Saint William the Abbot Parish Parish Office: (516) 785-1266 Fax: (516) 785-4824 Web Page: Email: 2000 Jackson Avenue – Seaford, New York 11783 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 Pastor Rev. Robert L. Hayden Associate Pastors Rev. Belevendiram Rathinam Rev. Ryszard Ficek In Residence Rev. Richard Viladesau Deacons Thomas Buchenberger John Lynch Michael Metzdorff Pastoral Associate Sr. JoAnn Bonauro, S.C. Mass Schedule Our Parish Mission Statement We, the Parish Family of St. William the Abbot, are a welcoming community of faith, guided by the Holy Spirit and centered in God’s Word and the Eucharist. Through the Sacraments, prayer and the stewardship of our God-given gifts, we are called to minister with respect and compassion to all, from the youngest to the oldest. We commit ourselves to continue the mission of Jesus Christ, to proclaim His Gospel and to love one another as He has loved us. Weekends: Saturday Evening: 5:00 & 7:30 PM Sundays: 7:45, 9:15 and 10:45 AM 12:15 and 5:00 PM Holy Days of Obligation: Eve of Holy Day: 7:30 PM Holy Day: 7:30, 9:00 AM, 12:00 Noon 4:30 and 7:30 PM Weekdays: Monday - Friday: 8:00 & 9:00 AM Saturday Mornings: 8:30 AM 1 In This Issue Liturgy, Prayer and Sacraments Page 3 St. Peregrine Prayer Hour Page 3 Parish Social Ministry Page 4 Baby Shower in Honor of Baby Jesus Page 4 Faith Formation Page 5 School News Page 6 Anniversary Mass Celebration Page 7 Mardi Gras Pancake Supper Page 8 Lector and Eucharistic Meeting Page 9 SWS Reverse Raffle Page 9 Directory Page 12 MY STORY, MY MYSTERY There is perhaps no Old Testament book more frank and fearless than the Book of Job. The author of this book has taken a popular story about one man’s ordeal and used it as a platform to discuss one of life’s most troubling questions: Why do bad things happen to good people? All of us know why this question deserves to be asked. Who of us hasn’t known some kind of misfortune or suffered along with someone who has? Who hasn’t been afflicted with some kind of illness, mourned for a loved one, or experienced a personal hardship? In the words of Job, which are found in this Sunday’s First Reading, “Is not man’s life on earth a drudgery?” We’re not used to hearing biblical characters sound so negative and pessimistic. Moreover, Job’s complaints are not addressed to no one in particular but are a direct indictment of God and his supposed mistreatment of Job. When Job’s friends or counselors come to talk with him, he flatly rejects the idea that he must have done something wrong to have received such a great punishment. Instead, Job wants God to explain himself to Job in person: “Oh, that today I might find him, that I might come to his judgment seat . . . and understand what he would reply to me (23:3,5). In chapters 38-41 God does reply to Job’s complaints, but the answer isn’t what Job was expecting. God speaks to Job “out of the storm,” and asks Job where Job was when God was creating the earth and setting the stars in the heavens. In other words, God reminds Job in no uncertain terms that even if he were to give Job the explanation to why we suffer, Job would be incapable of understanding it, a fact which Job finally, humbly admits (42:1-6). The Book of Job can be regarded as a necessary prelude to the Christian response to Job’s essential question. The debate between Job and his friends clears away false explanations of why we suffer (e.g., God is punishing us) and emphasizes the importance of humility (e.g., Don’t put God on trial). The Christian answer also involves a divine-human encounter, but this time God speaks not out of a storm cloud but through his Son. God also goes beyond words into deeds. No longer can we say that God stands apart from or above human suffering. His own Son died on the cross for us, and when God raised Jesus from the dead, human suffering became part of the mystery of redemption itself. There is no doubt that it is difficult for us to move beyond Job’s attitude and towards a Christian understanding of suffering. And this is as it should be. God didn’t create us so that we might be afflicted