Church Ministries Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church | 250 Dr. Samuel McCree Way Rochester, New York 14611 | 585-328-4660 It is our hope and prayer that every member will become an active member of the church by participating fully in the life of the Church. Please feel free to call the Church office at 328-4660 if you have any questions regarding these ministries. Hospitality Ministries 11AM Ushers 8AM Ushers Greeters Ministry Hospitality Committee Nurse Guild 4th Sunday Ushers Youth Ushers Educational Ministries Bookstore Christian Education Dept. Christian Education Institute Church School and Bible Study Evangelism Explosion Library Committee New Members Orientation Scholarship Committee Technology/Tutoring Vacation Bible School Music Ministries Angels Choir Early Morning Choir Male Chorus Praise Team Senior Choir Voices of Zion Youth for Christ Boards Elder Board Deacon Board Deaconess Board Mother Board Fundraising Ministries Willing Workers Pastor’s Aide Society Foundations Zion Hill Foundation SWADCO Membership Development Ministries Marriage Ministry Sports Ministry Wedding Ministry Community Outreach Ministries 413 Troup Street (Women’s Place) Breakfast Program Health/Fitness Ministry Jail/Prison Ministry Kitchen Committee Laura Mims McCree Conf. Ctr. Media Ministry Men’s Fellowship Missionary Society Project Connection (Human Services Ministry) Project Faith Project Spirit Sisters w/Vision (A Women’s Ministry) Transportation Ministry Youth Ministry Welcome to “The Hill” “Connecting you to Christ through Fellowship, Leadership, Outreach, and Worship.” 250 Dr. Samuel McCree Way Rochester, New York 14611 Rev. Dr. Richard Douglass, Pastor February 8, 2015 11:00am (To Be Read In Unison) WORSHIP IN PRAISE ..................................... …….Deacons Call to Worship……………………………………Sis. Nyriel Hogan “RAISE A HIGHER” STANDARD” (ZION HILL’S “GREAT COMMISSION”) Choir Processional*** (8:00AM & 11:00AM) .................................... Choir The “Centering Moment” (Church Covenant)……………………………Bro. Xavier McGee Hymn of the Month*** ........................................ Congregation; #477 [Page 2 in white Hymn Inserts Booklet] Ministry of Music ................................................. Choir WORSHIP IN FELLOWSHIP: Acknowledge Visitors .......................................... Pastor “Song of Welcome”*** ........................................ Congregation “Welcome into this place. Welcome into this broken vessel. You desire to abide in the presence of your people, so we lift our hands and we lift our hearts, as we offer up these praises to your name.” [Repeat] Pastoral Reflections/Testimonies ......................... Pastor Moment of Sharing ........................................ Minister Tithes and Offering ....................................... Minister Choral Response ............................................ Congregation “All things come of Thee, O Lord and of Thine own, have we given Thee.” Offertory Prayer………………………………..Bro. Jalil Chambers Altar Prayer…………………………………….Sis. Nyree Dowdell WORSHIP IN THE WORD: Scripture Reading………………………….. Sis. Darien Holiday Hymn of Meditation ...................................... Choir “THE PREACHING MOMENT” ................. Minister Invitation to Christian Discipleship ............... Minister ***Late-Comers may enter the sanctuary. *** As we enter to worship, it is our sincere desire to “RAISE A HIGHER STANDARD” for social justice, Christian witness and personal spiritual growth. Therefore, we solemnly and joyfully commit to a higher level of service for kingdom-building rendered through daily devotion which includes prayer, reading of The Word, and doing a good deed for our disinherited brothers and sisters in the community. We further pledge to support the Church with our God-given resources, and to guard carefully the good name of the Church and its membership by refraining from any conversation which de-humanizes another. Moreover, we will seize every opportunity to exalt our Savior Jesus Christ, as we share the Good News that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believeth in Him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life.” AMEN FEBRUARY EVENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Black History: If you are interested in being in the play Steal Away, please see Mother Barbara Redding after service in the Overflow. 12TH STATE OF CITY ADDRESS | WILSON MAGNET HIGH SCHOOL 7:00P.M. TH Life Stage’s Women Ministry is looking for volunteers to serve on the Mother’s Day Brunch Committee. Please see Sister Theresa Green after worship in the Overflow if you would like to volunteer. Meeting: Feb. 18, 2015 at 6pm. 18 Luggage Collection Sunday: March 22nd Rochester Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority in partnership with local churches will be collecting luggage for children in foster care during the month of March. Please donate small roller bag luggage to this worthy cause. 22ND TRIBUTE TO SIS. DONNA PATTON | 2:00 P.M.-3:15P.M. | POTLUCK 52-Week Money Challenge: Join us in the 52-week Jar Challenge which is a fundraising effort to support our capital campaign. Members are asked to give $1, $2, $3 etc. over and above your tithes and offerings weekly. This is also friendly completion is between the 8am & 11am Services. Sunday School/Bible Study: Wednesday Nights at 7:00pm. All Sunday School Classes “Serving The Least” Matthew 25:31-46. Adult Bible Study: Joshua 8 Young Adult Bible Study: Rev. Rowe Memory Verses for the Week Isaiah 46:8-11 8 Remember this, and shew yourselves men: bring it again to mind, O ye transgressors. 9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, 10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: 11 Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it. ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE @ ZION HILL | REV. JAMES SIMMONS, SPEAKER BETTER LIFE COLLABORATIVE OF CHURCHES | 7:00 P.M. 20TH PRAYER SERVICE | MAIN SANCTUARY | 7:00PM. SUPPER IN FELLOWSHIP HALL FOLLOWING THE PROGRAM. WELCOME New, Restored & Watch Care Members to our Zion Hill Family SICK AND SHUT-IN Please remember the SICK AND SHUT-IN with your prayers, cards, visits and telephone calls. If you have any UPDATES TO THIS LIST, please call Sis. Chatman in the Church Office at 328-4660 and leave your updated information by 2PM on TUESDAY. Thank you. Mo. Patricia Bell Sis. Donnie Bell Ash Sis. Sallye Bigler Sis. Juanita Brown Sis. Bella Burgress Evang. Doris Hawkins Mo. Yvette Hughes Bro. Rufus Holiday Bro. Lester Jackson Sis. Learie Johnson Mo. Bernedene Jones Sis. Vivian Larkins Sis. Ilka McCarthan Sis. Ether Scott Sis. Mary Scott Bro. Brandon Watkins Sis. Gloria Westbrook Reminder: When going into the hospital, please notify your Deacon and the Church Administrative Office right away. ALSO, please give the Hospital Admittance Desk the name of the Church and the name of your Deacon. Thank you.
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