St John the Evangelist Great Stanmore February 2015 24 Price 50p 1 PARISH ORGANISATIONS SUNDAY SERVICES Children WEEKDAY SERVICES Holy Communion (Order One in traditional language) Parish Communion (Order One) or All-Age Communion Coffee is served in Church House after this service Morning Prayer (BCP) Evening Service (see Weekly Bulletin for details) Holy Baptism (after due preparation) Junior Church (4-12yrs) in Church House (also crèche for babies) Holy Communion Holy and Saints' Days as announced 8am 9.30am 11am 5pm 9.30am 9.30am Tuesday 10.30am CHURCH OFFICIALS AND STAFF Rector The Reverend Matthew Stone The Rectory, 14 Chambers Walk Stanmore, HA7 4FN 020 8954 3876 Readers Jean Orpwood Frances Westcott Lydia McLean Readers Emeriti Michael Carmody Dr Daphne Johnson Dr John Mair Pastoral Assistants Sylvia Daniels Stuart Webster 020 3645 0491 020 8952 8665 020 8952 5990 01895 831 472 020 8958 7892 020 8952 5044 020 8863 4080 07971 219918 Commissioned Children’s Minister Beverley McKeon 020 8952 1936 Churchwardens Graham Denman Sylvia Daniels 01923 840 675 020 8863 4080 Hon Treasurer Jennifer Neve 01923 692672 Office Parish Administrator Karen Stirrup 020 8954 7064 Parish Office, Church House, Old Church Lane, Stanmore HA7 2QX Email Address Web Address Bell ringers Peter Scott (Master) 01895 835 623 Elizabeth Bowen (Secretary) 020 8954 5360 Music – Director of Music Philip Rees 020 8951 3893 Leprosy Mission Frazer Johnson 020 8954 8566 Mission to Seafarers Valerie Banger 020 8951 4012 Bereavement Visiting Jean Orpwood 020 3645 0491 Bible Reading Fellowship Carole White 020 8421 1510 Brownies Jean Gregson 020 8952 2866 Parish Pastoral Team Sylvia Daniels Sheila Oliver Church Flowers Peggy Simpson 020 8954 8606 Peace, Justice & Environment Valerie Banger 020 8951 4012 Crèche Grace Nicholson 01923 226969 Electoral Roll Andrea Nicholson Rainbows Francesca Brissimatzakis 07743 040 588 (after 7pm ) 01923 226969 Girl Guides Heather Gregson Sarra Angel 020 8426 0147 020 8863 4080 020 8954 4976 St John's Church of England School Head Teacher Mrs J Hester 020 8954 3978 Stanmore Hill, Stanmore HA7 3AD Servers Ian Walker 07947 070613 Godly Gossip (Ladies Gr oup) Jane Prentice 020 8952 3906 Social Committee Marianne Wright Junior Church Beverley McKeon Stewardship – Gift Aid Jennifer Neve 01923 692 672 Office 020 8952 1936 Magazine – Editorial Team Elizabeth Bowen 020 8954 5360 Pat Stevens 020 8954 6525 Frances Westcott 020 8952 8665 Magazine – Advertisements Elizabeth Bowen 020 8954 5360 Magazine – Distribution Mick and Sheila Oliver 020 8954 4976 Toddler Group Sylvia Daniels 020 8952 1604 020 8863 4080 Wednesday Friendship Club Liz Battle 020 8954 0995 Welcome & Café St Jean Rosemary Mackenzie-Corby 020 8386 1640 Commissioned Lay Preacher Jeremy Aspinall 020 8954 8475 Cover drawings by Peter Williams 23 Magazine preparation schedule Deadline Sunday butions Monday onwards Weekend Tuesday Friday Saturday & Sunday (last in the month) Late entries considered; magazine compiled Proof reading Magazine sent for printing Magazine available for distribution Magazine on sale in church and available for collection by deliverers Deadline dates in 2015 15 February — 15 March — 12 April — 17 May — 14 June — 12 July — 16 August — 13 September — 11 October — 15 November — 6 December Copy for the magazine — PLEASE submit mater ial in A5 for mat if it uses clever computer techniques, and let the editors know if it is going to be late. Send it by EMAIL to BOTH the following addresses: Place it on the table at the back of the church Give it to one of the editorial team (see inside back cover) Send or deliver it to 7 Masefield Avenue, Stanmore, HA7 3LU To advertise in this magazine, please contact the Advertising Manager – Elizabeth Bowen – 020 8954 5360 – 7 Masefield Avenue, Stanmore HA7 3LU 22 The Rector writes .............. Desirable last date for contri- Dear Friends Having just celebrated another birthday I have come to the conclusion that the older I get, the faster time seems to pass. It seems like only yesterday that I arrived in Stanmore; before I knew it Emma had been born, Christmas was upon us and now I am beginning to think about Lent (which, in case you were not aware, begins on 18th February this year!)