by pain and misfortune, even though these trials have been and always will be part of our lives. We will not regain Paradise while on earth. What Job couldn’t know and what we can know is that God never abandons us or leaves us without his saving grace. God has intended us to share fully in the life of his Son, which takes us along the way of the cross but also leads us to glory. Near the beginning of his complaints, Job says, “Perish the day on which I was born” (3:3). We can understand Job’s reaction, but as Christians we cannot agree with it. Fr. Robert L. Hayden Pastor 2 Presider Schedule Saturday, February 14, 2015 5:00 PM Mass Fr. Robert Hayden 7:30 PM Mass Fr. Bala Rathinam 7:45 AM 9:15 AM 10:45 AM 12:15 PM 5:00 PM Sunday, February 15, 2015 Fr. Bala Rathinam Fr. Ryszard Ficek Fr. Robert Hayden Fr. Ryszard Ficek Fr. Bala Rathinam Next Sunday’s Scripture Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 Mark 1:40-45 If you wish you can make me clean, is what the leper told Jesus. Jesus did wish it, and he wishes the same for all of us. Sign of Peace Since hand to hand contact is one way of transmitting the flu and other viruses, as we enter the cold and flu season, we once again recommend that at the Sign of Peace you please exchange a greeting other than a handshake. You can exchange the Sign of Peace verbally and with a smile or a bow of the head. Prayers & Devotions Morning Prayer Monday through Friday: 8:35 AM Saturdays: 9:00 AM Miraculous Medal: Devotions Saturdays at 8:15 AM Rosary: Eucharistic Adoration: Monday-Saturday after 8:30 AM/9:00 AM Masses First Friday of the month Holy Hour - 12:30 - 1:30 PM Third Sunday of the month 11:00 PM – 7:00 AM (Nocturnal Adoration) Mass Intentions February 9, 2015 - February 15, 2015 Monday, February 9, 2015 8:00 AM Grace Kuehn 9:00 AM Daniel Buckley Friday, February 13, 2015 8:00 AM Joseph Brady 9:00 AM George Cain Tuesday, February 10, 2015 8:00 AM Catherine Cassale 9:00 AM Catherine Cassano Saturday, February 14, 2015 8:30 AM Purgatorial Society 5:00 PM Roy Roberti 7:30 PM Monica Marro Wednesday, February 11, 2015 8:00 AM James E. Maguire 9:00 AM Collective Intentions Marty & Millie Stipicevic, Bob & Jeannette Stipicevic, Joseph & Julia Marinovich, Smolich Families, Aidan Ray Neubauer Sunday, February 15, 2015 7:45 AM Nocturnal Adoration 9:15 AM Melissa Kelly 10:45 AM Thomas Martin 12:15 PM Nerina Elizabeth Tedeschi 5:00 PM People of St. William Thursday, February 12, 2015 8:00 AM William McAulay 9:00 AM Catherine Cassano Reflecting on the Word Perhaps no book of scripture so eloquently expresses the miseries of life as the book of Job. In our first reading we even find Job complaining about insomnia, something we might have thought was peculiar to our own over-caffeinated, overworked, overly anxious era. Who of us has never experienced those sleepless nights when our minds, beset with anxiety, race through our problems but never arrive at solutions, much less a good night’s sleep? The literal restlessness of the insomniac is a sign of the spiritual restlessness that afflicts us all. St. Augustine famously wrote in his Confessions, “O Lord, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” Our lives are like a sleepless night in which we are beset with a thousand worries and our deepest desire is simply to be relieved of those anxieties so that we can truly rest. Our Gospel reading presents us with Jesus as a healer of all that afflicts us. Though we may not find final rest until our life is done and we enter eternal rest with God, already in this life we can experience something of that rest through the healing power of Jesus. We might say that in Jesus the rest that awaits us at the end of our journey comes to meet us on the road and refresh us, so that we may continue our journey with joy. 3 Sacraments Stewardship A Way of Life Reconciliation Saturdays February 1, 2015 February 2, 2014 $20,295.00 $23,838.00 We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who use their gifts of healing and forgiveness to help repair relationships in families beset with divorce. ...and for the deceased