FEBRUARY 2015 Shevat/Adar, 5775 Shir Ami is a Reform Congregation, proudly affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism From Our Rabbi’s Study Rabbi Howard Kosovske “AHA! HERE’S WHY WE’RE UNIQUE” I had a great aha(!) at a Philadelphia Orchestra concert recently. I will tell you about it, but first the background. When I was child growing up in Chicago, beyond doing school homework I spent my after- school hours doing the things every other child in the neighborhood did. This was the annual drill: touch football in the fall, backyard snowball fights in the winter, softball in spring, and day-camp and, later on, overnight camp in the summer. But that wasn’t all of it. There were two other activities, and they set me apart from everyone else. First, from age five and running through the years until I finished high school, I took violin lessons. As a consequence, as a child I was big-time into classical music. Second, from age nine and continuing until I finished high school. I studied Hebrew. What made me really weird was that I loved it! From the music, unlike the other kids I went to performances in my childhood, either at Chicago’s Orchestra Hall where the Chicago Symphony Orchestra played, or at some other venue where I would catch concerts or recitals with my father. And from the Hebrew, I spent a lot of time in synagogues, either in my family’s or in one of the other neighborhood synagogues that were everywhere around. That meant I participated in yet another plethora of activities, this time ranging from Shabbat services to youth group gatherings to even scout meetings in one of the local shul-sponsored boy scout troops. It was both of my childhood passions, the musical and the synagogue, that brought me to my great recent aha(!). How so? For that we jump to the present. From the musical side, when I am home in Boston now, I attend, among other musical events, a lot of BSO concerts (BSO is what Bostonians fondly call the Boston Symphony Orchestra). Then, from the Jewish side, across my career, I have, as you probably already know, served as a rabbi in a large number of different synagogues. Both the BSO and the Philadelphia Orchestra are, in every sense of the word, great orchestras. However, they are totally different in that each of them has a totally distinct sound from the other. It isn’t just the acoustics of Boston’s Symphony Hall or the acoustics of Philadelphia’s Verizon Hall in Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts that makes this happen either. Rather, the two are different orchestras entirely. Each has a uniqueness that, no matter where they play, makes one say something different from the other, no matter what the music they are playing. Most important, to go one step further, even if they play the same piece of music, each will play it totally differently from the other. The strange thing is that when that happens, the performance of each is still invariably totally musically “right.” Now let’s talk about the synagogue part. Not surprisingly, every synagogue I have ever served has felt totally different from all the others. Each one said something the others didn’t. First, each was in a different location from the others. Then, each had a different set of constituencies manifesting a different set of needs from the (continued on page 4) DON’T MISS CONGREGATIONAL Purim Carnival March 1 Feb 17, 7:00PM Megillah Reading March 4 MEETING Be part of the formal vote on Shir Ami’s next senior rabbi. Come meet Rabbi Joel Simon and his wife Jacent! Let’s talk the musical side first. Main: 215.968.3400 Religious School: 215.968.3254 E.L.C.: 215.968.6255 101 Richboro Road • Newtown, PA 18940 • www.shiraminow.org Adult Purimspiel March 7 Support our Advertisers 2 CALENDAR: Upcoming Services & Events FEBRUARY For a full calendar listing of all Shir Ami events, www.shiraminow.org SERVICE / EVENT DATE TIME / PLACE Shabbat Worship - Slomovitz Scholar-in-ResidenceFriday, February 6 Chevrat Torah - Slomovitz Scholar-in-Residence Saturday, February 7 7:30 pm in the Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary 10:15 am in Shalom Hall Thank you to the Slomovitz Family for sponsoring the Scholar-in-Residence Program - guest Rabbi Baruch HaLevi. Discussion continues through lunch. Please RSVP to office. Shabbat Worship Friday, February 13 6:30 pm in the Elliot Strom Chapel Community Shabbat Dinner Friday, February 13 7:30 pm in Shalom Hall Join us for a trio of homemade soups and a variety of salads, $10 per person. BYOB. RSVP with payment to the Office by February 9 Chevrat Torah Saturday, February 14 CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Tuesday, February 17 7:00pm - Come vote and meet Rabbi Simon Chaverim Shabbat - School Age Children Friday, February 20 5:30 pm in the Chodorow Family Life Center Cuddle-up Shabbat - Preschool Age Children Friday, February 20 5:30 pm in the Elliot Strom Chapel 10:15 am in the Chodorow Family Life Center The above services are followed by dinner in the auditorium at 6 pm Shabbat Worship - SHIR KLEZ! Friday, February 20 and February Birthday & Anniversary Blessings 7:30 pm in the Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary Chevrat Torah Saturday, February 21 10:15 am in the Chodorow Family Life Center Shabbat Worship - Choir Sings Friday, February 27 7:30 pm in the Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary Shabbat Worship - Fleming B’nai Mitzvah Saturday, February 28 10:15 am in the Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary Chevrat Torah Saturday, February 28 10:15 am in the Chodorow Family Life Center PLEASE JOIN YOUR SHIR AMI COMMUNITY FOR SERVICES and EVENTS SAVE THE DATE Meet Rabbi Joel & Jacent Simon Shir Ami’s Second Seder is Saturday, April 4 We will be formally voting on our new Rabbi at the congregational meeting on February 17th at 7:00pm. Don’t miss your opportunity to say hello to Rabbi Simon and his wife Jacent! 