, and Thine only – begotten Son and Thy Holy Spirit. Holy art Thou and all-holy and magnificent is Thy glory! Who hast so loved thy world as to give Thine only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not be perish but have everlasting life; who when He had come and had fulfilled all the dispensation for us, in the night in which He was given up - or rather, gave Himself up for the life of the world- took bread in His holy, pure, and blameless hands; and when He had given thanks and blessed it, and hallowed it, and broken it, He gave it to His Holy disciplines and apostles, saying: “Take! Eat! This is My Body which is broken for you, for the remission of sins. "And likewise, after supper, He took the cup, saying: “Drink of it, all of you! This is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins!” The love of God the Father was revealed in His Son, who was “obedient to the point of death” (Phil 2:8), and who, in His perfect love, “Himself bore our sins in His own pure and unblemished sacrifice for our sins and instituted the sacrament that takes place by the power of the Holy Spirit, saying: 'As often as you do this, do it in remembrance of me"' (Prayer of Ambrose of Milan) . All this commemoration is the proclamation again and again of the Death and Resurrection of Christ (1 Cor 11:26), the experience of all that happened in the past as real and present at this moment. The priest raises the Holy Gifts, the bread and wine, crossing his hands, and says: Thine own of Thine own we offer unto Thee, on behalf of all and for all. As a result of all that has happened, the bread and wine, symbolizing Christ's body and blood - God's own gifts chosen from His own gifts - are now offered or sacrificed for all. This is what God grants through the sacrifice at Golgotha. From Feast of Faith. Archbishop Paul of Finland. Translated by Esther Williams. St Vladimir's Seminary Press, Crestwood, NY When you suffer some dishonor at the hands of people, immediately consider the glory that God will give you in addition, and you will not be saddened and upset by the dishonor but will be found faithful and blameless when glory comes. St. Mark the Ascetic FEBRUARY 9 –THE HIEROMARTYR PETER DAMASCENE This saint is considered by some to have lived in the eighth century, and by others in the twelfth. This difference of opinion arises from there having been two Peters Damascene. The one about whom we are speaking was a great ascetic. Utterly selfless, he had not one single book of his own, but borrowed them to read. And he read untiringly, gathering wisdom as a bee does honey. He was at some time bishop in Damascus, but spoke out so strongly against Islam and the Manichean heresy that the Arabs cut out his tongue and sent him into exile deep in Arabia. But God gave him the power of speech, so that there in exile he preached the Gospel and brought many to the Christian faith. He wrote, and left to his descendants, a precious book on the spiritual life. He died a confessor and martyr and entered into the Kingdom of Christ. St. Peter Damascene writes thus of the general and the particular gifts of God: 'The general gifts are the four elements, and all that come from them all the wonderful and terrible works of God revealed in the Holy Scriptures. But the particular gifts are those which God gives to a man individually; be it wealth for acts of mercy, or poverty for patience with thanksgiving, be it power for right Judgment and the strengthening of virtue, or subjugation and slavery for the swift salvation of the soul; be it health for the helping of the infirm or weakness for the crown of patience; be it understanding and skill in gathering wealth for the sake of the virtues, or feebleness and clumsiness for submissive humility. All these; and though they may seem in contrast to one another they are all, as they are apportioned, very good.' He says in conclusion that we owe God gratitude for all His gifts, and must bear all infirmities and tribulations with patience and hope. For all that God gives us or brings upon us is for our salvation. From The Prologue from Ochrid. Bishop Nikolai Velimirovic. Lazarica Press. Birmingham, 830 lQE England FEBRUARY 11 SAINT THEODORA THE EMPRESS Anyone bearing the name Theodora must feel an inner pride in having been so named. It not only means the "gift of God, "but