Louise Rowney Joachim Klennert Virginia Restivo Thomas Scully St. Peregrine Prayer Hour On Monday afternoon, February 9th from 2:00 - 3:00 PM in the Church, there will be the St. Peregrine Prayer Hour. St. Peregrine is the patron saint of those suffering from cancer. Future prayer hours will be held on the first Monday of each month. All are invited to come and pray. Eve of Holy Day 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday before First Friday 9:30 AM & 4:00 PM You may also schedule penance by appointment by calling the Rectory Office at (516) 785-1266. Please pray for the sick… In order to keep our list current, names of the sick will be in the bulletin for 3 weeks. Scarlet Holohan Park McKenna Bob Powers Patrick McGrath Baby Piper Palmieri John Rivera Baby Alexa Rae Boylan 4:00 PM-4:45 PM Initiation of Infants Baptism First Four Sundays of the month 2:00 PM Parents must contact the rectory office to register their child. For additional information, please visit our website: Initiation of Adults: Adults who have not been baptized, received first Eucharist or Confirmation should contact the rectory office and ask about enrolling in the R.C.I.A. Program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements should be made as soon as possible, preferably before reserving a place for your reception, but no later than six months prior to the wedding. The same priest initiates and completes all the arrangements with wedding couples. Communion and Anointing of the Sick: Those who are unable to attend Mass because of age or declining health may arrange with the rectory to receive Holy Communion at home. The Anointing of the Sick is available to those who are going into the hospital or seriously ill and can either be administered communally (first Sunday of the month following the 12:15 PM Mass) or by contacting the rectory as soon as possible in the event of immediate need. Your Pledge of Support is Important The Catholic Ministries Appeal for 2015 is underway at St. William’s. Our parish goal is $135,600. Your support is needed to reach this goal. The Appeal focuses on four areas critical to the mission of our Church - Catholic Charities, Education and Formation, Pastoral Ministries and Parishes. Your gift to the Appeal provides the funding for the various programs critical to the continued success of our church here on Long Island and at St. William’s through the Appeal’s parish sharing (rebate) program. We thank God for all of His blessings and recognize that as we look back in appreciation, we must also look forward with a sense of responsibility to help those in need. A Guide to Giving Pledge $ 250 500 800 1,500 2,500 10 Payments $ 25 50 80 150 250 A gift by every parish family is important for the continued success of this effort, which supports diocesan programs as well as our own parish needs. Your gift in the form of a pledge payable over a ten (10) month period is important and will go a long way in helping reach our Parish Appeal Goal of $135,600. 4 Baby Shower in Honor of Baby Jesus The Baby Shower will benefit Birthright, the Long Island Life Center and several young moms right here in our parish. It will be held in the ABBEY following all the Masses on Sunday, March 8th until 2:00 PM. Suggested items include clothing - newborn to size 24 months, layette items, diapers - all sizes, and wipes. Monetary donations are always welcome. Refreshments will be served. Any questions, please call Mary at 516-826-7229 or Rosemary at 679-8532. Parish Social Ministry St. Vincent de Paul Society – In the Gospel today, we find that Jesus would rise very early before dawn and go to a deserted place to pray and then he went out to preach and to heal. Please pray for the poor and suffering, knowing that you are bringing the love and peace of Jesus to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread. If you or anyone you know would benefit from the use of the food pantry or assistance from Saint Vincent de Paul Society please call Parish Social Ministry 6798532. Utmost confidentiality is promised. Driving Ministry - We are in need of