St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral 2300 WEST THIRD STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90057 Phone (213) 382-6269 Fax (213) 382-0175 January 18, 2015 V. Rev. Fr. Michel Najim, Dean & Great Economos Assistant Pastors: Rev. Fr. George Ajalat, Rev. Fr. George Taweel, Rev. Fr. Paul Olson Archdeacon George Shishim. Deacons: Dn. John Germain, Dn. Eliya Ammari Acolytes: Daniel Nofal, Michael George Altar Boys: Bashar Ammari, Daniel Esoh, Christian Kastoun, Meena Ammari. Choir Director: Alex Nassief Chantors: Alberto Fayad, Elias Kuncar, Eva Najim, Helena Ditko Williams, Gergory Foley Council Chairman: Rose Samore Ushers: Mrs. Jameel Beebe, Richard Ayoob, Curtis Annett Bookstore: Isabel Elac Candles: Joseph Maalouf Church School Director: Badia Mamar Youth Director: Natasha Abu Ata Men’s Fellowship: George Hanna Ladies Society: Kh. Eva Najim 2300 WEST THIRD STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90057 Phone (213) 382-6269, Fax (213) 382-0175 Youtube: abounamn St. Nicholas Festival Web Site:; Archdiocese Website:; Diocese Website:; Office hours: 9am to 4:30 pm daily Spanish Service – 8:00am Sunday Orthros – 9:15am Sunday Divine Liturgy –10:30 am EOTHINON 10 TONE 7 7 اللحن 10 االيوثينا Athanasius and Cyril, patriarchs of Alexandria & Twelfth Sunday of Luke Martyr Theodoula of Anazarbus and her companions; Maximos, Serbian ruler RESURRECTIONAL APOLYTIKION IN TONE SEVEN Thou didst shatter death by thy Cross, thou didst open paradise to the thief; thou didst turn the mourning of the ointment-bearing women into joy; thou didst bid thine apostles proclaim a warning that thou hast risen, O Christ God, granting to the world great mercy. طروبارية القيامة على اللحن السابع ّ رت رسلَك أن ,للص الفردوس الموت مت بصلي ِب َك ِ لت نو َح حامال َ وأ َ َم,ب َ وحو َ َ َ حط ِ وفتحت ِ ت الطي ّ ً مت أيّها المسي ُح اإللهُ مانحا .العالم الرحمةَ العظمى َ ُيكرزوا بأنّك قد ق َ APOLYTIKION OF ST. ATHANASIUS AND ST CYRIL IN TONE THREE You shone in your works for the sake of Orthodoxy, and refuted all misbelief, becoming victorious and bearing trophies. You enriched all the people by your godliness, and adorned the Church with great ornament. Therefore, in your prayers you were made worthy to find Christ God, the giver of great mercy. طروبارية القديسين أثناسيوس وكيرلس على اللحن الثالث ص َرين تعليم ودحضتما ك َّل،لقد تألألتما بأفعا ِلكم لتُناضال عن األرثوذكسيًة ُ ف،وخيم ٍ ٍ ِ َ صرتما منت َّ ي وبصلواتكما، وزينتما الكنيسة بزينة عظيمة، ولما أغنيتما الجميع بحسن العبادة.الظفر َ الب ّ س .العظمى َ المان َح الجمي َع الرحمة،استأهلتما أن تجدا المسيح اإلله TROPARION OF ST NICHOLAS IN TONE FOUR The verity of your actions revealed you to your flock a rule of faith, an icon of` mildness, and teacher of abstinence, O Father Bishop Nicholas; wherefore by humility you have achieved exaltation and by poverty richness. Intercede with Christ our God to save our souls. طروبارية القديس نيقوالوس على اللحن الرابع ً وصورة ً للوداعة ومعلما، قانونا ً لإليمان،لقد أظهرتك أفعا ُل الحق لرعيتك األب أيها،لالمساك ُ ِ فلذلك،رئيس الكهن ِة نيقوالوس َ ُ ِ فتشفع إلى المسيح،أحرزت بالتواضعِ الرفعةَ وبالمسكن ِة الغنى .خالص نفو ِسنا اإلله في ِ KONTAKION OF THE PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN TONE ONE Thou, O Christ God, Who by Thy Birth, didst sanctify the Virgin’s womb, and, as is meet, didst bless Simeon’s arms, and didst also come to save us; preserve Thy fold in wars, and confirm them whom Thou didst love, for Thou alone art the Lover of mankind. . قنداق التقدمة للدخول على اللحن األول ت يدي اليوم َ وبارك,ع البتولي َ يا من بمولدِك قد,ظهرت وخلصتنا أيها المسي ُح اإلله َ َ َّست المستود ْ أيها المحبُّ البشر, وأي ْد عبيدَك الذين أحببتَهم,بسالم في الحروب احفظ رعيتك .