St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral 2300 WEST THIRD STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90057 Phone (213) 382-6269 Fax (213) 382-0175 February 1, 2015 V. Rev. Fr. Michel Najim, Dean & Great Economos Assistant Pastors: Rev. Fr. George Ajalat, Rev. Fr. George Taweel, Rev. Fr. Paul Olson Archdeacon George Shishim. Deacons: Dn. John Germain, Dn. Eliya Ammari Acolytes: Daniel Nofal, Michael George Altar Boys: Bashar Ammari, Daniel Esoh, Christian Kastoun, Meena Ammari. Choir Director: Alex Nassief Chantors: Alberto Fayad, Elias Kuncar, Eva Najim, Helena Ditko Williams, Gergory Foley Council Chairman: Rose Samore Ushers: Mrs. Jameel Beebe, Richard Ayoob, Curtis Annett Bookstore: Isabel Elac Candles: Joseph Maalouf Church School Director: Badia Mamar Youth Director: Natasha Abu Ata Men’s Fellowship: George Hanna Ladies Society: Kh. Eva Najim 2300 WEST THIRD STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90057 Phone (213) 382-6269, Fax (213) 382-0175 Youtube: abounamn St. Nicholas Festival Web Site:; Archdiocese Website:; Diocese Website:; Office hours: 9am to 4:30 pm daily Spanish Service – 8:00am Sunday Orthros – 9:15am Sunday Divine Liturgy –10:30 am EOTHINON 1 TONE 1 1 اللحن 1 االيوثينا Sunday of the Pharisee and Publican & Transfer of the Feast of the Presentation (Meeting) of Christ THE FIRST ANTIPHON My heart hath poured forth a good word; I speak of my works to the king. My tongue is the pen of a swiftly writing scribe. Refrain: Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Savior, save us. Grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee forever. (Refrain) Glory… Both now… (Refrain) THE SECOND ANTIPHON Gird Thy sword upon Thy thigh, O mighty One, in Thy comeliness and Thy beauty. Bend Thy bow, and proceed prosperously, and be king. Refrain: Save us, O Son of God, Who wast borne in the arms of righteous Simeon; who sing to Thee. Alleluia. Thine arrows are sharp, O mighty One, in the heart of the king’s enemies; whereby the peoples fall under Thee. (Refrain) A scepter of uprightness is the scepter of Thy kingdom. (Refrain) Glory… Both now… O, only begotten Son and Word of God… THE THIRD ANTIPHON Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and thy father’s house. Even the rich among the people shall entreat thy countenance. I shall commemorate thy name in every generation. (Now sing the Apolytikion of the Presentation.) THE EISODIKON (ENTRANCE HYMN) The Lord hath made known His salvation; He hath revealed His justice in the sight of the Gentiles. Save us, O Son of God, Who art risen from the dead; who sing to Thee. Alleluia. After the Entrance, sing the hymns in the following order below. RESURRECTIONAL APOLYTIKION IN TONE ONE While the stone was sealed by the Jews, and the soldiers were guarding Thy most pure body, Thou didst arise on the third day, O Savior, granting life to the world. For which cause the heavenly powers cried aloud unto Thee, O giver of life. Glory to Thy Resurrection O Christ, glory to Thy kingdom, glory to Thy providence, O Thou Who alone art the lover of mankind. طروبارية القيامة على اللحن األول َ الطاهر ُح ِف ّ ,المخلص ث أيّها ت في وجسدَك,ِالحجر ل ّما ُختِ َم من اليهود إن ِ اليوم الثال َ قُ ْم,ِظ من الجند ُ ِ َ َ ً مانحا , المجدُ لقيامتِك أيها المسيح:واهب الحياة ت هتفوا إليك يا ِ فلذلك قواتُ السماوا.العالم الحياة َ َ ُ المجد,المجدُ لمل ِكك .وحدَك ب ْ البشر َ لتدبيرك يا ُم ّح ِ ِ APOLYTIKION OF THE PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN TONE ONE Rejoice, O Theotokos Virgin full of grace: for from You has shone forth the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, giving light to those in darkness. Rejoice and be glad of righteous old man, for You have received in Your arms the Deliverer of our souls who bestows upon us resurrection. طروبارية الدخول على اللحن األول منيرا ً الذين في، المسي ُح إل ُهنا،البر َمنك أشرق ِ ألنه،افرحي يا والدة َ اإلل ِه العذرا َء الممتلئةَ نعمة ّ ِ شمس ُ ُ ّ الالالد،ُ الت أيهالالا الشالالي رالالنا والمالالان َح إيانالالا َ حالالام ً تلالالن وراتيال،ِيذ َ التهَ أنال ْ رال بالر وابال ُ ، الظال م َ الك المعتالالذَ نفو .القيامة TROPARION OF ST NICHOLAS IN TONE FOUR The verity of your actions revealed you to your flock a rule of faith, an icon of` mildness, and teacher of abstinence, O Father Bishop Nicholas; wherefore by humility you have achieved exaltation and by poverty richness. Intercede with Christ our God to save our souls. طروبارية القديس نيقوالوس على اللحن الرابع األب أيها،مساك وصورة ً للوداتة ومعلما ً ل، قانونا ً لإليمان،لقد أظهرتك أفعا ُل الحذ لرتيتك ُ ِ فلذلك،رئيس الكهن ِة نيقوالوس َ ُ ِ فتشفع إلن المسيح،أحرزت بالتواضعِ الرفعةَ وبالمسكن ِة الغنن .