additional parishioners who are willing to drive our Senior Citizens to their doctor appointments. The volunteer can set their own time availability. You can drive once a week or as little as once a month. Our senior citizens are very appreciative of your kindness. In many cases they have no family except the family of St William the Abbot. Please call Rosemary 679-8532. Prayer Shawl Ministry – If you have any unused yarn that you are not using, please donate to our group. The women have been very busy knitting and crocheting for our homebound and local nursing homes. The yarn can be brought to Parish Social Ministry office. HEAP Benefits – Home Energy Assistance Program - HEAP Program is available to help with home heating in the winter months for income eligible homeowners or renters. An example of the HEAP monthly income level for a family of two is $2844 and for a family of four is $4,182. Additionally, HEAP offers heating equipment repair and/or replacement benefit for homeowners with inoperable heating equipment. HEAP may help you pay for Oil, Electricity, Propane, Natural Gas, Wood, Kerosene, Coal, or any other heating fuel. For further information, please contact the HEAP Hot-line 1-800-342-3009 or or Rosemary at Parish Social Ministry 679-8532. This week our pantry needs include: Palms Anyone who would like to bring in their palms from last year to be burned for Ash Wednesday is asked to do so during the weekend of February 14/15. Please place them in the box located by the church doors. Canned Chicken Pasta Sauce Mustard Stewed Tomatoes Detergent Canned Spinach Mayonnaise Apple Juice Chili Napkins Blood Pressure Screening Awareness The Retired Nurses Group of St. William the Abbot are offering complimentary Blood Pressure Screening on: Thursday, February 12th in the Abbey from 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM It’s a good idea to be aware of your blood pressure, an important step toward maintaining good health. Any questions, call Parish Social Ministry - 679-8532. 5 Faith Formation The Office of Faith Formation (Religious Education) hours are as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10 AM – 1 PM and 1:30 PM – 4 PM. Wednesday: 10 AM – 1 PM and 2 PM – 4 PM. The office is also open during class hours. Please note Faith Formation Classes this week as follows: Grade 1 – Monday, Feb. 9th 4:15 – 5:15 PM Lenten Activity for Rooms 8, 12, 14, 15 & 16 only. Drop off and pick up children in Church. Grade 3 – Monday, Feb. 9th 4:15 – 5:15 PM Grade 1 – Tuesday, Feb. 10th 4:15 – 5:15 PM Lenten Activity (makeup) for Rooms 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 & Faculty Room only. Drop off and pick up children in Church. Grade 4 – Tuesday, Feb. 10th 4:15 – 5:15 PM Grade 5 – Wednesday, Feb. 11th 4:15 – 5:15 PM Grade 6 – Wednesday, Feb. 11th 5:45 – 7:00 PM Grade 7 – Wednesday, Feb. 11th 7:30 – 8:45 PM Grade 2 – Thursday, Feb. 12th 4:15 – 5:15 PM Family Mass every Sunday at 9:15 AM in the Church. Feb. 15th – Grades 3 & 4 We encourage all parents to check our website for important information: Catholic Ministries Appeal 2015 We begin the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal here in our parish and in many other parishes across Long Island. The Catholic Ministries Appeal is the yearly appeal that helps our diocese fund many ministries, services, and agencies in 133 parishes. Because of the tremendous generosity of the people of our parish and others throughout the diocese, the Appeal helps more than 600,000 people each year. Save the Date St. William’s Antioch Community will have a two-day Adult Antioch Retreat on April 11 and April 12, 2015. More information to follow shortly. Antioch The Prophets Join Fr. Bob Hayden as he speaks about the Prophets of the Old Testament on Monday, February 9th at 7:30 PM in the School Library. Attention Adult Antioch Members: Plans are underway for the Antioch 2015 Retreat. Formation meetings are being held every Friday evening in the SWA School Library at 7:30 PM. Our next meeting is Friday, February 13th. All who have previously attended the weekend are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you have any questions please call Chris at 798-6157 or Susan at 8095251. 