St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral 2300 WEST THIRD STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90057 Phone (213) 382-6269 Fax (213) 382-0175 January 11, 2015 V. Rev. Fr. Michel Najim, Dean & Great Economos Assistant Pastors: Rev. Fr. George Ajalat, Rev. Fr. George Taweel, Rev. Fr. Paul Olson Archdeacon George Shishim. Deacons: Dn. John Germain, Dn. Eliya Ammari Acolytes: Daniel Nofal, Michael George Altar Boys: Bashar Ammari, Daniel Esoh, Christian Kastoun, Meena Ammari. Choir Director: Alex Nassief Chantors: Alberto Fayad, Elias Kuncar, Eva Najim, Helena Ditko Williams, Gergory Foley Council Chairman: Rose Samore Ushers: Mrs. Jameel Beebe, Richard Ayoob, Curtis Annett Bookstore: Isabel Elac Candles: Joseph Maalouf Church School Director: Badia Mamar Youth Director: Natasha Abu Ata Men’s Fellowship: George Hanna Ladies Society: Kh. Eva Najim 2300 WEST THIRD STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90057 Phone (213) 382-6269, Fax (213) 382-0175 Youtube: abounamn St. Nicholas Festival Web Site:; Archdiocese Website:; Diocese Website:; Office hours: 9am to 4:30 pm daily Spanish Service – 8:00am Sunday Orthros – 9:15am Sunday Divine Liturgy –10:30 am EOTHINON 9 9 االيوثينا TONE 6 6 اللحن Sunday after the Theophany of Christ Theodosios the Great, head of monasteries (Cenobiarch) Venerable Theodosios of Philotheou monastery on Athos; Venerable Agapios of Apamea in Syria; Venerable Michael of Klops, fool-for-Christ THE FIRST ANTIPHON When Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language; Judah was in his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion. Refrain: Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Savior, save us. The sea saw it and fled: Jordan was driven back. What ailed thee, O thou sea, that thou fleddest? O thou Jordan, that thou was driven back? (Refrain) Glory… Both now… (Refrain) THE SECOND ANTIPHON I am well pleased, for the Lord will hear the voice of my prayer. He hath inclined His ear unto me; therefore will I call upon Him as long as I live. Refrain: Save us, O Son of God, Who wast baptized by John in the Jordan; who sing to Thee. Alleluia. The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell took hold of me; I found trouble and sorrow, and I called upon the Name of the Lord. (Refrain) Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful. (Refrain) Glory… Both now… O, only begotten Son and Word of God… THE THIRD ANTIPHON O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever. Let the house of Israel now confess that He is good; for His mercy endureth forever. Let the house of Aaron confess that He is good; for His mercy endureth forever. Let them now who fear the Lord confess that He is good; for His mercy endureth forever. (Now sing the Festal Apolytikion: “When Thou, O Lord.”) THE EISODIKON (ENTRANCE HYMN) OF ORDINARY SUNDAYS Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ. Save us, O Son of God, Who art risen from the dead; who sing to Thee. Alleluia. After the Entrance, sing the hymns in the following order below. TROPARION OF THE RESURRECTION IN TONE SIX When Mary stood at Thy grave, looking for Thy sacred body, angelic powers shone above Thy revered tomb, and the soldiers who were to keep guard became as dead men. Thou led Hades captive and wast not tempted thereby. Thou didst meet the Virgin and didst give life to the world, O Thou, Who art risen from the dead, O Lord, glory to Thee. طروبارية القيامة على اللحن السادس ّ ومريم وقفت عند،فالحراس صاروا كاألموات ،ت المالئكية ظهرت عند قبرك الموقر ِ إن القوا ُ فيا من،وصادفت البتو َل مانحا ً الحياة ،جرب منها فسبيت ،القبر طالبةً جسدَك الطاهر َ َ ّ ُ الجحيم ولم ت ِ َ . يا ربّ المجدُ لك،قام من بين األموات APOLYTIKION OF THE THEOPHANY OF CHRIST IN TONE ONE When thou, O Lord, wast baptized in the Jordan, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest. For the voice of the Father bore witness to thee, calling thee the beloved Son, and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the truthfulness of His word. O Christ our God who has appeared and enlightened the world, glory to thee. طروبارية الظهور على اللحن األول مسميا,صوت ابآب تقد َ َّم لك بالههادة أل َّن,ظهرت السجدة ُ للثالوث ,نهر األردن َ َ ِ باعتمادِك يا ربُّ في أيها المسي ُح,وأنرت العالم ظهرت فيا من, والروح بهيئ ِة حمام ٍة يؤيدُ حقيقةَ الكلمة,ًإياك ابنا ً محبوبا َ َ .