ص نفو ِرنا ِ اإلله في خ KONTAKION OF THE PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN TONE ONE Thou, O Christ God, Who by Thy Birth, didst sanctify the Virgin’s womb, and, as is meet, didst bless Simeon’s arms, and didst also come to save us; preserve Thy fold in wars, and confirm them whom Thou didst love, for Thou alone art the Lover of mankind. . قنداق التقدمة للدخول على اللحن األول ت يدي اليوم َ وبارك,ع البتولي َ يا من بمولدِك قد,ظهرت وخلالتنا أيها المسي ُح اإلله َ َ برت المستود ْ أيها المحبُّ البشر, وأي ْد تبيدَك الذين أحببتَهم,احفظ رتيتك بس ٍم في الحروب .رمعان كما يليذ .وحدَك THE EPISTLE My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. For He hath regarded the humility of His servant. The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews. (7:7-17) Brethren, it is beyond dispute that the inferior is blessed by the superior. Here tithes are received by mortal men; there, by one of whom it is testified that he lives. One might even say that Levi himself, who receives tithes, paid tithes through Abraham, for he was still in the loins of his ancestor when Melchizedek met him. Now if perfection had been attainable through the Levitical priesthood (for under it the people received the law), what further need would there have been for another priest to arise after the order of Melchizedek, rather than one named after the order of Aaron? For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is necessarily a change in the law as well. For the one of whom these things are spoken belonged to another tribe, from which no one has ever served at the altar. For it is evident that our Lord was descended from Judah, and in connection with that tribe Moses said nothing about priests. This becomes even more evident when another priest arises in the likeness of Melchizedek, who has become a priest, not according to a legal requirement concerning bodily descent but by the power of an indestructible life. For it is witnessed of him, “Thou art a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek.” الرسالة َّ وحي ِّب َ ِّاَّللِّ ُم َخ ِّل ِّصي ألَنَّهُ نَ َظ َر ِّإلَى ات .ضاعِّ أ َ َمتِّ ِّه َّ تُعَ ِّظ ُم نَ ْفسِّي ِّ الربَّ َوت َ ْبت َ ِّه ُج ُر .القديس بولس الرسو ِّل إلى العبرانيين فص ٌل من رسال ِّة ِّ ث ُ بم ب.باركُ األصغ ََر ف في ب ، َإن العُ ْش َر ِلل َكهنَ ِة يأ ُخذُهُ بش ٌَر مالائِتون ِ ُهو الذي ي َ ال ِخ، يا إخوة َ أن األكبَ َر الن القَالو ُل ب ُ ويُم ِك.ي وه َالو،ُساله ُ وأ بما العُ ْش ُر ل َمل ِكيالادَقَ فأ َخذَهُ الذي َيش َهدُ ال ِكت َ إن الوي نَف الاب لَاله بأنبالهُ حال ي الوم خ ال َر َج ب أب ال ي ِه إبال أدبش العُ ْشال َالر تلالالن ي ال ِد إبال،الالالذي يأ ُخ الذُ العُ ْشال َالر ُ ألنب الهُ كالالانَ فالالي،الراهيم ِ صالالل َ الراهيم يال َ َ الاس ال ب شالري َع ِة التالي تَساللب َمها ِ ولَو كالانَ ال َكمالا ُل ت َ َحقبالذَ بالال َك َهنو.َم ْلكيالادَ ُق ل ُم قاتِ ِه ُ وه َالو أر،ِي ّ ت الال ِو ال ب ْ فأيبةُ حا َج ٍة بَعدَهُ إلن،عب تاب تلالن ُرتبال ِة ُ آخر تلن ُرتبَ ِة َم ْل ِكيالادَقَ ؟ وما قا َل ال ِك ُ ش ُ أن يَظ َه َر كا ِه ٌن أن تَتَبدب َل ال ب ْ فَ بُدب ِم ْن، ُ ألنبهُ إوا ت َبدب َل ال َك َهنوت. َهارون والذي يُقا ُل هذا في ِه َينتَمي إلن َتشير ٍة.ُشري َعة عروف ب وما و َك َر مورن هال ِذ ِه،أن َرببنا طلَ َع ِم ْن َيهووا فمنَ ال َم ِ ِ .ِقام أ َحدٌ ِمنها ِب ِخد َم ِة ال َمذ َبح َ ما،أُخرش ُوم بما يزيد األمر ُوضالو ًحا أنبالهُ تلالن ِمثالا ِل َم ْل ِكيالالادَقَ ظ َه َالر الكالا ِه ُن ِ .شيرة َ في ك ِم ِه تلن ال َكهنَ ِة َ َ ال َع أنت كا ِه ٌن إلن ال تلن،اآلخ َُر َ « :ي ٍ س ِ ِ فشَهادة ُ ال ِكتا.ُ بَ ْل بِقُ بوةِ حياةٍ ال تَزول،ٍي َ أراس ن ّ ب بشَر َ ب لَه ِه .» َاأل َب ِد تلن ُرت َب ِة َم ْل ِكيالادَق THE HOLY GOSPEL The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. (18:10-14) The Lord spoke this parable: “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank Thee that I am not like other men, extortionists, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to Heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.” اإلنجيل المقدس .القديس لوقا االنجيلي البشير والتلميذ الطاهر فص ٌل شريفٌ من بشار ِّة ِّ فوقالس الفررالي. واحالدٌ فررالي واآلخالر تشالار, صعد رج ن إلن الهيكل ليالالليا:قال الربّ هذا المثل , ألني لست مثل رائر الناس الطالامعين الظالالمين الفارالقين, إني أشكرك, اللهم:ياللي في نفسه فيقول فوقالس, وأمالا العشالار. وأوفالي تشالر دخلالي كلّاله,وال مثل هذا العشار! فأنا أصوم في األرالبوع مالرتين ! أنالا الخالاط, يالا أ, ارحمنالي: بل كان يقرع صدره قالائ,بعيدا ال يجرؤ أن يرفع تينيه نحو السماء . الن من رفع نفسه ُوضع ومن وضع نفسه ُرفع.