6 Saint William the Abbot School (A Middle States Accredited School) Weekly Calendar Sunday, February 8, 2015 9:15 AM - Grade 1 Mass Monday, February 9, 2015 Grade 5 - 8 Trimesters Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Grade 5 - 8 Trimesters Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Grade 5 - 8 Trimesters 7:30 PM - School Board Meeting Friday, February 13, 2015 9:00 AM SWS Mass Parent Portal Closed Saturday, February 14, 2015 8:30 AM - 12:00 N - MSS Bingo Team 7 Sunday, February 15, 2015 9:15 AM - Grades 3, 4 Mass Kindergarten Kindergarten children celebrated Winnie the Pooh Day on Friday, January 16th. They read Winnie stories and had a special “Tigertails” snack made by one of the mothers. St. William’s Students Continue to Impress St. William the Abbot School is proud of its students. This year, our eighth grades collectively earned almost $100,000 in scholarships for various Catholic schools on Long Island. One young man, A. Glynn, received a full four-year scholarship to the prestigious Regis High School, a Jesuit high school, in Manhattan. We congratulate all our eighth graders on their acceptance to the high schools of their choice. St. William the Abbot School continues to excel at providing quality education and producing the best of tomorrow’s generation. Top Row (l to r): E. Egan, M. Kiley, M. Monahan, A. Azueta. Bottom Row: M. Gornstein, M. Rinaldi, A. Glynn 7 Will you be celebrating a commemorative Wedding Anniversary in 2015? 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, ++++ St. William the Abbot Parish invites couples celebrating commemorative Wedding Anniversaries this year to our annual Anniversary Mass and celebration! Sunday, February 15th at the 10:45 AM Mass Please sit in the reserved section during Mass Following the Mass there will be hospitality in the Abbey Each couple will receive a memento of this special day Bring your family and friends to witness your love Please fill in the response form below and return it to the Rectory by February 11th. We need this information. -----------------------------------------------____________________and _____________________/ _____________________ Wife’s Name Husband’s Name Last Name Address: _______________________________________________________ Phone #: ______________________________ Wedding Date: _________________________ # of years married in 2015 _____________ 8 The Saint William the Abbot Social Events Committee Sponsors Join Us In Feasting Before Our Fasting $5.00 Per Person Serving Pancakes with Maple Syrup & Sausage Kings Cake, Coffee, Tea, & Juice Plus, 50/50 Raffle! Tuesday Evening, February 17, 2015 Church Abbey Doors open at 5:45 p.m. Buffet Serving Starts at 6:00 p.m. Reservation Required --------------------------------------------------------------------Please RSVP for the "Mardi Gras Pancake Supper" by Sunday, February 15, 2015 by Tear-Off delivered to the Rectory or School Office : Name: ____________________________ Number People Attending: __________ Telephone No: _______________ Email: ___________________________________ Amount Enclosed: ______________ 9 St William the Abbot HSA Presents “The Luck of the Irish” Reverse Raffle Saturday, March 7th SWS Auditorium @ 7 PM Only 250 tickets sold – each ticket is $100 Grand Prize wins $5,000 Great odds 1 in 250 chances to win the big prize. The raffle ticket enters you in the raffle and invites two adults to attend the cocktail party with unlimited beer, wine and hot & cold buffet that night. Additional monetary prizes will be awarded throughout the night as well. If you have any questions, please call Ginny Ritter (516) 798-3260. To join us please send check to St. William School with name, address, email, phone and “reverse raffle” written on envelope. Winner need not be present to win. Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers - Important Update Meeting (New procedures to be explained) To be held February 12th As we begin a New Year and Liturgical Calendar, Fr. Bob and Sister JoAnn would like all of our Liturgical Ministers to attend a very important meeting. The Lector Meeting will begin promptly at 7:15 PM in the Church. The Eucharistic Minister Meeting will begin promptly at 7:15 PM in the Church. The meetings will be held simultaneously: one with Fr. Bob and one with Sister JoAnn. If you are a Lector and a Eucharistic Minister you need to attend both meetings. Information presented at the 7:15 PM meeting will be repeated at 8:15 PM for those that need to attend both sessions. Please call the Office of the Faith Formation (Religious Education) @ 679-9558 to let them know which meeting you will be attending. Remember, it is essential that you attend as new procedures will be explained. 10 2014 Year End Statements 20th Annual Golf Outing Please note that year-end statements for your taxes will not be automatically mailed out. They may be obtained upon request from the Rectory. Plans for our annual Golf Outing are underway. This year, once again, we will be playing at Rock Hill Golf Course. Save the Date Monday, May 11th!!!! Watch for upcoming details! Or, call Walter (799-5236) or Gail (795-4542). Baptism Policy Baptisms are celebrated at St. William the Abbot on the first four Sundays of most months at 2:00 PM. To set a date for your child’s Baptism, please call the rectory to make an appointment with one of the members of the Pastoral Staff. Do not formalize your plans for the day of Baptism until you have called the rectory. First-time families are required to attend a meeting which is held after the 10:45 AM Mass on the first Sunday of each month. Also, at that Mass there will be a special blessing for all new parents and their babies. The Rite of Baptism should always be a community celebration, but in case of an emergency please contact the rectory immediately. Occasionally we receive requests from parishioners for a private baptismal ceremony outside the regular baptismal schedule. Unfortunately, because of Weddings, Funerals, Memorial Masses, Anniversary Masses, and other parish events, the Pastoral Staff cannot accommodate such requests. If time is available on the church calendar, however, a private Baptism is allowed if the family is able to supply a priest or deacon from outside the parish as the celebrant. Low Gluten Hosts Available at Mass For those who must avoid gluten in their diet, the parish has lowgluten hosts available for Holy Communion. The gluten content is less than .01%, and these hosts have been approved by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. If you wish to receive such a host, please tell the priest before Mass begins. Your host will be placed in a pyx (a small gold container) so it is not touched by the other hosts. Expect that the priest from whom you requested the host will give it to you at Communion time. Contribute Automatically Have your Sunday Offering deposited directly from your checking or savings account into the parish account. At the request of parishioners, we are able to offer the convenience of having Sunday Offerings deposited directly from their checking or savings account into the St. William’s account. This would apply only to weekly collections, not to any second collections, such as Holy Days, Catholic Relief Services, etc. The form to begin this process can be picked up at the Rectory or printed out from the Parish Website - Parishioners are still encouraged to drop their offering envelope in the Sunday Collection basket and mark on the envelope that their parish offering is through electronic checking. 