3 Congregational News and Ritual Life If you would like to share an achievement, milestone or simcha in the Shiron, please call the office: 215-968-3400. Refuah Shleimah Norton Borochaner Rochelle Einheber Robin Firestone Donna Goodman Linda Kasman Rosa Novick Gary Prell Eddy Shapiro Andrea Tankin Condolences Mildred Binik Mother of Susan Morris Dorothy Rose Nord Mother of Andrea Tankin Marilyn Phyllis Rubin Mother of Paul Rubin Celia “Cyd” Siegel Mother of Steve Siegel Lois Schwartz mother of Hope Ettinger Welcome New Members Adam, Solina, Madison and Charlotte Cabot Nicole and Chris Muc Dena, Jeremy, Jonah and Ellie Sloane Richard and Sandy Ludwig (COVER STORY - continued) Mazel Tov Mazal tov to our own Rabbi Kosovske who was elected to a three-year term on the board of directors to NAORRR - National Association of Retired Reform Rabbis (no, our rabbi is not retired!) - at the recent organizational convention in Phoenix. Carol and Eric Cherson on the engagement of Mollie Cherson to Ben Recenes Todah Rabbah Thank you to Rabbi Eric Goldberg and Youth Director Ferne Levy for leading such a great trip this past December to Israel. 8th and 9th graders particpating in this trip were: Stuart Berman Noah Gordon Corey Klevan Max Levine Noah Mandel Aaron Masters Madison McDonnell Matthew Prell Daniel Rosenthal Chelsey Seigal Lindsey Sklar Elizabeth Wolf Leslie Leibowitz for coordinating our Day of Gemilut Chasadim and to everyone who performed mitzvot To Rebecca Bowers for helping in our office every week! To Mindy Chesner and Melody Hassid for our spectacular and successful Casino night - “A Shir Bet” February B’nai Mitzvah Jared Fleming Benjamin Fleming son of Wendy and David Fleming son of Wendy and David Fleming February 28, 2015 9 Adar 5775 Parshat Titzaveh February 28, 2015 9 Adar 5775 Parshat Titzaveh others. Finally, no matter what the Judaism any of them was about – and they ran the gamut! – the fact is that the Judaism of each of them too was totally Jewishly “right.” From both the musical side and the synagogue part – and it happened at that concert – came my great aha(!). The reason it happened at Verizon Hall, though, is because unlike at Boston’s Symphony Hall where I typically sit up in the 2nd balcony where, far away from the stage I sense the entire orchestra, here I sat in the eleventh row center. There, instead of feeling the entire orchestra, I sensed individual instruments and instrumental sections. Now I heard not an orchestra but, instead, single sections of the orchestra all saying different things. But then I allowed it all to come together, and I suddenly realized something I had never noticed before: totalities in orchestras are made up of individual parts. The great aha(!): this wasn’t just about an orchestra. It was about Shir Ami. In my aha(!), I grasped the fact that in the synagogue world, it’s not the totality that counts. It’s the individual parts, more correctly the individual people, who need to be our primary focus. But there is more. In Shir Ami it can never be “one size fits all.” Still more: we, for whatever we are now or in the future will be about, cannot, just like with the BSO and Philadelphia Orchestra, be what every (or any) other synagogue is about. Our constituency – and by that I mean we who are our members – make up a unique “us.” Consequently what we are about as our congregation moves into a new future, has to be unique as well. What it will take for us to be meaningful to the totality of our membership is to be meaningful to the individuals who are our members. And they are not looking for any one thing. They are looking for a host of different things, some spiritual, some cultural, some social, some communal, to name a few. And we will need to try to promote all of them for us to become and be what, as we go forward, we are capable of yet achieving. It was in my great aha(!) that I at last realized the full meaning of Shir Ami’s motto, “Many voices. One song.” Our “sound” is unique. Our whole being is unique because we as individuals are all unique. And with that, the Judaism we in our future are going to be about has to continue to be unique as well. So with that comes this, my prayer: may we come to see what we are and with it create what is going to be a unique future. And in that, may we continue to flourish even as we celebrate and rejoice in the uniqueness that will uniquely be ours. L’shalom, 4 DON’T MISS A SPECIAL LEO SLOMOVITZ SCHOLAR -IN-RESIDENCE WEEKEND WITH RABBI FRIDAY & SATURDAY FEBRUARY 6th & 7th Learn how we can be Jewish visionaries and courageous pioneers in the modern Jewish world, as SHIR AMI presents inspirational author and charismatic teacher, Rabbi Baruch HaLevi. JoIn uS foR SHABBAt SERVICES At 7:30 pm foLLoWED BY A SpECIAL oneg, AnD SAtuRDAY MoRnIng At 10:15 Am foR A unIQuE CHEVRAt toRAH SERVICE foLLoWED BY A fREE, IntERACtIVE LunCH. Rabbi HaLevi is currently the spiritual leader of Congregation Shirat Hayam, one of the most dynamic congregations in the Boston area. He is also the author of: “Revolution of Jewish Spirit...” a book that teaches us how to transform our synagogue spirituality and inspire the Jewish community. It will be an important and affecting weekend from one of the foremost rabbis in modern Judaism. RSVP today to reserve a spot for the FREE LUNCH Mark your calendar for February 6th and 7th! thank you to the Slomovitz family for sponsoring the Scholar-in-Residence program TO RSVP: jhershgordon@shiramipa.org 5 | 215.968.3400 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Family-friendly Shabbat Services at 6:30pm Dinner at 7:30pm | Soups, Salads, Appetizers ...Warm & Comforting! Enjoy a delicious meal for community Shabbat. BYO invited! Under age 5 eat FREE! COST: $10.00/per person (Must be ordered and paid for in advance. RSVP February 9, 2015) Name___________________________________________________ Phone__________________________________ Email__________________________________________________ No. Adults ___________ No. Children________ (number of dinners) _________ Total (@$10.00 EACH) ______________ I would like to sponsor dinner for another family experiencing financial