REGISTRATION INFORMATION Registration Opens FEBRUARY 4, 2015 ALL CLOSING DATES ARE 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO PROGRAM (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED). Each camper will recive a FREE t-shirt! 4 Easy Ways to Register for Camp BEST WAY eRegistration Click on the red eReg tab. Please note that a debit or credit card must be used for online payment. Guarantees your reservation immediately! Online Program Registration Form program-registration-form Just fill out the online form along with your payment information and hit submit! GENERAL CAMP INFORMATION Mail Send payment and form to: Girl Scouts of Central Illinois Champaign Service Center 701 Devonshire, Suite B16 Champaign, IL 61820 Fax Champaign Service Center fax: 217-328-1548 Must include credit card information for payment with form. Buddy Requests Two campers who want to share a tent at resident camp must complete the Buddy line on the registration form. Campers may only request ONE buddy, and placement is not guaranteed. Large buddy group placement in the same tent or unit is not possible. Day campers do not need buddies as they are put into age-level groups for better camper experience. Friday Family Lunch Join your camper for a camp-style meal from noon-1:00 p.m. Check-in begins at 11:45 a.m. and the cost for this lunch is $6 per visiting family member, with a limit of two visitors per family. Not available at Community Day Camps. Gift Bags Show your camper you are thinking of her by sending her a special camp gift bag. Please complete the applicable portion of the registration form to purchase. Happy Camper Bag - $15 (includes camp bag and four fun camp items) S’mores Bag - $25 (includes camp bag and six fun camp items) Submitting the Form For most expedient processing, utilize online eRegistration. Paper registrations received by end of business day on February 4, 2015, will be drawn randomly for placement in camp sessions, ensuring that all campers have an equal opportunity to attend their first choice. Registrations received after February 4, 2015, will be placed as space is available and waiting lists will be kept as needed. Registration closes two weeks prior to the start of the camp session. Submit a completed registration form with a non-refundable deposit of $25 for each camp session or full payment for sessions $100 or under. No phone registrations will be accepted. Cookie Dough may not be used for deposit. Camps fill quickly, so be sure to add second and third choices on form, and register early. Mail or fax to: Girl Scouts of Central Illinois 701 Devonshire, Suite B16 Champaign, IL 61820 Fax: 217-328-1548 Phone: 888-623-1237 We must have a valid email address! (Don’t forget to check your spam/junk email for GSCI) Medical Records All campers must have a completed health history and all resident campers (including mini-resident) must also have a physical completed within 12 months of the last day of their camp session. Keep a copy of the health form for your records. Bring the health form and all other camp paperwork to camp check-in. Please contact the camp director two weeks prior to camp if there are any special medical or dietary needs. Payment All camp fees must be paid in full two weeks prior to the camp session. Campers who carry an outstanding balance two weeks prior to the camp session will lose their spot and deposit. Camp payment is not accepted at camp. Cookie Dough/Nutty Bucks must be sent in prior to, or with, the final payment and cannot be accepted after the final bill is paid. Cookie Dough/ Nutty Bucks cannot be submitted for a cash refund or used as the initial deposit. Financial Assistance - Camperships If the camp fee is a concern, you may complete the Campership Financial Assistance application (in forms section) or online at Camp scholarships are made possible by the council and generous donors in the community who want every girl to be able to attend camp. Campers must first use any available Cookie Dough toward the camp fee. Campers may only attend one session on financial assistance. All information will remain confidential. Refund Policy Refund requests must be submitted in writing and will be considered at the discretion of the Director of Program. No refund will be issued if a camper is sent home due to unacceptable behavior or homesickness or if the camper is a “no show” for the session. The deposit fee will not be refunded once the registration has been processed. Confirmations will be emailed 2 weeks prior to each session. Girl Planning and Badge Work One of the ways we see that our campers grow in courage, confidence, and character is by allowing them to work together to create their own experience at camp. Counselors facilitate this process as campers create the rules for the group as well as the schedule for the week. Counselors work with campers to focus activities on Girl Scout Journeys and badges. Campers may choose topics that are unrelated to their program area or stick to their program area. Badges will not be included; earned badges may purchased after camp at your local service center. Changes in Activities The number and types of activities completed by campers depends on girl planning and interests of