أقول لكم إن هذا نزل إلن بيته مبرورا دون واك MEGALYNARION OF THE PRESENTATION IN TONE THREE O Theotokos, thou hope of all Christians; keep and shelter and preserve them that set their hope in thee. Let us magnify, O believers, the first-born Son, the eternal Word of the Father, First-born of a Mother who knew no man; for we have beheld in the shadow of the law and the Scriptures a sign, that every first-born male that opened the womb is called holy to God. KOINONIKON (COMMUNION HYMN) FOR THE FEAST IN TONE EIGHT I will receive the cup of salvation, and call upon the Name of the Lord. Alleluia. Post-Communion Hymn: “We have seen the true light.” TRISAGION In loving memory of our beloved father: Nabih Daoud Jabaji. Offered by Lamis and Mike Issa, Lubna and Jabra Kidess. In memory of much beloved father and grandfather, Stephen M. Berny (10 YRS). Offered by his children and grandchildren Mile and Meg Berny and Family Bill and Marie Kesler and Family. Memory forever eternal. In loving memory of Abe Abraham 1 year. Offered by his grandchildren, Jeffrey and Nicole Abraham, and his great grandchildren, Elise and Mark Abraham. May God rest his soul. In loving memory of our beloved Husband, father and Gido, Fred Safady, 40 days. Offered by his wife Eleanor Safady, and his Children and Grandchildren, the Safady Families. You are always in our hearts. May God rest his soul and his memory be eternal. In loving memory of Deacon Elias Hamaty from Boston Massachusetts (40 days). Offered by Alexis, Cristopher, Paul, Nassif and Families. OBLATION Very Reverend Father Michel and all the Clergy, members of the Parish Council and leaders of St. Nicholas Organizations, and the entire St. Nicholas family greet his Eminence Metropolitan JOSEPH with deep love and happiness as we celebrate his Enthronement and his presence with us today. May God Grant You Many Years, Master!! Very Reverend Father Michel and all the Clergy, members of the Parish Council and leaders of St. Nicholas Organizations, and the entire St. Nicholas family greet with love and happiness all the hierarchs and special guests who are celebrating the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with us today. Welcome! You have blessed us with your presence. Prayers offered in loving memory of: Hatim Jabaji, Abla and Salim Rizkallah, Layla Jabaji, Samia Issa, Anton Kidess. May their memory be eternal. For God's continued blessing upon our Aunt Kathryn Economides (ny) and our cousin Lauretta Gioia on their birthdays today offered by Mike Berny and Marie Kesler. In loving Memory of our beloved brother, Thomas Berny who would have been 58 yrs old today, offered by Mike Berny and Marie Kesler. Prayers to our beloved Uncle who passed away in Amman Jordan, Kamel Rabih may he rest in peace. Offered by the Zabaneh family. In loving memory for our Mother Rita Samara Zabaneh, and Father Fouad Zabaneh offered by their loving Families: Zabaneh family, Amash family and Samara family may they rest in peace. In loving Memory for Emile and Marwan Helou memory eternal, By his loving family the Helou and the Zabaneh may they rest in peace. In memory of our much loved father and grandfather, Stephen M. Berny offered by Mike and Meg Berny and family and Marie and Bill Kesler and family. For good health and happiness of family and friends and many blessings for Maria Matta on her birthday offered by Abdallah & Fadwa Matar. Holy Bread & Wheat Offered By: The Issa and the Kidess Families, Abraham Family, the Safady Family, the Matar Family, and by the Nassif Family. Coffee Hour Sponsored By: The St. Nicholas Ladies Society Please join us for a Very Special Coffee Hour in honor of his Eminence Metropolitan Joseph’s Enthronement. Directly after the Devine Liturgy in the Heritage Ballroom There are still dates available to sponsor a coffee hour for 2015 calendar. If you would like to Sponsor a Coffee Hour please contact Joujou George at (562) 522-1322 *Please call 2-4 weeks if possible, to reserve the date(s). PASADENA / WEST COVINA BIBLE STUDY The Bible study lead by Fr. Michel assisted by Deacon John & Elen Saleh Will resume on Feb 20th, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the home of Dr. Fahed & Dina Bitar 205 South Mountain Trail Sierra Madre, California 91024 Please contact Elen Saleh for more details: (626)839-1961 BURBANK/ GLENDALE BIBLE STUDY This Bible study led by Fr. George Taweel is on Thanksgiving & Christmas hiatus and will resume on Thursday, January 8th at 7:00PM. Please contact Dr. Abdullah Matar for location details: Phone: (818) 434-0500 / E-mail: GRANDA HILLS BIBLE STUDY This Bible study led by Fr. George Taweel is on Thanksgiving & Christmas hiatus and will resume on Thursday, January 15th at 7:00PM. Please contact Marina Fasheh for location details: Phone: 818) 693-7824 / E-mail: ARABIC BIBLE STUDY By Elen Saleh through the website of St Nicholas Cathedral: Saint Simeon Orthodox Mission We are overjoyed to announce that Metropolitan JOSEPH will serve the first Divine Liturgy at our new mission church, St. Simeon Mission, on February 8, 2015. St. Simeon is a child of St. Nicholas Cathedral and we would like to thank all of the clergy and parishioners for their prayers, love, and spiritual support. We are located at 28200 Bouquet Canyon Road, Suite A, Santa Clarita, 91350. Please Email Mark Nassief at for more information or to be added to our email list. Continuation of the 52 week series, (Week 4) Following the five letters and talks