سمعان كما يليق ٍ وحدَك THE EPISTLE Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God of our Fathers. For Thou are justified in all that Thou hast done for us. The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews. (13:7-16) Brethren, remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the Word of God; consider the outcome of their life, and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings; for it is well that the heart be strengthened by grace, not by foods, which have not benefited their adherents. We have an altar from which those who serve the tent have no right to eat. For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest as a sacrifice for sin are burned outside the camp. So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through His own blood. Therefore, let us go forth to Him outside the camp and bear the abuse He endured. For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city, which is to come. Through Him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His Name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. الرسالة ٌ . ألنّك عاد ٌل في ك ّل ما صنعتَه لنا,مبارك أنتَ يا ربّ الهَ آبائنا .بولس الرسو ِل إلى العبرانيين القديس فص ٌل من رسال ِة ِ َ َ اذ ُكروا ُمر ِشدي ُك ُم الذينَ خا،يا إخوة أ َّماا. واعت َ ِبروا ِبحياتِ ِهم و َموتِ ِهم واقتَدُوا بإيماانِ ِهم،ِكالم هللا ِ طبو ُكم ِب ْ َير أن األمس ُ يَسو ِ ،ٍعاليم ُمخت َ ِلفَ ٍة غَريبَة ِ ِ ِ فمنَ الخ ِ ب،هو َ فهو َ ع َ َ ال تَنقادوا إلى الضَّال ِل بِت.ِواليوم وإلى األبَد َ ال ِباألط ِع َم ِة التي ال نَف َع ِمنها ِللذينَ يتَعا،قوى قُلوبُ ُكم ِبال ِنّع َم ِة َ لنا َمذ َب ٌح ال َي ِح ُّق ِللذينَ َيخدُمون.طونَها َّ َ تت ً األقاداس َكفا ارة ْ خَي َمةَ ال َعه ِد َّ ،ُأن يأ ُكلوا ِمنه ئايس ال َكهنَا ِة ِبادَ ِمها إلاى قُا ْد ِس ِ ألن ال َح َيوانا ِ ُ ت التي َياد ُخ ُل َر ِس ُ اات يَسااو َ و ِلااذ ِل َك ما،اار ِ ال َم َحلَّ ِة ُ ِللخَطيئ َا ِة تأ ُكا ُل النا ِ اار ِ بااا ِ ع فااي خا ِ ار أاسااا َمها فااي خا َ ّب المدينا ِة ليُقَاد َّ ال ،ٌ فما لنا ُهناا فاي األر ِ مديناةٌ باقِا يَة.ُعاره ِ خار ِ ال َم َحلَّ ِة ُ فلن.عب بِدَ ِم ِه َ ش َ َحاملين ِ في، إذًا،َخر ْ إلَي ِه مارة َ ِشافا ٍه تُسا ِبّ ُح َ َ ث، فَلنُقَا ِدّ ْم لِ ِبال َمسايحِ ذَبا ي َحةَ ال َحما ِد فاي ُكا ِّل حاين.ول ِكنَّناا نَساعى إلاى مدينا ِة ال ُمساتَق َب ِل .َفمث ُل ه ِذ ِه الذَّبائحِ تُرضي هللا ِ ، ٍَير وال ُمشار َكةَ في ُك ِّل شيء ِ ِبا َ ال تَن.سم ِه ِ سوا َع َم َل الخ THE GOSPEL The reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. (17:12-19) At that time, as Jesus entered a village, He was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” When He saw them He said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went they were cleansed. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; and he fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving Him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus said, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” And He said to him, “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.” اإلنجيل .القديس لوقا االنجيلي البشير والتلميذ الطاهر فص ٌل شريفٌ من بشار ِة ِ فوقفاوا علاى بعا ٍد مناه, عندما دخال يساوع إحادى القارى اساتقبله عشارة ٌ مان البارص,في ذلك الزمان "اذهبوا إلى الكهنا ِة وأروهام: فلما رآهم قال لهم."ع المعلم ُ "رحماك! يا يسو ُ :ورفعوا أصواتهم قائلين ُ فل ّما رأى واحادٌ مانهم أنّاه قاد.سكم!" وفيما هم ذاهبون طهروا ٍ َر َااع وهاو يُم ّجاد هللاَ بصاو,شافي ت َ أنف فاأين, "أماا ط ُه َار العشارة: فقاال يساوع. وكاان ساامريا, وارتمى على وا ِهه عند قدميه يشاكره.عظيم إيمانُااك قااد, ْ "قا ْم واذهااب: ليم ّجادَ هللاَ إال هااذا الغرياابأ" ثاام قااال لااه,التسااعةأ ألاام يكا ْان فاايهم ماان يراااع .” خلّصك TRISAGION In loving memory of Julia Harb, ( one year) by her children, Shirley and Julian Capata, Sharon and Dennis Pogue, and Kathleen and Carl Rasak , her grandchildren Christina and Mike Kissick, Nicole and Marc Morgan, Julian Capata, Ed and Chrissy Pogue, Nick and Rachel Capata, Megan and Ryan Griffith, and Carinn and Matt Fleming, and her great-grandchildren, Violet Asher, Cassidy Capata, Marley Capata, Tommy Pogue, Phoebe Pogue, Tyler Capata, Conner Capata, Griffin Morgan, and Finn Fleming. In loving memory of our beloved father and husband, Mikhiel Karam. It has been one long year without you. May your soul rest in peace. Offered by his wife Aziza Daoud and their children. OBLATION Prayers