the group and may vary from the session description. Activities may be modified or rescheduled depending on weather, group behavior, or available materials. If the weather is inclement, girls may not be able to participate in activities that are affected by rain, storms, and extreme heat, including but not limited to horseback riding, boating, and archery. Meals Day campers receive a morning snack, lunch, and an afternoon snack (snacks only at Community Day Camps) and resident campers will receive all meals, as well as girl-planned snacks. Meals are nutritious, balanced, and served family style, allowing campers to control what goes on their plates. Assorted healthy snacks are available in the dining hall during the day. For campers with special dietary needs due to medical conditions and/or religious beliefs, contact the camp director two weeks prior to camp to discuss the scheduled menu and necessary accommodations. In these cases campers may be allowed to bring supplemental/alternative food items, which must be turned in at check-in. Do not pack food/snacks into camper’s luggage, as it attracts animals and insects into the tents. For family events, road trips, and core camping, meal availability is indicated in the description of the event or activity. Counselor/ Camper Ratio Girl Scout Daisies (entering grade 1) –2 adults per 6 girls, Girl Scout Brownies (entering grades 2 – 3) –2 adults per 12 girls Girl Scout Juniors (entering grades 4 – 5) –2 adults per 16 girls, Teens (entering grades 6 – 12) –2 adults per 20 girls Note: Day and mini-resident campers are put into age-level groups. A camper will never be alone with an adult at camp; she will always be with an additional staff member or another camper. In situations where one-on-one conversations or medical attention must take place the camper and staff member will be within eyesight of other staff or campers. Cell Phones and Electronics In order to provide participants with the best possible camp experience, cell phones and electronic devices are not allowed at camp (with the exception of Camp SOAR) and girls do not have readily available access to phones or computers. We understand that in our technology-based society, this may be a challenge; however, this gives campers the opportunity to challenge themselves, trust others, and solve problems on their own. Parents are welcome to call and speak to the camp director about their camper. In case of an emergency, parents/guardians or the emergency contact person will be contacted. We encourage families to send mail, care packages, and one-way e-mail to their campers. Trading Post Each GSCI camp has a camp store offering a variety of camp souvenirs: T-shirts, bags, water bottles, stuffed animals, pens, patches, and more. Campers typically find that $15-$25 will give them the ability to buy what they would like. This money is collected at check-in. 2 ADVENTURES SUMMER CAMP | 2015 IMPORTANT! View the Camper Booklet online at GetYourGirl for everything about camp and all the camp forms your camper will need! Who should come to camp and what’s it all about? Our summer activities are open to all girls, including non-Girl Scouts. Any girl entering first grade through twelfth grade is welcome at camp. You don’t have to have any camping experience to come to camp, and you don’t have to come with friends or a troop. You’ll make new friends while you’re here. The GSCI summer camp experience is available in many forms: resident camp; day camp; family events; and core camping, where troops stay at camp and camp staff run activities. Campership Assistance Fund On the registration forms you will notice a place to make an optional contribution to our Campership Assistance Fund. This fund allows families to make a gift on behalf of girls who otherwise would not be able to afford to attend Girl Scout camp and summer activities. Your support will help provide the Girl Scout experience to girls with a financial need, thereby assisting us in our goal to give every girl within our jurisdiction access to the leadership development, character building, and fun that Girl Scouting provides. Who are the camp staff? Our camp staff are enthusiastic, talented, and caring adults who are excited about having lots of fun at camp and building girls of courage, confidence, and character. The selection process for camp staff includes screening their experience, their ability to serve as role models for girls, and their genuine desire to work with children. Interviews, reference checks, and thorough background screening are all part of the selection process. Staff training includes a full week of first aid, CPR, safety and emergency management, outdoor skills, team building, helping children deal with homesickness, understanding age level characteristics, and more. Staff who facilitate high adventure, horseback riding, water activities, and trips are trained and/or have certifications. Many of our camp staff return year after year, building relationships with returning campers and furthering their own development as camp professionals. Volunteers and council staff also assist as necessary. Facebook Each camp has their own individual facebook page that the camp directors post on. Please LIKE our camp