اإللهُ المجدُ لك APOLYTIKION OF ST. THEODOSIOS IN TONE EIGHT The barren wilderness thou didst make fertile with the streams of thy tears; and by thy deep sighing thou hast given fruit through thy struggles a hundredfold. Accordingly, thou hast become a star for the universe, sparkling with miracles. Therefore, O righteous Father Theodosios, intercede with Christ God to save our souls. . ااع طروبارية القديس ثيودوسيوس على اللحن الثامن َت العميق ا ِة أةماارت أتعابُااك مائ اة ِ وبالتنهاادا,ِبمجااارد دمو ِعااك أمرعاات البري اةُ ثيا ُار المثماارة فتهافم إلاا المسايحِ اإللا ِه س أن , ياا أباناا الباار ةيودوتايوس،ي س ِ فصرت كوكباا ً للمساكون ِة متئلئاا ً بالعجائا .تنا ُي َ خلص نفو َ TROPARION OF ST NICHOLAS IN TONE FOUR The verity of your actions revealed you to your flock a rule of faith, an icon of` mildness, and teacher of abstinence, O Father Bishop Nicholas; wherefore by humility you have achieved exaltation and by poverty richness. Intercede with Christ our God to save our souls. طروبارية القديس نيقوالوس على اللحن الرابع ً وصاورة ً للوداعاة ومعلماا،يماان، قانوناا ً ل،لقد أظهرتاك أفعاا ُل الحار لرعيتاك األب أيهاا،لالمسااك ُ ِ َ فلاكلك أحار،رئيس الكهن ِة نيقاوووس ُ ِ فتهافم إلاا المسايح،ت بالتوا امِ الرفعاةَ وبالمساكن ِة التناا .خالص نفو ِتنا اإلله في ِ KONTAKION OF THE THEOPHANY OF CHRIST IN TONE FOUR TODAY Thou hast appeared to the universe, O Lord, and Thy light hath been shed upon us, who praise Thee with knowledge, saying, Thou hast come and appeared, O unapproachable Light. قنداق الظهور على اللحن الرابع َ اليوم تيت ، يا رب،هرت لل َمس ُكونَ ِة َ َ لقد أ:عرفَ ٍة قائلين َ ظ ُ ِ نحن ال َّكين نمدَ ُح َك ب َم،ونورك أَشرقَ َعلينا َ َ َو . أَيُّها النُّور الكد و يُ سدنَا منه،هرت َ ظ THE EPISTLE Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saint. What shall we render to the Lord for all that He hath rendered unto us? The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews. (13:7-16) Brethren, remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the Word of God; consider the outcome of their life, and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings; for it is well that the heart be strengthened by grace, not by foods, which have not benefited their adherents. We have an altar from which those who serve the tent have no right to eat. For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest as a sacrifice for sin are burned outside the camp. So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through His own blood. Therefore, let us go forth to Him outside the camp and bear the abuse He endured. For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city, which is to come. Through Him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His Name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. الرسالة . بماذا أكافئ الرب عن ك ّل ما أعطانيه،كريم في عيني الرب موت أبراره .بولس الرسو ِل إلى العبرانيين القديس فص ٌل من رسال ِة ِ َ َ اذ ُكروا ُمر ِشدي ُك ُم الكينَ خا،يا إخوة أ َّماا. واعت َ ِبروا ِبحياتِ ِهم و َموتِ ِهم واقتَدُوا بإيماانِ ِهم،ِكالم هللا ِ طبو ُكم ِب َير س أن األمس ُ يَسو ِ ،ٍعاليم ُمخت َ ِلفَ ٍة ثَريبَة ِ ِ ِ فمنَ الخ ِ ب،هو َ فهو َ ع َ َ و تَنقادوا إلا الض َّال ِل بِت.ِواليوم وإلا األبَد َ و ِباألط ِع َم ِة التي و نَف َم ِمنها ِللكينَ يتَعا،قوى قُلوبُ ُكم ِبال ِنّع َم ِة َ لنا َمك َب ٌح و َي ِح ُّر ِللكينَ َيخدُمون.طونَها َّ َ تت ً األقاداس َكفا ارة خَي َمةَ ال َعه ِد س َّ ،ُأن يأ ُكلوا ِمنه ئايس ال َكهنَا ِة ِبادَ ِمها إلاا قُا سد ِس ِ ألن ال َح َيوانا ِ ُ ت التي َياد ُخ ُُ َر ِس ُ اات يَسااو َ و ِلااك ِل َك ما،اارِِ ال َم َحل َّ ِة ُ ِللخَطيئ َا ِة تأ ُكا ُُ النا ِ اارِِ بااا ِ ع فااي خا ِ ار أجسااا َمها فااي خا َ ّب المدينا ِة ليُقَاد َّ ال ،ٌاألرِ مديناةٌ باقِا يَة فما لنا ُهناا فاي.ُعاره ِ خارِِ ال َم َحل َّ ِة ِ ُ فلن.عي بِدَ ِم ِه َ ه َ َحاملين ِ في، إذًا،َخرِس إلَي ِه مارة َ ِشافا ٍه تُسابِّ ُح َ َ ة، فَلنُقَا ِدّ سم لِ بِال َمسايحِ ذَبا ي َحةَ ال َحما ِد فاي ُكا ُِّ حاين.ُِ َول ِكن َّناا نَساعا إلاا مدينا ِة ال ُمساتَقب .َفمث ُُ ه ِك ِه الك َّبائحِ تُر ي هللا ِ ، ٍَير وال ُمهار َكةَ في ُك ُِّ شيء ِ ِبا َ و تَن.تم ِه ِ سوا َع َم َُ الخ THE GOSPEL The reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew. (4:12-17) At that time, when Jesus heard that John had been arrested, he withdrew into Galilee; and leaving Nazareth he went and dwelt in Capernaum by the sea, in the territory of Zebulon and Naphtali, so that what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled: “The land of Zebulon and the land of Naphtali, toward the sea, across the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles— the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.” From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” اإلنجيل .