!! “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return. Turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ.” Perhaps rather predictably, these words from the Ash Wednesday service resonate more strongly with me with each passing year. They are a stark reminder of our mortality and a summons to obedience. They herald the beginning of Lent. In popular culture, the season leading up to Good Friday and Easter is associated primarily with “giving up something”. Whether it is chocolate, wine or biscuits, whatever is sacrificed is supposed to be a mark of self-denial, a spiritual discipline practised particularly in this penitential period. The converse “taking up something” for Lent does not figure so prominently in contemporary culture. Yet, paying attention to the other spiritual disciplines such as prayer, worship and study is equally important in our keeping of Lent. One possibility is to come to church for prayers or Holy Communion during the week. Another is to join the study group I am planning to run. A further opportunity is presented in the special books published to help us journey through these forty days. It may not be so obvious but “taking something up” involves a measure of sacrifice too; for example, we have at least, to set aside some time. For some of us, time is a rather precious commodity we never seem to have enough 3 of! Newsletter from the Church Urban Fund Both “giving something up” and “taking something up” are about deepening our commitment to God; they both require some sacrifice. This should not surprise us because the Resurrection follows the Crucifixion. Through a greater self-offering, we experience renewal. Hope for Lent During the season of Lent we are encouraged into deeper relationship with God. By our individual and corporate sacrifices, we are drawn further into the mystery of the Cross. The path to Resurrection begins with a longing to be a better disciple of Jesus Christ that finds wonderful expression in the prayer of St. Richard: Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ For all the benefits thou hast won for me, For all the pains and insults thou hast borne for me, O most merciful Redeemer, Friend and Brother, May I know thee more clearly, Love thee more dearly, And follow thee more nearly: Day by day. Amen. May I wish you a good Lent! Yours Matthew 4 Disenchantment with our political and economic systems is running very high. So where might we find genuine hope – hope that will not disappoint us? Christians believe that any hope we can really trust must have its source in the grace and love of God. That is more than a pious platitude – in the midst of so much cynicism and disappointment, the Church is both showing and telling of a different way to live. Hope, Actually is a five week Lent cour se which explor es the hope we find in Jesus Christ, and its power to transform our increasingly anxious and cynical society. Each session has a mix of Bible study (on that Sunday’s lectionary readings), discussion and video stories. It ends with suggestions for prayer and ideas for action. Quiz Answers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Turkey Hungary Tunisia Brazil Chile Russia America India Iran Wales Haiti New Guinea 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Panama Faroes Iceland China Greece Sudan Thailand Honolulu Denmark Korea Yemen Argentina 21 Est. 1875 * L. J. BUTLER & SON LTD. 40 Kenton Park Parade, Kenton Road, Kenton, Harrow, Middx. HA3 8DN Tel: (020) 8907 3163 FAX: (020) 8907 4452 E-Mail: ALSO STONEBRIDGE FUNERAL SERVICE 101 High Street, Edgware, Middx. HS8 7DB Tel: (020) 8952 0201 * We offer ‘Golden Charter’ and ‘Help the Aged’ Junior Church Column Beverley McKeon Junior Church Leader Junior Church is now getting back to normal after the extended holidays over the Christmas period. This month we have been looking at the story of the wise men and Epiphany and The Baptism of Christ which were really interesting. Below are a couple of photos from our Nativity on Christmas morning. Thank you to all the children that took part in the Nativity: also a big thank you to all the people who helped me to organise the morning. I could not have done it without you. pre-paid funeral plans as part of our service DCG Electrical Services Part P Approved Contractor Additional lighting and sockets - Full/part rewires Inspection and testing - Fault finding - Fusebox upgrades David Gosden 8 Milton Street Watford WD24 5EU 20 01923 224503 07501 337223 5 Next Youth Event As I write we have just had our first successful youth event. We took 13 young people bowling followed by pizza at the Rectory. The evening was a great success and we look forward to more events in the future. To start with we will be meeting once a month and the next event is:Youth Movie night on Friday 27th February Venue and times are to be confirmed but save the date in your diary. Our Praise and Worship will continue in Church House on a Sunday at 9.30 so bring your children along and see what exciting things we have planned. 