in church “What does this message from God require from me, His loyal and obedient servant?” What must I change in my life to be able to follow this teaching in both word and in deed?” (Week 4) Luke 8: 14 … “And as for what fell among thorns, they are those who hear, but as they go on their way are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature.” DONATED BY: ST. NICHOLAS RESEARCH LIBRARY Go Forth • • • January 25th, 2015 Volume 25 Number 4 THE DIVINE LITU RGY OF OUR HOLY FATHER JOHN CHRYSOSTOM THE ANAPHORA – THE SACRIFICE OF THANKS The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. With this apostolic salutations (2 Cor 13:14), the priest summons three sources of power to help the faith: the grace of the Lord Jesus, the Jove of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit. And with your spirit. The priest needs the same power in order perform the holy sacrifice. Let us lift up our hearts. We lift them up unto the Lord. With this liturgical exhortation, which is even older than the apostolic salutation, the priest wants to confirm, as it were, that the congregation is in fact ready fulfill the next request: Let us give thanks unto the Lord. It is meet and right. Having heard the people’s response, the priest begins the Eucharistic prayer of thanksgiving. In this prayer man, who represents all creation, is in the position in which God placed him at the beginning Man alone is capable of giving thanks for his existence and for the other gifts of the Creator. He is the only ‘eucharistic’ being in creation. And man, awakened from the fall, experiences the closeness of the kingdom of God again and again – as in the present service, which God receives. It is meet and right to hymn Thee, to bless Thee, to praise Thee, to give thanks to Thee and to worship Thee in evert place of Thy dominion: for Thou art God ineffable, inconceivable, invisible, incomprehensible, ever-existing, and eternally the same, Thou and Thine onlybegotten Son and Thy Holy Spirit. Thou it was who brought us from non-existence into being, and when we had fallen away didst rise us up again, and didst not cease to do all things until Thou hadst brought us up to heaven and hadst endowed us with Thy Kingdom which is to come. For all these things we give thanks to Thee and to Thine only-begotten Son, and to Thy Holy Spirit; for all things of which we know and of which we know not, whether manifest or unseen; and we thank Thee for this Liturgy which thou hast found worthy to accept at our hands, though three stands by Thee thousands of archangels and host of angels, the Cherubim and the Seraphim, six-winged, man-eyed, who soar aloft, borne, on their pinions, singing the triumphant hymn, shouting, proclaiming and saying: Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord of Sabaoth! Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory! Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest! From Feast of Faith. Archbishop Paul of Finland. Translated by Ester Williams. St. Vladimir’s Seminary, Crestwood, NY. A pleasure- seeking heart is a prison and a chain for the soul at the time a person leaves this life, but the conscientious heart is an open door. St. Mark the Ascetic FEBRUARY 2- THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD On the fortieth day after His birth, the most holy Virgin brought her divine Son to the Temple in Jerusalem, to consecrate Him to the Lord and to purify herself according to the law (Lev.12:2-7,Exod.12:2). And though neither the one nor the other was necessary, nevertheless the Lawgiver would not in any way transgress the law which He had given through His servant and prophet Moses. At that time Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, was serving his turn as high priest in the Temple. He stood the Virgin Mary in the place for maidens, not that for married women. On this occasion, there were two very special people present: the elder, Simeon, and Anna the daughter of Phanuel. The righteous elder took his Messiah up in his arms sand said: 'Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation.' Simeon also spoke the following words of the Christ Child: ‘Behold, this Child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel.' Then Anna, who had from her youth served God in the Temple in fasting and prayer, and who herself recognized the Messiah, praised the Lord and made known to the inhabitants of Jerusalem the coming of the awaited one. But the Phariseesm present on the Temple and seeing and hearing all that passed and being vexed with Zacharias for having stood the Virgin Mary in the place for maidens, made this known to king Herod. Believing this to be the new King of who, the star- followers from the East had spoken, Herod quickly sent to have Jesus killed. But in the meantime the holy family had already escaped from the city and set out for Egypt, under the direction of an angel of God. Speaking of the spread of the celebration of Christmas, St. John Chrysostom says: ‘As beautiful and prolific fruit trees, when planted in the earth, quickly attain a great height and ripen and bear fruit; so with this day.’ So also with the day of the Presentation of the Lord. This day was commemorated among Christians from the beginning, but its solemn celebration began in the time of the great Emperor Justinian. At that time, Constantinople and its surroundings were struck by an epidemic, with five thousand or more people dying every day. At the same time there was a terrible earthquake in Antioch. Seeing the powerlessness of men to avert these catastrophes, the Emperor and the Patriarch together decided to call for prayer and fasting thought out the whole empire. On the day of the Presentation itself, they arranged procession thought the towns and villages to implore the Lord to have mercy on His people. And the Lord did have mercy, the epidemic and the earthquake ceasing instantly. This happened in the year 544. As a result, the presentation came to be celebrated as a great feast of the Lord. Tress sprouts at this time begin the process of bringing forth their abundant fruit. From The Prologue from Orchid. Bishop Nikolai Velimirovic. Lazarica Press. Birmingham, B30 1QE England FEBRUARY 5 - SAINT AGATHI An account of the lives of heroines of ancient times is made to read like the story of beauty and the beast with not quite the same ending, but the fact remains that in spite of the grandeur that was Rome, it does not take a full reading of Edward Gibbon to conclude that the moral decay which led to the fall of the Roman Empire stemmed largely from the lack of Christian principles. The femme fatale, which had no small part in the Roman decline, had no place in Christianity but did participate in the destruction of a follower of Jesus Christ, whose stand against immorality and paganism was taken at the cost of her life. This martyred saint of ancient times was a girl named Agathi, who was born in Panormos on the island of Sicily into a prominent family of great wealth. The vast family fortune would have made her an attractive prospect for marriage if she had the face of a gargoyle, but in addition to being the potentially wealthiest heiress on the island she was also the prettiest. By the time she was fifteen, which was a marriageable age in that era, she was a much sought after prize, but in her earnest desire to serve in the Church she had vowed to preserve her chastity and become the bride of the Messiah. Her devout Christian parents saw no future for her in this but neither did they discourage her, accepting her decision as the will of God. Agathi was an active participant in church affairs, joining her parents whose immense wealth they were willing to share with the poor of the island, of whom there were many. These church affairs, while not sanctioned by the state, were nevertheless tolerated because of Emperor Philip who saw no danger imposed by people who sought not to govern but to live in peace. Unfortunately for Christianity, Philip was succeeded by Emperor Decius, an avowed enemy of Christianity, who tolerated nothing but persecutions and brutality and whose appointments to rule in all the regions of the empire were restricted to men as fiercely opposed to Christianity as he was. This policy resulted in the replacement of the Sicilian governor by Consul Kyndanos who had a reputation for oppressive cruelty which preceded him. When Kyndanos arrived in Sicily, Christians had already reverted to worshipping in secrecy. But before ferreting out the innocent Christians, he made it his duty to summon the beauteous Agathi, of whom he had heard because since the death of her parents she was considered the first lady of the island .It mattered little to Kyndanos that Agathi was a confirmed church member who was dispensing her vast wealth to the needy. He intended to put a stop to this and to make her his bride, never anticipating in his prideful confidence that she would dare deny the exalted ruler of Sicily. Agathi obeyed the summons and the sight of her made Kyndanos all the more anxious to make her his bride, and acquire her wealth as well as her beauty. Agathi's reply was that she would consider the proposal only if he were to convert to Christianity, knowing she could not win him over for the Savior nor for the people. The would-be groom scoffed at this idea and reminded her that in obedience to him she would have to disavow Jesus Christ and worship his idols. She then told Kyndanos that it was useless to consider marriage anyway since she had taken a vow of chastity in order to serve the Savior. Kyndanos hit upon the idea of exposing this chaste woman to the ways of more worldly girls and had her placed in the house of a woman