facebook page and keep current with activities and events. SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORS Lynne “Hoot” Franco - Camp Kiwanis Hoot is looking forward to her third summer as a GSCI camp director. She has worked at several other summer camps and is looking forward to having great experiences and trying new things this summer. Hoot believes that day camp is a wonderful place for girls to discover camp, try new things, and hang out with their friends during the day. When not at camp, Hoot is designing and leading fun and interesting programs as a program specialist for GSCI. She can be reached at FB: LynneFranco7 Stacy “Wildcat” Marksberry - CampTastic Stacy is looking forward to her second summer as a GSCI Camp Director. When camp is not in session, she is busy planning and leading programs as a Program Specialist. She grew up as a Girl Scout and believe Girl Scout camp is the perfect place for girls to experience new things and make new friends. Contact Stacy at Katie “Bugs” Nolan - Camp Tapawingo Bugs is looking forward to her ninth summer as a GSCI camp director and her twelfth summer working at Girl Scout camp. Bugs has shared her experience and expertise with other camp professionals at the American Camp Association’s Mid-States Convention as a workshop co-leader. Whether you are a returning camper or brand new to the experience, Bugs looks forward to greeting you at the camp front gate and joining you for campfires, swimming, outdoor cooking, and stargazing. Contact Katie at FB: KatieBugs Lisa “Deli” Sons - Travel Trail Deli loves the outdoors and has worked in various positions with children and environmental education for 15 years. She has helped with camp since she started working for the council in 2007. As a program specialist, Deli creates fun and interesting programs for Girl Scouts throughout the year and at camp. Deli believes that each girl has the ability to grow in confidence, independence, character, and her ability to do anything she sets her mind to. ContactLisa at FB: LisaDeli Lisa “Boots” Wall - Camp Widjiwagan This will be Boots’ third year at Camp Widjiwagan. She believes that attending camp builds girls’ confidence. She enjoys helping girls connect with nature, learn new skills, and make life-long friendships through the camp experience. Boots is dedicated to helping Camp Widjiwagan evolve into a camp for today’s Girl Scout while preserving the traditions that have made Camp Widjiwagan a treasured memory for so many Girl Scouts. Contact Lisa at FB: BootsAnnBling Jessica “Birdie” Yeager - Camp SOAR Birdie is so excited about Camp SOAR’s first summer camp season! She was a Girl Scout and can’t wait to share all of the amazing camp experiences with scouts this summer. She has a passion for working with children and for helping girls to feel empowered and learn skills through scouting that will serve them for the rest of their lives. She is looking forward to building relationships with the community to help camp become a vital and vibrant part of the area. Contact Jessica at GENERAL CAMP INFORMATION American Camp Association (ACA) All of GSCI’s camp facilities are proud to hold current accreditation by the American Camp Association (ACA). ACA accreditation is the best evidence parents have of a camp’s commitment to a safe and nurturing environment for their children. This voluntary accreditation assures parents that camp practices have been measured against national standards and go a step beyond a state’s basic licensing requirements. Accreditation is based on a commitment by the camp to undergo a thorough review of its operations – from staff qualifications and training to emergency management. The American Camp Association has created a website for parents and families which includes tips on getting your camper ready for camp at CAMP INFORMATION Certified Horsemanship Association Our Equestrian Program and Equestrian Center is accredited by the Certified Horsemanship Association. Accreditation means that GSCI voluntarily requested CHA to review our equestrian facilities, program and management to deem it as meeting CHA and equine industry safety and operational standards. Additionally, our Equestrian Program Coordinator, Ann Bower, is certified at the highest level of instructor given by CHA in both the Western and English riding disciplines. The purpose of Certified Horsemanship Association is to promote excellence in safety and education for the benefit of the entire horse industry. CHA is also recognized by GSUSA. Yemiymah “Dovie” Yisra’el - Camp Peairs Dovie’s passion is working with youth to provide them with the tools they need in order to improve their own quality of life experiences. She has worked with children and young adults for 15 years. This will be Dovie’s third summer working at Camp Peairs, and her first summer working as Camp Director for GSCI. She is looking forward to forming a Bloomington Area Program Committee in order to put her creative ideas to work with the help of those who will participate in her programs. She cannot wait to offer weekends and family outings at Camp Peairs. Contact Yemi at FB: YemiymahDovieGSCI GETYOURGIRLPOWER.ORG 3
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