difficulties $_________________(amt enclosed) RETURN TO: 101 Richboro Road, Newtown, PA 18940 DON’T MISS ThIS wONDERFUl EvENINg OF PRAYER AND cOMMUNITY AT ShIR AMI 215.968.3400 FOR MORE INFO: 6 www.shiraminow.org THE MANY WAYS OF GIVING BACK BE A “KEEPER OF JEWISH EXCELLENCE” Shir Ami’s Life Long Learning Theme for 5775 ESSENTIALS OF LIFE: What Judaism Has to Say About Food, Sex, Rest and Commerce We extend an invitation for you to become a Keeper of Jewish Excellence. Supporting all of the important mitzvahs of learning and prayer allow us to continue our Lifelong Learning commitments. ❑ $500 ❑ $250 ❑ $180 ❑ $100 ❑ other Please make checks payable to Shir Ami and mail to: 101 Richboro Road, Newtown, PA 18940 Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________________________ E-Mail ____________________________________________________________________ Contributions to the Circle of Giving allow us to provide help to those families requiring dues assistance in order to become (or remain) members of our congregational family. Due to the generosity of our Circle of Giving donors, no family seeking affiliation with Shir Ami will ever be turned away for lack of financial resources. Please join the Circle of Giving sponsors this year and strengthen our congregation. Donors at all levels are recognized as part of our Circle of Giving program in the Shiron. Thank you for your generosity! ____ Yes, I am pleased to be able to contribute to the Circle of Giving program at this level: ❑ ❑ Enclosed is my check Simcha$1,800 ❑ (payable to “Shir Ami”) Kavod$1,000 ❑ $ 720 ❑ Please bill my account Beracha Chai $ 360 ❑ Madrichim Other: ❑ Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________________________ E-Mail ____________________________________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN FORMS TO: SHIR AMI, 101 RICHBORO ROAD, NEWTOWN, PA 18940 7 Thank You to our 2014-2015 “KEEPERS OF JEWISH EXCELLENCE” Helen Berman Donna & Bob DeSantis Amy Goldstein Becky Markowitz Harriet Paley Debbie Schorr Allen & Anna Schwartz Norman & Janet Shachat Sunny Schneider Ellie & Ed Short Nancy Siderits Dotty Silverman Lynne Taylor Thank You to our 2014-2015 “CIRCLE OF GIVING” Sponsors Anonymous Bea Badner Melvyn and Sandra Berman Ellen Barish Larry Bell and Robin Saltzman Susan and Ken Bieber Evelyn Cohen Robert and Donna DeSantis Edward Fair Richard and Lynne Fiorelli Phillip and Sheila Friedman Harvey and Rabbi Paula Goldberg Paul and Ilene Goldberg Allan and Susan Goodman Jerry and Cindy Green Sheldon and Marilyn Halpern Norman and Linda Idleberg Matthew and Susan Klyman Janet Kramer John and Randi Lawrie Caroline Levine Becky Markowitz Roberta and Gerald Miller Ivy Pearlstein Steven and Myrna Pressman Arlene Poppel Trudy Rubenstein Stephen and Teri Siegel Steven and Linda Shechtman Brenda and Warren Shore Rick and Nancy Siderits Dotty Silverman Robert Snyderman Debbie and Scott Stevens Steve and Phyllis Twersky Marian Weintraub Lenore Weissberg Jeanne Winerip Robert and Eileen Wolfe Early Learning Center FEBRUARY UPDATE Don’t FORGET Important E.L.C. Dates 2/4 – Tu B’Shevat Seders 2/13, 2/16 – No School – No Enrichment 2/20 – Cuddle Up Shabbat 5:30pm “Toddler & Me” Program - Jan 7, 2015 – Mar 25, 2015 Wednesdays - 9:30 to 10:30 am REGISTRATION FOR SUMMER CAMP 2015 IS NOW OPEN REGISTRATION FOR PRESCHOOL ’15-’16 AND FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN IS NOW OPEN REFER A FAMILY AND GET MONEY OFF YOUR SHIR AMI BILL For more info, contact Shari Beck-Nahman sbnahman@shiramipa.org According to Webster’s Dictionary (not Dictionary.com), the word “change” means to progress from one state of being to another; to become different or to vary. Change can be very scary, but Shari Beck-Nahman change can be good. Of course there needs to be a combination of consistency as well as change. We need to keep that healthy balance. Let’s look at some of the changes that have occurred in the Early Learning Center over the past year: • New administration • Curriculum • Teaching teams / Teachers • After school activities • Movement to Keystone Star 2 • Camp will now be 5 days with Before and After Care However, what will always be consistent is the educational excellence of our school and our reputation in our community. Of course none of this would be possible without our incredible staff of dedicated teachers. As the needs of our parents change, I need to balance consistency with change. Not only am I here to listen to what is needed, but hear and act upon those needs. My door is always open. Please don’t hesitate to come in… Groups & Auxiliaries Executive Board Meeting daytime mah Jongg Mon Feb 2 @ 7:30 pm @ Penni Sander’s home Wed Feb 4, 11, 18, 25 @ 9:30 am Guided Tour & Lunch Sun Feb 8 @ 11:00 am, Philadelphia Nat’l Museum of American Jewish History Tues Feb 10 @ 9:30 am Family Life Center, reading The Aviator’s Wife by Wendy Plump Women of Shir Ami Gift Shop gentle yoga general board meeting Most merchandise marked down 25% Wed Feb 3, 10, 17, 24 @ 7:30 pm Wednesday, Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm game night PURIM CARNIVAL • Stock up for Passover • Purchase wedding gifts • Save on your Bar and Bat Mitzvah Tallit Wed Feb 11 & 25 @ 7:00 pm March 1 @ 10 am to 1:30 pm robin kraut book club Become a member of WoSA! Membership forms are available in the office or contact Cari Sacks-Witten, soccermom1815@ yahoo.com. March Madness Sale March Gift Shop Hours: Sundays: 9 am-11 am Wednesdays: 6:30 pm-8:30 pm Special appointment can be made in advance Contact Leslie Leibowitz: 8 p8ntermom@comcast.net Groups & Auxiliaries 9 Groups & Auxiliaries 10 Groups & Auxiliaries 11 FOREVER YOUNG Groups & Auxilliaries (Formerly 50 Something) presents Author John A. Nagy Spies in the Continental Capital: Espionage Across Pennsylvania During the American Revolution PROGRAM AND BRUNCH www.johnanagy.com Sunday, March 8, 2015 Shir Ami, Shalom Hall • 10:30 am $14.00 / Members of Forever Young or $18.00 / Non-Members of Forever Young Sunday, March 8, 2015 NAME NUMBER ATTENDING