is also the namesake of one of the most noble souls in all Christianity .Theodora was the wife of Theophilos, emperor of the Byzantine Empire during the ninth century, when the empire was at its zenith. Royalty has its advantages but the influence of a monarch's wife does not often hold sway, particularly in a complex issue such as Iconoclasm which for 150 years had divided the Greek Orthodox Church. Much as Theodora abhorred the idea of striping church interiors of icons, it is to her everlasting credit that rather than let herself be swayed in her determination, much as she chose to sway the emperor herself, she lived in the hope that the icons would one day be restored and that the issue would be settled in her lifetime although it had stormed for three lifetimes. If for nothing else this profoundly religious woman and empress could have been sainted for her unyielding stand on the issue when she could have chosen a course of resignation or indifference. Claims and counterclaims, lay and cleric, swirled about her and she had but to join sides with the iconoclasts and that in itself might very well have settled the question once and for all after a century and a half of dissension. It could very well be that it was Theodora's courageous stand that made a difference. Hers was not a voice in the wilderness. It emanated and echoed from the palace. The echo of her voice of protest never died and our churches are what they are today because she refused to be stilled. She was not a nun. She was an emperor's wife, but a handmaiden of God by her own choice. During this period Iconoclasm was a strong, swift-moving force which swept the empire. The supporters of the iconoclastic movement believed that icons should be purged from the churches. They thought that veneration of icons was tantamount to idolatry. In fact, many Orthodox Christians had come to believe that icons, rather than being symbolic, were to be worshipped for themselves. As a reaction against this false understanding of the place of icons in Orthodox worship, many favored the complete elimination of icons. Believing that they were fighting against idolatry, some emperors issued decrees banishing icons from the churches and persecuting anyone possessing icons. Theophilos was such an iconoclast emperor, but due solely to the efforts of his most noble wife, Theodora, he was the last. After 150 years, Iconoclasm was finally defeated. During the reign of her iconoclast husband, Theodora secretly possessed many icons. She would kneel in prayer and meditation before her icons, firm in the belief that the time was at hand when the icons would once again resume their rightful place in the house of God. Shortly after the death of Emperor Theophilos, one of the first official acts of Empress Theodora as regent for her son Michael III was to reinstate the icons. To do this she convoked a General Synod in A .D. 843. This Synod formally accepted the use of icons in Orthodox worship, affirming that the veneration is paid to Christ and the saints depicted on the icons, and not to the material substance of the paint and wood. This historic decision is celebrated each year in the Orthodox Church on the first Sunday of Lent, known as the Sun- day of Orthodoxy. Thus, Empress Theodora gave all her support to the recognition of icons as an essential element of Orthodox worship, and in so doing proved to be an instrument of God's glory. In her lifetime Empress Theodora revealed her true nature to be more religious than civic, and because of her faith and devotion to Christ, the Church became as mighty as the empire. With her precious icons before her, she died on 11 February 859, a true champion of the Orthodox faith. From Orthodox Saints. Volume 1. George Poulos. Holy Cross Orthodox Press. Brookline, t, JA. DONATED BY: ST. NICHOLAS RESEARCH LIBRARY Through mindfulness of God, you will always reflect on ‘whatever is true, whatever is modest, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, whatever is holy and deserving praise’ (Phil. 4.8); and in this way you will banish from yourself the pernicious evil of forgetfulness. St. Mark the Ascetic General Announcements!!! ANNUAL MEETING St. Nicholas Cathedral Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday February 8th, 2015 after liturgy. Lunch will be served. Donations are always welcomed. Nominations