القديس متى االنجيلي البشير والتلميذ الطاهر فص ٌل شريفٌ من بشار ِة ِ ةم ترك الناصرة وتكن في.ُ رجم إلا الجلي,ع باعتقا ِل يوحنا ُ ل ّما تمم يسو,في ذلك الزمان "يا: ليتم ما قيُ علا لسان النبي إشعيا:كفرناحوم علا شاطئ بحر الجليُ في بالد بلون ونفتاليم جليُ األمم! الهعي الجالس في الظالم, عبر األردن, علا طرير البحر,أرِ بلون وأرِ نفتاليم والجالسون في بقعة الموت وظالله أشرق عليهم النور" ومن ذلك الوقت بدأ,أبصر نورا عظيما ." فقد اقترب ملكوت السماوات, "توبوا:يسوع يبهر فيقول TRISAGION In loving memory of our beloved mother Martha A. Assali, 40 days offered by Sandy, Lina, and George. May her memory be eternal. In loving memory of our Beloved wife, Mother and Teta Gloria Nassif, 40 days. May she rest in peace and her memory be eternal. Offered by her husband Farid Nassif, and her Children and Grandchildren: the Balian, Safady & Nassif Families. OBLATION In loving memory of our beloved father Elias Shammaa 3 years offered by the Shammaa Family. In loving memory of our beloved mothers Renee Azar 6 years and Nawal Azar 5 years offered by the Azar, Semaan and Shammaa Families For my wife "SAMAR RADWAN DADA " From her husband Tony Dada, son Nicholas , daughter Noor, mother in law Georgette. In loving memory of our beloved father Elias A. Assali, uncle Andrew and uncle John Assali, grandparent, Mansour and Namoura Assali, with grandpa Hanna Ibrahim and grandpa Abdo Hanna Hajj. May their souls R.I.P. Offered by Sandy, Lina, and George. May their memories be eternal. Holy Bread Offered By: The Farid Nassif and Family, by the Assali Family, and the Dada Family. Coffee Hour Sponsored By: Farid Nassif and Family in memory of his loving wife and dear mother and Teta: Gloria Nassif. By the Ibrahim & Assali Family in loving memory of Martha A. Assali By the Dada family in memory of Samar Radwan Dada There are still dates available to sponsor a coffee hour for 2015 calendar. If you would like to Sponsor a Coffee Hour please contact Gina George at (562) 522-1322 House Blessing To arrange a visitation or House Blessing from one of our Clergy, please call the Cathedral Office: (213) 382-6269 Or E-mail: PASADENA / WEST COVINA BIBLE STUDY The Bible study lead by Fr. Michel assisted by Deacon John & Elen Saleh Will resume on January 9th, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the home of Dr. Fahed & Dina Bitar 205 South Mountain Trail Sierra Madre, California 91024 Please contact Elen Saleh for more details: (626)839-1961 BURBANK/ GLENDALE BIBLE STUDY This Bible study led by Fr. George Taweel is on Thanksgiving & Christmas hiatus and will resume on Thursday, January 8th at 7:00PM. Please contact Dr. Abdullah Matar for location details: Phone: (818) 434-0500 / E-mail: GRANDA HILLS BIBLE STUDY This Bible study led by Fr. George Taweel is on Thanksgiving & Christmas hiatus and will resume on Thursday, January 15th at 7:00PM. Please contact Marina Fasheh for location details: Phone: 818) 693-7824 / E-mail: ARABIC BIBLE STUDY By Elen Saleh through the website of St Nicholas Cathedral: SANTA CLARITA GREAT VESPERS/ BIBLE STUDY Great Vespers every Saturday at 5:30 PM followed by youth lessons and adult Bible study. Morning prayers each Wednesday at 8:30 AM with pastor's office hours until 10:00 AM. Located at 28200 Bouquet Canyon Road, Suite A, Santa Clarita, 91350. Email Mark Nassief at for more information or to be added to our email list. Continuation of the 52 week series, (Week 50) Following the five letters and talks in church “What does this message from God require from me, His loyal and obedient servant?” What must I change in my life to be able to follow this teaching in both word and in deed?” (Week 50) Mark 12: 41-44 … “Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury. And many who were rich put in much. Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. So He called His disciples to Himself, and said to them, ‘ Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood.” DONATED BY: ST. NICHOLAS RESEARCH LIBRARY Go Forth • • • January 4th, 2015 Volume 25 Number 1 THE DIVINE LITU RGY OF OUR HOLY FATHE R JOHN CHRYSOSTOM After praying that the Spirit of God's grace come upon the celebrants, the gifts, and all the people the priest greets the assembly: Peace be with you all. The deacon continues: Let us love one another, that with one mind we may confess. In the early church, the faithful greeted one another at this point with a “holy kiss” the men with the men, the women with the women. Today, the priest exchange the kin at the altar. Commentary: At this point in the Liturgy, following the custom of the Western Church Orthodox church goers could also greet one another, even with a handshake. Such a salutation of peace and love would express in a visible way the inner power of the faith of the community assembled together us the Body of Christ. It would confirm the awareness that "the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us" (Rom 5:5). Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! The undivided! Trinity, one in essence, and The congregation responds indicating that faith in the Holy Trinity is to be confessed through love. The deacon, standing on the solea, now says: The doors! The doors! In wisdom let us attend! The words "The doors! The doors!" point to early Christian times, when the doorkeeper was asked to watch carefully to ensure that no one who was not a Christian should enter. This is followed by the Creed, "I believe in one God. "The Creed of Nicea- Constantinople was introduced into the order of the Liturgy in the sixth century; it had previously appeared in the baptismal celebration before the Liturgy. The whole congregation sings the Creed: I believe in one God, the Father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible.... From Feast of Faith. Archbishop Paul of Finland .Translated by Esther William s. St Vladimir's Seminary Press, Crestwood, NY. Let us humble ourselves in soul and body, in thought and will, in words and ideas, in our outer bearing and our inner state. For unless we strive to di this we will turn our advocate, Jesus Christ, the son of God and God, against us. St. Philotheos of Sinai JANUARY 12 ... THE HOLY MARTYR TATIANA OF ROME She was a Christian, of an eminent family, a deaconess in the Church. After the death of the Emperor Heliogabalus, the Emperor Alexander came to the throne in Rome. His mother. Julia Mammaea, was a Christian, but the Emperor himself was unsure and hesitant about his faith: an uncertainty that was clearly expressed by his keeping statues of both Christ and Apollo, of both Abraham and Orpheus, in his palace. His chief advisors took it into their own hands to persecute the Christians without his orders. When the virgin Tatiana was led to martyrdom, she prayed for her executioners. And lo, their eyes were opened and they saw four angels around the martyr. Seeing this, eight of them were converted to Christ, for which they were tortured and killed. St Tatiana's martyrdom was long drawn-out: she was flogged, parts of her flesh were cut off, she was sawn with iron saw, and then, all disfigured and bleeding, was flung that evening into prison to be brought out on the following day for further torture. But God sent His angel to the prison, to give her courage and heal her wounds. Tatiana, therefore, appeared before her torturers each morning in perfect health. She was thrown to a lion, but the lion became tame before her and did her no harm. Her hair was shorn, from an idea that occurred to their godless minds that some sorcery might be hidden in it, some magical strength. Finally she was led out, together with her father, and the two were beheaded. In such manner this heroic maiden finished her earthly life in about the year 225, and was crowned with an immortal crown of glory. She had the weak body of a woman, but a manly and valiant spirit. From The Prologue.from Ochrid . Bishop Nikolai Veli mirovic. Lazarica Pres . Birmingham , 830 lQE England JAN UARY 14 ... SAINT SAVA, ARCHBISHOP OF THE SERBS During the twelfth century, the Nemanyich Dynasty came to power. What this dynasty succeeded in doing was something the previous ones were never able to do. Thanks to Stephen Nemanya, its strong-willed founder, the many lands hitherto governed by princes vying against one another, were united into one country. Although Stephen never assumed the title of king, he may well be regarded as the founder of the Serbian kingdom and dynasty of Nemanyich which lasted for nearly two hundred years. In time, three sons were born to Stephen. The youngest of the three, Prince Rastko, was born in 1174 and did not become king. Nor did he remain a prince for long. That was to be the task of his brother, Stephen II. For Prince Rastko, God had other plans. He was to serve the church of the country his father had established. While only