Mr. Nagy has written four books. His third, Spies in the Continental Capital: Espionage Across Pennsylvania During the American Revolution, was released in 2011. It is the first comprehensive work on espionage in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, containing information on 130 spies. He has appeared on the History Channel, C-SPAN, local educational TV and more. He has lectured to about 100 different organizations. ADDRESS John A. Nagy is a Scholar in Residence at Saint Francis University, Loretto, Pennsylvania, a consultant for Colonial Williamsburg and the William L. Clements Library of the University of Michigan on espionage, and an expert in antique documents. He is a founder and past President of the American Revolution Round Table of Philadelphia. He graduated from Saint Francis University, Loretto, Pennsylvania (BA) PHONE EMAIL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ in 1968 and Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey. Reservations are a must! Send your check payable to: “Forever Young” along with your form before March 1, 2015 to: FOREVER YOUNG Ann Pollock 304 Silver Oak Court Warwick, PA 18974 Email: apollock1229@aol.com Phone: 215 -773-0594 Forever Young is a Non-Profit Auxiliary of Shir Ami Synagogue [JohnNagy 3/8/2015] 12 Good at ALL locations. Not valid with any other offers. Good for one per customer. Excludes Pandora & Movado BOLD. Expires 10-31-14 Good at ALL locations. Not valid with any other offers. Good for one per customer. Excludes Pandora & Movado BOLD. Expires 10-31-14 www.TimeAfterTimeWatches.com www.TimeAfterTimeWatches.com 13 Rabbi Search Committee: UPDATE As I’m sure you’ve all heard by now, I am very pleased to again share that after a long and thorough search process, our committee has made a formal recommendation to our board of directors relative to the candidate of our choice for Shir Ami’s next settled Rabbi. Over the next several weeks, we’ll be sending information out regarding our committee’s recommended candidate, Rabbi Joel Simon from Tampa, Florida. During the month of December and into January, we conducted our final round of video and on-site interviews. At the beginning of January, we invited Rabbi Simon to visit with us once again for an extended, two-day period. His wife, Jacent, was also invited in order for the committee to meet and interact with them both on a more social level. Rabbi Simon was also personally introduced to and/or had an opportunity to speak with Rabbi Kosovske, Rabbi Strom, Rabbi Eric Goldberg, Rabbi Paula Goldberg, Cantor Elson, Farrell Borine, Shari Beck-Nahman and Ferne Levy. All of the individuals mentioned above had very favorable comments after their conversations with Rabbi Simon and, to a person, they all feel that he will be easy to work along with. This aspect of our process was vitally important to the committee as we recognize the necessity of a spirit of cooperation being an essential part in the success of our selection. That, along with Rabbi Simon possessing most if not all of the qualities we were directed by our focus group participants to look for in our next rabbi, led us to make the selection that I ultimately presented to both our Executive and General Boards. As Nancy’s recent announcement indicated, both levels of our board of directors have approved our committee’s recommendation, Final approval for offering Rabbi Simon the position, however, will rest with you, our congregants. The last step in the process will be for us to request your vote to proceed with hiring Rabbi Simon at a special congregational meeting scheduled to be held on Tuesday, February 17th. I hope to see all of you at the special meeting at 7:00pm on February 17th, at which time, you’ll have the chance to hear from Rabbi Simon as well as speak with both him and Jacent. Please mark this date on your calendars and plan to attend this important event. B’Shalom, Ken Bieber, Search Committee Chair Help Shir Ami by helping yourself! By switching your business and/or personal accounts to Customers Bank, not only are you benefiting yourself by gaining all the customer service of a small bank with the capabilities of a big one, but you are helping to raise funds for Shir Ami! Through our Community Support program, we will donate money to Shir Ami every year based upon the total amount of deposits its members hold with Customers Bank*. The more we have in total deposits, the more money we will give back! This is at no cost to you or Shir Ami and there is no limit to the amount of money the synagogue can earn! * Total amount refers to deposits in Checking Accounts and DDAs (Demand Deposit Accounts) . Additional restrictions may apply. Call Kevin or stop by the branch today to discuss how you can switch and make a difference! Kevin Beauparlant 2 Summit Square Center Route 413 and Doublewoods Road Langhorne, PA 19047 | (267) 352-3012 kbeauparlant@customersbank.com customersbank.com 14 SHAFTY YOUTH GROUPS Ferne Levy, Youth Director 215.968.3400 Ext.226 ConneCt with Us An excellent DJ, latkas with chicken nuggets, jelly donuts for dessert as well as dressing up and posing in front of a green screen made our celebration of the 1st night of Hanukkah with our 80 friends really awesome! In addition, everyone brought a holiday gift for Bucks County Social Services so that other kids who are less fortunate would have a gift to open on the holidays. UPCOMING EVENTS Sr. Shafty NFTY Convention February 13-17 Jr. Shafty Fancy dinner out on the town, February 21 Bonim & Chalutzim Snow tubing, February 8 Registration Day for the next round of Birthright Israel with URJ Kesher is February 3, 2015. Like Camp Harlam, URJ Kesher trips are part of URJ’s youth programs. As the only Birthright Israel trip affiliated with Reform Judaism, URJ Kesher trips embody the values important to you -- inclusive, open-minded, inspirational and fun. Remind your kids to travel to Israel this summer with URJ Kesher. We’ve already announced 30 projected summer trip dates. Sign your children up for registration alerts. [NEW for 2015] Camp Harlam alumni and staff are invited to join a special Camp Harlam reunion bus May 17-28, 2015. In addition, URJ Kesher is offering specialty trips for LGBTQ & allies, and anyone interested in environmental issues. Questions? Call 202-370-4026 or send an email. We love our trips, and we hope to share them with your children. 