for parish council members will finalized for this meeting. The annual financial report will also be presented at this meeting. Elections for parish council members will take place on Sunday February 15th, 2015 and Sunday February 22nd, 2015. Please Join Us For A Hamburger Bar Luncheon With All the “Fixings” Salads and Tommy’s Chili Ice Cream & Cookies Sponsored By The St. Nicholas Cathedral Antiochian Women February 15, 2015 Following Liturgy in the Cathedral Auditorium Adults: $8.00 Children (12 & Under): $4.00 The proceeds will be used to support Regional Camping Programs, Learning Centers and Monastic Communities throughout the Archdiocese Donations Welcome Contact Georgette Malouf 818-563-2838 The annual financial report is begin compiled in preparation for ANNUAL PARISH MEETING. Please contact Jim Samore if you would like a copy at (323) 646-3717 or email at Save the date Men's fellowship is organizing a one day trip to Santa Barbara on Saturday, March 14th.We will visit the beautiful 1782 Mission Santa Barbara, Piers old down town and much more. More information will be provided at later time Please Let us know if you are interested. Any questions, contact one of these persons Curt Annette, Bob Crawford, Jim Samore or George Hanna. BOOK STORE LADIES' COOKBOOKS ARE HERE!! NEED A SPECIAL GIFT - BAPTISM, WEDDING, BIRTHDAY - WE CAN HELP! Want to learn more about our Church, come see us at the Bookstore. We have some terrific books on Orthodoxy. We have some great gift ideas and gift certificates! Please see us in the Bookstore or for questions, please contact Isabel Elac at (818)956-3756 The beginning of our 2015 membership drive began this January, we have been able to maintain our dues at $25.00. If you have any updated address, phone # or email, please submit with your dues payment. Make checks payable to St. Nicholas ladies society and mail to Nora Hanna 1890 Queensberry Rd, Pasadena, Ca. 91104. (626)840-1092 Thank you for your loving support. "Sing Praises to the Lord, Sing Praises All Ye Nations!" Join the St. Nicholas Choir! You don't have to be a diva or related to any of the 3 Tenors to sing in the choir every Sunday. This is a wonderful opportunity to share in a very special ministry of the church. The members of the choir represent the worshipers in the celebration of the Liturgy. Come and raise your voices in worship every Sunday. Everyone is welcome: young and old and everyone in between! Please come on up to the Choir Loft right away. House Blessing To arrange a visitation or House Blessing from one of our Clergy, please call the Cathedral Office: (213) 382-6269 Or E-mail: Ministry to the Newcomers There is an immediate need to establish a Newcomers’ Ministry to help them settle in Los Angeles, and make them members of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, and successful residents, and adapt to American life. The scope of this ministry includes, but not restricted to the following: Welcoming them to the Cathedral Taking Care of their spiritual needs. Providing a ride to Church, Bank, Doctors, DMV etc. Helping them open a bank account, obtain a debit or credit card, buy a cell phone, and find adult school to learn English and computer basic skills. Guide them to take vocational courses. Helping them to receive their CA driver license. Helping professionals to get equivalence for their degrees such as Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses & Engineers etc. There are many services that this ministry may offer on case basis, however this list provides the meat of what our ministry does. Any member of our church, or anyone willing to help and guide in any way of the fields above or Anyone who knows about a new Christian family arriving to the Los Angeles area, is kindly requested to contact Fr. Michel Najim at (213) 382-6269 Ext: 306 or Dr. Abdalah Matar (818) 434-0500, or any member of the Steering Committee. Mr. Gabriel Matta (818) 203-1494, Dr. Haitham Matar (818)502-2544, Mr. Fayez Nima (818) 236-2651, Mr. Hanin Kastoun (818) 730-4843 Kh. Eva Najim (626) 966-1314 Camp St. Nicholas Church School/Youth Department Family Retreat Feb, 27th, - March 1st Spiritual encounter with the Clergy Join us for an enjoyable family weekend at Camp St. Nicholas in Frazier Park. It’s great time for spiritual growth and wonderful fellowship. Join