6 19 George Herbert [1593-1633] Tea and Chat — in Church House Tuesdays – 2.15pm — 4pm “Swallowing your pride seldom leads to indigestion”. Anon Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a coloured pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling. G.K. Chesterton Calling all Bridge Players We are a much reduced group of keen bridge players who would welcome new members. We play in Church House on Thursday afternoons from 1.30pm, simple ACOL with no inquests afterwards, just tea and biscuits! Please come and meet us. Any questions? Ring Olive Oliver on 8204 6446 18 Most of us know George Herbert through hymns such as The God of love my Shepherd is [based on Psalm 23], Teach me my God and King and Let all the world in every corner sing, which Peter Williams has illustrated on the front cover. He was among the first devotional poets of the C of E but not only a poet; he was also a scholar and a priest. George Herbert was born a younger brother of Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury in Montgomery in Wales. From 1604 he was educated at Westminster School and Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1614 owing to his classical scholarship and musical ability—he played the lute and viol and had a good singing voice — he obtained a fellowship and in1620 he became Public Orator of the University. His most famous prose work A Priest to the Temple; or the Country Parson 1652) describes an ideal English clergyman — well-read, temperate, a man of duty and prayer, devoted to his flock — which came to be a model for future generations. On his deathbed George Herbert entrusted his collection of poems — The Temple — including those we now know as hymns, to his friend, Nicholas Ferrar who had them published in 1633 by the Cambridge University printer. Their success was such that by 1641 there had been six editions. He seemed destined for high office at court but he suffered from poor health and, as the political mood changed on the death of James I, he changed direction. Under the influence of his friend Nicholas Ferrar, who established a Church of England community at Little Gidding in 1625, he turned to the study of divinity. In 1626 he was presented to a prebend in Huntingdonshire and in 1630 he was ordained priest. He was persuaded by William Laud to accept the rectory of Fugglestone with Bemerton. Although the church of St Andrew was originally a chapel-of-ease to the parish of Fugglestone, the Rectory was in Bemerton, a small village a mile or so west of Salisbury and it was here that George Herbert spent the last three years of his life in devotion to the duties of a country 7 parson. In 1630 at his own expense, he restored Bemerton church, which dates from at least the 14C. Further extensive repairs were made in 1766 and there was more restoration work done in C19 (1866 and 1894-4). Sources—The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church; Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna [c.69—c.155] The 26 of January is the Feast day of St Polycarp, who served Christ for 86 years and was burnt to death in AD155 or 156 He was a leading Christian figure in Roman Asia in the middle of C2 and, although little is known about his long life, he is an important link between the age of the Apostles and the great Christian writers, such as St Irenaeus, who flourished at the end of the C2. He was a stout defender of orthodoxy and devoted much energy to combating heresy. He wrote an Epistle to Philippians, which is important for its testimony to the New Testament, as it quotes I John, 4.3. At the end of his life, he visited Bishop Anicetus in Rome; the subjects discussed included the date of keeping the Easter festival and it was agreed that each Church should maintain its own custom. It was soon after his return to Smyrna that he was arrested during a public pagan festival; he refused to recant his beliefs and was condemned to death. An account of his trial and death was written at the request of the Church at Philomelium. According to St Irenaeus, Polycarp “had intercourse with John [the Apostle or the Elder?] and with the rest of those who had seen the Lord”. CHILDREN’S SOCIETY BOX HOLDERS Our Children’s Society Boxes are due to be emptied this month. I would be grateful if you would bring them to Church and let me have them after the 9.30am service. If this is not convenient please give me a call on 0208429 8154 and we will make an alternative arrangement. Jenny Gurdon 8 17 KIRKWOODS - SOLICITORS Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA No 79929 We specialise in House sale and purchase Remortgages Landlord and tenant Business advice Wills and probate Death duty tax planning Divorce and family problems 41a CHURCH ROAD, STANMORE HA7 4AB Tel: 020 8954 8555 - Fax: 020 8954 4124 Very Special Occasions Wedding Receptions Parties & Anniversaries Spectacular Cakes With over a century’s experience in catering for discerning clients, Heriot provide an exciting mix of traditional and contemporary cuisine, served in style by friendly and immaculately presented staff. Visit our large website for a wide selection of menus, information and advice to help you plan your special occasion. 