15 EDUCATION: Life Long Learning 5775 Fall 2014 - Spring 2015 For more information about any of our Life Long Learning courses, please stop into the synagogue or check our website for a brochure. ESSENTIALS OF LIFE: What Judaism Has Rest to Say About Food, Sex, Rest and Commerce Instructor: Rabbi Paula Goldberg Dates: March 5, 12, 19, 26 Time: 7:30 - 9:00pm What could be more essential in life than the opportunity to slow down, take a break, and get some rest? Judaism has a mandated “day of rest” -- Shabbat, but there is much more that our tradition has to say about this concept. Come and be part of this exciting learning opportunity based around the essentials of life from a Jewish perspective. Join us for an exciting year exploring classic and contemporary Jewish sources on the most essential aspects of our lives. Commerce Instructor: Rabbi Howard Kosovske Dates: April 23, 30, and May 7, 14 Time: 7:30 - 9:00pm Is there a Jewish way to conduct ourselves when we are doing business? Are there Jewish ways to treat our employees? Does Judaism give rights to employers? In this segment, we will explore how we take our Judaism out into secular society. Other opportunities to study with us include: LUNCH AND LEARN Third Thursday of the Month 11:45 - 1pm Feb 19 Mar 19 Apr 16 May 21 Topics to be Announced Rabbi P. Goldberg Rabbi E. Goldberg Rabbi Kosovske Bea Streitfeld (lay led) Beginning hebrew ADULT CONFIRMATION Instructor: Rabbi Paula Goldberg Instructor: Shir Ami Rabbis Jan 4, 11, 18, 25 and Feb 8, 15, 22 Time: 9:15 - 10:45am Starting Date: February 26, 2015 Thursdays 5:45 - 7:15pm; $118.00 Open to Shir Ami members only TEA, TORAH & TALK Course REGISTRATION FORM Led by Rabbi Howard Kosovske Selected Sundays 9:15 - 10:45am A lively Sunday morning discussion series of some important issues and interesting topics. Registration is required so that adequate space and material can be prepared. Courses are free for Shir Ami members, $36 each for nonmemebers. Adult confirmation program is $118 for members. February 22 ___ Adult Confirmation An Introduction to the Talmud Part 2, including the “Definitive Answer to the Purim Question: To Drink or Not to Drink?” ___ Beginning Hebrew ___ Tea, Torah and Talk March 22 The Real Hidden Messages of Pesach and the Spooky Stories we Pass Over in Sunday School! ESSENTIALS OF LIFE April 26 ___ SESSION 3 What Judaism Has to Say about REST Drawing Circles in the Sand: Lessons Gleaned from a Curious Character Named Honi. 16 ___ SESSION 4 What Judaism Has to Say about COMMERCE GEVER MUSIC SHABBAT - March 20, 2015 SHIR AMI WELCOMES ROSS M. LEVY This year’s Anna Gever Music Shabbat promises to be an inspiring and engaging musical and spiritual experience for all ages. Our guest artist this year is Ross M. Levy, who, along with his band, will lead us through a “Shabbat For The Soul.” Ross M. Levy has been a singer and songwriter of both Jewish and secular content since his early teen years. Ross holds a degree in Judaic Studies from the University of Hartford. He worked as an educator at Temple Beth Israel in West Hartford, where he fell in love with teaching. He believes it is his job to give his students a variety of experiences, and works to make religious school fun, exciting, and most of all, relevant. In the Philadelphia area he has worked as the Director of Student Life of the Jewish Community High School of Gratz College. He took his passion in this work and began to create his own style of contemporary Jewish music. His compositions are a fusion of rock, folk and jazz and are enjoyed by people of every age and level of Jewish knowledge or observance. He has recorded two studio albums: “What Goes Up,” and “Where the Future Lies.” He has also been featured on four of the URJ Ruach Series compilation CD’s of new music, and he has performed at a number of national conferences for the URJ and NFTY, as well as for synagogues and organizations across the country. He was the winner of the Jewish American Idol competition at the CAJE conference in Burlington, Vermont. He is also a featured artist on Jewish Rock Radio and continues to work on composing new Jewish music all the time while working at Main Line Reform Temple in Wynnewood, PA. Shabbat For The Soul was created as a forum for exploring the spiritual potential of Shabbat worship through music, images, stories, and words. Ross Levy and his band, the Levites, are bringing the Reform Jewish liturgy into the 21st century with their music. They take familiar melodies of the Reform movement and put them on top of an irresistible groove. They also compose completely new melodies and employ chordal structures from other musical idioms for some of the prayers, resulting in original arrangements that bring a new feeling to what is familiar. These elements combine to bring us an energy that is spiritual, joyful and yes, danceable too! We want you to experience Ross M. Levy’s Shabbat For The Soul with us. Please join us for this year’s Anna Gever Music Shabbat on Friday, March 20, 2015 at 7:30pm 17 RITUAL COMMITTEE UPDATE: What is Chevrat Torah? Did you ever wonder what our Shabbat Chevrat Torah service was all about? Did you ever consider attending but decided not to go because you were not sure what to expect, or what was expected of you? Basically, Chevrat Torah is an informal Shabbat morning service that in-cludes song and study. A place where we gather on Saturdays from 10:00 am to noon in the Family Life Center for bagels, schmoozing, prayer and Torah study. We start out with a little nosh and go through the Shabbat morning service that includes a very informal discussion of the weekly Torah portion that we read that day. Many times