others from St. Nicholas Cathedra and the Sunday School as they learn from His Word while enjoying the wonders of God’s creation in a comfortable setting surrounded by nature. Fun activities will be provided for the children and youth. In attendance will be: Very Rev. Fr. Michel Najim Badia Mamar, Sunday school Director Rev. Fr. George Taweel Natasha Abu Ata, Youth Director Rev Fr. Patrick O’Grady Greg and Caroline Foley Schedule: Friday, Feb 27th 6:00 PM, Arrival and free time. (Please note: Dinner is not provided, bring your own) Saturday, Feb 28th 6:00 (continental breakfast) coffee, cookies, cereal and fruits. Social time 9:15-9:30 Cleaning up, dining hall 9:30-10:00 Social time 10:00-12:00 Family and youth discussion, with Fr. Michel Najim, Fr. George Taweel and Fr. Patrick O’ Grady. Natasha Abu Ata and Greg and Caroline Foley. Discussion takes place in the Church. Topic TBA . Kids ages 4-up will be doing different supervised activities by adults. 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Cleaning up, dining hall 1:30 – 3:30 Family discussion with Fr. Michel Najim and Fr. Patrick O’ Grady. Youth discussion with Fr. George Taweel, Natasha Abu Ata and Greg and Caroline Foley Topic TBA. Kids ages 4-up will be doing different supervised activities, by adults 3:30-3:45 Cleaning up, dining hall 4:00-5:00 Play time 5:00 Vesper with Fr. George Taweel 6:15 Dinner 7:15 Cleaning up, dining hall 7:30- up Free Time Sunday, March 1st. 8:00 Divine Liturgy 9:00 Breakfast 10:00-12:00 Free time 12:00 Departure Registration Form Full Weekend Attendance Rate (4 Meals and 2 night accommodation included) Single adult: $70 Kid's (age of 5 to 13 year old) $35.00 One Day Attendance Rate (3 meals Included) Adult: $50 Children 5 to 13 $25 All kids 4 year old and younger are FREE PLEASE NOTE: full amount must be paid upon registration We will be attending the family retreat: NAME:___________________________________________________ PHONE:__________________________ CHILDREN:____________________________ AGE:________ _____________________________AGE:_________ _____________________________AGE:_________ _____________________________AGE:_________ (Optional) Suggested Topic for discussion: _________________________________ February 22nd. is the due date for the Family Retreat registrations at St. Nicholas Camp. See Bashar Louis on Sunday after Devine Liturgy, there will be a table in the hall for registration. Or, you can mail the application and check to Bashar Louis (see address below) *All checks and application should be received NO later than Februuary 22nd. Make check payable to: St. Nicholas Cathedral Bashar Louis: 2949 Wisteria Ln. Fullerton CA 92833 Any Question: call Bashar Louis: 213-448-1312 or Mike Zeeb: 909-561-0363 "For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ". (2 Corinthos 4:6) Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The holy scriptures define SIN with Darkness, and where there is Sin there is Darkness. And Darkness in this understanding had filled all the earth and still does, and the true light is Jesus Christ. Man will remain in the world's darkness till God's light shines in his heart with the light of the knowledge of God's glory that is in the face of Jesus Christ. Every person cannot experience this truth before he really gets to know Jesus Christ and feels that the face of Jesus Christ, the true light, has shone in his heart. We have to clarify that the light of this world is the true darkness if the face of Jesus Christ "The light of the world" (John 8:12) is absent from it, but those who live in this world's darkness do not know that there exists the true light. Every light in this world disappears or is extinguished some times, but the light of the face of our Lord Jesus Christ is a light that is not extinguishable. This means that he who lives for and with Christ and has Jesus Christ live within him lives in an inextinguishable light, so that our common enemy, who is the basis of deathly darkness cannot oppress him, as the devil's darkness which is Sin is certain death. "For Death is the wages of sin" (Romans 6:23) for this reason Christ calls all people to Him being the light of the world. "You are the light of this world" (Matthew 5:14). He who follows Him does not walk in the darkness that blinds the eyes from the knowledge of truth. The Gospel explains