are offered in loving memory of Sub deacon George Milan (2 years) by his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, family and friends. Holy Bread & Wheat Offered By: the Capata family, The Khzam, and Daoud family. Coffee Hour Sponsored By: In memory of Julia Harp by offered her children. There are still dates available to sponsor a coffee hour for 2015 calendar. If you would like to Sponsor a Coffee Hour please contact Gina George at (562) 522-1322 House Blessing To arrange a visitation or House Blessing from one of our Clergy, please call the Cathedral Office: (213) 382-6269 Or E-mail: If the emperor invited one of us to his palace, ought the rest of us to weep and mourn for such a one? Certainly not. But something similar happens with the death of our loved one. Angels come, sent by the King of heaven, to escort thither one of their co servants, and you weep? The event is not at all deserving of tears. St. John Chrysostom PASADENA / WEST COVINA BIBLE STUDY The Bible study lead by Fr. Michel assisted by Deacon John & Elen Saleh Will resume on Feb 20th, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the home of Dr. Fahed & Dina Bitar 205 South Mountain Trail Sierra Madre, California 91024 Please contact Elen Saleh for more details: (626)839-1961 BURBANK/ GLENDALE BIBLE STUDY This Bible study led by Fr. George Taweel is on Thanksgiving & Christmas hiatus and will resume on Thursday, January 8th at 7:00PM. Please contact Dr. Abdullah Matar for location details: Phone: (818) 434-0500 / E-mail: GRANDA HILLS BIBLE STUDY This Bible study led by Fr. George Taweel is on Thanksgiving & Christmas hiatus and will resume on Thursday, January 15th at 7:00PM. Please contact Marina Fasheh for location details: Phone: 818) 693-7824 / E-mail: ARABIC BIBLE STUDY By Elen Saleh through the website of St Nicholas Cathedral: Saint Simeon Orthodox Mission We are overjoyed to announce that Metropolitan JOSEPH will serve the first Divine Liturgy at our new mission church, St. Simeon Mission, on February 8, 2015. St. Simeon is a child of St. Nicholas Cathedral and we would like to thank all of the clergy and parishioners for their prayers, love, and spiritual support. We are located at 28200 Bouquet Canyon Road, Suite A, Santa Clarita, 91350. Please Email Mark Nassief at for more information or to be added to our email list. Continuation of the 52 week series, (Week 2) Following the five letters and talks in church “What does this message from God require from me, His loyal and obedient servant?” What must I change in my life to be able to follow this teaching in both word and in deed?” (Week 2) Corinthians 16: 2 … “On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper, so that contributions need not be made when I come.” DONATED BY: ST. NICHOLAS RESEARCH LIBRARY Go Forth • • • January 4th, 2015 Volume 25 Number 1 THE DIVINE LITU RGY OF O UR HOLY FATHE R JOHN CHRYSOSTOM THE ANAPHORA - THE SACRIFICE OF THANKS We have reached the heart of the Liturgy, the Eucharist, 'Eucharist" means "a sacrifice of thanks; "its prayers and actions are together called the "Anaphora," which in Greek means "offering." The prayers of the Anaphora are comparable with New Testament texts, for the Eucharist was celebrated before the books of the New Testament existed. The Eucharist, in the form of a prayer of thanksgiving, expresses the teaching of the early Church about creation, the fall, redemption and the unity of the heavenly and earthly congregation. The Anaphora originated in the Passover meal which Christ had with His disciples before His Passion. It was there that He took bread, gave thanks, broke it and gave it to His disciples, saying: "'This is My body which is given for you. ‘And taking the cup of wine He said: ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is shed for you.” (Luke 22:1-20 I Cor 11:23-25) Presenting His disciples with this model, Jesus instructed them: “Do this in remembrance of Me.” Commentary: How the congregation’s continuous verbal