our discussion takes us to current events and how that Torah portion relates to those events. As a regular attendee for many years, I can tell you that Chevrat Torah is much more than that to me, and I would like to share my perspective with you. It is a place where I get to regularly see a small cadre of my Shir Ami friends, in a very warm and caring atmosphere. A place where I can engage in Torah study if I choose to, or sit back, listen and learn from others in the group. Attending Chev-rat Torah has allowed me in great measure to become very familiar with the ser-vice, the individual prayers, the wonderful music, our rabbis and teachers and especially the Torah. Being there has taken the mystery of those things away and my uncertainty away. I have found that taking part in this Shabbat experi-ence gives me the opportunity to participate with my congregation in a most meaningful way and one that I have come to enjoy and look forward to with great anticipation. I encourage you to come see what this is all about and decide for yourself. I look forward to welcoming you there with a very hearty Shabbat Shalom. -- Alan Sheinberg A Bissel Yiddish! Want to learn Yiddish? Join a friendly group who share stories. YIDDISH WORD OF THE MONTH The Yiddush Culture Club meets at 10: 00 am before every Lunch n Learn in the Library. We share stories about family and friends coming to America, and being part of our Jewish Heritage. Stop by and join us! 18 Balabusta – the wife of an important person or a bossy woman. Groups & Auxilliaries WOMEN OF SHIR AMI Kathy Boockvar Book Review and Buffet Dinner Topic: The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd WHEN: March 25th, 7:00pm, Atrium COST: WOSA Members $25 (Non-members $30) ABOUT THE AUTHOR, SUE MONK KIDD From the celebrated author of The Secret Life of Bees, we are presenting this magnificent novel about two unforgettable American women. The Invention of Wings is a triumph of storytelling that looks with unswerving eyes at a devastating wound in American history through women whose struggles for liberation, empowerment, and the desire to have a voice in the world. It will leave no reader unmoved. ABOUT OUR BOOK REVIEWER, KATHY BOOCKVAR Kathy Boockvar is the Executive Director of The Birth Center and on the Board of Directors of A Woman’s Place. Her bio includes: previously Chief Counsel and Deputy for Strategic Initiatives to the Pennsylvania Auditor General, owner and manager of a public interest law firm in Bucks County, and voting rights attorney. Questions? Contact Diane Dienstman at drdienstman1@gmail.com Please send your check payable to WOSA by March 13 to : Diane Dienstman | 2 Tulip Drive | Newtown, PA 18940 19 (Please include names of each attendee on your check). Lunch and Learn THURSDAY FEB. 19th Lunch 11:45 AM Discussion 12:15 PM Two Opinions Jews, Two Jews, Three Three Opinions presented by Rabbi Paula Goldberg presented by Rabbi Paula Goldberg Some say Jews love to argue, to disagree, to debate. Everyone has heard “two Jews, three ” What does that really mean? Some sayopinions. Jews love to argue, to disagree, to Do we really lovedebate. argument? With whom and about what do we Everyone has heard “two Jews, three debate? Does argument wedoes are angry? Can we argue with opinions.”mean What that really mean? Do we God? Does disagreement to lack With of faith or increased really love lead argument? whom and about faith? what Where does this characterization do we debate? come Does from? argument mean we are angry? Can we argue with God? Does disagreement lead to lack of faith or increased faith? Where does this If it is true that we never tire of arguing, what does that say about characterization come from? us? About our ability to form cohesive communities? to come consensus about anything? join the discussion, If it is true that we never tire of arguing,towhat does that say about us? come About and our ability to form cohesive sharpen your come questions, discover new ones, and please -- bring communities? to come to consensus about anything? and join the discussion, sharpen your questions, youropinion! opinion! discover new ones, and please -- bring your Lunch & Learn programs are offered on the third Thursday of each month. Each program is a self-contained course of study from 12:15 to 1:30pm. A cold buffet lunch is available, star ting at 11:45am. Pre-registration is not required. Shir Ami members are asked to contribute $7.00 and non-members to contribute $12.00 to defray the cost of food and drink. For info, please contact Harriet Paley at 215-962-4619 or hpaley_rwaldoe@yahoo.com. The Yiddish Culture Club meets at 10:00am before every Lunch & Learn. Stop by and join us! 20 You want the best for your family! Whether you’re choosing ingredients for the family dinner, a college for your daughter, or living arrangements for your senior parent – quality is important. We invite you to stop by and see for yourself the kind of lifestyle we can provide for your parent. The Birches features 24-hour personal care services and includes the Daybreak Memory Care neighborhood for those with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. The Birches at Newtown’s month-to-month lease includes everything needed, and... there is no buy-in. Apartments start at $3495/month and includes medication management! Call 215-497-7400 to arrange a visit to our community. Visit our website: w w w.th e birchesa t n ewtown .com 21 70 Durham Road Newtown, PA 18940 215-497-7400 YAHRZEITS TO BE READ FEB 6 Feb 7 Rae Friedman Harry Muffs Feb 8 Ethel Kaneff Feb 9 Vera Barsky Robert Berlin Bettie Cohen Anna S. Kreiner Lynnore Love Belle Straver Feb 10 Rose Birnbaum Beatrice Glazer Sidney Graboyes Maurice Gutradt Samuel Mandel June Ornsteen Josef Salzmann Esther Strom Rose Waltzer Feb 11 Sarah Barag Samuel Birnbaum Barbara Gates Saul Gilman Shirley Langloss Maurice Moskowitz Feb 12 David Bloom Joseph Charles On the anniversaries of remembering, a Jew remembers not only by feeling, but by doing. Kindling a yahrzeit candle the