seventeen, Prince Rastko, possessed by monastic tendencies, left his father's palace and his native country, and went to Mount Athos in Greece. He planned to spend the remainder of his life as a monk, since the life in his father's palace never really appealed to him. Five years after entering monastic life a great surprise overtook Rastko. Completely unexpectedly, his father abdicated his throne, and went to join his son. Later, father and son established a monastery that came to be known as Hilandari, and which since that remote time has been staffed bySerbian monks. The former prince became the abbot of this monastery and changed his name to Sava. He adopted the rules and regulations ofByzantine monasticism and in no time, thanks to his real piety, humility, and wisdom, gained the esteem and respect of all the monks. He also devoted much of his time to translating liturgical and inspirational books into the Serbian language, not only for use by his fellow monks, but his countrymen as well. In 1207, abbot Sava returned to his native country. He was greatly disappointed by what he witnessed. His beloved country was both civilly and religiously in a lamentable state. He was appalled to find the clergy poorly educated, the lay people still clinging too many heathen customs, and the ecclesiastical administration in shambles. Immediate action was necessary. The pious abbot, whose real zeal for God and his Church knew no bounds, devoted himself to this end both body and soul. After establishing himself in the Monastery of Studenitsa and with the aid of many monks he began to tour his country and to establish monasteries as religious centers. Their monks were to engage in pastoral and missionary work, thus assisting the parish priests immensely in the dissemination of religious knowledge. By 1219, Patriarch Manuel I of Constantinople, appreciating the tremendous spiritual work done by this zealous man of God, ordained Sava, Archbishop of Serbia. This indefatigable worker was the first native son to be elevated to so high a post. Following his ordination, the new archbishop went to the monastery of Hilandari for a short visit. He then returned to his native country to resume the work of reorganization. Preaching of the Gospel lay at the heart of Archbishop Sava's organizational efforts. Thus he tried to upgrade the educational level of the priests and to ordain bishops whose ability in ecclesiastical matters was certain. Then, in 1222,amost happy, memorable, and rewarding event occurred in the life of this energetic prelate. By the grace of almighty God, he had the distinct honor to crown his brother, Stephen II, as King of Serbia. What a rare coincidence, if not unique in all human history. The supreme secular and spiritual authority of a newly established country had fallen into the hands of two brothers. As it turned out, it was a blessing since neither used it to promote their own interests or for vainglory, but for the good of their countrymen. During the last years of his life, Archbishop Sava made two trips to the Holy Land. As he was returning, he fell ill during a short stay at Timovo in Bulgaria . He died on January 14, 1237. His body was brought to the Monastery of Milochevo in Serbia a year later where it reposed until 1594. In that year, the Turkish occupation authorities, in retaliation for disturbances caused by Serbian rebels, ordered the burni ng of the Saint's relics. And so the material remains of this saintly man were reduced to ashes. The memory of this great saintly leader, however, never vanished. On the contrary, it so increased, that ever since this most venerable prelate not only has been honored as a saint, but as the "Founder of the Serbian Church" as well. Needless to say the honor was most deserving. FRO,{ The Champions of the Church. Dennis Michelis. Holy Cross Orthodox Press. Brookline, MA 02146 DONATED BY: ST. NICHOLAS RESEARCH LIBRARY Whatever we do without prayer and without hope in God turns out afterwards to be harmful and defective. St. Mark the Ascetic General Announcements!!! ANNUAL MEETING St. Nicholas Cathedral Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday February 8th, 2015 after liturgy. Lunch will be served. Donations are always welcomed. Nominations for parish council members will finalized for this meeting. The annual financial report will also be presented at this meeting. Elections for parish council members will take place on Sunday