it "and the life was the light of men"(John 1:4) if the sun being the source of light and life on earth ceased to light then creation on earth would die, and accordingly we know that Christ is the sun that lights the heavens and the eternal true life that is permanent and never ceases. This truth is a warning to whoever walks in the ways of this world. If the life and light of this world suffice him, then he will remain deprived from the glow of the glory of the Lord on the face of Jesus Christ. The end of this deprivation is death without resurrection. If life with people of the world is supported by money and pleasure, with drunkenness, and gambling, all matters that are not fit to be discussed here, matters prepared by the devil for those who love him and require his favor. These must inevitably come to an end as with and within them comes sickness, grief, depression, and fast aging. As for those who have asked for faith and loved Christ holding on to eternal life they are those who have conquered the beast of the world and killed the deathly serpent, raising the banner of victory and salvation and Christ received them and took then into His glory. ELEN SALEH Be mindful of God, so that in every moment He may be mindful of you. If he is mindful of you, He will give you salvation. Do not forget Him, letting yourself be seduces by vain distractions. Do you want Him to forget you in your times of temptation? Stay near Him and obey Him in the days of your prosperity. You will be able to rely on His word in difficult days, because prayer will keep you safe in His continual presence. Remain constantly before His face, think of Him, and remember Him in your heart. Otherwise, if you only meet Him from time to time, you risk losing your close friendship with Him. St. Isaac the Syrian "هللا الذي قال ان ُيشرق نور من ظلم ٍة ،هو الذي أشرق في قلوبنا إلنارة معرفة مجد هللا في وجه يسوع المسيح"( .رسالة كورنثوس الثانية )4:6 كانت الظلمة وال تنال تمأل األرض كلها ،والنور الحقيقي هو يسوع المسيح ،فاإلنسان سيبقى في ظلمة هذا العالم إلى ان يشرق هللا في قلبه انارة معرفة مجد هللا في وجه يسوع المسيح ،حقيقة يمر عليها كل انسان قبل ان يتعرف حقا ً على يسوع المسيح ،فيشعر انه قد أشرق في قلبه وجه يسوع المسيح النور الحقيقي ،على انه يلنم ان نوضح ان النور في هذا العالم هو الظلمة الحقيقية إن غاب عنه وجه يسوع المسيح ،ولكن الذين يعيشون في ظلمة هذا العالم ال يعلمون ان هناك النور الحقيقي .كل نور في هذا العالم يغيب أو ينطفىء ،ولكن نور وجه يسوع المسيح نور ال ينطفىء ،بمعنى ان الذي يعيش مع أس الظلمة المميتة ،ألن ظلمة المسيح يحيا في نور ال ينطفىء ،فال يطغى عليه العدو ّ الشيطان هي الموت الحقيقي .لذلك يدعو المسيح جميع الناس انه هو نور العالم ،ومن يتبعه ال يمشي في الظلمة التي تعمي عينيه عن معرفة الحق .ويوضح اإلنجيل ان الحياة هي نور الناس (انظروا يو )1:4فإن كانت الشمس هي مصدر النور والحياة على األرض ،فان كفّت الشمس عن اإلنارة ماتت كل الخليقة على األرض ففي المقابل نعرف ان المسيح هو الشمس التي تديء السماوات والحياة الحقيقية األبدية التي تدوم وال تنقطع أبداً. هذس الحقيقة هي انذار لكل من يسير في طريق هذا العالم ،فإن اكتفى بالحياة والنور في العالم فهو يظل محروما ً من اشراق مجد هللا في وجه يسوع المسيح الذي نهايته موت بال قيامة. والحياة عند أهل العالم ان كان يسندها المال واللذة ،وفيها السهر والسكر ولعب القمار، وامور غيرها ال يليق ان نتكلّم بها هنا ،وهي أمور أعدها الشيطان لمحبيه وطالبي ودّس. هذس ال بد ان تنتهي حيث المرض والحنن والك بة والشيخوخة العاجلة ،أما الذين طلبوا اإليمان وأحبوا المسيح وأمسكوا بالحياة األبدية فهؤالء الذين غلبوا وحش هذا العالم وصرعوا الحية المميته ورفعوا راية الغلبة والخالص ،واستقبلهم المسيح وأدخلهم إلى مجدس. أختكم بالرب إيلين صالح )Continuation of the 52 week series, (Week 4 Following the five letters and talks in church “What does this message from God require from me, His loyal and obedient servant?” What must I ”?change in my life to be able to follow this teaching in both word and in deed (Week 4) Luke 8: 14 … “And as for what fell among thorns, they are those who hear, but as they go on their way are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not ”mature. St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral Think of us for your next event! Weddings, Baptisms, Birthdays, Anniversaries and All Other Occasions. The Perfect Venue for any event. Reserve your date now before it is gone. Please call us at (213) 382-6269 Ext 306 Make memories for a lifetime!
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