evening before is one thing we do; the Kaddish spoken at a gathering of our people is another. All names will be read on the Friday evening before the yahrzeit. You are encouraged to honor your loved one with a living memorial - a contribution to one of our special Temple funds. Feb 13 Hyman Dimenstein Evelyn Greenfield Norman Weinstein TO BE READ FEB 13 Feb 14 Lotte Dinkelspiel Ruth Gold Albert Greenland Kenneth Rice Alvin Rubenstein Sarah Seltzer Morris Shapiro Esther Snyderman Feb 15 Herman Gomberg Evelyn Joseph Meyer Newman Miriam Rubin Mark Evan Schlesinger William Solodar Feb 16 Regina Berger Morton Buster Laura Kornberg Isaac Mahtat Pola Tuck Feb 17 Alexander Greenlick Etta Newman Samuel K. Zackon Feb 18 Aaron Jaffee Alexander Levine Arthur Linderman Zachary Rizzo Theodora (Toby) Rosofsky Anna Stutman Eve Tragerman Vivian Wisler Anna Loev Jack Shusterman Barry Snyder Ruth Yeslow Anna Dickstein Sherwin Shepard Henenfeld Karen Ring Anna Stolinsky Feb 19 Nathan Baronstein David Bieber Neal Blatt Abraham Goldfinger Charlotte Wolbransky Feb 24 Edna Galperin Harriette Gerber Miriam Goldberg David Kramer Morris Miller Jean Wolf Mar 2 Ann Drucker Rose Solomon Herman Weintraub Feb 25 Max Charles Candi Cutler Harold Linderman Celia Milgram Mar 4 Pearl Bernstein Henry Krauss Sophie Leff Estelle Novack Harold Perkel Anne Spero Etta Weissman Feb 20 Sandra Cohen Harvey Levine Mark Robbins Simon Shmuckler Rachel Simcovitch TO BE READ FEB 20 Feb 21 Irwin Bleeden Harriet Morgenstein Benjamin Norkin Helen Shore Feb 22 Amy Cohen Leonard Gilpin Steven Halsband Robert Hudis Stephen Joseph Pauline Landsman Mary Lomas Abraham Siegel Feb 23 Fannie Clyman Eztra Golub Kay Goren Feb 26 Ida Dietz Ilene Haimovitz Fay Hetelson Lillian Schneider Feb 27 Robert Albert Claire Bush George Eisenthal Solomon Frantz Rose Kushner Samuel Rosenthal Sarah Vineberg Mar 3 Seamon Friedner Mar 5 Elsie Borochaner Sylvia Esacoff Michael Kohen Meyer Roth Mar 6 Rose Berkes Albert Bloom John Dinkelspiel Barbara Ehrlich Norman Frantz TO BE READ FEB 27 Feb 28 Ralph Buchman Raymond Shipley Mar 1 George Berkes YAHRZEIT LIGHT CEREMONIAL The family gathers at dusk, before the evening meal, on the eve of the anniversary of the death of the departed. The head of the family speaks: At this moment which bears the memory of our beloved (name), let us join hands in a token of God’s grace. A link has been broken in the chain of affection which has long bound us together, yet the blessed bonds of home and love remain. With prayerful heart, we receive this divine gift of life which holds us together in family unison. Eternal God, we thank You that, in this time of sadness and loss, You have helped to keep us strong. Though the pain of our loss is still present for us, we know that love will always be stronger than death. And so, to You, we lift our hearts, because we know that our loved one continues to be a living presence in our lives. We acknowledge your mercy, O God, who strengthens us with faith and peace. As our loved one lives for us in these words and memories, we kindle this yahrzeit light and sanctify it in the remembrance of the Divine Word: The spirit of humanity is the light of the Lord. (Kindle the Memorial Light.) ZECHER TZADIK LIV-RACHA. May the memory of the righteous be an eternal blessing. DONATIONS FUND WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS TO SHIR AMI FUNDS DONOR RECIPIENT HONORING / NAME Anna Gever Music Fund Jay & Andrea Miller Anna Gever Music Fund Ivy Pearlstein Bobbi Slutzky ELC Scholar. Fund Michael & Adina Pliskin Earl Rachvarg Bobbi Slutzky ELC Scholar. Fund Jody & Stewart Levy & Family Susan & Richard Abramson Gold Card Fund Rosalyn O’Hara Gold Card Fund Jody & Stewart Levy & Family Jeff Solar & Famly Allan & Tina Dabrow Israel/Camp Scholarship Fund Library FundAndrea Finkelstein Losben Library Fund Andrea Finkelstein Losben Library Fund Andee & Steve Losben & Family Bob & Donna DeSantis Mark Gohen Men’s Club Youth Scholar Fund Prayer Book Linda Rubin Rabbi Kosovske’s Disc. FundGerald Thomas Rabbi Kosovske’s Disc. FundGerald Thomas Rabbi Kosovske’s Disc. Fund Becky Markowitz Sara Lewin Zwick Rabbi Kosovske’s Disc. Fund Rabbi Kosovske’s Disc. Fund Women of Shir Ami Rabbi Kosovske’s Disc. Fund Rochelle Gould & Family Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Linda S. Fisher & Sarah Kaplan Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Randi & John Lawrie Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Sheldon & Marilyn Halpern Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Faith Bowers Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Ellen Barish Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Randi & John Lawrie Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Marilyn Eisenthal Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Susan Luttrell Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Norman Shachat Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Jack & Shirley Orber Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Linda S. Fisher Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Arthur Kaneff Ivy Pearlstein Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Donna DeSantis Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Amy Goldstein Rabbi P. Goldberg Disc. Fund Jean Simmons Lois Edelson Rabbi Strom’s Disc. Fund Rabbi Strom’s Disc. Fund Jay Silverzweig Sharing is Caring Fund Karin & Dan Surkin Sylvia Lefcourt Sharing is Caring Fund Phyllis Kamens IMO Evelyn Miller IMO Elizabeth Schwartz IMO Mother, Bea IHO Carly’s engagement IMO Joan Altman IMO your father IMO Lewis Dabrow IMO Marty Finkelstein IMO Jacob Finkelstein IHO Ben’s Engagement IMO Carol Gohen IMO Robert Palm IMO Diana Thomas IMO Murray Thomas As an act of tzedakah IMO Jacob Zwick & gratitude to our Rabbi As an act of tzedakah IMO Sheldon Gould & gratitude to our Rabbi IMO Daniel Kaplan IMO Albert Greenland IHO Chevrat Torah IHO Chevrat Torah IHO Chevrat Torah IHO Chevrat Torah IHO Chevrat Torah IHO Chevrat Torah IHO Chevrat Torah IHO Chevrat Torah IHO Chevrat