and bloodless thank offering to God corresponds to the sacrifice at Golgotha made just once for the life of the world is also a great mystery on the Eucharist. Here, in fact, the Apostle’s exhortation is realized in practice: “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His Name” (Heb 13:15) We call this Communion the “Communion of the Lord.” In apostolic times, it was called the “breaking of bread.” From Feast of Faith . Archbishop Paul of Finland . Translated by Esther Williams. St Vladi mir's Seminary Press, Crestwood, NY . No one is free from the risk of persecution… But how serious it is for Christians who are unwilling to suffer for their own sins when He who had no sin suffered for us! The Son of God suffered in order to make us children of God. St. Cyprian of Carthage JANUARY 19TH – A MIRACLE OF SAINT MARK OF EPHESUS An honorable and wealthy man named Demetrios Zourbaios had a sister who had succumbed to a grave illness. At great cost, he summoned all the physicians of Mesolongion to treat her. However, his sister found no relief, and her condition even worsened. For three days, she was insensible, losing her speech and movement. The physicians diagnosed her as terminal, with death soon approaching. Her relatives began to prepare for her funeral. As this was taking place, unexpectedly, they heard her voice and a heavy sigh. She then turned, saying, "Why do ye not change my dress which is drenched with water?" Upon hearing her speak, her brother was filled with unexpected Joy. He then hastened to her, asking, "What is the matter and why art thou soaked?" She answered, "A certain hierarch took me by my hand and led me to a spring. He placed me inside a cistern and doused me saying, 'Go now, thou art no longer ill. 'The woman's brother then asked her Why did St thou not ask the name of him who had healed thee?" She then answered, "I did inquire the identity of his holiness. He told me that he was the Metropolitan of Ephesus, Mark Evgenikos." Then-0, the wonder! –she arose from her sickbed .All present beheld her soaked garments. Moreover, her bed covers and blankets were saturated. Upon arising, bore no trace of her former illness. The woman then commissioned an icon of St. Mark be made in commemoration of the miracle. This pious woman lived for fifteen years and was translated to the Lord. From The Lives of the Pillars of Orthodoxy. Translated and compiled by Holy Apostle Convent. Buena Vista, CO 81211 JANUARY 21ST- SAINT NEOPHYTOS The ancient Greeks were looking in the right direction when they gazed toward the summit of lofty mountains such as Mt. Olympos as the dwelling place of their gods; but for centuries the focus of the Greeks was short. It was the apostles ofChrist who extended their sight to the Kingdom of Heaven. Not long after St. Paul's appearance on Mars Hill before a gathering of the Athenians, Zeus and his fellow gods were supplanted by human beings who literally dwelled on the mountain, tranquilly searching for the company of God through the power of Jesus Christ. Hundreds of years after the appearance of Christ, another Mr. Olympos, this one in Asia Minor was transformed from the campsite of imaginary super naturals to the quiet abode of pious monks. The slopes of Mr. Olympos came to be occupied by many pious men, monks, hermits, and prelates, whose combined spiritual efforts were to glorify the Chris- tian religion. In some instances, miracles were worked through the Holy Spirit. In the era before Mt. Athas became famous, Mt. Olympos achieved great renown and produced many extraordinary spiritual figures, among whom was the little-known Neophytos. Remove all the thought of greed, and then you will be able to see the Devils wiles. St. Mark the Ascetic Neophytos was born into a society of early Christians whose depth of faith and whose sacrifices were of such magnitude that it is little wonder that all Christians of the first three centuries were not recognized as saints. The quiet courage of Neophytos in the face