named Frontisia, whose nine daughters did a flourishing business entertaining anyone who would pay. It is to the credit of Kyndanos that his twisted mind conceived this idea but a reminder for all time of his stupidity in presuming that a chaste virgin placed among harlots could look upon them with nothing but loathing. Frontisia had the girl sent back with the message that she was not only intractable but was turning away business. When he had exhausted every form of persuasion, Kyndanos had the lovely Agathi tortured until she died. She was martyred on February 5.As a footnote it can be added that the tyrant who had her put to death was sh011ly there after swept off his horse while fording a stream, drowning in waters that carried him out to sea, never to be seen again DONATED BY: ST. NICHOLAS RESEARCH LIBRARY He who holds possessions as the gifts of God… and knows that what he possesses is for the sake of others, is blessed by God and poor in spirit. St. Clement of Alexandria General Announcements!!! YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED! A VERY SPECIAL COFFEE HOUR IN HONOR OF THE ENTHRONEMENT OF HIS EMMINENCE METROPOLITAN JOSEPH SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1, 2015 IN THE HERITAGE BALLROOM AFTER THE DIVINE LITURGY JOIN THE ORDER OF ST. IGNATIUS On Feb. 1, 2015 we will be hosting Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph at St. Nicholas Cathedral. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to join the Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch as we celebrate Metropolitan Joseph's recent enthronement. Any parishioners who are interested in joining St. Ignatius and being inducted into the Order on Feb.1, 2015, please contact Marianne Simon today after liturgy, or call her cell phone (310) 497-6112. ANNUAL MEETING St. Nicholas Cathedral Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday February 8th, 2015 after liturgy. Lunch will be served. Donations are always welcomed. Nominations for parish council members will finalized for this meeting. The annual financial report will also be presented at this meeting. Elections for parish council members will take place on Sunday February 15 th, 2015 and Sunday February 22nd, 2015. Please Join Us For A Hamburger Bar Luncheon With All the “Fixings” Salads and Tommy’s Chili Ice Cream & Cookies Sponsored By The St. Nicholas Cathedral Antiochian Women February 15, 2015 Following Liturgy in the Cathedral Auditorium Adults: $8.00 Children (12 & Under): $4.00 The proceeds will be used to support Regional Camping Programs, Learning Centers and Monastic Communities throughout the Archdiocese Donations Welcome Contact Georgette Malouf 818-563-2838 The annual financial report is begin compiled in preparation for ANNUAL PARISH MEETING. Please contact Jim Samore if you would like a copy at (323) 646-3717 or email at Save the date Men's fellowship is organizing a one day trip to Santa Barbara on Saturday, March 14th. We will visit the beautiful 1782 Mission Santa Barbara, Piers old down town and much more. More information will be provided at later time Please Let us know if you are interested. Any questions, contact one of these persons Curt Annette Bob Crawford Jim Samore or George Hanna BOOK STORE NEED A SPECIAL GIFT - BAPTISM, WEDDING, BIRTHDAY - WE CAN HELP! Want to learn more about our Church, come see us at the Bookstore. We have some terrific books on Orthodoxy. We have some great gift ideas and gift certificates! Please see us in the Bookstore or for questions, please contact Isabel Elac at (818)956-3756 The beginning of our 2015 membership drive began this January, we have been able to maintain our dues at $25.00. If you have any updated address, phone # or email, please submit with your dues payment. Make checks payable to St. Nicholas ladies society and mail to Nora Hanna 1890 Queensberry Rd, Pasadena, Ca. 91104. (626)840-1092 Thank you for your loving support. "Sing Praises to the Lord, Sing Praises All Ye Nations!" Join the St. Nicholas Choir! You don't have to be a diva or related to any of the 3 Tenors to sing in the choir every Sunday. This is a wonderful opportunity to share in a very special ministry of the church. The members of the choir represent the worshipers in the celebration of the Liturgy. Come and raise your voices in worship every Sunday. Everyone is welcome: young and old and everyone in between! Please come on up to the Choir Loft right away. Ministry to the Newcomers There is an immediate need to establish a Newcomers’ Ministry to help them settle in Los Angeles, and make them members of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, and successful residents, and adapt to American life. The scope of this ministry includes, but not restricted to the following: Welcoming them to the Cathedral Taking Care of their spiritual needs. Providing