Torah IHO Chevrat Torah IHO Chevrat Torah IHO Chevrat Torah IHO Chevrat Torah IHO Chevrat Torah IMO Albert Cohen IMO Esther Silverzweig IMO Harold Lefcourt IMO Pinkus Levinsky INFORMATION ABOUT OUR VARIOUS FUNDS Memorials and Contributions - Remember your friends’ and family’s important moments by sending an appropriate card. Call the Synagogue office at 215-968-3400. Honor or Memory Cards may be purchased in the office for $25 per package of five that you send yourself (may not be charged). Checks should be made out directly to Rabbi Kosovske’s, Rabbi Strom’s, Cantor Elson’s, Rabbi Eric Goldberg and Rabbi Paula Goldberg’s discretionary funds if making a donation to any of them. Checks should be made payable to Shir Ami for the following funds: Prayerbooks - $36; Torah Commentaries - $54. CALL FOR A FULL LIST OF FUNDS. The following FundS ARE AVAILABLE: suggested DONATION: $18 or $36 ($10 minimum please) Gold Card (General Fund) Library Israel/Camp Scholarship Men’s Club Youth Scholarship Bob McGarry Adult Education Sharing is Caring Israel Tiyul Bruce Birnbaum Tikkun Olam Kaytes Family Gratz Scholarship Stan Averbach Biblical Garden Anna Gever Music Temple Shalom Sisterhood Children’s Fund S.I.M.C.H.A. Special Needs Programming 23 Beverly Spiegler Special Ed Library Collection Kay Swerdlow Building Endowment Senior Endowment Slomovitz Scholar-in-Residence Bobbi Slutzky Early Learning Center Scholarship Claire and Jerry Miller Capital Fund LADIES NIGHT OUT Hosted by Shir Ami, 101 Richboro Road, Newtown, PA Thursday, March 19, 2015 • 7 to 10 pm Grab your friends & shop more than 40 vendors all under one roof!! Complimentary desserts & coffee Wine available for purchase Enter our Raffle to win fabulous prizes *Non-members welcome All proceeds benefit Shir Ami Early Learning Center 24 Support our Advertisers Synagogue Member Synagogue Member Synagogue Member 13-603 Bucks County Synagogue Member 215-860-0775 215-860-7754 fax Pest Solutions Bugs are smart... We’re Smarter!™ www.cooperpest.com (800) 949-2667 Raghan Abouasaleh, MD Matthew Brace, MD Charles Dougherty, MD Harvey E. Goldberg, MD John T. Howell III, MD Alan M. Kravatz, MD Andrew Sullivan, MD Ai En Thlick, MD Lance B. Wilson, MD Patricia Stein, PA-C Penn Medicine Bucks County is a multispecialty outpatient medical facility in Yardley, Pennsylvania. Located at 777 Township Line Road, Penn Medicine Bucks County offers expert primary care and specialty health care, plus a full range of services. Families can see their primary care physician, consult with a specialist, get lab work and radiology services all in one place. GET THE WORD OUT. ADVERTISE IN THE SHIRON. Call 215-968-3400 for rates and info. 25 Advertiser Support 26 Support our Advertisers t Thank you Ellen and the Shir Ami Committee for refurbishing Shir Ami’s interiors! Your Choice! 2, 4, 6 & 8 Week Sessions t u SWIMMING u TENNIS u ARTS & CRAFTS u GAGA u BASEBALL u JEWELCRAFT u NATURE u BASKETBALL u WOODWORKING u BOATING u ROPES COURSE u ROBOTICS u THEATER u DANCE u & MORE! 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ADVERTISE IN THE SHIRON. 1073 Second Street Pike Richboro, PA 18954 Call 215-968-3400 for rates and info. Accepting all insurance plans www.BucksCountyPodiatry.com 27 267-288-5103 Officers and Directors | 2014-2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD CLERGY AND ADMINISTRATION PresidentNancy Siderits Exec. Vice President Joshua McCoy TreasurerSharon Benoff Vice President Stephanie Kravatz Vice President Leslie Leibowitz Vice President Alan Rosenberg Vice President Brian Shipley SecretaryLorrie Riggs Immediate Past President Mo Perera Legal Counsel Paul Cohen Financial Counsel Nathan Snyder Rabbi Howard Kosovske Rabbi Emeritus Elliot M. Strom Cantor Mark Elson Rabbinic Scholar Rabbi Paula Goldberg Religious School Director Rabbi Eric Goldberg Director of Operations Farrell Borine E.L.C. Director Shari Beck-Nahman Youth Director Ferne Levy DIRECTORS S.I.M.C.H.A. Debby & Mark Berlin FundraisingMindy Chesner Pre-SchoolLauren Cohen RitualDonna DeSantis ContinuityJoan Dossick Israel Advocacy Bob Dunn MembershipJeff Eder FundraisingMelody Hassid Religious School Beth Karle Marketing/Publicity Risa Kane Pre-School Stu Kavitsky Youth Group Liaison Nancy Levitt URJ Representative Andee Losben MembershipRandi Preissman CommunicationsCarl Rigefsky College Connection Barbara Roth Marketing/Publicity David Sandman Building and Grounds Larry Schorr Life Long Learning Ellie Short BudgetWendy Siegel ContinuityDan Surkin AUXILIARY PRESIDENTS Men’s Club Jay Miller Women of Shir Ami Penni Sander Forever Young Ann Pollock SHAFTYEmma Leibowitz PAST PRESIDENTS Ronald Abraham Harvey Abramson Irving Altman TS (z’l) Ken Bieber Fred Bock Danny Brown Filbert Cherry (z’l) Phyllis Doroshow Ruth Fives Harvey Goldberg Sheldon Gould TS (z’l) Janis Jacobs Bob Kasman (z’l) Robert Katzenstein Arthur Krauss Harold Lefcourt TS (z’l) Larry Lefkowitz TS Norman Leibowitz TS Becky Markowitz Andrea Miller TS Jerome Miller TS Mo Perera Stephen Rodos Alan Rosenberg TS Alan Sheinberg Teri Siegel Ronald Smolow Nathan Snyder TS Leonard Sokolove TS (z’l) Dena Stein TS Debbie Stevens * (z’l) zichrono livracha “of blessed memory” Contact Us Clergy Rabbi Howard Kosovske – hkosovske@shiramipa.org Rabbi Elliot M. Strom – estrom@shiramipa.org Cantor Mark Elson – melson@shiramipa.org Office Staff Julie Hershgordon - jhershgordon@shiramipa.org Noelle May - nmay@shiramipa.org Rabbinic Scholar Rabbi Paula Goldberg – rabbipaula@gmail.com SHAFTY Ferne Levy – fernelevy@comcast.net President Nancy Siderits - nancy.siderits@gmail.com E.L.C. Director Shari Beck-Nahman - sbnahman@shiramipa.org Director of Operations Farrell Borine - fborine@shiramipa.org E.L.C. Staff Judy Friedman – jfriedman@shiramipa.org Director of Religious School Rabbi Eric Goldberg – rabbiegoldberg@yahoo.com For general Info: synagogue@shiramipa.org NFTY website NFTY.org/par Women of Reform Judaism www.wrj.org Union of Reform Judaism www.URJ.org 28
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