of unspeakable horror set the example for his contemporaries in their unshakable faith. Under circumstances which would have discouraged one of weaker will, Neophytos enthusiastically accepted the word of Christ at an early age. Although Christians were cruelly persecuted at that time, he pursued the happiness of the Christian religion with undiminishing zeal. From very early youth he participated in the church services which the faithful held underground to escape their persecutors. He grew to comprehend fully the word of God and the truth of Jesus Christ. One day an angel of the Lord appeared in a vision to the parents of the young Neophytos and advised them that their son would be called to the service of God. The very next day Neophytos approached his parents and said that he felt he should enter the monastic life to find God. Neophytos chose the heights of Olympos, thousands of feet above sea level, as his new dwelling place. When not in the company of the many monks who sought sanctuary there, he lived in a skete of his own where he strove to attain the "perfect life" through piety, asceticism, prayer, and meditation. His commitment to God was total, yet never did he lose sight of his responsibility to his fellow Chris- tians, whom he served with care and devotion. While reading the Scriptures one day, he was visited by a holy messenger who in farmed him that his parents were ailing and near death. Ignoring the fact that the most coveted prey of the pagans was a holy man of Mt. Olympos, he hastened to his parents in the city of Nicaea, comforting them until each had passed on. The watchful eye of a centurion brought the gentle Neophytos to trial and swift punishment for his Christianity. When Neophytos refused to disavow Christ and worship the pagan idols, he was subjected to inhuman tortures. Afterwards he was thrown into an arena in which the wild animals refused to attack him. Neophytos earned the martyr’s crown when a soldier's lance ended his earthly life on January 21. There have been countless imitators of St. Neophytos, many of them well-meaning and deserving; but most of whom very soon dis- covered that mountain-climbing did not necessa1ily bring a closer proximity to God and, thus discouraged, turned to more worldly and safer pursuits. Neophytos enjoyed a proximity to God at any earthly level and his sacrifice would have been made in the name of the Lord at any height or any depth. Scaling a height for the Lord was one gesture; giving his life to Christ was another. All of us sin constantly. We slip and fall. In reality we fall into traps by the demons. The Holy Fathers and the saints always tell us, “it is important to get up immediately after a fall and to keep on walking toward God.” Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica DONATED BY: ST. NICHOLAS RESEARCH LIBRARY General Announcements!!! ANNUAL MEETING St. Nicholas Cathedral Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday February 8th, 2015 after liturgy. Lunch will be served. Donations are always welcomed. Nominations for parish council members will finalized for this meeting. The annual financial report will also be presented at this meeting. Elections for parish council members will take place on Sunday February 15 th, 2015 and Sunday February 22nd, 2015. The annual financial report is begin compiled in preparation for ANNUAL PARISH MEETING. Please contact Jim Samore if you would like a copy at (323) 646-3717 or email at JOIN THE ORDER OF ST. IGNATIUS On Feb. 1, 2015 we will be hosting Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph at St. Nicholas Cathedral. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to join the Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch as we celebrate Metropolitan Joseph's recent enthronement. Any parishioners who are interested in joining St. Ignatius and being inducted into the Order on Feb.1, 2015, please contact Marianne Simon today after liturgy, or call her cell phone (310) 497-6112. Run for a Position on the Parish Council! Nominations for seats on the Parish Council will be accepted soon! Five positions will be available, and we encourage all parishioners to consider this very special opportunity to serve the Cathedral. We need dedicated, positive, energetic women and men who are willing to dedicatetheir time, energy and talents to developing and continuing programs that ensure the growth and success of our spiritual home. There are exciting times ahead, and we encourage you to be part of the future of the Cathedral. Please feel free to speak to any Parish Council member, and join us in our service to the Lord and his House. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED! A VERY SPECIAL COFFEE HOUR IN HONOR OF THE ENTHRONEMENT OF HIS EMMINENCE METROPOLITAN JOSEPH SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1, 2015 IN THE HERITAGE BALLROOM AFTER THE DIVINE LITURGY Donations of food and funds are gratefully accepted. Please call Rose Samore at 818-378-2055 BOOK STORE NEED A SPECIAL GIFT - BAPTISM, WEDDING, BIRTHDAY - WE CAN HELP! Want to learn more about our Church, come see us at the Bookstore. We have some terrific books on Orthodoxy. We have some great gift ideas and gift certificates! Please see us in the Bookstore or for questions, please contact Isabel Elac at (818)956-3756 The beginning of our 2015 membership drive began this January, we have been able to maintain our dues at $25.00. If you have any updated address, phone # or email, please submit with your dues payment. Make checks payable to St. Nicholas ladies society and mail to Nora Hanna 1890 Queensberry Rd, Pasadena, Ca. 91104. (626)840-1092 Thank you for your loving support. "Sing Praises to the Lord, Sing Praises All Ye Nations!" Join the St. Nicholas Choir! You don't have to be a diva or related to any of the 3 Tenors to sing in the choir every Sunday. This is a wonderful opportunity to share in a very special ministry of the church. The members of the choir represent the worshipers in the celebration of the Liturgy. Come and raise your voices in worship every Sunday. Everyone is welcome: young and old and everyone in between! Please come on up to the Choir Loft right away. Ministry to the Newcomers There is an immediate need to establish a Newcomers’ Ministry to help them settle in Los Angeles, and make them members of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, and successful residents, and adapt to American life. The scope of this ministry includes, but not restricted to the following: Welcoming them to the Cathedral Taking Care of their spiritual needs. Providing a ride to Church, Bank, Doctors, DMV etc. Helping them open a bank account, obtain a debit or credit card, buy a cell phone, and find adult school to learn English and computer basic skills. Guide them to take vocational courses. Helping them to receive their CA driver license. Helping professionals to get equivalence for their degrees such as Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses & Engineers etc. There are many services that this ministry may offer on case basis, however this list provides the meat of what our ministry does. Any member of our church, or anyone willing to help and guide in any way of the fields above or Anyone who knows about a new Christian family arriving to the Los Angeles area, is kindly requested to contact Fr. Michel Najim at (213) 382-6269 Ext: 306 or Dr. Abdalah Matar (818) 434-0500, or any member of the Steering Committee. Mr. Gabriel Matta (818) 203-1494, Dr. Haitham Matar (818)502-2544, Mr. Fayez Nima (818) 236-2651, Mr. Hanin Kastoun (818) 730-4843 Kh. Eva Najim (626) 966-1314 St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral Think of us for your next event! Weddings, Baptisms, Birthdays, Anniversaries and All Other Occasions. The Perfect Venue for any event. Reserve your date now before it is gone. Please call us at (213) 382-6269 Ext 306 Make memories for a lifetime!
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