February 15 th, 2015 and Sunday February 22nd, 2015. The annual financial report is begin compiled in preparation for ANNUAL PARISH MEETING. Please contact Jim Samore if you would like a copy at (323) 646-3717 or email at Run for a Position on the Parish Council! Nominations for seats on the Parish Council will be accepted soon! Five positions will be available, and we encourage all parishioners to consider this very special opportunity to serve the Cathedral. We need dedicated, positive, energetic women and men who are willing to dedicatetheir time, energy and talents to developing and continuing programs that ensure the growth and success of our spiritual home. There are exciting times ahead, and we encourage you to be part of the future of the Cathedral. Please feel free to speak to any Parish Council member, and join us in our service to the Lord and his House. Antiochian Women of St. Nicholas Cathedral 2015: President Kh.Eva Najim, Vice-president: Nora Hanna, Treasurer: Diane Brooks, : Recording Secretary: Diana kronfli, Corr. Secretary Marianne Simon, Historian: Fadwa Matar, Sergeant at Arm: Isabel Elac, Parliamentarian: Malak Peterman, Chaplain Nancy Malouf, Sun shine: Lily Ajalat, Antiochian Women: Georgette Malouf, Coffee Hour: Joujou George With your support we can serve our Cathedral for the Glory of God. BOOK STORE MAKE A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION - Get a great book - learn more about your faith. NEED A SPECIAL GIFT - BAPTISM, WEDDING, BIRTHDAY - WE CAN HELP! Want to learn more about our Church, come see us at the Bookstore. We have some terrific books on Orthodoxy. We have some great gift ideas and gift certificates! Please see us in the Bookstore or for questions, please contact Isabel Elac at (818)956-3756 The beginning of our 2015 membership drive began this January, we have been able to maintain our dues at $25.00. If you have any updated address, phone # or email, please submit with your dues payment. Make checks payable to St. Nicholas ladies society and mail to Nora Hanna 1890 Queensberry Rd, Pasadena, Ca. 91104. (626)840-1092 Thank you for your loving support. "Sing Praises to the Lord, Sing Praises All Ye Nations!" Join the St. Nicholas Choir! You don't have to be a diva or related to any of the 3 Tenors to sing in the choir every Sunday. This is a wonderful opportunity to share in a very special ministry of the church. The members of the choir represent the worshipers in the celebration of the Liturgy. Come and raise your voices in worship every Sunday. Everyone is welcome: young and old and everyone in between! Please come on up to the Choir Loft right away. Ministry to the Newcomers There is an immediate need to establish a Newcomers’ Ministry to help them settle in Los Angeles, and make them members of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, and successful residents, and adapt to American life. The scope of this ministry includes, but not restricted to the following: Welcoming them to the Cathedral Taking Care of their spiritual needs. Providing a ride to Church, Bank, Doctors, DMV etc. Helping them open a bank account, obtain a debit or credit card, buy a cell phone, and find adult school to learn English and computer basic skills. Guide them to take vocational courses. Helping them to receive their CA driver license. Helping professionals to get equivalence for their degrees such as Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses & Engineers etc. There are many services that this ministry may offer on case basis, however this list provides the meat of what our ministry does. Any member of our church, or anyone willing to help and guide in any way of the fields above or Anyone who knows about a new Christian family arriving to the Los Angeles area, is kindly requested to contact Fr. Michel Najim at (213) 382-6269 Ext: 306 or Dr. Abdalah Matar (818) 434-0500, or any member of the Steering Committee. Mr. Gabriel Matta (818) 203-1494, Dr. Haitham Matar (818)502-2544, Mr. Fayez Nima Mr. Hanin Kastoun (818) 730-4843 Kh. Eva Najim (626) 966-1314 (818) 236-2651, St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral Think of us for your next event! Weddings, Baptisms, Birthdays, Anniversaries and All Other Occasions. The Perfect Venue for any event. Reserve your date now before it is gone. Please call us at (213) 382-6269 Ext 306 Make memories for a lifetime!
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