a ride to Church, Bank, Doctors, DMV etc. Helping them open a bank account, obtain a debit or credit card, buy a cell phone, and find adult school to learn English and computer basic skills. Guide them to take vocational courses. Helping them to receive their CA driver license. Helping professionals to get equivalence for their degrees such as Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses & Engineers etc. There are many services that this ministry may offer on case basis, however this list provides the meat of what our ministry does. Any member of our church, or anyone willing to help and guide in any way of the fields above or Anyone who knows about a new Christian family arriving to the Los Angeles area, is kindly requested to contact Fr. Michel Najim at (213) 382-6269 Ext: 306 or Dr. Abdalah Matar (818) 434-0500, or any member of the Steering Committee. Mr. Gabriel Matta (818) 203-1494, Dr. Haitham Matar (818)502-2544, Mr. Fayez Nima (818) 236-2651, Mr. Hanin Kastoun (818) 730-4843 Kh. Eva Najim (626) 966-1314 House Blessing To arrange a visitation or House Blessing from one of our Clergy, please call the Cathedral Office: (213) 382-6269 Or E-mail: Run for a Position on the Parish Council! Nominations for seats on the Parish Council will be accepted soon! Five positions will be available, and we encourage all parishioners to consider this very special opportunity to serve the Cathedral. We need dedicated, positive, energetic women and men who are willing to dedicatetheir time, energy and talents to developing and continuing programs that ensure the growth and success of our spiritual home. There are exciting times ahead, and we encourage you to be part of the future of the Cathedral. Please feel free to speak to any Parish Council member, and join us in our service to the Lord and his House. Camp St. Nicholas Church School/Youth Department Family Retreat Feb, 27th, - March 1st Spiritual encounter with the Clergy Join us for an enjoyable family weekend at Camp St. Nicholas in Frazier Park. It’s great time for spiritual growth and wonderful fellowship. Join others from St. Nicholas Cathedra and the Sunday School as they learn from His Word while enjoying the wonders of God’s creation in a comfortable setting surrounded by nature. Fun activities will be provided for the children and youth. In attendance will be: Very Rev. Fr. Michel Najim Badia Mamar, Sunday school Director Rev. Fr. George Taweel Natasha Abu Ata, Youth Director Rev Fr. Patrick O’Grady Greg and Caroline Foley Schedule: Friday, Feb 27th 6:00 PM, Arrival and free time. (Please note: Dinner is not provided, bring your own) Saturday, Feb 28th 6:00 (continental breakfast) coffee, cookies, cereal and fruits. Social time 9:15-9:30 Cleaning up, dining hall 9:30-10:00 Social time 10:00-12:00 Family and youth discussion, with Fr. Michel Najim, Fr. George Taweel and Fr. Patrick O’ Grady. Natasha Abu Ata and Greg and Caroline Foley. Discussion takes place in the Church. Topic TBA . Kids ages 4-up will be doing different supervised activities by adults. 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Cleaning up, dining hall 1:30 – 3:30 Family discussion with Fr. Michel Najim and Fr. Patrick O’ Grady. Youth discussion with Fr. George Taweel, Natasha Abu Ata and Greg and Caroline Foley Topic TBA. Kids ages 4-up will be doing different supervised activities, by adults 3:30-3:45 Cleaning up, dining hall 4:00-5:00 Play time 5:00 Vesper with Fr. George Taweel 6:15 Dinner 7:15 Cleaning up, dining hall 7:30- up Free Time Sunday, March 1st. 8:00 Divine Liturgy 9:00 Breakfast 10:00-12:00 Free time 12:00 Departure Registration Form Full Weekend Attendance Rate (4 Meals and 2 night accommodation included) Single adult: $70 Kid's (age of 5 to 13 year old) $35.00 One Day Attendance Rate (3 meals Included) Adult: $50 Children 5 to 13 $25 All kids 4 year old and younger are FREE PLEASE NOTE: full amount must be paid upon registration We will be attending the family retreat: NAME:___________________________________________________ PHONE:__________________________ CHILDREN:____________________________ AGE:________ _____________________________AGE:_________ _____________________________AGE:_________ _____________________________AGE:_________ (Optional) Suggested Topic for discussion: _________________________________ February 22nd. is the due date for the Family Retreat registrations at St. Nicholas Camp. See Bashar Louis on Sunday after Devine Liturgy, there will be a table in the hall for registration. Or, you can mail the application and check to Bashar Louis (see address below) *All checks and application should be received NO later than Februuary 22nd. Make check payable to: St. Nicholas Cathedral Bashar Louis: 2949 Wisteria Ln. Fullerton CA 92833 Any Question: call Bashar Louis: 213-448-1312 or Mike Zeeb: 909-561-0363 "For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ". (2 Corinthos 4:6) Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The holy scriptures define SIN with Darkness, and where there is Sin there is Darkness. And Darkness in this understanding had filled all the earth and still does, and the true light is Jesus Christ. Man will remain in the world's darkness till God's light shines in his heart with the light of the knowledge of God's glory that is in the face of Jesus Christ. Every person cannot experience this truth before he really gets to know Jesus Christ and feels that the face of Jesus Christ, the true light, has shone in his heart. We have to clarify that the light of this world is the true darkness if the face of Jesus Christ "The light of the world" (John 8:12) is absent from it, but those who live in this world's darkness do not know that there exists the true light. Every light in this world disappears or is extinguished some times, but the light of the face of our Lord Jesus Christ is a light that is not extinguishable. This means that he who lives for and with Christ and has Jesus Christ live within him lives in an inextinguishable light, so that our common enemy, who is the basis of deathly darkness cannot oppress him, as the devil's darkness which is Sin is certain death. "For Death is the wages of sin" (Romans 6:23) for this reason Christ calls all people to Him being the light of the world. "You are the light of this world" (Matthew 5:14). He who follows Him does not walk in the darkness that blinds the eyes from the knowledge of truth. The Gospel explains it "and the life was the light of men"(John 1:4) if the sun being the source of light and life on earth ceased to light then creation on earth would die, and accordingly we know that Christ is the sun that lights the heavens and the eternal true life that is permanent and never ceases. This truth is a warning to whoever walks in the ways of this world. If the life and light of this world suffice him, then he will remain deprived from the glow of the glory of the Lord on the face of Jesus Christ. The end of this deprivation is death without resurrection. If life with people of the world is supported by money and pleasure, with drunkenness, and gambling, all matters that are not fit to be discussed here, matters prepared by the devil for those who love him and require his favor. These must inevitably come to an end as with and within them comes sickness, grief, depression, and fast aging. As for those who have asked for faith and loved Christ holding on to eternal life they are those who have conquered the beast of the world and killed the deathly serpent, raising the banner of victory and salvation and Christ received them and took then into His glory. ELEN SALEH "هللا الذي قال ان ُيشرق نور من ظلم ٍة ،هو الذي أشرق في قلوبنا إلنارة معرفة مجد هللا في وجه يسوع المسيح". (رسالة كورنثوس الثانية )4:6 كانت الظلمة وال تزال تمأل األرض كلها ،والنور الحقيقي هو يسوع المسيح، فاإلنسان ريبقن في ظلمة هذا العالم إلن ان يُشرق أ في قلبه انارة معرفة مجد أ في وجه يسوع المسيح ،حقيقة يمر تليها كل انسان قبل ان يتعرف حقا ً تلن يسوع المسيح ،فيشعر انه قد أشرق في قلبه وجه يسوع المسيح النور الحقيقي، تلن انه يلزم ان نوضح ان النور في هذا العالم هو الظلمة الحقيقية إن غاب تنه وجه يسوع المسيح ،ولكن الذين يعيشون في ظلمة هذا العالم ال يعلمون ان هناك النور الحقيقي .كل نور في هذا العالم يغيب أو ينطفنء ،ولكن نور وجه يسوع المسيح نور ال ينطفنء ،بمعنن ان الذي يعيش مع المسيح يحيا في نور أس الظلمة المميتة ،ألن ظلمة الشيطان هي ال ينطفنء ،ف يطغن تليه العدو ّ الموت الحقيقي .لذلك يدتو المسيح جميع الناس انه هو نور العالم ،ومن يتبعه ال يمشي في الظلمة التي تعمي تينيه تن معرفة الحذ .ويوضح اإلنجيل ان الحياة هي نور الناس (انظروا يو )1:4فإن كانت الشمس هي مالدر النور والحياة تلن األرض ،فان كفّت الشمس تن اإلنارة ماتت كل الخليقة تلن األرض ففي المقابل نعرف ان المسيح هو الشمس التي تضيء السماوات والحياة الحقيقية األبدية التي تدوم وال تنقطع أبداً. هذه الحقيقة هي انذار لكل من يسير في طريذ هذا العالم ،فإن اكتفن بالحياة والنور في العالم فهو يظل محروما ً من اشراق مجد أ في وجه يسوع المسيح الذي نهايته موت ب قيامة. والحياة تند أهل العالم ان كان يسندها المال واللذة ،وفيها السهر والسكر ولعب القمار ،وامور غيرها ال يليذ ان نتكلّم بها هنا ،وهي أمور أتدها الشيطان لمحبيه وطالبي ودّه .هذه ال بد ان تنتهي حيث المرض والحزن والكآبة والشيخوخة العاجلة ،أما الذين طلبوا اإليمان وأحبوا المسيح وأمسكوا بالحياة األبدية فهؤالء الذين غلبوا وحش هذا العالم وصرتوا الحية المميته ورفعوا راية الغلبة والخ ص ،وارتقبلهم المسيح وأدخلهم إلن مجده. أختكم بالرب إيلين صالح St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral Think of us for your next event! Weddings, Baptisms, Birthdays, Anniversaries and All Other Occasions. The Perfect Venue for any event. Reserve your date now before it is gone. Please call us at (213) 382-6269 Ext 306 Make memories for a lifetime!
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