16 A heartfelt Thank You to all members of the congregation for holding us and our family in your prayers just prior to and following the death of John’s Dad, Fred Corby, on 19th December. We certainly felt supported by the family of St. Johns. Thank you also for the cards and messages which have meant a great deal to us all. We miss Fred so much but we are deeply grateful for his long and rich life. John and Rosemary Mackenzie-Corby and family St LUKE’s HOSPICE COFFEE MORNING and SALE Saturday 28 February – 10am to 12 noon in Church House Admission £1 includes tea/coffee Home-made cakes, toys and other stalls Tombola and raffle 20-22 HEADSTONE DRIVE, HARROW HA3 5QH PLEASE COME – EVERYONE NEEDED! 020 8427 7373 Co-ordinator — Elizabeth Bowen 020 8954 5360 9 THE STANMORE SOCIETY Exists to serve the place where you live ITS STRENGTH DEPENDS ON YOUR SUPPORT Membership Secretary : 8pm BERNAYS MEMORIAL HALL 25 The Broadway, 25 STANMORE HA7 4DA 10 Rainsford Close, Stanmore HA7 3DJ Tel: 07977 929 281 Bookings: 07954 230 210 26 Wednesday 2pm Friendship Club 8pm Home Group Thursday 8-9.30pm 27 Friday 8pm FIXTUREROSE LIMITED IAN WALKER, CAT, ATT 28 Home Group Ringing Practice – newcomers welcome George Herbert, Priest, Poet, 1633 Youth Movie Evening Choir rehearsal Saturday 10am to noon St Luke’s Coffee Morning, Church House Tel: 01727 840 351 - ACCOUNTING—VAT RETURN TAXATION—SELF ASSESSMENT CHILDMINDER Friendly, caring, trustworthy, locally based childminder Available 7:30am-6:30pm Mon-Fri inc. school holidays Very experienced in childcare, with lots of related qualifications Good knowledge of Early Years Foundation Stage requirements Competitive rates For more information or to arrange an appointment Please speak to Edit Rees on 020 8951 3893 or at café St Jean on Sunday 10 RELATE - Having family pr oblems? Call 020 8427 8694 and take the first step to resolving your family problems with Relate family counselling 15 11am 11.30 for 11.45am 5pm Matins Pre-Lent Lunch Parish Registers Evensong Thanksgiving Service 16 Monday 17 Tuesday Shrove Tuesday; Janani Luwum, Archbishop of Uganda, Martyr, 1977 10.30am Holy Communion 1.15pm 2.15pm 18 19 Wednesday Little Fishers Babies & Toddlers Group Tea and chat ASH WEDNESDAY 2pm Friendship Club 8pm Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes Thursday 8-9.30pm 20 6th January Ringing Practice – newcomers welcome Friday 8pm 21 Saturday 22 SUNDAY 8am 9.30am 11am Choir rehearsal First Sunday of Lent Holy Communion Parish Communion Matins NO Evening Service 23 Monday 24 Tuesday 10.30am 14 Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr, c. 155 Holy Communion "I am the Resurrection and the Life, saith the Lord" Fred Corby A country quiz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A popular bird for Christmas In need of a good meal Where the melody is Where the coffee comes from Like the weather in winter Hurry the lady A happy mongrel Not out darling I did not walk Mournful sounds Between 79 and 81 Not old twenty one shillings Suitable hat for hot weather Sounds like the island of the Egyptian Kings Freezing place A shop where bulls should not go Makes nasty mark on your clothes Prosecute little Daniel Where male neck wear originates Pay respects to female pop star Spot placed to indicate lion’s lair You take up this when you start your working life Wot, no women Don’t cry for me Answers on page 21 11 Church Diary for February 2015 9.30am 8 1 SUNDAY 8am 9.30am 11am Presentation of Christ [Candlemas] Holy Communion Parish Communion Matins 2 Monday 3 Tuesday Anskar, Archbishop of Hamburg, Missionary in Denmark and Sweden, 865; Blasius, Bishop of Sebastopol, Martyr, c. 316 10.30am Holy Communion 1.15pm 2.15pm 4 5 Wednesday Friendship Club 8pm Bible Study at Wolstenholme Thursday 8-9.30pm Friday 8pm 7 12 Gilbert of Sempringham, Founder of the Gilbertine Order, 1189 2pm 10am 6 Little Fishers Babies & Toddlers Group Tea and chat Agatha, Martyr in Sicily, 251 SUNDAY Churchyard Working Party & Open Church Second Sunday before Lent 8am 9.30am 11am Holy Communion Parish Holy Communion Matins 6.30pm CTW Joint Service, Holy Trinity Wealdstone 9 Monday 10 Tuesday Scholastic, sister of Benedict, Abbess of Plombariola, c. 543 10.30am Holy Communion 1.15pm 2.15pm Little Fishers Babies & Toddlers Group Tea and chat NO Home Group 11 12 Wednesday 2pm Friendship Club 8pm Home Group Thursday 8-9.30pm 13 Ringing Practice – newcomers welcome Friday 8pm Choir rehearsal 14 Saturday St Valentine and SS Cyril and Methodius, Missionaries to the Slavs, 869 and 885 15 SUNDAY Sunday next before Lent Holy Communion at Paxfold Ringing Practice – newcomers welcome Accession of Queen Elizabeth II, 1952 8am 9.30am Holy Communion All-Age Communion Choir rehearsal Saturday 13
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