11 Let us pray in a special way for those who are serving our country in the Armed Forces who are parishioners or family members (sons, daughters, and spouses) of our parishioners: Airman Michael Alba, USAF 1st Sgt. Craig Bianco, Armed Forces Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Brendel, US Army PV2 Anthony Caputo, US Army 1st Lt. Michael DiPietro HN Sean Farrell, Marine Division 1 1st Lt. Matthew Fernandez HHC-2 Col. Pete Ferraro, USMC Lt. Joseph E. Fitzgerald, US Navy Captain Michael Fitzgerald, US Army 2nd Lt. Christopher J. Frasse, US Army US Army Spec. Michael Gale LCPL Christopher Henao, Marine Div. US Army Spec John Michael James Pvt. 1st Class Brian Kirby Private Patrick Lynch, US Army Capt. Eamon G. McArdle Pvt. 2nd Class 2nd Lt. Caitlin McArdle, US Army Corporal Sean McNulty, USMC Lt. Shannon Meyer, US Navy Nurse Corps Commander Paul Markland, US Coast Guard Commander Daniel Montgomery Lance Corp. Conor Murphy, USMC 2nd Lt. Mary Theresa O’Donnell, US Army Pvt. Christopher Nee, US Army S.A. Gregory J. O’Neill, FBI Lance Corp. Joseph J. Pirro, USMC PFC Dominick Pititto Sgt. Donald Rogers, US Army Private 1st Class Christopher Rossi Capt. Thomas F. Shields, US Air Force Daniel Timpanaro, US Coast Guard Matthew Timpanaro, US Marines Major Curtis Unger Captain Christopher James Ustler, US Army Lt. Jg. Katherine Ustler, US Coast Guard Lance Corp. Robert Vitale, USMC Brendan Wemssen, US Coast Guard Airman John Zimmerman, ISAE HEaling Link® Ministry Is Here! Birthright Pregnant and Distressed? Birthright Can Help 516-785-4070 Bingo Bingo is played every Saturday in St. William the Abbot School Cafeteria. Doors open at 6:00 PM and games start at 7:00 PM. E-Mail the Priests of St. William’s If you would like to send an e-mail to the priests of the parish, please use the parish e-mail address: Place the name of the priest to whom the e-mail is being directed in the heading or subject line and it will be forwarded to him. The next meeting is Tuesday, February 17th - 7:30 PM HEaling Link® focuses on allowing the healing energies of Jesus to manifest through powerful prayers, sacred scripture, uplifting Christian music, healing meditations, and purposeful expression in a friendly and relaxing environment. Join us for a faith-filled evening that will expand and nourish your relationship with Jesus, and inspire you as a Catholic. We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM in the church’s Small Abbey. For more information, please contact: Please Close the Church Doors With the winter season upon us, parishioners leaving Mass are asked to be aware of doors that are propped open and please close them if there is no one behind you. We want to do everything we can to keep the heat in the building. Thank you. Gift Box Drawing 01/31/15 $100 Debbie Drabeck, Amityville 02/01/15 $50 Erika Bartnick, Seaford 02/02/15 $50 Pagan Family, Amityville 02/03/15 $50 Thomas Daly, Massapequa Park 02/04/15 $50 Carolyn Haase, Seaford 02/05/15 $50 M. & S. Guido, Massapequa 02/06/15 $50 T. & D. Kaley, Pleasantville, NY 12 Parish Directory Parish Office -2000 Jackson Avenue – Seaford, NY 11783 Mrs. Sue McCormick, Office Manager Mrs. Judy Goldman, Business Manager Mrs. Susan Valdez-Le Goff and Mrs. Catherine Federici, Parish Receptionists Parish Office: 516-785-1266 Parish Fax: 516 785-4824 Saint William the Abbot School – A Middle States Accredited School 2001 Jackson Avenue School Office: 516-785-6784 School Fax : 516- 785-2752 Mrs. Margaret Grimaldi, School Principal Web Page: www. Email address: Faith Formation (School Building - 2001 Jackson Avenue) Mrs. Laura Walsh, Director Grades K - 5 Sr. JoAnn Bonauro, S.C., Director Grades 6 - 8 Bill D’Alessio, Coordinator, Confirmation Program Religious Education Office: 516-679-9558 Web Page: Fax: 516-679-1649 Email address: Music Ministries (Convent Center - 2020 Jackson Avenue) Mr. Alfred Allongo, Director of Music and Organist Matthew Georgetti, Assistant Director Mrs. Louise Sewall, Folk Group Director Music Ministry Office: 516-781-3253 Fax: 516- 679-1083 Email: Parish Social Ministry Mrs. Rosemary Graziano, Director (Convent Center - 2020 Jackson Avenue) Office: 516-679-8532 Fax: 516- 679-1083 Email: Parish Grounds and Maintenance Mr. Joe Mormon, Head of Maintenance Pastoral Council Parish Representatives Mrs. Maggie Bobby -- Mr. Bill D’Alessio -- Mr. Steve DeCillis -- Mrs. Catherine DuPlessis Mr. George Gilmartin -- Mr. Richard Hass -- Mr. Joseph P. Missilli -- Mrs. Susan Neubauer Mrs. Nancy Schleyer -- Mr. Thomas Ward -- Parish Trustees Mr. Edward Lettieri -- Mr. Robert Gerhard
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